moodler 3b120e464f MDL-10107 - First check-in of Messaging 2.0 code from Luis Rodrigues, GSOC student.
This new messaging system replaces all the various email_to_user() calls.
They are now replaced by events triggers, and the messages are then
processed centrally according to user preferences and sent to one or more
processors (email, popup, jabber etc...)

This code is not finished yet, a lot of work still has to be done on the
interface.  However, the basic structure is there and should be working.
Luis and I will be reviewing and polishing this heavily in the next few weeks.
2008-07-24 08:38:03 +00:00

87 lines
4.5 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
// message.php - created with Moodle 1.7 beta + (2006101003)
$string['addcontact'] = 'Add contact';
$string['addsomecontacts'] = 'To send a message to someone, or to add a shortcut for them on this page, use the <a href=\"$a\">search tab</a> above.';
$string['addsomecontactsincoming'] = 'These messages are from people who are not in your contact list. To add them to your contacts, click the \"Add contact\" icon next to their name.';
$string['ago'] = '$a ago';
$string['allmine'] = 'All messages to me or from me';
$string['allstudents'] = 'All messages between students in course';
$string['allusers'] = 'All messages from all users';
$string['backupmessageshelp'] = 'If enabled, then instant messages will be included in SITE automated backups';
$string['blockcontact'] = 'Block contact';
$string['blockedmessages'] = '$a message(s) to/from blocked users';
$string['contactlistempty'] = 'Your contact list is currently empty';
$string['contacts'] = 'Contacts';
$string['context'] = 'context';
$string['disabled'] = 'Messaging is disabled on this site';
$string['deletemessagesdays'] = 'Number of days before old messages are automatically deleted';
$string['discussion'] = 'Discussion';
$string['emailmessages'] = 'Email messages when I am offline';
$string['emailtagline'] = 'This email is a copy of a message sent to you at \"$a\"';
$string['emptysearchstring'] = 'You must search for something';
$string['formorethan'] = 'For more than';
$string['includeblockedusers'] = 'Include blocked users';
$string['incomingcontacts'] = 'Incoming Contacts ($a)';
$string['keywords'] = 'Keywords';
$string['keywordssearchresults'] = 'Search results: $a messages found';
$string['maxmessages'] = 'Maximum number of messages to show in the discussion history';
$string['mailsent'] = 'Your message was sent via email.';
$string['message'] = 'Message';
$string['messagehistory'] = 'Message History';
$string['messages'] = 'Messages';
$string['messaging'] = 'Messaging';
$string['messagingdisabled'] = 'Messaging is disabled on this site, emails will be sent instead';
$string['mycontacts'] = 'My Contacts';
$string['newsearch'] = 'New search';
$string['newonlymsg'] = 'Show only new';
$string['nomessages'] = 'No messages waiting';
$string['nomessagesfound'] = 'No messages were found';
$string['nosearchresults'] = 'There were no results from your search';
$string['offline'] = 'Offline';
$string['offlinecontacts'] = 'Offline Contacts ($a)';
$string['online'] = 'Online';
$string['onlinecontacts'] = 'Online Contacts ($a)';
$string['onlyfromme'] = 'Only messages from me';
$string['onlymycourses'] = 'Only in my courses';
$string['onlytome'] = 'Only messages to me';
$string['pagerefreshes'] = 'This page refreshes automatically every $a seconds';
$string['readmessages'] = '$a read messages';
$string['removecontact'] = 'Remove contact';
$string['savemysettings'] = 'Save my settings';
$string['search'] = 'Search';
$string['searchforperson'] = 'Search for a person';
$string['searchmessages'] = 'Search messages';
$string['sendmessage'] = 'Send message';
$string['sendmessageto'] = 'Send message to $a';
$string['sendmessagetopopup'] = "Send message to \$a - new window";
$string['settings'] = 'Settings';
$string['settingssaved'] = 'Your settings have been saved';
$string['strftimedaydatetime'] = '%%A, %%d %%B %%Y, %%I:%%M %%p';
$string['timenosee'] = 'Minutes since I was last seen online';
$string['timesent'] = 'Time Sent';
$string['unblockcontact'] = 'Unblock contact';
$string['unreadmessages'] = '$a unread messages';
$string['userisblockingyou'] = 'This user has blocked you from sending messages to them';
$string['userisblockingyounoncontact'] = 'This user is only accepting messages from people listed as contacts, and you are not currently on the list.';
$string['userssearchresults'] = 'Search results: $a users found';
//luis: used in the message system
$string['editmymessage'] = 'Messaging';
$string['guestnoeditmessage'] = 'Guest user can not edit messaging options';
$string['guestnoeditmessageother'] = 'Guest user can not edit other user messaging options';
$string['loggedin'] = 'Logged In: ';
$string['loggedoff'] = 'Logged Off: ';
$string['general_config'] = 'General Options';
$string['providers_config'] = 'Message Sources';
$string['processor_config'] = 'Destinations Configuration';
$string['showmessagewindow'] = 'Popup window on new message';
$string['blocknoncontacts'] = 'Block unknown users';
$string['beepnewmessage'] = 'Beep on new message';
$string['noframesjs'] = 'No frames and JavaScript';
$string['providerstag'] = 'Source: ';
$string['processortag'] = 'Destination: ';