mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 05:00:06 +01:00
The code to print blocks in now in theme layout.php files. (Or in moodle_core_renderer::handle_legacy_theme) Code for printing blocks everywhere else has been stripped out. (Total diffstat 1225 insertions, 2019 deletions) The way the HTML for a block instance is generated has been cleaned up a lot. Now, the block_instance generates a block_contents object which gives a structured representation of the block, and then $OUTPUT->block builds all the HTML from that. How theme config.php files specify the layout template and block regions by page general type has been changed to be even more flexible. Further refinement for how the theme and block code gets initialised. Ability for scrits to add 'pretend blocks' to the page. That is, things that look like blocks, but are not normal block_instances. (Like the add a new block UI.) Things that are still broken: * some pages in lesson, quiz and resource. I'm working on it. * lots of developer debug notices pointing out things that need to be updated.
590 lines
22 KiB
590 lines
22 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* This script creates config.php file during installation.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage install
* @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org)
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
if (isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
$lang = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/i', '', $_REQUEST['lang']);
} else {
$lang = 'en_utf8';
if (isset($_REQUEST['admin'])) {
$admin = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]/i', '', $_REQUEST['admin']);
} else {
$admin = 'admin';
// If config.php exists we just created config.php and need to redirect to continue installation
$configfile = './config.php';
if (file_exists($configfile)) {
header("Location: $admin/index.php?lang=$lang");
// make sure PHP errors are displayed - helps with diagnosing of problems
@ini_set('display_errors', '1');
// we need a lot of memory
@ini_set('memory_limit', '40M');
// Check that PHP is of a sufficient version
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0") < 0) {
$phpversion = phpversion();
// do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN not move it after installib
echo "Sorry, Moodle 2.0 requires PHP 5.2.8 or later (currently using version $phpversion). ";
echo "Please upgrade your server software or install latest Moodle 1.9.x instead.";
require dirname(__FILE__).'/lib/installlib.php';
// TODO: add lang detection here if empty $_REQUEST['lang']
// distro specific customisation
$distro = null;
if (file_exists('install/distrolib.php')) {
if (function_exists('distro_get_config')) {
$distro = distro_get_config();
$config = new stdClass();
$config->lang = $lang;
if (!empty($_POST)) {
if (install_ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
$_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST);
$config->stage = (int)$_POST['stage'];
if (isset($_POST['previous'])) {
if (INSTALL_DATABASETYPE and !empty($distro->dbtype)) {
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT or $config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) {
} else if (isset($_POST['next'])) {
$config->dbtype = trim($_POST['dbtype']);
$config->dbhost = trim($_POST['dbhost']);
$config->dbuser = trim($_POST['dbuser']);
$config->dbpass = trim($_POST['dbpass']);
$config->dbname = trim($_POST['dbname']);
$config->prefix = trim($_POST['prefix']);
$config->dbsocket = (int)(!empty($_POST['dbsocket']));
$config->dirroot = trim($_POST['dirroot']);
$config->admin = empty($_POST['admin']) ? 'admin' : trim($_POST['admin']);
$config->dataroot = trim($_POST['dataroot']);
} else {
$config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME;
$config->dbtype = empty($distro->dbtype) ? '' : $distro->dbtype; // let distro skip dbtype selection
$config->dbhost = empty($distro->dbhost) ? 'localhost' : $distro->dbhost; // let distros set dbhost
$config->dbuser = empty($distro->dbuser) ? '' : $distro->dbuser; // let distros set dbuser
$config->dbpass = '';
$config->dbname = 'moodle';
$config->prefix = 'mdl_';
$config->dbsocket = 0;
$config->dirroot = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)); // Fix for win32
$config->admin = 'admin';
$config->dataroot = empty($distro->dataroot) ? null : $distro->dataroot; // initialised later after including libs or by distro
// Fake some settings so that we can use selected functions from moodlelib.php and weblib.php
$CFG = new stdClass();
$CFG->lang = $config->lang;
$CFG->dirroot = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(__FILE__)); // Fix for win32
$CFG->libdir = "$CFG->dirroot/lib";
$CFG->wwwroot = install_guess_wwwroot(); // can not be changed - ppl must use the real address when installing
$CFG->themedir = $CFG->dirroot.'/theme';
$CFG->themewww = $CFG->wwwroot.'/theme';
$CFG->httpswwwroot = $CFG->wwwroot;
$CFG->httpsthemewww = $CFG->wwwroot;
$CFG->dataroot = $config->dataroot;
$CFG->admin = $config->admin;
$CFG->docroot = 'http://docs.moodle.org';
$CFG->directorypermissions = 00777;
$CFG->running_installer = true;
// Require all needed libs
require_once($CFG->libdir .'/pagelib.php');
//point pear include path to moodles lib/pear so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else
//the problem is that we need specific version of quickforms and hacked excel files :-(
ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
//point zend include path to moodles lib/zend so that includes and requires will search there for files before anywhere else
ini_set('include_path', $CFG->libdir.'/zend' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
$CFG->target_release = $release;
$SESSION = new object();
$SESSION->lang = $CFG->lang;
$USER = new object();
$USER->id = 0;
$COURSE = new object();
$COURSE->id = 0;
define('SITEID', 0);
$hint_dataroot = '';
$hint_dirroot = '';
$hint_admindir = '';
$hint_database = '';
// Are we in help mode?
