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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* formslib.php - library of classes for creating forms in Moodle, based on PEAR QuickForms.
* To use formslib then you will want to create a new file purpose_form.php eg. edit_form.php
* and you want to name your class something like {modulename}_{purpose}_form. Your class will
* extend moodleform overriding abstract classes definition and optionally defintion_after_data
* and validation.
* See examples of use of this library in course/edit.php and course/edit_form.php
* A few notes :
* form definition is used for both printing of form and processing and should be the same
* for both or you may lose some submitted data which won't be let through.
* you should be using setType for every form element except select, radio or checkbox
* elements, these elements clean themselves.
* @copyright Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @package core
* @subpackage form
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
/** setup.php includes our hacked pear libs first */
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/DHTMLRulesTableless.php';
require_once 'HTML/QuickForm/Renderer/Tableless.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php';
* Callback called when PEAR throws an error
* @param PEAR_Error $error
function pear_handle_error($error){
echo '<strong>'.$error->GetMessage().'</strong> '.$error->getUserInfo();
echo '<br /> <strong>Backtrace </strong>:';
if (!empty($CFG->debug) and $CFG->debug >= DEBUG_ALL){
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, 'pear_handle_error');
* @staticvar bool $done
* @global moodle_page $PAGE
function form_init_date_js() {
global $PAGE;
static $done = false;
if (!$done) {
$module = 'moodle-form-dateselector';
$function = 'M.form.dateselector.init_date_selectors';
$config = array(array('firstdayofweek'=>get_string('firstdayofweek', 'langconfig')));
$PAGE->requires->yui_module($module, $function, $config);
$done = true;
* Moodle specific wrapper that separates quickforms syntax from moodle code. You won't directly
* use this class you should write a class definition which extends this class or a more specific
* subclass such a moodleform_mod for each form you want to display and/or process with formslib.
* You will write your own definition() method which performs the form set up.
* @package moodlecore
* @copyright Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class moodleform {
/** @var string */
protected $_formname; // form name
* quickform object definition
* @var MoodleQuickForm MoodleQuickForm
protected $_form;
* globals workaround
* @var array
protected $_customdata;
* definition_after_data executed flag
* @var object definition_finalized
protected $_definition_finalized = false;
* The constructor function calls the abstract function definition() and it will then
* process and clean and attempt to validate incoming data.
* It will call your custom validate method to validate data and will also check any rules
* you have specified in definition using addRule
* The name of the form (id attribute of the form) is automatically generated depending on
* the name you gave the class extending moodleform. You should call your class something
* like
* @param mixed $action the action attribute for the form. If empty defaults to auto detect the
* current url. If a moodle_url object then outputs params as hidden variables.
* @param array $customdata if your form defintion method needs access to data such as $course
* $cm, etc. to construct the form definition then pass it in this array. You can
* use globals for somethings.
* @param string $method if you set this to anything other than 'post' then _GET and _POST will
* be merged and used as incoming data to the form.
* @param string $target target frame for form submission. You will rarely use this. Don't use
* it if you don't need to as the target attribute is deprecated in xhtml
* strict.
* @param mixed $attributes you can pass a string of html attributes here or an array.
* @param bool $editable
* @return object moodleform
function moodleform($action=null, $customdata=null, $method='post', $target='', $attributes=null, $editable=true) {
if (empty($action)){
$action = strip_querystring(qualified_me());
$this->_formname = get_class($this); // '_form' suffix kept in order to prevent collisions of form id and other element
$this->_customdata = $customdata;
$this->_form = new MoodleQuickForm($this->_formname, $method, $action, $target, $attributes);
if (!$editable){
$this->_form->addElement('hidden', 'sesskey', null); // automatic sesskey protection
$this->_form->setType('sesskey', PARAM_RAW);
$this->_form->setDefault('sesskey', sesskey());
$this->_form->addElement('hidden', '_qf__'.$this->_formname, null); // form submission marker
$this->_form->setType('_qf__'.$this->_formname, PARAM_RAW);
$this->_form->setDefault('_qf__'.$this->_formname, 1);
// we have to know all input types before processing submission ;-)
* To autofocus on first form element or first element with error.
* @param string $name if this is set then the focus is forced to a field with this name
* @return string javascript to select form element with first error or
* first element if no errors. Use this as a parameter
* when calling print_header
function focus($name=NULL) {
$form =& $this->_form;
$elkeys = array_keys($form->_elementIndex);
$error = false;
if (isset($form->_errors) && 0 != count($form->_errors)){
$errorkeys = array_keys($form->_errors);
$elkeys = array_intersect($elkeys, $errorkeys);
$error = true;
if ($error or empty($name)) {
$names = array();
while (empty($names) and !empty($elkeys)) {
$el = array_shift($elkeys);
$names = $form->_getElNamesRecursive($el);
if (!empty($names)) {
$name = array_shift($names);
$focus = '';
if (!empty($name)) {
$focus = 'forms[\''.$form->getAttribute('id').'\'].elements[\''.$name.'\']';
return $focus;
* Internal method. Alters submitted data to be suitable for quickforms processing.
* Must be called when the form is fully set up.
* @param string $method
function _process_submission($method) {
$submission = array();
if ($method == 'post') {
if (!empty($_POST)) {
$submission = $_POST;
} else {
$submission = array_merge_recursive($_GET, $_POST); // emulate handling of parameters in xxxx_param()
// following trick is needed to enable proper sesskey checks when using GET forms
// the _qf__.$this->_formname serves as a marker that form was actually submitted
if (array_key_exists('_qf__'.$this->_formname, $submission) and $submission['_qf__'.$this->_formname] == 1) {
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
$files = $_FILES;
} else {
$submission = array();
$files = array();
$this->_form->updateSubmission($submission, $files);
* Internal method. Validates all old-style deprecated uploaded files.
* The new way is to upload files via repository api.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param array $files
* @return bool|array Success or an array of errors
function _validate_files(&$files) {
global $CFG, $COURSE;
$files = array();
if (empty($_FILES)) {
// we do not need to do any checks because no files were submitted
// note: server side rules do not work for files - use custom verification in validate() instead
return true;
$errors = array();
$filenames = array();
// now check that we really want each file
foreach ($_FILES as $elname=>$file) {
$required = $this->_form->isElementRequired($elname);
if ($file['error'] == 4 and $file['size'] == 0) {
if ($required) {
$errors[$elname] = get_string('required');
if (!empty($file['error'])) {
$errors[$elname] = file_get_upload_error($file['error']);
if (!is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
// TODO: improve error message
$errors[$elname] = get_string('error');
if (!$this->_form->elementExists($elname) or !$this->_form->getElementType($elname)=='file') {
// hmm, this file was not requested
// TODO: rethink the file scanning MDL-19380
if ($CFG->runclamonupload) {
if (!clam_scan_moodle_file($_FILES[$elname], $COURSE)) {
$errors[$elname] = $_FILES[$elname]['uploadlog'];
$filename = clean_param($_FILES[$elname]['name'], PARAM_FILE);
if ($filename === '') {
// TODO: improve error message - wrong chars
$errors[$elname] = get_string('error');
if (in_array($filename, $filenames)) {
// TODO: improve error message - duplicate name
$errors[$elname] = get_string('error');
$filenames[] = $filename;
$_FILES[$elname]['name'] = $filename;
$files[$elname] = $_FILES[$elname]['tmp_name'];
// return errors if found
if (count($errors) == 0){
return true;
} else {
$files = array();
return $errors;
* Load in existing data as form defaults. Usually new entry defaults are stored directly in
* form definition (new entry form); this function is used to load in data where values
* already exist and data is being edited (edit entry form).
* note: $slashed param removed
* @param mixed $default_values object or array of default values
function set_data($default_values) {
if (is_object($default_values)) {
$default_values = (array)$default_values;
* @deprecated
function set_upload_manager($um=false) {
debugging('Old file uploads can not be used any more, please use new filepicker element');
* Check that form was submitted. Does not check validity of submitted data.
