mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:29:08 +01:00
(While I was at it I also turned the autologinguests off for most module pages, except on the index.php pages and the view.php pages for those modules that allow guests)
321 lines
13 KiB
321 lines
13 KiB
<?php // $Id$
ACTIONS handled are:
require_variable($id); // Course Module ID
if (! $cm = get_record("course_modules", "id", $id)) {
error("Course Module ID was incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) {
error("Course is misconfigured");
if (! $dialogue = get_record("dialogue", "id", $cm->instance)) {
error("Course module dialogue is incorrect");
require_login($course->id, false, $cm);
// set up some general variables
$usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor();
$strdialogues = get_string("modulenameplural", "dialogue");
$strdialogue = get_string("modulename", "dialogue");
// ... print the header and...
print_header_simple("$dialogue->name", "",
"<a href=\"index.php?id=$course->id\">$strdialogues</a> ->
<a hre=\"view.php?id=$cm->id\">$dialogue->name</a>",
"", "", true);
require_variable($action); // need something to do!
// vet conversation id, if present
if (!empty($_REQUEST['cid'])) {
if ($conversation = get_record("dialogue_conversations", "id", $_REQUEST['cid'])) {
if (($conversation->userid <> $USER->id) and ($conversation->recipientid <> $USER->id)) {
error("Dialogue id incorrect");
} else {
error("Dialogue: Conversation record not found");
/************** close conversation ************************************/
if ($action == 'closeconversation') {
if (empty($_GET['cid'])) {
error("Close dialogue: Missing conversation id");
else {
$conversationid = $_GET['cid'];
if (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "closed", 1, "id", $conversationid)) {
error("Close dialogue: unable to set closed");
if (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "lastid", $USER->id, "id", $conversationid)) {
error("Close dialogue: unable to set lastid");
add_to_log($course->id, "dialogue", "closed", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$conversationid");
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=$pane", get_string("dialogueclosed", "dialogue"));
/****************** confirm close ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'confirmclose' ) {
if (empty($_GET['cid'])) {
error("Confirm Close: conversation id missing");
if (!$conversation = get_record("dialogue_conversations", "id", $_GET['cid'])) {
error("Confirm close: cannot get conversation record");
if ($conversation->userid == $USER->id) {
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", $conversation->recipientid)) {
error("Confirm Close: cannot get recipient record");
else {
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", $conversation->userid)) {
error("Confirm Close: cannot get user record");
$pane = $_GET['pane'];
notice_yesno(get_string("confirmclosure", "dialogue", fullname($user)),
/****************** get subject ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'getsubject' ) {
if (empty($_GET['cid'])) {
error("Confirm Close: conversation id missing");
print_heading(get_string("addsubject", "dialogue"));
echo "<form name=\"getsubjectform\" method=\"post\" action=\"dialogues.php\">\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"updatesubject\"/>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"".p($_GET[id])."\"/>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cid\" value=\"".p($_GET[cid])."\"/>\n";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pane\" value=\"".p($_GET[pane])."\"/>\n";
echo "<table align=\"center\" border=\"1\" width=\"60%\">\n";
echo "<tr><td align=\"right\"><b>".get_string("subject", "dialogue")."</b></td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"text\" size=\"50\" maxsize=\"100\" name=\"subject\"
value=\"\" /></td></tr>\n";
echo "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"".
