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<title>ADODB Manual</title>
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<h2>ADOdb Library for PHP</h2>
<p>V2.12 12 June 2002 (c) 2000-2002 John Lim (<a href="mailto:jlim@natsoft.com.my">jlim@natsoft.com.my</a>)</p>
<p>This software is dual licensed using BSD-Style and LGPL.
Where there is any discrepancy, the BSD-Style license will take precedence.
This means you can use it in proprietary and commercial products.</p>
<p><a href="#intro"><b>Introduction</b></a><b><br>
<a href="#features">Unique Features</a><br>
<a href="#users">How People are using ADOdb</a><br>
<a href="#bugs">Feature Requests and Bug Reports</a><br>
</b><b><a href="#install">Installation<br>R
</a><a href="#coding">Initializing Code</a></b>
<font size="2"><a href=#adonewconnection>ADONewConnection</a></font>
<font size="2"><a href=#adonewconnection>NewADOConnection</a></font><br>
<b> <a href="#drivers">Supported Databases</a></b><br>
<b> <a href="#quickstart">Tutorial</a></b><br>
<a href="#ex1">Example 1: Select</a><br>
<a href="#ex2">Example 2: Advanced Select</a><br>
<a href="#ex3">Example 3: Insert</a><br>
<a href="#ex4">Example 4: Debugging</a> &nbsp;<a href="#exrs2html">rs2html example</a><br>
<a href="#ex5">Example 5: MySQL and Menus</a><br>
<a href="#ex6">Example 6: Connecting to Multiple Databases at once</a> <br>
<a href="#ex7">Example 7: Generating Update and Insert SQL</a> <br>
<a href="#ex8">Example 8: Implementing Scrolling with Next and Previous</a> <br>
<b> <a href="#errorhandling">Using Custom Error Handlers and PEAR_Error</a><br>
<a href="#DSN">Data Source Names</a><br>
<a href="#caching">Caching</a></b></p>
<p><a href="#ref"><b>REFERENCE</b></a><br>
<a href="#ADOConnection"><b><br>
<font size="2">Connections: <a href="#connect">Connect</a> <a href="#pconnect">PConnect</a>
Executing SQL: <a href="#execute">Execute</a> <a href="#cacheexecute">CacheExecute</a>
<a href="#SelectLimit">SelectLimit</a> <a href="#cacheSelectLimit">CacheSelectLimit</a>
<a href="#prepare">Prepare</a> <a href=#preparesp>PrepareSP</a> <a href="#parameter">Parameter</a>
<a href="#getone">GetOne</a> <a href="#getrow">GetRow</a> <a href="#replace">Replace</a> <br>
Generates SQL: <a href="#getupdatesql">GetUpdateSQL</a> <a href="#getinsertsql">GetInsertSQL</a></font><font size="2"><br>
Blobs: <a href="#updateblob">UpdateBlob</a> <a href="#updateclob">UpdateClob</a>
<a href="#updateblobfile">UpdateBlobFile</a> <br>
Paging/Scrolling: <a href="#pageexecute">PageExecute</a> <a href="#cachepageexecute">CachePageExecute</a><br>
Cleanup: <a href="#CacheFlush">CacheFlush</a> <a href="#Close">Close</a><br>
Transactions: <a href="#begintrans">BeginTrans</a> <a href="#committrans">CommitTrans</a>
<a href="#rollbacktrans">RollbackTrans</a> <br>
Fetching Data: <a href="#adodb_fetch_mode">$ADODB_FETCH_MODE</a></font> <br>
Strings: <a href="#concat">concat</a> <a href="#qstr">qstr</a> <a href="#quote">quote</a><br>
Dates: <a href="#dbdate">DBDate</a> <a href="#dbtimestamp">DBTimeStamp</a> <a href="#unixdate">UnixDate</a>
<a href="#unixtimestamp">UnixTimeStamp</a><br>
Rows Management: <a href="#affected_rows">Affected_Rows</a> <a href="#inserted_id">Insert_ID</a>
<font size="2"><a href="#genid">GenID</a> <br>
Error Handling: </font><font size="2"><a href="#errormsg">ErrorMsg</a> <a href="#errorno">ErrorNo</a><br>
Data Dictionary (metadata): <a href="#metadatabases">MetaDatabases</a> <a href="#metatables">MetaTables</a>
<a href="#metacolumns">MetaColumns</a> <a href="#metacolumnames">MetaColumnNames</a>
<font size="2">Deprecated: <a href="#bind">Bind</a> <a href="#blankrecordset">BlankRecordSet</a></font>
<a href="#ADORecordSet"><b><br>
<font size="2">Returns one row:</font><font size="2"><a href="#fetchrow">FetchRow</a>
<a href="#fetchinto">FetchInto</a> <a href="#fetchobject">FetchObject</a> <a href="#fetchnextobject">FetchNextObject</a>
</font><font size="2"><br>
Returns all rows:</font><font size="2"><a href="#getarray">GetArray</a> <a href="#getrows">GetRows</a>
</font><font size="2"><a href="#getassoc">GetAssoc</a><br>
Scrolling:</font><font size="2"><a href="#move">Move</a> <a href="#movenext">MoveNext</a>
<a href="#movefirst">MoveFirst</a> <a href="#movelast">MoveLast</a> <a href="#abspos">AbsolutePosition</a>
<a href="#currentrow">CurrentRow</a> <a href="#atfirstpage">AtFirstPage</a>
<a href="#atlastpage">AtLastPage</a> <a href="#absolutepage">AbsolutePage</a>
</font> <font size="2"><br>
Menu generation:<a href="#getmenu">GetMenu</a> <a href="#getmenu2">GetMenu2</a><br>
Dates:<a href="#userdate">UserDate</a> <a href="#usertimestamp">UserTimeStamp</a>
<a href="#unixdate">UnixDate</a> <a href="#unixtimestamp">UnixTimeStamp<br>
</a>Recordset Info:<a href="#recordcount">RecordCount</a></font><font size="2">
<a href="#po_recordcount">PO_RecordSet</a><br>
Field Info:</font><font size="2"><a href="#fieldcount">FieldCount</a> <a href="#fetchfield">FetchField</a>
<a href="#metatype">MetaType</a></font><font size="2"><br>
Cleanup: </font><font size="2"><a href="#rsclose">Close</a></font> <br>
<font size="2">Deprecated: <a href="#getrowassoc">GetRowAssoc</a> <a href="#fields">Fields</a></font>
<p><font size="2"><a href="#rs2html"><b>rs2html</b></a>&nbsp; <a href="#exrs2html">example</a></font><br>
<a href="#adodiff">Differences between ADOdb and ADO</a><br>
<a href="#driverguide"><b>Database Driver Guide<br>
</b></a><b><a href="#changes">Change Log</a></b><br>
<h2>Introduction<a name="intro"></a></h2>
<p>PHP's database access functions are not standardised. This creates a need for
a database class library to hide the differences between the different database
API's (encapsulate the differences) so we can easily switch databases.</p>
<p>We currently support MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Sybase SQL Anywhere, Informix,
PostgreSQL, FrontBase, Interbase (Firebird and Borland variants), Foxpro, Access, ADO and ODBC. We have had successful reports of connecting
to Progress and DB2 via ODBC. We hope more people
will contribute drivers to support other databases.</p>
<p>PHP4 supports session variables. You can store your session information using
ADOdb for true portability and scalability. See ADOdb-session.php for more information.</p>
<p>Also read <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/portable_sql">http://php.weblogs.com/portable_sql</a>
(also available as tips_portable_sql.htm in the release) for tips on writing
portable SQL.</p>
<h2>Unique Features of ADOdb<a name="features"></a></h2>
<li><b>Easy for Windows programmers</b> to adapt to because many of the conventions
are similar to Microsoft's ADO.</li>
<li>Unlike other PHP database classes which focus only on select statements,
<b>we provide support code to handle inserts and updates which can be adapted
to multiple databases quickly.</b> Methods are provided for date handling,
string concatenation and string quoting characters for differing databases.</li>
<li>A<b> metatype system </b>is built in so that we can figure out that types
such as CHAR, TEXT and STRING are equivalent in different databases.</li>
<li><b>Easy to port</b> because all the database dependant code are stored in
stub functions. You do not need to port the core logic of the classes.</li>
<li><b>PHP4 session support</b>. See ADOdb-session.php.</li>
<h2>How People are using ADOdb<a name="users"></a></h2>
Here are some examples of how people are using ADOdb (for a much longer list,
visit <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/adodb-cool-applications">http://php.weblogs.com/ADOdb-cool-applications</a>):
<li><a href="http://phplens.com/">PhpLens</a> is a commercial data grid component that allows both cool Web designers and serious unshaved programmers to develop and maintain databases on the Web easily. Developed by the author of ADOdb.<p>
<li><a href="http://www.interakt.ro/phakt/">PHAkt: PHP Extension for DreamWeaver Ultradev</a> allows you to script PHP in the popular Web page editor. Database handling provided by ADOdb.<p>
<li><a href="http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/~rdanyliw/snort/snortacid.html">Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases</a> (ACID): PHP-based analysis engine to search and process a database of security incidents generated by security-related software such as IDSes and firewalls (e.g. Snort, ipchains). By Roman Danyliw.<p>
<li><a href="http://www.postnuke.com/">PostNuke</a> is a very popular free content management
system and weblog system. It offers full CSS support, HTML 4.01 transitional compliance throughout, an advanced blocks system, and is fully multi-lingual enabled. <p>
<li><a href=http://www.auto-net.no/easypublish.php?page=index&lang_id=2>EasyPublish CMS</a> is another free content management system for managing information and integrated modules on your internet, intranet- and extranet-sites. From Norway.<p>
<li><a href="http://nola.noguska.com/">NOLA</a> is a full featured accounting, inventory, and job tracking application. It is licensed under the GPL, and developed by Noguska.
<h2>Feature Requests and Bug Reports<a name="bugs"></a></h2>
<p>Feature requests and bug reports can be emailed to <a href="mailto:jlim#natsoft.com.my">jlim#natsoft.com.my</a>
or posted to the ADOdb Help forums at <a href="http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/topics.php?id=4">http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/topics.php?id=4</a>.</p>
<h2>Installation Guide<a name="install"></a></h2>
<p>Make sure you are running PHP4.01pl2 or later (it uses require_once and include_once).
Unpack all the files into a directory accessible by your webserver.</p>
<p>To test, try modifying some of the tutorial examples. Make sure you customize
the connection settings correctly. You can debug using:</p>
$db = <a href="#adonewconnection">ADONewConnection</a>($database);
$db->debug = true;
$db-><a href="#connect">Connect</a>($server, $user, $password, $database);
$rs = $db-><a href="#execute">Execute</a>('select * from some_small_table');
print &quot;&lt;pre&gt;&quot;;
print_r($rs-><a href="#getrows">GetRows</a>());
print &quot;&lt;/pre&gt;&quot;;
<h3>Code Initialization<a name="coding"></a></h3>
<p>When running ADOdb, at least two files are loaded. First is adodb.inc.php,
which contains all functions used by all database classes. The code specific
to a particular database is in the ADOdb-????.inc.php file.</p>
<p>For example, to connect to a mysql database:</p>
$conn = &amp;ADONewConnection('mysql');
<p>Whenever you need to connect to a database, you create a Connection object
using the <a name="adonewconnection">ADONewConnection</a>($driver) function.
NewADOConnection($driver) is an alternative name for the same function.</p>
<p>At this point, you are not connected to the database.
You will use <code>$conn-><a href=#connect>Connect()</a></code> or
<code>$conn-><a href=#pconnect>PConnect()</a></code> to perform the actual connection.</p>
<p>See the examples below in the Tutorial.</p>
<h3><a name="drivers"></a>Databases Supported</h3>
<table width="100%" border="1">
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">RecordCount() usable</font></b></td>
<td><b>Operating Systems</b></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">access</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">B</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Microsoft Access/Jet. You need to create an ODBC DSN.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ODBC </font></td>
<td><font size="2">Windows only</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">ado</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">B</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Generic ADO, not tuned for specific databases. Allows DSN-less
connections. For best performance, use an OLEDB provider.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">? depends on database</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ADO or OLEDB provider</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Windows only</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">ado_access</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">B</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Microsoft Access/Jet using ADO. Allows DSN-less connections.
For best performance, use an OLEDB provider.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ADO or OLEDB provider</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Windows only</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">ado_mssql</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">B</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Microsoft SQL Server using ADO. Allows DSN-less connections.
For best performance, use an OLEDB provider.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ADO or OLEDB provider</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Windows only</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td height="54"><b><font size="2">db2</font></b></td>
<td height="54"><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td height="54"><font size="2">DB2. Should work reliably as based on ODBC
<td height="54"><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td height="54"><font size="2">DB2 CLI/ODBC interface</font></td>
<td height="54">
<p><font size="2">Unix and Windows. <a href="http://www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/6283/fid/14">Unix
install hints</a>.</font></p>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">vfp</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Microsoft Visual FoxPro. You need to create an ODBC DSN.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ODBC</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Windows only</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">fbsql</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">FrontBase. </font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y</font></td>
<td><font size="2">?</font></td>
<p><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></p>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">ibase</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">B</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Interbase 6 or earlier. Some users report you might need
to use this<br>
$db->PConnect('localhost:c:/ibase/employee.gdb', "sysdba", "masterkey")
to connect. Lacks Affected_Rows currently.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Interbase client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><i><font size="2">firebird</font></i></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Firebird version of interbase.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Interbase client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><i><font size="2">borland_ibase</font></i></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Borland version of Interbase 6.5 or later. Very sad that
the forks differ.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Interbase client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">informix72</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2"> Informix databases before Informix 7.3 that do no support
SELECT FIRST.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Informix client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">informix</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Generic informix driver.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Informix client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td height="73"><b><font size="2">mssql</font></b></td>
<td height="73"><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td height="73">
<p><font size="2">Microsoft SQL Server 7. Works with Microsoft SQL Server
2000 also. Note that date formating is problematic with this driver. For
example, the PHP mssql extension does not return the seconds for datetime!</font></p>
<td height="73"><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td height="73"><font size="2">Mssql client</font></td>
<td height="73">
<p><font size="2">Unix and Windows. <a href="http://phpbuilder.com/columns/alberto20000919.php3"><br>
Unix install howto</a>.</font></p>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">mysql</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">MySQL without transaction support</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">MySQL client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><font size="2"><b>mysqlt</b> or <b>maxsql</b></font></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">MySQL with transaction support </font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">MySQL client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">oci8</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Oracle 8/9. Has more functionality than <i>oracle</i> driver
(eg. Affected_Rows). You might have to putenv('ORACLE_HOME=...') before
Connect/PConnect. </font>
<p><font size="2"> There are 2 ways of connecting - with server IP and service
name: <br>
or using an entry in the TNSNAMES.ORA or ONAMES or HOSTNAMES: <br>
<i>PConnect(false, 'scott', 'tiger', $oraname)</i>. </font>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Oracle client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">oci805</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Supports reduced Oracle functionality for Oracle 8.0.5.