* @return bool true if form properly submitted
function is_submitted() {
return $this->_form->isSubmitted();
* @staticvar bool $nosubmit
function no_submit_button_pressed(){
static $nosubmit = null; // one check is enough
if (!is_null($nosubmit)){
return $nosubmit;
$mform =& $this->_form;
$nosubmit = false;
if (!$this->is_submitted()){
return false;
foreach ($mform->_noSubmitButtons as $nosubmitbutton){
if (optional_param($nosubmitbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)){
$nosubmit = true;
return $nosubmit;
* Check that form data is valid.
* You should almost always use this, rather than {@see validate_defined_fields}
* @staticvar bool $validated
* @return bool true if form data valid
function is_validated() {
//finalize the form definition before any processing
if (!$this->_definition_finalized) {
$this->_definition_finalized = true;
return $this->validate_defined_fields();
* Validate the form.
* You almost always want to call {@see is_validated} instead of this
* because it calls {@see definition_after_data} first, before validating the form,
* which is what you want in 99% of cases.
* This is provided as a separate function for those special cases where
* you want the form validated before definition_after_data is called
* for example, to selectively add new elements depending on a no_submit_button press,
* but only when the form is valid when the no_submit_button is pressed,
* @param boolean $validateonnosubmit optional, defaults to false. The default behaviour
* is NOT to validate the form when a no submit button has been pressed.
* pass true here to override this behaviour
* @return bool true if form data valid
function validate_defined_fields($validateonnosubmit=false) {
static $validated = null; // one validation is enough
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($this->no_submit_button_pressed() && empty($validateonnosubmit)){
return false;
} elseif ($validated === null) {
$internal_val = $mform->validate();
$files = array();
$file_val = $this->_validate_files($files);
if ($file_val !== true) {
if (!empty($file_val)) {
foreach ($file_val as $element=>$msg) {
$mform->setElementError($element, $msg);
$file_val = false;
$data = $mform->exportValues();
$moodle_val = $this->validation($data, $files);
if ((is_array($moodle_val) && count($moodle_val)!==0)) {
// non-empty array means errors
foreach ($moodle_val as $element=>$msg) {
$mform->setElementError($element, $msg);
$moodle_val = false;
} else {
// anything else means validation ok
$moodle_val = true;
$validated = ($internal_val and $moodle_val and $file_val);
return $validated;
* Return true if a cancel button has been pressed resulting in the form being submitted.
* @return boolean true if a cancel button has been pressed
function is_cancelled(){
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($mform->isSubmitted()){
foreach ($mform->_cancelButtons as $cancelbutton){
if (optional_param($cancelbutton, 0, PARAM_RAW)){
return true;
return false;
* Return submitted data if properly submitted or returns NULL if validation fails or
* if there is no submitted data.
* note: $slashed param removed
* @return object submitted data; NULL if not valid or not submitted
function get_data() {
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($this->is_submitted() and $this->is_validated()) {
$data = $mform->exportValues();
unset($data['sesskey']); // we do not need to return sesskey
unset($data['_qf__'.$this->_formname]); // we do not need the submission marker too
if (empty($data)) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (object)$data;
} else {
return NULL;
* Return submitted data without validation or NULL if there is no submitted data.
* note: $slashed param removed
* @return object submitted data; NULL if not submitted
function get_submitted_data() {
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($this->is_submitted()) {
$data = $mform->exportValues();
unset($data['sesskey']); // we do not need to return sesskey
unset($data['_qf__'.$this->_formname]); // we do not need the submission marker too
if (empty($data)) {
return NULL;
} else {
return (object)$data;
} else {
return NULL;
* Save verified uploaded files into directory. Upload process can be customised from definition()
* NOTE: please use save_stored_file() or save_file()
* @return bool Always false
function save_files($destination) {
debugging('Not used anymore, please fix code! Use save_stored_file() or save_file() instead');
return false;
* Returns name of uploaded file.
* @global object
* @param string $elname, first element if null
* @return mixed false in case of failure, string if ok
function get_new_filename($elname=null) {
global $USER;
if (!$this->is_submitted() or !$this->is_validated()) {
return false;
if (is_null($elname)) {
if (empty($_FILES)) {
return false;
$elname = key($_FILES);
if (empty($elname)) {
return false;
$element = $this->_form->getElement($elname);
if ($element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filepicker || $element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filemanager) {
$values = $this->_form->exportValues($elname);
if (empty($values[$elname])) {
return false;
$draftid = $values[$elname];
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
if (!$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftid, 'id DESC', false)) {
return false;
$file = reset($files);
return $file->get_filename();
if (!isset($_FILES[$elname])) {
return false;
return $_FILES[$elname]['name'];
* Save file to standard filesystem
* @global object
* @param string $elname name of element
* @param string $pathname full path name of file
* @param bool $override override file if exists
* @return bool success
function save_file($elname, $pathname, $override=false) {
global $USER;
if (!$this->is_submitted() or !$this->is_validated()) {
return false;
if (file_exists($pathname)) {
if ($override) {
if (!@unlink($pathname)) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
$element = $this->_form->getElement($elname);
if ($element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filepicker || $element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filemanager) {
$values = $this->_form->exportValues($elname);
if (empty($values[$elname])) {
return false;
$draftid = $values[$elname];
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
if (!$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftid, 'id DESC', false)) {
return false;
$file = reset($files);
return $file->copy_content_to($pathname);
} else if (isset($_FILES[$elname])) {
return copy($_FILES[$elname]['tmp_name'], $pathname);
return false;
* Returns a temporary file, do not forget to delete after not needed any more.
* @param string $elname
* @return string or false
function save_temp_file($elname) {
if (!$this->get_new_filename($elname)) {
return false;
if (!$dir = make_upload_directory('temp/forms')) {
return false;
if (!$tempfile = tempnam($dir, 'tempup_')) {
return false;
if (!$this->save_file($elname, $tempfile, true)) {
// something went wrong
return false;
return $tempfile;
* Get draft files of a form element
* This is a protected method which will be used only inside moodleforms
* @global object $USER
* @param string $elname name of element
* @return array
protected function get_draft_files($elname) {
global $USER;
if (!$this->is_submitted()) {
return false;
$element = $this->_form->getElement($elname);
if ($element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filepicker || $element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filemanager) {
$values = $this->_form->exportValues($elname);
if (empty($values[$elname])) {
return false;
$draftid = $values[$elname];
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
if (!$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftid, 'id DESC', false)) {
return null;
return $files;
return null;
* Save file to local filesystem pool
* @global object
* @param string $elname name of element
* @param int $newcontextid
* @param string $newfilearea
* @param string $newfilepath
* @param string $newfilename - use specified filename, if not specified name of uploaded file used
* @param bool $overwrite - overwrite file if exists
* @param int $newuserid - new userid if required
* @return mixed stored_file object or false if error; may throw exception if duplicate found
function save_stored_file($elname, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath='/',
$newfilename=null, $overwrite=false, $newuserid=null) {
global $USER;
if (!$this->is_submitted() or !$this->is_validated()) {
return false;
if (empty($newuserid)) {
$newuserid = $USER->id;
$element = $this->_form->getElement($elname);
$fs = get_file_storage();
if ($element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filepicker) {
$values = $this->_form->exportValues($elname);
if (empty($values[$elname])) {
return false;
$draftid = $values[$elname];
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
if (!$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user' ,'draft', $draftid, 'id DESC', false)) {
return false;
$file = reset($files);
if (is_null($newfilename)) {
$newfilename = $file->get_filename();
if ($overwrite) {
if ($oldfile = $fs->get_file($newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath, $newfilename)) {
if (!$oldfile->delete()) {
return false;
$file_record = array('contextid'=>$newcontextid, 'component'=>$newcomponent, 'filearea'=>$newfilearea, 'itemid'=>$newitemid,
'filepath'=>$newfilepath, 'filename'=>$newfilename, 'userid'=>$newuserid);
return $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($file_record, $file);
} else if (isset($_FILES[$elname])) {
$filename = is_null($newfilename) ? $_FILES[$elname]['name'] : $newfilename;
if ($overwrite) {
if ($oldfile = $fs->get_file($newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid, $newfilepath, $newfilename)) {
if (!$oldfile->delete()) {
return false;
$file_record = array('contextid'=>$newcontextid, 'component'=>$newcomponent, 'filearea'=>$newfilearea, 'itemid'=>$newitemid,
'filepath'=>$newfilepath, 'filename'=>$newfilename, 'userid'=>$newuserid);
return $fs->create_file_from_pathname($file_record, $_FILES[$elname]['tmp_name']);
return false;
* Get content of uploaded file.
