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* This class keeps track of the various access rules that apply to a particular
* quiz, with convinient methods for seeing whether access is allowed.
class quiz_access_manager {
private $_quizobj;
private $_timenow;
private $_passwordrule = null;
private $_securewindowrule = null;
private $_safebrowserrule = null;
private $_rules = array();
* Create an instance for a particular quiz.
* @param object $quizobj An instance of the class quiz from attemptlib.php.
* The quiz we will be controlling access to.
* @param integer $timenow The time to use as 'now'.
* @param boolean $canignoretimelimits Whether this user is exempt from time
* limits (has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', ...)).
public function __construct($quizobj, $timenow, $canignoretimelimits) {
$this->_quizobj = $quizobj;
$this->_timenow = $timenow;
private function create_standard_rules($canignoretimelimits) {
$quiz = $this->_quizobj->get_quiz();
if ($quiz->attempts > 0) {
$this->_rules[] = new num_attempts_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = new open_close_date_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
if (!empty($quiz->timelimit) && !$canignoretimelimits) {
$this->_rules[] = new time_limit_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
if (!empty($quiz->delay1) || !empty($quiz->delay2)) {
$this->_rules[] = new inter_attempt_delay_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
if (!empty($quiz->subnet)) {
$this->_rules[] = new ipaddress_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
if (!empty($quiz->password)) {
$this->_passwordrule = new password_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = $this->_passwordrule;
if (!empty($quiz->popup)) {
if ($quiz->popup == 1) {
$this->_securewindowrule = new securewindow_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = $this->_securewindowrule;
} elseif ($quiz->popup == 2) {
$this->_safebrowserrule = new safebrowser_access_rule($this->_quizobj, $this->_timenow);
$this->_rules[] = $this->_safebrowserrule;
private function accumulate_messages(&$messages, $new) {
if (is_array($new)) {
$messages = array_merge($messages, $new);
} else if (is_string($new) && $new) {
$messages[] = $new;
* Print each message in an array, surrounded by <p>, </p> tags.
* @param array $messages the array of message strings.
* @param boolean $return if true, return a string, instead of outputting.
* @return mixed, if $return is true, return the string that would have been output, otherwise
* return null.
public function print_messages($messages, $return=false) {
$output = '';
foreach ($messages as $message) {
$output .= '<p>' . $message . "</p>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Provide a description of the rules that apply to this quiz, such
* as is shown at the top of the quiz view page. Note that not all
* rules consider themselves important enough to output a description.
* @return array an array of description messages which may be empty. It
* would be sensible to output each one surrounded by <p> tags.
public function describe_rules() {
$result = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$this->accumulate_messages($result, $rule->description());
return $result;
* Is it OK to let the current user start a new attempt now? If there are
* any restrictions in force now, return an array of reasons why access
* should be blocked. If access is OK, return false.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object|false $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* if there is not a previous attempt, the false is passed.
* @return mixed An array of reason why access is not allowed, or an empty array
* (== false) if access should be allowed.
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
$reasons = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$rule->prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt));
return $reasons;
* Is it OK to let the current user start a new attempt now? If there are
* any restrictions in force now, return an array of reasons why access
* should be blocked. If access is OK, return false.
* @return mixed An array of reason why access is not allowed, or an empty array
* (== false) if access should be allowed.
public function prevent_access() {
$reasons = array();
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$this->accumulate_messages($reasons, $rule->prevent_access());
return $reasons;
* Do any of the rules mean that this student will no be allowed any further attempts at this
* quiz. Used, for example, to change the label by the grade displayed on the view page from
* 'your current score is' to 'your final score is'.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return boolean true if there is no way the user will ever be allowed to attempt this quiz again.
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
if ($rule->is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt)) {
return true;
return false;
* Do the printheader call, etc. required for a secure page, including the necessary JS.
* @param string $title HTML title tag content, passed to printheader.