SelectLimit is not as efficient as in the oci8 or oci8po drivers.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Oracle client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">oci8po</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Oracle 8/9 portable driver. This is nearly identical with
the oci8 driver except (a) bind variables in Prepare() use the ? convention,
instead of :bindvar, (b) field names use the more common PHP convention
of lowercase names. </font>
<p><font size="2">Use this driver if porting from other databases is important.
Otherwise the oci8 driver offers better performance. </font>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Oracle client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">odbc</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Generic ODBC, not tuned for specific databases. To connect,
use <br>
<td><font size="2">? depends on database</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ODBC</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. <a href="http://phpbuilder.com/columns/alberto20000919.php3?page=4">Unix
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">odbc_mssql</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Uses ODBC to connect to MSSQL</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ODBC</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. </font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">odbc_oracle</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Uses ODBC to connect to Oracle</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">ODBC</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. </font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td height="34"><b><font size="2">oracle</font></b></td>
<td height="34"><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td height="34"><font size="2">Implements old Oracle 7 client API. Use oci8
driver if possible for better performance.</font></td>
<td height="34"><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td height="34"><font size="2">Oracle client</font></td>
<td height="34"><font size="2">Unix and Windows</font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">postgres</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Generic PostgreSQL driver. Currently identical to postgres7
driver. </font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y</font></td>
<td><font size="2">PostgreSQL client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. </font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">postgres64</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">For PostgreSQL 6.4 and earlier which does not support LIMIT
<td><font size="2">Y</font></td>
<td><font size="2">PostgreSQL client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. </font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">postgres7</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">A</font></td>
<td><font size="2">PostgreSQL which supports LIMIT and other version 7 functionality.</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y</font></td>
<td><font size="2">PostgreSQL client</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Unix and Windows. </font></td>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">sqlanywhere</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Sybase SQL Anywhere. Should work reliably as based on ODBC
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">SQL Anywhere ODBC client</font></td>
<p><font size="2">?</font></p>
<tr valign="top">
<td><b><font size="2">sybase</font></b></td>
<td><font size="2">C</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Sybase. </font></td>
<td><font size="2">Y/N</font></td>
<td><font size="2">Sybase client</font></td>
<p><font size="2">Unix and Windows.</font></p>
<p>The &quot;Tested&quot; column indicates how extensively the code has been tested
and used. <br>
A = well tested and used by many people<br>
B = tested and usable, but some features might not be implemented<br>
C = user contributed or experimental driver. Might not fully support all of
the latest features of ADOdb. </p>
<p>The column &quot;RecordCount() usable&quot; indicates whether RecordCount()
return the number of rows, or returns -1 when a SELECT statement is executed.
If this column displays Y/N then the RecordCount() is emulated when the global
variable $ADODB_COUNTRECS=true, which is the default. Note that for large recordsets,
it might be better to disable RecordCount() emulation because substantial amounts
of memory are required to cache the recordset for counting. This variable is
checked every time a query is executed, so you can selectively choose which
recordsets to count.</p>
<p>All databases that support $ADODB_FETCH_MODE work with ADODB_FETCH_NUM and
ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC. How it supports ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT is implementation dependant
and might not be portable. Similarly ADODB_FETCH_BOTH is implementation dependant
and is not supported by all databases.</p>
<h1>Tutorial<a name="quickstart"></a></h1>
<h3>Example 1: Select Statement<a name="ex1"></a></h3>
<p>Task: Connect to the Access Northwind DSN, display the first 2 columns
of each row.</p>
<p>In this example, we create a ADOConnection object, which represents the connection
to the database. The connection is initiated with <a href="#pconnect"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">PConnect</font></a>,
which is a persistent connection. Whenever we want to query the database, we
call the <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ADOConnection.<a href="#execute">Execute</a>()</font>
function. This returns an ADORecordSet object which is actually a cursor that
holds the current row in the array <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">fields[]</font>.
We use <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#movenext">MoveNext</a>()</font>
to move from row to row.</p>
<p>NB: A useful function that is not used in this example is
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#selectlimit">SelectLimit</a></font>, which
allows us to limit the number of rows shown.
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#660000">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('access'); # create a connection
$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->PConnect('northwind'); # connect to MS-Access, northwind DSN
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font> = &amp;$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->Execute('select * from products');
if (!$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>)
print $<font color="#660000">conn</font>-&gt;ErrorMsg();
<b>while</b> (!$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;EOF) &#123;
<b>print</b> $<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->fields[0].' '.$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->fields[1].'&lt;BR&gt;';
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;MoveNext();
&#125;</font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->Close(); # optional
$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->Close(); # optional
<p>The $<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">recordSet</font> returned stores
the current row in the <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">$recordSet-&gt;fields</font>
array, indexed by column number (starting from zero). We use the <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#movenext">MoveNext</a>()</font>
function to move to the next row. The <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">EOF</font>
property is set to true when end-of-file is reached. If an error occurs in Execute(),
we return false instead of a recordset.</p>
<p>The <code>$recordSet-&gt;fields[]</code> array is generated by the PHP database
extension. Some database extensions only index by number and do not index the
array by field name. To force indexing by name - that is associative arrays
- use the $ADODB_FETCH_MODE global variable. Each recordset saves and uses whatever
fetch mode was set when the recordset was created in Execute() or SelectLimit().
$rs1 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
$rs2 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
print_r($rs1->fields); # shows <i>array([0]=>'v0',[1] =>'v1')</i>
print_r($rs2->fields); # shows <i>array(['col1']=>'v0',['col2'] =>'v1')</i>
<p>To get the number of rows in the select statement, you can use <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">$recordSet-&gt;<a href="#recordcount">RecordCount</a>()</font>.
Note that it can return -1 if the number of rows returned cannot be determined.</p>
<h3>Example 2: Advanced Select with Field Objects<a name="ex2"></a></h3>
<p>Select a table, display the first two columns. If the second column is a date or timestamp, reformat the date to US format.</p>
<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#660000">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('access'); # create a connection
$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->PConnect('northwind'); # connect to MS-Access, northwind dsn
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font> = &amp;$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->Execute('select CustomerID,OrderDate from Orders');
if (!$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>)
print $<font color="#660000">conn</font>-&gt;ErrorMsg();
<b>while</b> (!$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;EOF) &#123;
$<font color="#660000">fld</font> = <font color="#336600"><b>$</b><font color="#660000">recordSet</font><b>-&gt;FetchField</b></font><font color="#006600">(</font>1<font color="#006600">);</font>
$<font color="#660000">type</font> = <font color="#336600"><b>$</b><font color="#660000">recordSet</font><b>-&gt;MetaType</b></font>($fld-&gt;type);
<b>if</b> ( $<font color="#660000">type</font> == 'D' || $<font color="#660000">type</font> == 'T')
<b>print</b> $<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;fields[0].' '.
<b><font color="#336600">$</font></b><font color="#660000">recordSet</font><b><font color="#336600">-&gt;UserDate</font></b>($<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;fields[1],'<b>m/d/Y</b>').'&lt;BR&gt;';
<b>else </b>
<b>print</b> $<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->fields[0].' '.$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->fields[1].'&lt;BR&gt;';
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>-&gt;MoveNext();
&#125;</font><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
$<font color="#660000">recordSet</font>->Close(); # optional
$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->Close(); # optional
<p>In this example, we check the field type of the second column using <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#fetchfield">FetchField</a>().</font>
This returns an object with at least 3 fields.</p>
<li><b>name</b>: name of column</li>
<li> <b>type</b>: native field type of column</li>
<li> <b>max_length</b>: maximum length of field. Some databases such as MySQL
do not return the maximum length of the field correctly. In these cases max_length
will be set to -1.</li>
<p>We then use <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#metatype">MetaType</a>()</font>
to translate the native type to a <i>generic</i> type. Currently the following
<i>generic</i> types are defined:</p>
<li><b>C</b>: character fields that should be shown in a &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;
<li><b>X</b>: TeXt, large text fields that should be shown in a &lt;textarea&gt;</li>
<li><b>B</b>: Blobs, or Binary Large Objects. Typically images.
<li><b>D</b>: Date field</li>
<li><b>T</b>: Timestamp field</li>
<li><b>L</b>: Logical field (boolean or bit-field)</li>
<li><b>N</b>: Numeric field. Includes autoincrement, numeric, floating point,
real and integer. </li>
<li><b>R</b>: Serial field. Includes serial, autoincrement integers. This works for selected databases. </li>
<p>If the metatype is of type date or timestamp, then we print it using the user
defined date format with <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#userdate">UserDate</a>(),</font>
which converts the PHP SQL date string format to a user defined one. Another
use for <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#metatype">MetaType</a>()</font>
is data validation before doing an SQL insert or update.</p>
<h3>Example 3: Inserting<a name="ex3"></a></h3>
<p>Insert a row to the Orders table containing dates and strings that need to be quoted before they can be accepted by the database, eg: the single-quote in the word <i>John's</i>.</p>
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#660000">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('access'); # create a connection
$<font color="#660000">conn</font>->PConnect('northwind'); # connect to MS-Access, northwind dsn
$<font color="#660000">shipto</font> = <font color="#006600"><b>$conn-&gt;qstr</b></font>(&quot;<i>John's Old Shoppe</i>&quot;);
$<font color="#660000">sql</font> = &quot;insert into orders (customerID,EmployeeID,OrderDate,ShipName) &quot;;
$<font color="#660000">sql</font> .= &quot;values ('ANATR',2,&quot;.<b><font color="#006600">$conn-&gt;DBDate(</font>time()<font color="#006600">)</font></b><font color="#006600">.</font>&quot;,$<font color="#660000">shipto</font>)&quot;;
<b>if</b> ($<font color="#660000">conn</font>->Execute($<font color="#660000">sql</font>) <font color="#336600"><b>=== false</b></font>) &#123;
<b>print</b> 'error inserting: '.<font color="#336600"><b>$conn-&gt;ErrorMsg()</b></font>.'&lt;BR&gt;';
<p>In this example, we see the advanced date and quote handling facilities of
ADOdb. The unix timestamp (which is a long integer) is appropriately formated
for Access with <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#dbdate">DBDate</a>()</font>,
and the right escape character is used for quoting the <i>John's Old Shoppe</i>,
which is<b> </b><i>John'<b>'</b>s Old Shoppe</i> and not PHP's default <i>John<b>'</b>s
Old Shoppe</i> with <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#qstr">qstr</a>()</font>.
<p>Observe the error-handling of the Execute statement. False is returned by<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">
<a href="#execute">Execute</a>() </font>if an error occured. The error message
for the last error that occurred is displayed in <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#errormsg">ErrorMsg</a>()</font>.
Note: <i>php_track_errors</i> might have to be enabled for error messages to
be saved.</p>
<h3> Example 4: Debugging<a name="ex4"></a></h3>
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#663300">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('access'); # create a connection
$<font color="#663300">conn</font>->PConnect('northwind'); # connect to MS-Access, northwind dsn
<font color="#000000">$<font color="#663300">shipto</font> = <b>$conn-&gt;qstr</b>(&quot;John's Old Shoppe&quot;);
$<font color="#663300">sql</font> = &quot;insert into orders (customerID,EmployeeID,OrderDate,ShipName) &quot;;
$<font color="#663300">sql</font> .= &quot;values ('ANATR',2,&quot;.$<font color="#663300">conn</font>-&gt;FormatDate(time()).&quot;,$shipto)&quot;;
<b><font color="#336600">$<font color="#663300">conn</font>-&gt;debug = true;</font></b>
<b>if</b> ($<font color="#663300">conn</font>->Execute($sql) <b>=== false</b>) <b>print</b> 'error inserting';</font>
<p>In the above example, we have turned on debugging by setting <b>debug = true</b>.
This will display the SQL statement before execution, and also show any error
messages. There is no need to call <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#errormsg">ErrorMsg</a>()</font>
in this case. For displaying the recordset, see the <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#exrs2html">rs2html</a>()
<p>Also see the section on <a href=#errorhandling>Custom Error Handlers</a>.</p>
<h3>Example 5: MySQL and Menus<a name="ex5"></a></h3>
<p>Connect to MySQL database <i>agora</i>, and generate a &lt;select&gt; menu
from an SQL statement where the &lt;option&gt; captions are in the 1st column,
and the value to send back to the server is in the 2nd column.</p>
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#663300">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('mysql'); # create a connection
$<font color="#663300">conn</font>->PConnect('localhost','userid','','agora');# connect to MySQL, agora db
<font color="#000000">$<font color="#663300">sql</font> = 'select CustomerName, CustomerID from customers';
$<font color="#663300">rs</font> = $<font color="#663300">conn</font>->Execute($sql);
<b>print</b> <b><font color="#336600">$<font color="#663300">rs</font>-&gt;GetMenu('GetCust','Mary Rosli');
<p>Here we define a menu named GetCust, with the menu option 'Mary Rosli' selected.
See <a href="#getmenu"><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">GetMenu</font></a><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">()</font>.
We also have functions that return the recordset as an array: <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><a href="#getarray">GetArray</a>()</font>,
and as an associative array with the key being the first column: <a href="#getassoc">GetAssoc</a>().</p>
Aslo new to ADOdb 1.50 or later is the global variable $ADODB_FETCH_MODE. This allows you to define
whether you want associative or numeric indexing for your arrays.<p>
<h3>Example 6: Connecting to 2 Databases At Once<a name="ex6"></a></h3>
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#663300">conn1</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('mysql'); # create a mysql connection
$<font color="#663300">conn2</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('oracle'); # create a oracle connection
$conn1-&gt;PConnect($server, $userid, $password, $database);
$conn2-&gt;PConnect(false, $ora_userid, $ora_pwd, $oraname);
$conn1-&gt;Execute('insert ...');
$conn2-&gt;Execute('update ...');
<h3>Example 7: Generating Update and Insert SQL<a name="ex7"></a></h3>
ADOdb 1.31 and later supports two new recordset functions: GetUpdateSQL( ) and
GetInsertSQL( ). This allow you to perform a "SELECT * FROM table query WHERE...",
make a copy of the $rs->fields, modify the fields, and then generate the SQL to
update or insert into the table automatically.
We show how the functions can be used when
accessing a table with the following fields: (ID, FirstName, LastName, Created).
Before these functions can be called, you need to initialize the recordset by
performing a select on the table. Idea and code by Jonathan Younger jyounger#unilab.com.
