
327 lines
13 KiB

<?php // $Id$
// //
// //
// Moodle - Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment //
// //
// //
// Copyright (C) 2001-3001 Martin Dougiamas //
// (C) 2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details: //
// //
// //
// //
/// Required files
/// If ICONV is available, lets Typo3 library use it for convert
if (extension_loaded('iconv')) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_convMethod'] = 'iconv';
/// Else if mbstring is available, lets Typo3 library use it
} else if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_convMethod'] = 'mbstring';
/// Else if recode is available, lets Typo3 library use it
} else if (extension_loaded('recode')) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_convMethod'] = 'recode';
} else {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_convMethod'] = '';
/// If mbstring is available, lets Typo3 library use it for functions
if (extension_loaded('mbstring')) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_utils'] = 'mbstring';
} else {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['t3lib_cs_utils'] = '';
/// And this directory must exist to allow Typo to cache conversion
/// tables when using internal functions
/// Default mask for Typo
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['fileCreateMask'] = $CFG->directorypermissions;
/// This full path constants must be defined too, transforming backslashes
/// to forward slashed beacuse Typo3 requires it.
define ('PATH_t3lib', str_replace('\\','/',$CFG->libdir.'/typo3/'));
define ('PATH_typo3', str_replace('\\','/',$CFG->libdir.'/typo3/'));
define ('PATH_site', str_replace('\\','/',$CFG->dataroot.'/temp/'));
define ('TYPO3_OS', stristr(PHP_OS,'win')&&!stristr(PHP_OS,'darwin')?'WIN':'');
/// As we implement the singleton pattern to use this class (only one instance
/// is shared globally), we need this helper function
/// IMPORTANT Note: Typo3 libraries always expect lowercase charsets to use 100%
/// its capabilities so, don't forget to make the conversion
/// from every wrapper function!
function textlib_get_instance () {
static $instance;
if (!is_object($instance)) {
$instance = new textlib();
return $instance;
* This class is used to manipulate strings under Moodle 1.6 an later. As
* utf-8 text become mandatory a pool of safe functions under this encoding
* become necessary. The name of the methods is exactly the
* same than their PHP originals.
* A big part of this class acts as a wrapper over the Typo3 charset library,
* really a cool group of utilities to handle texts and encoding conversion.
* Take a look to its own copyright and license details.
class textlib {
var $typo3cs;
* Standard constructor of the class. All it does is to instantiate
* a new t3lib_cs object to have all their functions ready.
* Instead of istantiating a lot of objects of this class everytime
* some of their functions is going to be used, you can invoke the:
* textlib_get_instance() function, avoiding the creation of them
* (following the singleton pattern)
function textlib() {
/// Instantiate a conversor object some of the methods in typo3
/// reference to $this and cannot be executed in a static context
$this->typo3cs = new t3lib_cs();
* Converts the text between different encodings. It will use iconv, mbstring
* or internal (typo3) methods to try such conversion. Returns false if fails.
function convert($text, $fromCS, $toCS='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charsets
$fromCS = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($fromCS);
$toCS = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($toCS);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
/// Call Typo3 conv() function. It will do all the work
$result = $this->typo3cs->conv($text, $fromCS, $toCS);
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* Multibyte safe substr() function, uses mbstring if available.
function substr($text, $start, $len=null, $charset='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
/// Call Typo3 substr() function. It will do all the work
$result = $this->typo3cs->substr($charset,$text,$start,$len);
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* Multibyte safe strlen() function, uses mbstring if available.
function strlen($text, $charset='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
/// Call Typo3 strlen() function. It will do all the work
$result = $this->typo3cs->strlen($charset,$text);
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* Multibyte safe strtolower() function, uses mbstring if available.
function strtolower($text, $charset='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
/// Call Typo3 conv_case() function. It will do all the work
$result = $this->typo3cs->conv_case($charset,$text,'toLower');
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* Multibyte safe strtoupper() function, uses mbstring if available.
function strtoupper($text, $charset='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
/// Call Typo3 conv_case() function. It will do all the work
$result = $this->typo3cs->conv_case($charset,$text,'toUpper');
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* UTF-8 ONLY safe strpos() function, uses mbstring if available.
