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synced 2025-03-14 12:40:01 +01:00
189 lines
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Executable File
189 lines
9.2 KiB
Executable File
<?php // $Id$
function scorm_upgrade($oldversion) {
/// This function does anything necessary to upgrade
/// older versions to match current functionality
global $CFG;
if ($oldversion < 2004033000) {
table_column("scorm", "", "auto", "TINYINT", "1", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "summary");
if ($oldversion < 2004040900) {
table_column("scorm_sco_users", "", "cmi_core_score_raw", "FLOAT", "3", "", "0", "NOT NULL", "cmi_core_session_time");
if ($oldversion < 2004061800) {
table_column("scorm", "", "popup", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL", "auto");
table_column("scorm", "reference", "reference", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL");
if ($oldversion < 2004070800) {
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "datafromlms", "TEXT", "", "", "", "NOT NULL", "title");
modify_database("", "ALTER TABLE `{$CFG->prefix}scorm_sco_users` DROP `cmi_launch_data`;");
if ($oldversion < 2004071700) {
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "manifest", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL", "scorm");
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "organization", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL", "manifest");
if ($oldversion < 2004071900) {
table_column("scorm", "", "maxgrade", "FLOAT", "3", "", "0", "NOT NULL", "reference");
table_column("scorm", "", "grademethod", "TINYINT", "2", "", "0", "NOT NULL", "maxgrade");
if ($oldversion < 2004111200) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm DROP INDEX course;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes DROP INDEX scorm;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_sco_users DROP INDEX scormid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_sco_users DROP INDEX userid;",false);
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_sco_users DROP INDEX scoid;",false);
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm ADD INDEX course (course);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes ADD INDEX scorm (scorm);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_sco_users ADD INDEX scormid (scormid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_sco_users ADD INDEX userid (userid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_sco_users ADD INDEX scoid (scoid);');
if ($oldversion < 2005031300) {
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "prerequisites", "VARCHAR", "200", "", "", "NOT NULL", "title");
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "maxtimeallowed", "VARCHAR", "13", "", "", "NOT NULL", "prerequisites");
modify_database('',"ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes ADD timelimitaction ".
"SET('exit,message','exit,no message','continue,message','continue,no message') ".
"DEFAULT '' AFTER 'maxtimeallowed'");
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "masteryscore", "VARCHAR", "200", "", "", "NOT NULL", "datafromlms");
$oldscoes = get_records_select("scorm_scoes","1","id ASC");
modify_database('',"ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes CHANGE type scormtype SET('sco','asset') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL");
if(!empty($oldscoes)) {
foreach ($oldscoes as $sco) {
$sco->scormtype = $sco->type;
execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes_track (
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
userid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
scormid int(10) NOT NULL default '0',
scoid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
element varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
value longtext NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY (userid, scormid, scoid, element),
UNIQUE (userid, scormid, scoid, element),
KEY userdata (userid, scormid, scoid),
KEY id (id)
) TYPE=MyISAM;",false);
$oldtrackingdata = get_records_select("scorm_sco_users","1","id ASC");
$oldelements = array ('cmi_core_lesson_location',
if(!empty($oldtrackingdata)) {
foreach ($oldtrackingdata as $oldtrack) {
$newtrack = '';
$newtrack->userid = $oldtrack->userid;
$newtrack->scormid = $oldtrack->scormid;
$newtrack->scoid = $oldtrack->scoid;
foreach ( $oldelements as $element) {
$newtrack->element = $element;
$newtrack->value = $oldtrack->$element;
if ($newtrack->value == NULL) {
$newtrack->value = '';
modify_database('',"DROP TABLE prefix_scorm_sco_users");
modify_database('',"INSERT INTO prefix_log_display VALUES ('scorm', 'review', 'resource', 'name')");
if ($oldversion < 2005040200) {
execute_sql('ALTER TABLE `'.$CFG->prefix.'scorm` DROP `popup`'); // Old field
if ($oldversion < 2005040400) {
table_column("scorm_scoes", "", "parameters", "VARCHAR", "255", "", "", "NOT NULL", "launch");
if ($oldversion < 2005040700) {
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes_track DROP PRIMARY KEY;");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes_track DROP KEY userdata;");
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes_track DROP INDEX userid");
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD UNIQUE track (userid,scormid,scoid,element);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD PRIMARY KEY id (id);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD INDEX scormid (scormid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD INDEX userid (userid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD INDEX scoid (scoid);');
modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_scorm_scoes_track ADD INDEX element (element);');
execute_sql("ALTER TABLE {$CFG->prefix}scorm_scoes_track DROP INDEX id;");
table_column("scorm_scoes", "timelimitaction", "timelimitaction", "VARCHAR", "19", "", "", "NOT NULL");
table_column("scorm_scoes", "scormtype", "scormtype", "VARCHAR", "5", "", "", "NOT NULL");
if ($oldversion < 2005041500) {
if ($scorms = get_records_select("scorm","1","id ASC")) {
foreach ($scorms as $scorm) {
if (strlen($scorm->datadir) == 14) {
$basedir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$scorm->course;
$scormdir = '/moddata/scorm';
execute_sql('ALTER TABLE `'.$CFG->prefix.'scorm` DROP `datadir`'); // Old field
if ($oldversion < 2005041600) {
table_column("scorm", "", "version", "VARCHAR", "9", "", "SCORM_1.2", "NOT NULL", "reference");
if ($oldversion < 2005042700) {
$trackingdata = get_records_select("scorm_scoes_track","1","id ASC");
if (!empty($trackingdata)) {
$oldelements = array ('cmi_core_lesson_location',
$newelements = array ('cmi.core.lesson_location',
foreach ($trackingdata as $track) {
if (($pos = array_search($track->element,$oldelements)) !== false) {
$track->element = $newelements[$pos];
if ($oldversion < 2005042800) {
table_column("scorm", "", "browsemode", "TINYINT", "2", "", "1", "NOT NULL", "summary");
if ($oldversion < 2005050800) {
table_column("scorm", "", "width", "INT", "10", "", "800", "NOT NULL", "auto");
table_column("scorm", "", "height", "INT", "10", "", "600", "NOT NULL", "width");
if ($oldversion < 2005052200) {
table_column("scorm_scoes_track", "", "timemodified", "INT", "10", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "value");
if ($oldversion < 2005062700) {
table_column("scorm", "", "popup", "TINYINT", "1", "UNSIGNED", "0", "NOT NULL", "auto");
return true;