# SAMPLE GetUpdateSQL() and GetInsertSQL() code
# This code tests an insert
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ADOXYZ WHERE id = -1";
# Select an empty record from the database
$conn = &ADONewConnection("mysql"); # create a connection
$conn->PConnect("localhost", "admin", "", "test"); # connect to MySQL, testdb
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql); # Execute the query and get the empty recordset
$record = array(); # Initialize an array to hold the record data to insert
# Set the values for the fields in the record
$record["firstname"] = "Bob";
$record["lastname"] = "Smith";
$record["created"] = time();
# Pass the empty recordset and the array containing the data to insert
# into the GetInsertSQL function. The function will process the data and return
# a fully formatted insert sql statement.
$insertSQL = $conn->GetInsertSQL($rs, $record);
$conn->Execute($insertSQL); # Insert the record into the database
# This code tests an update
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ADOXYZ WHERE id = 1";
# Select a record to update
$rs = $conn->Execute($sql); # Execute the query and get the existing record to update
$record = array(); # Initialize an array to hold the record data to update
# Set the values for the fields in the record
$record["firstname"] = "Caroline";
$record["lastname"] = "Smith"; # Update Caroline's lastname from Miranda to Smith
# Pass the single record recordset and the array containing the data to update
# into the GetUpdateSQL function. The function will process the data and return
# a fully formatted update sql statement with the correct WHERE clause.
# If the data has not changed, no recordset is returned
$updateSQL = $conn->GetUpdateSQL($rs, $record);
$conn->Execute($updateSQL); # Update the record in the database
<h3>Example 8: Implementing Scrolling with Next and Previous<a name="ex8"></a></h3>
<p> The following code creates a very simple recordset pager, where you can scroll
from page to page of a recordset.</p>
$db = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$sql = "select * from adoxyz ";
$pager = new ADODB_Pager($db,$sql);
<p>This will create a basic record pager that looks like this: <a name=scr></a>
<table border=1 bgcolor=beige><tr>
<td> <a href="#scr"><code>|&lt;</code></a> &nbsp; <a href="#scr"><code>&lt;&lt;</code></a>
&nbsp; <a href="#scr"><code>>></code></a> &nbsp; <a href="#scr"><code>>|</code></a>
&nbsp; </td>
</tr><tr><td><TABLE COLS=4 width=100% border=1 bgcolor=white>
<TH>ID</TH><TH>First Name</TH><TH>Last Name</TH><TH>Date Created</TH>
<TD align=right>36&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sat 06, Oct 2001&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align=right>37&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sat 06, Oct 2001&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align=right>38&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Yat Sun&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sat 06, Oct 2001&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align=right>39&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Wai Hun&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sat 06, Oct 2001&nbsp;</TD>
<TD align=right>40&nbsp;</TD>
<TD>Sat 06, Oct 2001&nbsp;</TD>
</td></tr><tr><td><font size=-1>Page 8/10</font></td></tr></table>
<p>The number of rows to display at one time is controled by the Render($rows)
method. If you do not pass any value to Render(), ADODB_Pager will default to
10 records per page.
<p>You can control the column titles by modifying your SQL (supported by most
<pre>$sql = 'select id as &quot;ID&quot;, firstname as &quot;First Name&quot;,
lastname as &quot;Last Name&quot;, created as &quot;Date Created&quot; <br> from adoxyz';</pre>
<p>The above code can be found in the <i>adodb/tests/testpaging.php</i> example
included with this release, and the class ADODB_Pager in <i>adodb/adodb-pager.inc.php</i>.
The ADODB_Pager code can be adapted by a programmer so that the text links can
be replaced by images, and the dull white background be replaced with more interesting
<p>Some of the code used here was contributed by Iv&aacute;n Oliva and Cornel
G. </p>
<h2><a name="errorhandling"></a>Using Custom Error Handlers and PEAR_Error</h2>
Apart from the old $con->debug = true; way of debugging, ADOdb 1.50 onwards provides
another way of handling errors using ADOdb's custom error handlers.
ADOdb provides two custom handlers which you can modify for your needs.
The first one is in the <b>ADOdb-errorhandler.inc.php</b> file. This makes
use of the standard PHP functions <a href=http://php.net/error_reporting>error_reporting</a>
to control what error messages types to display,
and <a href=http://php.net/trigger_error>trigger_error</a> which invokes the default
PHP error handler.
Including the above file will cause <i>trigger_error($errorstring,E_USER_ERROR)</i>
to be called when<br>
(a) Connect() or PConnect() fails, or <br>
(b) a function that executes SQL statements such as Execute() or SelectLimit() has an error.<br>
(c) GenID() appears to go into an infinite loop.
The $errorstring is generated by ADOdb and will contain useful debugging information similar
to the error.log data generated below.
This file ADOdb-errorhandler.inc.php should be included before you create any ADOConnection objects.
If you define error_reporting(0), no errors will be shown.
If you set error_reporting(E_ALL), all errors will be displayed on the screen.
<b>error_reporting(E_ALL); # show any error messages triggered
$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); #invalid table productsz');
if ($rs) $rs2html($rs);
If you want to log the error message, you can do so by defining the following optional
the error log message type (see <a href=http://php.net/error_log>error_log</a>
in the PHP manual). In this case we set
it to 3, which means log to the file defined by the constant ADODB_ERROR_LOG_DEST.
<b>error_reporting(0); # do not echo any errors
$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); ## invalid table productsz
if ($rs) $rs2html($rs);
The following message will be logged in the error.log file:
(2001-10-28 14:20:38) mysql error: [1146: Table 'northwind.productsz' doesn't exist] in
EXECUTE("select * from productsz")
The second error handler is <b>ADOdb-errorpear.inc.php</b>. This will create a
PEAR_Error derived object whenever an error occurs. The last PEAR_Error object
created can be retrieved using ADODB_Pear_Error().
$c = NewADOConnection('mysql');
$rs=$c->Execute('select * from productsz'); #invalid table productsz');
if ($rs) $rs2html($rs);
else &#123;
<b>$e = ADODB_Pear_Error();
echo '&lt;p>',$e->message(),'&lt;/p>';</b>
<b>IMPORTANT NOTE: </b>Some buggy database extensions are known to commit all outstanding
tranasactions, so you might want to do an explicit $DB->RollbackTrans() in your
user-defined error handler. At the time of writing, Interbase is known to have this problem.
You can use a PEAR_Error derived class by defining the constant ADODB_PEAR_ERROR_CLASS
before the ADOdb-errorpear.inc.php file is included. For easy debugging, you can
set the default error handler in the beginning of the PHP script to PEAR_ERROR_DIE,
which will cause an error message to be printed, then halt script execution:
<p> Note that we do not explicitly return a PEAR_Error object to you when an error
occurs. We return false instead. You have to call ADODB_Pear_Error() to get
the last error or use the PEAR_ERROR_DIE technique.
<h2><a name="dsn"></a> Data Source Names</h2>
<p>We now support connecting using PEAR style DSN's. A DSN is a connection string
of the form:</p>
<p>$dsn = <i>&quot;$driver://$username:$password@$hostname/$databasename&quot;</i>;</p>
<p>You pass the DSN to the static class function DB::Connect. An example:</p>
<pre> include_once('../adodb/adodb-pear.inc.php');
$username = 'root';
$password = '';
$hostname = 'localhost';
$databasename = 'xphplens';
$driver = 'mysql';
$dsn = &quot;$driver://$username:$password@$hostname/$databasename&quot;;</pre>
<pre> $db = DB::Connect($dsn);<br> $rs = $db-&gt;Execute('select firstname,lastname from adoxyz');
$cnt = 0;
while ($arr = $rs-&gt;FetchRow()) {
print_r($arr); print &quot;&lt;br&gt;&quot;;
<p>This requires PEAR to be installed and in the default include path in php.ini.</p>
<h2><a name="caching"></a>Caching of Recordsets</h2>
<p>ADOdb now supports caching of recordsets using the CacheExecute( ),
CachePageExecute( ) and CacheSelectLimit( ) functions. There are similar to the
non-cache functions, except that they take a new first parameter, $secs2cache.
<p> An example:
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$ADODB_CACHE_DIR = '/usr/ADODB_cache';
$<font color="#663300">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('mysql'); # create a connection
$<font color="#663300">conn</font>->PConnect('localhost','userid','','agora');# connect to MySQL, agora db
<font color="#000000">$<font color="#663300">sql</font> = 'select CustomerName, CustomerID from customers';
$<font color="#663300">rs</font> = $<font color="#663300">conn</font>->CacheExecute(15,$sql);</font></pre>
<p><font color="#000000"> The first parameter is the number of seconds to cache
the query. Subsequent calls to that query will used the cached version stored
in $ADODB_CACHE_DIR. To force a query to execute and flush the cache, call CacheExecute()
with the first parameter set to zero. Alternatively, use the CacheFlush($sql)
call. </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">For the sake of security, we recommend you set <i>register_globals=off</i>
in php.ini if you are using $ADODB_CACHE_DIR.</font></p>
<p>In ADOdb 1.80 onwards, the secs2cache parameter is optional in CacheSelectLimit() and
CacheExecute(). If you leave it out, it will use the $connection->cacheSecs parameter, which defaults
to 60 minutes.
$conn->cacheSecs = 3600*24; # cache 24 hours
$rs = $conn->CacheExecute('select * from table');
<font color="#000000">
<h1>Class Reference<a name="Ref"></a></h1>
<p>Function parameters with [ ] around them are optional.</p>
<h2>Global Variables</h2>
<p>If the database driver API does not support counting the number of records
returned in a SELECT statement, the function RecordCount() is emulated when
the global variable $ADODB_COUNTRECS is set to true, which is the default. We
emulate this by buffering the records, which can take up large amounts of memory
for big recordsets. Set this variable to false for the best performance. This
variable is checked every time a query is executed, so you can selectively choose
which recordsets to count.</p>
<h3><font color="#000000">$ADODB_CACHE_DIR</font></h3>
<font color="#000000">
<p>If you are using recordset caching, this is the directory to save your recordsets
in. Define this before you call any caching functions such as CacheExecute(
). We recommend setting <i>register_globals=off</i> in php.ini if you use this
feature for security reasons.</p>
<p>If you are using Unix and apache, you might need to set your cache directory
permissions to something similar to the following:</p>
<p>chown -R apache /path/to/adodb/cache<br>
chgrp -R apache /path/to/adodb/cache <font color="#000000"> </font></p>
<font color="#000000">
<h3><a name="adodb_fetch_mode"></a>$ADODB_FETCH_MODE</h3>
<p>This is a global variable that determines how arrays are retrieved by recordsets.
The recordset saves this value on creation (eg. in Execute( ) or SelectLimit(
)), and any subsequent changes to $ADODB_FETCH_MODE have no affect on existing
recordsets, only on recordsets created in the future.</p>
<p>The following constants are defined:</p>
<p><font color="#000000">define('ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT',0);<br>
define('ADODB_FETCH_BOTH',3); </font></p>
<font color="#000000">
<p> An example:
$rs1 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
$rs2 = $db->Execute('select * from table');
print_r($rs1->fields); # shows <i>array([0]=>'v0',[1] =>'v1')</i>
print_r($rs2->fields); # shows <i>array(['col1']=>'v0',['col2'] =>'v1')</i>
<p> As you can see in the above example, both recordsets store and use different
fetch modes based on the $ADODB_FETCH_MODE setting when the recordset was created
by Execute().</p>
<p>If no fetch mode is predefined, the fetch mode defaults to ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT.
The behaviour of this default mode varies from driver to driver, so do not rely
on ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT. For portability, we recommend sticking to ADODB_FETCH_NUM
or ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC. Many drivers do not support ADODB_FETCH_BOTH.</p>
<h2>ADOConnection<a name="ADOConnection"></a></h2>
<p>Object that performs the connection to the database, executes SQL statements
and has a set of utility functions for standardising the format of SQL statements
for issues such as concatenation and date formats.</p>
<h3>ADOConnection Fields</h3>
<p><b>databaseType</b>: Name of the database system we are connecting to. Eg.
<b>odbc</b> or <b>mssql</b> or <b>mysql</b>.</p>
<p><b>dataProvider</b>: The underlying mechanism used to connect to the database.
Normally set to <b>native</b>, unless using <b>odbc</b> or <b>ado</b>.</p>
<p><b>host: </b>Name of server or data source name (DSN) to connect to.</p>
<p><b>database</b>: Name of the database or to connect to. If ado is used, it
will hold the ado data provider.</p>
<p><b>user</b>: Login id to connect to database. Password is not saved for security
<p><b>raiseErrorFn</b>: Allows you to define an error handling function. See ADOdb-errorhandler.inc.php
for an example.</p>
<p><b>debug</b>: Set to <i>true</i> to make debug statements to appear.</p>
<p><b>concat_operator</b>: Set to '+' or '||' normally. The operator used to concatenate
strings in SQL. Used by the <b><a href="#concat">Concat</a></b> function.</p>
<p><b>fmtDate</b>: The format used by the <b><a href="#dbdate">DBDate</a></b>
function to send dates to the database. is '#Y-m-d#' for Microsoft Access, and
''Y-m-d'' for MySQL.</p>
<p><b>fmtTimeStamp: </b>The format used by the <b><a href="#dbtimestamp">DBTimeStamp</a></b>
function to send timestamps to the database. </p>
<p><b>true</b>: The value used to represent true.Eg. '.T.'. for Foxpro, '1' for
Microsoft SQL.</p>
<p><b>false: </b> The value used to represent false. Eg. '.F.'. for Foxpro, '0'
for Microsoft SQL.</p>
<p><b>replaceQuote</b>: The string used to escape quotes. Eg. double single-quotes
for Microsoft SQL, and backslash-quote for MySQL. Used by <a href="#qstr">qstr</a>.</p>
<p><b>autoCommit</b>: indicates whether automatic commit is enabled. Default is
<p><b>charSet</b>: set the default charset to use. Currently only interbase supports
<p><b>dialect</b>: set the default sql dialect to use. Currently only interbase supports
<p><b>metaTablesSQL</b>: SQL statement to return a list of available tables. Eg.
<i>SHOW TABLES</i> in MySQL.</p>
<p><b>genID</b>: The latest id generated by GenID() if supported by the database.</p>
<p><b>cacheSecs</b>: The number of seconds to cache recordsets if CacheExecute()
or CacheSelectLimit() do not define the $secs2cache parameter.</p>
<p><b>sysDate</b>: String that holds the name of the database function to call to get the current date. Useful for inserts and updates.</p>
<p><b>sysTimeStamp</b>: String that holds the name of the database function to call to get the current timestamp/datetime value.</p>
<h3>ADOConnection Main Functions</h3>
<p><b>ADOConnection( )</b></p>
<p>Constructor function. Do not call this directly. Use ADONewConnection( ) instead.</p>
<p><b>Connect<a name="Connect"></a>($host,[$user],[$password],[$database])</b></p>
<p>Non-persistent connect to data source or server $<b>host</b>, using userid
$<b>user </b>and password $<b>password</b>. If the server supports multiple
databases, connect to database $<b>database</b>. </p>
<p>Returns true/false depending on connection.</p>
<p>ADO Note: If you are using a Microsoft ADO and not OLEDB, you can set the $database
parameter to the OLEDB data provider you are using.</p>
<p>PostgreSQL: An alternative way of connecting to the database is to pass the
standard PostgreSQL connection string in the first parameter $host, and the
other parameters will be ignored.</p>
<p>For Oracle and Oci8, there are two ways to connect. First is to use the TNS
name defined in your local tnsnames.ora (or ONAMES or HOSTNAMES). Place the name
in the $database field,
and set the $host field to false. Alternatively, set $host to the server, and
$database to the database SID, this bypassed tnsnames.ora.