function strpos($haystack,$needle,$offset=0) {
/// Call Typo3 utf8_strpos() function. It will do all the work
return $this->typo3cs->utf8_strpos($haystack,$needle,$offset);
* UTF-8 ONLY safe strrpos() function, uses mbstring if available.
function strrpos($haystack,$needle) {
/// Call Typo3 utf8_strrpos() function. It will do all the work
return $this->typo3cs->utf8_strrpos($haystack,$needle);
* Try to convert upper unicode characters to plain ascii,
* the returned string may cantain unconverted unicode characters.
function specialtoascii($text,$charset='utf-8') {
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
$result = $this->typo3cs->specCharsToASCII($charset,$text);
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;
* Generate a correct base64 encoded header to be used in MIME mail messages.
* This function seems to be 100% compliant with RFC1342. Credits go to:
* paravoid (
function encode_mimeheader($text, $charset='utf-8') {
if (empty($text)) {
return (string)$text;
/// Normalize charset
$charset = $this->typo3cs->parse_charset($charset);
/// If the text is pure ASCII, we don't need to encode it
if ($this->convert($text, $charset, 'ascii') == $text) {
return $text;
/// Although RFC says that line feed should be \r\n, it seems that
/// some mailers double convert \r, so we are going to use \n alone
/// Define start and end of every chunk
$start = "=?$charset?B?";
$end = "?=";
/// Acumulate results
$encoded = '';
/// Max line length is 75 (including start and end)
$length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end);
/// Multi-byte ratio
$multilength = $this->strlen($text, $charset);
/// Detect if strlen and friends supported
if ($multilength === false) {
if ($charset == 'GB18030' or $charset == 'gb18030') {
while (strlen($text)) {
// try to encode first 22 chars - we expect most chars are two bytes long
if (preg_match('/^(([\x00-\x7f])|([\x81-\xfe][\x40-\x7e])|([\x81-\xfe][\x80-\xfe])|([\x81-\xfe][\x30-\x39]..)){1,22}/m', $text, $matches)) {
$chunk = $matches[0];
$encchunk = base64_encode($chunk);
if (strlen($encchunk) > $length) {
// find first 11 chars - each char in 4 bytes - worst case scenario
preg_match('/^(([\x00-\x7f])|([\x81-\xfe][\x40-\x7e])|([\x81-\xfe][\x80-\xfe])|([\x81-\xfe][\x30-\x39]..)){1,11}/m', $text, $matches);
$chunk = $matches[0];
$encchunk = base64_encode($chunk);
$text = substr($text, strlen($chunk));
$encoded .= ' '.$start.$encchunk.$end.$linefeed;
} else {
$encoded = trim($encoded);
return $encoded;
} else {
return false;
$ratio = $multilength / strlen($text);
/// Base64 ratio
$magic = $avglength = floor(3 * $length * $ratio / 4);
/// basic infinite loop protection
$maxiterations = strlen($text)*2;
$iteration = 0;
/// Iterate over the string in magic chunks
for ($i=0; $i <= $multilength; $i+=$magic) {
if ($iteration++ > $maxiterations) {
return false; // probably infinite loop
$magic = $avglength;
$offset = 0;
/// Ensure the chunk fits in length, reduding magic if necessary
do {
$magic -= $offset;
$chunk = $this->substr($text, $i, $magic, $charset);
$chunk = base64_encode($chunk);
} while (strlen($chunk) > $length);
/// This chunk doen't break any multi-byte char. Use it.
if ($chunk)
$encoded .= ' '.$start.$chunk.$end.$linefeed;
/// Strip the first space and the last linefeed
$encoded = substr($encoded, 1, -strlen($linefeed));
return $encoded;
* Converts all Unicode chars > 127 to numeric entities &#nnnn; or &#xnnn;.
* @param string input string
* @param boolean output decadic only number entities
* @param boolean remove all nonumeric entities
* @return string converted string
function utf8_to_entities($str, $dec=false, $nonnum=false) {
/// Avoid some notices from Typo3 code
$oldlevel = error_reporting(E_PARSE);
if ($nonnum) {
$str = $this->typo3cs->entities_to_utf8($str, true);
$result = $this->typo3cs->utf8_to_entities($str);
if ($dec) {
$result = preg_replace('/&#x([0-9a-f]+);/ie', "'&#'.hexdec('$1').';'", $result);
/// Restore original debug level
return $result;