mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 01:48:45 +01:00
by the restore process. Such conversion is performed for every backup file prior to 2005041100. Wiki internal links are dinamically changed and then, converted to Markdown.
4094 lines
195 KiB
4094 lines
195 KiB
<?php //$Id$
//Functions used in restore
//This function unzips a zip file in the same directory that it is
//It automatically uses pclzip or command line unzip
function restore_unzip ($file) {
return unzip_file($file, '', false);
//This function checks if moodle.xml seems to be a valid xml file
//(exists, has an xml header and a course main tag
function restore_check_moodle_file ($file) {
$status = true;
//Check if it exists
if ($status = is_file($file)) {
//Open it and read the first 200 bytes (chars)
$handle = fopen ($file, "r");
$first_chars = fread($handle,200);
$status = fclose ($handle);
//Chek if it has the requires strings
if ($status) {
$status = strpos($first_chars,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
if ($status !== false) {
$status = strpos($first_chars,"<MOODLE_BACKUP>");
return $status;
//This function iterates over all modules in backup file, searching for a
//MODNAME_refresh_events() to execute. Perhaps it should ve moved to central Moodle...
function restore_refresh_events($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Take all modules in backup
$modules = $restore->mods;
foreach($modules as $name => $module) {
//Only if the module is being restored
if ($module->restore == 1) {
//Include module library
//If module_refresh_events exists
$function_name = $name."_refresh_events";
if (function_exists($function_name)) {
$status = $function_name($restore->course_id);
return $status;
//This function makes all the necessary calls to xxxx_decode_content_links_caller()
//function in each module, passing them the desired contents to be decoded
//from backup format to destination site/course in order to mantain inter-activities
//working in the backup/restore process
function restore_decode_content_links($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($restore->mods as $name => $info) {
//If the module is being restored
if ($info->restore == 1) {
//Check if the xxxx_decode_content_links_caller exists
$function_name = $name."_decode_content_links_caller";
if (function_exists($function_name)) {
echo "<li>".get_string ("to")." ".get_string("modulenameplural",$name);
$status = $function_name($restore);
echo '</li>';
echo "</ul>";
return $status;
//This function converts all the wiki texts in the restored course
//to the Markdown format. Used only for backup files prior 2005041100.
//It calls every module xxxx_convert_wiki2markdown function
function restore_convert_wiki2markdown($restore) {
$status = true;
echo "<ul>";
foreach ($restore->mods as $name => $info) {
//If the module is being restored
if ($info->restore == 1) {
//Check if the xxxx_restore_wiki2markdown exists
$function_name = $name."_restore_wiki2markdown";
if (function_exists($function_name)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("modulenameplural",$name);
$status = $function_name($restore);
echo '</li>';
echo "</ul>";
return $status;
//This function receives a wiki text in the restore process and
//return it with every link to modules " modulename:moduleid"
//converted if possible. See the space before modulename!!
function restore_decode_wiki_content($content,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$result = $content;
$searchstring='/ ([a-zA-Z]+):([0-9]+)\(([^)]+)\)/';
//We look for it
//If found, then we are going to look for its new id (in backup tables)
if ($foundset[0]) {
//print_object($foundset); //Debug
//Iterate over foundset[2]. They are the old_ids
foreach($foundset[2] as $old_id) {
//We get the needed variables here (course id)
$rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$old_id);
//Personalize the searchstring
$searchstring='/ ([a-zA-Z]+):'.$old_id.'\(([^)]+)\)/';
//If it is a link to this course, update the link to its new location
if($rec->new_id) {
//Now replace it
$result= preg_replace($searchstring,' $1:'.$rec->new_id.'($2)',$result);
} else {
//It's a foreign link so redirect it to its original URL
$result= preg_replace($searchstring,$restore->original_wwwroot.'/mod/$1/view.php?id='.$old_id.'($2)',$result);
return $result;
//This function read the xml file and store it data from the info zone in an object
function restore_read_xml_info ($xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = INFO
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"INFO",false);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store it data from the course header zone in an object
function restore_read_xml_course_header ($xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = COURSE_HEADER
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"COURSE_HEADER",false);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the blocks in a object
function restore_read_xml_blocks ($xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = BLOCKS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,'BLOCKS',false);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the sections in a object
function restore_read_xml_sections ($xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = SECTIONS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"SECTIONS",false);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the metacourse in a object
function restore_read_xml_metacourse ($xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = METACOURSE
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"METACOURSE",false);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the users in
//backup_ids->info db (and user's id in $info)
function restore_read_xml_users ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = USERS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"USERS",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the messages in
//backup_ids->message backup_ids->message_read and backup_ids->contact and db (and their counters in info)
function restore_read_xml_messages ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = MESSAGES
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"MESSAGES",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the questions in
//backup_ids->info db (and category's id in $info)
function restore_read_xml_questions ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = QUESTIONS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"QUESTIONS",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the scales in
//backup_ids->info db (and scale's id in $info)
function restore_read_xml_scales ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = SCALES
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"SCALES",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the groups in
//backup_ids->info db (and group's id in $info)
function restore_read_xml_groups ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = GROUPS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"GROUPS",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the events (course) in
//backup_ids->info db (and event's id in $info)
function restore_read_xml_events ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = EVENTS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"EVENTS",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the modules in
function restore_read_xml_modules ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = MODULES
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"MODULES",$restore);
return $info;
//This function read the xml file and store its data from the logs in
function restore_read_xml_logs ($restore,$xml_file) {
//We call the main read_xml function, with todo = LOGS
$info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"LOGS",$restore);
return $info;
//This function prints the contents from the info parammeter passed
function restore_print_info ($info) {
$status = true;
if ($info) {
//This is tha align to every ingo table
$table->align = array ("right","left");
//This is the nowrap clause
$table->wrap = array ("","nowrap");
//The width
$table->width = "70%";
//Put interesting info in table
//The backup original name
$tab[0][0] = "<b>".get_string("backuporiginalname").":</b>";
$tab[0][1] = $info->backup_name;
//The moodle version
$tab[1][0] = "<b>".get_string("moodleversion").":</b>";
$tab[1][1] = $info->backup_moodle_release." (".$info->backup_moodle_version.")";
//The backup version
$tab[2][0] = "<b>".get_string("backupversion").":</b>";
$tab[2][1] = $info->backup_backup_release." (".$info->backup_backup_version.")";
//The backup date
$tab[3][0] = "<b>".get_string("backupdate").":</b>";
$tab[3][1] = userdate($info->backup_date);
//Print title
$table->data = $tab;
//Print backup general info
//Now backup contents in another table
$tab = array();
//First mods info
$mods = $info->mods;
$elem = 0;
foreach ($mods as $key => $mod) {
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("modulenameplural",$key).":</b>";
if ($mod->backup == "false") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("notincluded");
} else {
if ($mod->userinfo == "true") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withuserdata");
} else {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withoutuserdata");
//Metacourse info
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("metacourse").":</b>";
if ($info->backup_metacourse == "true") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes");
} else {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no");
//Users info
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("users").":</b>";
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string($info->backup_users);
//Logs info
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("logs").":</b>";
if ($info->backup_logs == "true") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes");
} else {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no");
//User Files info
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("userfiles").":</b>";
if ($info->backup_user_files == "true") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes");
} else {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no");
//Course Files info
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string("coursefiles").":</b>";
if ($info->backup_course_files == "true") {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes");
} else {
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no");
//Messages info (only showed if present)
if ($info->backup_messages == 'true') {
$tab[$elem][0] = "<b>".get_string('messages','message').":</b>";
$tab[$elem][1] = get_string('yes');
} else {
//Do nothing
$table->data = $tab;
//Print title
//Print backup general info
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function prints the contents from the course_header parammeter passed
function restore_print_course_header ($course_header) {
$status = true;
if ($course_header) {
//This is tha align to every ingo table
$table->align = array ("right","left");
//The width
$table->width = "70%";
//Put interesting course header in table
//The course name
$tab[0][0] = "<b>".get_string("name").":</b>";
$tab[0][1] = $course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")";
//The course summary
$tab[1][0] = "<b>".get_string("summary").":</b>";
$tab[1][1] = $course_header->course_summary;
$table->data = $tab;
//Print title
//Print backup course header info
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function create a new course record.
//When finished, course_header contains the id of the new course
function restore_create_new_course($restore,&$course_header) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$fullname = $course_header->course_fullname;
$shortname = $course_header->course_shortname;
$currentfullname = "";
$currentshortname = "";
$counter = 0;
//Iteratere while the name exists
do {
if ($counter) {
$suffixfull = " ".get_string("copy")." ".$counter;
$suffixshort = "_".$counter;
} else {
$suffixfull = "";
$suffixshort = "";
$currentfullname = $fullname.$suffixfull;
$currentshortname = $shortname.$suffixshort;
$course = get_record("course","fullname",addslashes($currentfullname));
} while ($course);
//New name = currentname
$course_header->course_fullname = $currentfullname;
$course_header->course_shortname = $currentshortname;
//Now calculate the category
$category = get_record("course_categories","id",$course_header->category->id,
//If no exists, try by name only
if (!$category) {
$category = get_record("course_categories","name",addslashes($course_header->category->name));
//If no exists, get category id 1
if (!$category) {
$category = get_record("course_categories","id","1");
//If category 1 doesn'exists, lets create the course category (get it from backup file)
if (!$category) {
$ins_category->name = addslashes($course_header->category->name);
$ins_category->parent = 0;
$ins_category->sortorder = 0;
$ins_category->coursecount = 0;
$ins_category->visible = 0; //To avoid interferences with the rest of the site
$ins_category->timemodified = time();
$newid = insert_record("course_categories",$ins_category);
$category->id = $newid;
$category->name = $course_header->category->name;
//If exists, put new category id
if ($category) {
$course_header->category->id = $category->id;
$course_header->category->name = $category->name;
//Error, cannot locate category
} else {
$course_header->category->id = 0;
$course_header->category->name = get_string("unknowncategory");
$status = false;
//Create the course_object
if ($status) {
$course->category = addslashes($course_header->category->id);
$course->password = addslashes($course_header->course_password);
$course->fullname = addslashes($course_header->course_fullname);
$course->shortname = addslashes($course_header->course_shortname);
$course->idnumber = addslashes($course_header->course_idnumber);
$course->idnumber = ''; //addslashes($course_header->course_idnumber); // we don't want this at all.
