cescobedo 5d81efd1f7 MDL-67131 core_h5p: Allow use webservice/pluginfile|tokenpluginfile url
With this fix the player accepts webservice/pluginfile.php, pluginfile.php
and tokenpluginfile.php URLs to find the h5p files.
Also, we allow to build fileurl with the proper endpoint if
the URL is webservice/pluginfile, tokenpluginfile.php or pluginfile.php
as Mobile App needs.
2020-02-21 09:46:23 +01:00

787 lines
30 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* H5P player class.
* @package core_h5p
* @copyright 2019 Sara Arjona <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace core_h5p;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* H5P player class, for displaying any local H5P content.
* @package core_h5p
* @copyright 2019 Sara Arjona <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class player {
* @var string The local H5P URL containing the .h5p file to display.
private $url;
* @var core The H5PCore object.
private $core;
* @var int H5P DB id.
private $h5pid;
* @var array JavaScript requirements for this H5P.
private $jsrequires = [];
* @var array CSS requirements for this H5P.
private $cssrequires = [];
* @var array H5P content to display.
private $content;
* @var string Type of embed object, div or iframe.
private $embedtype;
* @var context The context object where the .h5p belongs.
private $context;
* @var factory The \core_h5p\factory object.
private $factory;
* @var stdClass The error, exception and info messages, raised while preparing and running the player.
private $messages;
* @var bool Set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, RSS feeds, etc.), throws exceptions.
private $preventredirect;
* Inits the H5P player for rendering the content.
* @param string $url Local URL of the H5P file to display.
* @param stdClass $config Configuration for H5P buttons.
* @param bool $preventredirect Set to true in scripts that can not redirect (CLI, RSS feeds, etc.), throws exceptions
public function __construct(string $url, \stdClass $config, bool $preventredirect = true) {
if (empty($url)) {
throw new \moodle_exception('h5pinvalidurl', 'core_h5p');
$this->url = new \moodle_url($url);
$this->preventredirect = $preventredirect;
$this->factory = new \core_h5p\factory();
$this->messages = new \stdClass();
// Create \core_h5p\core instance.
$this->core = $this->factory->get_core();
// Get the H5P identifier linked to this URL.
if ($this->h5pid = $this->get_h5p_id($url, $config)) {
// Load the content of the H5P content associated to this $url.
$this->content = $this->core->loadContent($this->h5pid);
// Get the embedtype to use for displaying the H5P content.
$this->embedtype = core::determineEmbedType($this->content['embedType'], $this->content['library']['embedTypes']);
* Get the error messages stored in our H5P framework.
* @return stdClass with framework error messages.
public function get_messages(): \stdClass {
// Check if there are some errors and store them in $messages.
if (empty($this->messages->error)) {
$this->messages->error = $this->core->h5pF->getMessages('error') ?: false;
} else {
$this->messages->error = array_merge($this->messages->error, $this->core->h5pF->getMessages('error'));
if (empty($this->messages->info)) {
$this->messages->info = $this->core->h5pF->getMessages('info') ?: false;
} else {
$this->messages->info = array_merge($this->messages->info, $this->core->h5pF->getMessages('info'));
return $this->messages;
* Create the H5PIntegration variable that will be included in the page. This variable is used as the
* main H5P config variable.
public function add_assets_to_page() {
global $PAGE;
$cid = $this->get_cid();
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$disable = array_key_exists('disable', $this->content) ? $this->content['disable'] : core::DISABLE_NONE;
$displayoptions = $this->core->getDisplayOptionsForView($disable, $this->h5pid);
$contenturl = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($systemcontext->id, \core_h5p\file_storage::COMPONENT,
\core_h5p\file_storage::CONTENT_FILEAREA, $this->h5pid, null, null);
$exporturl = $this->get_export_settings($displayoptions[ core::DISPLAY_OPTION_DOWNLOAD ]);
$contentsettings = [
'library' => core::libraryToString($this->content['library']),
'fullScreen' => $this->content['library']['fullscreen'],
'exportUrl' => ($exporturl instanceof \moodle_url) ? $exporturl->out(false) : '',
'embedCode' => $this->get_embed_code($this->url->out(),
$displayoptions[ core::DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED ]),
'resizeCode' => $this->get_resize_code(),
'title' => $this->content['slug'],
'displayOptions' => $displayoptions,
'url' => self::get_embed_url($this->url->out())->out(),
'contentUrl' => $contenturl->out(),
'metadata' => $this->content['metadata'],
'contentUserData' => [0 => ['state' => '{}']]
// Get the core H5P assets, needed by the H5P classes to render the H5P content.