* @global object
* @param $element name of file upload element
* @return mixed false in case of failure, string if ok
function get_file_content($elname) {
global $USER;
if (!$this->is_submitted() or !$this->is_validated()) {
return false;
$element = $this->_form->getElement($elname);
if ($element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filepicker || $element instanceof MoodleQuickForm_filemanager) {
$values = $this->_form->exportValues($elname);
if (empty($values[$elname])) {
return false;
$draftid = $values[$elname];
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id);
if (!$files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftid, 'id DESC', false)) {
return false;
$file = reset($files);
return $file->get_content();
} else if (isset($_FILES[$elname])) {
return file_get_contents($_FILES[$elname]['tmp_name']);
return false;
* Print html form.
function display() {
//finalize the form definition if not yet done
if (!$this->_definition_finalized) {
$this->_definition_finalized = true;
* Abstract method - always override!
protected abstract function definition();
* Dummy stub method - override if you need to setup the form depending on current
* values. This method is called after definition(), data submission and set_data().
* All form setup that is dependent on form values should go in here.
function definition_after_data(){
* Dummy stub method - override if you needed to perform some extra validation.
* If there are errors return array of errors ("fieldname"=>"error message"),
* otherwise true if ok.
* Server side rules do not work for uploaded files, implement serverside rules here if needed.
* @param array $data array of ("fieldname"=>value) of submitted data
* @param array $files array of uploaded files "element_name"=>tmp_file_path
* @return array of "element_name"=>"error_description" if there are errors,
* or an empty array if everything is OK (true allowed for backwards compatibility too).
function validation($data, $files) {
return array();
* Method to add a repeating group of elements to a form.
* @param array $elementobjs Array of elements or groups of elements that are to be repeated
* @param integer $repeats no of times to repeat elements initially
* @param array $options Array of options to apply to elements. Array keys are element names.
* This is an array of arrays. The second sets of keys are the option types
* for the elements :
* 'default' - default value is value
* 'type' - PARAM_* constant is value
* 'helpbutton' - helpbutton params array is value
* 'disabledif' - last three moodleform::disabledIf()
* params are value as an array
* @param string $repeathiddenname name for hidden element storing no of repeats in this form
* @param string $addfieldsname name for button to add more fields
* @param int $addfieldsno how many fields to add at a time
* @param string $addstring name of button, {no} is replaced by no of blanks that will be added.
* @param boolean $addbuttoninside if true, don't call closeHeaderBefore($addfieldsname). Default false.
* @return int no of repeats of element in this page
function repeat_elements($elementobjs, $repeats, $options, $repeathiddenname,
$addfieldsname, $addfieldsno=5, $addstring=null, $addbuttoninside=false){
if ($addstring===null){
$addstring = get_string('addfields', 'form', $addfieldsno);
} else {
$addstring = str_ireplace('{no}', $addfieldsno, $addstring);
$repeats = optional_param($repeathiddenname, $repeats, PARAM_INT);
$addfields = optional_param($addfieldsname, '', PARAM_TEXT);
if (!empty($addfields)){
$repeats += $addfieldsno;
$mform =& $this->_form;
$mform->addElement('hidden', $repeathiddenname, $repeats);
$mform->setType($repeathiddenname, PARAM_INT);
//value not to be overridden by submitted value
$namecloned = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $repeats; $i++) {
foreach ($elementobjs as $elementobj){
$elementclone = fullclone($elementobj);
$name = $elementclone->getName();
$namecloned[] = $name;
if (!empty($name)) {
if (is_a($elementclone, 'HTML_QuickForm_header')) {
$value = $elementclone->_text;
$elementclone->setValue(str_replace('{no}', ($i+1), $value));
} else {
$elementclone->setLabel(str_replace('{no}', ($i+1), $value));
for ($i=0; $i<$repeats; $i++) {
foreach ($options as $elementname => $elementoptions){
$pos=strpos($elementname, '[');
if ($pos!==FALSE){
$realelementname = substr($elementname, 0, $pos+1)."[$i]";
$realelementname .= substr($elementname, $pos+1);
}else {
$realelementname = $elementname."[$i]";
foreach ($elementoptions as $option => $params){
switch ($option){
case 'default' :
$mform->setDefault($realelementname, $params);
case 'helpbutton' :
$params = array_merge(array($realelementname), $params);
call_user_func_array(array(&$mform, 'addHelpButton'), $params);
case 'disabledif' :
foreach ($namecloned as $num => $name){
if ($params[0] == $name){
$params[0] = $params[0]."[$i]";
$params = array_merge(array($realelementname), $params);
call_user_func_array(array(&$mform, 'disabledIf'), $params);
case 'rule' :
if (is_string($params)){
$params = array(null, $params, null, 'client');
$params = array_merge(array($realelementname), $params);
call_user_func_array(array(&$mform, 'addRule'), $params);
$mform->addElement('submit', $addfieldsname, $addstring);
if (!$addbuttoninside) {
return $repeats;
* Adds a link/button that controls the checked state of a group of checkboxes.
* @global object
* @param int $groupid The id of the group of advcheckboxes this element controls
* @param string $buttontext The text of the link. Defaults to "select all/none"
* @param array $attributes associative array of HTML attributes
* @param int $originalValue The original general state of the checkboxes before the user first clicks this element
function add_checkbox_controller($groupid, $buttontext, $attributes, $originalValue = 0) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($text)) {
$text = get_string('selectallornone', 'form');
$mform = $this->_form;
$select_value = optional_param('checkbox_controller'. $groupid, null, PARAM_INT);
if ($select_value == 0 || is_null($select_value)) {
$new_select_value = 1;
} else {
$new_select_value = 0;
$mform->addElement('hidden', "checkbox_controller$groupid");
$mform->setType("checkbox_controller$groupid", PARAM_INT);
$mform->setConstants(array("checkbox_controller$groupid" => $new_select_value));
// Locate all checkboxes for this group and set their value, IF the optional param was given
if (!is_null($select_value)) {
foreach ($this->_form->_elements as $element) {
if ($element->getAttribute('class') == "checkboxgroup$groupid") {
$mform->setConstants(array($element->getAttribute('name') => $select_value));
$checkbox_controller_name = 'nosubmit_checkbox_controller' . $groupid;
// Prepare Javascript for submit element
$js = "\n//<![CDATA[\n";
$js .= <<<EOS
function html_quickform_toggle_checkboxes(group) {
var checkboxes = getElementsByClassName(document, 'input', 'checkboxgroup' + group);
var newvalue = false;
var global = eval('html_quickform_checkboxgroup' + group + ';');
if (global == 1) {
eval('html_quickform_checkboxgroup' + group + ' = 0;');
newvalue = '';
} else {
eval('html_quickform_checkboxgroup' + group + ' = 1;');
newvalue = 'checked';
for (i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
checkboxes[i].checked = newvalue;
$js .= "\nvar html_quickform_checkboxgroup$groupid=$originalValue;\n";
$js .= "//]]>\n";
$submitlink = new MoodleQuickForm_submitlink($checkbox_controller_name, $attributes);
$submitlink->_js = $js;
$submitlink->_onclick = "html_quickform_toggle_checkboxes($groupid); return false;";
$mform->setDefault($checkbox_controller_name, $text);
* Use this method to a cancel and submit button to the end of your form. Pass a param of false
* if you don't want a cancel button in your form. If you have a cancel button make sure you
* check for it being pressed using is_cancelled() and redirecting if it is true before trying to
* get data with get_data().