$course->summary = restore_decode_absolute_links(addslashes($course_header->course_summary));
$course->format = addslashes($course_header->course_format);
$course->showgrades = addslashes($course_header->course_showgrades);
$course->newsitems = addslashes($course_header->course_newsitems);
$course->teacher = addslashes($course_header->course_teacher);
$course->teachers = addslashes($course_header->course_teachers);
$course->student = addslashes($course_header->course_student);
$course->students = addslashes($course_header->course_students);
$course->guest = addslashes($course_header->course_guest);
$course->startdate = addslashes($course_header->course_startdate);
$course->enrolperiod = addslashes($course_header->course_enrolperiod);
$course->numsections = addslashes($course_header->course_numsections);
//$course->showrecent = addslashes($course_header->course_showrecent); INFO: This is out in 1.3
$course->maxbytes = addslashes($course_header->course_maxbytes);
$course->showreports = addslashes($course_header->course_showreports);
$course->groupmode = addslashes($course_header->course_groupmode);
$course->groupmodeforce = addslashes($course_header->course_groupmodeforce);
$course->lang = addslashes($course_header->course_lang);
$course->theme = addslashes($course_header->course_theme);
$course->cost = addslashes($course_header->course_cost);
$course->marker = addslashes($course_header->course_marker);
$course->visible = addslashes($course_header->course_visible);
$course->hiddensections = addslashes($course_header->course_hiddensections);
$course->timecreated = addslashes($course_header->course_timecreated);
$course->timemodified = addslashes($course_header->course_timemodified);
$course->metacourse = addslashes($course_header->course_metacourse);
//Calculate sortorder field
$sortmax = get_record_sql('SELECT MAX(sortorder) AS max
FROM ' . $CFG->prefix . 'course
WHERE category=' . $course->category);
if (!empty($sortmax->max)) {
$course->sortorder = $sortmax->max + 1;
} else {
$course->sortorder = 100;
//Now, recode some languages (Moodle 1.5)
if ($course->lang == 'ma_nt') {
$course->lang = 'mi_nt';
//Disable course->metacourse if avoided in restore config
if (!$restore->metacourse) {
$course->metacourse = 0;
//Check if the theme exists in destination server
$themes = get_list_of_themes();
if (!in_array($course->theme, $themes)) {
$course->theme = '';
//Now insert the record
$newid = insert_record("course",$course);
if ($newid) {
//save old and new course id
backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course",$course_header->course_id,$newid);
//Replace old course_id in course_header
$course_header->course_id = $newid;
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the block stuff when restoring courses
//It calls selectively to restore_create_block_instances() for 1.5
//and above backups. Upwards compatible with old blocks.
function restore_create_blocks($restore, $backup_block_format, $blockinfo, $xml_file) {
$status = true;
delete_records('block_instance', 'pageid', $restore->course_id, 'pagetype', PAGE_COURSE_VIEW);
if (empty($backup_block_format)) { // This is a backup from Moodle < 1.5
if (empty($blockinfo)) {
// Looks like it's from Moodle < 1.3. Let's give the course default blocks...
$newpage = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $restore->course_id);
} else {
// We just have a blockinfo field, this is a legacy 1.4 or 1.3 backup
$blockrecords = get_records_select('block', '', '', 'name, id');
$temp_blocks_l = array();
$temp_blocks_r = array();
@list($temp_blocks_l, $temp_blocks_r) = explode(':', $blockinfo);
$temp_blocks = array(BLOCK_POS_LEFT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_l), BLOCK_POS_RIGHT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_r));
foreach($temp_blocks as $blockposition => $blocks) {
$blockweight = 0;
foreach($blocks as $blockname) {
if(!isset($blockrecords[$blockname])) {
// We don't know anything about this block!
$blockinstance = new stdClass;
// Remove any - prefix before doing the name-to-id mapping
if(substr($blockname, 0, 1) == '-') {
$blockname = substr($blockname, 1);
$blockinstance->visible = 0;
} else {
$blockinstance->visible = 1;
$blockinstance->blockid = $blockrecords[$blockname]->id;
$blockinstance->pageid = $restore->course_id;
$blockinstance->pagetype = PAGE_COURSE_VIEW;
$blockinstance->position = $blockposition;
$blockinstance->weight = $blockweight;
if(!$status = insert_record('block_instance', $blockinstance)) {
$status = false;
} else if($backup_block_format == 'instances') {
$status = restore_create_block_instances($restore,$xml_file);
return $status;
//This function creates all the block_instances from xml when restoring in a
//new course
function restore_create_block_instances($restore,$xml_file) {
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
$info = restore_read_xml_blocks($xml_file);
if(empty($info->instances)) {
return $status;
// First of all, iterate over the blocks to see which distinct pages we have
// in our hands and arrange the blocks accordingly.
$pageinstances = array();
foreach($info->instances as $instance) {
//pagetype and pageid black magic, we have to handle the case of blocks for the
//course, blocks from other pages in that course etc etc etc.
if($instance->pagetype == PAGE_COURSE_VIEW) {
// This one's easy...
$instance->pageid = $restore->course_id;
else {
$parts = explode('-', $instance->pagetype);
if($parts[0] == 'mod') {
if(!$restore->mods[$parts[1]]->restore) {
$getid = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $parts[1], $instance->pageid);
$instance->pageid = $getid->new_id;
else {
// Not invented here ;-)
if(!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype])) {
$pageinstances[$instance->pagetype] = array();
if(!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid])) {
$pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid] = array();
$pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid][] = $instance;
$blocks = get_records_select('block', '', '', 'name, id, multiple');
// For each type of page we have restored
foreach($pageinstances as $thistypeinstances) {
// For each page id of that type
foreach($thistypeinstances as $thisidinstances) {
$addedblocks = array();
$maxweights = array();
// For each block instance in that page
foreach($thisidinstances as $instance) {
if(!isset($blocks[$instance->name])) {
//We are trying to restore a block we don't have...
//If we have already added this block once and multiples aren't allowed, disregard it
if(!$blocks[$instance->name]->multiple && isset($addedblocks[$instance->name])) {
//If its the first block we add to a new position, start weight counter equal to 0.
if(empty($maxweights[$instance->position])) {
$maxweights[$instance->position] = 0;
//If the instance weight is greater than the weight counter (we skipped some earlier
//blocks most probably), bring it back in line.
if($instance->weight > $maxweights[$instance->position]) {
$instance->weight = $maxweights[$instance->position];
//Add this instance
$instance->blockid = $blocks[$instance->name]->id;
if(!insert_record('block_instance', $instance)) {
$status = false;
//Now we can increment the weight counter
//Keep track of block types we have already added
$addedblocks[$instance->name] = true;
return $status;
//This function creates all the course_sections and course_modules from xml
//when restoring in a new course or simply checks sections and create records
//in backup_ids when restoring in a existing course
function restore_create_sections($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG,$db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
$info = restore_read_xml_sections($xml_file);
//Put the info in the DB, recoding ids and saving the in backup tables
$sequence = "";
if ($info) {
//For each, section, save it to db
foreach ($info->sections as $key => $sect) {
$sequence = "";
$section->course = $restore->course_id;
$section->section = $sect->number;
$section->summary = restore_decode_absolute_links(addslashes($sect->summary));
$section->visible = $sect->visible;
$section->sequence = "";
//Now calculate the section's newid
$newid = 0;
if ($restore->restoreto == 2) {
//Save it to db (only if restoring to new course)
$newid = insert_record("course_sections",$section);
} else {
//Get section id when restoring in existing course
$rec = get_record("course_sections","course",$restore->course_id,
//If that section doesn't exist, get section 0 (every mod will be
//asigned there
if(!$rec) {
$rec = get_record("course_sections","course",$restore->course_id,
//New check. If section 0 doesn't exist, insert it here !!
//Teorically this never should happen but, in practice, some users
//have reported this issue.
if(!$rec) {
$zero_sec->course = $restore->course_id;
$zero_sec->section = 0;
$zero_sec->summary = "";
$zero_sec->sequence = "";
$newid = insert_record("course_sections",$zero_sec);
$rec->id = $newid;
$rec->sequence = "";
$newid = $rec->id;
$sequence = $rec->sequence;
if ($newid) {
//save old and new section id
backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_sections",$key,$newid);
} else {
$status = false;
//If all is OK, go with associated mods
if ($status) {
//If we have mods in the section
if (!empty($sect->mods)) {
//For each mod inside section
foreach ($sect->mods as $keym => $mod) {
//Check if we've to restore this module
if ($restore->mods[$mod->type]->restore) {
//Get the module id from modules
$module = get_record("modules","name",$mod->type);
if ($module) {
$course_module->course = $restore->course_id;
$course_module->module = $module->id;
$course_module->section = $newid;
$course_module->added = $mod->added;
$course_module->deleted = $mod->deleted;
$course_module->score = $mod->score;
$course_module->indent = $mod->indent;
$course_module->visible = $mod->visible;
$course_module->groupmode = $mod->groupmode;
$course_module->instance = 0;
//NOTE: The instance (new) is calculated and updated in db in the
// final step of the restore. We don't know it yet.