$settings = $this->get_assets();
$settings['contents'][$cid] = array_merge($settings['contents'][$cid], $contentsettings);
foreach ($this->jsrequires as $script) {
$PAGE->requires->js($script, true);
foreach ($this->cssrequires as $css) {
// Print JavaScript settings to page.
$PAGE->requires->data_for_js('H5PIntegration', $settings, true);
* Outputs H5P wrapper HTML.
* @return string The HTML code to display this H5P content.
public function output(): string {
global $OUTPUT, $USER;
$template = new \stdClass();
$template->h5pid = $this->h5pid;
if ($this->embedtype === 'div') {
$h5phtml = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_h5p/h5pdiv', $template);
} else {
$h5phtml = $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_h5p/h5piframe', $template);
// Trigger capability_assigned event.
'objectid' => $this->h5pid,
'userid' => $USER->id,
'context' => $this->context,
'other' => [
'url' => $this->url->out(),
'time' => time()
return $h5phtml;
* Get the title of the H5P content to display.
* @return string the title
public function get_title(): string {
return $this->content['title'];
* Get the context where the .h5p file belongs.
* @return context The context.
public function get_context(): \context {
return $this->context;
* Get the H5P DB instance id for a H5P pluginfile URL. The H5P file will be saved if it doesn't exist previously or
* if its content has changed. Besides, the displayoptions in the $config will be also updated when they have changed and
* the user has the right permissions.
* @param string $url H5P pluginfile URL.
* @param stdClass $config Configuration for H5P buttons.
* @return int|false H5P DB identifier.
private function get_h5p_id(string $url, \stdClass $config) {
global $DB, $USER;
$fs = get_file_storage();
// Deconstruct the URL and get the pathname associated.
$pathnamehash = $this->get_pluginfile_hash($url);
if (!$pathnamehash) {
$this->core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('h5pfilenotfound', 'core_h5p'));
return false;
// Get the file.
$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash($pathnamehash);
if (!$file) {
$this->core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('h5pfilenotfound', 'core_h5p'));
return false;
$h5p = $DB->get_record('h5p', ['pathnamehash' => $pathnamehash]);
$contenthash = $file->get_contenthash();
if ($h5p && $h5p->contenthash != $contenthash) {
// The content exists and it is different from the one deployed previously. The existing one should be removed before
// deploying the new version.
$h5p = false;
if ($h5p) {
// The H5P content has been deployed previously.
$displayoptions = $this->get_display_options($config);
// Check if the user can set the displayoptions.
if ($displayoptions != $h5p->displayoptions && has_capability('moodle/h5p:setdisplayoptions', $this->context)) {
// If the displayoptions has changed and the user has permission to modify it, update this information in the DB.
$this->core->h5pF->updateContentFields($h5p->id, ['displayoptions' => $displayoptions]);
return $h5p->id;
} else {
// The H5P content hasn't been deployed previously.
// Check if the user uploading the H5P content is "trustable". If the file hasn't been uploaded by a user with this
// capability, the content won't be deployed and an error message will be displayed.
if (!helper::can_deploy_package($file)) {
$this->core->h5pF->setErrorMessage(get_string('nopermissiontodeploy', 'core_h5p'));
return false;
// The H5P content can be only deployed if the author of the .h5p file can update libraries or if all the
// content-type libraries exist, to avoid users without the h5p:updatelibraries capability upload malicious content.
$onlyupdatelibs = !helper::can_update_library($file);
// Validate and store the H5P content before displaying it.
$h5pid = helper::save_h5p($this->factory, $file, $config, $onlyupdatelibs, false);
if (!$h5pid && $file->get_userid() != $USER->id && has_capability('moodle/h5p:updatelibraries', $this->context)) {
// The user has permission to update libraries but the package has been uploaded by a different
// user without this permission. Check if there is some missing required library error.
$missingliberror = false;
$messages = $this->get_messages();
if (!empty($messages->error)) {
foreach ($messages->error as $error) {
if ($error->code == 'missing-required-library') {
$missingliberror = true;
if ($missingliberror) {
// The message about the permissions to upload libraries should be removed.
$infomsg = "Note that the libraries may exist in the file you uploaded, but you're not allowed to upload " .
