Petr Skoda 370f10b7eb MDL-22061 converting auths to pluginname and deprecating old method for getting auth names
 MOV [auth_castitle,auth_cas],[pluginname,auth_cas]
 MOV [auth_dbtitle,auth_db],[pluginname,auth_db]
 MOV [auth_emailtitle,auth_email],[pluginname,auth_email]
 MOV [auth_fctitle,auth_fc],[pluginname,auth_fc]
 MOV [auth_imaptitle,auth_imap],[pluginname,auth_imap]
 MOV [auth_ldaptitle,auth_ldap],[pluginname,auth_ldap]
 MOV [auth_manualtitle,auth_manul],[pluginname,auth_manul]
 MOV [auth_mnettitle,auth_mnet],[pluginname,auth_mnet]
 MOV [auth_nntptitle,auth_nntp],[pluginname,auth_nntp]
 MOV [auth_nologintitle,auth_nologin],[pluginname,auth_nologin]
 MOV [auth_nonetitle,auth_none],[pluginname,auth_none]
 MOV [auth_pamtitle,auth_pam],[pluginname,auth_pam]
 MOV [auth_pop3title,auth_pop3],[pluginname,auth_pop3]
 MOV [auth_radiustitle,auth_radius],[pluginname,auth_radius]
 MOV [auth_shibbolethtitle,auth_shibboleth],[pluginname,auth_shibboleth]
 MOV [auth_webservicetitle,auth_webservice],[pluginname,auth_webservice]
2010-04-11 21:31:36 +00:00

69 lines
4.8 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
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// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
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* Strings for component 'auth_db', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE'
* @package auth_db
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['auth_dbcantconnect'] = 'Could not connect to the specified authentication database...';
$string['auth_dbdebugauthdb'] = 'Debug ADOdb';
$string['auth_dbdebugauthdbhelp'] = 'Debug ADOdb connection to external database - use when getting empty page during login. Not suitable for production sites.';
$string['auth_dbdeleteuser'] = 'Deleted user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbdeleteusererror'] = 'Error deleting user {$a}';
$string['auth_dbdescription'] = 'This method uses an external database table to check whether a given username and password is valid. If the account is a new one, then information from other fields may also be copied across into Moodle.';
$string['auth_dbextencoding'] = 'External db encoding';
$string['auth_dbextencodinghelp'] = 'Encoding used in external database';
$string['auth_dbextrafields'] = 'These fields are optional. You can choose to pre-fill some Moodle user fields with information from the <b>external database fields</b> that you specify here. <p>If you leave these blank, then defaults will be used.</p><p>In either case, the user will be able to edit all of these fields after they log in.</p>';
$string['auth_dbfieldpass'] = 'Name of the field containing passwords';
$string['auth_dbfieldpass_key'] = 'Password field';
$string['auth_dbfielduser'] = 'Name of the field containing usernames';
$string['auth_dbfielduser_key'] = 'Username field';
$string['auth_dbhost'] = 'The computer hosting the database server.';
$string['auth_dbhost_key'] = 'Host';
$string['auth_dbchangepasswordurl_key'] = 'Password-change URL';
$string['auth_dbinsertuser'] = 'Inserted user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbinsertusererror'] = 'Error inserting user {$a}';
$string['auth_dbname'] = 'Name of the database itself';
$string['auth_dbname_key'] = 'DB Name';
$string['auth_dbpass'] = 'Password matching the above username';
$string['auth_dbpass_key'] = 'Password';
$string['auth_dbpasstype'] = '<p>Specify the format that the password field is using. MD5 hashing is useful for connecting to other common web applications like PostNuke.</p> <p>Use \'internal\' if you want to the external DB to manage usernames &amp; email addresses, but Moodle to manage passwords. If you use \'internal\', you <i>must</i> provide a populated email address field in the external DB, and you must execute both admin/cron.php and auth/db/auth_db_sync_users.php regularly. Moodle will send an email to new users with a temporary password.</p>';
$string['auth_dbpasstype_key'] = 'Password format';
$string['auth_dbreviveduser'] = 'Revived user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbrevivedusererror'] = 'Error reviving user {$a}';
$string['auth_dbsetupsql'] = 'SQL setup command';
$string['auth_dbsetupsqlhelp'] = 'SQL command for special database setup, often used to setup communication encoding - example for MySQL and PostgreSQL: <em>SET NAMES \'utf8\'</em>';
$string['auth_dbsuspenduser'] = 'Suspended user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbsuspendusererror'] = 'Error suspending user {$a}';
$string['auth_dbsybasequoting'] = 'Use sybase quotes';
$string['auth_dbsybasequotinghelp'] = 'Sybase style single quote escaping - needed for Oracle, MS SQL and some other databases. Do not use for MySQL!';
$string['auth_dbtable'] = 'Name of the table in the database';
$string['auth_dbtable_key'] = 'Table';
$string['auth_dbtype'] = 'The database type (See the <a href="../lib/adodb/readme.htm#drivers">ADOdb documentation</a> for details)';
$string['auth_dbtype_key'] = 'Database';
$string['auth_dbupdatinguser'] = 'Updating user {$a->name} id {$a->id}';
$string['auth_dbuser'] = 'Username with read access to the database';
$string['auth_dbuser_key'] = 'DB User';
$string['auth_dbusernotexist'] = 'Cannot update non-existent user: {$a}';
$string['auth_dbuserstoadd'] = 'User entries to add: {$a}';
$string['auth_dbuserstoremove'] = 'User entries to remove: {$a}';
$string['pluginname'] = 'External database';