willcast b620a99505 - Fixed two bugs: Teacher's modified or added entries were being set as not approved if the default approval status is off.
- Fixed bug when trying to display entries with ? in the definitions or aliases.
2003-11-25 17:44:51 +00:00

197 lines
8.5 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
$textfilter_function = 'glossary_dynamic_link';
if (function_exists($textfilter_function)) {
function glossary_dynamic_link($courseid, $text) {
global $CFG;
$glossarieslist = get_records_select("glossary", "usedynalink != 0 and (course = $courseid or globalglossary != 0)","globalglossary, id");
if ( $glossarieslist ) {
$glossaries = "";
foreach ( $glossarieslist as $glossary ) {
$glossaries .= "$glossary->id,";
/// sorting by the lenght of the concept in order to assure that large concepts
/// could be linked first, if they exist in the text to parse
switch ($CFG->dbtype) {
case "postgres7":
case "mysql":
$ebylenght = "CHAR_LENGTH(concept) desc,";
$cbylenght = "CHAR_LENGTH(name) desc,";
$ebylenght = "";
$cbylenght = "";
$entries = get_records_select("glossary_entries", "glossaryid IN ($glossaries) AND usedynalink != 0 and approved != 0 and concept != ''","$ebylenght glossaryid","id,glossaryid,concept,casesensitive,$GLOSSARY_CONCEPT_IS_ENTRY category,fullmatch");
$categories = get_records_select("glossary_categories", "glossaryid IN ($glossaries) AND usedynalink != 0", "$cbylenght glossaryid","id,glossaryid,name concept, 1 casesensitive,$GLOSSARY_CONCEPT_IS_CATEGORY category, 1 fullmatch");
if ( $entries and $categories ) {
$concepts = array_merge($entries, $categories);
} elseif ( $categories ) {
$concepts = $categories;
} elseif ( $entries ) {
$concepts = $entries;
if ( isset($concepts) ) {
$lastglossary = 0;
$lastcategory = 0;
$cm = '';
foreach ( $concepts as $concept ) {
if ( $concept->category ) {
if ( $lastcategory != $concept->id ) {
$category = get_record("glossary_categories","id",$concept->id);
$lastcategory = $concept->id;
if ( $cm->instance != $category->glossaryid ) {
$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("glossary", $category->glossaryid, $courseid);
$title = strip_tags("$glossary->name: " . get_string("category","glossary"). " $category->name");
$href_tag_begin = "<a class=\"autolink\" title=\"$title\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/view.php?id=$cm->id&mode=cat&hook=$concept->id\">";
} else {
if ( $lastglossary != $concept->glossaryid ) {
$glossary = get_record("glossary","id",$concept->glossaryid);
$lastglossary = $glossary->id;
$concepttitle = urlencode($concept->concept);
$title = strip_tags("$glossary->name: $concepttitle");
$href_tag_begin = "<a target=\"entry\" class=\"autolink\" title=\"$title\" href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/glossary/showentry.php?courseid=$courseid&concept=$concepttitle\" ".
"onClick=\"return openpopup('/mod/glossary/showentry.php?courseid=$courseid\&concept=$concepttitle', 'entry', 'menubar=0,location=0,scrollbars,resizable,width=600,height=450', 0);\">";
$replace = "\\[]'\"*()\?";
$currentconcept = glossary_addslashes($replace,$concept->concept);
if ( $currentconcept = trim(strip_tags($currentconcept)) ) {
if ( !$concept->category ) {
if ( $aliases = get_records("glossary_alias","entryid",$concept->id, "alias") ) {
foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
$currentalias = glossary_addslashes($replace,$alias->alias);
$currentconcept .= "|" . trim($currentalias);
$text = glossary_link_concepts($text,$currentconcept,$href_tag_begin, "</a>",$concept->casesensitive,$concept->fullmatch);
return $text;
function glossary_link_concepts($text,$concept,$href_tag_begin,$href_tag_end = "</a>",$casesensitive,$fullmatch) {
$concept = str_replace("/", "\/", $concept);
$list_of_words_cp = $concept;
if ($list_of_words_cp{0}=="|") {
$list_of_words_cp{0} = "";
if ($list_of_words_cp{strlen($list_of_words_cp)-1}=="|") {
$list_of_words_cp = trim($list_of_words_cp);
if ($fullmatch) {
$invalidprefixs = "([a-zA-Z0-9])";
$invalidsufixs = "([a-zA-Z0-9])";
// getting ride of words or phrases that containg the pivot concept on it
$words = array();
$regexp = '/' . $invalidprefixs . "(" . $list_of_words_cp . ")" . "|" . "(" . $list_of_words_cp . ")". $invalidsufixs . '/is';
if ($list_of_words) {
foreach (array_unique($list_of_words[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$words['<*'.$key.'*>'] = $value;
if ( $words ) {
$text = str_replace($words,array_keys($words),$text);
// getting ride of "nolink" tags
$excludes = array();
foreach (array_unique($list_of_excludes[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$excludes['<+'.$key.'+>'] = $value;
if ( $excludes ) {
$text = str_replace($excludes,array_keys($excludes),$text);
// getting ride of "A" tags
$links = array();
preg_match_all('/<A (.+?)>(.+?)<\/A>/is',$text,$list_of_links);
foreach (array_unique($list_of_links[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$links['<@'.$key.'@>'] = $value;
if ( $links ) {
$text = str_replace($links,array_keys($links),$text);
// getting ride of all other tags
$final = array();
foreach (array_unique($list_of_tags[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$final['<|'.$key.'|>'] = $value;
$text = str_replace($final,array_keys($final),$text);
$list_of_words_cp = "(".$list_of_words_cp.")";
if ( $casesensitive ) {
$text = ereg_replace("$list_of_words_cp", "$href_tag_begin"."\\1"."$href_tag_end", $text);
} else {
$text = eregi_replace("$list_of_words_cp", "$href_tag_begin"."\\1"."$href_tag_end", $text);
if ( $final ) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($final),$final,$text);
if ( $links ) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($links),$links,$text);
if ( $excludes ) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($excludes),$excludes,$text);
if ( $fullmatch and isset($words) ) {
if ($words) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($words),$words,$text);
return $text;
function glossary_sort_entries_by_lenght ( $entry0, $entry1 ) {
if ( strlen(trim($entry0->concept)) < strlen(trim($entry1->concept)) ) {
return 1;
} elseif ( strlen(trim($entry0->concept)) > strlen(trim($entry1->concept)) ) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
function glossary_addslashes ( $chars, $text ) {
if ( $chars ) {
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($chars); $i++) {
$text = str_replace($chars[$i], "\\" . $chars[$i], $text);
return $text;