* @param string $headtags extra stuff to go in the HTML head tag, passed to printheader.
public function setup_secure_page($title, $headtags) {
$this->_securewindowrule->setup_secure_page($title, $headtags);
public function show_attempt_timer_if_needed($attempt, $timenow) {
global $PAGE;
$timeleft = false;
foreach ($this->_rules as $rule) {
$ruletimeleft = $rule->time_left($attempt, $timenow);
if ($ruletimeleft !== false && ($timeleft === false || $ruletimeleft < $timeleft)) {
$timeleft = $ruletimeleft;
if ($timeleft !== false) {
/// Make sure the timer starts just above zero. If $timeleft was <= 0, then
/// this will just have the effect of causing the quiz to be submitted immediately.
$timerstartvalue = max($timeleft, 1);
array($timerstartvalue), false, quiz_get_js_module());
* @return bolean if this quiz should only be shown to students in a secure window.
public function securewindow_required($canpreview) {
return !$canpreview && !is_null($this->_securewindowrule);
* @return bolean if this quiz should only be shown to students with safe browser.
public function safebrowser_required($canpreview) {
return !$canpreview && !is_null($this->_safebrowserrule);
* Print a button to start a quiz attempt, with an appropriate javascript warning,
* depending on the access restrictions. The link will pop up a 'secure' window, if
* necessary.
* @param boolean $canpreview whether this user can preview. This affects whether they must
* use a secure window.
* @param string $buttontext the label to put on the button.
* @param boolean $unfinished whether the button is to continue an existing attempt,
* or start a new one. This affects whether a javascript alert is shown.
public function print_start_attempt_button($canpreview, $buttontext, $unfinished) {
global $OUTPUT;
$url = $this->_quizobj->start_attempt_url();
$button = new single_button($url, $buttontext);
$button->class .= ' quizstartbuttondiv';
if (!$unfinished) {
$strconfirmstartattempt = $this->confirm_start_attempt_message();
if ($strconfirmstartattempt) {
$warning = '';
if ($this->securewindow_required($canpreview)) {
$button->class .= ' quizsecuremoderequired';
$button->add_action(new popup_action('click', $url, 'quizpopup',
$warning = html_writer::tag('noscript',
$OUTPUT->heading(get_string('noscript', 'quiz')));
echo $OUTPUT->render($button) . $warning;
* Send the user back to the quiz view page. Normally this is just a redirect, but
* If we were in a secure window, we close this window, and reload the view window we came from.
* @param boolean $canpreview This affects whether we have to worry about secure window stuff.
public function back_to_view_page($canpreview, $message = '') {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
$url = $this->_quizobj->view_url();
if ($this->securewindow_required($canpreview)) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
if ($message) {
echo '<p>' . $message . '</p><p>' . get_string('windowclosing', 'quiz') . '</p>';
$delay = 5;
} else {
echo '<p>' . get_string('pleaseclose', 'quiz') . '</p>';
$delay = 0;
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('M.mod_quiz.secure_window.close', array($url, $delay));
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} else {
redirect($url, $message);
* Print a control to finish the review. Normally this is just a link, but if we are
* in a secure window, it needs to be a button that does M.mod_quiz.secure_window.close.
* @param boolean $canpreview This affects whether we have to worry about secure window stuff.
public function print_finish_review_link($canpreview, $return = false) {
global $CFG;
$output = '';
$url = $this->_quizobj->view_url();
$output .= '<div class="finishreview">';
if ($this->securewindow_required($canpreview)) {
$url = addslashes_js(htmlspecialchars($url));
$output .= '<input type="button" value="' . get_string('finishreview', 'quiz') . '" ' .
"onclick=\"M.mod_quiz.secure_window.close('$url', 0)\" />\n";
} else {
$output .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . get_string('finishreview', 'quiz') . "</a>\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* @return bolean if this quiz is password protected.
public function password_required() {
return !is_null($this->_passwordrule);
* Clear the flag in the session that says that the current user is allowed to do this quiz.
public function clear_password_access() {
if (!is_null($this->_passwordrule)) {
* Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
* This function only returns is access is OK.
* @param boolean $canpreview used to enfore securewindow stuff.
public function do_password_check($canpreview) {
if (!is_null($this->_passwordrule)) {
$this->_passwordrule->do_password_check($canpreview, $this);
* @return string if the quiz policies merit it, return a warning string to be displayed
* in a javascript alert on the start attempt button.
public function confirm_start_attempt_message() {
$quiz = $this->_quizobj->get_quiz();
if ($quiz->timelimit && $quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('confirmstartattempttimelimit','quiz', $quiz->attempts);
} else if ($quiz->timelimit) {
return get_string('confirmstarttimelimit','quiz');
} else if ($quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('confirmstartattemptlimit','quiz', $quiz->attempts);
return '';
* Make some text into a link to review the quiz, if that is appropriate.