if (isset($_GET['help'])) {
// send css?
if (isset($_GET['css'])) {
//first time here? find out suitable dataroot
if (is_null($CFG->dataroot)) {
$CFG->dataroot = str_replace('\\', '/', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/moodledata');
$i = 0; //safety check - dirname might return some unexpected results
while(is_dataroot_insecure()) {
$parrent = dirname($CFG->dataroot);
if ($parrent == '/' or $parrent == '.' or preg_match('/^[a-z]:\\\?$/i', $parrent) or ($i > 100)) {
$CFG->dataroot = ''; //can not find secure location for dataroot
$CFG->dataroot = dirname($parrent).'/moodledata';
$config->dataroot = $CFG->dataroot;
$config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME;
// now let's do the stage work
if ($config->stage < INSTALL_WELCOME) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME;
if ($config->stage > INSTALL_SAVE) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_SAVE;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_SAVE) {
$database = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($config->dbtype, 'native');
if (!$database->driver_installed()) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE;
} else {
if (function_exists('distro_pre_create_db')) { // Hook for distros needing to do something before DB creation
$distro = distro_pre_create_db($database, $config->dbhost, $config->dbuser, $config->dbpass, $config->dbname, $config->prefix, array('dbpersit'=>0, 'dbsocket'=>$config->dbsocket), $distro);
$hint_database = install_db_validate($database, $config->dbhost, $config->dbuser, $config->dbpass, $config->dbname, $config->prefix, array('dbpersit'=>0, 'dbsocket'=>$config->dbsocket));
if ($hint_database === '') {
// extra hackery needed for symbolic link support
if ($CFG->dirroot !== $config->dirroot) {
$CFG->dirroot = $config->dirroot;
$userealpath = true;
} else {
$userealpath = false;
$configphp = install_generate_configphp($database, $CFG, $userealpath);
if (($fh = @fopen($configfile, 'w')) !== false) {
fwrite($fh, $configphp);
if (file_exists($configfile)) {
// config created, let's continue!
install_print_header($config, 'config.php',
get_string('configurationcompletehead', 'install'),
get_string('configurationcompletesub', 'install').get_string('configfilenotwritten', 'install'));
echo '<div class="configphp"><pre>';
echo p($configphp);
echo '</pre></div>';
} else {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) {
if (empty($CFG->dataroot)) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
} else if (is_dataroot_insecure()) {
$hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsunsecuredataroot', 'install');
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
} else if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot)) {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->parent = dirname($CFG->dataroot);
$a->dataroot = $CFG->dataroot;
if (!is_writable(dirname($CFG->dataroot))) {
$hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsroparentdataroot', 'install', $a);
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
} else {
if (!make_upload_directory('lang', false)) {
$hint_dataroot = get_string('pathserrcreatedataroot', 'install', $a);
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
if (empty($hint_dataroot) and !is_writable($CFG->dataroot)) {
$hint_dataroot = get_string('pathsrodataroot', 'install');
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
if ($config->dirroot === '' or !file_exists($config->dirroot)) {
$hint_dirroot = get_string('pathswrongdirroot', 'install');
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
if ($config->admin === '' or !file_exists($config->dirroot.'/'.$config->admin.'/environment.xml')) {
$hint_admindir = get_string('pathswrongadmindir', 'install');
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) {
// no need to download anything if en lang selected
if ($CFG->lang == 'en_utf8') {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) {
// skip db selection if distro package supports only one db
if (!empty($distro->dbtype)) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DOWNLOADLANG) {
$downloaderror = '';
// Create necessary lang dir
if (!make_upload_directory('lang', false)) {
$downloaderror = get_string('cannotcreatelangdir', 'error');
// Download and install lang component
} else if ($cd = new component_installer('http://download.moodle.org', 'lang16', $CFG->lang.'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) {
if ($cd->install() == COMPONENT_ERROR) {
if ($cd->get_error() == 'remotedownloaderror') {
$a = new stdClass();
$a->url = 'http://download.moodle.org/lang16/'.$INSTALL['language'].'.zip';