* @param boolean $cancel whether to show cancel button, default true
* @param string $submitlabel label for submit button, defaults to get_string('savechanges')
function add_action_buttons($cancel = true, $submitlabel=null){
if (is_null($submitlabel)){
$submitlabel = get_string('savechanges');
$mform =& $this->_form;
if ($cancel){
//when two elements we need a group
$buttonarray[] = &$mform->createElement('submit', 'submitbutton', $submitlabel);
$buttonarray[] = &$mform->createElement('cancel');
$mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false);
} else {
//no group needed
$mform->addElement('submit', 'submitbutton', $submitlabel);
* Adds an initialisation call for a standard JavaScript enhancement.
* This function is designed to add an initialisation call for a JavaScript
* enhancement that should exist within javascript-static M.form.init_{enhancementname}.
* Current options:
* - Selectboxes
* - smartselect: Turns a nbsp indented select box into a custom drop down
* control that supports multilevel and category selection.
* $enhancement = 'smartselect';
* $options = array('selectablecategories' => true|false)
* @since 2.0
* @param string|element $element
* @param string $enhancement
* @param array $options
* @param array $strings
function init_javascript_enhancement($element, $enhancement, array $options=array(), array $strings=null) {
global $PAGE;
if (is_string($element)) {
$element = $this->_form->getElement($element);
if (is_object($element)) {
$elementid = $element->getAttribute('id');
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.form.init_'.$enhancement, array($elementid, $options));
if (is_array($strings)) {
foreach ($strings as $string) {
if (is_array($string)) {
call_user_method_array('string_for_js', $PAGE->requires, $string);
} else {
$PAGE->requires->string_for_js($string, 'moodle');
* Returns a JS module definition for the mforms JS
* @return array
public static function get_js_module() {
global $CFG;
return array(
'name' => 'mform',
'fullpath' => '/lib/form/form.js',
'requires' => array('base', 'node'),
'strings' => array(
array('showadvanced', 'form'),
array('hideadvanced', 'form')
* You never extend this class directly. The class methods of this class are available from
* the private $this->_form property on moodleform and its children. You generally only
* call methods on this class from within abstract methods that you override on moodleform such
* as definition and definition_after_data
* @package moodlecore
* @copyright Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class MoodleQuickForm extends HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless {
/** @var array */
var $_types = array();
var $_dependencies = array();
* Array of buttons that if pressed do not result in the processing of the form.
* @var array
var $_noSubmitButtons=array();
* Array of buttons that if pressed do not result in the processing of the form.
* @var array
var $_cancelButtons=array();
* Array whose keys are element names. If the key exists this is a advanced element
* @var array
var $_advancedElements = array();
* Whether to display advanced elements (on page load)
* @var boolean
var $_showAdvanced = null;
* The form name is derived from the class name of the wrapper minus the trailing form
* It is a name with words joined by underscores whereas the id attribute is words joined by
* underscores.
* @var unknown_type
var $_formName = '';
* String with the html for hidden params passed in as part of a moodle_url object for the action. Output in the form.
* @var string
var $_pageparams = '';
* Class constructor - same parameters as HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless
* @global object
* @staticvar int $formcounter
* @param string $formName Form's name.
* @param string $method (optional)Form's method defaults to 'POST'
* @param mixed $action (optional)Form's action - string or moodle_url
* @param string $target (optional)Form's target defaults to none
* @param mixed $attributes (optional)Extra attributes for <form> tag
* @access public
function MoodleQuickForm($formName, $method, $action, $target='', $attributes=null){
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
static $formcounter = 1;
$target = empty($target) ? array() : array('target' => $target);
$this->_formName = $formName;
if (is_a($action, 'moodle_url')){
$this->_pageparams = html_writer::input_hidden_params($action);
$action = $action->out_omit_querystring();
} else {
$this->_pageparams = '';
//no 'name' atttribute for form in xhtml strict :
$attributes = array('action'=>$action, 'method'=>$method,
'accept-charset'=>'utf-8', 'id'=>'mform'.$formcounter) + $target;
//this is custom stuff for Moodle :
$oldclass= $this->getAttribute('class');
if (!empty($oldclass)){
$this->updateAttributes(array('class'=>$oldclass.' mform'));
}else {
$this->_reqHTML = '<img class="req" title="'.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').'" alt="'.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').'" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('req') .'" />';
$this->_advancedHTML = '<img class="adv" title="'.get_string('advancedelement', 'form').'" alt="'.get_string('advancedelement', 'form').'" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('adv') .'" />';
$this->setRequiredNote(get_string('somefieldsrequired', 'form', '<img alt="'.get_string('requiredelement', 'form').'" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('req') .'" />'));
* Use this method to indicate an element in a form is an advanced field. If items in a form
* are marked as advanced then 'Hide/Show Advanced' buttons will automatically be displayed in the
* form so the user can decide whether to display advanced form controls.
* If you set a header element to advanced then all elements it contains will also be set as advanced.
* @param string $elementName group or element name (not the element name of something inside a group).
* @param boolean $advanced default true sets the element to advanced. False removes advanced mark.
function setAdvanced($elementName, $advanced=true){
if ($advanced){
} elseif (isset($this->_advancedElements[$elementName])) {
if ($advanced && $this->getElementType('mform_showadvanced_last')===false){
$this->addElement('hidden', 'mform_showadvanced_last');
$this->setType('mform_showadvanced_last', PARAM_INT);
* Set whether to show advanced elements in the form on first displaying form. Default is not to
* display advanced elements in the form until 'Show Advanced' is pressed.
* You can get the last state of the form and possibly save it for this user by using
* value 'mform_showadvanced_last' in submitted data.
* @param boolean $showadvancedNow
function setShowAdvanced($showadvancedNow = null){
if ($showadvancedNow === null){
if ($this->_showAdvanced !== null){
} else { //if setShowAdvanced is called without any preference
//make the default to not show advanced elements.
$showadvancedNow = get_user_preferences(
moodle_strtolower($this->_formName.'_showadvanced', 0));
//value of hidden element
$hiddenLast = optional_param('mform_showadvanced_last', -1, PARAM_INT);
//value of button
$buttonPressed = optional_param('mform_showadvanced', 0, PARAM_RAW);
//toggle if button pressed or else stay the same
if ($hiddenLast == -1) {
$next = $showadvancedNow;
} elseif ($buttonPressed) { //toggle on button press
$next = !$hiddenLast;
} else {
$next = $hiddenLast;
$this->_showAdvanced = $next;
if ($showadvancedNow != $next){
set_user_preference($this->_formName.'_showadvanced', $next);
function getShowAdvanced(){
return $this->_showAdvanced;
* Accepts a renderer
* @param object $renderer HTML_QuickForm_Renderer An HTML_QuickForm_Renderer object
* @access public
* @return void
function accept(&$renderer) {
if (method_exists($renderer, 'setAdvancedElements')){
//check for visible fieldsets where all elements are advanced
//and mark these headers as advanced as well.
//And mark all elements in a advanced header as advanced
$stopFields = $renderer->getStopFieldSetElements();
$lastHeader = null;
$lastHeaderAdvanced = false;
$anyAdvanced = false;
foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $elementIndex){
$element =& $this->_elements[$elementIndex];
// if closing header and any contained element was advanced then mark it as advanced
if ($element->getType()=='header' || in_array($element->getName(), $stopFields)){
if ($anyAdvanced && !is_null($lastHeader)){
$lastHeaderAdvanced = false;
$lastHeader = null;
} elseif ($lastHeaderAdvanced) {
if ($element->getType()=='header'){
$lastHeader =& $element;
$anyAdvanced = false;
$lastHeaderAdvanced = isset($this->_advancedElements[$element->getName()]);
} elseif (isset($this->_advancedElements[$element->getName()])){
$anyAdvanced = true;
// the last header may not be closed yet...
if ($anyAdvanced && !is_null($lastHeader)){
* @param string $elementName
function closeHeaderBefore($elementName){
$renderer =& $this->defaultRenderer();
* Should be used for all elements of a form except for select, radio and checkboxes which
* clean their own data.