<pre> # $oraname in tnsnames.ora/ONAMES/HOSTNAMES
$conn->Connect(false, 'scott', 'tiger', $oraname);
$conn->Connect('server:1521', 'scott', 'tiger', 'ServiceName'); # bypass tnsnames.ora</pre>
<p>There are many examples of connecting to a database at <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/adodb">php.weblogs.com/ADOdb</a>,
and in the testdatabases.inc.php file included in the release.</p>
<p><b>PConnect<a name="PConnect"></a>($host,[$user],[$password],[$database])</b></p>
<p>Persistent connect to data source or server $<b>host</b>, using userid $<b>user</b>
and password $<b>password</b>. If the server supports multiple databases, connect
to database $<b>database</b>.</p>
<p>Returns true/false depending on connection. See Connect( ) above for more info.</p>
<p><b>Execute<a name="Execute"></a>($sql,$inputarr=false)</b></p>
<p>Execute SQL statement $<b>sql</b> and return derived class of ADORecordSet
if successful. Note that a record set is always returned on success, even if
we are executing an insert or update statement.</p>
<p>Returns derived class of ADORecordSet. Eg. if connecting via mysql, then ADORecordSet_mysql
would be returned. False is returned if there was an error in executing the
<p>The $inputarr parameter can be used for binding variables to parameters. Below
is an Oracle example:</p>
$conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COND=:val", array('val'=> $val));
<p>Another example, using ODBC,which uses the ? convention:</p>
$conn->Execute("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COND=?", array($val));
<i>Binding variables</i><br>
Variable binding speeds the compilation and caching of SQL statements, leading
to higher performance. Currently Oracle and ODBC support variable binding. ODBC
style ? binding is emulated in databases that do not support binding.
<p> Variable binding in the odbc and oci8po drivers.
$rs = $db->Execute('select * from table where val=?', array('10'));
Variable binding in the oci8 driver.
$rs = $db->Execute('select name from table where val=:key',
array('key' => 10));
<p><b>CacheExecute<a name="CacheExecute"></a>($secs2cache,$sql,$inputarr=false)</b></p>
<p>Similar to Execute, except that the recordset is cached for $secs2cache seconds
in the $ADODB_CACHE_DIR directory. If CacheExecute() is called again with the
same parameters, same database, same userid, same password, and the cached recordset
has not expired, the cached recordset is returned.
$ADODB_<b>CACHE_DIR</b> = '/usr/local/ADOdbcache';
$conn = &ADONewConnection('mysql');
$rs = $conn-><b>CacheExecute</b>(15, 'select * from table'); # cache 15 secs
rs2html($rs); /* recordset to html table */
<p> Alternatively, since ADOdb 1.80, the $secs2cache parameter is optional:</p>
<pre> $conn-&gt;Connect(...);
$conn-&gt;cacheSecs = 3600*24; // cache 24 hours
$rs = $conn-&gt;CacheExecute('select * from table');
<p>If multiple calls to CacheExecute() are made and the recordset is still cached,
the $secs2cache parameter does not prolong the time the recordset is cached
(it is ignored). Use CacheExecute() only with SELECT statements.</p>
<p>Performance note: I have done some benchmarks and found that they vary so greatly
that it's better to talk about when caching is of benefit. When your database
server is <i>much slower </i>than your Web server or the database is <i>very
overloaded </i>then ADOdb's caching is good because it reduces the load on your
database server. If your database server is lightly loaded or much faster than
your Web server, then caching could actually reduce performance. </p>
<p><b>SelectLimit<a name="SelectLimit"></a>($sql,$numrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false)</b></p>
<p>Returns a recordset if successful. Returns false otherwise. Performs a select
statement, simulating PostgreSQL's SELECT statement, LIMIT $numrows OFFSET $offset
<p>In PostgreSQL, SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 3 will return the first 3 records
only. The equivalent is <code>$connection->SelectLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE',3)</code>.
This functionality is simulated for databases that do not possess this feature.</p>
<p>And SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 3 OFFSET 2 will return records 3, 4 and 5 (eg.
after record 2, return 3 rows). The equivalent in ADOdb is <code>$connection->SelectLimit('SELECT
* FROM TABLE',3,2)</code>.</p>
<p>Note that this is the <i>opposite</i> of MySQL's LIMIT clause. You can also
set <code>$connection->SelectLimit('SELECT * FROM TABLE',-1,10)</code> to get
rows 11 to the last row.</p>
<p>The last parameter $inputarr is for databases that support variable binding
such as Oracle oci8. This substantially reduces SQL compilation overhead. Below
is an Oracle example:</p>
$conn->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COND=:val", 100,-1,array('val'=> $val));
<p>The oci8po driver (oracle portable driver) uses the more standard bind variable
of ?:
$conn->SelectLimit("SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COND=?", 100,-1,array('val'=> $val));
<p>Ron Wilson reports that SelectLimit does not work with UNIONs and suggested
the following solution for mssql:
>In addition, I found a way to structure the Select Union so that it will
> work with the optimization in place. It works under MS-SQL, don't know
> about the others... When updating the help file, you could use this as an
> example of how to structure the SQL --
<i>No it doesn't work with MySQL -- John<br></i>>
> Change:
> Select column1 From table1
> Union
> Select column2 From table2
> To:
> Select * From (
> Select column1 From table1
> Union
> Select column2 From table2
> )
> As dummytable
> Ron</pre>
<p><b>CacheSelectLimit<a name="CacheSelectLimit"></a>($secs2cache, $sql, $numrows=-1,$offset=-1,$inputarr=false)</b></p>
<p>Similar to SelectLimit, except that the recordset returned is cached for $secs2cache
seconds in the $ADODB_CACHE_DIR directory. </p>
<p>Since 1.80, $secs2cache has been optional:</p>
<pre><font color="#000000"> $conn-&gt;Connect(...);
$conn-&gt;cacheSecs = 3600*24; // cache 24 hours
$rs = $conn-&gt;CacheSelectLimit('select * from table',10);</font></pre>
<font color="#000000">
<p><b>CacheFlush<a name="CacheFlush"></a>($sql)</b></p>
<p>Flush (delete) any cached recordsets for the SQL statement $sql in $ADODB_CACHE_DIR.
If you want to flush all cached recordsets, execute the following PHP code (works
only under Unix): <code>system(&quot;rm -f `find &quot;.ADODB_CACHE_DIR.&quot;
-name ADODB_*.cache`&quot;);</code></p>
<p>For general cleanup of all expired files, you should use <a href="http://www.superscripts.com/tutorial/crontab.html">crontab</a>
on Unix, or at.exe on Windows, and a shell script similar to the following:</p>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">#------------------------------------------------------
# <br>
# Everything between the 3 lines above and their matching <br>
# lines at the bottom of this section show you how to <br>
# delete any log files whose modification time <br>
# is older than AGED. The AGED variable can be coded in the <br>
# script or passed on the command line. <br>
#------------------------------------------------------ <br>
# This particular example deletes files in the TMPPATH <br>
# directory with the string &quot;.cache&quot; in their name that <br>
# are more than 7 days old. <br>
#------------------------------------------------------ <br>
AGED=7 <br>
if [[ ${AGED} -lt 31 ]] then <br>
find ${TMPPATH} -mtime $AGED | grep &quot;\.cache&quot; | xargs rm -f <br>
<p><b>ErrorMsg<a name="ErrorMsg"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Returns the last status or error message. This can return a string even if
no error occurs. In general you do not need to call this function unless an
ADOdb function returns false on an error. </p>
<p>Note: If <b>debug</b> is enabled, the SQL error message is always displayed
when the <b>Execute</b> function is called.</p>
<p><b>ErrorNo<a name="errorno"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Returns the last error number. Note that old versions of PHP (pre 4.0.6) do
not support error number for ODBC. In general you do not need to call this function
unless an ADOdb function returns false on an error.</p>
<p><b>GenID<a name="genid"></a>($seqName = 'ADOdbseq',$startID=1)</b></p>
<p>Generate a sequence number (an integer except for mssql). Works for interbase,
mysql, postgresql, oci8, oci8po, mssql, ODBC based (access,vfp,db2,etc) drivers
currently. Uses $seqName as the name of the sequence. GenID() will automatically
create the sequence for you if it does not exist (provided the userid has permission
to do so). Otherwise you will have to create the sequence yourself.
<p> If your database driver emulates sequences, the name of the table is the sequence
name. The table has one column, "id" which should be of type integer, or if
you need something larger - numeric(16).
<p> For ODBC and databases that do not support sequences natively (eg mssql, mysql),
we create a table for each sequence. If the sequence has not been defined earlier,
it is created with the starting value set in $startID.</p>
<p>Note that the mssql driver's GenID() used to generate 16 byte GUID's. We now
return integers since 1.90.</p>
<p><b>UpdateBlob<a name="updateblob"></a>($table,$column,$val,$where)</b></p>
Allows you to store a blob (in $val) into $table into $column in a row at $where.
<p> Usage:
# for oracle
$conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, empty_blob())');
# non oracle databases
$conn->Execute('INSERT INTO blobtable (id, blobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
<p> Returns true if succesful, false otherwise. Supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL,
Oci8, Oci8po and Interbase drivers. Other drivers might work, depending on the
state of development.</p>
<p>Note that when an Interbase blob is retrieved using SELECT, it still needs
to be decoded using $connection->DecodeBlob($blob); to derive the original value
in versions of PHP before 4.1.0.
<p><b>UpdateClob<a name="updateclob"></a>($table,$column,$val,$where)</b></p>
Allows you to store a clob (in $val) into $table into $column in a row at $where.
Similar to UpdateBlob (see above), but for Character Large OBjects.
<p> Usage:
# for oracle
$conn->Execute('INSERT INTO clobtable (id, clobcol) VALUES (1, empty_clob())');
# non oracle databases
$conn->Execute('INSERT INTO clobtable (id, clobcol) VALUES (1, null)');
<p><b>UpdateBlobFile<a name="updateblobfile"></a>($table,$column,$path,$where,$blobtype='BLOB')</b></p>
<p>Similar to UpdateBlob, except that we pass in a file path to where the blob
<p>returns true if successful, false otherwise.
<p><b>Replace<a name="replace"></a>($table, $arrFields, $keyCols,$autoQuote=false)</b></p>
<p>Try to update a record, and if the record is not found,
an insert statement is generated and executed.
Returns 0 on failure, 1 if update statement worked, 2 if no record
was found and the insert was executed successfully. This differs from the MySQL replace which deletes
the record and inserts a new record. This also means you cannot update the primary key.
<p>The parameters are $table which is the table name, the $keyCols which is an associative array where
the keys are the field names, and keyCols is the name of the primary key, or an array of field names if
it is a compound key. If $autoQuote is set to true, then Replace() will quote all values that are non-numeric;
auto-quoting will not quote nulls. Note that auto-quoting will not work if you use SQL functions or operators.
# single field primary key
$ret = $db->Replace('atable',
'firstname',$autoquote = true);
# generates UPDATE atable SET firstname='Harun',lastname='Al-Rashid' WHERE id=1000
# or INSERT INTO atable (id,firstname,lastname) VALUES (1000,'Harun','Al-Rashid')
# compound key
$ret = $db->Replace('atable2',
array('firstname'=>'Harun','lastname'=>'Al-Rashid', 'age' => 33, 'birthday' => 'null'),
'firstname',$autoquote = true);
# no auto-quoting
$ret = $db->Replace('atable2',
array('firstname'=>"'Harun'",'lastname'=>"'Al-Rashid'", 'age' => 'null'),
<p><b>GetUpdateSQL<a name="getupdatesql"></a>(&$rs, $arrFields, $forceUpdate=false,$magicq=false)</b></p>
<p>Generate SQL to update a table given a recordset $rs, and the modified fields
of the array $arrFields (which must be an associative array holding the column
names and the new values) are compared with the current recordset. If $forceUpdate
is true, then we also generate the SQL even if $arrFields is identical to $rs-&gt;fields.
Requires the recordset to be associative. $magicq is used to indicate whether
magic quotes are enabled (see qstr()).</p>
<p><b>GetInsertSQL<a name="getinsertsql"></a>(&$rs, $arrFields,$magicq=false)</b></p>
<p>Generate SQL to insert into a table given a recordset $rs. Requires the query
to be associative. $magicq is used to indicate whether magic quotes are enabled
(for qstr()).</p>
<b>PageExecute<a name="pageexecute"></a>($sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false)</b>
<p>Used for pagination of recordset. $page is 1-based. See <a href="#ex8">Example
<p><font color="#000000"><b>CachePageExecute<a name="cachepageexecute"></a>($secs2cache,
$sql, $nrows, $page, $inputarr=false)</b> </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Used for pagination of recordset. $page is 1-based. See
<a href="#ex8">Example 8</a>. Caching version of PageExecute.</font></p>
<font color="#000000">
<p><b>Close<a name="Close"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Close the database connection. PHP4 proudly states that we no longer have to
clean up at the end of the connection because the reference counting mechanism
of PHP4 will automatically clean up for us.</p>
<p><b>BeginTrans<a name="Begintrans"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Begin a transaction. Turns off autoCommit. Returns true if successful. Some
databases will always return false if transaction support is not available.
Interbase, Oracle and MSSQL support transactions. Any open transactions will
be rolled back when the connection is closed.</p>
The following is the wrong way to use transactions:
$DB->Execute("update table1 set val=$val1 where id=$id");
$DB->Execute("update table2 set val=$val2 where id=$id");
<p>because you perform no error checking. It is possible to update table1 and for
the update on table2 to fail. Here is a better way:
$ok = $DB->Execute("update table1 set val=$val1 where id=$id");
if ($ok) $ok = $DB->Execute("update table2 set val=$val2 where id=$id");
if ($ok) $DB->CommitTrans();
else $DB->RollbackTrans();
<p>Another way is (since ADOdb 2.0):
$ok = $DB->Execute("update table1 set val=$val1 where id=$id");
if ($ok) $ok = $DB->Execute("update table2 set val=$val2 where id=$id");
<p>You can also use the ADOdb <a href=#errorhandling>error handler</a> to die and
rollback your transactions for you transparently. Some buggy database extensions are known
to commit all outstanding tranasactions, so you might want to explicitly do a
$DB->RollbackTrans() in your error handler for safety.
<p><b>CommitTrans<a name="CommitTrans"></a>($ok=true)</b></p>
<p>End a transaction successfully. Returns true if successful. If the database
does not support transactions, will return true also as data is always committed.
<p>If you pass the parameter $ok=false, the data is rolled back. See example in BeginTrans().</p>
<p><b>RollbackTrans<a name="RollbackTrans"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>End a transaction, rollback all changes. Returns true if successful. If the
database does not support transactions, will return false as data is never rollbacked.
<p><b>GetOne<a name="getone"></a>($sql)</b></p>
<p>Executes the SQL and returns the first field of the first row. The recordset
and remaining rows are discarded for you automatically. If an error occur, false
is returned.</p>
<p><b>GetRow<a name="getrow"></a>($sql)</b></p>
<p>Executes the SQL and returns the first row as an array. The recordset and remaining
rows are discarded for you automatically. If an error occurs, false is returned.</p>
<p><b>Prepare<a name="Prepare"></a>($sql )</b></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Prepares an SQL query for repeated execution. Only supported
internally by interbase, oci8 and selected ODBC-based drivers, otherwise it
is emulated. There is no performance advantage to using Prepare() with emulation.
<p><font color="#000000">Returns an array containing the original sql statement
in the first array element; the remaining elements of the array are driver dependent.
