martin b4d7002e66 Changes to allow much better control over what "teachers" are called
in a course.  Firstly, the course settings page now allows the teachers
to specify the word they want to use in place of "teachers" and "students"
as well as "teacher" and "student".  Secondly, a new teacher admin tool
allows any teacher to modify the order and displayed role of teachers
in that course.  This affects the display on the course listings, the
participants page and so on.
2002-09-08 03:24:38 +00:00

821 lines
30 KiB

<? // $Id$
// Library of useful functions
$COURSE_MAX_LOG_DISPLAY = 150; // days
$COURSE_TEACHER_COLOR = "#990000"; // To hilight certain items that are teacher-only
function print_log_selector_form($course, $selecteduser=0, $selecteddate="today") {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Get all the possible users
$users = array();
if ($course->category) {
if ($students = get_records_sql("SELECT u.* FROM user u, user_students s
WHERE s.course = '$course->id' AND s.user =
ORDER BY u.lastaccess DESC")) {
foreach ($students as $student) {
$users["$student->id"] = "$student->firstname $student->lastname";
if ($teachers = get_records_sql("SELECT u.* FROM user u, user_teachers t
WHERE t.course = '$course->id' AND t.user =
ORDER BY u.lastaccess DESC")) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
$users["$teacher->id"] = "$teacher->firstname $teacher->lastname";
if (isadmin()) {
if ($ccc = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM course ORDER BY fullname")) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
if ($cc->category) {
$courses["$cc->id"] = "$cc->fullname";
} else {
$courses["$cc->id"] = " $cc->fullname (Site)";
// Get all the possible dates
// Note that we are keeping track of real (GMT) time and user time
// User time is only used in displays - all calcs and passing is GMT
$timenow = time(); // GMT
// What day is it now for the user, and when is midnight that day (in GMT).
$timemidnight = $today = usergetmidnight($timenow);
// Put today up the top of the list
$dates = array("$timemidnight" => get_string("today").", ".userdate($timenow, "%e %B %Y") );
if (! $course->startdate) {
$course->startdate = $course->timecreated;
$numdates = 1;
while ($timemidnight > $course->startdate and $numdates < 365) {
$timemidnight = $timemidnight - 86400;
$timenow = $timenow - 86400;
$dates["$timemidnight"] = userdate($timenow, "%A, %e %B %Y");
if ($selecteddate == "today") {
$selecteddate = $today;
echo "<CENTER>";
echo "<FORM ACTION=log.php METHOD=get>";
if (isadmin()) {
choose_from_menu ($courses, "id", $course->id, "");
} else {
echo "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=id VALUE=\"$course->id\">";
if ($course->category) {
choose_from_menu ($users, "user", $selecteduser, get_string("allparticipants") );
choose_from_menu ($dates, "date", $selecteddate, get_string("alldays"));
echo "<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=\"".get_string("showtheselogs")."\">";
echo "</FORM>";
echo "</CENTER>";
function make_log_url($module, $url) {
switch ($module) {
case "course":
case "user":
case "file":
case "login":
case "lib":
case "admin":
return "/$module/$url";
return "/mod/$module/$url";
function print_log($course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="ORDER BY l.time ASC") {
// It is assumed that $date is the GMT time of midnight for that day,
// and so the next 86400 seconds worth of logs are printed.