* @param string $elementname
* @param integer $paramtype use the constants PARAM_*.
* * PARAM_CLEAN is deprecated and you should try to use a more specific type.
* * PARAM_TEXT should be used for cleaning data that is expected to be plain text.
* It will strip all html tags. But will still let tags for multilang support
* through.
* * PARAM_RAW means no cleaning whatsoever, it is used mostly for data from the
* html editor. Data from the editor is later cleaned before display using
* format_text() function. PARAM_RAW can also be used for data that is validated
* by some other way or printed by p() or s().
* * PARAM_INT should be used for integers.
* * PARAM_ACTION is an alias of PARAM_ALPHA and is used for hidden fields specifying
* form actions.
function setType($elementname, $paramtype) {
$this->_types[$elementname] = $paramtype;
* See description of setType above. This can be used to set several types at once.
* @param array $paramtypes
function setTypes($paramtypes) {
$this->_types = $paramtypes + $this->_types;
* @param array $submission
* @param array $files
function updateSubmission($submission, $files) {
$this->_flagSubmitted = false;
if (empty($submission)) {
$this->_submitValues = array();
} else {
foreach ($submission as $key=>$s) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_types)) {
$submission[$key] = clean_param($s, $this->_types[$key]);
$this->_submitValues = $submission;
$this->_flagSubmitted = true;
if (empty($files)) {
$this->_submitFiles = array();
} else {
$this->_submitFiles = $files;
$this->_flagSubmitted = true;
// need to tell all elements that they need to update their value attribute.
foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
$this->_elements[$key]->onQuickFormEvent('updateValue', null, $this);
* @return string
function getReqHTML(){
return $this->_reqHTML;
* @return string
function getAdvancedHTML(){
return $this->_advancedHTML;
* Initializes a default form value. Used to specify the default for a new entry where
* no data is loaded in using moodleform::set_data()
* note: $slashed param removed
* @param string $elementname element name
* @param mixed $values values for that element name
* @access public
* @return void
function setDefault($elementName, $defaultValue){
} // end func setDefault
* Add an array of buttons to the form
* @param array $buttons An associative array representing help button to attach to
* to the form. keys of array correspond to names of elements in form.
* @deprecated since Moodle 2.0 - use addHelpButton() call on each element manually
* @param bool $suppresscheck
* @param string $function
* @access public
function setHelpButtons($buttons, $suppresscheck=false, $function='helpbutton'){
debugging('function moodle_form::setHelpButtons() is deprecated');
//foreach ($buttons as $elementname => $button){
// $this->setHelpButton($elementname, $button, $suppresscheck, $function);
* Add a single button.
* @deprecated use addHelpButton() instead
* @param string $elementname name of the element to add the item to
* @param array $button arguments to pass to function $function
* @param boolean $suppresscheck whether to throw an error if the element
* doesn't exist.
* @param string $function - function to generate html from the arguments in $button
* @param string $function
function setHelpButton($elementname, $buttonargs, $suppresscheck=false, $function='helpbutton'){
global $OUTPUT;
debugging('function moodle_form::setHelpButton() is deprecated');
if ($function !== 'helpbutton') {
//debugging('parameter $function in moodle_form::setHelpButton() is not supported any more');
$buttonargs = (array)$buttonargs;
if (array_key_exists($elementname, $this->_elementIndex)) {
//_elements has a numeric index, this code accesses the elements by name
$element = $this->_elements[$this->_elementIndex[$elementname]];
$page = isset($buttonargs[0]) ? $buttonargs[0] : null;
$text = isset($buttonargs[1]) ? $buttonargs[1] : null;
$module = isset($buttonargs[2]) ? $buttonargs[2] : 'moodle';
$linktext = isset($buttonargs[3]) ? $buttonargs[3] : false;
$element->_helpbutton = $OUTPUT->old_help_icon($page, $text, $module, $linktext);
} else if (!$suppresscheck) {
print_error('nonexistentformelements', 'form', '', $elementname);
* Add a help button to element, only one button per element is allowed.
* This is new, simplified and preferable method of setting a help icon on form elements.
* It uses the new $OUTPUT->help_icon().
* Typically, you will provide the same identifier and the component as you have used for the
* label of the element. The string identifier with the _help suffix added is then used
* as the help string.
* There has to be two strings defined:
* 1/ get_string($identifier, $component) - the title of the help page
* 2/ get_string($identifier.'_help', $component) - the actual help page text
* @since 2.0
* @param string $elementname name of the element to add the item to
* @param string $identifier help string identifier without _help suffix
* @param string $component component name to look the help string in
* @param string $linktext optional text to display next to the icon
* @param boolean $suppresscheck set to true if the element may not exist
* @return void
function addHelpButton($elementname, $identifier, $component = 'moodle', $linktext = '', $suppresscheck = false) {
global $OUTPUT;
if (array_key_exists($elementname, $this->_elementIndex)) {
$element = $this->_elements[$this->_elementIndex[$elementname]];
$element->_helpbutton = $OUTPUT->help_icon($identifier, $component, $linktext);
} else if (!$suppresscheck) {
debugging(get_string('nonexistentformelements', 'form', $elementname));
* Set constant value not overridden by _POST or _GET
* note: this does not work for complex names with [] :-(
* @param string $elname name of element
* @param mixed $value
* @return void
function setConstant($elname, $value) {
$this->_constantValues = HTML_QuickForm::arrayMerge($this->_constantValues, array($elname=>$value));
$element =& $this->getElement($elname);
$element->onQuickFormEvent('updateValue', null, $this);
* @param string $elementList
function exportValues($elementList = null){
$unfiltered = array();
if (null === $elementList) {
// iterate over all elements, calling their exportValue() methods
$emptyarray = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
if ($this->_elements[$key]->isFrozen() && !$this->_elements[$key]->_persistantFreeze){
$value = $this->_elements[$key]->exportValue($emptyarray, true);
} else {
$value = $this->_elements[$key]->exportValue($this->_submitValues, true);
if (is_array($value)) {
// This shit throws a bogus warning in PHP 4.3.x
$unfiltered = HTML_QuickForm::arrayMerge($unfiltered, $value);
} else {
if (!is_array($elementList)) {
$elementList = array_map('trim', explode(',', $elementList));
foreach ($elementList as $elementName) {
$value = $this->exportValue($elementName);
if (PEAR::isError($value)) {
return $value;
//oh, stock QuickFOrm was returning array of arrays!
$unfiltered = HTML_QuickForm::arrayMerge($unfiltered, $value);
return $unfiltered;
* Adds a validation rule for the given field
* If the element is in fact a group, it will be considered as a whole.
* To validate grouped elements as separated entities,
* use addGroupRule instead of addRule.
* @param string $element Form element name
* @param string $message Message to display for invalid data
* @param string $type Rule type, use getRegisteredRules() to get types
* @param string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data
* @param string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client"
* @param boolean $reset Client-side validation: reset the form element to its original value if there is an error?
* @param boolean $force Force the rule to be applied, even if the target form element does not exist
* @access public
function addRule($element, $message, $type, $format=null, $validation='server', $reset = false, $force = false)
parent::addRule($element, $message, $type, $format, $validation, $reset, $force);
if ($validation == 'client') {
$this->updateAttributes(array('onsubmit' => 'try { var myValidator = validate_' . $this->_formName . '; } catch(e) { return true; } return myValidator(this);'));
} // end func addRule
* Adds a validation rule for the given group of elements
* Only groups with a name can be assigned a validation rule
* Use addGroupRule when you need to validate elements inside the group.