If there is an error, or we are emulating Prepare( ), we return the original
$sql string. This is because all error-handling has been centralized in Execute(
). </font></p>
<pre><font color="#000000">$stmt = $DB-&gt;Prepare('insert into table (col1,col2) values (?,?)');
for ($i=0; $i &lt; $max; $i++)<br></font> $DB-&gt;<font color="#000000">Execute($stmt,array((string) rand(), $i));
</font></pre><font color="#000000">
<p><b>PrepareSP</b><b><a name="preparesp"></a></b><b>($sql)</b></p>
<p>In the mssql driver, preparing stored procedures requires a special function
call, mssql_init( ), which is called by this function. PrepareSP( ) is available
in all other drivers, and is emulated by calling Prepare( ). For examples of
usage, see Parameter( ) below.</p>
<p>Returns the same array or $sql string as Prepare( ) above.</p>
<p><b> Parameter<a name="parameter"></a>($stmt, $var, $name, $isOutput=false,
$maxLen = 4000, $type = false )</b></p>
<p>Adds a bind parameter in a fashion that is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server
and Oracle oci8. The parameters are:<br>
$<i><b>stmt</b></i> Statement returned by Prepare() or PrepareSP().<br>
$<i><b>var</b></i> PHP variable to bind to.<br>
$<i><b>name</b></i> Name of stored procedure variable name to bind to.<br>
[$<i><b>isOutput</b></i>] Indicates direction of parameter 0/false=IN 1=OUT
2= IN/OUT. This is ignored in oci8 as this driver auto-detects the direction.<br>
[$<b>maxLen</b>] Maximum length of the parameter variable.<br>
[$<b>type</b>] Consult <a href="http://php.net/mssql_bind">mssql_bind</a> and <a href="http://php.net/ocibindbyname">ocibindbyname</a>
docs at php.net for more info on legal values for type.</p>
<p>In mssql, $opt can hold the following elements: array('type' =&gt; integer,
maxLen =&gt;integer). Example:</p>
<pre><font color="#000000"><font color="green"># @RETVAL = SP_RUNSOMETHING @myid,@group</font><br>$stmt = $db-&gt;PrepareSP(<font color="#993333">'<font color="#993300">SP_RUNSOMETHING</font>'</font>); <br><font color="green"># note that the parameter name does not have @ in front!</font><br>$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$id,'myid'); <br>$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$group,'group',false,64);<br><font color="green"># return value in mssql - RETVAL is hard-coded name</font> <br>$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$ret,'RETVAL',true); <br>$db-&gt;Execute($stmt); </font></pre>
<p><font color="#000000">An oci8 example: </font></p>
<font color="#000000">
<pre><font color="green"># For oracle, Prepare and PrepareSP are identical</font>
$stmt = $db-&gt;PrepareSP(
<font color="#993300">&quot;declare ret integer; <br> begin <br> :RETVAL := </font><font color="#993300">SP_RUNSOMETHING</font><font color="#993300">(:myid,:group); <br> end;&quot;</font>);<br>$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$id,'myid');<br>$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$group,'group',false,64);
<p>Note that the only difference between the oci8 and mssql implementations is
the syntax of $sql.</p>
If $type parameter is set to false, in mssql, $type will be dynamicly determined
based on the type of the PHP variable passed <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">(string
=&gt; SQLCHAR, boolean =&gt;SQLINT1, integer =&gt;SQLINT4 or float/double=&gt;SQLFLT8)</font>.
In oci8, $type can be set to OCI_B_FILE (Binary-File), OCI_B_CFILE (Character-File),
OCI_B_CLOB (Character-LOB), OCI_B_BLOB (Binary-LOB) and OCI_B_ROWID (ROWID). To
pass in a null, use<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> $db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,
$null=null, 'param')</font>.
<p>Lastly, in oci8, bind parameters can be reused without calling PrepareSP( )
or Parameters again. This is not possible with mssql. An oci8 example:</p>
<pre>$id = 0; $i = 0;
$stmt = $db-&gt;PrepareSP( <font color="#993300">&quot;update table set val=:i where id=:id&quot;</font>);
$db-&gt;Parameter($stmt,$i, 'i');
for ($cnt=0; $cnt &lt; 1000; $cnt++) {
$id = $cnt; <br> $i = $cnt * $cnt; <font color="green"># works with oci8!</font>
$db-&gt;Execute($stmt); <br>}</pre>
<p><b>Bind<a name="Bind"></a>($stmt, $var, $size=4001, $type=false, $name=false)</b></p>
<p><font color="#000000">This is a low-level function supported only by the oci8
driver. <b>Avoid using</b> unless you only want to support Oracle. The Parameter(
) function is the recommended way to go with bind variables.</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Bind( ) allows you to use bind variables in your sql
statement. This binds a PHP variable to a name defined in an Oracle sql statement
that was previously prepared using Prepare(). Oracle named variables begin with
a colon, and ADOdb requires the named variables be called :0, :1, :2, :3, etc.
The first invocation of Bind() will match :0, the second invocation will match
:1, etc. Binding can provide 100% speedups for insert, select and update statements.
<p>The other variables, $size sets the buffer size for data storage, $type is the optional
descriptor type OCI_B_FILE (Binary-File), OCI_B_CFILE (Character-File), OCI_B_CLOB (Character-LOB), OCI_B_BLOB (Binary-LOB) and OCI_B_ROWID (ROWID).
Lastly, instead of using the default :0, :1, etc names, you can define your own bind-name using
<p><font color="#000000">The following example shows 3 bind variables being used:
p1, p2 and p3. These variables are bound to :0, :1 and :2.</font></p>
<pre>$stmt = $DB-&gt;Prepare(&quot;insert into table (col0, col1, col2) values (:0, :1, :2)&quot;);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p1);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p2);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p3);
for ($i = 0; $i &lt; $max; $i++) {
$p1 = ?; $p2 = ?; $p3 = ?;
<p>You can also use named variables:</p>
$stmt = $DB-&gt;Prepare(&quot;insert into table (col0, col1, col2) values (:name0, :name1, :name2)&quot;);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p1, &quot;name0&quot;);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p2, &quot;name1&quot;);
$DB-&gt;Bind($stmt, $p3, &quot;name2&quot;);
for ($i = 0; $i &lt; $max; $i++) {
$p1 = ?; $p2 = ?; $p3 = ?;
<font color="#000000">
<h3>ADOConnection Utility Functions</h3>
<p><b>BlankRecordSet<a name="blankrecordset"></a>([$queryid])</b></p>
<p>No longer available - removed since 1.99.</p>
<p><b>Concat<a name="Concat"></a>($s1,$s2,....)</b></p>
<p>Generates the sql string used to concatenate $s1, $s2, etc together. Uses the
string in the concat_operator field to generate the concatenation. Override
this function if a concatenation operator is not used, eg. MySQL.</p>
<p>Returns the concatenated string.</p>
<p><b>DBDate<a name="DBDate"></a>($date)</b></p>
<p>Format the $<b>date</b> in the format the database accepts; this can be a Unix
integer timestamp or an ISO format Y-m-d. Uses the fmtDate field, which holds
the format to use. If null or false or '' is passed in, it will be converted
to an SQL null.</p>
<p>Returns the date as a quoted string.</p>
<p><b>DBTimeStamp<a name="DBTimeStamp"></a>($ts)</b></p>
<p>Format the timestamp $<b>ts</b> in the format the database accepts; this can
be a Unix integer timestamp or an ISO format Y-m-d H:i:s. Uses the fmtTimeStamp
field, which holds the format to use. If null or false or '' is passed in, it
will be converted to an SQL null.</p>
<p>Returns the timestamp as a quoted string.</p>
<p><b>qstr<a name="qstr"></a>($s,[$magic_quotes_enabled</b>=false]<b>)</b></p>
<p>Quotes a string to be sent to the database. The $<b>magic_quotes_enabled</b>
parameter may look funny, but the idea is if you are quoting a string extracted
from a POST/GET variable, then pass get_magic_quotes_gpc() as the second parameter.
This will ensure that the variable is not quoted twice, once by <i>qstr</i>
and once by the <i>magic_quotes_gpc</i>.</p>
<p>Eg.<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"> $s = $db-&gt;qstr(HTTP_GET_VARS['name'],get_magic_quotes_gpc());</font></p>
<p>Returns the quoted string.</p>
<p><b>Quote<a name="quote"></a>($s)</b></p>
<p>Quotes the string, automatically checking get_magic_quotes_gpc() first.
If get_magic_quotes_gpc() is set, then we do not quote the string.
<p><b>Affected_Rows<a name="Affected_Rows"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Returns the number of rows affected by a update or delete statement. Returns
false if function not supported.</p>
<p>Not supported by interbase/firebird currently. </p>
<p><b>Insert_ID<a name="Inserted_ID"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Returns the last autonumbering ID inserted. Returns false if function not supported.
<p>Only supported by databases that support auto-increment or object id's, such
as PostgreSQL, MySQL and MSSQL currently. PostgreSQL returns the OID, which
can change on a database reload. This function might only give accurate results
if you perform it in a transaction if you are using persistent connections.
This is because the connection you are assigned for one Execute(&nbsp;) might
differ from the next Execute(&nbsp;).</p>
<p><b>MetaDatabases<a name="metadatabases"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Returns a list of databases available on the server as an array. You have to
connect to the server first. Only available for ODBC, MySQL and ADO.</p>
<p><b>MetaTables<a name="metatables"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Returns an array of tables and views for the current database as an array.
The array should exclude system catalog tables if possible.</p>
<p><b>MetaColumns<a name="metacolumns"></a>($table)</b></p>
<p>Returns an array of ADOFieldObject's, one field object for every column of
$table. Currently Sybase does not recognise date types, and ADO cannot identify
the correct data type (so we default to varchar).. </p>
<p><b>MetaColumnNames<a name="metacolumnames"></a>($table)</b></p>
<p>Returns an array of column names for $table.
<h2>ADORecordSet<a name="ADORecordSet"></a></h2>
<p>When an SQL statement successfully is executed by <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ADOConnection-&gt;Execute($sql),</font>an
ADORecordSet object is returned. This object contains a virtual cursor so we
can move from row to row, functions to obtain information about the columns
and column types, and helper functions to deal with formating the results to
show to the user.</p>
<h3>ADORecordSet Fields</h3>
<p><b>fields: </b>Array containing the current row. This is not associative, but
is an indexed array from 0 to columns-1. See also the function <b><a href="#fields">Fields</a></b>,
which behaves like an associative array.</p>
<p><b>dataProvider</b>: The underlying mechanism used to connect to the database.
Normally set to <b>native</b>, unless using <b>odbc</b> or <b>ado</b>.</p>
<p><b>blobSize</b>: Maximum size of a char, string or varchar object before it
is treated as a Blob (Blob's should be shown with textarea's). See the <a href="#metatype">MetaType</a>
<p><b>sql</b>: Holds the sql statement used to generate this record set.</p>
<p><b>canSeek</b>: Set to true if Move( ) function works.</p>
<p><b>EOF</b>: True if we have scrolled the cursor past the last record.</p>
<h3>ADORecordSet Functions</h3>
<p><b>ADORecordSet( )</b></p>
<p>Constructer. Normally you never call this function yourself.</p>
<p><b>GetAssoc<a name="GetAssoc"></a>([$force_array])</b></p>
<p>Generates an associative array from the recordset if the number of columns
is greater than 2. The array is generated from the current cursor position till
EOF. The first column of the recordset becomes the key to the rest of the array.
If the columns is equal to two, then the key directly maps to the value unless
$force_array is set to true, when an array is created for each key. Inspired
by PEAR's getAssoc.</p>
<p>We have the following data in a recordset:</p>
<p>row1: Apple, Fruit, Edible<br>
row2: Cactus, Plant, Inedible<br>
row3: Rose, Flower, Edible</p>
<p>GetAssociation will generate the following associative array:</p>
<p>Apple =&gt; [Fruit, Edible]<br>
Cactus =&gt; [Plant, Inedible]<br>
Rose =&gt; [Flower,Edible]</p>
<p>The associative array, or false if an error occurs.</p>
<p><b>GetArray<a name="GetArray"></a>([$number_of_rows])</b></p>
<p>Generate an array of records from the current cursor position, indexed from
0 to $number_of_rows - 1. If $number_of_rows is undefined, till EOF.</p>
<p><b>GetRows<a name="GetRows"></a>([$number_of_rows])</b></p>
Generate an array of records from the current cursor position. Synonym for GetArray()
for compatibility with Microsoft ADO.
<p> <b>GetMenu<a name="GetMenu"></a>($name, [$default_str=''], [$blank1stItem=true],
[$multiple_select=false], [$size=0], [$moreAttr=''])</b></p>
<p>Generate a HTML menu (&lt;select&gt;&lt;option&gt;&lt;option&gt;&lt;/select&gt;).
The first column of the recordset (fields[0]) will hold the string to display
in the option tags. If the recordset has more than 1 column, the second column
(fields[1]) is the value to send back to the web server.. The menu will be given
the name $<i>name</i>.
<p> If $<i>default_str</i> is defined, then if $<i>default_str</i> == fields[0],
that field is selected. If $<i>blank1stItem</i> is true, the first option is
empty. $<i>Default_str</i> can be array for a multiple select listbox.</p>
<p>To get a listbox, set the $<i>size</i> to a non-zero value (or pass $default_str
as an array). If $<i>multiple_select</i> is true then a listbox will be generated
with $<i>size</i> items (or if $size==0, then 5 items) visible, and we will
return an array to a server. Lastly use $<i>moreAttr </i> to add additional
attributes such as javascript or styles. </p>
<p>Menu Example 1: <code>GetMenu('menu1','A',true)</code> will generate a menu:
<select name='menu1'>
<option value=1 selected>A
<option value=2>B
<option value=3>C
for the data (A,1), (B,2), (C,3). Also see <a href="#ex5">example 5</a>.</p>
<p>Menu Example 2: For the same data, <code>GetMenu('menu1',array('A','B'),false)</code>
will generate a menu with both A and B selected: <br>
<select name='menu1' multiple size=3>
<option value=1 selected>A
<option value=2 selected>B
<option value=3>C
<p> <b>GetMenu2<a name="GetMenu2"></a>($name, [$default_str=''], [$blank1stItem=true],
[$multiple_select=false], [$size=0], [$moreAttr=''])</b></p>
<p>This is nearly identical to GetMenu, except that the $<i>default_str</i> is
matched to fields[1] (the option values).</p>
<p>Menu Example 3: Given the data in menu example 2, <code>GetMenu2('menu1',array('1','2'),false)</code>
will generate a menu with both A and B selected in menu example 2, but this
time the selection is based on the 2nd column, which holds the values to return
to the Web server.
<p><b>UserDate<a name="UserDate"></a>($str, [$fmt])</b></p>
<p>Converts the date string $<b>str</b> to another format.UserDate calls UnixDate
to parse $<b>str</b>, and $<b>fmt</b> defaults to Y-m-d if not defined.</p>
<p><b>UserTimeStamp<a name="UserTimeStamp"></a>($str, [$fmt])</b></p>
<p>Converts the timestamp string $<b>str</b> to another format. The timestamp
format is Y-m-d H:i:s, as in '2002-02-28 23:00:12'. UserTimeStamp calls UnixTimeStamp
to parse $<b>str</b>, and $<b>fmt</b> defaults to Y-m-d H:i:s if not defined.