//print_object($course_module); //Debug
//Save it to db
$newidmod = insert_record("course_modules",$course_module);
if ($newidmod) {
//save old and new module id
//In the info field, we save the original instance of the module
//to use it later
backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",
} else {
$status = false;
//Now, calculate the sequence field
if ($status) {
if ($sequence) {
$sequence .= ",".$newidmod;
} else {
$sequence = $newidmod;
} else {
$status = false;
//If all is OK, update sequence field in course_sections
if ($status) {
if (isset($sequence)) {
$update_rec->id = $newid;
$update_rec->sequence = $sequence;
$status = update_record("course_sections",$update_rec);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the metacourse data from xml, notifying
//about each incidence
function restore_create_metacourse($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG,$db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//Load data from XML to info
$info = restore_read_xml_metacourse($xml_file);
//Process info about metacourse
if ($status and $info) {
//Process child records
if ($info->childs) {
foreach ($info->childs as $child) {
$dbcourse = false;
$dbmetacourse = false;
//Check if child course exists in destination server
//(by id in the same server or by idnumber and shortname in other server)
if ($restore->original_wwwroot == $CFG->wwwroot) {
//Same server, lets see by id
$dbcourse = get_record('course','id',$child->id);
} else {
//Different server, lets see by idnumber and shortname, and only ONE record
$dbcount = count_records('course','idnumber',$child->idnumber,'shortname',$child->shortname);
if ($dbcount == 1) {
$dbcourse = get_record('course','idnumber',$child->idnumber,'shortname',$child->shortname);
//If child course has been found, insert data
if ($dbcourse) {
$dbmetacourse->child_course = $dbcourse->id;
$dbmetacourse->parent_course = $restore->course_id;
$status = insert_record ('course_meta',$dbmetacourse);
} else {
//Child course not found, notice!
echo '<ul><li>'.get_string ('childcoursenotfound').' ('.$child->id.'/'.$child->idnumber.'/'.$child->shortname.')</li></ul>';
//Now, recreate student enrolments...
//Process parent records
if ($info->parents) {
foreach ($info->parents as $parent) {
$dbcourse = false;
$dbmetacourse = false;
//Check if parent course exists in destination server
//(by id in the same server or by idnumber and shortname in other server)
if ($restore->original_wwwroot == $CFG->wwwroot) {
//Same server, lets see by id
$dbcourse = get_record('course','id',$parent->id);
} else {
//Different server, lets see by idnumber and shortname, and only ONE record
$dbcount = count_records('course','idnumber',$parent->idnumber,'shortname',$parent->shortname);
if ($dbcount == 1) {
$dbcourse = get_record('course','idnumber',$parent->idnumber,'shortname',$parent->shortname);
//If parent course has been found, insert data if it is a metacourse
if ($dbcourse) {
if ($dbcourse->metacourse) {
$dbmetacourse->parent_course = $dbcourse->id;
$dbmetacourse->child_course = $restore->course_id;
$status = insert_record ('course_meta',$dbmetacourse);
//Now, recreate student enrolments in parent course
} else {
//Parent course isn't metacourse, notice!
echo '<ul><li>'.get_string ('parentcoursenotmetacourse').' ('.$parent->id.'/'.$parent->idnumber.'/'.$parent->shortname.')</li></ul>';
} else {
//Parent course not found, notice!
echo '<ul><li>'.get_string ('parentcoursenotfound').' ('.$parent->id.'/'.$parent->idnumber.'/'.$parent->shortname.')</li></ul>';
return $status;
//This function creates all the user, user_students, user_teachers
//user_course_creators and user_admins from xml
function restore_create_users($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the old_id of every user
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_users($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, get evey user_id from $info and user data from $backup_ids
//and create the necessary records (users, user_students, user_teachers
//user_course_creators and user_admins
if (!empty($info->users)) {
//For each user, take its info from backup_ids
foreach ($info->users as $userid) {
$rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid);
$user = $rec->info;
//Now, recode some languages (Moodle 1.5)
if ($user->lang == 'ma_nt') {
$user->lang = 'mi_nt';
//Check if it's admin and coursecreator
$is_admin = !empty($user->roles['admin']);
$is_coursecreator = !empty($user->roles['coursecreator']);
//Check if it's teacher and student
$is_teacher = !empty($user->roles['teacher']);
$is_student = !empty($user->roles['student']);
//Check if it's needed
$is_needed = !empty($user->roles['needed']);
//Calculate if it is a course user
//Has role teacher or student or needed
$is_course_user = ($is_teacher or $is_student or $is_needed);
//To store new ids created
//check if it exists (by username) and get its id
$user_exists = true;
$user_data = get_record("user","username",addslashes($user->username));
if (!$user_data) {
$user_exists = false;
} else {
$newid = $user_data->id;
//Flags to see if we have to create the user, roles and preferences
$create_user = true;
$create_roles = true;
$create_preferences = true;
//If we are restoring course users and it isn't a course user
if ($restore->users == 1 and !$is_course_user) {
//If only restoring course_users and user isn't a course_user, inform to $backup_ids
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,null,'notincourse');
$create_user = false;
$create_roles = false;
$create_preferences = false;
if ($user_exists and $create_user) {
//If user exists mark its newid in backup_ids (the same than old)
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,'exists');
$create_user = false;
//Here, if create_user, do it
if ($create_user) {
//Unset the id because it's going to be inserted with a new one
unset ($user->id);
//We addslashes to necessary fields
$user->username = addslashes($user->username);
$user->firstname = addslashes($user->firstname);
$user->lastname = addslashes($user->lastname);
$user->email = addslashes($user->email);
$user->institution = addslashes($user->institution);
$user->department = addslashes($user->department);
$user->address = addslashes($user->address);
$user->city = addslashes($user->city);
$user->url = addslashes($user->url);
$user->description = restore_decode_absolute_links(addslashes($user->description));
//We need to analyse the AUTH field to recode it:
// - if the field isn't set, we are in a pre 1.4 backup and we'll
// use $CFG->auth
// - if the destination site has any kind of INTERNAL authentication,
// then apply it to the new user.
// - if the destination site has any kind of EXTERNAL authentication,
// then leave the original authentication of the user.
if ((! isset($user->auth)) || is_internal_auth($CFG->auth)) {
$user->auth = $CFG->auth;
//We need to process the POLICYAGREED field to recalculate it:
// - if the destination site is different (by wwwroot) reset it.
// - if the destination site is the same (by wwwroot), leave it unmodified
if ($restore->original_wwwroot != $CFG->wwwroot) {
$user->policyagreed = 0;
} else {
//Nothing to do, we are in the same server
//Check if the theme exists in destination server
$themes = get_list_of_themes();
if (!in_array($user->theme, $themes)) {
$user->theme = '';
//We are going to create the user
//The structure is exactly as we need
$newid = insert_record ("user",$user);
//Put the new id
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,"new");
//Here, if create_roles, do it as necessary
if ($create_roles) {
//Get the newid and current info from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid);
$newid = $data->new_id;
$currinfo = $data->info.",";
//Now, depending of the role, create records in user_studentes and user_teacher
//and/or mark it in backup_ids
if ($is_admin) {
//If the record (user_admins) doesn't exists
if (!record_exists("user_admins","userid",$newid)) {
//Only put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."admin,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
if ($is_coursecreator) {
//If the record (user_coursecreators) doesn't exists
if (!record_exists("user_coursecreators","userid",$newid)) {
//Only put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."coursecreator,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
if ($is_needed) {
//Only put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."needed,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
if ($is_teacher) {
//If the record (teacher) doesn't exists
if (!record_exists("user_teachers","userid",$newid,"course", $restore->course_id)) {
//Put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."teacher,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
//Set course and user
$user->roles['teacher']->course = $restore->course_id;
$user->roles['teacher']->userid = $newid;
//Need to analyse the enrol field
// - if it isn't set, set it to $CFG->enrol
// - if we are in a different server (by wwwroot), set it to $CFG->enrol
// - if we are in the same server (by wwwroot), maintain it unmodified.
if (empty($user->roles['teacher']->enrol)) {
$user->roles['teacher']->enrol = $CFG->enrol;
} else if ($restore->original_wwwroot != $CFG->wwwroot) {
$user->roles['teacher']->enrol = $CFG->enrol;
} else {
//Nothing to do. Leave it unmodified
//Insert data in user_teachers
//The structure is exactly as we need
$status = insert_record("user_teachers",$user->roles['teacher']);
if ($is_student) {
//If the record (student) doesn't exists
if (!record_exists("user_students","userid",$newid,"course", $restore->course_id)) {
//Put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."student,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
//Set course and user
$user->roles['student']->course = $restore->course_id;
$user->roles['student']->userid = $newid;
//Need to analyse the enrol field
// - if it isn't set, set it to $CFG->enrol
// - if we are in a different server (by wwwroot), set it to $CFG->enrol
// - if we are in the same server (by wwwroot), maintain it unmodified.
