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* PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP code and detects violations of a
* defined set of coding standards.
* PHP version 5
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_CodeSniffer
* @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net>
* @author Marc McIntyre <mmcintyre@squiz.net>
* @copyright 2006 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license http://matrix.squiz.net/developer/tools/php_cs/licence BSD Licence
* @version CVS: $Id$
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
spl_autoload_register(array('PHP_CodeSniffer', 'autoload'));
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception', true) === false) {
throw new Exception('Class PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception not found');
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_File', true) === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('Class PHP_CodeSniffer_File not found');
if (class_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens', true) === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('Class PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens not found');
if (interface_exists('PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff', true) === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('Interface PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff not found');
* PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP code and detects violations of a
* defined set of coding standards.
* Standards are specified by classes that implement the PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff
* interface. A sniff registers what token types it wishes to listen for, then
* PHP_CodeSniffer encounters that token, the sniff is invoked and passed
* information about where the token was found in the stack, and the token stack
* itself.
* Sniff files and their containing class must be prefixed with Sniff, and
* have an extension of .php.
* Multiple PHP_CodeSniffer operations can be performed by re-calling the
* process function with different parameters.
* @category PHP
* @package PHP_CodeSniffer
* @author Greg Sherwood <gsherwood@squiz.net>
* @author Marc McIntyre <mmcintyre@squiz.net>
* @copyright 2006 Squiz Pty Ltd (ABN 77 084 670 600)
* @license http://matrix.squiz.net/developer/tools/php_cs/licence BSD Licence
* @version Release: 1.1.0
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_CodeSniffer
class PHP_CodeSniffer
* The file or directory that is currently being processed.
* @var string
protected $file = array();
* The directory to search for sniffs in.
* @var string
protected $standardDir = '';
* The files that have been processed.
* @var array(PHP_CodeSniffer_File)
protected $files = array();
* The listeners array.
* @var array(PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff)
protected $listeners = array();
* An array of patterns to use for skipping files.
* @var array()
protected $ignorePatterns = array();
* An array of extensions for files we will check.
* @var array
public $allowedFileExtensions = array(
'php' => 'PHP',
'inc' => 'PHP',
'js' => 'JS',
* An array of variable types for param/var we will check.
* @var array(string)
public static $allowedTypes = array(
* Constructs a PHP_CodeSniffer object.
* @param int $verbosity The verbosity level.
* 1: Print progress information.
* 2: Print developer debug information.
* @param int $tabWidth The number of spaces each tab represents.
* If greater than zero, tabs will be replaced
* by spaces before testing each file.
* @see process()
public function __construct($verbosity=0, $tabWidth=0)
define('PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY', $verbosity);
define('PHP_CODESNIFFER_TAB_WIDTH', $tabWidth);
// Change into a directory that we know about to stop any
// relative path conflicts.
}//end __construct()
* Autoload static method for loading classes and interfaces.
* @param string $className The name of the class or interface.
* @return void
public static function autoload($className)
if (substr($className, 0, 4) === 'PHP_') {
$newClassName = substr($className, 4);
} else {
$newClassName = $className;
$path = str_replace('_', '/', $newClassName).'.php';
if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$path) === true) {
// Check standard file locations based on class name.
include dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$path;
} else if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer/Standards/'.$path) === true) {
// Check for included sniffs.
include dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer/Standards/'.$path;
} else {
// Everything else.
@include $path;
}//end autoload()
* Sets an array of file extensions that we will allow checking of.
* If the extension is one of the defaults, a specific tokenizer
* will be used. Otherwise, the PHP tokenizer will be used for
* all extensions passed.
* @param array $extensions An array of file extensions.
* @return void
public function setAllowedFileExtensions(array $extensions)
$newExtensions = array();
foreach ($extensions as $ext) {
if (isset($this->allowedFileExtensions[$ext]) === true) {
$newExtensions[$ext] = $this->allowedFileExtensions[$ext];
} else {
$newExtensions[$ext] = 'PHP';
$this->allowedFileExtensions = $newExtensions;
}//end setAllowedFileExtensions()
* Sets an array of ignore patterns that we use to skip files and folders.
* Patterns are not case sensitive.
* @param array $patterns An array of ignore patterns.
* @return void
public function setIgnorePatterns(array $patterns)
$this->ignorePatterns = $patterns;
}//end setIgnorePatterns()
* Adds a file to the list of checked files.