if ($course->category) {
$selector = "WHERE l.course='$course->id' AND l.user =";
} else {
$selector = "WHERE l.user ="; // Show all courses
if ($ccc = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM course ORDER BY fullname")) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = "$cc->shortname";
if ($user) {
$selector .= " AND l.user = '$user'";
if ($date) {
$enddate = $date + 86400;
$selector .= " AND l.time > '$date' AND l.time < '$enddate'";
if (!$logs = get_records_sql("SELECT l.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM log l, user u $selector $order")){
notify("No logs found!");
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
echo "<P ALIGN=CENTER>Displaying ".count($logs)." records</P>";
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if ($ld = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM log_display WHERE module='$log->module' AND action='$log->action'")) {
$log->info = get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, "id", $log->info);
echo "<TR NOWRAP>";
if (! $course->category) {
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF=\"view.php?id=$log->course\">".$courses[$log->course]."</A></TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP ALIGN=right><FONT SIZE=2>".userdate($log->time, "%A")."</TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2>".userdate($log->time, "%e %B %Y, %I:%M %p")."</TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2>";
link_to_popup_window("$CFG->wwwroot/lib/ipatlas/plot.php?address=$log->ip&user=$log->user", "ipatlas","$log->ip", 400, 700);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2><A HREF=\"../user/view.php?id=$log->user&course=$log->course\"><B>$log->firstname $log->lastname</B></TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2>";
link_to_popup_window( make_log_url($log->module,$log->url), "fromloglive","$log->module $log->action", 400, 600);
echo "</TD>";
echo "<TD NOWRAP><FONT SIZE=2>$log->info</TD>";
echo "</TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
function print_all_courses($cat=1, $style="full", $maxcount=999) {
global $CFG;
if ($courses = get_records("course", "category", $cat, "fullname ASC")) {
if ($style == "minimal") {
$count = 0;
$icon = "<IMG SRC=\"pix/i/course.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"".get_string("course")."\">";
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$moddata[]="<A TITLE=\"$course->shortname\" HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->fullname</A>";
if ($count++ >= $maxcount) {
$fulllist = "<P><A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/\">".get_string("fulllistofcourses")."</A>...";
print_side_block("", $moddata, "$fulllist", $modicon);
} else {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
echo "<BR>\n";
} else {
echo "<H3>".get_string("nocoursesyet")."</H3>";
function print_course($course) {
global $CFG;
if (! $site = get_site()) {
error("Could not find a site!");
print_simple_box_start("CENTER", "100%");
echo "<TABLE WIDTH=100%>";
echo "<TR VALIGN=top>";
echo "<TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=50%>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=3><B><A TITLE=\"".get_string("entercourse")."\"
if ($teachers = get_course_teachers($course->id)) {
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=1>\n";
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
if ($teacher->authority > 0) {
if (!$teacher->role) {
$teacher->role = $course->teacher;
echo "$teacher->role: <A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$teacher->id&course=$site->id\">$teacher->firstname $teacher->lastname</A><BR>";
echo "</FONT></P>";
if ($course->guest or ($course->password == "")) {
echo "<A TITLE=\"".get_string("allowguests")."\" HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">";
echo "<IMG VSPACE=4 ALT=\"\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 BORDER=0 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/user.gif\"></A>&nbsp;&nbsp;";
if ($course->password) {
echo "<A TITLE=\"".get_string("requireskey")."\" HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">";
echo "<IMG VSPACE=4 ALT=\"\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 BORDER=0 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/key.gif\"></A>";
echo "</TD><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=50%>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2>".text_to_html($course->summary)."</FONT></P>";
echo "</TD></TR>";
echo "</TABLE>";
function print_headline($text, $size=2) {
echo "<B><FONT SIZE=\"$size\">$text</FONT></B><BR>\n";
function print_recent_activity($course) {
// $course is an object
// This function trawls through the logs looking for
// anything new since the user's last login
if (! $USER->lastlogin ) {
print_string("welcometocourse", "", $course->shortname);
echo "</FONT></P>";
} else {
echo get_string("yourlastlogin").":<BR>";
echo userdate($USER->lastlogin, "%A, %e %b %Y, %H:%M");
echo "</FONT></P>";
if (! $logs = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM log WHERE time > '$USER->lastlogin' AND course = '$course->id' ORDER BY time ASC")) {
// Firstly, have there been any new enrolments?
$heading = false;
$content = false;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if ($log->module == "course" and $log->action == "enrol") {
if (! $heading) {
$heading = true;
$content = true;
$user = get_record("user", "id", $log->info);
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=1><A HREF=\"../user/view.php?id=$user->id&course=$course->id\">$user->firstname $user->lastname</A></FONT></P>";
// Next, have there been any changes to the course structure?
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if ($log->module == "course") {
if ($log->action == "add mod" or $log->action == "update mod" or $log->action == "delete mod") {
$info = split(" ", $log->info);
$modname = get_field($info[0], "name", "id", $info[1]);
switch ($log->action) {
case "add mod":
$stradded = get_string("added", "moodle", get_string("modulename", $info[0]));
$changelist["$log->info"] = array ("operation" => "add", "text" => "$stradded:<BR><A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/$log->url\">$modname</A>");
case "update mod":
$strupdated = get_string("updated", "moodle", get_string("modulename", $info[0]));
if (! $changelist["$log->info"]) {
$changelist["$log->info"] = array ("operation" => "update", "text" => "$strupdated:<BR><A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/$log->url\">$modname</A>");
case "delete mod":
if ($changelist["$log->info"]["operation"] == "add") {
$changelist["$log->info"] = NULL;
} else {
$strdeleted = get_string("deletedactivity", "moodle", get_string("modulename", $info[0]));
$changelist["$log->info"] = array ("operation" => "delete", "text" => $strdeleted);
if ($changelist) {
foreach ($changelist as $changeinfo => $change) {
if ($change) {
$changes[$changeinfo] = $change;
if (count($changes) > 0) {
$content = true;
foreach ($changes as $changeinfo => $change) {
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=1>".$change["text"]."</FONT></P>";
// Now all we need to know are the new posts.
