2008-08-04 16:45:08 +00:00

3469 lines
151 KiB

<?php //$Id$
//This file contains all the function needed in the backup utility
//except the mod-related funtions that are into every backuplib.php inside
//every mod directory
* This function calculates the users to be added to backup based in the
* settings defined at backup. All the resulting user ids are sent to
* backup_ids for later usage.
* @param int $courseid id of the course to backup
* @param int $backup_unique_code unique code of the backup being executed
* @param int $backup_unique_code setting specifying what users to export (0=all, 1=needed, 2=none)
* @param int $backup_messages flag (true/false) defining if messages must be
* considered to extract needed users
* @param int $backup_blogs flag (true/false) defining if blogs must be
* considered to extract needed users
* @return array one array (key, value) sumarizing the result of the function (number of users)
function user_check_backup($courseid,$backup_unique_code,$backup_users,$backup_messages,$backup_blogs) {
global $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
$count_users = 0;
$backupable_users = array();
if ($backup_users == 0) { /// All users
$backupable_users = backup_get_all_users();
} else if ($backup_users == 1) { /// Needed users
/// Calculate needed users (calling every xxxx_get_participants function + scales users
/// + messages users + blogs users)
$needed_users = backup_get_needed_users($courseid, $backup_messages, $backup_blogs);
/// Calculate enrolled users (having course:view cap)
$enrolled_users = backup_get_enrolled_users($courseid);
/// Calculate backupable users (needed + enrolled)
/// First, needed
$backupable_users = $needed_users;
/// Now, enrolled
if ($enrolled_users) {
foreach ($enrolled_users as $enrolled_user) {
$backupable_users[$enrolled_user->id]->id = $enrolled_user->id;
/// If we have backupable users
if ($backupable_users) {
/// Iterate over users putting their roles
foreach ($backupable_users as $backupable_user) {
$backupable_user->info = "";
/// Is needed user or enrolled user, mark it as needed
if (isset($needed_users[$backupable_user->id]) || isset($enrolled_users[$backupable_user->id])) {
$backupable_user->info .= "needed";
} /// Yu: also needed because they can view course
/// might need another variable
/// Now create the backup_id record
$backupids_rec->backup_code = $backup_unique_code;
$backupids_rec->table_name = "user";
$backupids_rec->old_id = $backupable_user->id;
$backupids_rec->info = $backupable_user->info;
/// TODO: Change this call inserting to a standard backup_putid() call
/// And read data acordingly with backup_getid() when needed.
/// TODO: Also analyse it the "needed" info is really needed for anything. Drop if not.
/// Insert the user to the backup_ids table. backup_user_info() will use that info
$status = $DB->insert_record('backup_ids', $backupids_rec, false);
/// Do some output
/// Prepare Info
/// Gets the user data
$info[0][0] = get_string("users");
$info[0][1] = $count_users;
return $info;
//Returns every needed user (participant) in a course
//It uses the xxxx_get_participants() function
//plus users needed to backup scales.
//Also it search for users having messages and
//users having blogs
//WARNING: It returns only NEEDED users, not every
// every student and teacher in the course, so it
//must be merged with backup_get_enrrolled_users !!
function backup_get_needed_users ($courseid, $includemessages=false, $includeblogs=false) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$result = false;
$course_modules = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT,, cm.instance
FROM {modules} m, {course_modules} cm
WHERE = cm.module and
cm.course = ?", array($courseid));
if ($course_modules) {
//Iterate over each module
foreach ($course_modules as $course_module) {
$modlib = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$course_module->name/lib.php";
$modgetparticipants = $course_module->name."_get_participants";
if (file_exists($modlib)) {
if (function_exists($modgetparticipants)) {
$module_participants = $modgetparticipants($course_module->instance);
//Add them to result
if ($module_participants) {
foreach ($module_participants as $module_participant) {
$result[$module_participant->id]->id = $module_participant->id;
//Now, add scale users (from site and course scales)
//Get users
$scaleusers = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT userid,userid
FROM {scale}
WHERE courseid = 0 or courseid = ?", array($courseid));
//Add scale users to results
if ($scaleusers) {
foreach ($scaleusers as $scaleuser) {
//If userid != 0
if ($scaleuser->userid != 0) {
$result[$scaleuser->userid]->id = $scaleuser->userid;
//Now, add message users if necessary
if ($includemessages) {
//Get users
$messageusers = message_get_participants();
//Add message users to results
if ($messageusers) {
foreach ($messageusers as $messageuser) {
//If id != 0
if ($messageuser->id !=0) {
$result[$messageuser->id]->id = $messageuser->id;
//Now, add blog users if necessary
if ($includeblogs) {
//Get users
$blogusers = blog_get_participants();
//Add blog users to results
if ($blogusers) {
foreach ($blogusers as $bloguser) {
//If id != 0
if ($bloguser->id !=0) {
$result[$bloguser->id]->id = $bloguser->id;
return $result;
//Returns every enrolled user (student and teacher) in a course
function backup_get_enrolled_users ($courseid) {
global $CFG;
// get all users with moodle/course:view capability, this will include people
// assigned at cat level, or site level
// but it should be ok if they have no direct assignment at course, mod, block level
return get_users_by_capability(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid), 'moodle/course:view');
//Returns all users ids (every record in users table)
function backup_get_all_users() {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_records('user', null, '', 'id, id');
//Calculate the number of log entries to backup
//Return an array of info (name,value)
function log_check_backup($course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//Now execute the count
$ids = $DB->count_records("log", array("course"=>$course));
//Gets the user data
$info[0][0] = get_string("logs");
if ($ids) {
$info[0][1] = $ids;
} else {
$info[0][1] = 0;
return $info;
//Calculate the number of user files to backup
//Under $CFG->dataroot/users
//Return an array of info (name,value)
function user_files_check_backup($course,$backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$count = 0;
$backup_users = $DB->get_recordset("backup_ids",
array('backup_code'=>$backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'user'), "", "id, old_id");
foreach ($backup_users as $user) {
//Is this user needed in the backup?
$userdir = make_user_directory($user->old_id, true);
if (check_dir_exists($userdir)) {
//Do some output
//Gets the user data
$info[0][0] = get_string("userswithfiles");
$info[0][1] = $count;
return $info;
* Calculate the number of course files to backup
* under $CFG->dataroot/$course, except $CFG->moddata, and backupdata
* and put them (their path) in backup_ids
* Return an array of info (name,value)
function course_files_check_backup($course, $backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/$course";
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
//Get files and directories without descend
$coursedirs = get_directory_list($rootdir,$CFG->moddata,false,true,true);
$backupdata_dir = "backupdata";
foreach ($coursedirs as $dir) {
//Check it isn't backupdata_dir
if (strpos($dir,$backupdata_dir)!==0) {
//Insert them into backup_files
$file = new object();
$file->backup_code = $backup_unique_code;
$file->file_type = 'course';
$file->path = $dir;
$status = $DB->insert_record("backup_files", $file);
//Do some output
//Now execute the select
$ids = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT b.path, b.old_id
FROM {backup_files} b
WHERE backup_code = ? AND
file_type = 'course'", array($backup_unique_code));
//Gets the user data
$info = array();
$info[0] = array();
$info[0][0] = get_string("files");
if ($ids) {
$info[0][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[0][1] = 0;
return $info;
* Calculate the number of site files to backup
* under $CFG->dataroot/SITEID
* Their path is already in backup_ids, put there by modules check_backup functions.
* Modules only put in paths of files that are used.
* Return an array of info (name,value)
function site_files_check_backup($course, $backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//execute the select, records have been inserted by modules during their ****_check_backup_mods function.
$ids = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT b.path
FROM {backup_files} b
WHERE backup_code = ? AND
file_type = 'site'", array($backup_unique_code));
//Gets the user data
$info = array();
$info[0] = array();
$info[0][0] = get_string('files');
if ($ids) {
$info[0][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[0][1] = 0;
return $info;
//Function to check and create the needed moddata dir to
//save all the mod backup files. We always name it moddata
//to be able to restore it, but in restore we check for
//$CFG->moddata !!
function check_and_create_moddata_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/moddata",true);
return $status;
//Function to check and create the "user_files" dir to
//save all the user files we need from "users" dir
function check_and_create_user_files_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/user_files",true);
return $status;
//Function to check and create the "group_files" dir to
//save all the user files we need from "groups" dir
function check_and_create_group_files_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/group_files",true);
return $status;
//Function to check and create the "course_files" dir to
//save all the course files we need from "CFG->datadir/course" dir
function check_and_create_course_files_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/course_files",true);
return $status;
//Function to check and create the "site_files" dir to
//save all the course files we need from "CFG->datadir/SITEID" dir
function check_and_create_site_files_dir($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = check_dir_exists($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/site_files",true);
return $status;
//Function to create, open and write header of the xml file
function backup_open_xml($backup_unique_code) {
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Open for writing
$file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/moodle.xml";
$backup_file = fopen($file,"w");
//Writes the header
$status = fwrite ($backup_file,"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
if ($status) {
$status = fwrite ($backup_file,start_tag("MOODLE_BACKUP",0,true));
if ($status) {
return $backup_file;
} else {
return false;
//Close the file
function backup_close_xml($backup_file) {
$status = fwrite ($backup_file,end_tag("MOODLE_BACKUP",0,true));
return fclose($backup_file);
//Return the xml start tag
function start_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=false,$attributes=null) {
if ($endline) {
$endchar = "\n";
} else {
$endchar = "";
$attrstring = '';
if (!empty($attributes) && is_array($attributes)) {
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value) {
$attrstring .= " ".xml_tag_safe_content($key)."=\"".
return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."<".strtoupper($tag).$attrstring.">".$endchar;
//Return the xml end tag
function end_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true) {
if ($endline) {
$endchar = "\n";
} else {
$endchar = "";
return str_repeat(" ",$level*2)."</".strtoupper($tag).">".$endchar;
//Return the start tag, the contents and the end tag
function full_tag($tag,$level=0,$endline=true,$content,$attributes=null) {
global $CFG;
//Here we encode absolute links
// MDL-10770
if (is_null($content)) {
$content = '$@NULL@$';
} else {
$content = backup_encode_absolute_links($content);
$st = start_tag($tag,$level,$endline,$attributes);
$co = xml_tag_safe_content($content);
$et = end_tag($tag,0,true);
return $st.$co.$et;
function xml_tag_safe_content($content) {
global $CFG;
//If enabled, we strip all the control chars (\x0-\x1f) from the text but tabs (\x9),
//newlines (\xa) and returns (\xd). The delete control char (\x7f) is also included.