* Checked files are used to generate error reports after the run.
* @param PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile The file to add.
* @return void
public function addFile(PHP_CodeSniffer_File $phpcsFile)
$this->files[] = $phpcsFile;
}//end addFile()
* Processes the files/directories that PHP_CodeSniffer was constructed with.
* @param string|array $files The files and directories to process. For
* directories, each sub directory will also
* be traversed for source files.
* @param string $standard The set of code sniffs we are testing
* against.
* @param array $sniffs The sniff names to restrict the allowed
* listeners to.
* @param boolean $local If true, don't recurse into directories.
* @return void
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception If files or standard are invalid.
public function process($files, $standard, array $sniffs=array(), $local=false)
if (is_array($files) === false) {
if (is_string($files) === false || $files === null) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('$file must be a string');
$files = array($files);
if (is_string($standard) === false || $standard === null) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception('$standard must be a string');
// Reset the members.
$this->listeners = array();
$this->files = array();
echo "Registering sniffs in $standard standard... ";
echo PHP_EOL;
$this->setTokenListeners($standard, $sniffs);
$numSniffs = count($this->listeners);
echo "DONE ($numSniffs sniffs registered)".PHP_EOL;
foreach ($files as $file) {
$this->file = $file;
if (is_dir($this->file) === true) {
$this->processFiles($this->file, $local);
} else {
}//end process()
* Gets installed sniffs in the coding standard being used.
* Traverses the standard directory for classes that implement the
* PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff interface asks them to register. Each of the
* sniff's class names must be exact as the basename of the sniff file.
* Returns an array of sniff class names.
* @param string $standard The name of the coding standard we are checking.
* @param array $sniffs The sniff names to restrict the allowed
* listeners to.
* @return array
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception If any of the tests failed in the
* registration process.
public function getTokenListeners($standard, array $sniffs=array())
if (is_dir($standard) === true) {
// This is a custom standard.
$this->standardDir = $standard;
$standard = basename($standard);
} else {
$this->standardDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer/Standards/'.$standard);
$files = self::getSniffFiles($this->standardDir, $standard);
if (empty($sniffs) === false) {
// Convert the allowed sniffs to lower case so
// they are easier to check.
foreach ($sniffs as &$sniff) {
$sniff = strtolower($sniff);
$listeners = array();
foreach ($files as $file) {
// Work out where the position of /StandardName/Sniffs/... is
// so we can determine what the class will be called.
$sniffPos = strrpos($file, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Sniffs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if ($sniffPos === false) {
$slashPos = strrpos(substr($file, 0, $sniffPos), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
if ($slashPos === false) {
$className = substr($file, ($slashPos + 1));
$className = substr($className, 0, -4);
$className = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', $className);
include_once $file;
// If they have specified a list of sniffs to restrict to, check
// to see if this sniff is allowed.
$allowed = in_array(strtolower($className), $sniffs);
if (empty($sniffs) === false && $allowed === false) {
$listeners[] = $className;
echo "\tRegistered $className".PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
return $listeners;
}//end getTokenListeners()
* Sets installed sniffs in the coding standard being used.
* @param string $standard The name of the coding standard we are checking.
* @param array $sniffs The sniff names to restrict the allowed
* listeners to.
* @return null
public function setTokenListeners($standard, array $sniffs=array())
$this->listeners = $this->getTokenListeners($standard, $sniffs);
}//end setTokenListeners
* Return a list of sniffs that a coding standard has defined.
* Sniffs are found by recursing the standard directory and also by
* asking the standard for included sniffs.
* @param string $dir The directory where to look for the files.
* @param string $standard The name of the coding standard. If NULL, no
* included sniffs will be checked for.
* @return array
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception If an included or excluded sniff does
* not exist.
public static function getSniffFiles($dir, $standard=null)
$di = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
$ownSniffs = array();
$includedSniffs = array();
$excludedSniffs = array();
foreach ($di as $file) {
// Skip hidden files.
if (substr($file->getFilename(), 0, 1) === '.') {
// We are only interested in PHP and sniff files.