$heading = false;
foreach ($logs as $log) {
if ($log->module == "forum") {
$post = NULL;
if ($log->action == "add post") {
$post = get_record_sql("SELECT p.*,, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture, as userid
FROM forum_discussions d, forum_posts p, user u
WHERE = '$log->info' AND = p.discussion AND p.user =");
} else if ($log->action == "add discussion") {
$post = get_record_sql("SELECT p.*,, u.firstname, u.lastname,, u.picture, as userid
FROM forum_discussions d, forum_posts p, user u
WHERE = '$log->info' AND d.firstpost = AND p.user =");
if ($post) {
$teacherpost = "";
if ($forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum) ) {
if ($forum->type == "teacher") {
if (!isteacher($course->id)) {
} else {
if (! $heading) {
$heading = true;
$content = true;
$date = userdate($post->modified, "%e %b, %H:%M");
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=1 $teacherpost>$date - $post->firstname $post->lastname<BR>";
echo "\"<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/$log->url\">";
if ($log->action == "add") {
echo "<B>$post->subject</B>";
} else {
echo "$post->subject";
echo "</A>\"</FONT></P>";
if (! $content) {
echo "<FONT SIZE=2>".get_string("nothingnew")."</FONT>";
function unenrol_student_in_course($user, $course) {
global $db;
return $db->Execute("DELETE FROM user_students WHERE user = '$user' AND course = '$course'");
function enrol_student_in_course($user, $course) {
global $db;
$timenow = time();
$rs = $db->Execute("INSERT INTO user_students (user, course, start, end, time)
VALUES ($user, $course, 0, 0, $timenow)");
if ($rs) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function get_all_mods($courseid, &$mods, &$modnames, &$modnamesplural, &$modnamesused) {
// Returns a number of useful structures for course displays
$mods = NULL; // course modules indexed by id
$modnames = NULL; // all course module names
$modnamesplural= NULL; // all course module names (plural form)
$modnamesused = NULL; // course module names used
if ($allmods = get_records_sql("SELECT * FROM modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modnames[$mod->name] = get_string("modulename", "$mod->name");
$modnamesplural[$mod->name] = get_string("modulenameplural", "$mod->name");
} else {
error("No modules are installed!");
if ($rawmods = get_records_sql("SELECT cm.*, as modname
FROM modules m, course_modules cm
WHERE cm.course = '$courseid'
AND cm.deleted = '0'
AND cm.module = ") ) {
foreach($rawmods as $mod) { // Index the mods
$mods[$mod->id] = $mod;
$mods[$mod->id]->modfullname = $modnames[$mod->modname];
$modnamesused[$mod->modname] = $modnames[$mod->modname];
function get_all_sections($courseid) {
return get_records_sql("SELECT section, id, course, summary, sequence
FROM course_sections
WHERE course = '$courseid'
ORDER BY section");
function print_section($courseid, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute=false, $width="100%") {
global $CFG;
echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"$width\"><TR><TD>\n";
if ($section->sequence) {
$sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
$mod = $mods[$modnumber];
$instancename = get_field("$mod->modname", "name", "id", "$mod->instance");
echo "<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$mod->modname/icon.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"$mod->modfullname\">";
echo " <FONT SIZE=2><A TITLE=\"$mod->modfullname\"";
echo " HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$mod->modname/view.php?id=$mod->id\">$instancename</A></FONT>";
if (isediting($courseid)) {
echo make_editing_buttons($mod->id, $absolute);
echo "<BR>\n";
echo "</TD></TR></TABLE><BR>\n\n";
function print_side_block($heading="", $list=NULL, $footer="", $icons=NULL, $width=180) {
echo "<TABLE WIDTH=\"$width\">\n";
echo "<TR><TD COLSPAN=2><P><B><FONT SIZE=2>$heading</TD></TR>\n";
if ($list) {
foreach($list as $key => $string) {
echo "<TR><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=12>";
if ($icons[$key]) {
echo $icons[$key];
} else {
echo "";
echo "</TD>\n<TD WIDTH=100% VALIGN=top>";
echo "<P><FONT SIZE=2>$string</FONT></P>";
echo "</TD></TR>\n";
if ($footer) {
echo "<TR><TD></TD><TD ALIGN=left><P><FONT SIZE=2>$footer</TD></TR>\n";
echo "</TABLE><BR>\n\n";
function print_admin_links ($siteid, $width=180) {
global $THEME, $CFG;
print_simple_box(get_string("administration"), $align="CENTER", $width, $color="$THEME->cellheading");
