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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Library of functions and constants for module wiki
* (replace wiki with the name of your module and delete this line)
* @package mod-wiki
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
/** @global array $WIKI_TYPES */
global $WIKI_TYPES;
$WIKI_TYPES = array ('teacher' => get_string('defaultcourseteacher'),
'group' => get_string('groups',"wiki"),
'student' => get_string('defaultcoursestudent') );
define("EWIKI_ESCAPE_AT", 0); # For the algebraic filter
// How long locks stay around without being confirmed (seconds)
// How often to confirm that you still want a lock
// Session variable used to store wiki locks
/*** Moodle 1.7 compatibility functions *****
* @todo add some $cm caching if needed
* @param object $wiki
* @return object
function wiki_context($wiki) {
//TODO: add some $cm caching if needed
if (is_object($wiki)) {
$wiki = $wiki->id;
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $wiki)) {
return get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
function wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $userid=NULL) {
return has_capability('mod/wiki:manage', wiki_context($wiki), $userid);
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
function wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $userid=NULL) {
return has_capability('mod/wiki:manage', wiki_context($wiki), $userid)
and has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', wiki_context($wiki), $userid);
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
function wiki_is_student($wiki, $userid=NULL) {
return has_capability('mod/wiki:participate', wiki_context($wiki), $userid);
* @param object $wiki
* @param string $groups
* @param string $sort
* @param string $fields
* @return array
function wiki_get_students($wiki, $groups='', $sort='u.lastaccess', $fields='u.*') {
return $users = get_users_by_capability(wiki_context($wiki), 'mod/wiki:participate', $fields, $sort, '', '', $groups);
/* end of compatibility functions */
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will create a new instance and return the id number
* of the new instance.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @return bool|int
function wiki_add_instance($wiki) {
global $DB;
$wiki->timemodified = time();
# May have to add extra stuff in here #
/// Determine the pagename for this wiki and save.
$wiki->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
return $DB->insert_record("wiki", $wiki);
* Given an object containing all the necessary data,
* (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function
* will update an existing instance with new data.
* @global object
* @param object @wiki
* @return bool
function wiki_update_instance($wiki) {
global $DB;
/// Determine the pagename for this wiki.
$wiki->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki->timemodified = time();
$wiki->id = $wiki->instance;
return $DB->update_record("wiki", $wiki);
* Delete all Directories recursively
* @param string $basedir
function wiki_rmdir($basedir) {
$handle = @opendir($basedir);
if($handle) {
while (false!==($folder = readdir($handle))) {
if($folder != "." && $folder != ".." && $folder != "CVS") {
wiki_rmdir("$basedir/$folder"); // recursive
* Given an ID of an instance of this module,
* this function will permanently delete the instance
* and any data that depends on it.
* @global stdObject
* @global object
* @param int $id
* @return bool
function wiki_delete_instance($id) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (! $wiki = $DB->get_record("wiki", array("id"=>$id))) {
return false;
$result = true;
#Delete Files
### Should probably check regardless of this setting in case its been changed...
if($wiki->ewikiacceptbinary) {
if ($basedir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$wiki->course."/".$CFG->moddata."/wiki/$id") {
if ($files = get_directory_list($basedir)) {
foreach ($files as $file) {
#if ($file != $exception) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Existing file '$file' has been deleted!");
#if (!$exception) { // Delete directory as well, if empty
# Delete any dependent records here #
if(!$DB->delete_records("wiki_locks", array("wikiid"=>$wiki->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records("wiki", array("id"=>$wiki->id))) {
$result = false;
/// Delete all wiki_entries and wiki_pages.
if (($wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki)) !== false) {
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (! $DB->delete_records("wiki_pages", array("wiki"=>$wiki_entry->id))) {
$result = false;
if (! $DB->delete_records("wiki_entries", array("id"=>$wiki_entry->id))) {
$result = false;
return $result;
* Return a small object with summary information about what a
* user has done with a given particular instance of this module
* Used for user activity reports.
* $return->time = the time they did it
* $return->info = a short text description
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $wiki
* @return null
function wiki_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $wiki) {
$return = NULL;
return $return;
* Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with
* a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports.
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $wiki
* @return bool true
function wiki_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $wiki) {
return true;
* Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity
* that has occurred in wiki activities and print it out.
* Return true if there was output, or false is there was none.