* @param string $linktext some text.
* @param object $attempt the attempt object
* @return string some HTML, the $linktext either unmodified or wrapped in a link to the review page.
public function make_review_link($attempt, $canpreview, $reviewoptions) {
global $CFG;
/// If review of responses is not allowed, or the attempt is still open, don't link.
if (!$attempt->timefinish) {
return '';
if (!$reviewoptions->responses) {
$message = $this->cannot_review_message($reviewoptions, true);
if ($message) {
return '<span class="noreviewmessage">' . $message . '</span>';
} else {
return '';
$linktext = get_string('review', 'quiz');
/// It is OK to link, does it need to be in a secure window?
if ($this->securewindow_required($canpreview)) {
return $this->_securewindowrule->make_review_link($linktext, $attempt->id);
} else {
return '<a href="' . $this->_quizobj->review_url($attempt->id) . '" title="' .
get_string('reviewthisattempt', 'quiz') . '">' . $linktext . '</a>';
* If $reviewoptions->responses is false, meaning that students can't review this
* attempt at the moment, return an appropriate string explaining why.
* @param object $reviewoptions as obtained from quiz_get_reviewoptions.
* @param boolean $short if true, return a shorter string.
* @return string an appropraite message.
public function cannot_review_message($reviewoptions, $short = false) {
$quiz = $this->_quizobj->get_quiz();
if ($short) {
$langstrsuffix = 'short';
$dateformat = get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'langconfig');
} else {
$langstrsuffix = '';
$dateformat = '';
if ($reviewoptions->quizstate == QUIZ_STATE_IMMEDIATELY) {
return '';
} else if ($reviewoptions->quizstate == QUIZ_STATE_OPEN && $quiz->timeclose &&
return get_string('noreviewuntil' . $langstrsuffix, 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose, $dateformat));
} else {
return get_string('noreview' . $langstrsuffix, 'quiz');
* A base class that defines the interface for the various quiz access rules.
* Most of the methods are defined in a slightly unnatural way because we either
* want to say that access is allowed, or explain the reason why it is block.
* Therefore instead of is_access_allowed(...) we have prevent_access(...) that
* return false if access is permitted, or a string explanation (which is treated
* as true) if access should be blocked. Slighly unnatural, but acutally the easist
* way to implement this.
abstract class quiz_access_rule_base {
protected $_quiz;
protected $_quizobj;
protected $_timenow;
* Create an instance of this rule for a particular quiz.
* @param object $quiz the quiz we will be controlling access to.
public function __construct($quizobj, $timenow) {
$this->_quizobj = $quizobj;
$this->_quiz = $quizobj->get_quiz();
$this->_timenow = $timenow;
* Whether or not a user should be allowed to start a new attempt at this quiz now.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return string false if access should be allowed, a message explaining the reason if access should be prevented.
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return false;
* Whether or not a user should be allowed to start a new attempt at this quiz now.
* @return string false if access should be allowed, a message explaining the reason if access should be prevented.
public function prevent_access() {
return false;
* Information, such as might be shown on the quiz view page, relating to this restriction.
* There is no obligation to return anything. If it is not appropriate to tell students
* about this rule, then just return ''.
* @return mixed a message, or array of messages, explaining the restriction
* (may be '' if no message is appropriate).
public function description() {
return '';
* If this rule can determine that this user will never be allowed another attempt at
* this quiz, then return true. This is used so we can know whether to display a
* final score on the view page. This will only be called if there is not a currently
* active attempt for this user.
* @param integer $numattempts the number of previous attempts this user has made.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the user's last completed attempt.
* @return boolean true if this rule means that this user will never be allowed another
* attempt at this quiz.
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return false;
* If, becuase of this rule, the user has to finish their attempt by a certain time,
* you should override this method to return the amount of time left in seconds.
* @param object $attempt the current attempt
* @param integer $timenow the time now. We don't use $this->_timenow, so we can
* give the user a more accurate indication of how much time is left.