//because they are forbiden in XML 1.0 specs. The expression below seems to be
//UTF-8 safe too because it simply ignores the rest of characters.
$content = preg_replace("/[\x-\x8\xb-\xc\xe-\x1f\x7f]/is","",$content);
$content = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r/", "\n", htmlspecialchars($content));
return $content;
//Prints General info about the course
//name, moodle_version (internal and release), backup_version, date, info in file...
function backup_general_info ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("INFO",1,true));
//The name of the backup
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",2,false,$preferences->backup_name));
//The moodle_version
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MOODLE_VERSION",2,false,$preferences->moodle_version));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MOODLE_RELEASE",2,false,$preferences->moodle_release));
//The backup_version
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("BACKUP_VERSION",2,false,$preferences->backup_version));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("BACKUP_RELEASE",2,false,$preferences->backup_release));
//The date
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DATE",2,false,$preferences->backup_unique_code));
//The original site wwwroot
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ORIGINAL_WWWROOT",2,false,$CFG->wwwroot));
//Indicate if it includes external MNET users
$sql = "SELECT b.old_id
FROM {backup_ids} b
JOIN {user} u ON
WHERE b.backup_code = ?
AND b.table_name = 'user' AND u.mnethostid != ?";
if ($DB->record_exists_sql($sql, array($preferences->backup_unique_code, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id))) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MNET_REMOTEUSERS",2,false,'true'));
//Te includes tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("DETAILS",2,true));
//Now, go to mod element of preferences to print its status
foreach ($preferences->mods as $element) {
//Calculate info
$included = "false";
$userinfo = "false";
if ($element->backup) {
$included = "true";
if ($element->userinfo) {
$userinfo = "true";
//Prints the mod start
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MOD",3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$element->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INCLUDED",4,false,$included));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERINFO",4,false,$userinfo));
if (isset($preferences->mods[$element->name]->instances)
&& is_array($preferences->mods[$element->name]->instances)
&& count($preferences->mods[$element->name]->instances)) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("INSTANCES",4,true));
foreach ($preferences->mods[$element->name]->instances as $id => $object) {
if (!empty($object->backup)) {
//Calculate info
$included = "false";
$userinfo = "false";
if ($object->backup) {
$included = "true";
if ($object->userinfo) {
$userinfo = "true";
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("INSTANCE",5,true));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("ID",5,false,$id));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("NAME",5,false,$object->name));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("INCLUDED",5,false,$included)) ;
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("USERINFO",5,false,$userinfo));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("INSTANCE",5,true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("INSTANCES",4,true));
//Print the end
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MOD",3,true));
//The metacourse in backup
if ($preferences->backup_metacourse == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("METACOURSE",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("METACOURSE",3,false,"false"));
//The user in backup
if ($preferences->backup_users == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERS",3,false,"course"));
} else if ($preferences->backup_users == 0) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERS",3,false,"all"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERS",3,false,"none"));
//The logs in backup
if ($preferences->backup_logs == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGS",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGS",3,false,"false"));
//The user files
if ($preferences->backup_user_files == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERFILES",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERFILES",3,false,"false"));
//The course files
if ($preferences->backup_course_files == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEFILES",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEFILES",3,false,"false"));
//The site files
if ($preferences->backup_site_files == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SITEFILES",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SITEFILES",3,false,"false"));
//The gradebook histories
if ($preferences->backup_gradebook_history == 1) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEBOOKHISTORIES",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEBOOKHISTORIES",3,false,"false"));
//The messages in backup
if ($preferences->backup_messages == 1 && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGES",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGES",3,false,"false"));
//The blogs in backup
if ($preferences->backup_blogs == 1 && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("BLOGS",3,false,"true"));
} else {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("BLOGS",3,false,"false"));
//The mode of writing the block data
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('BLOCKFORMAT',3,false,'instances'));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("DETAILS",2,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("INFO",1,true));
///Roles stuff goes in here
fwrite ($bf, start_tag('ROLES', 1, true));
$roles = backup_fetch_roles($preferences);
$sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $preferences->backup_course);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('ROLE',2,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('ID', 3, false, $role->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('NAME',3,false,$role->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('SHORTNAME',3,false,$role->shortname));
/// Calculate $role name in course
$nameincourse = role_get_name($role, $coursecontext);
if ($nameincourse != $role->name) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('NAMEINCOURSE', 3, false, $nameincourse));
// find and write all default capabilities
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('CAPABILITIES',3,true));
// pull out all default (site context) capabilities
if ($capabilities = role_context_capabilities($role->id, $sitecontext)) {
foreach ($capabilities as $capability=>$value) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('CAPABILITY',4,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('NAME', 5, false, $capability));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('PERMISSION', 5, false, $value));
// use this to pull out the other info (timemodified and modifierid)
$cap = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT *
FROM {role_capabilities}
WHERE capability = ?
AND contextid = ?
AND roleid = ?", array($capability, $sitecontext->id, $role->id));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED", 5, false, $cap->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("MODIFIERID", 5, false, $cap->modifierid));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('CAPABILITY',4,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('CAPABILITIES',3,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('ROLE',2,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('ROLES', 1, true));
return $status;
//Prints course's general info (table course)
function backup_course_start ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Course open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("COURSE",1,true));
//Header open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("HEADER",2,true));
//Get info from course
$course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$preferences->backup_course));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
if ($course) {
//Prints course info
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",3,false,$course->id));
//Obtain the category
$category = $DB->get_record("course_categories", array("id"=>"$course->category"));
if ($category) {
//Prints category info
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("CATEGORY",3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$course->category));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$category->name));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("CATEGORY",3,true));
//Continues with the course
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PASSWORD",3,false,$course->password));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FULLNAME",3,false,$course->fullname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHORTNAME",3,false,$course->shortname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",3,false,$course->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUMMARY",3,false,$course->summary));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FORMAT",3,false,$course->format));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHOWGRADES",3,false,$course->showgrades));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NEWSITEMS",3,false,$course->newsitems));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TEACHER",3,false,$course->teacher));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TEACHERS",3,false,$course->teachers));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STUDENT",3,false,$course->student));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STUDENTS",3,false,$course->students));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GUEST",3,false,$course->guest));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STARTDATE",3,false,$course->startdate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NUMSECTIONS",3,false,$course->numsections));
//fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHOWRECENT",3,false,$course->showrecent)); INFO: This is out in 1.3
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MAXBYTES",3,false,$course->maxbytes));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHOWREPORTS",3,false,$course->showreports));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPMODE",3,false,$course->groupmode));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPMODEFORCE",3,false,$course->groupmodeforce));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DEFAULTGROUPINGID",3,false,$course->defaultgroupingid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LANG",3,false,$course->lang));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("THEME",3,false,$course->theme));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COST",3,false,$course->cost));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CURRENCY",3,false,$course->currency));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MARKER",3,false,$course->marker));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VISIBLE",3,false,$course->visible));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDDENSECTIONS",3,false,$course->hiddensections));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",3,false,$course->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",3,false,$course->timemodified));
//If not selected, force metacourse to 0
if (!$preferences->backup_metacourse) {
$status = fwrite ($bf,full_tag("METACOURSE",3,false,'0'));
//else, export the field as is in DB
} else {
$status = fwrite ($bf,full_tag("METACOURSE",3,false,$course->metacourse));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXPIRENOTIFY",3,false,$course->expirynotify));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NOTIFYSTUDENTS",3,false,$course->notifystudents));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXPIRYTHRESHOLD",3,false,$course->expirythreshold));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENROLLABLE",3,false,$course->enrollable));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENROLSTARTDATE",3,false,$course->enrolstartdate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENROLENDDATE",3,false,$course->enrolenddate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENROLPERIOD",3,false,$course->enrolperiod));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENABLECOMPLETION",3,false,$course->enablecompletion));
/// write local course overrides here?