"new libraries. Contact the site administrator about this.";
if (($key = array_search($infomsg, $messages->info)) !== false) {
// No library will be installed and an error will be displayed, because this content is not trustable.
$this->core->h5pF->setInfoMessage(get_string('notrustablefile', 'core_h5p'));
return false;
return $h5pid;
* Get the pathnamehash from an H5P internal URL.
* @param string $url H5P pluginfile URL poiting to an H5P file.
* @return string|false pathnamehash for the file in the internal URL.
private function get_pluginfile_hash(string $url) {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Decode the URL before start processing it.
$url = new \moodle_url(urldecode($url));
// Remove params from the URL (such as the 'forcedownload=1'), to avoid errors.
$path = $url->out_as_local_url();
// We only need the slasharguments.
$path = substr($path, strpos($path, '.php/') + 5);
$parts = explode('/', $path);
$filename = array_pop($parts);
// If the request is made by tokenpluginfile.php we need to avoid userprivateaccesskey.
if (strpos($this->url, '/tokenpluginfile.php')) {
// Get the contextid, component and filearea.
$contextid = array_shift($parts);
$component = array_shift($parts);
$filearea = array_shift($parts);
// Ignore draft files, because they are considered temporary files, so shouldn't be displayed.
if ($filearea == 'draft') {
return false;
// Get the context.
try {
list($this->context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($contextid);
} catch (\moodle_exception $e) {
throw new \moodle_exception('invalidcontextid', 'core_h5p');
// For CONTEXT_USER, such as the private files, raise an exception if the owner of the file is not the current user.
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER && $USER->id !== $this->context->instanceid) {
throw new \moodle_exception('h5pprivatefile', 'core_h5p');
// For CONTEXT_COURSECAT No login necessary - unless login forced everywhere.
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
require_login(null, true, null, false, true);
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_BLOCK) {
if ($this->context->get_course_context(false)) {
// If block is in course context, then check if user has capability to access course.
require_course_login($course, true, null, false, true);
} else if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
// No login necessary - unless login forced everywhere.
require_login(null, true, null, false, true);
} else {
// Get parent context and see if user have proper permission.
$parentcontext = $this->context->get_parent_context();
if ($parentcontext->contextlevel === CONTEXT_COURSECAT) {
// Check if category is visible and user can view this category.
if (!core_course_category::get($parentcontext->instanceid, IGNORE_MISSING)) {
} else if ($parentcontext->contextlevel === CONTEXT_USER && $parentcontext->instanceid != $USER->id) {
// The block is in the context of a user, it is only visible to the user who it belongs to.
if ($filearea !== 'content') {
// For CONTEXT_MODULE and CONTEXT_COURSE check if the user is enrolled in the course.
// And for CONTEXT_MODULE has permissions view this .h5p file.
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE ||
$this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
// Require login to the course first (without login to the module).
require_course_login($course, true, null, !$this->preventredirect, $this->preventredirect);
// Now check if module is available OR it is restricted but the intro is shown on the course page.
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
$cminfo = \cm_info::create($cm);
if (!$cminfo->uservisible) {
if (!$cm->showdescription || !$cminfo->is_visible_on_course_page()) {
// Module intro is not visible on the course page and module is not available, show access error.
require_course_login($course, true, $cminfo, !$this->preventredirect, $this->preventredirect);
// Some components, such as mod_page or mod_resource, add the revision to the URL to prevent caching problems.
// So the URL contains this revision number as itemid but a 0 is always stored in the files table.
// In order to get the proper hash, a callback should be done (looking for those exceptions).
$pathdata = null;
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE || $this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_BLOCK) {
$pathdata = component_callback($component, 'get_path_from_pluginfile', [$filearea, $parts], null);
if (null === $pathdata) {
// Look for the components and fileareas which have empty itemid defined in xxx_pluginfile.
$hasnullitemid = false;
$hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'user' && ($filearea === 'private' || $filearea === 'profile'));
$hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || (substr($component, 0, 4) === 'mod_' && $filearea === 'intro');
$hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'course' &&
($filearea === 'summary' || $filearea === 'overviewfiles'));
$hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'coursecat' && $filearea === 'description');
$hasnullitemid = $hasnullitemid || ($component === 'backup' &&
($filearea === 'course' || $filearea === 'activity' || $filearea === 'automated'));
if ($hasnullitemid) {
$itemid = 0;
} else {
$itemid = array_shift($parts);
if (empty($parts)) {
$filepath = '/';
} else {
$filepath = '/' . implode('/', $parts) . '/';
} else {
// The itemid and filepath have been returned by the component callback.