$fileParts = explode('.', $file);
if (array_pop($fileParts) !== 'php') {
$basename = basename($file, '.php');
if (substr($basename, -5) !== 'Sniff') {
$ownSniffs[] = $file->getPathname();
}//end foreach
// Load the standard class and ask it for a list of external
// sniffs to include in the standard.
if ($standard !== null && is_file("$dir/{$standard}CodingStandard.php") === true) {
include_once "$dir/{$standard}CodingStandard.php";
$standardClassName = "PHP_CodeSniffer_Standards_{$standard}_{$standard}CodingStandard";
$standardClass = new $standardClassName;
$included = $standardClass->getIncludedSniffs();
foreach ($included as $sniff) {
if (is_dir($sniff) === true) {
// Trying to include from a custom standard.
$sniffDir = $sniff;
$sniff = basename($sniff);
} else if (is_file($sniff) === true) {
// Trying to include a custom sniff.
$sniffDir = $sniff;
} else {
$sniffDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/CodeSniffer/Standards/$sniff");
if ($sniffDir === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("Included sniff $sniff does not exist");
if (is_dir($sniffDir) === true) {
if (self::isInstalledStandard($sniff) === true) {
// We are including a whole coding standard.
$includedSniffs = array_merge($includedSniffs, self::getSniffFiles($sniffDir, $sniff));
} else {
// We are including a whole directory of sniffs.
$includedSniffs = array_merge($includedSniffs, self::getSniffFiles($sniffDir));
} else {
if (substr($sniffDir, -9) !== 'Sniff.php') {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("Included sniff $sniff does not exist");
$includedSniffs[] = $sniffDir;
}//end foreach
$excluded = $standardClass->getExcludedSniffs();
foreach ($excluded as $sniff) {
if (is_dir($sniff) === true) {
// Trying to exclude from a custom standard.
$sniffDir = $sniff;
$sniff = basename($sniff);
} else if (is_file($sniff) === true) {
// Trying to exclude a custom sniff.
$sniffDir = $sniff;
} else {
$sniffDir = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)."/CodeSniffer/Standards/$sniff");
if ($sniffDir === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("Excluded sniff $sniff does not exist");
if (is_dir($sniffDir) === true) {
if (self::isInstalledStandard($sniff) === true) {
// We are excluding a whole coding standard.
$excludedSniffs = array_merge($excludedSniffs, self::getSniffFiles($sniffDir, $sniff));
} else {
// We are excluding a whole directory of sniffs.
$excludedSniffs = array_merge($excludedSniffs, self::getSniffFiles($sniffDir));
} else {
if (substr($sniffDir, -9) !== 'Sniff.php') {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("Excluded sniff $sniff does not exist");
$excludedSniffs[] = $sniffDir;
}//end foreach
}//end if
// Merge our own sniff list with our exnternally included
// sniff list, but filter out any excluded sniffs.
$files = array();
foreach (array_merge($ownSniffs, $includedSniffs) as $sniff) {
if (in_array($sniff, $excludedSniffs) === true) {
} else {
$files[] = $sniff;
return $files;
}//end getSniffFiles()
* Run the code sniffs over each file in a given directory.
* Recusively reads the specified directory and performs the PHP_CodeSniffer
* sniffs on each source file found within the directories.
* @param string $dir The directory to process.
* @param boolean $local If true, only process files in this directory, not
* sub directories.
* @return void
* @throws Exception If there was an error opening the directory.
public function processFiles($dir, $local=false)
try {
if ($local === true) {
$di = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
} else {
$di = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir));
foreach ($di as $file) {
$filePath = realpath($file->getPathname());
if (is_dir($filePath) === true) {
// Check that the file's extension is one we are checking.
// Note that because we are doing a whole directory, we
// are strick about checking the extension and we don't
// let files with no extension through.
$fileParts = explode('.', $file);
$extension = array_pop($fileParts);
if ($extension === $file) {
if (isset($this->allowedFileExtensions[$extension]) === false) {
}//end foreach
} catch (Exception $e) {
$trace = $e->getTrace();
$filename = $trace[0]['args'][0];
$error = 'An error occurred during processing; checking has been aborted. The error message was: '.$e->getMessage();
$phpcsFile = new PHP_CodeSniffer_File($filename, $this->listeners, $this->allowedFileExtensions);
$phpcsFile->addError($error, null);
}//end processFiles()
* Run the code sniffs over a single given file.
* Processes the file and runs the PHP_CodeSniffer sniffs to verify that it
* conforms with the standard.
* @param string $file The file to process.
* @param string $contents The contents to parse. If NULL, the content
* is taken from the file system.