write_role_overrides_xml($bf, $context, 3);
/// write role_assign code here
write_role_assignments_xml($bf, $preferences, $context, 3);
//Print header end
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("HEADER",2,true));
} else {
$status = false;
return $status;
//Prints course's end tag
function backup_course_end ($bf,$preferences) {
//Course end tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("COURSE",1,true));
return $status;
//Prints course's metacourse info (table course_meta)
function backup_course_metacourse ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Get info from meta
$parents = $DB->get_records_sql ("SELECT m.*, c.idnumber, c.shortname
FROM {course_meta} m, {course} c
WHERE m.child_course = ? AND
m.parent_course =", array($preferences->backup_course));
$childs = $DB->get_records_sql ("SELECT m.*, c.idnumber, c.shortname
FROM {course_meta} m, {course} c
WHERE m.parent_course = ? AND
m.child_course =", array($preferences->backup_course));
if ($parents || $childs) {
//metacourse open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("METACOURSE",2,true));
if ($parents) {
fwrite($bf, start_tag("PARENTS",3,true));
//Iterate over every parent
foreach ($parents as $parent) {
//Begin parent
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("PARENT",4,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$parent->parent_course));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",5,false,$parent->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHORTNAME",5,false,$parent->shortname));
//End parent
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("PARENT",4,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("PARENTS",3,true));
if ($childs) {
fwrite($bf, start_tag("CHILDS",3,true));
//Iterate over every child
foreach ($childs as $child) {
//Begin parent
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("CHILD",4,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$child->child_course));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",5,false,$child->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHORTNAME",5,false,$child->shortname));
//End parent
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("CHILD",4,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("CHILDS",3,true));
//metacourse close tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("METACOURSE",3,true));
return $status;
//Prints course's messages info (tables message, message_read and message_contacts)
function backup_messages ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
/// Check we have something to backup
$unreads = $DB->count_records ('message');
$reads = $DB->count_records ('message_read');
$contacts= $DB->count_records ('message_contacts');
if ($unreads || $reads || $contacts) {
$counter = 0;
/// message open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MESSAGES",2,true));
if ($unreads) {
$rs_unreads = $DB->get_recordset('message');
/// Iterate over every unread
foreach ($rs_unreads as $unread) {
/// start message
fwrite($bf, start_tag("MESSAGE",3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$unread->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STATUS",4,false,"UNREAD"));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERIDFROM",4,false,$unread->useridfrom));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERIDTO",4,false,$unread->useridto));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGE",4,false,$unread->message));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FORMAT",4,false,$unread->format));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",4,false,$unread->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGETYPE",4,false,$unread->messagetype));
/// end message
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MESSAGE",3,true));
/// Do some output
if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($reads) {
$rs_reads = $DB->get_recordset('message_read');
/// Iterate over every unread
foreach ($rs_reads as $read) {
/// start message
fwrite($bf, start_tag("MESSAGE",3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$read->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("STATUS",4,false,"READ"));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERIDFROM",4,false,$read->useridfrom));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERIDTO",4,false,$read->useridto));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGE",4,false,$read->message));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FORMAT",4,false,$read->format));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",4,false,$read->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MESSAGETYPE",4,false,$read->messagetype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEREAD",4,false,$read->timeread));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MAILED",4,false,$read->mailed));
/// end message
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MESSAGE",3,true));
/// Do some output
if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
if ($contacts) {
fwrite($bf, start_tag("CONTACTS",3,true));
$rs_contacts = $DB->get_recordset('message_contacts');
/// Iterate over every contact
foreach ($rs_contacts as $contact) {
/// start contact
fwrite($bf, start_tag("CONTACT",4,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$contact->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",5,false,$contact->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CONTACTID",5,false,$contact->contactid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("BLOCKED",5,false,$contact->blocked));
/// end contact
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("CONTACT",4,true));
/// Do some output
if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
fwrite($bf, end_tag("CONTACTS",3,true));
/// messages close tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MESSAGES",2,true));
return $status;
//Print blogs info (post table, module=blog, course=0)
function backup_blogs($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
/// Check we have something to backup
$siteblogs = $DB->count_records('post', array('module'=>'blog', 'courseid'=>0));
if ($siteblogs) {
$counter = 0;
/// blogs open tag
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("BLOGS",2,true));
if ($siteblogs) {
$rs_blogs = $DB->get_recordset('post', array('module'=>'blog', 'courseid'=>0));
/// Iterate over every blog
foreach ($rs_blogs as $blog) {
/// start blog
fwrite($bf, start_tag("BLOG",3,true));
/// blog body
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$blog->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODULE",4,false,$blog->module));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",4,false,$blog->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEID",4,false,$blog->courseid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",4,false,$blog->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODULEID",4,false,$blog->moduleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEMODULEID",4,false,$blog->coursemoduleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUBJECT",4,false,$blog->subject));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUMMARY",4,false,$blog->summary));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CONTENT",4,false,$blog->content));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("UNIQUEHASH",4,false,$blog->uniquehash));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RATING",4,false,$blog->rating));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FORMAT",4,false,$blog->format));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ATTACHMENT",4,false,$blog->attachment));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PUBLISHSTATE",4,false,$blog->publishstate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LASTMODIFIED",4,false,$blog->lastmodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CREATED",4,false,$blog->created));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERMODIFIED",4,false,$blog->usermodified));
/// Blog tags
/// Check if we have blog tags to backup
if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) {
if ($tags = tag_get_tags('post', $blog->id)) { //This return them ordered by default
/// Start BLOG_TAGS tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("BLOG_TAGS",4,true));
/// Write blog tags fields
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("BLOG_TAG",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",6,false,$tag->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWNAME",6,false,$tag->rawname));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("BLOG_TAG",5,true));
/// End BLOG_TAGS tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("BLOG_TAGS",4,true));
/// Blog comments
/// TODO: Blog comments go here (2.0)
/// end blog
fwrite($bf, end_tag("BLOG",3,true));
/// Do some output
if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
/// blogs close tag
$status = fwrite($bf, end_tag("BLOGS",2,true));
return $status;
* Prints course's blocks info (table block_instance)
function backup_course_blocks ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// Read all of the block table
$blocks = blocks_get_record();
$pages = array();
$pages[] = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $preferences->backup_course);
if (!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages)) {
// get course structure
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$preferences->backup_course));
$modinfo =& get_fast_modinfo($course);
foreach($preferences->mods as $module) {
if (!$module->backup) {
if (empty($modinfo->instances[$module->name])) {
$pagetypes = page_import_types('mod/'.$module->name.'/');
if (empty($pagetypes)) {
foreach($pagetypes as $pagetype) {
foreach($modinfo->instances[$module->name] as $cm) {
if (!empty($module->instances[$cm->instance]->backup)) {
$pages[] = page_create_object($pagetype, $cm->instance);
//Blocks open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('BLOCKS',2,true));
foreach($pages as $page) {
if ($instances = blocks_get_by_page($page)) {
//Iterate over every block
foreach ($instances as $position) {
foreach ($position as $instance) {
//If we somehow have a block with an invalid id, skip it
if(empty($blocks[$instance->blockid]->name)) {
$blockname = $blocks[$instance->blockid]->name;
if (!$blockobj = block_instance($blockname, $instance)) {
// Invalid block
// encode absolute links in block config
$instance->configdata = $blockobj->get_backup_encoded_config();
//Begin Block
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('BLOCK',3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('ID', 4, false,$instance->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('NAME',4,false,$blockname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('PAGEID',4,false,$instance->pageid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('PAGETYPE',4,false,$instance->pagetype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('POSITION',4,false,$instance->position));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('WEIGHT',4,false,$instance->weight));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('VISIBLE',4,false,$instance->visible));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag('CONFIGDATA',4,false,$instance->configdata));
// Write instance data if needed
if ($blockobj->backuprestore_instancedata_used()) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag('INSTANCEDATA',4,true));
$status = $blockobj->instance_backup($bf, $preferences);
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('INSTANCEDATA',4,true));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $instance->id);
write_role_overrides_xml($bf, $context, 4);
/// write role_assign code here
write_role_assignments_xml($bf, $preferences, $context, 4);
//End Block
fwrite ($bf,end_tag('BLOCK',3,true));
//Blocks close tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag('BLOCKS',2,true));
return $status;
//Prints course's sections info (table course_sections)
function backup_course_sections ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Get info from sections
if ($sections = $DB->get_records("course_sections", array("course"=>$preferences->backup_course),"section")) {
//Section open tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("SECTIONS",2,true));
//Iterate over every section (ordered by section)
foreach ($sections as $section) {
//Begin Section
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("SECTION",3,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$section->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NUMBER",4,false,$section->section));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUMMARY",4,false,$section->summary));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VISIBLE",4,false,$section->visible));
//Now print the mods in section
backup_course_modules ($bf,$preferences,$section);
//End section
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("SECTION",3,true));
//Section close tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("SECTIONS",2,true));
return $status;
//Prints course's format data (any data the format might want to save).
function backup_format_data ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Check course format
if(!($format = $DB->get_field('course','format', array('id'=>$preferences->backup_course)))) {
return false;
// Write appropriate tag. Note that we always put this tag there even if
// blank, it makes parsing easier
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("FORMATDATA",2,true));
if(file_exists($file)) {
// If the file is there, the function must be or it's an error.
if(!function_exists($function)) {
return false;
if(!$function($bf,$preferences)) {
return false;
// This last return just checks the file writing has been ok (ish)
return fwrite ($bf,end_tag("FORMATDATA",2,true));
//Prints course's modules info (table course_modules)
//Only for selected mods in preferences
function backup_course_modules ($bf,$preferences,$section) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
$first_record = true;
if(!$course) {
return false;
//Now print the mods in section
//Extracts mod id from sequence
$tok = strtok($section->sequence,",");
while ($tok) {
//Get module's type
$moduletype = get_module_type ($preferences->backup_course,$tok);
//Check if we've selected to backup that type
if ($moduletype and $preferences->mods[$moduletype]->backup) {
$selected = true;
} else {
$selected = false;
if ($selected) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $tok);
//Gets course_module data from db - verify activity exists and is enabled!
$sql = "SELECT cm.*
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {modules} m ON = cm.module
JOIN {".$moduletype."} a ON = cm.instance
WHERE m.visible = 1 AND = $tok";
if (!$course_module = $DB->get_record_sql($sql)) {
// cm exists but activity instance missing - probably caused by double clicking
$tok = strtok(",");
//If it's the first, pring MODS tag
if ($first_record) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MODS",4,true));
$first_record = false;
// if we're doing selected instances, check that too.
