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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Unit tests for workshop api class defined in mod/workshop/locallib.php
* @package mod
* @subpackage workshop
* @copyright 2009 David Mudrak <david.mudrak@gmail.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/workshop/locallib.php'); // Include the code to test
global $DB;
Mock::generate(get_class($DB), 'mockDB');
* Test subclass that makes all the protected methods we want to test public.
class testable_workshop extends workshop {
public function __construct() {
$this->id = 16;
$this->cm = new stdclass();
$this->course = new stdclass();
$this->context = new stdclass();
public function aggregate_submission_grades_process(array $assessments) {
public function aggregate_grading_grades_process(array $assessments) {
* Test cases for the internal workshop api
class workshop_internal_api_test extends UnitTestCase {
/** workshop instance emulation */
protected $workshop;
/** setup testing environment */
public function setUp() {
global $DB;
$this->realDB = $DB;
$DB = new mockDB();
$this->workshop = new testable_workshop();
public function tearDown() {
global $DB;
$DB = $this->realDB;
$this->workshop = null;
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_notgraded() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 12, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => null);
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_single() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 12, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 10.12345);
$expected = 10.12345;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_null_doesnt_influence() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 12, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 45.54321);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 12, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => null);
$expected = 45.54321;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_weighted_single() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 12, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 4, 'grade' => 14.00012);
$expected = 14.00012;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_mean() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 56.12000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 12.59000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 10.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 0.00000);
$expected = 19.67750;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_mean_changed() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 12.57750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 56.12000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 12.57750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 12.59000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 12.57750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 10.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 12.57750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 0.00000);
$expected = 19.67750;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_mean_nochange() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 19.67750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 56.12000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 19.67750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 12.59000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 19.67750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 10.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => 19.67750, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 0.00000);
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_rounding() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 4.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 2.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 1.00000);
$expected = 2.33333;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_submission_grades_process_weighted_mean() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array(); // batch of a submission's assessments
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 3, 'grade' => 12.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 2, 'grade' => 30.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 1, 'grade' => 10.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('submissionid' => 45, 'submissiongrade' => null, 'weight' => 0, 'grade' => 1000.00000);
$expected = 17.66667;
// exercise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_nograding() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>2, 'gradinggrade'=>null, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>null, 'aggregatedgrade'=>null);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_single_grade_new() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>3, 'gradinggrade'=>82.87670, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>null, 'aggregatedgrade'=>null);
// expectation
$expected = new stdclass();
$expected->workshopid = $this->workshop->id;
$expected->userid = 3;
$expected->gradinggrade = 82.87670;
$expected->timegraded = time(); // warning - this is a weak point as the time may actually change
$DB->expectOnce('insert_record', array('workshop_aggregations', $expected));
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_single_grade_update() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>3, 'gradinggrade'=>90.00000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>1, 'aggregatedgrade'=>82.87670);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_single_grade_uptodate() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>3, 'gradinggrade'=>90.00000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>1, 'aggregatedgrade'=>90.00000);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_single_grade_overridden() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>4, 'gradinggrade'=>91.56700, 'gradinggradeover'=>82.32105, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>91.56700);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_multiple_grades_new() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>99.45670, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>null, 'aggregatedgrade'=>null);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>87.34311, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>null, 'aggregatedgrade'=>null);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>51.12000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>null, 'aggregatedgrade'=>null);
// expectation
$expected = new stdclass();
$expected->workshopid = $this->workshop->id;
$expected->userid = 5;
$expected->gradinggrade = 79.3066;
$expected->timegraded = time(); // warning - this is a weak point as the time may actually change
$DB->expectOnce('insert_record', array('workshop_aggregations', $expected));
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_multiple_grades_update() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>56.23400, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>79.30660);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>87.34311, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>79.30660);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>51.12000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>79.30660);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_multiple_grades_overriden() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>56.23400, 'gradinggradeover'=>99.45670, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>64.89904);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>87.34311, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>64.89904);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>5, 'gradinggrade'=>51.12000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>2, 'aggregatedgrade'=>64.89904);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_multiple_grades_one_missing() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>50.00000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>null, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>52.20000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_aggregate_grading_grades_process_multiple_grades_missing_overridden() {
global $DB;
// fixture set-up
$batch = array();
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>50.00000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>null, 'gradinggradeover'=>69.00000, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
$batch[] = (object)array('reviewerid'=>6, 'gradinggrade'=>52.20000, 'gradinggradeover'=>null, 'aggregationid'=>3, 'aggregatedgrade'=>100.00000);
// expectation
// excersise SUT
public function test_percent_to_value() {
// fixture setup
$total = 185;
$percent = 56.6543;
// exercise SUT
$part = workshop::percent_to_value($percent, $total);
// verify
$this->assertEqual($part, $total * $percent / 100);
public function test_percent_to_value_negative() {
// fixture setup
$total = 185;
$percent = -7.098;
// set expectation
// exercise SUT
$part = workshop::percent_to_value($percent, $total);
public function test_percent_to_value_over_hundred() {
// fixture setup
$total = 185;
$percent = 121.08;
// set expectation
// exercise SUT
$part = workshop::percent_to_value($percent, $total);
public function test_lcm() {
// fixture setup + exercise SUT + verify in one step
$this->assertEqual(workshop::lcm(1,4), 4);
$this->assertEqual(workshop::lcm(2,4), 4);
$this->assertEqual(workshop::lcm(4,2), 4);
$this->assertEqual(workshop::lcm(2,3), 6);
$this->assertEqual(workshop::lcm(6,4), 12);
public function test_lcm_array() {
// fixture setup
$numbers = array(5,3,15);
// excersise SUT
$lcm = array_reduce($numbers, 'workshop::lcm', 1);
// verify
$this->assertEqual($lcm, 15);