* @return void
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception If the file could not be processed.
public function processFile($file, $contents=null)
if (is_null($contents) === true && file_exists($file) === false) {
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception("Source file $file does not exist");
// If the file's path matches one of our ignore patterns, skip it.
foreach ($this->ignorePatterns as $pattern) {
$replacements = array(
'\\,' => ',',
'*' => '.*',
$pattern = strtr($pattern, $replacements);
if (preg_match("|{$pattern}|i", $file) === 1) {
$startTime = time();
echo 'Processing '.basename($file).' ';
echo PHP_EOL;
$phpcsFile = new PHP_CodeSniffer_File($file, $this->listeners, $this->allowedFileExtensions);
$timeTaken = (time() - $startTime);
if ($timeTaken === 0) {
echo 'DONE in < 1 second';
} else if ($timeTaken === 1) {
echo 'DONE in 1 second';
} else {
echo "DONE in $timeTaken seconds";
$errors = $phpcsFile->getErrorCount();
$warnings = $phpcsFile->getWarningCount();
echo " ($errors errors, $warnings warnings)".PHP_EOL;
}//end processFile()
* Pre-process and package errors and warnings for all files.
* Used by error reports to get a packaged list of all errors and
* warnings in each file.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return array
public function prepareErrorReport($showWarnings=true)
$report = array(
'totals' => array(
'warnings' => 0,
'errors' => 0,
'files' => array(),
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
$warnings = $file->getWarnings();
$errors = $file->getErrors();
$numWarnings = $file->getWarningCount();
$numErrors = $file->getErrorCount();
$filename = $file->getFilename();
$report['files'][$filename] = array(
'errors' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
'messages' => array(),
if ($numErrors === 0 && $numWarnings === 0) {
// Prefect score!
if ($numErrors === 0 && $showWarnings === false) {
// Prefect score (sort of).
$report['files'][$filename]['errors'] = $numErrors;
if ($showWarnings === true) {
$report['files'][$filename]['warnings'] = $numWarnings;
} else {
$report['files'][$filename]['warnings'] = 0;
$report['totals']['errors'] += $numErrors;
if ($showWarnings === true) {
$report['totals']['warnings'] += $numWarnings;
// Merge errors and warnings.
foreach ($errors as $line => $lineErrors) {
foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) {
$newErrors = array();
foreach ($colErrors as $message) {
$newErrors[] = array(
'message' => $message,
'type' => 'ERROR',
$errors[$line][$column] = $newErrors;
}//end foreach
if ($showWarnings === true) {
foreach ($warnings as $line => $lineWarnings) {
foreach ($lineWarnings as $column => $colWarnings) {
$newWarnings = array();
foreach ($colWarnings as $message) {
$newWarnings[] = array(
'message' => $message,
'type' => 'WARNING',
if (isset($errors[$line]) === false) {
$errors[$line] = array();
if (isset($errors[$line][$column]) === true) {
$errors[$line][$column] = array_merge($newWarnings, $errors[$line][$column]);
} else {
$errors[$line][$column] = $newWarnings;
}//end foreach
}//end if
$report['files'][$filename]['messages'] = $errors;
}//end foreach
return $report;
}//end prepareErrorReport()
* Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed, in an XML format.
* Errors and warnings are displayed together, grouped by file.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
public function printXMLErrorReport($showWarnings=true)
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<phpcs version="1.1.0">'.PHP_EOL;
$errorsShown = 0;
$report = $this->prepareErrorReport($showWarnings);
foreach ($report['files'] as $filename => $file) {
if (empty($file['messages']) === true) {
echo ' <file name="'.$filename.'" errors="'.$file['errors'].'" warnings="'.$file['warnings'].'">'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($file['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) {
foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) {
foreach ($colErrors as $error) {
$error['type'] = strtolower($error['type']);
echo ' <'.$error['type'].' line="'.$line.'" column="'.$column.'">';
echo htmlspecialchars($error['message']).'</'.$error['type'].'>'.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
echo ' </file>'.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
echo '</phpcs>'.PHP_EOL;
return $errorsShown;
}//end printXMLErrorReport()
* Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed, in a Checkstyle XML format.