if (is_array($preferences->mods[$moduletype]->instances)
&& count($preferences->mods[$moduletype]->instances)
&& (!array_key_exists($course_module->instance,$preferences->mods[$moduletype]->instances)
|| empty($preferences->mods[$moduletype]->instances[$course_module->instance]->backup))) {
$tok = strtok(",");
// find all role values that has an override in this context
$roles = $DB->get_records('role_capabilities', array('contextid'=>$context->id));
//Print mod info from course_modules
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MOD",5,true));
//Save neccesary info to backup_ids
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$tok));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TYPE",6,false,$moduletype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INSTANCE",6,false,$course_module->instance));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ADDED",6,false,$course_module->added));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCORE",6,false,$course_module->score));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INDENT",6,false,$course_module->indent));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VISIBLE",6,false,$course_module->visible));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPMODE",6,false,$course_module->groupmode));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPINGID",6,false,$course_module->groupingid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPMEMBERSONLY",6,false,$course_module->groupmembersonly));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",6,false,$course_module->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COMPLETION",6,false,$course_module->completion));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COMPLETIONGRADEITEMNUMBER",6,false,$course_module->completiongradeitemnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COMPLETIONVIEW",6,false,$course_module->completionview));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COMPLETIONEXPECTED",6,false,$course_module->completionexpected));
// get all the role_capabilities overrides in this mod
write_role_overrides_xml($bf, $context, 6);
/// write role_assign code here
write_role_assignments_xml($bf, $preferences, $context, 6);
// write completion data if enabled and user data enabled
$completion=new completion_info($course);
if($completion->is_enabled($course_module) &&
backup_userdata_selected($preferences,$moduletype,$course_module->instance)) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("COMPLETIONDATA",6,true));
// Get all completion records for this module and loop
$data=$data ? $data : array();
foreach($data as $completion) {
// Write completion record
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("COMPLETION",7,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",8,false,$completion->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COMPLETIONSTATE",8,false,$completion->completionstate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VIEWED",8,false,$completion->viewed));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",8,false,$completion->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("COMPLETION",7,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("COMPLETIONDATA",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MOD",5,true));
//check for next
$tok = strtok(",");
//Si ha habido modulos, final de MODS
if (!$first_record) {
$status =fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MODS",4,true));
return $status;
//Print users to xml
//Only users previously calculated in backup_ids will output
function backup_user_info ($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once ($CFG->dirroot.'/tag/lib.php');
$status = true;
// Use a recordset to for the memory handling on to
// the DB and run faster
$users = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT b.old_id, b.table_name,,
u.*, m.wwwroot
FROM {backup_ids} b
JOIN {user} u ON
JOIN {mnet_host} m ON
WHERE b.backup_code = ? AND
b.table_name = 'user'", array($preferences->backup_unique_code));
//If we have users to backup
if ($users && $users->valid()) {
//Begin Users tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USERS",2,true));
$counter = 0;
//With every user
foreach ($users as $user) {
//Begin User tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER",3,true));
//Output all user data
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$user->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AUTH",4,false,$user->auth));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CONFIRMED",4,false,$user->confirmed));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("POLICYAGREED",4,false,$user->policyagreed));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DELETED",4,false,$user->deleted));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERNAME",4,false,$user->username));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PASSWORD",4,false,$user->password));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",4,false,$user->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FIRSTNAME",4,false,$user->firstname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LASTNAME",4,false,$user->lastname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EMAIL",4,false,$user->email));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EMAILSTOP",4,false,$user->emailstop));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ICQ",4,false,$user->icq));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SKYPE",4,false,$user->skype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("YAHOO",4,false,$user->yahoo));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AIM",4,false,$user->aim));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MSN",4,false,$user->msn));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PHONE1",4,false,$user->phone1));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PHONE2",4,false,$user->phone2));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INSTITUTION",4,false,$user->institution));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DEPARTMENT",4,false,$user->department));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ADDRESS",4,false,$user->address));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CITY",4,false,$user->city));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COUNTRY",4,false,$user->country));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LANG",4,false,$user->lang));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("THEME",4,false,$user->theme));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEZONE",4,false,$user->timezone));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FIRSTACCESS",4,false,$user->firstaccess));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LASTACCESS",4,false,$user->lastaccess));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LASTLOGIN",4,false,$user->lastlogin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CURRENTLOGIN",4,false,$user->currentlogin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LASTIP",4,false,$user->lastip));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SECRET",4,false,$user->secret));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PICTURE",4,false,$user->picture));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("URL",4,false,$user->url));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",4,false,$user->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MAILFORMAT",4,false,$user->mailformat));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MAILDIGEST",4,false,$user->maildigest));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MAILDISPLAY",4,false,$user->maildisplay));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HTMLEDITOR",4,false,$user->htmleditor));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AJAX",4,false,$user->ajax));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AUTOSUBSCRIBE",4,false,$user->autosubscribe));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TRACKFORUMS",4,false,$user->trackforums));
if ($user->mnethostid != $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) {
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MNETHOSTURL",4,false,$user->wwwroot));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$user->timemodified));
/// write assign/override code for context_userid
$user->isneeded = strpos($user->info,"needed");
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("ROLES",4,true));
if ($user->info != "needed" && $user->info!="") {
$roles = explode(",", $user->info);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
if ($role!="" && $role!="needed") {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("ROLE",5,true));
//Print Role info
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TYPE",6,false,$role));
//Print ROLE end
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("ROLE",5,true));
if ($user->isneeded!==false) {
//Print ROLE start
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("ROLE",5,true));
//Print Role info
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TYPE",6,false,"needed"));
//Print ROLE end
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("ROLE",5,true));
//End ROLES tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("ROLES",4,true));
//Check if we have custom profile fields to backup
if ($cpfields = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT uif.shortname, uif.datatype,
FROM {user_info_field} uif,
{user_info_data} uid
WHERE = uid.fieldid
AND uid.userid = ?", array($user->id))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS",4,true));
//Write custom profile fields
foreach ($cpfields as $cpfield) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELD",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FIELD_NAME",6,false,$cpfield->shortname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FIELD_TYPE",6,false,$cpfield->datatype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FIELD_DATA",6,false,$cpfield->data));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELD",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELDS",4,true));
//Check if we have user tags to backup
if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) {
if ($tags = tag_get_tags('user', $user->id)) { //This return them ordered by default
//Start USER_TAGS tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_TAGS",4,true));
//Write user tags fields
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_TAG",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",6,false,$tag->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWNAME",6,false,$tag->rawname));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_TAG",5,true));
//End USER_TAGS tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_TAGS",4,true));
//Check if we have user_preferences to backup
if ($preferences_data = $DB->get_records("user_preferences", array("userid"=>$user->old_id))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_PREFERENCES",4,true));
//Write each user_preference
foreach ($preferences_data as $user_preference) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("USER_PREFERENCE",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",6,false,$user_preference->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VALUE",6,false,$user_preference->value));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_PREFERENCE",5,true));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER_PREFERENCES",4,true));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $user->old_id);
write_role_overrides_xml($bf, $context, 4);
/// write role_assign code here
write_role_assignments_xml($bf, $preferences, $context, 4);
//End User tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USER",3,true));
//Do some output
if ($counter % 10 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 200 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//End Users tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("USERS",2,true));
} else {
// There aren't any users.
$status = true;
if ($users) {
return $status;
//Backup log info (time ordered)
function backup_log_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//Number of records to get in every chunk
$recordset_size = 1000;
$status = true;
//Counter, points to current record
$counter = 0;
//Count records
$count_logs = $DB->count_records("log", array("course"=>$preferences->backup_course));
//Pring logs header
if ($count_logs > 0 ) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("LOGS",2,true));
while ($counter < $count_logs) {
//Get a chunk of records
$logs = $DB->get_records ("log", array("course"=>$preferences->backup_course),"time","*",$counter,$recordset_size);
//We have logs
if ($logs) {
foreach ($logs as $log) {
//See if it is a valid module to backup
if ($log->module == "course" or
$log->module == "user" or
(array_key_exists($log->module, $preferences->mods) and $preferences->mods[$log->module]->backup == 1)) {
// logs with 'upload' in module field are ignored, there is no restore code anyway
//Begin log tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("LOG",3,true));
//Output log tag
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$log->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIME",4,false,$log->time));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",4,false,$log->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IP",4,false,$log->ip));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODULE",4,false,$log->module));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CMID",4,false,$log->cmid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ACTION",4,false,$log->action));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("URL",4,false,$log->url));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INFO",4,false,$log->info));
//End log tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("LOG",3,true));
//Do some output
if ($counter % 20 == 0) {
echo ".";
if ($counter % 400 == 0) {
echo "<br />";
//End logs tag
if ($count_logs > 0 ) {
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("LOGS",2,true));
return $status;
//Backup gradebook info
function backup_gradebook_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//first make sure items are properly sorted and everything is ok
grade_category::fetch_course_tree($preferences->backup_course, true);
$status = true;
// see if ALL grade items of type mod of this course are being backed up
// if not, we do not need to backup grade category and associated grade items/grades
$backupall = true;
if ($grade_items = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {grade_items}
WHERE courseid = ?
AND itemtype = 'mod'", array($preferences->backup_course))) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
// get module information
// if some activities not selected, we do not backup categories at all
if (!backup_mod_selected($preferences,$grade_item->itemmodule,$grade_item->iteminstance)) {
$backupall = false;
unset($grade_items); //free memory
//Gradebook header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADEBOOK",2,true));
$status = backup_gradebook_outcomes_info($bf, $preferences);
$status = backup_gradebook_grade_letters_info($bf,$preferences);
// Now backup grade_item (inside grade_category)
if ($backupall) {
$status = backup_gradebook_category_info($bf,$preferences);
$status = backup_gradebook_item_info($bf,$preferences, $backupall);
// backup gradebook histories
if ($preferences->backup_gradebook_history) {
$status = backup_gradebook_outcomes_history($bf, $preferences);
$status = backup_gradebook_categories_history_info($bf, $preferences);
$status = backup_gradebook_items_history_info($bf, $preferences);
$status = backup_gradebook_grades_history_info($bf, $preferences);
//Gradebook footer
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADEBOOK",2,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_category_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// get grade categories in proper order - specified in category grade items
$course_item = grade_item::fetch_course_item($preferences->backup_course);
$grade_categories = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT gc.*, gi.sortorder
FROM {grade_categories} gc
JOIN {grade_items} gi ON (gi.iteminstance =
WHERE gc.courseid = ?
AND (gi.itemtype='course' OR gi.itemtype='category')
ORDER BY gi.sortorder ASC", array($preferences->backup_course));
if ($grade_categories) {
//Begin grade_categories tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES",3,true));
//Iterate for each category
foreach ($grade_categories as $grade_category) {
//Begin grade_category
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_CATEGORY",4,true));
//Output individual fields
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$grade_category->id));
// not keeping path and depth because they can be derived
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PARENT",5,false,$grade_category->parent));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FULLNAME",5,false,$grade_category->fullname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATION",5,false,$grade_category->aggregation));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("KEEPHIGH",5,false,$grade_category->keephigh));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DROPLOW",5,false,$grade_category->droplow));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATEONLYGRADED",5,false,$grade_category->aggregateonlygraded));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATEOUTCOMES",5,false,$grade_category->aggregateoutcomes));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATESUBCATS",5,false,$grade_category->aggregatesubcats));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",5,false,$grade_category->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",5,false,$grade_category->timemodified));
//End grade_category
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_CATEGORY",4,true));
//End grade_categories tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES",3,true));
return $status;
//Backup gradebook_item (called from backup_gradebook_info
function backup_gradebook_item_info($bf, $preferences, $backupall) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// get all the grade_items, ordered by sort order since upon restoring, it is not always
// possible to use the same sort order. We could at least preserve the sortorder by restoring
// grade_items in the original sortorder
if ($grade_items = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {grade_items}
WHERE courseid = ?