* @global stdClass
* @global object
* @param object $course
* @param bool $isteacher
* @param int $timestart
* @return bool
function wiki_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$sql = "SELECT l.*, cm.instance
FROM {log} l JOIN {course_modules} cm ON l.cmid = cm.id
WHERE l.time > ? AND l.course = ?
AND l.module = 'wiki' AND action LIKE 'edit%'
ORDER BY l.time ASC";
if (!$logs = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($timestart, $course->id))){
return false;
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
$wikis = array();
foreach ($logs as $log) {
$cm = $modinfo->instances['wiki'][$log->instance];
if (!$cm->uservisible) {
/// Process log->url and rebuild it here to properly clean the pagename - MDL-15896
$extractedpage = preg_replace('/^.*&page=/', '', $log->url);
$log->url = preg_replace('/page=.*$/', 'page='.urlencode($extractedpage), $log->url);
$wikis[$log->info] = wiki_log_info($log);
$wikis[$log->info]->pagename = $log->info;
$wikis[$log->info]->time = $log->time;
$wikis[$log->info]->url = str_replace('&', '&', $log->url);
if (!$wikis) {
return false;
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("updatedwikipages", 'wiki').':', 3);
foreach ($wikis as $wiki) {
print_recent_activity_note($wiki->time, $wiki, $wiki->pagename,
return false;
* @global stdClass
* @global object
* @param string $log
* @return array
function wiki_log_info($log) {
global $CFG, $DB;
return $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname
FROM {user} u
WHERE u.id = ?", array($log->userid));
* Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
* This function searches for things that need to be done, such
* as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ...
* @global object
* @return bool
function wiki_cron () {
global $DB;
// Delete expired locks
$result = $DB->delete_records_select('wiki_locks','lockedseen < '.(time()-WIKI_LOCK_PERSISTENCE));
return $result;
* Returns the users with data in one wiki
* (users with records in wiki_pages and wiki_entries)
* @global stdClass
* @global object
* @param int $wikiid
* @return array
function wiki_get_participants($wikiid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//Get users from wiki_pages
$st_pages = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.id
FROM {user} u, {wiki_entries} e, {wiki_pages} p
WHERE e.wikiid = ? and
p.wiki = e.id and
u.id = p.userid", array($wikiid));
//Get users from wiki_entries
$st_entries = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.id
FROM {user} u, {wiki_entries} e
WHERE e.wikiid = ? and
u.id = e.userid", array($wikiid));
//Add entries to pages
if ($st_entries) {
foreach ($st_entries as $st_entry) {
$st_pages[$st_entry->id] = $st_entry;
return $st_pages;
/// Any other wiki functions go here. Each of them must have a name that
/// starts with wiki_
* Return the passed in string in Wiki name format.
* Remove any leading and trailing whitespace, capitalize all the words
* and then remove any internal whitespace.
* @param string $wikinane
* @return string
function wiki_wiki_name($wikiname) {
if (wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname)) {
return $wikiname;
else {
/// Create uppercase words and remove whitespace.
$wikiname = preg_replace("/(\w+)\s/", "$1", ucwords(trim($wikiname)));
/// Check again - there may only be one word.
if (wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname)) {
return $wikiname;
/// If there is only one word, append default wiki name to it.
else {
return $wikiname.get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki');
* Check for correct wikiname syntax and return true or false.
* @param string $wikiname
* @return bool
function wiki_is_wiki_name($wikiname) {
/// If there are spaces between the words, incorrect format.
if (preg_match_all('/\w+/', $wikiname, $out) > 1) {
return false;
/// If there isn't more than one group of uppercase letters separated by
/// lowercase letters or '_', incorrect format.
else if (preg_match_all('/[A-Z]+[a-z_]+/', $wikiname, $out) > 1) {
return true;
else {
return false;
* Determines the wiki's page name and returns it.