* Errors and warnings are displayed together, grouped by file.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
public function printCheckstyleErrorReport($showWarnings=true)
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<checkstyle version="1.1.0">'.PHP_EOL;
$errorsShown = 0;
$report = $this->prepareErrorReport($showWarnings);
foreach ($report['files'] as $filename => $file) {
echo ' <file name="'.$filename.'">'.PHP_EOL;
foreach ($file['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) {
foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) {
foreach ($colErrors as $error) {
$error['type'] = strtolower($error['type']);
echo ' <error';
echo ' line="'.$line.'" column="'.$column.'"';
echo ' severity="'.$error['type'].'"';
$message = utf8_encode(htmlspecialchars($error['message']));
echo ' message="'.$message.'"';
echo '/>'.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
echo ' </file>'.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
echo '</checkstyle>'.PHP_EOL;
return $errorsShown;
}//end printCheckstyleErrorReport()
* Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed, in a CSV format.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
public function printCSVErrorReport($showWarnings=true)
echo 'File,Line,Column,Severity,Message'.PHP_EOL;
$errorsShown = 0;
$report = $this->prepareErrorReport($showWarnings);
foreach ($report['files'] as $filename => $file) {
foreach ($file['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) {
foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) {
foreach ($colErrors as $error) {
$filename = str_replace('"', '\"', $filename);
$message = str_replace('"', '\"', $error['message']);
$type = strtolower($error['type']);
echo "\"$filename\",$line,$column,$type,\"$message\"".PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
}//end foreach
return $errorsShown;
}//end printCSVErrorReport()
* Prints all errors and warnings for each file processed.
* Errors and warnings are displayed together, grouped by file.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
public function printErrorReport($showWarnings=true)
$errorsShown = 0;
$report = $this->prepareErrorReport($showWarnings);
foreach ($report['files'] as $filename => $file) {
if (empty($file['messages']) === true) {
echo PHP_EOL.'FILE: ';
if (strlen($filename) <= 71) {
echo $filename;
} else {
echo '...'.substr($filename, (strlen($filename) - 71));
echo PHP_EOL;
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL;
echo 'FOUND '.$file['errors'].' ERROR(S) ';
if ($showWarnings === true) {
echo 'AND '.$file['warnings'].' WARNING(S) ';
echo 'AFFECTING '.count($file['messages']).' LINE(S)'.PHP_EOL;
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL;
// Work out the max line number for formatting.
$maxLine = 0;
foreach ($file['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) {
if ($line > $maxLine) {
$maxLine = $line;
$maxLineLength = strlen($maxLine);
// The length of the word ERROR or WARNING; used for padding.
if ($showWarnings === true && $file['warnings'] > 0) {
$typeLength = 7;
} else {
$typeLength = 5;
// The padding that all lines will require that are
// printing an error message overflow.
$paddingLine2 = str_repeat(' ', ($maxLineLength + 1));
$paddingLine2 .= ' | ';
$paddingLine2 .= str_repeat(' ', $typeLength);
$paddingLine2 .= ' | ';
// The maxium amount of space an error message can use.
$maxErrorSpace = (80 - strlen($paddingLine2));
foreach ($file['messages'] as $line => $lineErrors) {
foreach ($lineErrors as $column => $colErrors) {
foreach ($colErrors as $error) {
// The padding that goes on the front of the line.
$padding = ($maxLineLength - strlen($line));
$errorMsg = wordwrap($error['message'], $maxErrorSpace, PHP_EOL."$paddingLine2");
echo ' '.str_repeat(' ', $padding).$line.' | '.$error['type'];
if ($error['type'] === 'ERROR') {
if ($showWarnings === true && $file['warnings'] > 0) {
echo ' ';
echo ' | '.$errorMsg.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
}//end foreach
}//end foreach
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
}//end foreach
return $errorsShown;
}//end printErrorReport()
* Prints a summary of errors and warnings for each file processed.
* If verbose output is enabled, results are shown for all files, even if
* they have no errors or warnings. If verbose output is disabled, we only
* show files that have at least one warning or error.
* @param boolean $showWarnings Show warnings as well as errors.