if (empty($user->roles['student']->enrol)) {
$user->roles['student']->enrol = $CFG->enrol;
} else if ($restore->original_wwwroot != $CFG->wwwroot) {
$user->roles['student']->enrol = $CFG->enrol;
} else {
//Nothing to do. Leave it unmodified
//Insert data in user_students
//The structure is exactly as we need
$status = insert_record("user_students",$user->roles['student']);
if (!$is_course_user) {
//If the record (user) doesn't exists
if (!record_exists("user","id",$newid)) {
//Put status in backup_ids
$currinfo = $currinfo."user,";
$status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo);
//Here, if create_preferences, do it as necessary
if ($create_preferences) {
//echo "Checking for preferences of user ".$user->username."<br />"; //Debug
//Get user new id from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid);
$newid = $data->new_id;
if (isset($user->user_preferences)) {
//echo "Preferences exist in backup file<br />"; //Debug
foreach($user->user_preferences as $user_preference) {
//echo $user_preference->name." = ".$user_preference->value."<br />"; //Debug
//We check if that user_preference exists in DB
if (!record_exists("user_preferences","userid",$newid,"name",$user_preference->name)) {
//echo "Creating it<br />"; //Debug
//Prepare the record and insert it
$user_preference->userid = $newid;
$status = insert_record("user_preferences",$user_preference);
return $status;
//This function creates all the structures messages and contacts
function restore_create_messages($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the id and name of every table
//(message, message_read and message_contacts)
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_messages($restore,$xml_file);
//If we have info, then process messages & contacts
if ($info > 0) {
//Count how many we have
$unreadcount = count_records ('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'message');
$readcount = count_records ('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'message_read');
$contactcount = count_records ('backup_ids', 'backup_code', $restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name', 'message_contacts');
if ($unreadcount || $readcount || $contactcount) {
//Start ul
echo '<ul>';
//Number of records to get in every chunk
$recordset_size = 4;
//Process unread
if ($unreadcount) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('unreadmessages','message').'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $unreadcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = get_records_select("backup_ids","table_name = 'message' AND backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code'","old_id","old_id, old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE record structure
$dbrec->useridfrom = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDFROM']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->useridto = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDTO']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->message = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->messagetype = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGETYPE']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the useridfrom field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridfrom);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridfrom." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridfrom = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the useridto field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridto);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridto." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridto = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = get_record('message','useridfrom',$dbrec->useridfrom,
'useridto', $dbrec->useridto,
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = insert_record('message',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Process read
if ($readcount) {
echo '<li>'.get_string('readmessages','message').'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $readcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = get_records_select("backup_ids","table_name = 'message_read' AND backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code'","old_id","old_id, old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message_read",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE_READ record structure
$dbrec->useridfrom = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDFROM']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->useridto = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['USERIDTO']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->message = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timecreated = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->messagetype = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MESSAGETYPE']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->timeread = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['TIMEREAD']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->mailed = backup_todb($info['MESSAGE']['#']['MAILED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the useridfrom field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridfrom);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridfrom." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridfrom = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the useridto field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->useridto);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->useridto." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->useridto = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = get_record('message_read','useridfrom',$dbrec->useridfrom,
'useridto', $dbrec->useridto,
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = insert_record('message_read',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Process contacts
if ($contactcount) {
echo '<li>'.strtolower(get_string('contacts','message')).'</li>';
$counter = 0;
while ($counter < $contactcount) {
//Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration
$recs = get_records_select("backup_ids","table_name = 'message_contacts' AND backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code'","old_id","old_id, old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
if ($recs) {
foreach ($recs as $rec) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"message_contacts",$rec->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the MESSAGE_CONTACTS record structure
$dbrec->userid = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->contactid = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['CONTACTID']['0']['#']);
$dbrec->blocked = backup_todb($info['CONTACT']['#']['BLOCKED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->userid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->userid = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the contactid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->contactid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dbrec->contactid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dbrec->contactid = $user->new_id;
//Check if the record doesn't exist in DB!
$exist = get_record('message_contacts','userid',$dbrec->userid,
'contactid', $dbrec->contactid);
if (!$exist) {
//Not exist. Insert
$status = insert_record('message_contacts',$dbrec);
} else {
//Duplicate. Do nothing
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//End ul
echo '</ul>';
return $status;
//This function creates all the categories and questions
//from xml (STEP1 of quiz restore)
function restore_create_questions($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the old_id of every category
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_questions($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, if we have anything in info, we have to restore that
if ($info) {
if ($info !== true) {
//Iterate over each category
foreach ($info as $category) {
//Skip empty categories (some backups can contain them)
if (!empty($category->id)) {
$catrestore = "quiz_restore_question_categories";
if (function_exists($catrestore)) {
//print_object ($category); //Debug
$status = $catrestore($category,$restore);
} else {
//Something was wrong. Function should exist.
$status = false;
//Now we have to recode the parent field of each restored category
$categories = get_records_sql("SELECT old_id, new_id
FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
WHERE backup_code = $restore->backup_unique_code AND
table_name = 'quiz_categories'");
if ($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$restoredcategory = get_record('quiz_categories','id',$category->new_id);
if ($restoredcategory->parent != 0) {
//echo 'Parent '.$restoredcategory->parent.' is '; //Debug
$idcat = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,'quiz_categories',$restoredcategory->parent);
if ($idcat->new_id) {
$restoredcategory->parent = $idcat->new_id;
} else {
$restoredcategory->parent = 0;
//echo $restoredcategory->parent.' now<br />'; //Debug
update_record('quiz_categories', $restoredcategory);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the scales
function restore_create_scales($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//scales will contain the old_id of every scale
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$scales = restore_read_xml_scales($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, if we have anything in scales, we have to restore that
if ($scales) {
//Get admin->id for later use
$admin = get_admin();
$adminid = $admin->id;
if ($scales !== true) {
//Iterate over each scale
foreach ($scales as $scale) {
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"scale",$scale->id);
//Init variables
$create_scale = false;
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the SCALE record structure
$sca->courseid = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']);
$sca->userid = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$sca->name = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$sca->scale = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['SCALETEXT']['0']['#']);
$sca->description = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
$sca->timemodified = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//Now search if that scale exists (by scale field) in course 0 (Standar scale)
//or in restore->course_id course (Personal scale)
if ($sca->courseid == 0) {
$course_to_search = 0;
} else {
$course_to_search = $restore->course_id;
$sca_db = get_record("scale","scale",$sca->scale,"courseid",$course_to_search);
//If it doesn't exist, create
if (!$sca_db) {
$create_scale = true;
//If we must create the scale
if ($create_scale) {
//Me must recode the courseid if it's <> 0 (common scale)
if ($sca->courseid != 0) {
$sca->courseid = $restore->course_id;
//We must recode the userid
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$sca->userid);
if ($user) {
$sca->userid = $user->new_id;
} else {
//Assign it to admin
$sca->userid = $adminid;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the scale
$newid = insert_record ("scale",$sca);
} else {
//get current scale id
$newid = $sca_db->id;
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$scale->id, $newid);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the groups
function restore_create_groups($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $db;
$status = true;
$status2 = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//groups will contain the old_id of every group
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$groups = restore_read_xml_groups($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, if we have anything in groups, we have to restore that
if ($groups) {
if ($groups !== true) {
//Iterate over each group
foreach ($groups as $group) {
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"group",$group->id);
//Init variables
$create_group = false;
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the GROUP record structure
$gro->courseid = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']);
$gro->name = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$gro->description = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
$gro->password = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['PASSWORD']['0']['#']);