'itemid' => $itemid,
'filepath' => $filepath,
] = $pathdata;
$fs = get_file_storage();
return $fs->get_pathname_hash($contextid, $component, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename);
* Get the representation of display options as int.
* @param stdClass $config Button options config.
* @return int The representation of display options as int.
private function get_display_options(\stdClass $config): int {
$export = isset($config->export) ? $config->export : 0;
$embed = isset($config->embed) ? $config->embed : 0;
$copyright = isset($config->copyright) ? $config->copyright : 0;
$frame = ($export || $embed || $copyright);
if (!$frame) {
$frame = isset($config->frame) ? $config->frame : 0;
$disableoptions = [
core::DISPLAY_OPTION_FRAME => $frame,
core::DISPLAY_OPTION_EMBED => $embed,
core::DISPLAY_OPTION_COPYRIGHT => $copyright,
return $this->core->getStorableDisplayOptions($disableoptions, 0);
* Delete an H5P package.
* @param stdClass $content The H5P package to delete.
private function delete_h5p(\stdClass $content) {
$h5pstorage = $this->factory->get_storage();
// Add an empty slug to the content if it's not defined, because the H5P library requires this field exists.
// It's not used when deleting a package, so the real slug value is not required at this point.
$content->slug = $content->slug ?? '';
$h5pstorage->deletePackage( (array) $content);
* Export path for settings
* @param bool $downloadenabled Whether the option to export the H5P content is enabled.
* @return \moodle_url|null The URL of the exported file.
private function get_export_settings(bool $downloadenabled): ?\moodle_url {
if (!$downloadenabled) {
return null;
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$slug = $this->content['slug'] ? $this->content['slug'] . '-' : '';
// We have to build the right URL.
// Depending the request was made through webservice/pluginfile.php or pluginfile.php.
if (strpos($this->url, '/webservice/pluginfile.php')) {
$url = \moodle_url::make_webservice_pluginfile_url(
} else {
// If the request is made by tokenpluginfile.php we need to indicates to generate a token for current user.
$includetoken = false;
if (strpos($this->url, '/tokenpluginfile.php')) {
$includetoken = true;
$url = \moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url(
return $url;
* Get a query string with the theme revision number to include at the end
* of URLs. This is used to force the browser to reload the asset when the
* theme caches are cleared.
* @return string
private function get_cache_buster(): string {
global $CFG;
return '?ver=' . $CFG->themerev;
* Get the identifier for the H5P content, to be used in the arrays as index.
* @return string The identifier.
private function get_cid(): string {
return 'cid-' . $this->h5pid;
* Get the core H5P assets, including all core H5P JavaScript and CSS.
* @return Array core H5P assets.
private function get_assets(): array {
global $CFG;
// Get core settings.
$settings = $this->get_core_settings();
$settings['core'] = [
'styles' => [],
'scripts' => []
$settings['loadedJs'] = [];
$settings['loadedCss'] = [];
// Make sure files are reloaded for each plugin update.
$cachebuster = $this->get_cache_buster();
// Use relative URL to support both http and https.
$liburl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/lib/h5p/';
$relpath = '/' . preg_replace('/^[^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+\//', '', $liburl);
// Add core stylesheets.
foreach (core::$styles as $style) {
$settings['core']['styles'][] = $relpath . $style . $cachebuster;
$this->cssrequires[] = new \moodle_url($liburl . $style . $cachebuster);
// Add core JavaScript.
foreach (core::get_scripts() as $script) {
$settings['core']['scripts'][] = $script->out(false);
$this->jsrequires[] = $script;
$cid = $this->get_cid();
// The filterParameters function should be called before getting the dependencyfiles because it rebuild content
// dependency cache and export file.
$settings['contents'][$cid]['jsonContent'] = $this->core->filterParameters($this->content);
$files = $this->get_dependency_files();
if ($this->embedtype === 'div') {
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$h5ppath = "/pluginfile.php/{$systemcontext->id}/core_h5p";
// Schedule JavaScripts for loading through Moodle.
foreach ($files['scripts'] as $script) {
$url = $script->path . $script->version;
// Add URL prefix if not external.