ORDER BY sortorder ASC", array($preferences->backup_course))) {
//Begin grade_items tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_ITEMS",3,true));
//Iterate over each item
foreach ($grade_items as $item) {
// Instantiate a grade_item object, to access its methods
$grade_item = new grade_item($item, false);
// do not restore if this grade_item is a mod, and
if ($grade_item->itemtype == 'mod') {
//MDL-12463 - exclude grade_items of instances not chosen for backup
if (empty($preferences->mods[$grade_item->itemmodule]->instances[$grade_item->iteminstance]->backup)) {
} else if ($grade_item->itemtype == 'category') {
// if not all grade items are being backed up
// we ignore this type of grade_item and grades associated
if (!$backupall) {
//Begin grade_item
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_ITEM",4,true));
//Output individual fields
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$grade_item->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CATEGORYID",5,false,$grade_item->categoryid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMNAME",5,false,$grade_item->itemname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMTYPE",5,false,$grade_item->itemtype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMMODULE",5,false,$grade_item->itemmodule));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMINSTANCE",5,false,$grade_item->iteminstance));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMNUMBER",5,false,$grade_item->itemnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMINFO",5,false,$grade_item->iteminfo));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",5,false,$grade_item->idnumber));
// use [idnumber] in calculation instead of [#giXXX#]
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CALCULATION",5,false,$grade_item->get_calculation()));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADETYPE",5,false,$grade_item->gradetype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEMAX",5,false,$grade_item->grademax));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEMIN",5,false,$grade_item->grademin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCALEID",5,false,$grade_item->scaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OUTCOMEID",5,false,$grade_item->outcomeid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEPASS",5,false,$grade_item->gradepass));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MULTFACTOR",5,false,$grade_item->multfactor));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PLUSFACTOR",5,false,$grade_item->plusfactor));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATIONCOEF",5,false,$grade_item->aggregationcoef));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DISPLAY",5,false,$grade_item->display));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DECIMALS",5,false,$grade_item->decimals));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDDEN",5,false,$grade_item->hidden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKED",5,false,$grade_item->locked));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKTIME",5,false,$grade_item->locktime));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NEEDSUPDATE",5,false,$grade_item->needsupdate));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",5,false,$grade_item->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",5,false,$grade_item->timemodified));
// back up the other stuff here
// mod grades should only be backed up if selected
if ($grade_item->itemtype == 'mod' && !backup_userdata_selected($preferences,$grade_item->itemmodule,$grade_item->iteminstance)) {
// do not write grades if a mod grade_item is being restored
// but userdata is not selected
} else {
$status = backup_gradebook_grades_info($bf,$preferences,$grade_item->id);
//End grade_item
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_ITEM",4,true));
//End grade_items tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_ITEMS",3,true));
return $status;
//Backup gradebook_item (called from backup_gradebook_info
function backup_gradebook_grade_letters_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $preferences->backup_course);
$grade_letters = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {grade_letters}
WHERE contextid = ?", array($context->id));
if ($grade_letters) {
//Begin grade_l tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_LETTERS",3,true));
//Iterate for each letter
foreach ($grade_letters as $grade_letter) {
//Begin grade_letter
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_LETTER",4,true));
//Output individual fields
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$grade_letter->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOWERBOUNDARY",5,false,$grade_letter->lowerboundary));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LETTER",5,false,$grade_letter->letter));
//End grade_letter
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_LETTER",4,true));
//End grade_categories tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_LETTERS",3,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_outcomes_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// only back up courses already in the grade_outcomes_courses table
$grade_outcomes = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT go.*
FROM {grade_outcomes} go
JOIN {grade_outcomes_courses} goc ON (goc.outcomeid =
WHERE goc.courseid = ?", array($preferences->backup_course));
if (!empty($grade_outcomes)) {
//Begin grade_outcomes tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_OUTCOMES",3,true));
//Iterate for each outcome
foreach ($grade_outcomes as $grade_outcome) {
//Begin grade_outcome
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME",4,true));
//Output individual fields
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",5,false,$grade_outcome->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEID",5,false,$grade_outcome->courseid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHORTNAME",5,false,$grade_outcome->shortname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FULLNAME",5,false,$grade_outcome->fullname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCALEID",5,false,$grade_outcome->scaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",5,false,$grade_outcome->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",5,false,$grade_outcome->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",5,false,$grade_outcome->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERMODIFIED",5,false,$grade_outcome->usermodified));
//End grade_outcome
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME",4,true));
//End grade_outcomes tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_OUTCOMES",3,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_grades_info($bf,$preferences, $itemid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// find all grades belonging to this item
if ($grades = $DB->get_records('grade_grades', array('itemid'=>$itemid))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_GRADES",5,true));
foreach ($grades as $grade) {
/// Grades are only sent to backup if the user is one target user
if (backup_getid($preferences->backup_unique_code, 'user', $grade->userid)) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",7,false,$grade->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",7,false,$grade->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADE",7,false,$grade->rawgrade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADEMAX",7,false,$grade->rawgrademax));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADEMIN",7,false,$grade->rawgrademin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWSCALEID",7,false,$grade->rawscaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERMODIFIED",7,false,$grade->usermodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FINALGRADE",7,false,$grade->finalgrade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDDEN",7,false,$grade->hidden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKED",7,false,$grade->locked));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKTIME",7,false,$grade->locktime));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXPORTED",7,false,$grade->exported));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OVERRIDDEN",7,false,$grade->overridden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXCLUDED",7,false,$grade->excluded));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FEEDBACK",7,false,$grade->feedback));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FEEDBACKFORMAT",7,false,$grade->feedbackformat));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INFORMATION",7,false,$grade->information));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INFORMATIONFORMAT",7,false,$grade->informationformat));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",7,false,$grade->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",7,false,$grade->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE",6,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_GRADES",5,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_categories_history_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// find all grade categories history
if ($chs = $DB->get_records('grade_categories_history', array('courseid'=>$preferences->backup_course))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORIES",5,true));
foreach ($chs as $ch) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",7,false,$ch->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ACTION",7,false,$ch->action));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OLDID",7,false,$ch->oldid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SOURCE",7,false,$ch->source));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",7,false,$ch->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGGEDUSER",7,false,$ch->loggeduser));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PARENT",7,false,$ch->parent));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DEPTH",7,false,$ch->depth));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PATH",7,false,$ch->path));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FULLNAME",7,false,$ch->fullname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGRETGATION",7,false,$ch->aggregation));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("KEEPHIGH",7,false,$ch->keephigh));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DROPLOW",7,false,$ch->droplow));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATEONLYGRADED",7,false,$ch->aggregateonlygraded));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATEOUTCOMES",7,false,$ch->aggregateoutcomes));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATESUBCATS",7,false,$ch->aggregatesubcats));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY",6,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORIES",5,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_grades_history_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// find all grade categories history
if ($chs = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT ggh.*
FROM {grade_grades_history} ggh
JOIN {grade_item} gi ON = ggh.itemid
WHERE gi.courseid = ?", array($preferences->backup_course))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_GRADES_HISTORIES",5,true));
foreach ($chs as $ch) {
/// Grades are only sent to backup if the user is one target user
if (backup_getid($preferences->backup_unique_code, 'user', $ch->userid)) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",7,false,$ch->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ACTION",7,false,$ch->action));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OLDID",7,false,$ch->oldid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SOURCE",7,false,$ch->source));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",7,false,$ch->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGGEDUSER",7,false,$ch->loggeduser));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMID",7,false,$ch->itemid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",7,false,$ch->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADE",7,false,$ch->rawgrade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADEMAX",7,false,$ch->rawgrademax));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWGRADEMIN",7,false,$ch->rawgrademin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("RAWSCALEID",7,false,$ch->rawscaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERMODIFIED",7,false,$ch->usermodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FINALGRADE",7,false,$ch->finalgrade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDDEN",7,false,$ch->hidden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKED",7,false,$ch->locked));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKTIME",7,false,$ch->locktime));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXPORTED",7,false,$ch->exported));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OVERRIDDEN",7,false,$ch->overridden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EXCLUDED",7,false,$ch->excluded));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FEEDBACK",7,false,$ch->feedback));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FEEDBACKFORMAT",7,false,$ch->feedbackformat));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INFORMATION",7,false,$ch->information));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INFORMATIONFORMAT",7,false,$ch->informationformat));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY",6,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_GRADES_HISTORIES",5,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_items_history_info($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// find all grade categories history
if ($chs = $DB->get_records('grade_items_history', array('courseid'=>$preferences->backup_course))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_ITEM_HISTORIES",5,true));
foreach ($chs as $ch) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",7,false,$ch->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ACTION",7,false,$ch->action));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OLDID",7,false,$ch->oldid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SOURCE",7,false,$ch->source));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",7,false,$ch->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGGEDUSER",7,false,$ch->loggeduser));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CATEGORYID",7,false,$ch->categoryid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMNAME",7,false,$ch->itemname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMTYPE",7,false,$ch->itemtype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMMODULE",7,false,$ch->itemmodule));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMINSTANCE",7,false,$ch->iteminstance));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMNUMBER",7,false,$ch->itemnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ITEMINFO",7,false,$ch->iteminfo));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("IDNUMBER",7,false,$ch->idnumber));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CALCULATION",7,false,$ch->calculation));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADETYPE",7,false,$ch->gradetype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEMAX",7,false,$ch->grademax));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEMIN",7,false,$ch->grademin));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCALEID",7,false,$ch->scaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OUTCOMEID",7,false,$ch->outcomeid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEPASS",7,false,$ch->gradepass));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MULTFACTOR",7,false,$ch->multfactor));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PLUSFACTOR",7,false,$ch->plusfactor));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("AGGREGATIONCOEF",7,false,$ch->aggregationcoef));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SORTORDER",7,false,$ch->sortorder));
//fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DISPLAY",7,false,$ch->display));
//fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DECIMALS",7,false,$ch->decimals));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDDEN",7,false,$ch->hidden));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKED",7,false,$ch->locked));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOCKTIME",7,false,$ch->locktime));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NEEDSUPDATE",7,false,$ch->needsupdate));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY",6,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_ITEM_HISTORIES",5,true));
return $status;
function backup_gradebook_outcomes_history($bf, $preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// find all grade categories history
if ($chs = $DB->get_records('grade_outcomes_history', array('courseid'=>$preferences->backup_course))) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORIES",5,true));
foreach ($chs as $ch) {
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY",6,true));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",7,false,$ch->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OLDID",7,false,$ch->oldid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ACTION",7,false,$ch->action));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SOURCE",7,false,$ch->source));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",7,false,$ch->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LOGGEDUSER",7,false,$ch->loggeduser));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHORTNAME",7,false,$ch->shortname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FULLNAME",7,false,$ch->fullname));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCALEID",7,false,$ch->scaleid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",7,false,$ch->description));
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY",6,true));
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORIES",5,true));
return $status;
//Backup scales info (common and course scales)
function backup_scales_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Counter, points to current record
$counter = 0;
//Get scales (common and course scales)
$scales = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT id, courseid, userid, name, scale, description, timemodified
FROM {scale}
WHERE courseid = 0 OR courseid = ?", array($preferences->backup_course));
//Copy only used scales to $backupscales. They will be in backup (unused no). See Bug 1223.