$gro->lang = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['LANG']['0']['#']);
$gro->theme = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['THEME']['0']['#']);
$gro->picture = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['PICTURE']['0']['#']);
$gro->hidepicture = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['HIDEPICTURE']['0']['#']);
$gro->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']);
$gro->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//Now search if that group exists (by name and description field) in
//restore->course_id course
$gro_db = get_record("groups","courseid",$restore->course_id,"name",$gro->name,"description",$gro->description);
//If it doesn't exist, create
if (!$gro_db) {
$create_group = true;
//If we must create the group
if ($create_group) {
//Me must recode the courseid to the restore->course_id
$gro->courseid = $restore->course_id;
//Check if the theme exists in destination server
$themes = get_list_of_themes();
if (!in_array($gro->theme, $themes)) {
$gro->theme = '';
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the group
$newid = insert_record ("groups",$gro);
} else {
//get current group id
$newid = $gro_db->id;
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$group->id, $newid);
//Now restore members in the groups_members, only if
//users are included
if ($restore->users != 2) {
$status2 = restore_create_groups_members($newid,$info,$restore);
//Now, restore group_files
if ($status && $status2) {
$status2 = restore_group_files($restore);
} else {
$status = false;
return ($status && $status2);
//This function restores the groups_members
function restore_create_groups_members($group_id,$info,$restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Get the members array
$members = $info['GROUP']['#']['MEMBERS']['0']['#']['MEMBER'];
//Iterate over members
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($members); $i++) {
$mem_info = $members[$i];
//traverse_xmlize($mem_info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, build the GROUPS_MEMBERS record structure
$group_member->groupid = $group_id;
$group_member->userid = backup_todb($mem_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$group_member->timeadded = backup_todb($mem_info['#']['TIMEADDED']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$group_member->userid);
if ($user) {
$group_member->userid = $user->new_id;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the groups_members
$newid = insert_record ("groups_members",$group_member);
//Do some output
if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) {
echo ".";
if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if (!$newid) {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the course events
function restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG, $db;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//events will contain the old_id of every event
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$events = restore_read_xml_events($restore,$xml_file);
//Get admin->id for later use
$admin = get_admin();
$adminid = $admin->id;
//Now, if we have anything in events, we have to restore that
if ($events) {
if ($events !== true) {
//Iterate over each event
foreach ($events as $event) {
//Get record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event",$event->id);
//Init variables
$create_event = false;
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the EVENT record structure
$eve->name = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']);
$eve->description = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']);
$eve->format = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']);
$eve->courseid = $restore->course_id;
$eve->groupid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']);
$eve->userid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$eve->modulename = "";
$eve->instance = 0;
$eve->eventtype = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['EVENTTYPE']['0']['#']);
$eve->timestart = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMESTART']['0']['#']);
$eve->timeduration = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEDURATION']['0']['#']);
$eve->visible = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['VISIBLE']['0']['#']);
$eve->timemodified = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']);
//Now search if that event exists (by description and timestart field) in
//restore->course_id course
$eve_db = get_record("event","courseid",$eve->courseid,"description",$eve->description,"timestart",$eve->timestart);
//If it doesn't exist, create
if (!$eve_db) {
$create_event = true;
//If we must create the event
if ($create_event) {
//We must recode the userid
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$eve->userid);
if ($user) {
$eve->userid = $user->new_id;
} else {
//Assign it to admin
$eve->userid = $adminid;
//We have to recode the groupid field
$group = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"group",$eve->groupid);
if ($group) {
$eve->groupid = $group->new_id;
} else {
//Assign it to group 0
$eve->groupid = 0;
//The structure is equal to the db, so insert the event
$newid = insert_record ("event",$eve);
} else {
//get current event id
$newid = $eve_db->id;
if ($newid) {
//We have the newid, update backup_ids
$event->id, $newid);
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function decode things to make restore multi-site fully functional
//It does this conversions:
// - $@FILEPHP@$ ---|------------> $CFG->wwwroot/file.php/courseid (slasharguments on)
// |------------> $CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/courseid (slasharguments off)
//Note: Inter-activities linking is being implemented as a final
//step in the restore execution, because we need to have it
//finished to know all the oldid, newid equivaleces
function restore_decode_absolute_links($content) {
global $CFG,$restore;
//Now decode wwwroot and file.php calls
$search = array ("$@FILEPHP@$");
//Check for the status of the slasharguments config variable
$slash = $CFG->slasharguments;
//Build the replace string as needed
if ($slash == 1) {
$replace = array ($CFG->wwwroot."/file.php/".$restore->course_id);
} else {
$replace = array ($CFG->wwwroot."/file.php?file=/".$restore->course_id);
$result = str_replace($search,$replace,$content);
if ($result != $content && $CFG->debug>7) { //Debug
echo "<br /><hr />".$content."<br />changed to<br />".$result."<hr /><br />"; //Debug
} //Debug
return $result;
//This function restores the userfiles from the temp (user_files) directory to the
//dataroot/users directory
function restore_user_files($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$counter = 0;
//First, we check to "users" exists and create is as necessary
//in CFG->dataroot
$dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/users";
$status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true);
//Now, we iterate over "user_files" records to check if that user dir must be
//copied (and renamed) to the "users" dir.
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/user_files";
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
$list = list_directories ($rootdir);
if ($list) {
$counter = 0;
foreach ($list as $dir) {
//Look for dir like username in backup_ids
$data = get_record ("backup_ids","backup_code",$restore->backup_unique_code,
//If thar user exists in backup_ids
if ($data) {
//Only it user has been created now
//or if it existed previously, but he hasn't image (see bug 1123)
if ((strpos($data->info,"new") !== false) or
(!check_dir_exists($dest_dir."/".$data->new_id,false))) {
//Copy the old_dir to its new location (and name) !!
//Only if destination doesn't exists
if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$data->new_id)) {
$status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir,
$counter ++;
//Do some output
if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 40 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform
if ($status and $counter) {
return $counter;
} else {
return $status;
//This function restores the groupfiles from the temp (group_files) directory to the
//dataroot/groups directory
function restore_group_files($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$counter = 0;
//First, we check to "groups" exists and create is as necessary
//in CFG->dataroot
$dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/groups';
$status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true);
//Now, we iterate over "group_files" records to check if that user dir must be
//copied (and renamed) to the "groups" dir.
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/group_files";
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
$list = list_directories ($rootdir);
if ($list) {
$counter = 0;
foreach ($list as $dir) {
//Look for dir like groupid in backup_ids
$data = get_record ("backup_ids","backup_code",$restore->backup_unique_code,
//If that group exists in backup_ids
if ($data) {
if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$data->new_id)) {
$status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir, $dest_dir."/".$data->new_id);
$counter ++;
//Do some output
if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 40 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform
if ($status and $counter) {
return $counter;
} else {
return $status;
//This function restores the course files from the temp (course_files) directory to the
//dataroot/course_id directory
function restore_course_files($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
$counter = 0;
//First, we check to "course_id" exists and create is as necessary
//in CFG->dataroot
$dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id;
$status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true);
//Now, we iterate over "course_files" records to check if that file/dir must be
//copied to the "dest_dir" dir.
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/course_files";
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
$list = list_directories_and_files ($rootdir);
if ($list) {
$counter = 0;
foreach ($list as $dir) {
//Copy the dir to its new location
//Only if destination file/dir doesn exists
if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$dir)) {
$status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir,
$counter ++;
//Do some output
if ($counter % 2 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 40 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform
if ($status and $counter) {
return $counter;
} else {
return $status;
//This function creates all the structures for every module in backup file
//Depending what has been selected.
function restore_create_modules($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//info will contain the id and modtype of every module
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$info = restore_read_xml_modules($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, if we have anything in info, we have to restore that mods
//from backup_ids (calling every mod restore function)
if ($info) {
if ($info !== true) {
echo '<ul>';
//Iterate over each module
foreach ($info as $mod) {
$modrestore = $mod->modtype."_restore_mods";
if (function_exists($modrestore)) {
//print_object ($mod); //Debug
$status = $modrestore($mod,$restore);
} else {
//Something was wrong. Function should exist.
$status = false;
echo '</ul>';
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function creates all the structures for every log in backup file
//Depending what has been selected.
function restore_create_logs($restore,$xml_file) {
global $CFG,$db;
//Number of records to get in every chunk
$recordset_size = 4;
//Counter, points to current record
$counter = 0;
//To count all the recods to restore
$count_logs = 0;
$status = true;
//Check it exists
if (!file_exists($xml_file)) {
$status = false;
//Get info from xml
if ($status) {
//count_logs will contain the number of logs entries to process
//in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized)
$count_logs = restore_read_xml_logs($restore,$xml_file);
//Now, if we have records in count_logs, we have to restore that logs
//from backup_ids. This piece of code makes calls to:
// - restore_log_course() if it's a course log
// - restore_log_user() if it's a user log
// - restore_log_module() if it's a module log.
//And all is segmented in chunks to allow large recordsets to be restored !!