get_string("addsubject", "dialogue")."\" /></td></tr>\n";
echo "</table></form>\n";
/****************** insert conversation entries ******************************/
elseif ($action == 'insertentries' ) {
$timenow = time();
$n = 0;
// get all the open conversations for this user
if ($conversations = dialogue_get_conversations($dialogue, $USER, "closed = 0")) {
foreach ($conversations as $conversation) {
$textarea_name = "reply$conversation->id";
$stripped_text = '';
if (isset($_POST[$textarea_name])) {
$stripped_text = strip_tags(trim($_POST[$textarea_name]));
if ($stripped_text) {
$item->dialogueid = $dialogue->id;
$item->conversationid = $conversation->id;
$item->userid = $USER->id;
$item->timecreated = time();
// reverse the dialogue mail default
$item->mailed = !$dialogue->maildefault;
$item->text = clean_text($_POST[$textarea_name]);
if (!$item->id = insert_record("dialogue_entries", $item)) {
error("Insert Entries: Could not insert dialogue record!");
if (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "lastid", $USER->id, "id", $conversation->id)) {
error("Insert Dialogue Entries: could not set lastid");
if (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "timemodified", $timenow, "id",
$conversation->id)) {
error("Insert Dialogue Entries: could not set lastid");
// reset seenon time
if (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "seenon", 0, "id",
$conversation->id)) {
error("Insert Dialogue Entries: could not reset seenon");
add_to_log($course->id, "dialogue", "add entry", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$item->id");
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&pane={$_POST['pane']}", get_string("numberofentriesadded",
"dialogue", $n));
/****************** list closed conversations *********************************/
elseif ($action == 'listclosed') {
print_simple_box( text_to_html($dialogue->intro) , "center");
echo "<br />";
/****************** open conversation ************************************/
elseif ($action == 'openconversation' ) {
if (empty($_POST['recipientid'])) {
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("nopersonchosen", "dialogue"));
} else {
$recipientid = $_POST['recipientid'];
if (substr($recipientid, 0, 1) == 'g') { // it's a group
$groupid = intval(substr($recipientid, 1));
if ($groupid) { // it's a real group
$recipients = get_records_sql("SELECT u.*
FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u,
{$CFG->prefix}groups_members g
WHERE g.groupid = $groupid and
u.id = g.userid");
} else { // it's all participants
$recipients = get_course_students($course->id);
} else {
$recipients[$recipientid] = get_record("user", "id", $recipientid);
if ($recipients) {
$n = 0;
foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
if ($recipient->id == $USER->id) { // teacher could be member of a group
$stripped_text = strip_tags(trim($_POST['firstentry']));
if (!$stripped_text) {
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("notextentered", "dialogue"));
$conversation->dialogueid = $dialogue->id;
$conversation->userid = $USER->id;
$conversation->recipientid = $recipient->id;
$conversation->lastid = $USER->id; // this USER is adding an entry too
$conversation->timemodified = time();
$conversation->subject = clean_text($_POST['subject']); // may be blank
if (!$conversation->id = insert_record("dialogue_conversations", $conversation)) {
error("Open dialogue: Could not insert dialogue record!");
add_to_log($course->id, "dialogue", "open", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$dialogue->id");
// now add the entry
$entry->dialogueid = $dialogue->id;
$entry->conversationid = $conversation->id;
$entry->userid = $USER->id;
$entry->timecreated = time();
// reverse the dialogue default value
$entry->mailed = !$dialogue->maildefault;
$entry->text = clean_text($_POST['firstentry']);
if (!$entry->id = insert_record("dialogue_entries", $entry)) {
error("Insert Entries: Could not insert dialogue record!");
add_to_log($course->id, "dialogue", "add entry", "view.php?id=$cm->id", "$entry->id");
print_heading(get_string("numberofentriesadded", "dialogue", $n));
} else {
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("noavailablepeople", "dialogue"));
if (isset($groupid)) {
if ($groupid) { // a real group
if (!$group = get_record("groups", "id", $groupid)) {
error("Dialogue open conversation: Group not found");
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("dialogueopened", "dialogue", $group->name));
} else { // all participants
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("dialogueopened", "dialogue",
} else {
if (!$user = get_record("user", "id", $conversation->recipientid)) {
error("Open dialogue: user record not found");
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("dialogueopened", "dialogue", fullname($user) ));
/****************** print dialogue (allowing new entry)********************/
elseif ($action == 'printdialogue') {
// if (!$conversation = get_record("dialogue_conversations", "id", $_GET['cid'])) {
// error("Print Dialogue: can not get conversation record");
// }
print_simple_box( text_to_html($dialogue->intro) , "center");
echo "<br />";
dialogue_print_conversation($dialogue, $conversation);
/****************** show dialogues ****************************************/
elseif ($action == 'showdialogues') {
if (!$conversation = get_record("dialogue_conversations", "id", $_GET['cid'])) {
error("Show Dialogue: can not get conversation record");
print_simple_box( text_to_html($dialogue->intro) , "center");
echo "<br />";
dialogue_show_conversation($dialogue, $conversation);
dialogue_show_other_conversations($dialogue, $conversation);
/****************** update subject ****************************************/
elseif ($action == 'updatesubject') {
if (!$conversation = get_record("dialogue_conversations", "id", $_POST['cid'])) {
error("Update Subject: can not get conversation record");
if (!$_POST['subject']) {
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=$_POST[pane]", get_string("nosubject", "dialogue"));
} elseif (!set_field("dialogue_conversations", "subject", clean_text($_POST['subject']), "id", $_POST['cid'])) {
error("Update subject: could not update conversation record");
redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&pane=$_POST[pane]", get_string("subjectadded", "dialogue"));
/*************** no man's land **************************************/
else {
error("Fatal Error: Unknown Action: ".$action."\n");