* @return mixed false if there is no deadline, of the time left in seconds if there is one.
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
return false;
* A rule controlling the number of attempts allowed.
class num_attempts_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('attemptsallowedn', 'quiz', $this->_quiz->attempts);
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
if ($numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts) {
return get_string('nomoreattempts', 'quiz');
return false;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return $numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts;
* A rule enforcing open and close dates.
class open_close_date_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
$result = array();
if ($this->_timenow < $this->_quiz->timeopen) {
$result[] = get_string('quiznotavailable', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeopen));
} else if ($this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$result[] = get_string("quizclosed", "quiz", userdate($this->_quiz->timeclose));
} else {
if ($this->_quiz->timeopen) {
$result[] = get_string('quizopenedon', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeopen));
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$result[] = get_string('quizcloseson', 'quiz', userdate($this->_quiz->timeclose));
return $result;
public function prevent_access() {
if ($this->_timenow < $this->_quiz->timeopen ||
($this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose)) {
return get_string('notavailable', 'quiz');
return false;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
return $this->_quiz->timeclose && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose;
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
// If this is a teacher preview after the close date, do not show
// the time.
if ($attempt->preview && $timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
return false;
// Otherwise, return to the time left until the close date, providing
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose) {
$timeleft = $this->_quiz->timeclose - $timenow;
return $timeleft;
return false;
* A rule imposing the delay between attemtps settings.
class inter_attempt_delay_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function prevent_new_attempt($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
if ($this->_quiz->attempts > 0 && $numprevattempts >= $this->_quiz->attempts) {
/// No more attempts allowed anyway.
return false;
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose != 0 && $this->_timenow > $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
/// No more attempts allowed anyway.
return false;
$nextstarttime = $this->compute_next_start_time($numprevattempts, $lastattempt);
if ($this->_timenow < $nextstarttime) {
if ($this->_quiz->timeclose == 0 || $nextstarttime <= $this->_quiz->timeclose) {
return get_string('youmustwait', 'quiz', userdate($nextstarttime));
} else {
return get_string('youcannotwait', 'quiz');
return false;
* Compute the next time a student would be allowed to start an attempt,
* according to this rule.
* @param integer $numprevattempts number of previous attempts.
* @param object $lastattempt information about the previous attempt.
* @return number the time.
protected function compute_next_start_time($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
if ($numprevattempts == 0) {
return 0;
$lastattemptfinish = $lastattempt->timefinish;
if ($this->_quiz->timelimit > 0){
$lastattemptfinish = min($lastattemptfinish,
$lastattempt->timestart + $this->_quiz->timelimit);
if ($numprevattempts == 1 && $this->_quiz->delay1) {
return $lastattemptfinish + $this->_quiz->delay1;
} else if ($numprevattempts > 1 && $this->_quiz->delay2) {
return $lastattemptfinish + $this->_quiz->delay2;
return 0;
public function is_finished($numprevattempts, $lastattempt) {
$nextstarttime = $this->compute_next_start_time($numprevattempts, $lastattempt);
return $this->_timenow <= $nextstarttime &&
$this->_quiz->timeclose != 0 && $nextstarttime >= $this->_quiz->timeclose;
* A rule implementing the ipaddress check against the ->submet setting.
class ipaddress_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function prevent_access() {
if (address_in_subnet(getremoteaddr(), $this->_quiz->subnet)) {
return false;
} else {
return get_string('subnetwrong', 'quiz');
* A rule representing the password check. It does not actually implement the check,
* that has to be done directly in attempt.php, but this facilitates telling users about it.
class password_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz');
* Clear the flag in the session that says that the current user is allowed to do this quiz.
public function clear_access_allowed() {
global $SESSION;
if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {
* Actually ask the user for the password, if they have not already given it this session.
* This function only returns is access is OK.
* @param boolean $canpreview used to enfore securewindow stuff.
* @param object $accessmanager the accessmanager calling us.
public function do_password_check($canpreview, $accessmanager) {
/// We have already checked the password for this quiz this session, so don't ask again.
if (!empty($SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id])) {
/// If the user cancelled the password form, send them back to the view page.
if (optional_param('cancelpassword', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
/// If they entered the right password, let them in.