* @param object $wiki
* @return string
function wiki_page_name(&$wiki) {
if (!empty($wiki->initialcontent)) {
$ppos = strrpos($wiki->initialcontent, '/');
if ($ppos === false) {
$pagename = $wiki->initialcontent;
else {
$pagename = substr($wiki->initialcontent, $ppos+1);
else if (!empty($wiki->pagename)) {
$pagename = $wiki->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $wiki->name;
return $pagename;
* @global stdClass
* @param object $wiki
* @return string
function wiki_content_dir(&$wiki) {
/// Determines the wiki's default content directory (if there is one).
global $CFG;
if (!empty($wiki->initialcontent)) {
$ppos = strrpos($wiki->initialcontent, '/');
if ($ppos === false) {
$subdir = '';
else {
$subdir = substr($wiki->initialcontent, 0, $ppos+1);
$contentdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$wiki->course.'/'.$subdir;
else {
$contentdir = false;
return $contentdir;
* Returns all wikis for the specified course and optionally of the specified type.
* @global object
* @param int $courseid
* @param string $wtype
* @return array
function wiki_get_course_wikis($courseid, $wtype='*') {
global $DB;
$select = 'course = ?';
$params = array($courseid);
if ($wtype != '*') {
$select .= ' AND wtype = ?';
$params[] = $wtype;
return $DB->get_records_select('wiki', $select, $params, 'id');
* Returns true if wiki already has wiki entries; otherwise false.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @return bool
function wiki_has_entries(&$wiki) {
global $DB;
return $DB->record_exists('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id));
* Returns an array with all wiki entries indexed by entry id; false if there are none.
* If the optional $byindex is specified, returns the entries indexed by that field.
* Valid values for $byindex are 'student', 'group'.
* @global stdClass
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param string $byindex
function wiki_get_entries(&$wiki, $byindex=NULL) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($byindex == 'student') {
return $DB->get_records('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id), '',
else if ($byindex == 'group') {
return $DB->get_records('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id), '',
else {
return $DB->get_records('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id));
* Returns the wiki entry according to the wiki type.
* Optionally, will return wiki entry for $userid student wiki, or
* $groupid group or teacher wiki.
* Creates one if it needs to and it can.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki By reference
* @param object $course By reference
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return object
function wiki_get_default_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
global $USER;
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
// if groups mode is in use and no group supplied, use the first one found
if ($groupmode && !$groupid) {
$mygroupids = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupids) {
$mygroupids = array_keys($mygroupids);
if($mygroupids && count($mygroupids)>0) {
// Use first group. They ought to be able to change later
} else {
// Whatever groups are in the course, pick one
$coursegroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id);
if(!$coursegroups || count($coursegroups)==0) {
print_error('groupmodeerror', 'wiki');
$unkeyed=array_values($coursegroups); // Make sure first item is index 0
/// If the wiki entry doesn't exist, can this user create it?
if (($wiki_entry = wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid)) === false) {
if (wiki_can_add_entry($wiki, $USER, $course, $userid, $groupid)) {
wiki_add_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid);
if (($wiki_entry = wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid)) === false) {
print_error('cannotaddentry', 'wiki');
return $wiki_entry;
* Returns the wiki entry according to the wiki type.
* Optionally, will return wiki entry for $userid student wiki, or
* $groupid group or teacher wiki.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki By reference
* @param object $course By reference
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return object
function wiki_get_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
global $USER;
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// If a specific user was requested, return it, if allowed.
if ($userid and wiki_user_can_access_student_wiki($wiki, $userid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_student_entry($wiki, $userid);
/// If there is no entry for this user, check if this user is a teacher.
else if (!$wentry = wiki_get_student_entry($wiki, $USER->id)) {
/* if (wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id)) {
/// If this user is a teacher, return the first entry.
if ($wentries = wiki_get_entries($wiki)) {
$wentry = current($wentries);
case 'group':
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
if($groupmode) {
if(!$groupid) {
$mygroupids = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupids) {
$mygroupids = array_keys($mygroupids);
if($mygroupids && count($mygroupids)>0) {
// Use first group. They ought to be able to change later
} else {
// Whatever groups are in the course, pick one
$coursegroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id);
if(!$coursegroups || count($coursegroups)==0) {
print_error('groupmodeerror', 'wiki');
$unkeyed=array_values($coursegroups); // Make sure first item is index 0
//echo "groupid is in wiki_get_entry ".$groupid."<br />";
/// If a specific group was requested, return it, if allowed.
if ($groupid and wiki_user_can_access_group_wiki($wiki, $groupid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($wiki, $groupid);
} else {
print_error('cannotaccessgroup', 'wiki');
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then groupid is zero.