<p><b>UnixDate<a name="unixdate"></a>($str)</b></p>
<p>Parses the date string $<b>str</b> and returns it in unix mktime format (eg.
a number indicating the seconds after January 1st, 1970). Expects the date to
be in Y-m-d H:i:s format, except for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, where
M d Y is also accepted (the 3 letter month strings are controlled by a global
array, which might need localisation).</p>
<p>This function is available in both ADORecordSet and ADOConnection since 1.91.</p>
<p><b>UnixTimeStamp<a name="unixtimestamp"></a>($str)</b></p>
<p>Parses the timestamp string $<b>str</b> and returns it in unix mktime format
(eg. a number indicating the seconds after January 1st, 1970). Expects the date
to be in Y-m-d H:i:s format, except for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, where
M d Y h:i:sA is also accepted (the 3 letter month strings are controlled by
a global array, which might need localisation).</p>
This function is available in both ADORecordSet and ADOConnection since 1.91.
<p><b>MoveNext<a name="MoveNext"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Move the internal cursor to the next row. The <b>fields</b> array is automatically
updated. Return false if unable to do so, otherwise true.</p>
<pre>$rs = $db-&gt;Execute($sql);
if ($rs)
while (!$rs-&gt;EOF) {
} </pre>
<p><b>Move<a name="Move"></a>($to)</b></p>
<p>Moves the internal cursor to a specific row $<b>to</b>. Rows are zero-based
eg. 0 is the first row. The <b>fields</b> array is automatically updated. For
databases that do not support scrolling internally, ADOdb will simulate forward
scrolling. Some databases do not support backward scrolling. If the $<b>to</b>
position is after the EOF, $<b>to</b> will move to the end of the RecordSet
for most databases. Some obscure databases using odbc might not behave this
<p>Note: This function uses <i>absolute positioning</i>, unlike Microsoft's ADO.</p>
<p>Returns true or false. If false, the internal cursor is not moved in most implementations,
so AbsolutePosition( ) will return the last cursor position before the Move(
). </p>
<p><b>MoveFirst<a name="MoveFirst"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Internally calls Move(0). Note that some databases do not support this function.</p>
<p><b>MoveLast<a name="MoveLast"></a>()</b></p>
<p>Internally calls Move(RecordCount()-1). Note that some databases do not support
this function.</p>
<p><b>GetRowAssoc</b><a name="getrowassoc"></a>($toUpper=true)</p>
<p>The above function is no longer the prefered way of getting associative arrays.
Use the <a href=#adodb_fetch_mode>$ADODB_FETCH_MODE</a> variable instead. </p>
<p>Returns an associative array containing the current row. The keys to the array
are the column names. The column names are upper-cased for easy access. To get
the next row, you will still need to call MoveNext(). </p>
<p>For example:<br>
Array ( [ID] => 1 [FIRSTNAME] => Caroline [LASTNAME] => Miranda [CREATED] =>
2001-07-05 ) </p>
<p>Note: do not use GetRowAssoc() with $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC.
Because they have the same functionality, they will interfere with each other.</p>
<p><font color="#000000"><b>AbsolutePage<a name="absolutepage"></a>($page=-1) </b></font></p>
<p>Returns the current page. Requires PageExecute()/CachePageExecute() to be called. See <a href=#ex8>Example 8</a>.</p>
<font color="#000000">
<p><b>AtFirstPage<a name="AtFirstPage">($status='')</a></b></p>
<p>Returns true if at first page (1-based). Requires PageExecute()/CachePageExecute()
to be called. See <a href=#ex8>Example 8</a>.</p>
<p><b>AtLastPage<a name="AtLastPage">($status='')</a></b></p>
<p>Returns true if at last page (1-based). Requires PageExecute()/CachePageExecute()
to be called. See <a href=#ex8>Example 8</a>.</p>
<p><b>Fields</b><a name="fields"></a>(<b>$colname</b>)</p>
<p>This function is deprecated. Use <a href="#adodb_fetch_mode">$ADODB_FETCH_MODE</a>
instead. </p>
<p>Some database extensions (eg. MySQL) return arrays that are both associative
and indexed if you use the native extensions. GetRowAssoc() does not return
arrays that combine associative and indexed elements. Returns the value of the
associated column $<b>colname</b> for the current row. The column name is case-insensitive.</p>
<p><b>FetchRow</b><a name="fetchrow"></a>()</p>
<p><font color="#000000">Returns array containing current row, or false if EOF.
FetchRow( ) internally moves to the next record after returning the current
row. </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Warning: Do not mix using FetchRow() with MoveNext().</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Usage:</font></p>
<pre><font color="#000000">$rs = $db-&gt;Execute($sql);
if ($rs)
while ($arr = $rs-&gt;FetchRow()) &#123;
&nbsp;&nbsp;# process $arr
</font><font color="#000000"> &#125;</font></pre>
<p><font color="#000000"><b>FetchInto</b><a name="fetchinto"></a>(<b>&amp;$array</b>)</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000"> Sets $array to the current row. Returns PEAR_Error object
if EOF, 1 if ok (DB_OK constant). If PEAR is undefined, false is returned when
EOF. </font><font color="#000000">FetchInto( ) internally moves to the next
record after returning the current row. </font></p>
<p><font color="#000000"> FetchRow() is easier to use. See above.</font></p>
<font color="#000000">
<p><b>FetchField<a name="FetchField"></a>($column_number)</b></p>
<p>Returns an object containing the <b>name</b>, <b>type</b> and <b>max_length</b>
of the associated field. If the max_length cannot be determined reliably, it
will be set to -1. The column numbers are zero-based. See <a href="#ex2">example
<p><b>FieldCount<a name="FieldCount"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Returns the number of fields (columns) in the record set.</p>
<p><b>RecordCount<a name="RecordCount"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Returns the number of rows in the record set. If the number of records returned
cannot be determined from the database driver API, we will buffer all rows and
return a count of the rows after all the records have been retrieved. This buffering
can be disabled (for performance reasons) by setting the global variable $ADODB_COUNTRECS
= false. When disabled, RecordCount( ) will return -1 for certain databases.
See the supported databases list above for more details. </p>
<p> RowCount is a synonym for RecordCount.</p>
<p><b>PO_RecordCount<a name="po_recordcount"></a>($table, $where)</b></p>
<p>Returns the number of rows in the record set. If the database does not support
this, it will perform a SELECT COUNT(*) on the table $table, with the given
$where condition to return an estimate of the recordset size.</p>
<p>$numrows = $rs-&gt;PO_RecordCount(&quot;articles_table&quot;, &quot;group=$group&quot;);</p>
<p><b>FetchObject<a name="FetchObject"></a>($toupper=true)</b></p>
<p>Returns the current row as an object. If you set $toupper to true, then the
object fields are set to upper-case. Note: The newer FetchNextObject() is the
recommended way of accessing rows as objects. See below.</p>
<p><b>FetchNextObject<a name="FetchNextObject"></a>($toupper=true)</b></p>
<p>Gets the current row as an object and moves to the next row automatically.
Returns false if at end-of-file. If you set $toupper to true, then the object
fields are set to upper-case.</p>
$rs = $db->Execute('select firstname,lastname from table');
if ($rs) &#123;
while ($o = $rs->FetchNextObject()) &#123;
print "$o->FIRSTNAME, $o->LASTNAME&lt;BR>";
<p>There is some trade-off in speed in using FetchNextObject(). If performance
is important, you should access rows with the <code>fields[]</code> array.
<p><b>CurrentRow<a name="CurrentRow"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Returns the current row of the record set. 0 is the first row.</p>
<p><b>AbsolutePosition<a name="abspos"></a>( )</b></p>
<p>Synonym for <b>CurrentRow</b> for compatibility with ADO. Returns the current
row of the record set. 0 is the first row.</p>
<p><b>MetaType<a name="MetaType"></a>($nativeDBType[,$field_max_length],[$fieldobj])</b></p>
<p>Determine what <i>generic</i> meta type a database field type is given its
native type $<b>nativeDBType</b> and the length of the field $<b>field_max_length</b>.
Note that field_max_length can be -1 if it is not known. The field object returned
by the database driver can be passed in $<b>fieldobj</b>. This is useful for
databases such as <i>mysql</i> which has additional properties in the field
object such as <i>primary_key</i>.</p>
<p>Uses the field <b>blobSize</b> and compares it with $<b>field_max_length</b>
to determine whether the character field is actually a blob.</p>
<li><b>C</b>: Character fields that should be shown in a &lt;input type=&quot;text&quot;&gt;
tag. </li>
<li><b>B</b>: Blob, or large text fields that should be shown in a &lt;textarea&gt;</li>
<li><b>D</b>: Date field</li>
<li><b>T</b>: Timestamp field</li>
<li><b>L</b>: Logical field (boolean or bit-field)</li>
<li><b>N</b>: Numeric field. Includes decimal, numeric, floating point, and
real. </li>
<li><b>I</b>: Integer field. </li>
<li><b>R</b>: Counter or Autoincrement field. Must be numeric.</li>
<p><b>Close( )<a name="rsclose"></a></b></p>
<p>Close the recordset.</p>
<h3>function rs2html<a name="rs2html"></a>($adorecordset,[$tableheader_attributes],
<p>This is a standalone function (rs2html = recordset to html) that is similar
to PHP's <i>odbc_result_all</i> function, it prints a ADORecordSet, $<b>adorecordset</b>
as a HTML table. $<b>tableheader_attributes</b> allow you to control the table
<i>cellpadding</i>, <i>cellspacing</i> and <i>border</i> attributes. Lastly
you can replace the database column names with your own column titles with the
array $<b>col_titles</b>. This is designed more as a quick debugging mechanism,
not a production table recordset viewer.</p>
<p>You will need to include the file <i>tohtml.inc.php</i>.</p>
<p>Example of rs2html:<b><font color="#336600"><a name="exrs2html"></a></font></b></p>
<pre><b><font color="#336600">&lt;?
include('tohtml.inc.php')</font></b>; # load code common to ADOdb
<b>include</b>('adodb.inc.php'); # load code common to ADOdb
$<font color="#663300">conn</font> = &amp;ADONewConnection('mysql'); # create a connection
$<font color="#663300">conn</font>->PConnect('localhost','userid','','agora');# connect to MySQL, agora db
$<font color="#663300">sql</font> = 'select CustomerName, CustomerID from customers';
$<font color="#663300">rs</font> = $<font color="#663300">conn</font>->Execute($sql);
<font color="#336600"><b>rs2html</b></font><b>($<font color="#663300">rs</font>,'<i>border=2 cellpadding=3</i>',array('<i>Customer Name','Customer ID</i>'));
<h3>Differences Between this ADOdb library and Microsoft ADO<a name="adodiff"></a></h3>
<li>ADOdb only supports recordsets created by a connection object. Recordsets
cannot be created independently.</li>
<li>ADO properties are implemented as functions in ADOdb. This makes it easier
to implement any enhanced ADO functionality in the future.</li>
<li>ADOdb's <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ADORecordSet-&gt;Move()</font>
uses absolute positioning, not relative. Bookmarks are not supported.</li>
<li><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">ADORecordSet-&gt;AbsolutePosition()
</font>cannot be used to move the record cursor.</li>
<li>ADO Parameter objects are not supported. Instead we have the ADOConnection::<a href="#parameter">Parameter</a>(
) function, which provides a simpler interface for calling preparing parameters
and calling stored procedures.</li>
<li>Recordset properties for paging records are available, but implemented as
in <a href=#ex8>Example 8</a>.</li>
<h1>Database Driver Guide<a name="DriverGuide"></a></h1>
<p>This describes how to create a class to connect to a new database. To ensure
there is no duplication of work, kindly email me at jlim#natsoft.com.my if you
decide to create such a class.</p>
<p>First decide on a name in lower case to call the database type. Let's say we
call it xbase. </p>
<p>Then we need to create two classes ADOConnection_xbase and ADORecordSet_xbase
in the file ADOdb-xbase.inc.php.</p>
<p>The simplest form of database driver is an adaptation of an existing ODBC driver.
Then we just need to create the class <i>ADOConnection_xbase extends ADOConnection_odbc</i>
to support the new <b>date</b> and <b>timestamp</b> formats, the <b>concatenation</b>
operator used, <b>true</b> and <b>false</b>. For the<i> ADORecordSet_xbase extends
ADORecordSet_odbc </i>we need to change the <b>MetaType</b> function. See<b>
ADOdb-vfp.inc.php</b> as an example.</p>
<p>More complicated is a totally new database driver that connects to a new PHP
extension. Then you will need to implement several functions. Fortunately, you
do not have to modify most of the complex code. You only need to override a
few stub functions. See <b>ADOdb-mysql.inc.php</b> for example.</p>
<p>The default date format of ADOdb internally is YYYY-MM-DD (Ansi-92). All dates
should be converted to that format when passing to an ADOdb date function. See
Oracle for an example how we use ALTER SESSION to change the default date format
in _pconnect _connect.</p>
<p><b>ADOConnection Functions to Override</b></p>
<p>Defining a constructor for your ADOConnection derived function is optional.
There is no need to call the base class constructor.</p>
<p>_<b>connect</b>: Low level implementation of Connect. Returns true or false.
Should set the _<b>connectionID</b>.</p>
<p>_<b>pconnect:</b> Low level implemention of PConnect. Returns true or false.
Should set the _<b>connectionID</b>.</p>
<p>_<b>query</b>: Execute a query. Returns the queryID, or false.</p>
<p>_<b>close: </b>Close the connection -- PHP should clean up all recordsets.
<p><b>ErrorMsg</b>: Stores the error message in the private variable _errorMsg.
<p>The ADOConnection functions BeginTrans( ), CommitTrans( ), RollbackTrans( )
are reserved for future expansion.</p>
<p><b>ADOConnection Fields to Set</b></p>
<p>_<b>bindInputArray</b>: Set to true if binding of parameters for SQL inserts
and updates is allowed using ?, eg. as with ODBC.</p>
<p><b>hasLimit</b> support SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 10 of MySQL.</p>
<p><b>hasTop</b> support Microsoft style SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE.</p>
<p><b>ADORecordSet Functions to Override</b></p>
<p>You will need to define a constructor for your ADORecordSet derived class that
calls the parent class constructor.</p>
<p><b>FetchField: </b> as documented above in ADORecordSet</p>
<p>_<b>initrs</b>: low level initialization of the recordset: setup the _<b>numOfRows</b>
and _<b>numOfFields</b> fields -- called by the constructor.</p>
<p>_<b>seek</b>: seek to a particular row. Do not load the data into the fields
array. This is done by _fetch. Returns true or false. Note that some implementations
such as Interbase do not support seek. Set canSeek to false.</p>
<p>_<b>fetch</b>: fetch a row using the database extension function and then move
to the next row. Sets the <b>fields</b> array. If the parameter $ignore_fields
is true then there is no need to populate the <b>fields</b> array, just move
to the next row. then Returns true or false.</p>
<p>_<b>close</b>: close the recordset</p>
<p><b>Fields</b>: If the array row returned by the PHP extension is not an associative
one, you will have to override this. See ADOdb-odbc.inc.php for an example.