$enteredpassword = optional_param('quizpassword', '', PARAM_RAW);
$validpassword = false;
if (strcmp($this->_quiz->password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
$validpassword = true;
} else if (isset($this->_quiz->extrapasswords)) {
// group overrides may have additional passwords
foreach ($this->_quiz->extrapasswords as $password) {
if (strcmp($password, $enteredpassword) === 0) {
$validpassword = true;
if ($validpassword) {
$SESSION->passwordcheckedquizzes[$this->_quiz->id] = true;
/// User entered the wrong password, or has not entered one yet, so display the form.
$output = '';
/// Start the page and print the quiz intro, if any.
echo $OUTPUT->header();
if (trim(strip_tags($this->_quiz->intro))) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('quiz', $this->_quiz->id);
$output .= $OUTPUT->box(format_module_intro('quiz', $this->_quiz, $cm->id), 'generalbox', 'intro');
$output .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox', 'passwordbox');
/// If they have previously tried and failed to enter a password, tell them it was wrong.
if (!empty($enteredpassword)) {
$output .= '<p class="notifyproblem">' . get_string('passworderror', 'quiz') . '</p>';
/// Print the password entry form.
$output .= '<p>' . get_string('requirepasswordmessage', 'quiz') . "</p>\n";
$output .= '<form id="passwordform" method="post" action="' . $CFG->wwwroot .
'/mod/quiz/startattempt.php" onclick="this.autocomplete=\'off\'">' . "\n";
$output .= "<div>\n";
$output .= '<label for="quizpassword">' . get_string('password') . "</label>\n";
$output .= '<input name="quizpassword" id="quizpassword" type="password" value=""/>' . "\n";
$output .= '<input name="cmid" type="hidden" value="' .
$this->_quizobj->get_cmid() . '"/>' . "\n";
$output .= '<input name="sesskey" type="hidden" value="' . sesskey() . '"/>' . "\n";
$output .= '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
$output .= '<input type="submit" name="cancelpassword" value="' .
get_string('cancel') . '" />' . "\n";
$output .= "</div>\n";
$output .= "</form>\n";
/// Finish page.
$output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
/// return or display form.
echo $output;
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
* A rule representing the time limit. It does not actually restrict access, but we use this
* class to encapsulate some of the relevant code.
class time_limit_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function description() {
return get_string('quiztimelimit', 'quiz', format_time($this->_quiz->timelimit));
public function time_left($attempt, $timenow) {
return $attempt->timestart + $this->_quiz->timelimit - $timenow;
* A rule implementing the ipaddress check against the ->submet setting.
class securewindow_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
* @var array options that should be used for opening the secure popup.
public static $popupoptions = array(
'left' => 0,
'top' => 0,
'fullscreen' => true,
'scrollbars' => true,
'resizeable' => false,
'directories' => false,
'toolbar' => false,
'titlebar' => false,
'location' => false,
'status' => false,
'menubar' => false,
* Make a link to the review page for an attempt.
* @param string $linktext the desired link text.
* @param integer $attemptid the attempt id.
* @return string HTML for the link.
public function make_review_link($linktext, $attemptid) {
global $OUTPUT;
$url = $this->_quizobj->review_url($attemptid);
$button = new single_button($url, $linktext);
$button->add_action(new popup_action('click', $url, 'quizpopup', self::$popupoptions));
return $OUTPUT->render($button);
* Do the printheader call, etc. required for a secure page, including the necessary JS.
* @param string $title HTML title tag content, passed to printheader.
* @param string $headtags extra stuff to go in the HTML head tag, passed to printheader.
* $headtags has been deprectaed since Moodle 2.0
public function setup_secure_page($title, $headtags=null) {
global $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
/// This prevents the message window coming up.
define('MESSAGE_WINDOW', true);
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.mod_quiz.secure_window.init', null, false,
echo $OUTPUT->header();
* A rule representing the safe browser check.
class safebrowser_access_rule extends quiz_access_rule_base {
public function prevent_access() {
if (!$this->_quizobj->is_preview_user() && !quiz_check_safe_browser()) {
return get_string('safebrowsererror', 'quiz');
} else {
return false;
public function description() {
return get_string("safebrowsernotice", "quiz");