else {
$wentry = wiki_get_group_entry($wiki, 0);
case 'teacher':
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
if (isset($cm->groupmode) && empty($course->groupmodeforce)) {
$groupmode = $cm->groupmode;
} else {
$groupmode = $course->groupmode;
if ($groupmode) {
$mygroupids = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupids) {
$mygroupids = array_keys($mygroupids);
$groupid = $groupid ? $groupid : $mygroupids[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
/// If a specific group was requested, return it, if allowed.
if (wiki_user_can_access_teacher_wiki($wiki, $groupid, $course)) {
$wentry = wiki_get_teacher_entry($wiki, $groupid);
return $wentry;
* Returns the wiki entry for the wiki teacher type.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $groupid
* @return object
function wiki_get_teacher_entry(&$wiki, $groupid=0) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id, 'course'=>$wiki->course, 'groupid'=>$groupid));
* Returns the wiki entry for the given group.
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $groupid
* @return object
function wiki_get_group_entry(&$wiki, $groupid=null) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id, 'groupid'=>$groupid));
* Returns the wiki entry for the given student.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $userid
* @return object
function wiki_get_student_entry(&$wiki, $userid=null) {
global $USER, $DB;
if (is_null($userid)) {
$userid = $USER->id;
return $DB->get_record('wiki_entries', array('wikiid'=>$wiki->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
* Returns a list of other wikis to display, depending on the type, group and user.
* Returns the key containing the currently selected entry as well.
* @global stdClass
* @global int
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param object $user
* @param object $course
* @param int $currentid
* @return array
function wiki_get_other_wikis(&$wiki, &$user, &$course, $currentid=0) {
global $CFG, $id, $DB, $USER;
$wikis = false;
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
$mygroupid = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupid) {
$mygroupid = array_keys($mygroupid);
$isteacher = wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id);
$isteacheredit = wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $user->id);
$groupingid = null;
$cm = new stdClass;
$cm->id = $wiki->cmid;
$cm->groupmode = $wiki->groupmode;
$cm->groupingid = $wiki->groupingid;
$cm->groupmembersonly = $wiki->groupmembersonly;
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($cm->groupingid)) {
$groupingid = $wiki->groupingid;
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// Get all the existing entries for this wiki.
$wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki, 'student');
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = "SELECT gm.userid FROM {groups_members} gm " .
"INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON gm.groupid = gg.groupid " .
"WHERE gg.groupingid = ? ";
$groupingmembers = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($wiki->groupingid));
if ($isteacher and (SITEID != $course->id)) {
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all student
/// wikis, regardless of creation.
if ((SITEID != $course->id) and ($isteacheredit or ($groupmode == NOGROUPS))) {
if ($students = get_users_by_capability(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id), 'moodle/course:view', '', '', '', '', '', '', false)) {
/// Default pagename is dependent on the wiki settings.
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid) && empty($groupingmembers[$student->id])) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
if ($students = wiki_get_students($wiki, $mygroupid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid) && empty($groupingmembers[$student->id])) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
else if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
/// Get all students in your group.
if ($students = wiki_get_students($wiki, $mygroupid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($students as $student) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid) && empty($groupingmembers[$student->id])) {
/// If this student already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$student->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$student->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$student->id.'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($student).':'.$pagename;
/// Get all student wikis created, regardless of group.
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w '
.' INNER JOIN {user} u ON w.userid = u.id '
.' INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON gm.userid = u.id '
.' INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON gm.groupid = gg.groupid '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND gg.groupingid = ?'
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$params = array($wiki->id, $wiki->groupingid);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w, {user} u '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND u.id = w.userid '
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$params = array($wiki->id);
$wiki_entries = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$wiki_entry->userid.'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($wiki_entry).':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
else {
/// A user can see other student wikis if they are a member of the same
/// group (for separate groups) or there are visible groups, or if this is
/// a site-level wiki, and they are an administrator.
if (($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki)) {
$viewall = true;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$viewall = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($viewall) {
$viewall = array_keys($viewall);
else {
$viewall = false;
if ($viewall !== false) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w '
.' INNER JOIN {user} u ON w.userid = u.id '
.' INNER JOIN {groups_members} gm ON gm.userid = u.id '
.' INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON gm.groupid = gg.groupid '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND gg.groupingid = ?'