if ($count_logs > 0) {
while ($counter < $count_logs) {
//Get a chunk of records
//Take old_id twice to avoid adodb limitation
$logs = get_records_select("backup_ids","table_name = 'log' AND backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code'","old_id","old_id,old_id",$counter,$recordset_size);
//We have logs
if ($logs) {
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//Get the full record from backup_ids
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"log",$log->old_id);
if ($data) {
//Now get completed xmlized object
$info = $data->info;
//traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now build the LOG record structure
$dblog->time = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['TIME']['0']['#']);
$dblog->userid = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']);
$dblog->ip = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['IP']['0']['#']);
$dblog->course = $restore->course_id;
$dblog->module = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['MODULE']['0']['#']);
$dblog->cmid = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['CMID']['0']['#']);
$dblog->action = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']);
$dblog->url = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['URL']['0']['#']);
$dblog->info = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['INFO']['0']['#']);
//We have to recode the userid field
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dblog->userid);
if ($user) {
//echo "User ".$dblog->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dblog->userid = $user->new_id;
//We have to recode the cmid field (if module isn't "course" or "user")
if ($dblog->module != "course" and $dblog->module != "user") {
$cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$dblog->cmid);
if ($cm) {
//echo "Module ".$dblog->cmid." to module ".$cm->new_id."<br />"; //Debug
$dblog->cmid = $cm->new_id;
} else {
$dblog->cmid = 0;
//print_object ($dblog); //Debug
//Now, we redirect to the needed function to make all the work
if ($dblog->module == "course") {
//It's a course log,
$stat = restore_log_course($restore,$dblog);
} elseif ($dblog->module == "user") {
//It's a user log,
$stat = restore_log_user($restore,$dblog);
} else {
//It's a module log,
$stat = restore_log_module($restore,$dblog);
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
} else {
//We never should arrive here
$counter = $count_logs;
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function inserts a course log record, calculating the URL field as necessary
function restore_log_course($restore,$log) {
$status = true;
$toinsert = false;
//echo "<hr />Before transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Depending of the action, we recode different things
switch ($log->action) {
case "view":
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$log->info = $log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "user report":
//recode the info field (it's the user id)
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info);
if ($user) {
$log->info = $user->new_id;
//Now, extract the mode from the url field
$mode = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
$log->url = "user.php?id=".$log->course."&user=".$log->info."&mode=".$mode;
$toinsert = true;
case "add mod":
//Extract the course_module from the url field
$cmid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//recode the course_module to see it it has been restored
$cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cmid);
if ($cm) {
$cmid = $cm->new_id;
//Extract the module name and the module id from the info field
$modname = strtok($log->info," ");
$modid = strtok(" ");
//recode the module id to see if it has been restored
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$modname,$modid);
if ($mod) {
$modid = $mod->new_id;
//Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info
$log->info = $modname." ".$modid;
$log->url = "../mod/".$modname."/view.php?id=".$cmid;
$toinsert = true;
case "update mod":
//Extract the course_module from the url field
$cmid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//recode the course_module to see it it has been restored
$cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cmid);
if ($cm) {
$cmid = $cm->new_id;
//Extract the module name and the module id from the info field
$modname = strtok($log->info," ");
$modid = strtok(" ");
//recode the module id to see if it has been restored
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$modname,$modid);
if ($mod) {
$modid = $mod->new_id;
//Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info
$log->info = $modname." ".$modid;
$log->url = "../mod/".$modname."/view.php?id=".$cmid;
$toinsert = true;
case "delete mod":
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "update":
$log->url = "edit.php?id=".$log->course;
$log->info = "";
$toinsert = true;
case "unenrol":
//recode the info field (it's the user id)
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info);
if ($user) {
$log->info = $user->new_id;
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "enrol":
//recode the info field (it's the user id)
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info);
if ($user) {
$log->info = $user->new_id;
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "editsection":
//Extract the course_section from the url field
$secid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//recode the course_section to see if it has been restored
$sec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_sections",$secid);
if ($sec) {
$secid = $sec->new_id;
//Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info
$log->url = "editsection.php?id=".$secid;
$toinsert = true;
case "new":
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$log->info = "";
$toinsert = true;
case "recent":
$log->url = "recent.php?id=".$log->course;
$log->info = "";
$toinsert = true;
echo "action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknow. Not restored<br />"; //Debug
//echo "After transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record
if ($toinsert) {
//echo "Inserting record<br />"; //Debug
$status = insert_record("log",$log);
return $status;
//This function inserts a user log record, calculating the URL field as necessary
function restore_log_user($restore,$log) {
$status = true;
$toinsert = false;
//echo "<hr />Before transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Depending of the action, we recode different things
switch ($log->action) {
case "view":
//recode the info field (it's the user id)
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info);
if ($user) {
$log->info = $user->new_id;
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "change password":
//recode the info field (it's the user id)
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info);
if ($user) {
$log->info = $user->new_id;
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
case "view all":
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course;
$log->info = "";
$toinsert = true;
case "update":
//We split the url by ampersand char
$first_part = strtok($log->url,"&");
//Get data after the = char. It's the user being updated
$userid = substr(strrchr($first_part,"="),1);
//Recode the user
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid);
if ($user) {
$log->info = "";
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$user->new_id."&course=".$log->course;
$toinsert = true;
echo "action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknow. Not restored<br />"; //Debug
//echo "After transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record
if ($toinsert) {
//echo "Inserting record<br />"; //Debug
$status = insert_record("log",$log);
return $status;
//This function inserts a module log record, calculating the URL field as necessary
function restore_log_module($restore,$log) {
$status = true;
$toinsert = false;
//echo "<hr />Before transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Now we see if the required function in the module exists
$function = $log->module."_restore_logs";
if (function_exists($function)) {
//Call the function
$log = $function($restore,$log);
//If everything is ok, mark the insert flag
if ($log) {
$toinsert = true;
//echo "After transformations<br />"; //Debug
//print_object($log); //Debug
//Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record
if ($toinsert) {
//echo "Inserting record<br />"; //Debug
$status = insert_record("log",$log);
return $status;
//This function adjusts the instance field into course_modules. It's executed after
//modules restore. There, we KNOW the new instance id !!
function restore_check_instances($restore) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//We are going to iterate over each course_module saved in backup_ids
$course_modules = get_records_sql("SELECT old_id,new_id
FROM {$CFG->prefix}backup_ids
WHERE backup_code = '$restore->backup_unique_code' AND
table_name = 'course_modules'");
if ($course_modules) {
foreach($course_modules as $cm) {
//Get full record, using backup_getids
$cm_module = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cm->old_id);
//Now we are going to the REAL course_modules to get its type (field module)
$module = get_record("course_modules","id",$cm_module->new_id);
if ($module) {
//We know the module type id. Get the name from modules
$type = get_record("modules","id",$module->module);
if ($type) {
//We know the type name and the old_id. Get its new_id
//from backup_ids. It's the instance !!!
$instance = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$type->name,$cm_module->info);
if ($instance) {
//We have the new instance, so update the record in course_modules
$module->instance = $instance->new_id;
//print_object ($module); //Debug
$status = update_record("course_modules",$module);
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//== ==
//== XML Functions (SAX) ==
//== ==
//This is the class used to do all the xml parse
class MoodleParser {
var $level = 0; //Level we are
var $counter = 0; //Counter
var $tree = array(); //Array of levels we are
var $content = ""; //Content under current level
var $todo = ""; //What we hav to do when parsing
var $info = ""; //Information collected. Temp storage. Used to return data after parsing.
var $temp = ""; //Temp storage.
var $preferences = ""; //Preferences about what to load !!
var $finished = false; //Flag to say xml_parse to stop
//This function is used to get the current contents property value
//They are trimed and converted from utf8
function getContents() {
return trim(utf8_decode($this->content));
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the info zone (todo="INFO")
function startElementInfo($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into INFO zone
//if ($this->tree[2] == "INFO") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the course header zone (todo="COURSE_HEADER")
function startElementCourseHeader($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into COURSE_HEADER zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "HEADER") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the blocks zone (todo="BLOCKS")
function startElementBlocks($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into BLOCKS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "BLOCKS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone (todo="SECTIONS")
function startElementSections($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into SECTIONS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "SECTIONS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the metacourse zone (todo="METACOURSE")
function startElementMetacourse($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into METACOURSE zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "METACOURSE") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the user zone (todo="USERS")
function startElementUsers($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Check if we are into USERS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "USERS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the messages zone (todo="MESSAGES")
function startElementMessages($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into MESSAGES zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a MESSAGE tag under a MESSAGES zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "MESSAGE" || $this->tree[5] == "CONTACT" ) and ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the questions zone (todo="QUESTIONS")
function startElementQuestions($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORY" && $this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") { //Debug
// echo "<P>QUESTION_CATEGORY: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a QUESTION_CATEGORY tag under a QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "QUESTION_CATEGORY") and ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the scales zone (todo="SCALES")
function startElementScales($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "SCALE" && $this->tree[3] == "SCALES") { //Debug
// echo "<P>SCALE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into SCALES zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a SCALE tag under a SCALES zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "SCALE") and ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
function startElementGroups($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "GROUP" && $this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") { //Debug
// echo "<P>GROUP: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into GROUPS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a GROUP tag under a GROUPS zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "GROUP") and ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the events zone (todo="EVENTS")
function startElementEvents($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "EVENT" && $this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") { //Debug
// echo "<P>EVENT: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into EVENTS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a EVENT tag under a EVENTS zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "EVENT") and ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the modules zone (todo="MODULES")
function startElementModules($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "MOD" && $this->tree[3] == "MODULES") { //Debug
// echo "<P>MOD: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into MODULES zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a MOD tag under a MODULES zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "MOD") and ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the logs zone (todo="LOGS")
function startElementLogs($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
//Refresh properties
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//if ($tagName == "LOG" && $this->tree[3] == "LOGS") { //Debug
// echo "<P>LOG: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
//} //Debug
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
//Check if we are into LOGS zone
//if ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS") //Debug
// echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//If we are under a LOG tag under a LOGS zone, accumule it
if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) {
if (($this->tree[4] == "LOG") and ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS")) {
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">";
//This is the startTag default handler we use when todo is undefined
function startElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) {
$this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName;
//Output something to avoid browser timeouts...
echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the info zone (todo="INFO")
function endElementInfo($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into INFO zone
if ($this->tree[2] == "INFO") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 3) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "NAME":
$this->info->backup_name = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_moodle_version = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_moodle_release = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_backup_version = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_backup_release = $this->getContents();
case "DATE":
$this->info->backup_date = $this->getContents();
$this->info->original_wwwroot = $this->getContents();
if ($this->tree[3] == "DETAILS") {
if ($this->level == 4) {
switch ($tagName) {
$this->info->backup_metacourse = $this->getContents();
case "USERS":
$this->info->backup_users = $this->getContents();
case "LOGS":
$this->info->backup_logs = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_user_files = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_course_files = $this->getContents();
case "MESSAGES":
$this->info->backup_messages = $this->getContents();
$this->info->backup_block_format = $this->getContents();
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "NAME":
$this->info->tempName = $this->getContents();
case "INCLUDED":
$this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->backup = $this->getContents();
case "USERINFO":
$this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->userinfo = $this->getContents();
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//Stop parsing if todo = INFO and tagName = INFO (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "INFO") {
$this->finished = true;
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the course_header zone (todo="COURSE_HEADER")
function endElementCourseHeader($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into COURSE_HEADER zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "HEADER") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 4) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ID":
$this->info->course_id = $this->getContents();
case "PASSWORD":
$this->info->course_password = $this->getContents();
case "FULLNAME":
$this->info->course_fullname = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_shortname = $this->getContents();
case "IDNUMBER":
$this->info->course_idnumber = $this->getContents();
case "SUMMARY":
$this->info->course_summary = $this->getContents();
case "FORMAT":
$this->info->course_format = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_showgrades = $this->getContents();
$this->info->blockinfo = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_newsitems = $this->getContents();
case "TEACHER":
$this->info->course_teacher = $this->getContents();
case "TEACHERS":
$this->info->course_teachers = $this->getContents();
case "STUDENT":
$this->info->course_student = $this->getContents();
case "STUDENTS":
$this->info->course_students = $this->getContents();
case "GUEST":
$this->info->course_guest = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_startdate = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_enrolperiod = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_numsections = $this->getContents();
//case "SHOWRECENT": INFO: This is out in 1.3
// $this->info->course_showrecent = $this->getContents();
// break;
case "MAXBYTES":
$this->info->course_maxbytes = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_showreports = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_groupmode = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_groupmodeforce = $this->getContents();
case "LANG":
$this->info->course_lang = $this->getContents();
case "THEME":
$this->info->course_theme = $this->getContents();
case "COST":
$this->info->course_cost = $this->getContents();
case "MARKER":
$this->info->course_marker = $this->getContents();
case "VISIBLE":
$this->info->course_visible = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_hiddensections = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_timecreated = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_timemodified = $this->getContents();
$this->info->course_metacourse = $this->getContents();
if ($this->tree[4] == "CATEGORY") {
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ID":
$this->info->category->id = $this->getContents();
case "NAME":
$this->info->category->name = $this->getContents();
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//Stop parsing if todo = COURSE_HEADER and tagName = HEADER (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "HEADER") {
$this->finished = true;
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone (todo="SECTIONS")
function endElementBlocks($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into BLOCKS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == 'BLOCKS') {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 4) {
switch ($tagName) {
case 'BLOCK':
//We've finalized a block, get it
$this->info->instances[] = $this->info->tempinstance;
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case 'NAME':
$this->info->tempinstance->name = $this->getContents();
case 'PAGEID':
$this->info->tempinstance->pageid = $this->getContents();
case 'PAGETYPE':
$this->info->tempinstance->pagetype = $this->getContents();
case 'POSITION':
$this->info->tempinstance->position = $this->getContents();
case 'WEIGHT':
$this->info->tempinstance->weight = $this->getContents();
case 'VISIBLE':
$this->info->tempinstance->visible = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempinstance->configdata = $this->getContents();
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = '';
$this->content = "";
//Stop parsing if todo = BLOCKS and tagName = BLOCKS (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($this->tree[3] == 'BLOCKS' && $tagName == 'BLOCKS') {
$this->finished = true;
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone (todo="SECTIONS")
function endElementSections($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into SECTIONS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "SECTIONS") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 4) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "SECTION":
//We've finalized a section, get it
$this->info->sections[$this->info->tempsection->id] = $this->info->tempsection;
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ID":
$this->info->tempsection->id = $this->getContents();
case "NUMBER":
$this->info->tempsection->number = $this->getContents();
case "SUMMARY":
$this->info->tempsection->summary = $this->getContents();
case "VISIBLE":
$this->info->tempsection->visible = $this->getContents();
if ($this->level == 6) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "MOD":
//We've finalized a mod, get it
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->type =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->instance =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->added =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->deleted =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->score =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->indent =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->visible =
$this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->groupmode =
if ($this->level == 7) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ID":
$this->info->tempmod->id = $this->getContents();
case "TYPE":
$this->info->tempmod->type = $this->getContents();
case "INSTANCE":
$this->info->tempmod->instance = $this->getContents();
case "ADDED":
$this->info->tempmod->added = $this->getContents();
case "DELETED":
$this->info->tempmod->deleted = $this->getContents();
case "SCORE":
$this->info->tempmod->score = $this->getContents();
case "INDENT":
$this->info->tempmod->indent = $this->getContents();
case "VISIBLE":
$this->info->tempmod->visible = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempmod->groupmode = $this->getContents();
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//Stop parsing if todo = SECTIONS and tagName = SECTIONS (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "SECTIONS") {
$this->finished = true;
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the metacourse zone (todo="METACOURSE")
function endElementMetacourse($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into METACOURSE zone
if ($this->tree[3] == 'METACOURSE') {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case 'CHILD':
//We've finalized a child, get it
$this->info->childs[] = $this->info->tempmeta;
case 'PARENT':
//We've finalized a parent, get it
$this->info->parents[] = $this->info->tempmeta;
if ($this->level == 6) {
switch ($tagName) {
case 'ID':
$this->info->tempmeta->id = $this->getContents();
case 'IDNUMBER':
$this->info->tempmeta->idnumber = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempmeta->shortname = $this->getContents();
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = '';
$this->content = "";
//Stop parsing if todo = METACOURSE and tagName = METACOURSE (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($this->tree[3] == 'METACOURSE' && $tagName == 'METACOURSE') {
$this->finished = true;
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the users zone (todo="USERS")
function endElementUsers($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into USERS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "USERS") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Dependig of different combinations, do different things
if ($this->level == 4) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "USER":
//Increment counter
//Save to db
//Do some output
if ($this->counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($this->counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//Delete temp obejct
if ($this->level == 5) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ID":
$this->info->users[$this->getContents()] = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->id = $this->getContents();
case "AUTH":
$this->info->tempuser->auth = $this->getContents();
case "GUID":
$this->info->tempuser->guid = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->confirmed = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->policyagreed = $this->getContents();
case "DELETED":
$this->info->tempuser->deleted = $this->getContents();
case "USERNAME":
$this->info->tempuser->username = $this->getContents();
case "PASSWORD":
$this->info->tempuser->password = $this->getContents();
case "IDNUMBER":
$this->info->tempuser->idnumber = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->firstname = $this->getContents();
case "LASTNAME":
$this->info->tempuser->lastname = $this->getContents();
case "EMAIL":
$this->info->tempuser->email = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->emailstop = $this->getContents();
case "ICQ":
$this->info->tempuser->icq = $this->getContents();
case "SKYPE":
$this->info->tempuser->skype = $this->getContents();
case "AIM":
$this->info->tempuser->aim = $this->getContents();
case "YAHOO":
$this->info->tempuser->yahoo = $this->getContents();
case "MSN":
$this->info->tempuser->msn = $this->getContents();
case "PHONE1":
$this->info->tempuser->phone1 = $this->getContents();
case "PHONE2":
$this->info->tempuser->phone2 = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->institution = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->department = $this->getContents();
case "ADDRESS":
$this->info->tempuser->address = $this->getContents();
case "CITY":
$this->info->tempuser->city = $this->getContents();
case "COUNTRY":
$this->info->tempuser->country = $this->getContents();
case "LANG":
$this->info->tempuser->lang = $this->getContents();
case "THEME":
$this->info->tempuser->theme = $this->getContents();
case "TIMEZONE":
$this->info->tempuser->timezone = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->firstaccess = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->lastaccess = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->lastlogin = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->currentlogin = $this->getContents();
case "LASTIP":
$this->info->tempuser->lastip = $this->getContents();
case "SECRET":
$this->info->tempuser->secret = $this->getContents();
case "PICTURE":
$this->info->tempuser->picture = $this->getContents();
case "URL":
$this->info->tempuser->url = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->description = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->mailformat = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->maildigest = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->maildisplay = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->htmleditor = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->autosubscribe = $this->getContents();
$this->info->tempuser->timemodified = $this->getContents();
if ($this->level == 6) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "ROLE":
//We've finalized a role, get it
$this->info->tempuser->roles[$this->info->temprole->type] = $this->info->temprole;
//We've finalized a user_preference, get it
$this->info->tempuser->user_preferences[$this->info->tempuserpreference->name] = $this->info->tempuserpreference;
if ($this->level == 7) {
switch ($tagName) {
case "TYPE":
$this->info->temprole->type = $this->getContents();
$this->info->temprole->authority = $this->getContents();
case "TEA_ROLE":
$this->info->temprole->tea_role = $this->getContents();
case "EDITALL":
$this->info->temprole->editall = $this->getContents();
$this->info->temprole->timestart = $this->getContents();
case "TIMEEND":
$this->info->temprole->timeend = $this->getContents();
$this->info->temprole->timemodified = $this->getContents();
$this->info->temprole->timestart = $this->getContents();
case "TIMEEND":
$this->info->temprole->timeend = $this->getContents();
case "TIME":
$this->info->temprole->time = $this->getContents();
$this->info->temprole->timeaccess = $this->getContents();
case "ENROL":
$this->info->temprole->enrol = $this->getContents();
case "NAME":
$this->info->tempuserpreference->name = $this->getContents();
case "VALUE":
$this->info->tempuserpreference->value = $this->getContents();
//Stop parsing if todo = USERS and tagName = USERS (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "USERS" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
$this->counter = 0;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the messages zone (todo="MESSAGES")
function endElementMessages($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into MESSAGES zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n";//Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a message, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "MESSAGE")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MESSAGE)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and status from data
$message_id = $data["MESSAGE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