* @return int The number of error and warning messages shown.
public function printErrorReportSummary($showWarnings=true)
$errorFiles = array();
foreach ($this->files as $file) {
$numWarnings = $file->getWarningCount();
$numErrors = $file->getErrorCount();
$filename = $file->getFilename();
// If verbose output is enabled, we show the results for all files,
// but if not, we only show files that had errors or warnings.
if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 0 || $numErrors > 0 || ($numWarnings > 0 && $showWarnings === true)) {
$errorFiles[$filename] = array(
'warnings' => $numWarnings,
'errors' => $numErrors,
if (empty($errorFiles) === true) {
// Nothing to print.
return 0;
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL;
if ($showWarnings === true) {
echo 'FILE'.str_repeat(' ', 60).'ERRORS WARNINGS'.PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'FILE'.str_repeat(' ', 70).'ERRORS'.PHP_EOL;
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL;
$totalErrors = 0;
$totalWarnings = 0;
$totalFiles = 0;
foreach ($errorFiles as $file => $errors) {
if ($showWarnings === true) {
$padding = (62 - strlen($file));
} else {
$padding = (72 - strlen($file));
if ($padding < 0) {
$file = '...'.substr($file, (($padding * -1) + 3));
$padding = 0;
echo $file.str_repeat(' ', $padding).' ';
echo $errors['errors'];
if ($showWarnings === true) {
echo str_repeat(' ', (8 - strlen((string) $errors['errors'])));
echo $errors['warnings'];
echo PHP_EOL;
$totalErrors += $errors['errors'];
$totalWarnings += $errors['warnings'];
}//end foreach
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL;
echo "A TOTAL OF $totalErrors ERROR(S) ";
if ($showWarnings === true) {
echo "AND $totalWarnings WARNING(S) ";
echo "WERE FOUND IN $totalFiles FILE(S)".PHP_EOL;
echo str_repeat('-', 80).PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
return ($totalErrors + $totalWarnings);
}//end printErrorReportSummary()
* Generates documentation for a coding standard.
* @param string $standard The standard to generate docs for
* @param array $sniffs A list of sniffs to limit the docs to.
* @param string $generator The name of the generator class to use.
* @return void
public function generateDocs($standard, array $sniffs=array(), $generator='Text')
include_once 'PHP/CodeSniffer/DocGenerators/'.$generator.'.php';
$class = "PHP_CodeSniffer_DocGenerators_$generator";
$generator = new $class($standard, $sniffs);
}//end generateDocs()
* Returns the PHP_CodeSniffer file objects.
* @return array(PHP_CodeSniffer_File)
public function getFiles()
return $this->files;
}//end getFiles()
* Gets the array of PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff's.
* @return array(PHP_CodeSniffer_Sniff)
public function getSniffs()
return $this->listeners;
}//end getSniffs()
* Takes a token produced from <code>token_get_all()</code> and produces a
* more uniform token.
* Note that this method also resolves T_STRING tokens into more descrete
* types, therefore there is no need to call resolveTstringToken()
* @param string|array $token The token to convert.
* @return array The new token.
public static function standardiseToken($token)
if (is_array($token) === false) {
$newToken = self::resolveSimpleToken($token);
} else {
// Some T_STRING tokens can be more specific.
if ($token[0] === T_STRING) {
$newToken = self::resolveTstringToken($token);
} else {
$newToken = array();
$newToken['code'] = $token[0];
$newToken['content'] = $token[1];
$newToken['type'] = token_name($token[0]);
return $newToken;
}//end standardiseToken()
* Converts T_STRING tokens into more usable token names.
* The token should be produced using the token_get_all() function.
* Currently, not all T_STRING tokens are converted.
* @param string|array $token The T_STRING token to convert as constructed
* by token_get_all().
* @return array The new token.
public static function resolveTstringToken(array $token)
$newToken = array();
switch (strtolower($token[1])) {
case 'false':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_FALSE';
case 'true':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_TRUE';
case 'null':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_NULL';
case 'self':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_SELF';
case 'parent':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_PARENT';
$newToken['type'] = 'T_STRING';
$newToken['code'] = constant($newToken['type']);
$newToken['content'] = $token[1];
return $newToken;
}//end resolveTstringToken()
* Converts simple tokens into a format that conforms to complex tokens
* produced by token_get_all().
* Simple tokens are tokens that are not in array form when produced from
* token_get_all().
* @param string $token The simple token to convert.