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$params = array($wiki->id, $wiki->groupingid);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.userid, w.pagename, u.firstname, u.lastname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w, {user} u '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND u.id = w.userid '
.' ORDER BY w.id';
$params = array($wiki->id);
$wiki_entries = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid) && empty($groupingmembers[$wiki_entry->userid])) {
if (($viewall === true) or groups_is_member($viewall, $wiki_entry->userid)) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.'&userid='.$wiki_entry->userid.'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = fullname($wiki_entry).':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
case 'group':
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all group
/// wikis, regardless of creation.
/// If user is a member of multiple groups, need to show current group etc?
/// Get all the existing entries for this wiki.
$wiki_entries = wiki_get_entries($wiki, 'group');
if ($groupmode and ($isteacheredit or ($isteacher and !$mygroupid))) {
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, null, $groupingid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if (isset($wiki_entries[$group->id])) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
//if a studnet with multiple groups in SPG
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS){
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id, $groupingid)){
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if (isset($wiki_entries[$group->id])) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
/// A user can see other group wikis if there are visible groups.
else if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w '
.' INNER JOIN {groups} g ON g.id = w.groupid '
.' INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON g.id = gg.groupid '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND gg.groupingid = ?'
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id, $wiki->groupingid);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w, {groups} g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id);
$wiki_entries = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
case 'teacher':
if ($isteacher) {
/// If the user is an editing teacher, or a non-editing teacher not assigned to a group, show all
/// teacher wikis, regardless of creation.
if ($groupmode and ($isteacheredit or ($isteacher and !$mygroupid))) {
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, null, $groupingid)) {
$defpagename = empty($wiki->pagename) ? get_string('wikidefaultpagename', 'wiki') : $wiki->pagename;
foreach ($groups as $group) {
/// If this group already has an entry, use its pagename.
if ($wiki_entries[$group->id]) {
$pagename = $wiki_entries[$group->id]->pagename;
else {
$pagename = $defpagename;
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($group->id?"&groupid=".$group->id:"").'&page='.$pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $group->name.':'.$pagename;
/// A teacher can see all other group teacher wikis.
else if ($groupmode) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w '
.' INNER JOIN {groups} g ON g.id = w.groupid '
.' INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON g.id = gg.groupid '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND gg.groupingid = ?'
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id, $wiki->groupingid);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w, {groups} g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id);
$wiki_entries = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
else {
/// A user can see other teacher wikis if they are a teacher, a member of the same
/// group (for separate groups) or there are visible groups.
if ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$viewall = true;
else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$viewall = $mygroupid;
else {
$viewall = false;
if ($viewall !== false) {
if (!empty($CFG->enablegroupings) && !empty($wiki->groupingid)) {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w '
.' INNER JOIN {groups} g ON g.id = w.groupid '
.' INNER JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON g.id = gg.groupid '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND gg.groupingid = ?'
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id, $wiki->groupingid);
} else {
$sql = 'SELECT w.id, w.groupid, w.pagename, g.name as gname '
.' FROM {wiki_entries} w, {groups} g '
.' WHERE w.wikiid = ? AND g.id = w.groupid '
.' ORDER BY w.groupid';
$params = array($wiki->id);
$wiki_entries = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
foreach ($wiki_entries as $wiki_entry) {
if (($viewall === true) or @in_array($wiki_entry->groupid, $viewall)/*$viewall == $wiki_entry->groupid*/) {
$key = 'view.php?id='.$id.($wiki_entry->groupid?"&groupid=".$wiki_entry->groupid:"").'&page='.$wiki_entry->pagename;
$wikis[$key] = $wiki_entry->gname.':'.$wiki_entry->pagename;
if ($currentid == $wiki_entry->id) {
$wikis['selected'] = $key;
return $wikis;
* Adds a new wiki entry of the specified type, unless already entered.
