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synced 2025-03-10 10:58:38 +01:00
64 lines
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Executable File
64 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
<?PHP // $Id$
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.2 Beta (2004022400)
$string['addresource'] = '添加资源';
$string['chooseafile'] = '选择或上传一个文件';
$string['configdefaulturl'] = '当添加一个基于URL的资源时,该值用于预填URL表格.';
$string['configfilterexternalpages'] = '使用该值将使所有外部资源(网页,上传的HTML文件) 按当前设定过滤(如词汇自动链接).使用此项将拖慢访问速度 - 当您确实需要时再谨慎的使用它.';
$string['configframesize'] = '当页面或上传的文件显示在框架中时,该象素值设定顶层框架的大小';
$string['configpopup'] = '所添加的新资源显示在弹出窗口, 设其为默认值吗?';
$string['configpopupdirectories'] = '弹出窗口是否显示缺省目录链接?';
$string['configpopupheight'] = '新窗口缺省高度?';
$string['configpopuplocation'] = '弹出窗口是否显示地址栏?';
$string['configpopupmenubar'] = '弹出窗口是否显示菜单栏?';
$string['configpopupresizable'] = '弹出窗口是否可以调整大小?';
$string['configpopupscrollbars'] = '弹出窗口是否可滚动?';
$string['configpopupstatus'] = '弹出窗口是否显示状态栏?';
$string['configpopuptoolbar'] = '弹出窗口是否显示工具栏?';
$string['configpopupwidth'] = '新窗口缺省宽度?';
$string['configwebsearch'] = '当添加一个URL作为网页或链接时,该站将帮助用户寻找其想要的URL.';
$string['directlink'] = 'Direct link to this file';
$string['editingaresource'] = '编辑资源';
$string['example'] = '例';
$string['examplereference'] = 'Tobin, K. & Tippins, D (1993) Constructivism as a Referent for Teaching and Learning. In: K. Tobin (Ed) The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education, pp 3-21, Lawrence-Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.';
$string['exampleurl'] = 'http://www.example.com/somedirectory/somefile.html';
$string['fetchclienterror'] = 'An error was found with your web client while trying to retrieve the web page (possibly a wrong URL).';
$string['fetcherror'] = 'An error was found while trying to retrieve the web page.';
$string['fetchservererror'] = 'An error was found with the remote server while trying to retrieve the web page (possibly a program error).</p>';
$string['filename'] = '文件名';
$string['fulltext'] = '全文';
$string['htmlfragment'] = 'HTML片段';
$string['modulename'] = '资源';
$string['modulenameplural'] = '资源';
$string['neverseen'] = '没看过';
$string['newdirectories'] = '显示目录链接';
$string['newfullscreen'] = '全屏';
$string['newheight'] = '缺省窗口高度(象素)';
$string['newlocation'] = '显示地址栏';
$string['newmenubar'] = '显示菜单栏';
$string['newresizable'] = '允许调整窗口大小';
$string['newscrollbars'] = '允许窗口滚动';
$string['newstatus'] = '显示状态栏';
$string['newtoolbar'] = '显示工具栏';
$string['newwidth'] = '缺省窗口宽度(象素)';
$string['newwindow'] = '新窗口';
$string['newwindowopen'] = '在新窗口打开';
$string['note'] = '注意';
$string['notefile'] = '要上载更多文件到课程中(这样它们就会出现于该列表),请用
<A HREF=$a >文件管理器</A>.';
$string['notypechosen'] = '你必需选择一个类型。用浏览器的后退按钮退回并重试。';
$string['popupresource'] = '该资源将出现在一个弹出窗口中.';
$string['popupresourcelink'] = '若不行, 点击这里: $a';
$string['resourcetype'] = '资源类型';
$string['resourcetype1'] = '参考书目';
$string['resourcetype2'] = '网页';
$string['resourcetype3'] = '上载的文件';
$string['resourcetype4'] = '纯文本';
$string['resourcetype5'] = '网页链接';
$string['resourcetype6'] = 'HTML文本';
$string['resourcetype7'] = '程序';
$string['resourcetype8'] = 'Wiki文本';