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synced 2025-03-03 07:19:09 +01:00
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<?php // $Id$
if (!isset($CFG)) {
if (!isadmin()) {
error('You must be an admin to use this script');
print_header_simple('Online Assignment Cleanup','Online Assignment Cleanup', 'Admin');
function online_assignment_cleanup($output=false) {
global $CFG;
if ($output) {
print_heading('Online Assignment Cleanup');
echo '<center>';
/// We don't want to run this code if we are doing an upgrade from an assignment
/// version earlier than 2005041400
/// because the assignment type field will not exist
$amv = get_field('modules', 'version', 'name', 'assignment');
if ((int)$amv < 2005041400) {
if ($output) {
echo '</center>';
/// get the module id for assignments from db
$arecord = get_record('modules', 'name', 'assignment');
$aid = $arecord->id;
/// get a list of all courses on this site
$courses = get_courses();
/// cycle through each course
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$fullname = empty($course->fullname) ? 'Course: '.$course->id : $course->fullname;
if ($output) print_heading($fullname);
/// retrieve a list of sections beyond what is currently being shown
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'course_sections WHERE course='.$course->id.' AND section>'.$course->numsections.' ORDER BY section ASC';
if (!($xsections = get_records_sql($sql))) {
if ($output) echo 'No extra sections<br />';
/// cycle through each of the xtra sections
foreach ($xsections as $xsection) {
if ($output) echo 'Checking Section: '.$xsection->section.'<br />';
/// grab any module instances from the sequence field
if (!empty($xsection->sequence)) {
$instances = explode(',', $xsection->sequence);
/// cycle through the instances
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
/// is this an instance of an online assignment
$sql = "SELECT a.id
FROM {$CFG->prefix}course_modules cm,
{$CFG->prefix}assignment a
WHERE cm.id = '$instance' AND
cm.module = '$aid' AND
cm.instance = a.id AND
a.assignmenttype = 'online'";
/// if record exists then we need to move instance to it's correct section
if (record_exists_sql($sql)) {
/// check the new section id
/// the journal update erroneously stored it in course_sections->section
$newsection = $xsection->section;
/// double check the new section
if ($newsection > $course->numsections) {
/// get the record for section 0 for this course
if (!($zerosection = get_record('course_sections', 'course', $course->id, 'section', '0'))) {
$newsection = $zerosection->id;
/// grab the section record
if (!($section = get_record('course_sections', 'id', $newsection))) {
if ($output) echo 'Serious error: Cannot retrieve section: '.$newsection.' for course: '.$course->fullname.'<br />';
/// explode the sequence
if (($sequence = explode(',', $section->sequence)) === false) {
$sequence = array();
/// add instance to correct section
array_push($sequence, $instance);
/// implode the sequence
$section->sequence = implode(',', $sequence);
set_field('course_sections', 'sequence', $section->sequence, 'id', $section->id);
/// now we need to remove the instance from the old sequence
/// grab the old section record
if (!($section = get_record('course_sections', 'id', $xsection->id))) {
if ($output) echo 'Serious error: Cannot retrieve old section: '.$xsection->id.' for course: '.$course->fullname.'<br />';
/// explode the sequence
if (($sequence = explode(',', $section->sequence)) === false) {
$sequence = array();
/// remove the old value from the array
$key = array_search($instance, $sequence);
/// implode the sequence
$section->sequence = implode(',', $sequence);
set_field('course_sections', 'sequence', $section->sequence, 'id', $section->id);
if ($output) echo 'Online Assignment (instance '.$instance.') moved from section '.$section->id.': to section '.$newsection.'<br />';
/// if the summary and sequence are empty then remove this section
if (empty($xsection->summary) and empty($xsection->sequence)) {
delete_records('course_sections', 'id', $xsection->id);
if ($output) echo 'Deleting empty section '.$xsection->section.'<br />';
echo '</center>';