sam marshall bf2a039e9a MDL-42039 Restore: Add progress tracking in restore controller load
In the case of a very large backup with many activities, simply loading
the restore controller (specifically, building the plan) can take a long
time and cause timeouts. This change adds progress reporting while the
restore controller is being loaded.

(This also reduces the time between first going to the page, and the
progress bar appearing, making a slightly better user experience.)


2013-10-10 10:57:24 +08:00

125 lines
4.9 KiB

//This script is used to configure and execute the restore proccess.
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/backup/util/includes/restore_includes.php');
$contextid = required_param('contextid', PARAM_INT);
$stage = optional_param('stage', restore_ui::STAGE_CONFIRM, PARAM_INT);
list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($contextid);
navigation_node::override_active_url(new moodle_url('/backup/restorefile.php', array('contextid'=>$contextid)));
$PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url('/backup/restore.php', array('contextid'=>$contextid)));
require_login($course, null, $cm);
require_capability('moodle/restore:restorecourse', $context);
// Show page header.
$PAGE->set_title($course->shortname . ': ' . get_string('restore'));
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core','backup');
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Prepare a progress bar which can display optionally during long-running
// operations while setting up the UI.
$slowprogress = new core_backup_display_progress_if_slow(get_string('preparingui', 'backup'));
// Overall, allow 10 units of progress.
$slowprogress->start_progress('', 10);
// This progress section counts for loading the restore controller.
$slowprogress->start_progress('', 1, 1);
// Restore of large courses requires extra memory. Use the amount configured
// in admin settings.
if ($stage & restore_ui::STAGE_CONFIRM + restore_ui::STAGE_DESTINATION) {
$restore = restore_ui::engage_independent_stage($stage, $contextid);
} else {
$restoreid = optional_param('restore', false, PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$rc = restore_ui::load_controller($restoreid);
if (!$rc) {
$restore = restore_ui::engage_independent_stage($stage/2, $contextid);
if ($restore->process()) {
$rc = new restore_controller($restore->get_filepath(), $restore->get_course_id(), backup::INTERACTIVE_YES,
backup::MODE_GENERAL, $USER->id, $restore->get_target());
if ($rc) {
// check if the format conversion must happen first
if ($rc->get_status() == backup::STATUS_REQUIRE_CONV) {
$restore = new restore_ui($rc, array('contextid'=>$context->id));
// End progress section for loading restore controller.
// This progress section is for the 'process' function below.
$slowprogress->start_progress('', 1, 9);
// Depending on the code branch above, $restore may be a restore_ui or it may
// be a restore_ui_independent_stage. Either way, this function exists.
$outcome = $restore->process();
if (!$restore->is_independent() && $restore->enforce_changed_dependencies()) {
debugging('Your settings have been altered due to unmet dependencies', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$loghtml = '';
// Finish the 'process' progress reporting section, and the overall count.
if (!$restore->is_independent()) {
// Use a temporary (disappearing) progress bar to show the precheck progress if any.
$precheckprogress = new core_backup_display_progress_if_slow(get_string('preparingdata', 'backup'));
if ($restore->get_stage() == restore_ui::STAGE_PROCESS && !$restore->requires_substage()) {
try {
// Div used to hide the 'progress' step once the page gets onto 'finished'.
echo html_writer::start_div('', array('id' => 'executionprogress'));
// Show the current restore state (header with bolded item).
echo $renderer->progress_bar($restore->get_progress_bar());
// Start displaying the actual progress bar percentage.
$restore->get_controller()->set_progress(new core_backup_display_progress());
// Prepare logger.
$logger = new core_backup_html_logger($CFG->debugdeveloper ? backup::LOG_DEBUG : backup::LOG_INFO);
// Do actual restore.
// Get HTML from logger.
$loghtml = $logger->get_html();
// Hide this section because we are now going to make the page show 'finished'.
echo html_writer::end_div();
echo html_writer::script('document.getElementById("executionprogress").style.display = "none";');
} catch(Exception $e) {
throw $e;
} else {
echo $renderer->progress_bar($restore->get_progress_bar());
echo $restore->display($renderer);
// Display log data if there was any.
if ($loghtml != '') {
echo $renderer->log_display($loghtml);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();