For databases such as MySQL and MSSQL where an associative array is returned,
there is no need to override this function.</p>
<p><b>ADOConnection Fields to Set</b></p>
<p>canSeek: Set to true if the _seek function works.</p>
<p>See the <a href=http://php.weblogs.com/adodb-todo-roadmap>RoadMap</a> article.</p>
<p>Also see the ADOdb <a href=http://php.weblogs.com/adodb_csv>proxy</a> article
for bridging Windows and Unix databases using http remote procedure calls. For
your education, visit <a href=http://palslib.com/>palslib.com</a> for database info,
and read this article
on <a href=http://phplens.com/lens/php-book/optimizing-debugging-php.php>Optimizing PHP</a>.
<h2>Change Log<a name="Changes"></a><a name=ChangeLog></a></h2>
<p><b>2.12 12 June 2002</b></p>
<p>Added toexport.inc.php to export recordsets in CSV and tab-delimited format.
<p>CachePageExecute() does not work - fixed - thx John Huong.
<p>Interbase aliases not set properly in FetchField() - fixed. Thx Stefan Goethals.
<p>Added cache property to adodb pager class. The number of secs to cache recordsets.
<p>SQL rewriting bug in pageexecute() due to skipping of newlines due to missing /s modifier. Fixed.
<p>Max size of cached recordset due to a bug was 256000 bytes. Fixed.
<p>Speedup of 1st invocation of CacheExecute() by tuning code.
<p>We compare $rewritesql with $sql in pageexecute code in case of rewrite failure.
<p><b>2.11 7 June 2002</b></p>
<p>Fixed PageExecute() rewrite sql problem - COUNT(*) and ORDER BY don't go together with
mssql, access and postgres. Thx to Alexander Zhukov alex#unipack.ru
<p>DB2 support for CHARACTER type added - thx John Huong huongch#bigfoot.com
<p>For ado, $argProvider not properly checked. Fixed - kalimero#ngi.it
<p>Added $conn->Replace() function for update with automatic insert if the record does not exist.
Supported by all databases except interbase.
<p><b>2.10 4 June 2002</b></p>
<p>Added uniqueSort property to indicate mssql ORDER BY cols must be unique.
<p>Optimized session handler by crc32 the data. We only write if session data has changed.
<p>adodb_sess_read in adodb-session.php now returns ''correctly - thanks to Jorma Tuomainen, webmaster#wizactive.com
<p>Mssql driver did not throw EXECUTE errors correctly because ErrorMsg() and ErrorNo() called in wrong order.
Pointed out by Alexios Fakos. Fixed.
<p>Changed ado to use client cursors. This fixes BeginTran() problems with ado.
<p>Added handling of timestamp type in ado.
<p>Added to ado_mssql support for insert_id() and affected_rows().
<p>Added support for mssql.datetimeconvert=0, available since php 4.2.0.
<p>Made UnixDate() less strict, so that the time is ignored if present.
<p>Changed quote() so that it checks for magic_quotes_gpc.
<p>Changed maxblobsize for odbc to default to 64000.
<p><b>2.00 13 May 2002</b></p>
<p>Added drivers <i>informix72</i> for pre-7.3 versions, and <i>oci805</i> for
oracle 8.0.5, and postgres64 for postgresql 6.4 and earlier. The postgres and postgres7 drivers
are now identical.
<p>Interbase now partially supports ADODB_FETCH_BOTH, by defaulting to ASSOC mode.
<p>Proper support for blobs in mssql. Also revised blob support code
is base class. Now UpdateBlobFile() calls UpdateBlob() for consistency.
<p>Added support for changed odbc_fetch_into api in php 4.2.0
with $conn-&gt;_has_stupid_odbc_fetch_api_change.
<p>Fixed spelling of tablock locking hint in GenID( ) for mssql.
<p>Added RowLock( ) to several databases, including oci8, informix, sybase, etc.
Fixed where error in mssql RowLock().
<p>Added sysDate and sysTimeStamp properties to most database drivers. These are the sql
functions/constants for that database that return the current date and current timestamp, and
are useful for portable inserts and updates.
<p>Support for RecordCount() caused date handling in sybase and mssql to break.
Fixed, thanks to Toni Tunkkari, by creating derived classes for ADORecordSet_array for
both databases. Generalized using arrayClass property. Also to support RecordCount(),
changed metatype handling for ado drivers. Now the type returned in FetchField
is no longer a number, but the 1-char data type returned by MetaType.
At the same time, fixed a lot of date handling. Now mssql support dmy and mdy date formats.
Also speedups in sybase and mssql with preg_match and ^ in date/timestamp handling.
Added support in sybase and mssql for 24 hour clock in timestamps (no AM/PM).
<p>Extensive revisions to informix driver - thanks to Samuel CARRIERE samuel_carriere#hotmail.com
<p>Added $ok parameter to CommitTrans($ok) for easy rollbacks.
<p>Fixed odbc MetaColumns and MetaTables to save and restore $ADODB_FETCH_MODE.
<p>Some odbc drivers did not call the base connection class constructor. Fixed.
<p>Fixed regex for GetUpdateSQL() and GetInsertSQL() to support more legal character combinations.
<p><b>1.99 21 April 2002</b></p>
<p>Added emulated RecordCount() to all database drivers if $ADODB_COUNTRECS = true
(which it is by default). Inspired by Cristiano Duarte (cunha17#uol.com.br).
<p>Unified stored procedure support for mssql and oci8. Parameter() and PrepareSP()
functions implemented.
<p>Added support for SELECT FIRST in informix, modified hasTop property to support
<p>Changed csv driver to handle updates/deletes/inserts properly (when Execute() returns true).
Bind params also work now, and raiseErrorFn with csv driver. Added csv driver to QA process.
<p>Better error checking in oci8 UpdateBlob() and UpdateBlobFile().
<p>Added TIME type to MySQL - patch by Manfred h9125297#zechine.wu-wien.ac.at
<p>Prepare/Execute implemented for Interbase/Firebird
<p>Changed some regular expressions to be anchored by /^ $/ for speed.
<p>Added UnixTimeStamp() and UnixDate() to ADOConnection(). Now these functions
are in both ADOConnection and ADORecordSet classes.
<p>Empty recordsets were not cached - fixed.
<p>Thanks to Gaetano Giunta (g.giunta#libero.it) for the oci8 code review. We
didn't agree on everything, but i hoped we agreed to disagree!
<p><b>1.90 6 April 2002</b></p>
<p>Now all database drivers support fetch modes ADODB_FETCH_NUM and ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC, though
still not fully tested. Eg. Frontbase, Sybase, Informix.
<p>NextRecordSet() support for mssql. Contributed by "Sven Axelsson" sven.axelsson#bokochwebb.se
<p>Added blob support for SQL Anywhere. Contributed by Wade Johnson wade#wadejohnson.de
<p>Fixed some security loopholes in server.php. Server.php also supports fetch mode.
<p>Generalized GenID() to support odbc and mssql drivers. Mssql no longer generates GUID's.
<p>Experimental RowLock($table,$where) for mssql.
<p>Properly implemented Prepare() in oci8 and ODBC.
<p>Added Bind() support to oci8 to support Prepare().
<p>Improved error handler. Catches CacheExecute() and GenID() errors now.
<p>Now if you are running php from the command line, debugging messages do not output html formating.
Not 100% complete, but getting there.
<p><b>1.81 22 March 2002</b></p>
<p>Restored default $ADODB_FETCH_MODE = ADODB_FETCH_DEFAULT for backward compatibility.
<p>SelectLimit for oci8 improved - Our FIRST_ROWS optimization now does not overwrite existing hint.
<p>New Sybase SQL Anywhere driver. Contributed by Wade Johnson wade#wadejohnson.de
<p><b>1.80 15 March 2002</b></p>
<p>Redesigned directory structure of ADOdb files. Added new driver directory where
all database drivers reside.
<p>Changed caching algorithm to create subdirectories. Now we scale better.
<p>Informix driver now supports insert_id(). Contribution by "Andrea Pinnisi" pinnisi#sysnet.it
<p>Added experimental ISO date and FetchField support for informix.
<p>Fixed a quoting bug in Execute() with bind parameters, causing problems with blobs.
<p>Mssql driver speedup by 10-15%.
<p>Now in CacheExecute($secs2cache,$sql,...), $secs2cache is optional. If missing, it will
take the value defined in $connection->cacheSecs (default is 3600 seconds). Note that
CacheSelectLimit(), the secs2cache is still compulsory - sigh.
<p>Sybase SQL Anywhere driver (using ODBC) contributed by Wade Johnson wade#wadejohnson.de
<p><b>1.72 8 March 2002</b></p>
<p>Added @ when returning Fields() to prevent spurious error - "Michael William Miller" mille562#pilot.msu.edu
<p>MetaDatabases() for postgres contributed by Phil pamelant#nerim.net
<p>Mitchell T. Young (mitch#youngfamily.org) contributed informix driver.
<p>Fixed rs2html() problem. I cannot reproduce, so probably a problem with pre PHP 4.1.0 versions,
when supporting new ADODB_FETCH_MODEs.
<p>Mattia Rossi (mattia#technologist.com) contributed BlobDecode() and UpdateBlobFile() for postgresql
using the postgres specific pg_lo_import()/pg_lo_open() - i don't use them but hopefully others will
find this useful. See <a href="http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/msgs.php?id=1262">this posting</a>
for an example of usage.
<p>Added UpdateBlobFile() for uploading files to a database.
<p>Made UpdateBlob() compatible with oci8po driver.
<p>Added noNullStrings support to oci8 driver. Oracle changes all ' ' strings to nulls,
so you need to set strings to ' ' to prevent the nullifying of strings. $conn->noNullStrings = true;
will do this for you automatically. This is useful when you define a char column as NOT NULL.
<p>Fixed UnixTimeStamp() bug - wasn't setting minutes and seconds properly. Patch from Agusti Fita i Borrell agusti#anglatecnic.com.
<p>Toni Tunkkari added patch for sybase dates. Problem with spaces in day part of date fixed.
<p><b>1.71 18 Jan 2002</b></p>
<p>Sequence start id support. Now $conn->Gen_ID('seqname', 50) to start sequence from 50.
<p>CSV driver fix for selectlimit, from Andreas - akaiser#vocote.de.
<P>Gam3r spotted that a global variable was undefined in the session handler.
<p>Mssql date regex had error. Fixed - reported by Minh Hoang vb_user#yahoo.com.
<p>DBTimeStamp() and DBDate() now accept iso dates and unix timestamps. This means
that the PostgreSQL handling of dates in GetInsertSQL() and GetUpdateSQL() can
be removed. Also if these functions are passed '' or null or false, we return a SQL null.
<p>GetInsertSQL() and GetUpdateSQL() now accept a new parameter, $magicq to
indicate whether quotes should be inserted based on magic quote settings - suggested by
<p>Reformated docs slightly based on suggestions by Chris Small.
<p><b>1.65 28 Dec 2001</b></p>
<p>Fixed borland_ibase class naming bug.
<p>Now instead of using $rs->fields[0] internally, we use reset($rs->fields) so
that we are compatible with ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC mode. Reported by Nico S.
<p>Changed recordset constructor and _initrs() for oci8 so that it returns the field definitions even
if no rows in the recordset. Reported by Rick Hickerson (rhickers#mv.mv.com).
<p>Improved support for postgresql in GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL by
"mike" mike#partner2partner.com and "Ryan Bailey" rebel#windriders.com
<p><b>1.64 20 Dec 2001</b></p>
<p>Danny Milosavljevic &lt;danny.milo#gmx.net> added some patches for MySQL error handling
and displaying default values.
<p>Fixed some ADODB_FETCH_BOTH inconsistencies in odbc and interbase.
<p>Added more tests to test suite to cover ADODB_FETCH_* and ADODB_ERROR_HANDLER.
<p>Added firebird (ibase) driver
<p>Added borland_ibase driver for interbase 6.5
<p><b>1.63 13 Dec 2001</b></p>
Absolute to the ADOdb-lib.inc.php file not set properly. Fixed.<p>
<p><b>1.62 11 Dec 2001</b></p>
<p>Major speedup of ADOdb for low-end web sites by reducing the php code loading and compiling
cycle. We conditionally compile not so common functions.
Moved csv code to ADOdb-csvlib.inc.php to reduce adodb.inc.php parsing. This file
is loaded only when the csv/proxy driver is used, or CacheExecute() is run.
Also moved PageExecute(), GetSelectSQL() and GetUpdateSQL() core code to ADOdb-lib.inc.php.
This reduced the 70K main adodb.inc.php file to 55K, and since at least 20K of the file
is comments, we have reduced 50K of code in adodb.inc.php to 35K. There
should be 35% reduction in memory and thus 35% speedup in compiling the php code for the
main adodb.inc.php file.
<p>Highly tuned SelectLimit() for oci8 for massive speed improvements on large files.
Selecting 20 rows starting from the 20,000th row of a table is now 7 times faster.
Thx to Tomas V V Cox.
<p>Allow . and # in table definitions in GetInsertSQL and GetUpdateSQL.
See ADODB_TABLE_REGEX constant. Thx to Ari Kuorikoski.
<p>Added ADODB_PREFETCH_ROWS constant, defaulting to 10. This determines the number
of records to prefetch in a SELECT statement. Only used by oci8.</p>
<p>Added high portability Oracle class called oci8po. This uses ? for bind variables, and
lower cases column names.</p>
<p>Now all database drivers support $ADODB_FETCH_MODE, including interbase, ado, and odbc:
ADODB_FETCH_NUM and ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC. ADODB_FETCH_BOTH is not fully implemented for all
database drivers.
<p><b>1.61 Nov 2001</b></p>
<p>Added PO_RecordCount() and PO_Insert_ID(). PO stands for portable. Pablo Roca
<p>GenID now returns 0 if not available. Safer is that you should check $conn->hasGenID
for availability.</p>
<p>M'soft ADO we now correctly close recordset in _close() peterd#telephonetics.co.uk</p>
<p>MSSQL now supports GenID(). It generates a 16-byte GUID from mssql newid()
<p>Changed ereg_replace to preg_replace in SelectLimit. This is a fix for mssql.
Ereg doesn't support t or n! Reported by marino Carlos xaplo#postnuke-espanol.org</p>
<p>Added $recordset->connection. This is the ADOConnection object for the recordset.
Works with cached and normal recordsets. Surprisingly, this had no affect on performance!</p>
<p><b>1.54 15 Nov 2001</b></p>
Fixed some more bugs in PageExecute(). I am getting sick of bug in this and will have to
reconsider my QA here. The main issue is that I don't use PageExecute() and
to check whether it is working requires a visual inspection of the html generated currently.
It is possible to write a test script but it would be quite complicated :(
<p> More speedups of SelectLimit() for DB2, Oci8, access, vfp, mssql.