* Use addRule if you need to validate the group as a whole. In this case,
* the same rule will be applied to all elements in the group.
* Use addRule if you need to validate the group against a function.
* @param string $group Form group name
* @param mixed $arg1 Array for multiple elements or error message string for one element
* @param string $type (optional)Rule type use getRegisteredRules() to get types
* @param string $format (optional)Required for extra rule data
* @param int $howmany (optional)How many valid elements should be in the group
* @param string $validation (optional)Where to perform validation: "server", "client"
* @param bool $reset Client-side: whether to reset the element's value to its original state if validation failed.
* @access public
function addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type='', $format=null, $howmany=0, $validation = 'server', $reset = false)
parent::addGroupRule($group, $arg1, $type, $format, $howmany, $validation, $reset);
if (is_array($arg1)) {
foreach ($arg1 as $rules) {
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$validation = (isset($rule[3]) && 'client' == $rule[3])? 'client': 'server';
if ('client' == $validation) {
$this->updateAttributes(array('onsubmit' => 'try { var myValidator = validate_' . $this->_formName . '; } catch(e) { return true; } return myValidator(this);'));
} elseif (is_string($arg1)) {
if ($validation == 'client') {
$this->updateAttributes(array('onsubmit' => 'try { var myValidator = validate_' . $this->_formName . '; } catch(e) { return true; } return myValidator(this);'));
} // end func addGroupRule
// }}}
* Returns the client side validation script
* The code here was copied from HTML_QuickForm_DHTMLRulesTableless who copied it from HTML_QuickForm
* and slightly modified to run rules per-element
* Needed to override this because of an error with client side validation of grouped elements.
* @access public
* @return string Javascript to perform validation, empty string if no 'client' rules were added
function getValidationScript()
if (empty($this->_rules) || empty($this->_attributes['onsubmit'])) {
return '';
$registry =& HTML_QuickForm_RuleRegistry::singleton();
$test = array();
$js_escape = array(
"\r" => '\r',
"\n" => '\n',
"\t" => '\t',
"'" => "\\'",
'"' => '\"',
'\\' => '\\\\'
foreach ($this->_rules as $elementName => $rules) {
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
if ('client' == $rule['validation']) {
unset($element); //TODO: find out how to properly initialize it
$dependent = isset($rule['dependent']) && is_array($rule['dependent']);
$rule['message'] = strtr($rule['message'], $js_escape);
if (isset($rule['group'])) {
$group =& $this->getElement($rule['group']);
// No JavaScript validation for frozen elements
if ($group->isFrozen()) {
continue 2;
$elements =& $group->getElements();
foreach (array_keys($elements) as $key) {
if ($elementName == $group->getElementName($key)) {
$element =& $elements[$key];
} elseif ($dependent) {
$element = array();
$element[] =& $this->getElement($elementName);
foreach ($rule['dependent'] as $elName) {
$element[] =& $this->getElement($elName);
} else {
$element =& $this->getElement($elementName);
// No JavaScript validation for frozen elements
if (is_object($element) && $element->isFrozen()) {
continue 2;
} elseif (is_array($element)) {
foreach (array_keys($element) as $key) {
if ($element[$key]->isFrozen()) {
continue 3;
// Fix for bug displaying errors for elements in a group
//$test[$elementName][] = $registry->getValidationScript($element, $elementName, $rule);
$test[$elementName][0][] = $registry->getValidationScript($element, $elementName, $rule);
//end of fix
// Fix for MDL-9524. If you don't do this, then $element may be left as a reference to one of the fields in
// the form, and then that form field gets corrupted by the code that follows.
$js = '
<script type="text/javascript">
var skipClientValidation = false;
function qf_errorHandler(element, _qfMsg) {
div = element.parentNode;
if (_qfMsg != \'\') {
var errorSpan = document.getElementById(\'id_error_\'+element.name);
if (!errorSpan) {
errorSpan = document.createElement("span");
errorSpan.id = \'id_error_\'+element.name;
errorSpan.className = "error";
element.parentNode.insertBefore(errorSpan, element.parentNode.firstChild);
while (errorSpan.firstChild) {
if (div.className.substr(div.className.length - 6, 6) != " error"
&& div.className != "error") {
div.className += " error";
return false;
} else {
var errorSpan = document.getElementById(\'id_error_\'+element.name);
if (errorSpan) {
if (div.className.substr(div.className.length - 6, 6) == " error") {
div.className = div.className.substr(0, div.className.length - 6);
} else if (div.className == "error") {
div.className = "";
return true;
$validateJS = '';
foreach ($test as $elementName => $jsandelement) {
// Fix for bug displaying errors for elements in a group
//end of fix
$escapedElementName = preg_replace_callback(
create_function('$matches', 'return sprintf("_%2x",ord($matches[0]));'),
$js .= '
function validate_' . $this->_formName . '_' . $escapedElementName . '(element) {
var value = \'\';
var errFlag = new Array();
var _qfGroups = {};
var _qfMsg = \'\';
var frm = element.parentNode;
while (frm && frm.nodeName.toUpperCase() != "FORM") {
frm = frm.parentNode;
' . join("\n", $jsArr) . '
return qf_errorHandler(element, _qfMsg);
$validateJS .= '
ret = validate_' . $this->_formName . '_' . $escapedElementName.'(frm.elements[\''.$elementName.'\']) && ret;
if (!ret && !first_focus) {
first_focus = true;
// Fix for bug displaying errors for elements in a group
//$element =& $this->getElement($elementName);
//end of fix
$valFunc = 'validate_' . $this->_formName . '_' . $escapedElementName . '(this)';
$onBlur = $element->getAttribute('onBlur');
$onChange = $element->getAttribute('onChange');
$element->updateAttributes(array('onBlur' => $onBlur . $valFunc,
'onChange' => $onChange . $valFunc));
// do not rely on frm function parameter, because htmlarea breaks it when overloading the onsubmit method
$js .= '
function validate_' . $this->_formName . '(frm) {
if (skipClientValidation) {
return true;
var ret = true;
var frm = document.getElementById(\''. $this->_attributes['id'] .'\')
var first_focus = false;
' . $validateJS . ';
return ret;
return $js;
} // end func getValidationScript
function _setDefaultRuleMessages(){
foreach ($this->_rules as $field => $rulesarr){
foreach ($rulesarr as $key => $rule){
if ($rule['message']===null){
$a=new stdClass();
$str=get_string('err_'.$rule['type'], 'form', $a);
if (strpos($str, '[[')!==0){
function getLockOptionObject(){
$result = array();
foreach ($this->_dependencies as $dependentOn => $conditions){
$result[$dependentOn] = array();
foreach ($conditions as $condition=>$values) {
$result[$dependentOn][$condition] = array();
foreach ($values as $value=>$dependents) {
$result[$dependentOn][$condition][$value] = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($dependents as $dependent) {
$elements = $this->_getElNamesRecursive($dependent);
if (empty($elements)) {
// probably element inside of some group
$elements = array($dependent);
foreach($elements as $element) {
if ($element == $dependentOn) {
$result[$dependentOn][$condition][$value][] = $element;
return array($this->getAttribute('id'), $result);
* @param mixed $element
* @return array
function _getElNamesRecursive($element) {
if (is_string($element)) {
if (!$this->elementExists($element)) {
return array();
$element = $this->getElement($element);
if (is_a($element, 'HTML_QuickForm_group')) {
$elsInGroup = $element->getElements();
$elNames = array();
foreach ($elsInGroup as $elInGroup){
if (is_a($elInGroup, 'HTML_QuickForm_group')) {
// not sure if this would work - groups nested in groups
$elNames = array_merge($elNames, $this->_getElNamesRecursive($elInGroup));
} else {
$elNames[] = $element->getElementName($elInGroup->getName());
} else if (is_a($element, 'HTML_QuickForm_header')) {
return array();
} else if (is_a($element, 'HTML_QuickForm_hidden')) {
return array();
} else if (method_exists($element, 'getPrivateName')) {
return array($element->getPrivateName());
} else {
$elNames = array($element->getName());
return $elNames;
* Adds a dependency for $elementName which will be disabled if $condition is met.