$icon = "<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/settings.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/log.php?id=$siteid\">".get_string("sitelogs")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/admin/site.php\">".get_string("sitesettings")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/theme/index.php\">".get_string("choosetheme")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/admin/lang.php\">".get_string("checklanguage")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/edit.php\">".get_string("addnewcourse")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/teacher.php\">".get_string("assignteachers")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/delete.php\">".get_string("deletecourse")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/admin/user.php?newuser=true\">".get_string("addnewuser")."</A>";
$moddata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/admin/user.php\">".get_string("edituser")."</A>";
$fulladmin = "<P><A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/admin/\">".get_string("admin")."</A>...";
print_side_block("", $moddata, "$fulladmin", $modicon, $width);
echo "<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/spacer.gif\" WIDTH=\"$width\" HEIGHT=1><BR>";
function print_course_admin_links($course, $width=180) {
global $THEME, $CFG;
echo "<BR>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/edit.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
if (isediting($course->id)) {
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"view.php?id=$course->id&edit=off\">".get_string("turneditingoff")."</A>";
} else {
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"view.php?id=$course->id&edit=on\">".get_string("turneditingon")."</A>";
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"edit.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string("settings")."...</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/settings.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
if (!$course->teachers) {
$course->teachers = get_string("defaultcourseteachers");
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"teachers.php?id=$course->id\">$course->teachers...</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/settings.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"log.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string("logs")."...</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/pix/i/log.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/files/index.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string("files")."...</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/files/pix/files.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/doc/view.php?id=$course->id&file=teacher.html\">".get_string("help")."...</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/reading/icon.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
if ($teacherforum = forum_get_course_forum($course->id, "teacher")) {
$admindata[]="<A HREF=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$teacherforum->id\">".get_string("nameteacher", "forum")."</A>";
$adminicon[]="<IMG SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/icon.gif\" HEIGHT=16 WIDTH=16 ALT=\"\">";
print_simple_box(get_string("administration"), $align="CENTER", $width, $color="$THEME->cellheading");
print_side_block("", $admindata, "", $adminicon, $width);
function print_log_graph($course, $userid=0, $type="course.png", $date=0) {
global $CFG;
echo "<IMG BORDER=0 SRC=\"$CFG->wwwroot/course/loggraph.php?id=$course->id&user=$userid&type=$type&date=$date\">";
/// MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function add_course_module($mod) {
$timenow = time();
if (!$rs = $db->Execute("INSERT into course_modules
SET course = '$mod->course',
module = '$mod->module',
instance = '$mod->instance',
section = '$mod->section',
added = '$timenow' ")) {
return 0;
// Get it out again - this is the most compatible way to determine the ID
if ($rs = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM course_modules
WHERE module = $mod->module AND added = $timenow")) {
return $rs->fields[0];
} else {
return 0;
function add_mod_to_section($mod) {
// Returns the course_sections ID where the mod is inserted
if ($cw = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM course_sections
WHERE course = '$mod->course' AND section = '$mod->section'") ) {
if ($cw->sequence) {
$newsequence = "$cw->sequence,$mod->coursemodule";
} else {
$newsequence = "$mod->coursemodule";
if (!$rs = $db->Execute("UPDATE course_sections SET sequence = '$newsequence' WHERE id = '$cw->id'")) {
return 0;
} else {
return $cw->id; // Return course_sections ID that was used.