<p><b>1.53 7 Nov 2001</b></p>
Added support for ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC for ado and odbc drivers.<p>
Tuned GetRowAssoc(false) in postgresql and mysql.<p>
Stephen Van Dyke contributed ADOdb icon, accepted with some minor mods.<p>
Enabled Affected_Rows() for postgresql<p>
Speedup for Concat() using implode() - Benjamin Curtis ben_curtis#yahoo.com<p>
Fixed some more bugs in PageExecute() to prevent infinite loops<p>
<p><b>1.52 5 Nov 2001</b></p>
Spelling error in CacheExecute() caused it to fail. $ql should be $sql in line 625!<p>
Added fixes for parsing [ and ] in GetUpdateSQL().
<p><b>1.51 5 Nov 2001</b></p>
<p>Oci8 SelectLimit() speedup by using OCIFetch().
<p>Oci8 was mistakenly reporting errors when $db->debug = true.
<p>If a connection failed with ODBC, it was not correctly reported - fixed.
<p>_connectionID was inited to -1, changed to false.
<p>Added $rs->FetchRow(), to simplify API, ala PEAR DB
<p>Added PEAR DB compat mode, which is still faster than PEAR! See ADOdb-pear.inc.php.
<p>Removed postgres pconnect debugging statement.
<p><b>1.50 31 Oct 2001</b></p>
<p>ADOdbConnection renamed to ADOConnection, and ADOdbFieldObject to ADOFieldObject.
<p>PageExecute() now checks for empty $rs correctly, and the errors in the docs on this subject have been fixed.
<p>odbc_error() does not return 6 digit error correctly at times. Implemented workaround.
<p>Added ADORecordSet_empty class. This will speedup INSERTS/DELETES/UPDATES because the return
object created is much smaller.
<p>Added Prepare() to odbc, and oci8 (but doesn't work properly for oci8 still).
<p>Made pgsql a synonym for postgre7, and changed SELECT LIMIT to use OFFSET for compat with
postgres 7.2.
<p>Revised ADOdb-cryptsession.php thanks to Ari.
<p>Set resources to false on _close, to force freeing of resources.
<p>Added ADOdb-errorhandler.inc.php, ADOdb-errorpear.inc.php and raiseErrorFn on Freek's urging.
<p>GetRowAssoc($toUpper=true): $toUpper added as default.
<p>Errors when connecting to a database were not captured formerly. Now we do it correctly.
<p><b>1.40 19 September 2001</b></p>
<p>PageExecute() to implement page scrolling added. Code and idea by Iv&aacute;n Oliva.</p>
<p>Some minor postgresql fixes.</p>
<p>Added sequence support using GenID() for postgresql, oci8, mysql, interbase.</p>
<p>Added UpdateBlob support for interbase (untested).</p>
<p>Added encrypted sessions (see ADOdb-cryptsession.php). By Ari Kuorikoski &lt;kuoriari#finebyte.com></p>
<p><b>1.31 21 August 2001</b></p>
<p>Many bug fixes thanks to "GaM3R (Cameron)" &lt;gamr#outworld.cx>. Some session changes due to Gam3r.
<p>Fixed qstr() to quote also.
<p>rs2html() now pretty printed.
<p>Jonathan Younger jyounger#unilab.com contributed the great idea GetUpdateSQL() and GetInsertSQL() which
generates SQL to update and insert into a table from a recordset. Modify the recordset fields
array, then can this function to generate the SQL (the SQL is not executed).
<p>"Nicola Fankhauser" &lt;nicola.fankhauser#couniq.com> found some bugs in date handling for mssql.</p>
<p>Added minimal Oracle support for LOBs. Still under development.</p>
Added $ADODB_FETCH_MODE so you can control whether recordsets return arrays which are
numeric, associative or both. This is a global variable you set. Currently only MySQL, Oci8, Postgres
drivers support this.
<p>PostgreSQL properly closes recordsets now. Reported by several people.
Added UpdateBlob() for Oracle. A hack to make it easier to save blobs.
Oracle timestamps did not display properly. Fixed.
<p><b>1.20 6 June 2001</b></p>
<p>Now Oracle can connect using tnsnames.ora or server and service name</p>
<p>Extensive Oci8 speed optimizations.
Oci8 code revised to support variable binding, and /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ hint.</p>
<p>Worked around some 4.0.6 bugs in odbc_fetch_into().</p>
<p>Paolo S. Asioli paolo.asioli#libero.it suggested GetRowAssoc().</p>
<p>Escape quotes for oracle wrongly set to '. Now '' is used.</p>
<p>Variable binding now works in ODBC also.</p>
<p>Jumped to version 1.20 because I don't like 13 :-)</p>
<p><b>1.12 6 June 2001</b></p>
<p>Changed $ADODB_DIR to ADODB_DIR constant to plug a security loophole.</p>
<p>Changed _close() to close persistent connections also. Prevents connection leaks.</p>
<p>Major revision of oracle and oci8 drivers.
Added OCI_RETURN_NULLS and OCI_RETURN_LOBS to OCIFetchInto(). BLOB, CLOB and VARCHAR2 recognition
in MetaType() improved. MetaColumns() returns columns in correct sort order.</p>
<p>Interbase timestamp input format was wrong. Fixed.</p>
<p><b>1.11 20 May 2001</b></p>
<p>Improved file locking for Windows.</p>
<p>Probabilistic flushing of cache to avoid avalanche updates when cache timeouts.</p>
<p>Cached recordset timestamp not saved in some scenarios. Fixed.</p>
<p><b>1.10 19 May 2001</b></p>
<p>Added caching. CacheExecute() and CacheSelectLimit().
<p>Added csv driver. See <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/adodb_csv">http://php.weblogs.com/ADODB_csv</a>.
<p>Fixed SelectLimit(), SELECT TOP not working under certain circumstances.
<p>Added better Frontbase support of MetaTypes() by Frank M. Kromann.
<p><b>1.01 24 April 2001</b></p>
<p>Fixed SelectLimit bug. not quoted properly.
<p>SelectLimit: SELECT TOP -1 * FROM TABLE not support by Microsoft. Fixed.</p>
<p>GetMenu improved by glen.davies#cce.ac.nz to support multiple hilited items<p>
<p>FetchNextObject() did not work with only 1 record returned. Fixed bug reported by $tim#orotech.net</p>
<p>Fixed mysql field max_length problem. Fix suggested by Jim Nicholson (jnich#att.com)</p>
<p><b>1.00 16 April 2001</b></p>
<p>Given some brilliant suggestions on how to simplify ADOdb by akul. You no longer need to
setup $ADODB_DIR yourself, and ADOLoadCode() is automatically called by ADONewConnection(),
simplifying the startup code.</p>
<p>FetchNextObject() added. Suggested by Jakub Marecek. This makes FetchObject() obsolete, as
this is more flexible and powerful.</p>
<p>Misc fixes to SelectLimit() to support Access (top must follow distinct) and Fields()
in the array recordset. From Reinhard Balling.</p>
<p><b>0.96 27 Mar 2001</b></p>
<p>ADOConnection Close() did not return a value correctly. Thanks to akul#otamedia.com.</p>
<p>When the horrible magic_quotes is enabled, back-slash () is changed to double-backslash (\).
This doesn't make sense for Microsoft/Sybase databases. We fix this in qstr().</p>
<p>Fixed Sybase date problem in UnixDate() thanks to Toni Tunkkari. Also fixed MSSQL problem
in UnixDate() - thanks to milhouse31#hotmail.com.</p>
<p>MoveNext() moved to leaf classes for speed in MySQL/PostgreSQL. 10-15% speedup.</p>
<p>Added null handling in bindInputArray in Execute() -- Ron Baldwin suggestion.</p>
<p>Fixed some option tags. Thanks to john#jrmstudios.com.</p>
<p><b>0.95 13 Mar 2001</b></p>
<p>Added postgres7 database driver which supports LIMIT and other version 7 stuff in the future.</p>
<p>Added SelectLimit to ADOConnection to simulate PostgreSQL's "select * from table limit 10 offset 3".
Added helper function GetArrayLimit() to ADORecordSet.</p>
<p>Fixed mysql metacolumns bug. Thanks to Freek Dijkstra (phpeverywhere#macfreek.com).</p>
<p>Also many PostgreSQL changes by Freek. He almost rewrote the whole PostgreSQL driver!</p>
<p>Added fix to input parameters in Execute for non-strings by Ron Baldwin.</p>
<p>Added new metatype, X for TeXt. Formerly, metatype B for Blob also included
text fields. Now 'B' is for binary/image data. 'X' for textual data.</p>
<p>Fixed $this->GetArray() in GetRows().</p>
<p>Oracle and OCI8: 1st parameter is always blank -- now warns if it is filled.</p>
<p>Now <i>hasLimit</i> and <i>hasTop</i> added to indicate whether
SELECT * FROM TABLE LIMIT 10 or SELECT TOP 10 * FROM TABLE are supported.</p>
<p><b>0.94 04 Feb 2001</b></p>
<p>Added ADORecordSet::GetRows() for compatibility with Microsoft ADO. Synonym for GetArray().</p>
<p>Added new metatype 'R' to represent autoincrement numbers.</p>
<p>Added ADORecordSet.FetchObject() to return a row as an object.</p>
<p>Finally got a Linux box to test PostgreSql. Many fixes.</p>
<p>Fixed copyright misspellings in 0.93.</p>
<p>Fixed mssql MetaColumns type bug.</p>
<p>Worked around odbc bug in PHP4 for sessions.</p>
<p>Fixed many documentation bugs (affected_rows, metadatabases, qstr).</p>
<p>Fixed MySQL timestamp format (removed comma).</p>
<p>Interbase driver did not call ibase_pconnect(). Fixed.</p>
<p><b>0.93 18 Jan 2002</b></p>
<p>Fixed GetMenu bug.</p>
<p>Simplified Interbase commit and rollback.</p>
<p>Default behaviour on closing a connection is now to rollback all active transactions.</p>
<p>Added field object handling for array recordset for future XML compatibility.</p>
<p>Added arr2html() to convert array to html table.</p>
<p><b>0.92 2 Jan 2002</b></p>
<p>Interbase Commit and Rollback should be working again.</p>
<p>Changed initialisation of ADORecordSet. This is internal and should not affect users. We
are doing this to support cached recordsets in the future.</p>
<p>Implemented ADORecordSet_array class. This allows you to simulate a database recordset
with an array.</p>
<p>Added UnixDate() and UnixTimeStamp() to ADORecordSet.</p>
<p><b>0.91 21 Dec 2000</b></p>
<p>Fixed ODBC so ErrorMsg() is working.</p>
<p>Worked around ADO unrecognised null (0x1) value problem in COM.</p>
<p>Added Sybase support for FetchField() type</p>
<p>Removed debugging code and unneeded html from various files</p>
<p>Changed to javadoc style comments to adodb.inc.php.</p>
<p>Added maxsql as synonym for mysqlt</p>
<p>Now ODBC downloads first 8K of blob by default
<p><b>0.90 15 Nov 2000</b></p>
<p>Lots of testing of Microsoft ADO. Should be more stable now.</p>
<p>Added $ADODB_COUNTREC. Set to false for high speed selects.</p>
<p>Added Sybase support. Contributed by Toni Tunkkari (toni.tunkkari#finebyte.com). Bug in Sybase
API: GetFields is unable to determine date types.</p>
<p>Changed behaviour of RecordSet.GetMenu() to support size parameter (listbox) properly.</p>
<p>Added emptyDate and emptyTimeStamp to RecordSet class that defines how to represent
empty dates.</p>
<p>Added MetaColumns($table) that returns an array of ADOFieldObject's listing
the columns of a table.</p>
<p>Added transaction support for PostgresSQL -- thanks to "Eric G. Werk" egw#netguide.dk.</p>
<p>Added ADOdb-session.php for session support.</p>
<p><b>0.80 30 Nov 2000</b></p>
<p>Added support for charSet for interbase. Implemented MetaTables for most databases.
PostgreSQL more extensively tested.</p>
<p><b>0.71 22 Nov 2000</b></p>
<p>Switched from using require_once to include/include_once for backward compatability with PHP 4.02 and earlier.</p>
<p><b>0.70 15 Nov 2000</b></p>
<p>Calls by reference have been removed (call_time_pass_reference=Off) to ensure compatibility with future versions of PHP,
except in Oracle 7 driver due to a bug in php_oracle.dll.</p>
<p>PostgreSQL database driver contributed by Alberto Cerezal (acerezalp#dbnet.es).
<p>Oci8 driver for Oracle 8 contributed by George Fourlanos (fou#infomap.gr).</p>
<p>Added <i>mysqlt</i> database driver to support MySQL 3.23 which has transaction
support. </p>
<p>Oracle default date format (DD-MON-YY) did not match ADOdb default date format (which is YYYY-MM-DD). Use ALTER SESSION to force the default date.</p>
<p>Error message checking is now included in test suite.</p>
<p>MoveNext() did not check EOF properly -- fixed.</p>
<p><b>0.60 Nov 8 2000</b></p>
<p>Fixed some constructor bugs in ODBC and ADO. Added ErrorNo function to ADOConnection
class. </p>
<p><b>0.51 Oct 18 2000</b></p>
<p>Fixed some interbase bugs.</p>
<p><b>0.50 Oct 16 2000</b></p>
<p>Interbase commit/rollback changed to be compatible with PHP 4.03. </p>
<p>CommitTrans( ) will now return true if transactions not supported. </p>
<p>Conversely RollbackTrans( ) will return false if transactions not supported.
<p><b>0.46 Oct 12</b></p>
Many Oracle compatibility issues fixed.
<p><b>0.40 Sept 26</b></p>
<p>Many bug fixes</p>
<p>Now Code for BeginTrans, CommitTrans and RollbackTrans is working. So is the Affected_Rows
and Insert_ID. Added above functions to test.php.</p>
<p>ADO type handling was busted in 0.30. Fixed.</p>
<p>Generalised Move( ) so it works will all databases, including ODBC.</p>
<p><b>0.30 Sept 18</b></p>
<p>Renamed ADOLoadDB to ADOLoadCode. This is clearer.</p>
<p>Added BeginTrans, CommitTrans and RollbackTrans functions.</p>
<p>Added Affected_Rows() and Insert_ID(), _affectedrows() and _insertID(), ListTables(),
ListDatabases(), ListColumns().</p>
<p>Need to add New_ID() and hasInsertID and hasAffectedRows, autoCommit </p>
<p><b>0.20 Sept 12</b></p>
<p>Added support for Microsoft's ADO.</p>
<p>Added new field to ADORecordSet -- canSeek</p>
<p>Added new parameter to _fetch($ignore_fields = false). Setting to true will
not update fields array for faster performance.</p>
<p>Added new field to ADORecordSet/ADOConnection -- dataProvider to indicate whether
a class is derived from odbc or ado.</p>
<p>Changed class ODBCFieldObject to ADOFieldObject -- not documented currently.</p>
<p>Added benchmark.php and testdatabases.inc.php to the test suite.</p>
<p>Added to ADORecordSet FastForward( ) for future high speed scrolling. Not documented.</p>
<p>Realised that ADO's Move( ) uses relative positioning. ADOdb uses absolute.
<p><b>0.10 Sept 9 2000</b></p>
<p>First release</p>