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synced 2025-02-18 23:05:30 +01:00
======================================= WARNING: DEV IS CURRENTLY VERY UNSTABLE. This is a mega-checkin of the new Roles system. A lot of changes have been made in core and modules. Currently there are a lot of rough edges and known problems. We are working hard on these .. .the reason for getting this into HEAD at this stage is enable us to move faster (our branch was diverging from HEAD too much). Please keep an eye on http://docs.moodle.org/en/Roles for current status and information for developers on how to use the new Roles system.
207 lines
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207 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
// Allows the admin to manage activity modules
$show = optional_param('show', '', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
$hide = optional_param('hide', '', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
$delete = optional_param('delete', '', PARAM_SAFEDIR);
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', '', PARAM_BOOL);
if (!isadmin()) {
error("Only administrators can use this page!");
if (!$site = get_site()) {
error("Site isn't defined!");
/// Print headings
$stradministration = get_string("administration");
$strconfiguration = get_string("configuration");
$strmanagemodules = get_string("managemodules");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$strversion = get_string("version");
$strhide = get_string("hide");
$strshow = get_string("show");
$strsettings = get_string("settings");
$stractivities = get_string("activities");
$stractivitymodule = get_string("activitymodule");
print_header("$site->shortname: $strmanagemodules", "$site->fullname",
"<a href=\"index.php\">$stradministration</a> -> ".
"<a href=\"configure.php\">$strconfiguration</a> -> $strmanagemodules");
$coursesaffected = false;
/// If data submitted, then process and store.
if (!empty($hide) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!$module = get_record("modules", "name", $hide)) {
error("Module doesn't exist!");
set_field("modules", "visible", "0", "id", $module->id); // Hide main module
set_field('course_modules', 'visibleold', '1', 'visible' ,'1', 'module', $module->id); // Remember the previous visible state so we can toggle this back if the module is unhidden.
set_field('course_modules', 'visibleold', '0', 'visible' ,'0', 'module', $module->id);
set_field("course_modules", "visible", "0", "module", $module->id); // Hide all related activity modules
$coursesaffected = true;
if (!empty($show) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (!$module = get_record("modules", "name", $show)) {
error("Module doesn't exist!");
set_field("modules", "visible", "1", "id", $module->id); // Show main module
set_field('course_modules', 'visible', '1', 'visibleold', '1', 'module', $module->id); // Get the previous saved visible state for the course module.
$coursesaffected = true;
if (!empty($delete) and confirm_sesskey()) {
$strmodulename = get_string("modulename", "$delete");
if (!$confirm) {
notice_yesno(get_string("moduledeleteconfirm", "", $strmodulename),
} else { // Delete everything!!
if ($delete == "forum") {
error("You can not delete the forum module!!");
if (!$module = get_record("modules", "name", $delete)) {
error("Module doesn't exist!");
// OK, first delete all the relevant instances from all course sections
if ($coursemods = get_records("course_modules", "module", $module->id)) {
foreach ($coursemods as $coursemod) {
if (! delete_mod_from_section($coursemod->id, $coursemod->section)) {
notify("Could not delete the $strmodulename with id = $coursemod->id from section $coursemod->section");
// Now delete all the course module records
if (!delete_records("course_modules", "module", $module->id)) {
notify("Error occurred while deleting all $strmodulename records in course_modules table");
// Then delete all the logs
if (!delete_records("log", "module", $module->name)) {
notify("Error occurred while deleting all $strmodulename records in log table");
// And log_display information
if (!delete_records("log_display", "module", $module->name)) {
notify("Error occurred while deleting all $strmodulename records in log_display table");
// And the module entry itself
if (!delete_records("modules", "name", $module->name)) {
notify("Error occurred while deleting the $strmodulename record from modules table");
// Then the tables themselves
if ($tables = $db->Metatables()) {
$prefix = $CFG->prefix.$module->name;
foreach ($tables as $table) {
if (strpos($table, $prefix) === 0) {
if (!execute_sql("DROP TABLE $table", false)) {
notify("ERROR: while trying to drop table $table");
// Delete the capabilities that were defined by this module
// rebuild_course_cache(); // Because things have changed
$coursesaffected = true;
$a->module = $strmodulename;
$a->directory = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$delete";
notice(get_string("moduledeletefiles", "", $a), "modules.php");
if ($coursesaffected) {
rebuild_course_cache(); // Because things have changed
/// Get and sort the existing modules
if (!$modules = get_records("modules")) {
error("No modules found!!"); // Should never happen
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$strmodulename = get_string("modulename", "$module->name");
// Deal with modules which are lacking the language string
if ($strmodulename == '[[modulename]]') {
$strmodulename = $module->name;
$modulebyname[$strmodulename] = $module;
/// Print the table of all modules
$table->head = array ($stractivitymodule, $stractivities, $strversion, "$strhide/$strshow", $strdelete, $strsettings);
$table->align = array ("left", "right", "left", "center", "center", "center");
$table->wrap = array ("nowrap", "", "", "", "","");
$table->size = array ("100%", "10", "10", "10", "10","12");
$table->width = "100";
foreach ($modulebyname as $modulename => $module) {
$icon = "<img src=\"$CFG->modpixpath/$module->name/icon.gif\" hspace=\"10\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />";
$delete = "<a href=\"modules.php?delete=$module->name&sesskey=$USER->sesskey\">$strdelete</a>";
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$module->name/config.html")) {
$settings = "<a href=\"module.php?module=$module->name\">$strsettings</a>";
} else {
$settings = "";
$count = count_records("$module->name");
if ($module->visible) {
$visible = "<a href=\"modules.php?hide=$module->name&sesskey=$USER->sesskey\" title=\"$strhide\">".
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/i/hide.gif\" align=\"middle\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
$class = "";
} else {
$visible = "<a href=\"modules.php?show=$module->name&sesskey=$USER->sesskey\" title=\"$strshow\">".
"<img src=\"$CFG->pixpath/i/show.gif\" align=\"middle\" height=\"16\" width=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" /></a>";
$class = "class=\"dimmed_text\"";
if ($module->name == "forum") {
$delete = "";
$visible = "";
$class = "";
$table->data[] = array ("<span $class>$icon $modulename</span>", $count, $module->version, $visible, $delete, $settings);
echo "<br /><br />";