* If $condition = 'notchecked' (default) then the condition is that the $dependentOn element
* is not checked. If $condition = 'checked' then the condition is that the $dependentOn element
* is checked. If $condition is something else (like "eq" for equals) then it is checked to see if the value
* of the $dependentOn element is $condition (such as equal) to $value.
* @param string $elementName the name of the element which will be disabled
* @param string $dependentOn the name of the element whose state will be checked for
* condition
* @param string $condition the condition to check
* @param mixed $value used in conjunction with condition.
function disabledIf($elementName, $dependentOn, $condition = 'notchecked', $value='1'){
if (!array_key_exists($dependentOn, $this->_dependencies)) {
$this->_dependencies[$dependentOn] = array();
if (!array_key_exists($condition, $this->_dependencies[$dependentOn])) {
$this->_dependencies[$dependentOn][$condition] = array();
if (!array_key_exists($value, $this->_dependencies[$dependentOn][$condition])) {
$this->_dependencies[$dependentOn][$condition][$value] = array();
$this->_dependencies[$dependentOn][$condition][$value][] = $elementName;
function registerNoSubmitButton($buttonname){
* @param string $buttonname
* @return mixed
function isNoSubmitButton($buttonname){
return (array_search($buttonname, $this->_noSubmitButtons)!==FALSE);
* @param string $buttonname
function _registerCancelButton($addfieldsname){
* Displays elements without HTML input tags.
* This method is different to freeze() in that it makes sure no hidden
* elements are included in the form.
* Note: If you want to make sure the submitted value is ignored, please use setDefaults().
* This function also removes all previously defined rules.
* @param mixed $elementList array or string of element(s) to be frozen
* @access public
function hardFreeze($elementList=null)
if (!isset($elementList)) {
$this->_freezeAll = true;
$elementList = array();
} else {
if (!is_array($elementList)) {
$elementList = preg_split('/[ ]*,[ ]*/', $elementList);
$elementList = array_flip($elementList);
foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
$name = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
if ($this->_freezeAll || isset($elementList[$name])) {
// remove all rules
$this->_rules[$name] = array();
// if field is required, remove the rule
$unset = array_search($name, $this->_required);
if ($unset !== false) {
if (!empty($elementList)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(null, QUICKFORM_NONEXIST_ELEMENT, null, E_USER_WARNING, "Nonexistant element(s): '" . implode("', '", array_keys($elementList)) . "' in HTML_QuickForm::freeze()", 'HTML_QuickForm_Error', true);
return true;
* Hard freeze all elements in a form except those whose names are in $elementList or hidden elements in a form.
* This function also removes all previously defined rules of elements it freezes.
* throws HTML_QuickForm_Error
* @param array $elementList array or string of element(s) not to be frozen
* @access public
function hardFreezeAllVisibleExcept($elementList)
$elementList = array_flip($elementList);
foreach (array_keys($this->_elements) as $key) {
$name = $this->_elements[$key]->getName();
$type = $this->_elements[$key]->getType();
if ($type == 'hidden'){
// leave hidden types as they are
} elseif (!isset($elementList[$name])) {
// remove all rules
$this->_rules[$name] = array();
// if field is required, remove the rule
$unset = array_search($name, $this->_required);
if ($unset !== false) {
return true;
* Tells whether the form was already submitted
* This is useful since the _submitFiles and _submitValues arrays
* may be completely empty after the trackSubmit value is removed.
* @access public
* @return bool
function isSubmitted()
return parent::isSubmitted() && (!$this->isFrozen());
* A renderer for MoodleQuickForm that only uses XHTML and CSS and no
* table tags, extends PEAR class HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless
* Stylesheet is part of standard theme and should be automatically included.
* @package moodlecore
* @copyright Jamie Pratt <me@jamiep.org>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class MoodleQuickForm_Renderer extends HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Tableless{
* Element template array
* @var array
* @access private
var $_elementTemplates;
* Template used when opening a hidden fieldset
* (i.e. a fieldset that is opened when there is no header element)
* @var string
* @access private
var $_openHiddenFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t<fieldset class=\"hidden\"><div>";
* Header Template string
* @var string
* @access private
var $_headerTemplate =
"\n\t\t<legend class=\"ftoggler\">{header}</legend>\n\t\t<div class=\"advancedbutton\">{advancedimg}{button}</div><div class=\"fcontainer clearfix\">\n\t\t";
* Template used when opening a fieldset
* @var string
* @access private
var $_openFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t<fieldset class=\"clearfix\" {id}>";
* Template used when closing a fieldset
* @var string
* @access private
var $_closeFieldsetTemplate = "\n\t\t</div></fieldset>";
* Required Note template string
* @var string
* @access private
var $_requiredNoteTemplate =
"\n\t\t<div class=\"fdescription required\">{requiredNote}</div>";
var $_advancedElements = array();
* Whether to display advanced elements (on page load)
* @var integer 1 means show 0 means hide
var $_showAdvanced;
function MoodleQuickForm_Renderer(){
// switch next two lines for ol li containers for form items.
// $this->_elementTemplates=array('default'=>"\n\t\t".'<li class="fitem"><label>{label}{help}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required --></label><div class="qfelement<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error --> {type}"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="error">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</div></li>');
$this->_elementTemplates = array(
'default'=>"\n\t\t".'<div class="fitem {advanced}<!-- BEGIN required --> required<!-- END required -->"><div class="fitemtitle"><label>{label}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required -->{advancedimg} {help}</label></div><div class="felement {type}<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error -->"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="error">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</div></div>',
'fieldset'=>"\n\t\t".'<div class="fitem {advanced}<!-- BEGIN required --> required<!-- END required -->"><div class="fitemtitle"><div class="fgrouplabel"><label>{label}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required -->{advancedimg} {help}</label></div></div><fieldset class="felement {type}<!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error -->"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="error">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element}</fieldset></div>',
'static'=>"\n\t\t".'<div class="fitem {advanced}"><div class="fitemtitle"><div class="fstaticlabel"><label>{label}<!-- BEGIN required -->{req}<!-- END required -->{advancedimg} {help}</label></div></div><div class="felement fstatic <!-- BEGIN error --> error<!-- END error -->"><!-- BEGIN error --><span class="error">{error}</span><br /><!-- END error -->{element} </div></div>',
'warning'=>"\n\t\t".'<div class="fitem {advanced}">{element}</div>',
* @param array $elements
function setAdvancedElements($elements){
$this->_advancedElements = $elements;
* What to do when starting the form
* @param object $form MoodleQuickForm
function startForm(&$form){
$this->_reqHTML = $form->getReqHTML();
$this->_elementTemplates = str_replace('{req}', $this->_reqHTML, $this->_elementTemplates);
$this->_advancedHTML = $form->getAdvancedHTML();
$this->_showAdvanced = $form->getShowAdvanced();
if ($form->isFrozen()){
$this->_formTemplate = "\n<div class=\"mform frozen\">\n{content}\n</div>";
} else {
$this->_formTemplate = "\n<form{attributes}>\n\t<div style=\"display: none;\">{hidden}</div>\n{content}\n</form>";
$this->_hiddenHtml .= $form->_pageparams;
* @param object $group Passed by reference
* @param mixed $required
* @param mixed $error
function startGroup(&$group, $required, $error){
if (method_exists($group, 'getElementTemplateType')){
$html = $this->_elementTemplates[$group->getElementTemplateType()];
$html = $this->_elementTemplates['default'];
if ($this->_showAdvanced){
$advclass = ' advanced';
} else {
$advclass = ' advanced hide';
if (isset($this->_advancedElements[$group->getName()])){
$html =str_replace(' {advanced}', $advclass, $html);
$html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', $this->_advancedHTML, $html);
} else {
$html =str_replace(' {advanced}', '', $html);
$html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', '', $html);
if (method_exists($group, 'getHelpButton')){
$html =str_replace('{help}', $group->getHelpButton(), $html);
$html =str_replace('{help}', '', $html);
$html =str_replace('{name}', $group->getName(), $html);
$html =str_replace('{type}', 'fgroup', $html);
// Fix for bug in tableless quickforms that didn't allow you to stop a
// fieldset before a group of elements.