$isexternal = strpos($script->path, '://');
if ($isexternal === false) {
$url = $h5ppath . $url;
$settings['loadedJs'][] = $url;
$this->jsrequires[] = new \moodle_url($isexternal ? $url : $CFG->wwwroot . $url);
// Schedule stylesheets for loading through Moodle.
foreach ($files['styles'] as $style) {
$url = $style->path . $style->version;
// Add URL prefix if not external.
$isexternal = strpos($style->path, '://');
if ($isexternal === false) {
$url = $h5ppath . $url;
$settings['loadedCss'][] = $url;
$this->cssrequires[] = new \moodle_url($isexternal ? $url : $CFG->wwwroot . $url);
} else {
// JavaScripts and stylesheets will be loaded through h5p.js.
$settings['contents'][$cid]['scripts'] = $this->core->getAssetsUrls($files['scripts']);
$settings['contents'][$cid]['styles'] = $this->core->getAssetsUrls($files['styles']);
return $settings;
* Get the settings needed by the H5P library.
* @return array The settings.
private function get_core_settings(): array {
global $CFG;
$basepath = $CFG->wwwroot . '/';
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
// Generate AJAX paths.
$ajaxpaths = [];
$ajaxpaths['xAPIResult'] = '';
$ajaxpaths['contentUserData'] = '';
$settings = array(
'baseUrl' => $basepath,
'url' => "{$basepath}pluginfile.php/{$systemcontext->instanceid}/core_h5p",
'urlLibraries' => "{$basepath}pluginfile.php/{$systemcontext->id}/core_h5p/libraries",
'postUserStatistics' => false,
'ajax' => $ajaxpaths,
'saveFreq' => false,
'siteUrl' => $CFG->wwwroot,
'l10n' => array('H5P' => $this->core->getLocalization()),
'user' => [],
'hubIsEnabled' => false,
'reportingIsEnabled' => false,
'crossorigin' => null,
'libraryConfig' => $this->core->h5pF->getLibraryConfig(),
'pluginCacheBuster' => $this->get_cache_buster(),
'libraryUrl' => $basepath . 'lib/h5p/js',
'moodleLibraryPaths' => $this->core->get_dependency_roots($this->h5pid),
return $settings;
* Finds library dependencies of view
* @return array Files that the view has dependencies to
private function get_dependency_files(): array {
$preloadeddeps = $this->core->loadContentDependencies($this->h5pid, 'preloaded');
$files = $this->core->getDependenciesFiles($preloadeddeps);
return $files;
* Resizing script for settings
* @return string The HTML code with the resize script.
private function get_resize_code(): string {
global $OUTPUT;
$template = new \stdClass();
$template->resizeurl = new \moodle_url('/lib/h5p/js/h5p-resizer.js');
return $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_h5p/h5presize', $template);
* Embed code for settings
* @param string $url The URL of the .h5p file.
* @param bool $embedenabled Whether the option to embed the H5P content is enabled.
* @return string The HTML code to reuse this H5P content in a different place.
private function get_embed_code(string $url, bool $embedenabled): string {
global $OUTPUT;
if ( ! $embedenabled) {
return '';
$template = new \stdClass();
$template->embedurl = self::get_embed_url($url)->out();
return $OUTPUT->render_from_template('core_h5p/h5pembed', $template);
* Get the encoded URL for embeding this H5P content.
* @param string $url The URL of the .h5p file.
* @return \moodle_url The embed URL.
public static function get_embed_url(string $url): \moodle_url {
return new \moodle_url('/h5p/embed.php', ['url' => $url]);
* Return the export file for Mobile App.
* @return array
public function get_export_file(): array {
// Get the export url.
$exporturl = $this->get_export_settings(true);
// Get the filename of the export url.
$path = $exporturl->out_as_local_url();
$parts = explode('/', $path);
$filename = array_pop($parts);
// Get the the export file.
$systemcontext = \context_system::instance();
$fs = get_file_storage();
$fileh5p = $fs->get_file($systemcontext->id,
// Get the options that the Mobile App needs.
$file = [];
$file['filename'] = $fileh5p->get_filename();
$file['filepath'] = $fileh5p->get_filepath();
$file['mimetype'] = $fileh5p->get_mimetype();
$file['filesize'] = $fileh5p->get_filesize();
$file['timemodified'] = $fileh5p->get_timemodified();
$file['fileurl'] = $exporturl->out(false);
return $file;