$message_status = $data["MESSAGE"]["#"]["STATUS"]["0"]["#"];
if ($message_status == "READ") {
$table = "message_read";
} else {
$table = "message";
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, $table,$message_id,
//Create returning info
$this->info = $this->counter;
//Reset temp
//If we've finished a contact, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "CONTACT")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MESSAGE)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and status from data
$contact_id = $data["CONTACT"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'message_contacts' ,$contact_id,
//Create returning info
$this->info = $this->counter;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = MESSAGES and tagName = MESSAGES (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "MESSAGES" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
$this->counter = 0;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the questions zone (todo="QUESTIONS")
function endElementQuestions($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a mod, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORY")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one QUESTION_CATEGORY)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id from data
$category_id = $data["QUESTION_CATEGORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"quiz_categories",$category_id,
//Create returning info
$ret_info->id = $category_id;
$this->info[] = $ret_info;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = QUESTION_CATEGORIES and tagName = QUESTION_CATEGORY (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the scales zone (todo="SCALES")
function endElementScales($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into SCALES zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a scale, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "SCALE")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one SCALE)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and from data
$scale_id = $data["SCALE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"scale",$scale_id,
//Create returning info
$ret_info->id = $scale_id;
$this->info[] = $ret_info;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = SCALES and tagName = SCALE (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "SCALES" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the groups zone (todo="GROUPS")
function endElementGroups($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into GROUPS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a group, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "GROUP")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one GROUP)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and from data
$group_id = $data["GROUP"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"group",$group_id,
//Create returning info
$ret_info->id = $group_id;
$this->info[] = $ret_info;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = GROUPS and tagName = GROUP (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "GROUPS" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the events zone (todo="EVENTS")
function endElementEvents($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into EVENTS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a event, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "EVENT")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one EVENT)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and from data
$event_id = $data["EVENT"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"event",$event_id,
//Create returning info
$ret_info->id = $event_id;
$this->info[] = $ret_info;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = EVENTS and tagName = EVENT (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "EVENTS" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the modules zone (todo="MODULES")
function endElementModules($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into MODULES zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a mod, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "MOD")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MOD)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and modtype from data
$mod_id = $data["MOD"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
$mod_type = $data["MOD"]["#"]["MODTYPE"]["0"]["#"];
//Only if we've selected to restore it
if ($this->preferences->mods[$mod_type]->restore) {
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,$mod_type,$mod_id,
//echo "<p>id: ".$mod_id."-".$mod_type." len.: ".strlen($sla_mod_temp)." to_db: ".$status."<p>"; //Debug
//Create returning info
$ret_info->id = $mod_id;
$ret_info->modtype = $mod_type;
$this->info[] = $ret_info;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = MODULES and tagName = MODULES (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "MODULES" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the logs zone (todo="LOGS")
function endElementLogs($parser, $tagName) {
//Check if we are into LOGS zone
if ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS") {
//if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
// echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
//echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Acumulate data to info (content + close tag)
//Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data
if (!isset($this->temp)) {
$this->temp = "";
$this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content))."</".$tagName.">";
//If we've finished a log, xmlize it an save to db
if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "LOG")) {
//Prepend XML standard header to info gathered
$xml_data = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n".$this->temp;
//Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one LOG)
//echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug
$data = xmlize($xml_data,0);
//echo strftime ("%X",time())."<p>"; //Debug
//traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug
//print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug
//$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug
//Now, save data to db. We'll use it later
//Get id and modtype from data
$log_id = $data["LOG"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"];
$log_module = $data["LOG"]["#"]["MODULE"]["0"]["#"];
//We only save log entries from backup file if they are:
// - Course logs
// - User logs
// - Module logs about one restored module
if ($log_module == "course" or
$log_module == "user" or
$this->preferences->mods[$log_module]->restore) {
//Increment counter
//Save to db
$status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"log",$log_id,
//echo "<p>id: ".$mod_id."-".$mod_type." len.: ".strlen($sla_mod_temp)." to_db: ".$status."<p>"; //Debug
//Create returning info
$this->info = $this->counter;
//Reset temp
//Stop parsing if todo = LOGS and tagName = LOGS (en of the tag, of course)
//Speed up a lot (avoid parse all)
if ($tagName == "LOGS" and $this->level == 3) {
$this->finished = true;
$this->counter = 0;
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the endTag default handler we use when todo is undefined
function endElement($parser, $tagName) {
if (trim($this->content)) //Debug
echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."<br />\n"; //Debug
echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName."><br />\n"; //Debug
//Clear things
$this->tree[$this->level] = "";
$this->content = "";
//This is the handler to read data contents (simple accumule it)
function characterData($parser, $data) {
$this->content .= $data;
//This function executes the MoodleParser
function restore_read_xml ($xml_file,$todo,$preferences) {
$status = true;
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
$moodle_parser = new MoodleParser();
$moodle_parser->todo = $todo;
$moodle_parser->preferences = $preferences;
//Depending of the todo we use some element_handler or another
if ($todo == "INFO") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementInfo", "endElementInfo");
} else if ($todo == "COURSE_HEADER") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementCourseHeader", "endElementCourseHeader");
} else if ($todo == 'BLOCKS') {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementBlocks", "endElementBlocks");
} else if ($todo == "SECTIONS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementSections", "endElementSections");
} else if ($todo == "METACOURSE") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementMetacourse", "endElementMetacourse");
} else if ($todo == "USERS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementUsers", "endElementUsers");
} else if ($todo == "MESSAGES") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementMessages", "endElementMessages");
} else if ($todo == "QUESTIONS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementQuestions", "endElementQuestions");
} else if ($todo == "SCALES") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementScales", "endElementScales");
} else if ($todo == "GROUPS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementGroups", "endElementGroups");
} else if ($todo == "EVENTS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementEvents", "endElementEvents");
} else if ($todo == "MODULES") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementModules", "endElementModules");
} else if ($todo == "LOGS") {
//Define handlers to that zone
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementLogs", "endElementLogs");
} else {
//Define default handlers (must no be invoked when everything become finished)
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementInfo", "endElementInfo");
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");
$fp = fopen($xml_file,"r")
or $status = false;
if ($status) {
while ($data = fread($fp, 4096) and !$moodle_parser->finished)
xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp))
or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
//Get info from parser
$info = $moodle_parser->info;
//Clear parser mem
if ($status && $info) {
return $info;
} else {
return $status;
function restore_precheck($id,$file,$silent=false) {
global $CFG, $SESSION;
//Prepend dataroot to variable to have the absolute path
$file = $CFG->dataroot."/".$file;
if (empty($silent)) {
//Start the main table
echo "<table cellpadding=\"5\">";
echo "<tr><td>";
//Start the mail ul
echo "<ul>";
//Check the file exists
if (!is_file($file)) {
error ("File not exists ($file)");
//Check the file name ends with .zip
if (!substr($file,-4) == ".zip") {
error ("File has an incorrect extension");
//Now calculate the unique_code for this restore
$backup_unique_code = time();
//Now check and create the backup dir (if it doesn't exist)
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingtemporarystructures").'</li>';
$status = check_and_create_backup_dir($backup_unique_code);
//Empty dir
if ($status) {
$status = clear_backup_dir($backup_unique_code);
//Now delete old data and directories under dataroot/temp/backup
if ($status) {
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("deletingolddata").'</li>';
$status = backup_delete_old_data();
//Now copy he zip file to dataroot/temp/backup/backup_unique_code
if ($status) {
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyingzipfile").'</li>';
if (! $status = backup_copy_file($file,$CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".basename($file))) {
notify("Error copying backup file. Invalid name or bad perms.");
//Now unzip the file
if ($status) {
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("unzippingbackup").'</li>';
if (! $status = restore_unzip ($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".basename($file))) {
notify("Error unzipping backup file. Invalid zip file.");
//Check for Blackboard backups and convert
if ($status){
echo "<li>".get_string("checkingforbbexport");
$status = blackboard_convert($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code);
//Now check for the moodle.xml file
if ($status) {
$xml_file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/moodle.xml";
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("checkingbackup").'</li>';
if (! $status = restore_check_moodle_file ($xml_file)) {
notify("Error checking backup file. Invalid or corrupted.");
$info = "";
$course_header = "";
//Now read the info tag (all)
if ($status) {
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<li>".get_string("readinginfofrombackup").'</li>';
//Reading info from file
$info = restore_read_xml_info ($xml_file);
//Reading course_header from file
$course_header = restore_read_xml_course_header ($xml_file);
if (empty($silent)) {
//End the main ul
echo "</ul>";
//End the main table
echo "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
//We compare Moodle's versions
if ($CFG->version < $info->backup_moodle_version && $status) {
$message->serverversion = $CFG->version;
$message->serverrelease = $CFG->release;
$message->backupversion = $info->backup_moodle_version;
$message->backuprelease = $info->backup_moodle_release;
print_simple_box(get_string('noticenewerbackup','',$message), "center", "70%", '', "20", "noticebox");
//Now we print in other table, the backup and the course it contains info
if ($info and $course_header and $status) {
//First, the course info
$status = restore_print_course_header($course_header);
//Now, the backup info
if ($status) {
$status = restore_print_info($info);
//Save course header and info into php session
if ($status) {
$SESSION->info = $info;
$SESSION->course_header = $course_header;
//Finally, a little form to continue
//with some hidden fields
if ($status) {
if (empty($silent)) {
echo "<br /><center>";
$hidden["backup_unique_code"] = $backup_unique_code;
$hidden["launch"] = "form";
$hidden["file"] = $file;
$hidden["id"] = $id;
print_single_button("restore.php", $hidden, get_string("continue"),"post");
echo "</center>";
else {
if (!$status) {
error ("An error has ocurred");
return true;
function restore_setup_for_check(&$restore,$backup_unique_code) {
global $SESSION;
$restore->users = 2; // yuk
if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$var = "restore_".$modname;
//Now check that we have that module info in the backup file
if (isset($SESSION->info->mods[$modname]) && $SESSION->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") {
$restore->$var = 1;
function backup_to_restore_array($backup,$k=0) {
if (is_array($backup) ) {
foreach ($backup as $key => $value) {
$newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$key);
$restore[$newkey] = backup_to_restore_array($value,$key);
else if (is_object($backup)) {
$tmp = get_object_vars($backup);
foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) {
$newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$key);
$restore->$newkey = backup_to_restore_array($value,$key);
else {
$newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$k);
$restore = $backup;
return $restore;