$a->dest = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang';
$downloaderror = get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error', $a);
} else {
$downloaderror = get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error');
} else {
// install parent lang if defined
if ($parentlang = get_parent_language()) {
if ($cd = new component_installer('http://download.moodle.org', 'lang16', $parentlang.'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) {
if ($downloaderror !== '') {
install_print_header($config, get_string('language'), get_string('langdownloaderror', 'install', $CFG->lang), $downloaderror);
} else {
if (empty($distro->dbtype)) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASETYPE;
} else {
$config->stage = INSTALL_DATABASE;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASE) {
$database = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($config->dbtype, 'native');
$sub = '<h3>'.$database->get_name().'</h3>'.$database->get_configuration_help();
install_print_header($config, get_string('database', 'install'), get_string('databasehead', 'install'), $sub);
$strdbhost = get_string('databasehost', 'install');
$strdbname = get_string('databasename', 'install');
$strdbuser = get_string('databaseuser', 'install');
$strdbpass = get_string('databasepass', 'install');
$strprefix = get_string('dbprefix', 'install');
$strdbsocket = get_string('databasesocket', 'install');
echo '<div class="userinput">';
$disabled = empty($distro->dbhost) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dbhost" class="formlabel">'.$strdbhost.'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_dbhost" name="dbhost" '.$disabled.' type="text" value="'.s($config->dbhost).'" size="30" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dbname" class="formlabel">'.$strdbname.'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_dbname" name="dbname" type="text" value="'.s($config->dbname).'" size="30" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
$disabled = empty($distro->dbuser) ? '' : 'disabled="disabled';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dbuser" class="formlabel">'.$strdbuser.'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_dbuser" name="dbuser" '.$disabled.' type="text" value="'.s($config->dbuser).'" size="30" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dbpass" class="formlabel">'.$strdbpass.'</label>';
// no password field here, the password may be visible in config.php if we can not write it to disk
echo '<input id="id_dbpass" name="dbpass" type="text" value="'.s($config->dbpass).'" size="30" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_prefix" class="formlabel">'.$strprefix.'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_prefix" name="prefix" type="text" value="'.s($config->prefix).'" size="10" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
if (!(stristr(PHP_OS, 'win') && !stristr(PHP_OS, 'darwin'))) {
$checked = $config->dbsocket ? 'checked="checked' : '';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dbsocket" class="formlabel">'.$strdbsocket.'</label>';
echo '<input type="hidden" value="0" name="dbsocket" />';
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="id_dbsocket" value="1" name="dbsocket" '.$checked.' class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="hint">'.$hint_database.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_DATABASETYPE) {
// Finally ask for DB type
install_print_header($config, get_string('database', 'install'),
get_string('databasetypehead', 'install'),
get_string('databasetypesub', 'install'));
// TODO: move this PHP5 code to lib/installib.php so that this file parses in PHP4
$databases = array('mysqli' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mysqli', 'native'),
'pgsql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('pgsql', 'native'),
'oci' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('oci', 'native'),
//'sqlsrv' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('sqlsrv', 'native'), // new MS sql driver - win32 only
//'mssql' => moodle_database::get_driver_instance('mssql', 'native'), // FreeTDS driver
echo '<div class="userinput">';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label class="formlabel" for="dbtype">'.get_string('dbtype', 'install').'</label>';
echo '<select id="dbtype" name="dbtype" class="forminput">';
$disabled = array();
$options = array();
foreach ($databases as $type=>$database) {
if ($database->driver_installed() !== true) {
$disabled[$type] = $database;
echo '<option value="'.s($type).'">'.$database->get_name().'</option>';