* @return array The new token in array format.
public static function resolveSimpleToken($token)
$newToken = array();
switch ($token) {
case '{':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET';
case '}':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET';
case '[':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET';
case ']':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET';
case '(':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS';
case ')':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_CLOSE_PARENTHESIS';
case ':':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_COLON';
case '.':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_STRING_CONCAT';
case '?':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_INLINE_THEN';
case ';':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_SEMICOLON';
case '=':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_EQUAL';
case '*':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_MULTIPLY';
case '/':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_DIVIDE';
case '+':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_PLUS';
case '-':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_MINUS';
case '%':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_MODULUS';
case '^':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_POWER';
case '&':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_BITWISE_AND';
case '|':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_BITWISE_OR';
case '<':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_LESS_THAN';
case '>':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_GREATER_THAN';
case '!':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_BOOLEAN_NOT';
case ',':
$newToken['type'] = 'T_COMMA';
$newToken['type'] = 'T_NONE';
}//end switch
$newToken['code'] = constant($newToken['type']);
$newToken['content'] = $token;
return $newToken;
}//end resolveSimpleToken()
* Returns true if the specified string is in the camel caps format.
* @param string $string The string the verify.
* @param boolean $classFormat If true, check to see if the string is in the
* class format. Class format strings must start
* with a capital letter and contain no
* underscores.
* @param boolean $public If true, the first character in the string
* must be an a-z character. If false, the
* character must be an underscore. This
* argument is only applicable if $classFormat
* is false.
* @param boolean $strict If true, the string must not have two captial
* letters next to each other. If false, a
* relaxed camel caps policy is used to allow
* for acronyms.
* @return boolean
public static function isCamelCaps($string, $classFormat=false, $public=true, $strict=true)
// Check the first character first.
if ($classFormat === false) {
if ($public === false) {
$legalFirstChar = '[_][a-z]';
} else {
$legalFirstChar = '[a-z]';
} else {
$legalFirstChar = '[A-Z]';
if (preg_match("|^$legalFirstChar|", $string) === 0) {
return false;
// Check that the name only contains legal characters.
if ($classFormat === false) {
$legalChars = 'a-zA-Z0-9';
} else {
$legalChars = 'a-zA-Z';
if (preg_match("|[^$legalChars]|", substr($string, 1)) > 0) {
return false;
if ($strict === true) {
// Check that there are not two captial letters next to each other.
$length = strlen($string);
$lastCharWasCaps = $classFormat;
for ($i = 1; $i < $length; $i++) {
$ascii = ord($string{$i});
if ($ascii >= 48 && $ascii <= 57) {
// The character is a number, so it cant be a captial.
$isCaps = false;
} else {
if (strtoupper($string{$i}) === $string{$i}) {
$isCaps = true;
} else {
$isCaps = false;
if ($isCaps === true && $lastCharWasCaps === true) {
return false;
$lastCharWasCaps = $isCaps;
}//end if
return true;
}//end isCamelCaps()
* Returns true if the specified string is in the underscore caps format.
* @param string $string The string to verify.
* @return boolean
public static function isUnderscoreName($string)
// If there are space in the name, it can't be valid.
if (strpos($string, ' ') !== false) {
return false;
$validName = true;
$nameBits = explode('_', $string);
if (preg_match('|^[A-Z]|', $string) === 0) {
// Name does not begin with a capital letter.
$validName = false;
} else {
foreach ($nameBits as $bit) {
if ($bit{0} !== strtoupper($bit{0})) {
$validName = false;
return $validName;
}//end isUnderscoreName()
* Returns a valid variable type for param/var tag.
* If type is not one of the standard type, it must be a custom type.
* Returns the correct type name suggestion if type name is invalid.
* @param string $varType The variable type to process.
* @return string
public static function suggestType($varType)
if ($varType === '') {
return '';
if (in_array($varType, self::$allowedTypes) === true) {
return $varType;
} else {
$lowerVarType = strtolower($varType);
switch ($lowerVarType) {
case 'bool':
return 'boolean';
case 'double':
case 'real':
return 'float';
case 'int':
return 'integer';
case 'array()':
return 'array';
}//end switch
if (strpos($lowerVarType, 'array(') !== false) {
// Valid array declaration:
// array, array(type), array(type1 => type2).
$matches = array();
$pattern = '/^array\(\s*([^\s^=^>]*)(\s*=>\s*(.*))?\s*\)/i';
if (preg_match($pattern, $varType, $matches) !== 0) {
$type1 = '';
if (isset($matches[1]) === true) {
$type1 = $matches[1];
$type2 = '';
if (isset($matches[3]) === true) {
$type2 = $matches[3];
$type1 = self::suggestType($type1);
$type2 = self::suggestType($type2);
if ($type2 !== '') {
$type2 = ' => '.$type2;
return "array($type1$type2)";
} else {
return 'array';
}//end if
} else if (in_array($lowerVarType, self::$allowedTypes) === true) {
// A valid type, but not lower cased.
return $lowerVarType;
} else {
// Must be a custom type name.
return $varType;
}//end if
}//end if
}//end suggestType()
* Get a list of all coding standards installed.