$backupscales = array();
if ($scales) {
foreach ($scales as $scale) {
if (course_scale_used($preferences->backup_course, $scale->id)) {
$backupscales[] = $scale;
//Pring scales header
if ($backupscales) {
//Pring scales header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("SCALES",2,true));
foreach ($backupscales as $scale) {
//Begin scale tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("SCALE",3,true));
//Output scale tag
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$scale->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEID",4,false,$scale->courseid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",4,false,$scale->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$scale->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SCALETEXT",4,false,$scale->scale));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",4,false,$scale->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$scale->timemodified));
//End scale tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("SCALE",3,true));
//End scales tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("SCALES",2,true));
return $status;
//Backup events info (course events)
function backup_events_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Counter, points to current record
$counter = 0;
//Get events (course events)
$events = $DB->get_records("event", array("courseid"=>$preferences->backup_course, 'instance'=>0),"id");
//Pring events header
if ($events) {
//Pring events header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("EVENTS",2,true));
foreach ($events as $event) {
//Begin event tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("EVENT",3,true));
//Output event tag
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$event->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$event->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",4,false,$event->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("FORMAT",4,false,$event->format));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",4,false,$event->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",4,false,$event->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("REPEATID",4,false,$event->repeatid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("EVENTTYPE",4,false,$event->eventtype));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODULENAME",4,false,$event->modulename));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMESTART",4,false,$event->timestart));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEDURATION",4,false,$event->timeduration));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("VISIBLE",4,false,$event->visible));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$event->timemodified));
//End event tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("EVENT",3,true));
//End events tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("EVENTS",2,true));
return $status;
//Backup groups info
function backup_groups_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
$status2 = true;
//Get groups
$groups = $DB->get_records("groups", array("courseid"=>$preferences->backup_course));
//Pring groups header
if ($groups) {
//Pring groups header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUPS",2,true));
foreach ($groups as $group) {
//Begin group tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUP",3,true));
//Output group contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$group->id));
//fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEID",4,false,$group->courseid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$group->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",4,false,$group->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ENROLMENTKEY",4,false,$group->enrolmentkey));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PICTURE",4,false,$group->picture));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("HIDEPICTURE",4,false,$group->hidepicture));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",4,false,$group->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$group->timemodified));
//Now, backup groups_members, only if users are included
if ($preferences->backup_users != 2) {
$status2 = backup_groups_members_info($bf,$preferences,$group->id);
//End group tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUP",3,true));
//End groups tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUPS",2,true));
//Now save group_files
if ($status && $status2) {
$status2 = backup_copy_group_files($preferences);
return ($status && $status2);
//Backup groups_members info
function backup_groups_members_info($bf,$preferences,$groupid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Get groups_members that are being included in backup
$groups_members = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT gm.*
FROM {groups_members} gm, {backup_ids} bi
WHERE gm.groupid = ?
AND bi.backup_code = ?
AND bi.table_name = 'user'", array($groupid, $preferences->backup_unique_code));
//Pring groups_members header
if ($groups_members) {
//Pring groups_members header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MEMBERS",4,true));
foreach ($groups_members as $group_member) {
//Begin group_member tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MEMBER",5,true));
//Output group_member contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",6,false,$group_member->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",6,false,$group_member->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEADDED",6,false,$group_member->timeadded));
//End group_member tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MEMBER",5,true));
//End groups_members tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MEMBERS",4,true));
return $status;
//Backup groupings info
function backup_groupings_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Get groups
$groupings = $DB->get_records("groupings", array("courseid"=>$preferences->backup_course));
//Pring groups header
if ($groupings) {
//Pring groups header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUPINGS",2,true));
foreach ($groupings as $grouping) {
//Begin group tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUPING",3,true));
//Output group contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$grouping->id));
//fwrite ($bf,full_tag("COURSEID",4,false,$grouping->courseid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$grouping->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DESCRIPTION",4,false,$grouping->description));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("CONFIGDATA",4,false,$grouping->configdata));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",4,false,$grouping->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$grouping->timemodified));
//End group tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUPING",3,true));
//End groups tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUPINGS",2,true));
//(Now save grouping_files)
return $status;
//Backup groupings-groups info
function backup_groupings_groups_info($bf,$preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Get grouping_groups
$courseid = $preferences->backup_course;
$sql = "SELECT gg.* FROM {groupings} g, {groupings_groups} gg
WHERE g.courseid=? AND";
$grouping_groups = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($courseid));
//Pring grouping_groups header
if ($grouping_groups) {
//Pring grouping_groups header
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUPINGSGROUPS",2,true));
foreach ($grouping_groups as $members) {
//Begin grouping_group tag
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GROUPINGGROUP",3,true));
//Output group_member contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$members->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPINGID",4,false,$members->groupingid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",4,false,$members->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEADDED",4,false,$members->timeadded));
//End grouping_group tag
fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUPINGGROUP",3,true));
//End grouping_groups tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GROUPINGSGROUPS",2,true));
return $status;
//Start the modules tag
function backup_modules_start ($bf,$preferences) {
return fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MODULES",2,true));
//End the modules tag
function backup_modules_end ($bf,$preferences) {
return fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MODULES",2,true));
//This function makes all the necesary calls to every mod
//to export itself and its files !!!
function backup_module($bf,$preferences,$module) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
$statusm = true;
if (isset($preferences->mods[$module]->instances)
&& is_array($preferences->mods[$module]->instances)) {
$onemodbackup = $module.'_backup_one_mod';
if (function_exists($onemodbackup)) {
foreach ($preferences->mods[$module]->instances as $instance => $object) {
if (!empty($object->backup)) {
$statusm = $onemodbackup($bf,$preferences,$instance);
if (!$statusm) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify('backup of '.$module.'-'.$object->name.' failed.');
$status = false;
} else {
$status = false;
} else { // whole module.
//First, re-check if necessary functions exists
$modbackup = $module."_backup_mods";
if (function_exists($modbackup)) {
//Call the function
$status = $modbackup($bf,$preferences);
} else {
//Something was wrong. Function should exist.
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function encode things to make backup multi-site fully functional
//It does this conversions:
// - $CFG->wwwroot/file.php/courseid ------------------> $@FILEPHP@$ (slasharguments links)
// - $CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/courseid ------------> $@FILEPHP@$ (non-slasharguments links)
// - Every module xxxx_encode_content_links() is executed too
function backup_encode_absolute_links($content) {
global $CFG,$preferences, $DB;
/// MDL-14072: Prevent NULLs, empties and numbers to be processed by the
/// heavy interlinking. Just a few cpu cycles saved.
if ($content === NULL) {
return NULL;
} else if ($content === '') {
return '';
} else if (is_numeric($content)) {
return $content;
//Use one static variable to cache all the require_once calls that,
//under PHP5 seems to increase load too much, and we are requiring
//them here thousands of times (one per content). MDL-8700.
//Once fixed by PHP, we'll delete this hack
static $includedfiles;
if (!isset($includedfiles)) {
$includedfiles = array();
//Check if preferences is ok. If it isn't set, we are
//in a scheduled_backup to we are able to get a copy
//from CFG->backup_preferences
if (!isset($preferences)) {
$mypreferences = $CFG->backup_preferences;
} else {
//We are in manual backups so global preferences must exist!!
$mypreferences = $preferences;
//First, we check for every call to file.php inside the course
$search = array($CFG->wwwroot.'/file.php/'.$mypreferences->backup_course,
$replace = array('$@FILEPHP@$','$@FILEPHP@$');
$result = str_replace($search,$replace,$content);
foreach ($mypreferences->mods as $name => $info) {
/// We only include the corresponding backuplib.php if it hasn't been included before
/// This will save some load under PHP5. MDL-8700.
/// Once fixed by PHP, we'll delete this hack
if (!in_array($name, $includedfiles)) {
$includedfiles[] = $name;
//Check if the xxxx_encode_content_links exists
$function_name = $name."_encode_content_links";
if (function_exists($function_name)) {
$result = $function_name($result,$mypreferences);
// For each block, call its encode_content_links method.
// This encodes forexample links to blocks/something/viewphp?id=666
// that are stored in other activities.
static $blockobjects = null;
if (!isset($blockobjects)) {
$blockobjects = array();
if ($blocks = $DB->get_records('block', array('visible'=>1))) {
foreach ($blocks as $block) {
if ($blockobject = block_instance($block->name)) {
$blockobjects[] = $blockobject;
foreach ($blockobjects as $blockobject) {
$result = $blockobject->encode_content_links($result,$mypreferences);
if ($result != $content) {
debugging('<br /><hr />'.s($content).'<br />changed to<br />'.s($result).'<hr /><br />');
return $result;
//This function copies all the needed files under the "user" directory to the "user_files"
//directory under temp/backup
function backup_copy_user_files ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//First we check that "user_files" exists and create it if necessary
//in temp/backup/$backup_code dir
$status = check_and_create_user_files_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//now get a list of users that we need for this backup.
$backup_users = $DB->get_recordset("backup_ids",
array('backup_code'=>$preferences->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'user'), "", "id, old_id");
foreach ($backup_users as $user) {
//If this user's directory exists, copy it
$userdir = make_user_directory($user->old_id, true);
if (check_dir_exists($userdir)) {
//first remove dirroot so we can split out the folders.
