tjhunt 92f008465c admin tree: MDL-10047 and MDL-13104 weird things happen when you turn editing on and off.
That was becuase not enough information was being passed in for the blocks editing controls to construct the right URL to reload the page.

It is also now possible for admin external pages to add some UI next to the turn blocks editing on/off button. For example, when you are editing the list of course catgories, the turn editing off button is now in the right place.
2008-12-11 09:21:41 +00:00

166 lines
5.3 KiB

<?php // $Id$
define('PAGE_ADMIN', 'admin');
// Bounds for block widths
// more flexible for theme designers taken from theme config.php
$lmin = (empty($THEME->block_l_min_width)) ? 0 : $THEME->block_l_min_width;
$lmax = (empty($THEME->block_l_max_width)) ? 210 : $THEME->block_l_max_width;
$rmin = (empty($THEME->block_r_min_width)) ? 0 : $THEME->block_r_min_width;
$rmax = (empty($THEME->block_r_max_width)) ? 210 : $THEME->block_r_max_width;
define('BLOCK_L_MIN_WIDTH', $lmin);
define('BLOCK_L_MAX_WIDTH', $lmax);
define('BLOCK_R_MIN_WIDTH', $rmin);
define('BLOCK_R_MAX_WIDTH', $rmax);
page_map_class(PAGE_ADMIN, 'page_admin');
class page_admin extends page_base {
var $section = '';
var $visiblepathtosection;
var $extraurlparams = array();
var $extrabutton = '';
var $url = '';
// hack alert!
// this function works around the inability to store the section name
// in default block, maybe we should "improve" the blocks a bit?
function init_extra($section) {
global $CFG;
if($this->full_init_done) {
$adminroot =& admin_get_root(false, false); //settings not required - only pages
// fetch the path parameter
$this->section = $section;
$current =& $adminroot->locate($section, true);
$this->visiblepathtosection = array_reverse($current->visiblepath);
// all done
$this->full_init_done = true;
function blocks_get_default() {
return 'admin_tree,admin_bookmarks';
// seems reasonable that the only people that can edit blocks on the admin pages
// are the admins... but maybe we want a role for this?
function user_allowed_editing() {
return has_capability('moodle/site:manageblocks', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
// has to be fixed. i know there's a "proper" way to do this
function user_is_editing() {
global $USER;
return $USER->adminediting;
function url_get_path() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($this->url)) {
return $this->url;
$adminroot =& admin_get_root(false, false); //settings not required - only pages
$root =& $adminroot->locate($this->section);
if (is_a($root, 'admin_externalpage')) {
return $root->url;
} else {
return ($CFG->wwwroot . '/' . $CFG->admin . '/settings.php');
* Use this to pass extra HTML that is added after the turn blocks editing on/off button.
* @param string $extrabutton HTML code.
function set_extra_button($extrabutton) {
$this->extrabutton = $extrabutton;
* Use this to pass extra URL parameters that, for example, the blocks editing controls need to reload the current page accurately.
* @param array $extraurlparams paramname => value array.
function set_extra_url_params($extraurlparams, $actualurl = '') {
$this->extraurlparams = $extraurlparams;
if (!empty($actualurl)) {
$this->url = $actualurl;
function url_get_parameters() { // only handles parameters relevant to the admin pagetype
return array_merge($this->extraurlparams, array('section' => $this->section));
function blocks_get_positions() {
function blocks_default_position() {
function blocks_move_position(&$instance, $move) {
if($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_LEFT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_RIGHT) {
} else if ($instance->position == BLOCK_POS_RIGHT && $move == BLOCK_MOVE_LEFT) {
return $instance->position;
// does anything need to be done here?
function init_quick($data) {
function print_header($section = '', $focus='') {
global $USER, $CFG, $SITE;
$this->init_full($section); // we're trusting that init_full() has already been called by now; it should have.
// if not, print_header() has to be called with a $section parameter
// The search page currently doesn't handle block editing
if ($this->section != 'search' and $this->user_allowed_editing()) {
$options = $this->url_get_parameters();
if ($this->user_is_editing()) {
$caption = get_string('blockseditoff');
$options['adminedit'] = 'off';
} else {
$caption = get_string('blocksediton');
$options['adminedit'] = 'on';
$buttons = print_single_button($this->url_get_path(), $options, $caption, 'get', '', true);
} else {
$buttons = '&nbsp;';
$buttons .= $this->extrabutton;
$navlinks = array();
foreach ($this->visiblepathtosection as $element) {
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $element, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$SITE->shortname: " . implode(": ",$this->visiblepathtosection), $SITE->fullname, $navigation, $focus, '', true, $buttons, '');
function get_type() {
return PAGE_ADMIN;