// if the element name indicates the end of a fieldset, close the fieldset
if ( in_array($group->getName(), $this->_stopFieldsetElements)
&& $this->_fieldsetsOpen > 0
) {
$this->_html .= $this->_closeFieldsetTemplate;
parent::startGroup($group, $required, $error);
* @param object $element
* @param mixed $required
* @param mixed $error
function renderElement(&$element, $required, $error){
//manipulate id of all elements before rendering
if (!is_null($element->getAttribute('id'))) {
$id = $element->getAttribute('id');
} else {
$id = $element->getName();
//strip qf_ prefix and replace '[' with '_' and strip ']'
$id = preg_replace(array('/^qf_|\]/', '/\[/'), array('', '_'), $id);
if (strpos($id, 'id_') !== 0){
//adding stuff to place holders in template
//check if this is a group element first
if (($this->_inGroup) and !empty($this->_groupElementTemplate)) {
// so it gets substitutions for *each* element
$html = $this->_groupElementTemplate;
elseif (method_exists($element, 'getElementTemplateType')){
$html = $this->_elementTemplates[$element->getElementTemplateType()];
$html = $this->_elementTemplates['default'];
if ($this->_showAdvanced){
$advclass = ' advanced';
} else {
$advclass = ' advanced hide';
if (isset($this->_advancedElements[$element->getName()])){
$html =str_replace(' {advanced}', $advclass, $html);
} else {
$html =str_replace(' {advanced}', '', $html);
if (isset($this->_advancedElements[$element->getName()])||$element->getName() == 'mform_showadvanced'){
$html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', $this->_advancedHTML, $html);
} else {
$html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', '', $html);
$html =str_replace('{type}', 'f'.$element->getType(), $html);
$html =str_replace('{name}', $element->getName(), $html);
if (method_exists($element, 'getHelpButton')){
$html = str_replace('{help}', $element->getHelpButton(), $html);
$html = str_replace('{help}', '', $html);
if (($this->_inGroup) and !empty($this->_groupElementTemplate)) {
$this->_groupElementTemplate = $html;
elseif (!isset($this->_templates[$element->getName()])) {
$this->_templates[$element->getName()] = $html;
parent::renderElement($element, $required, $error);
* @global moodle_page $PAGE
* @param object $form Passed by reference
function finishForm(&$form){
global $PAGE;
if ($form->isFrozen()){
$this->_hiddenHtml = '';
if (!$form->isFrozen()) {
$args = $form->getLockOptionObject();
if (count($args[1]) > 0) {
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.form.initFormDependencies', $args, false, moodleform::get_js_module());
* Called when visiting a header element
* @param object $header An HTML_QuickForm_header element being visited
* @access public
* @return void
* @global moodle_page $PAGE
function renderHeader(&$header) {
global $PAGE;
$name = $header->getName();
$id = empty($name) ? '' : ' id="' . $name . '"';
$id = preg_replace(array('/\]/', '/\[/'), array('', '_'), $id);
if (is_null($header->_text)) {
$header_html = '';
} elseif (!empty($name) && isset($this->_templates[$name])) {
$header_html = str_replace('{header}', $header->toHtml(), $this->_templates[$name]);
} else {
$header_html = str_replace('{header}', $header->toHtml(), $this->_headerTemplate);
if (isset($this->_advancedElements[$name])){
$header_html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', $this->_advancedHTML, $header_html);
if ($this->_showAdvanced==0){
$buttonlabel = get_string('showadvanced', 'form');
} else {
$buttonlabel = get_string('hideadvanced', 'form');
$button = '<input name="'.$elementName.'" class="showadvancedbtn" value="'.$buttonlabel.'" type="submit" />';
$PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.form.initShowAdvanced', array(), false, moodleform::get_js_module());
$header_html = str_replace('{button}', $button, $header_html);
} else {
$header_html =str_replace('{advancedimg}', '', $header_html);
$header_html = str_replace('{button}', '', $header_html);
if ($this->_fieldsetsOpen > 0) {
$this->_html .= $this->_closeFieldsetTemplate;
$openFieldsetTemplate = str_replace('{id}', $id, $this->_openFieldsetTemplate);
if ($this->_showAdvanced){
$advclass = ' class="advanced"';
} else {
$advclass = ' class="advanced hide"';
if (isset($this->_advancedElements[$name])){
$openFieldsetTemplate = str_replace('{advancedclass}', $advclass, $openFieldsetTemplate);
} else {
$openFieldsetTemplate = str_replace('{advancedclass}', '', $openFieldsetTemplate);
$this->_html .= $openFieldsetTemplate . $header_html;
} // end func renderHeader
function getStopFieldsetElements(){
return $this->_stopFieldsetElements;
* @global object $GLOBALS['_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer']
* @name $_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer
$GLOBALS['_HTML_QuickForm_default_renderer'] = new MoodleQuickForm_Renderer();
/** Please keep this list in alphabetical order. */
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('advcheckbox', "$CFG->libdir/form/advcheckbox.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_advcheckbox');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('button', "$CFG->libdir/form/button.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_button');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('cancel', "$CFG->libdir/form/cancel.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_cancel');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('searchableselector', "$CFG->libdir/form/searchableselector.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_searchableselector');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('checkbox', "$CFG->libdir/form/checkbox.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_checkbox');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('date_selector', "$CFG->libdir/form/dateselector.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_date_selector');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('date_time_selector', "$CFG->libdir/form/datetimeselector.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_date_time_selector');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('duration', "$CFG->libdir/form/duration.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_duration');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('editor', "$CFG->libdir/form/editor.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_editor');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('file', "$CFG->libdir/form/file.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_file');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('filemanager', "$CFG->libdir/form/filemanager.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_filemanager');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('filepicker', "$CFG->libdir/form/filepicker.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_filepicker');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('format', "$CFG->libdir/form/format.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_format');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('group', "$CFG->libdir/form/group.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_group');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('header', "$CFG->libdir/form/header.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_header');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('hidden', "$CFG->libdir/form/hidden.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_hidden');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('htmleditor', "$CFG->libdir/form/htmleditor.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_htmleditor');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('modgrade', "$CFG->libdir/form/modgrade.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_modgrade');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('modvisible', "$CFG->libdir/form/modvisible.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_modvisible');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('password', "$CFG->libdir/form/password.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_password');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('passwordunmask', "$CFG->libdir/form/passwordunmask.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_passwordunmask');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('questioncategory', "$CFG->libdir/form/questioncategory.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_questioncategory');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('radio', "$CFG->libdir/form/radio.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_radio');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('recaptcha', "$CFG->libdir/form/recaptcha.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_recaptcha');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('select', "$CFG->libdir/form/select.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_select');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('selectgroups', "$CFG->libdir/form/selectgroups.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_selectgroups');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('selectwithlink', "$CFG->libdir/form/selectwithlink.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_selectwithlink');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('selectyesno', "$CFG->libdir/form/selectyesno.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_selectyesno');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('static', "$CFG->libdir/form/static.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_static');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('submit', "$CFG->libdir/form/submit.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_submit');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('submitlink', "$CFG->libdir/form/submitlink.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_submitlink');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('tags', "$CFG->libdir/form/tags.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_tags');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('text', "$CFG->libdir/form/text.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_text');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('textarea', "$CFG->libdir/form/textarea.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_textarea');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('url', "$CFG->libdir/form/url.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_url');
MoodleQuickForm::registerElementType('warning', "$CFG->libdir/form/warning.php", 'MoodleQuickForm_warning');