$parts = explode('/', str_replace($CFG->dataroot.'/user/', '', $userdir));
$status = true;
if (is_array($parts)) {
$group = $parts[0];
$userid = $parts[1];
// Create group dir first
$status = check_dir_exists("$CFG->dataroot/temp/backup/$preferences->backup_unique_code/user_files/". $group, true);
$status = $status && backup_copy_file($userdir,
//Do some output
return $status;
//This function copies all the needed files under the "groups" directory to the "group_files"
//directory under temp/backup
function backup_copy_group_files ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//First we check if "group_files" exists and create it as necessary
//in temp/backup/$backup_code dir
$status = check_and_create_group_files_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Now iterate over directories under "groups" to check if that user must be
//copied to backup
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/groups';
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
$list = list_directories ($rootdir);
if ($list) {
foreach ($list as $dir) {
//Look for dir like group in groups table
$data = $DB->get_record ('groups', array('courseid'=>$preferences->backup_course, 'id'=>$dir));
//If exists, copy it
if ($data) {
$status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir,
return $status;
//This function copies all the course files under the course directory (except the moddata
//directory to the "course_files" directory under temp/backup
function backup_copy_course_files ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//First we check to "course_files" exists and create it as necessary
//in temp/backup/$backup_code dir
$status = check_and_create_course_files_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Now iterate over files and directories except $CFG->moddata and backupdata to be
//copied to backup
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$preferences->backup_course;
$name_moddata = $CFG->moddata;
$name_backupdata = "backupdata";
//Check if directory exists
if (is_dir($rootdir)) {
$list = list_directories_and_files ($rootdir);
if ($list) {
foreach ($list as $dir) {
if ($dir !== $name_moddata and $dir !== $name_backupdata) {
$status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir,
return $status;
* This function copies all the site files under the site directory (except the moddata and backupdata
* directories to the "site_files" directory under temp/backup
function backup_copy_site_files ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
if ($preferences->backup_course == SITEID){
return $status;
//First we check to "site_files" exists and create it as necessary
//in temp/backup/$backup_code dir
$status = $status && check_and_create_site_files_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
$rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/".SITEID;
$files = $DB->get_records('backup_files', array('backup_code'=>$preferences->backup_unique_code, 'file_type'=>'site'));
if ($files) {
foreach ($files as $fileobj) {
//check for dir structure and create recursively
$file = $fileobj->path;
$status = $status && check_dir_exists(dirname($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$preferences->backup_unique_code."/site_files/".$file), true, true);
$status = $status && backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$file,
return $status;
//This function creates the zip file containing all the backup info
//moodle.xml, moddata, user_files, course_files.
//The zipped file is created in the backup directory and named with
//the "oficial" name of the backup
//It uses "pclzip" if available or system "zip" (unix only)
function backup_zip ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Base dir where everything happens
$basedir = cleardoubleslashes($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Backup zip file name
$name = $preferences->backup_name;
//List of files and directories
$filelist = list_directories_and_files ($basedir);
//Convert them to full paths
$files = array();
foreach ($filelist as $file) {
$files[] = "$basedir/$file";
$status = zip_files($files, "$basedir/$name");
//echo "<br/>Status: ".$status; //Debug
return $status;
//This function copies the final zip to the course dir
function copy_zip_to_course_dir ($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Define zip location (from)
$from_zip_file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$preferences->backup_unique_code."/".$preferences->backup_name;
//Initialise $to_zip_file
//If $preferences->backup_destination isn't empty, then copy to custom directory
if (!empty($preferences->backup_destination)) {
$to_zip_file = $preferences->backup_destination."/".$preferences->backup_name;
} else {
//Define zip destination (course dir)
$to_zip_file = $CFG->dataroot."/".$preferences->backup_course;
//echo "<p>From: ".$from_zip_file."<br />"; //Debug
//echo "<p>Checking: ".$to_zip_file."<br />"; //Debug
//Checks course dir exists
$status = check_dir_exists($to_zip_file,true);
//Define zip destination (backup dir)
$to_zip_file = $to_zip_file."/backupdata";
//echo "<p>Checking: ".$to_zip_file."<br />"; //Debug
//Checks backup dir exists
$status = check_dir_exists($to_zip_file,true);
//Define zip destination (zip file)
$to_zip_file = $to_zip_file."/".$preferences->backup_name;
//echo "<p>To: ".$to_zip_file."<br />"; //Debug
//Copy zip file
if ($status) {
$status = backup_copy_file ($from_zip_file,$to_zip_file);
return $status;
* compatibility function
* with new granular backup
* we need to know
function backup_userdata_selected($preferences,$modname,$modid) {
return ((empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& !empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->userinfo))
|| (is_array($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& array_key_exists($modid,$preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& !empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances[$modid]->userinfo)));
function backup_mod_selected($preferences,$modname,$modid) {
return ((empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& !empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->backup))
|| (is_array($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& array_key_exists($modid,$preferences->mods[$modname]->instances)
&& !empty($preferences->mods[$modname]->instances[$modid]->backup)));
* Checks for the required files/functions to backup every mod
* And check if there is data about it
function backup_fetch_prefs_from_request(&$preferences,&$count,$course) {
global $CFG,$SESSION, $DB;
// check to see if it's in the session already
if (!empty($SESSION->backupprefs) && array_key_exists($course->id,$SESSION->backupprefs) && !empty($SESSION->backupprefs[$course->id])) {
$sprefs = $SESSION->backupprefs[$course->id];
$preferences = $sprefs;
// refetch backup_name just in case.
$bn = optional_param('backup_name','',PARAM_FILE);
if (!empty($bn)) {
$preferences->backup_name = $bn;
$count = 1;
return true;
if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules") ) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
$modname = $mod->name;
$modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/backuplib.php";
$modbackup = $modname."_backup_mods";
$modbackupone = $modname."_backup_one_mod";
$modcheckbackup = $modname."_check_backup_mods";
if (!file_exists($modfile)) {
if (!function_exists($modbackup) || !function_exists($modcheckbackup)) {
$var = "exists_".$modname;
$preferences->$var = true;
// check that there are instances and we can back them up individually
if (!$DB->count_records('course_modules', array('course'=>$course->id,'module'=>$mod->id)) || !function_exists($modbackupone)) {
$var = 'exists_one_'.$modname;
$preferences->$var = true;
$varname = $modname.'_instances';
$preferences->$varname = get_all_instances_in_course($modname, $course, NULL, true);
foreach ($preferences->$varname as $instance) {
$preferences->mods[$modname]->instances[$instance->id]->name = $instance->name;
$var = 'backup_'.$modname.'_instance_'.$instance->id;
$$var = optional_param($var,0);
$preferences->$var = $$var;
$preferences->mods[$modname]->instances[$instance->id]->backup = $$var;
$var = 'backup_user_info_'.$modname.'_instance_'.$instance->id;
$$var = optional_param($var,0);
$preferences->$var = $$var;
$preferences->mods[$modname]->instances[$instance->id]->userinfo = $$var;
$var = 'backup_'.$modname.'_instances';
$preferences->$var = 1; // we need this later to determine what to display in modcheckbackup.
//Check data
//Check module info
$preferences->mods[$modname]->name = $modname;
$var = "backup_".$modname;
$$var = optional_param( $var,0);
$preferences->$var = $$var;
$preferences->mods[$modname]->backup = $$var;
//Check include user info
$var = "backup_user_info_".$modname;
$$var = optional_param( $var,0);
$preferences->$var = $$var;
$preferences->mods[$modname]->userinfo = $$var;
//Check other parameters
$preferences->backup_metacourse = optional_param('backup_metacourse',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_users = optional_param('backup_users',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_logs = optional_param('backup_logs',0,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_user_files = optional_param('backup_user_files',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_course_files = optional_param('backup_course_files',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_gradebook_history = optional_param('backup_gradebook_history', 1, PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_site_files = optional_param('backup_site_files',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_messages = optional_param('backup_messages',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_blogs = optional_param('backup_blogs',1,PARAM_INT);
$preferences->backup_course = $course->id;
$preferences->backup_name = required_param('backup_name',PARAM_FILE);
$preferences->backup_unique_code = required_param('backup_unique_code');
$roles = $DB->get_records('role', null, 'sortorder');
$preferences->backuproleassignments = array();
foreach ($roles as $role) {
if (optional_param('backupassignments_' . $role->shortname, 0, PARAM_INT)) {
$preferences->backuproleassignments[$role->id] = $role;
// put it (back) in the session
$SESSION->backupprefs[$course->id] = $preferences;
* Finds all related roles used in course, mod and blocks context
* @param object $preferences
* @param object $course
* @return array of role objects
function backup_fetch_roles($preferences) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$contexts = array();
$roles = array();
/// adding course context
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $preferences->backup_course);
$contexts[$coursecontext->id] = $coursecontext;
/// adding mod contexts
$mods = $preferences->mods;
foreach ($mods as $modname => $mod) {
$instances = $mod->instances;
foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) {
// if this type of mod is to be backed up
if ($instance->backup) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($modname, $id);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
// put context in array keys
$contexts[$context->id] = $context;
// add all roles assigned at user context
if ($preferences->backup_users) {
if ($users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT u.old_id, u.table_name,
FROM {backup_ids} u
WHERE u.backup_code = ? AND
u.table_name = 'user'", array($preferences->backup_unique_code))) {
foreach ($users as $user) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $user->old_id);
$contexts[$context->id] = $context;
// add all roles assigned at block context
if ($courseblocks = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT *
FROM {block_instance}
WHERE pagetype = '".PAGE_COURSE_VIEW."'