* Coding standards are directories located in the
* CodeSniffer/Standards directory. Valid coding standards
* include a Sniffs subdirectory.
* @param boolean $includeGeneric If true, the special "Generic"
* coding standard will be included
* if installed.
* @param string $standardsDir A specific directory to look for standards
* in. If not specified, PHP_CodeSniffer will
* look in its default location.
* @return array
* @see isInstalledStandard()
public static function getInstalledStandards($includeGeneric=false, $standardsDir='')
$installedStandards = array();
if ($standardsDir === '') {
$standardsDir = dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer/Standards';
$di = new DirectoryIterator($standardsDir);
foreach ($di as $file) {
if ($file->isDir() === true && $file->isDot() === false) {
$filename = $file->getFilename();
// Ignore the special "Generic" standard.
if ($includeGeneric === false && $filename === 'Generic') {
// Valid coding standard dirs include a standard class.
$csFile = $file->getPathname()."/{$filename}CodingStandard.php";
if (is_file($csFile) === true) {
// We found a coding standard directory.
$installedStandards[] = $filename;
return $installedStandards;
}//end getInstalledStandards()
* Determine if a standard is installed.
* Coding standards are directories located in the
* CodeSniffer/Standards directory. Valid coding standards
* include a Sniffs subdirectory.
* @param string $standard The name of the coding standard.
* @return boolean
* @see getInstalledStandards()
public static function isInstalledStandard($standard)
$standardDir = dirname(__FILE__);
$standardDir .= '/CodeSniffer/Standards/'.$standard;
if (is_file("$standardDir/{$standard}CodingStandard.php") === true) {
return true;
} else {
// This could be a custom standard, installed outside our
// standards directory.
$standardFile = rtrim($standard, ' /\\').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.basename($standard).'CodingStandard.php';
return (is_file($standardFile) === true);
}//end isInstalledStandard()
* Get a single config value.
* Config data is stored in the data dir, in a file called
* CodeSniffer.conf. It is a simple PHP array.
* @param string $key The name of the config value.
* @return string
* @see setConfigData()
* @see getAllConfigData()
public static function getConfigData($key)
$phpCodeSnifferConfig = self::getAllConfigData();
if ($phpCodeSnifferConfig === null) {
return null;
if (isset($phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]) === false) {
return null;
return $phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key];
}//end getConfigData()
* Set a single config value.
* Config data is stored in the data dir, in a file called
* CodeSniffer.conf. It is a simple PHP array.
* @param string $key The name of the config value.
* @param string|null $value The value to set. If null, the config
* entry is deleted, reverting it to the
* default value.
* @param boolean $temp Set this config data temporarily for this
* script run. This will not write the config
* data to the config file.
* @return boolean
* @see getConfigData()
* @throws PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception If the config file can not be written.
public static function setConfigData($key, $value, $temp=false)
if ($temp === false) {
$configFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer.conf';
if (is_file($configFile) === false) {
$configFile = '/usr/lib/php/data/PHP_CodeSniffer/CodeSniffer.conf';
if (is_file($configFile) === true && is_writable($configFile) === false) {
$error = "Config file $configFile is not writable";
throw new PHP_CodeSniffer_Exception($error);
$phpCodeSnifferConfig = self::getAllConfigData();
if ($value === null) {
if (isset($phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key]) === true) {
} else {
$phpCodeSnifferConfig[$key] = $value;
if ($temp === false) {
$output = '<'.'?php'."\n".' $phpCodeSnifferConfig = ';
$output .= var_export($phpCodeSnifferConfig, true);
$output .= "\n?".'>';
if (file_put_contents($configFile, $output) === false) {
return false;
return true;
}//end setConfigData()
* Get all config data in an array.
* @return string
* @see getConfigData()
public static function getAllConfigData()
if (isset($GLOBALS['PHP_CODESNIFFER_CONFIG_DATA']) === true) {
$configFile = dirname(__FILE__).'/CodeSniffer.conf';
if (is_file($configFile) === false) {
$configFile = '/usr/lib/php/data/PHP_CodeSniffer/CodeSniffer.conf';
if (is_file($configFile) === false) {
return null;
include $configFile;
}//end getAllConfigData()
}//end class