} else { // Insert a new record
if (!$rs = $db->Execute("INSERT into course_sections
SET course = '$mod->course',
section = '$mod->section',
summary = '',
sequence = '$mod->coursemodule' ")) {
return 0;
// Get it out again - this is the most compatible way to determine the ID
if ($rs = $db->Execute("SELECT id FROM course_sections
WHERE course = '$mod->course' AND section = '$mod->section'")) {
return $rs->fields[0];
} else {
return 0;
function delete_course_module($mod) {
return set_field("course_modules", "deleted", 1, "id", $mod);
function delete_mod_from_section($mod, $section) {
if ($cw = get_record("course_sections", "id", "$section") ) {
$modarray = explode(",", $cw->sequence);
if ($key = array_keys ($modarray, $mod)) {
array_splice($modarray, $key[0], 1);
$newsequence = implode(",", $modarray);
return set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $cw->id);
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
function move_module($id, $move) {
if (!$move) {
return true;
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("This course module doesn't exist");
if (! $thissection = get_record("course_sections", "id", $cm->section)) {
error("This course section doesn't exist");
$mods = explode(",", $thissection->sequence);
$len = count($mods);
$pos = array_keys($mods, $cm->id);
$thepos = $pos[0];
if ($len == 0 || count($pos) == 0 ) {
error("Very strange. Could not find the required module in this section.");
if ($len == 1) {
$first = true;
$last = true;
} else {
$first = ($thepos == 0);
$last = ($thepos == $len - 1);
if ($move < 0) { // Moving the module up
if ($first) {
if ($thissection->section == 1) { // First section, do nothing
return true;
} else { // Push onto end of previous section
$prevsectionnumber = $thissection->section - 1;
if (! $prevsection = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM course_sections
WHERE course='$thissection->course'
AND section='$prevsectionnumber' ")) {
error("Previous section ($prevsection->id) doesn't exist");
if ($prevsection->sequence) {
$newsequence = "$prevsection->sequence,$cm->id";
} else {
$newsequence = "$cm->id";
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $prevsection->id)) {
error("Previous section could not be updated");
if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $prevsection->id, "id", $cm->id)) {
error("Module could not be updated");
array_splice($mods, 0, 1);
$newsequence = implode(",", $mods);
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $thissection->id)) {
error("Module could not be updated");
return true;
} else { // move up within this section
$swap = $mods[$thepos-1];
$mods[$thepos-1] = $mods[$thepos];
$mods[$thepos] = $swap;
$newsequence = implode(",", $mods);
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $thissection->id)) {
error("This section could not be updated");
return true;
} else { // Moving the module down
if ($last) {
$nextsectionnumber = $thissection->section + 1;
if ($nextsection = get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM course_sections
WHERE course='$thissection->course'
AND section='$nextsectionnumber' ")) {
if ($nextsection->sequence) {
$newsequence = "$cm->id,$nextsection->sequence";
} else {
$newsequence = "$cm->id";
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $nextsection->id)) {
error("Next section could not be updated");
if (! set_field("course_modules", "section", $nextsection->id, "id", $cm->id)) {
error("Module could not be updated");
array_splice($mods, $thepos, 1);
$newsequence = implode(",", $mods);
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $thissection->id)) {
error("This section could not be updated");
return true;
} else { // There is no next section, so just return
return true;
} else { // move down within this section
$swap = $mods[$thepos+1];
$mods[$thepos+1] = $mods[$thepos];
$mods[$thepos] = $swap;
$newsequence = implode(",", $mods);
if (! set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, "id", $thissection->id)) {
error("This section could not be updated");
return true;
function make_editing_buttons($moduleid, $absolute=false) {
global $CFG;
$delete = get_string("delete");
$moveup = get_string("moveup");
$movedown = get_string("movedown");
$update = get_string("update");
if ($absolute) {
$path = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/";
} else {
$path = "";
return "&nbsp; &nbsp;
<A TITLE=\"$delete\" HREF=\"".$path."mod.php?delete=$moduleid\"><IMG
SRC=".$path."../pix/t/delete.gif BORDER=0></A>
<A TITLE=\"$moveup\" HREF=\"".$path."mod.php?id=$moduleid&move=-1\"><IMG
SRC=".$path."../pix/t/up.gif BORDER=0></A>
<A TITLE=\"$movedown\" HREF=\"".$path."mod.php?id=$moduleid&move=1\"><IMG
SRC=".$path."../pix/t/down.gif BORDER=0></A>
<A TITLE=\"$update\" HREF=\"".$path."mod.php?update=$moduleid\"><IMG
SRC=".$path."../pix/t/edit.gif BORDER=0></A>";