AND pageid = ?", array($preferences->backup_course))) {
foreach ($courseblocks as $courseblock) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_BLOCK, $courseblock->id);
$contexts[$context->id] = $context;
// foreach context, call get_roles_on_exact_context insert into array
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if ($proles = get_roles_on_exact_context($context)) {
foreach ($proles as $prole) {
$roles[$prole->id] = $prole;
return $roles;
* function to print xml for overrides
function write_role_overrides_xml($bf, $context, $startlevel) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ROLES_OVERRIDES", $startlevel, true));
if ($roles = get_roles_with_override_on_context($context)) {
foreach ($roles as $role) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ROLE", $startlevel+1, true));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("ID", $startlevel+2, false, $role->id));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("NAME", $startlevel+2, false, $role->name));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("SHORTNAME", $startlevel+2, false, $role->shortname));
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("CAPABILITIES", $startlevel+2, true));
if ($capabilities = get_capabilities_from_role_on_context($role, $context)) {
foreach ($capabilities as $capability) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("CAPABILITY", $startlevel+3, true));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("NAME", $startlevel+4, false, $capability->capability));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("PERMISSION", $startlevel+4, false, $capability->permission));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED", $startlevel+4, false, $capability->timemodified));
if (!isset($capability->modifierid)) {
$capability->modifierid = 0;
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("MODIFIERID", $startlevel+4, false, $capability->modifierid));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("CAPABILITY", $startlevel+3, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("CAPABILITIES", $startlevel+2, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ROLE", $startlevel+1, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ROLES_OVERRIDES", $startlevel, true));
* function to print xml for assignment
function write_role_assignments_xml($bf, $preferences, $context, $startlevel) {
/// write role_assign code here
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS", $startlevel, true));
if ($roles = get_roles_with_assignment_on_context($context)) {
foreach ($roles as $role) {
/// Skip non-selected roles
if (!isset($preferences->backuproleassignments[$role->id])) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ROLE", $startlevel+1, true));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("ID", $startlevel+2, false, $role->id));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("NAME", $startlevel+2, false, $role->name));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("SHORTNAME", $startlevel+2, false, $role->shortname));
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ASSIGNMENTS", $startlevel+2, true));
if ($assignments = get_users_from_role_on_context($role, $context)) {
foreach ($assignments as $assignment) {
/// Role assignments are only sent to backup if the user is one target user
if (backup_getid($preferences->backup_unique_code, 'user', $assignment->userid)) {
fwrite ($bf, start_tag("ASSIGNMENT", $startlevel+3, true));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("USERID", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->userid));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("HIDDEN", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->hidden));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("TIMESTART", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->timestart));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("TIMEEND", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->timeend));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->timemodified));
if (!isset($assignment->modifierid)) {
$assignment->modifierid = 0;
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("MODIFIERID", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->modifierid));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("ENROL", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->enrol));
fwrite ($bf, full_tag("SORTORDER", $startlevel+4, false, $assignment->sortorder));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ASSIGNMENT", $startlevel+3, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ASSIGNMENTS", $startlevel+2, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ROLE", $startlevel+1, true));
fwrite ($bf, end_tag("ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS", $startlevel, true));
function backup_execute(&$preferences, &$errorstr) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
//Check for temp and backup and backup_unique_code directory
//Create them as needed
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingtemporarystructures").'</li>';
$status = check_and_create_backup_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Empty dir
if ($status) {
$status = clear_backup_dir($preferences->backup_unique_code);
//Delete old_entries from backup tables
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("deletingolddata").'</li>';
$status = backup_delete_old_data();
if (!$status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify ("An error occurred deleting old backup data");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred deleting old backup data";
return false;
//Create the moodle.xml file
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("creatingxmlfile");
//Begin a new list to xml contents
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("writingheader").'</li>';
//Obtain the xml file (create and open) and print prolog information
$backup_file = backup_open_xml($preferences->backup_unique_code);
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinggeneralinfo").'</li>';
//Prints general info about backup to file
if ($backup_file) {
if (!$status = backup_general_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up general info");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up general info";
return false;
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingcoursedata");
//Start new ul (for course)
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li>".get_string("courseinfo").'</li>';
//Prints course start (tag and general info)
if ($status) {
if (!$status = backup_course_start($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up course start");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up course start";
return false;
//Metacourse information
if ($status && $preferences->backup_metacourse) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("metacourse").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_course_metacourse($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up metacourse info");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up metacourse info";
return false;
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("blocks").'</li>';
//Blocks information
if ($status) {
if (!$status = backup_course_blocks($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up course blocks");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up course blocks";
return false;
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("sections").'</li>';
//Section info
if ($status) {
if (!$status = backup_course_sections($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up course sections");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up course sections";
return false;
//End course contents (close ul)
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "</ul></li>";
//User info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinguserinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_user_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up user info");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up user info";
return false;
//If we have selected to backup messages and we are
//doing a SITE backup, let's do it
if ($status && $preferences->backup_messages && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingmessagesinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_messages($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up messages");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up messages";
return false;
//If we have selected to backup blogs and we are
//doing a SITE backup, let's do it
if ($status && $preferences->backup_blogs && $preferences->backup_course == SITEID) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingblogsinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_blogs($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up blogs");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up blogs";
return false;
//If we have selected to backup quizzes or other modules that use questions
//we've already added ids of categories and questions to backup to backup_ids table
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingcategoriesandquestions").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_question_categories($backup_file, $preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up quiz categories");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up quiz categories";
return false;
//Print logs if selected
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_logs) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingloginfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_log_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up log info");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up log info";
return false;
//Print scales info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingscalesinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_scales_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up scales");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up scales";
return false;
//Print groups info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinggroupsinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_groups_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up groups");
else {
$errostr = "An error occurred while backing up groups";
return false;
//Print groupings info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinggroupingsinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_groupings_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up groupings");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up groupings";
return false;
//Print groupings_groups info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinggroupingsgroupsinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_groupings_groups_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up groupings groups");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up groupings groups";
return false;
//Print events info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingeventsinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_events_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up events");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up events";
return false;
//Print gradebook info
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writinggradebookinfo").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_gradebook_info($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up gradebook");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up gradebook";
return false;
//Module info, this unique function makes all the work!!
//db export and module fileis copy
if ($status) {
$mods_to_backup = false;
//Check if we have any mod to backup
foreach ($preferences->mods as $module) {
if ($module->backup) {
$mods_to_backup = true;
//If we have to backup some module
if ($mods_to_backup) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("writingmoduleinfo");
//Start modules tag
if (!$status = backup_modules_start ($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up module info");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up module info";
return false;
//Open ul for module list
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<ul>";
//Iterate over modules and call backup
foreach ($preferences->mods as $module) {
if ($module->backup and $status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("modulenameplural",$module->name).'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_module($backup_file,$preferences,$module->name)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up '$module->name'");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up '$module->name'";
return false;
//Close ul for module list
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "</ul></li>";
//Close modules tag
if (!$status = backup_modules_end ($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while finishing the module backups");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while finishing the module backups";
return false;
//Backup course format data, if any.
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo '<li>'.get_string("courseformatdata").'</li>';
if($status) {
if (!$status = backup_format_data($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while backing up the course format data");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while backing up the course format data";
return false;
//Prints course end
if ($status) {
if (!$status = backup_course_end($backup_file,$preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while closing the course backup");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while closing the course backup";
return false;
//Close the xml file and xml data
if ($backup_file) {
//End xml contents (close ul)
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "</ul></li>";
//Now, if selected, copy user files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_user_files) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyinguserfiles").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_copy_user_files ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while copying user files");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while copying user files";
return false;
//Now, if selected, copy course files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_course_files) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyingcoursefiles").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_copy_course_files ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while copying course files");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while copying course files";
return false;
//Now, if selected, copy site files
if ($status) {
if ($preferences->backup_site_files) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyingsitefiles").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_copy_site_files ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while copying site files");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while copying site files";
return false;
//Now, zip all the backup directory contents
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("zippingbackup").'</li>';
if (!$status = backup_zip ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while zipping the backup");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while zipping the backup";
return false;
//Now, copy the zip file to course directory
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("copyingzipfile").'</li>';
if (!$status = copy_zip_to_course_dir ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while copying the zip file to the course directory");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while copying the zip file to the course directory";
return false;
//Now, clean temporary data (db and filesystem)
if ($status) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
echo "<li>".get_string("cleaningtempdata").'</li>';
if (!$status = clean_temp_data ($preferences)) {
if (!defined('BACKUP_SILENTLY')) {
notify("An error occurred while cleaning up temporary data");
else {
$errorstr = "An error occurred while cleaning up temporary data";
return false;
return $status;
* This function calculates the "backup" part of the file name
* from lang files. Used both in manual and scheduled backups
* @param object $course course object
* @return string "backup" part of the filename
function backup_get_backup_string($course) {
/// Calculate the backup word
/// Take off some characters in the filename !!
$takeoff = array(" ", ":", "/", "\\", "|");
$backup_word = str_replace($takeoff,"_",moodle_strtolower(get_string("backupfilename")));
/// If non-translated, use "backup"
if (substr($backup_word,0,1) == "[") {
$backup_word= "backup";
return $backup_word;
* This function generates the default zipfile name for a backup
* based on the course shortname
* @param object $course course object
* @return string filename (excluding path information)
function backup_get_zipfile_name($course) {
//Calculate the backup word
$backup_word = backup_get_backup_string($course);
//Calculate the date format string
$backup_date_format = str_replace(" ","_",get_string("backupnameformat"));
//If non-translated, use "%Y%m%d-%H%M"
if (substr($backup_date_format,0,1) == "[") {
$backup_date_format = "%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M";
//Calculate the shortname
$backup_shortname = clean_filename($course->shortname);
if (empty($backup_shortname) or $backup_shortname == '_' ) {
$backup_shortname = $course->id;
//Calculate the final backup filename
//The backup word
$backup_name = $backup_word."-";
//The shortname
$backup_name .= moodle_strtolower($backup_shortname)."-";
//The date format
$backup_name .= userdate(time(),$backup_date_format,99,false);
//The extension
$backup_name .= ".zip";
//And finally, clean everything
$backup_name = clean_filename($backup_name);
return $backup_name;
* This function generates the common file substring for a course
* used to keep n copies by the scheduled backup
* @param object $course course object
* @return string common part of filename in backups of this course
function backup_get_keep_name($course) {
//Calculate the backup word
$backup_word = backup_get_backup_string($course);
//Calculate the shortname
$backup_shortname = clean_filename($course->shortname);
if (empty($backup_shortname) or $backup_shortname == '_' ) {
$backup_shortname = $course->id;
$keep_name = $backup_word . "-" . moodle_strtolower($backup_shortname)."-";
$keep_name = clean_filename($keep_name);
return $keep_name;
* This function adds on the standard items to the preferences
* Like moodle version and backup version
* @param object $preferences existing preferences object.
* (passed by reference)
function backup_add_static_preferences(&$preferences) {
global $CFG;
$preferences->moodle_version = $CFG->version;
$preferences->moodle_release = $CFG->release;
$preferences->backup_version = $CFG->backup_version;
$preferences->backup_release = $CFG->backup_release;