if ($disabled) {
echo '<optgroup label="'.s(get_string('notavailable')).'">';
foreach ($disabled as $type=>$database) {
echo '<option value="'.s($type).'" class="notavailable">'.$database->get_name().'</option>';
echo '</optgroup>';
echo '</select></div>';
echo '</div>';
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT or $config->stage == INSTALL_PATHS) {
$version_fail = (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.8") < 0);
$curl_fail = ($lang !== 'en_utf8' and !extension_loaded('curl')); // needed for lang pack download
$zip_fail = ($lang !== 'en_utf8' and !extension_loaded('zip')); // needed for lang pack download
if ($version_fail or $curl_fail or $zip_fail) {
$config->stage = INSTALL_ENVIRONMENT;
install_print_header($config, get_string('environment', 'install'),
get_string('errorsinenvironment', 'install'),
get_string('environmentsub2', 'install'));
echo '<div id="envresult"><dl>';
if ($version_fail) {
$a = (object)array('needed'=>'5.2.8', 'current'=>phpversion());
echo '<dt>'.get_string('phpversion', 'install').'</dt><dd>'.get_string('environmentrequireversion', 'admin', $a).'</dd>';
if ($curl_fail) {
echo '<dt>'.get_string('phpextension', 'install', 'cURL').'</dt><dd>'.get_string('environmentrequireinstall', 'admin').'</dd>';
if ($zip_fail) {
echo '<dt>'.get_string('phpextension', 'install', 'Zip').'</dt><dd>'.get_string('environmentrequireinstall', 'admin').'</dd>';
echo '</dl></div>';
install_print_footer($config, true);
} else {
$config->stage = INSTALL_PATHS;
if ($config->stage == INSTALL_PATHS) {
$paths = array('wwwroot' => get_string('wwwroot', 'install'),
'dirroot' => get_string('dirroot', 'install'),
'dataroot' => get_string('dataroot', 'install'),
'admindir' => get_string('admindirname', 'install'));
$sub = '<dl>';
foreach ($paths as $path=>$name) {
$sub .= '<dt>'.$name.'</dt><dd>'.get_string('pathssub'.$path, 'install').'</dd>';
$sub .= '</dl>';
install_print_header($config, get_string('paths', 'install'), get_string('pathshead', 'install'), $sub);
$strwwwroot = get_string('wwwroot', 'install');
$strdirroot = get_string('dirroot', 'install');
$strdataroot = get_string('dataroot', 'install');
$stradmindirname = get_string('admindirname', 'install');
echo '<div class="userinput">';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_wwwroot" class="formlabel">'.$paths['wwwroot'].'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_wwwroot" name="wwwroot" type="text" value="'.s($CFG->wwwroot).'" disabled="disabled" size="45" class="forminput" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dirroot" class="formlabel">'.$paths['dirroot'].'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_dirroot" name="dirroot" type="text" value="'.s($config->dirroot).'" size="45"class="forminput" />';
if ($hint_dirroot !== '') {
echo '<div class="hint">'.$hint_dirroot.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_dataroot" class="formlabel">'.$paths['dataroot'].'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_dataroot" name="dataroot" type="text" value="'.s($config->dataroot).'" size="45" class="forminput" />';
if ($hint_dataroot !== '') {
echo '<div class="hint">'.$hint_dataroot.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/admin/environment.xml")) {
$disabled = 'disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$disabled = '';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label for="id_admin" class="formlabel">'.$paths['admindir'].'</label>';
echo '<input id="id_admin" name="admin" type="text" value="'.s($config->admin).'" '.$disabled.' size="10" class="forminput" />';
if ($hint_admindir !== '') {
echo '<div class="hint">'.$hint_admindir.'</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
$config->stage = INSTALL_WELCOME;
if ($distro) {
$sub = ob_get_clean();
install_print_header($config, get_string('language'),
get_string('chooselanguagehead', 'install'),
} else {
install_print_header($config, get_string('language'),
get_string('chooselanguagehead', 'install'),
get_string('chooselanguagesub', 'install'));
$languages = install_get_list_of_languages();
echo '<div class="userinput">';
echo '<div class="formrow"><label class="formlabel" for="langselect">'.get_string('language').'</label>';
echo '<select id="langselect" name="lang" class="forminput" onchange="this.form.submit()">';
foreach ($languages as $name=>$value) {
$selected = ($name == $CFG->lang) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
echo '<option value="'.s($name).'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>';
echo '</select></div>';
echo '</div>';