mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 00:05:43 +01:00
paths, it seems). Also, login is required to view the calendar of any course other than the site.
205 lines
6.9 KiB
205 lines
6.9 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// Display the course home page.
if (!$id and !$name) {
error("Must specify course id or short name");
if (!empty($_GET['name'])) {
if (! ($course = get_record("course", "shortname", $name)) ) {
error("That's an invalid short course name");
} else {
if (! ($course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) ) {
error("That's an invalid course id");
require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); /// This is after login because it needs $USER
add_to_log($course->id, "course", "view", "view.php?id=$course->id", "$course->id");
if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$course->format.'/format.php')) {
$course->format = 'weeks'; // Default format is weeks
// Can't avoid this... :(
switch($course->format) {
case 'weeks':
$courseformat = COURSE_FORMAT_WEEKS;
case 'topics':
$courseformat = COURSE_FORMAT_TOPICS;
case 'social':
$courseformat = COURSE_FORMAT_SOCIAL;
$courseformat = 0;
// Doing this now so we can pass the results to block_action()
// and dodge the overhead of doing the same work twice.
$blocks = $course->blockinfo;
$delimpos = strpos($blocks, ':');
if($delimpos === false) {
// No ':' found, we have all left blocks
$leftblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
$rightblocks = array();
else if($delimpos === 0) {
// ':' at start of string, we have all right blocks
$blocks = substr($blocks, 1);
$leftblocks = array();
$rightblocks = explode(',', $blocks);
else {
// Both left and right blocks
$leftpart = substr($blocks, 0, $delimpos);
$rightpart = substr($blocks, $delimpos + 1);
$leftblocks = explode(',', $leftpart);
$rightblocks = explode(',', $rightpart);
if (!isset($USER->editing)) {
$USER->editing = false;
$editing = false;
if (isteacheredit($course->id)) {
if (isset($edit)) {
if ($edit == "on") {
$USER->editing = true;
} else if ($edit == "off") {
$USER->editing = false;
$editing = $USER->editing;
if (isset($hide)) {
set_section_visible($course->id, $hide, '0');
if (isset($show)) {
set_section_visible($course->id, $show, '1');
if (isset($_GET['blockaction'])) {
if (isset($_GET['blockid'])) {
block_action($course, $leftblocks, $rightblocks, strtolower($_GET['blockaction']), intval($_GET['blockid']));
// This has to happen after block_action() has possibly updated the two arrays
$allblocks = array_merge($leftblocks, $rightblocks);
$missingblocks = array();
$recblocks = get_records('blocks','visible','1');
// Note down which blocks are going to get displayed
blocks_used($allblocks, $recblocks);
if($editing && $recblocks) {
foreach($recblocks as $recblock) {
// If it's not hidden or displayed right now...
if(!in_array($recblock->id, $allblocks) && !in_array(-($recblock->id), $allblocks)) {
// And if it's applicable for display in this format...
if(block_method_result($recblock->name, 'applicable_formats') & $courseformat) {
// Add it to the missing blocks
$missingblocks[] = $recblock->id;
if (!empty($section)) {
if (!empty($move)) {
if (!move_section($course, $section, $move)) {
notify("An error occurred while moving a section");
} else {
$USER->editing = false;
// Note down which blocks are going to get displayed
$allblocks = array_merge($leftblocks, $rightblocks);
$recblocks = get_records('blocks','visible','1');
blocks_used($allblocks, $recblocks);
$SESSION->fromdiscussion = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id";
if (! $course->category) { // This course is not a real course.
$strcourse = get_string("course");
$loggedinas = "<p class=\"logininfo\">".user_login_string($course, $USER)."</p>";
print_header("$strcourse: $course->fullname", "$course->fullname", "$course->shortname",
"", "", true, update_course_icon($course->id), $loggedinas);
get_all_mods($course->id, $mods, $modnames, $modnamesplural, $modnamesused);
if (! $sections = get_all_sections($course->id)) { // No sections found
// Double-check to be extra sure
if (! $section = get_record("course_sections", "course", $course->id, "section", 0)) {
$section->course = $course->id; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->visible = 1;
$section->id = insert_record("course_sections", $section);
if (! $sections = get_all_sections($course->id) ) { // Try again
error("Error finding or creating section structures for this course");
if (empty($course->modinfo)) { // Course cache was never made
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $course->id) ) {
error("That's an invalid course id");
// If the block width cache is not set, set it
if(!isset($SESSION->blockcache->width->{$course->id}) || $editing) {
// This query might be optimized away if we 're in editing mode
if(!isset($recblocks)) {
$recblocks = get_records('blocks','visible','1');
$preferred_width_left = blocks_preferred_width($leftblocks, $recblocks);
$preferred_width_right = blocks_preferred_width($rightblocks, $recblocks);
// This may be kind of organizational overkill, granted...
// But is there any real need to simplify the structure?
$SESSION->blockcache->width->{$course->id}->left = $preferred_width_left;
$SESSION->blockcache->width->{$course->id}->right = $preferred_width_right;
else {
$preferred_width_left = $SESSION->blockcache->width->{$course->id}->left;
$preferred_width_right = $SESSION->blockcache->width->{$course->id}->right;
require("$CFG->dirroot/course/format/$course->format/format.php"); // Include the actual course format