* No checking is done here. It is assumed that the caller has the correct
* privileges to add this entry.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param object $wiki
* @param object $course
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return bool
function wiki_add_entry(&$wiki, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
global $USER, $DB;
/// If this wiki already has a wiki_type entry, return false.
if (wiki_get_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid) !== false) {
return false;
$wiki_entry = new Object();
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->userid = $userid ? $userid : $USER->id;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
case 'group':
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
///give the first groupid by default and try
$mygroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroups) {
$mygroups = array_keys($mygroups);
/// If there is a groupmode, get the group id.
if ($groupmode) {
$groupid = $groupid ? $groupid : $mygroups[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then groupid is zero.
else {
$groupid = 0;
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->groupid = $groupid;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
case 'teacher':
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
/// If there is a groupmode, get the user's group id.
if ($groupmode and $groupid == 0) {
$mygroupid = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupid) {
$mygroupid = array_keys($mygroupid);
$groupid = $mygroupid[0]/*mygroupid($course->id)*/;
$wiki_entry->wikiid = $wiki->id;
$wiki_entry->course = $wiki->course;
$wiki_entry->groupid = $groupid;
$wiki_entry->pagename = wiki_page_name($wiki);
$wiki_entry->timemodified = time();
$wiki_entry->pagename = $wiki_entry->pagename;
return $DB->insert_record("wiki_entries", $wiki_entry, true);
* Returns true or false if the user can add a wiki entry for this wiki.
* @param object $wiki By reference
* @param object $user By reference
* @param object $course By reference
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return bool
function wiki_can_add_entry(&$wiki, &$user, &$course, $userid=0, $groupid=0) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
$mygroupid = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupid) {
$mygroupid = array_keys($mygroupid);
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
case 'student':
/// A student can create their own wiki, if they are a member of that course.
/// A user can create their own wiki at the site level.
if ($userid == 0) {
return (wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id) or wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id));
/// An editing teacher can create any student wiki, or
/// a non-editing teacher, if not assigned to a group can create any student wiki, or if assigned to a group can
/// create any student wiki in their group.
else {
return ((($userid == $user->id) and wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id)) or wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki) and (!$groupmode or $mygroupid == 0 or (groups_is_member($mygroupid, $userid)))));
case 'group':
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all participants can add wikis.
if (wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $user->id)) {
return true;
if (!$groupmode) {
return (wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id) or wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id));
/// If not requesting a group, must be a member of a group.
else if ($groupid == 0) {
return ($mygroupid != 0);
/// If requesting a group, must be an editing teacher, a non-editing teacher with no assigned group,
/// or a non-editing teacher requesting their group. or a student in group, but wiki is empty.
else {
return (wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki) and ($mygroupid == 0 or @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))) or
(wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id) and @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))
case 'teacher':
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all teachers can add wikis.
if (!$groupmode) {
return wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id);
/// If not requesting a group, must be a member of a group.
else if ($groupid == 0) {
return ($mygroupid != 0 and wiki_is_teacher($wiki));
/// If there is a group mode, non-editing teachers with an assigned group, can only create wikis
/// in their group. Non-editing teachers with no assigned group and editing teachers can create any wiki.
else {
return (wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki) and ($mygroupid == 0 or @in_array($groupid, $mygroupid))));
return false;
* Returns true or false if the user can edit this wiki entry.
* @param object $wiki_entry by reference
* @param object $wiki by reference
* @param object $user by reference
* @param object $course by reference
* @return bool
function wiki_can_edit_entry(&$wiki_entry, &$wiki, &$user, &$course) {
$can_edit = false;
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
$mygroupid = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupid) {
$mygroupid = array_keys($mygroupid);
/// Editing teacher's and admins can edit all wikis, non-editing teachers can edit wikis in their groups,
/// or all wikis if group mode is 'no groups' or they don't belong to a group.
if (wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $user->id) or
((!$groupmode or $mygroupid == 0) and wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id))) {
$can_edit = true;
else {
switch ($wiki->wtype) {
/// Only a teacher or the owner of a student wiki can edit it.
case 'student':
$can_edit = (($user->id == $wiki_entry->userid) or
($groupmode and wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id) and
groups_is_member($mygroupid, $wiki_entry->userid)));
case 'group':
/// If there is a groupmode, determine the user's group status.
if ($groupmode) {
/// If the user is a member of the wiki group, they can edit the wiki.
$can_edit = groups_is_member($wiki_entry->groupid, $user->id);
/// If mode is 'nogroups', then all participants can edit the wiki.
else {
$can_edit = (wiki_is_student($wiki, $user->id) or wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id));
case 'teacher':
/// If there is a groupmode, determine the user's group status.
if ($groupmode) {
/// If the user is a member of the wiki group, they can edit the wiki.
$can_edit = (wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id) and groups_is_member($wiki_entry->groupid, $user->id));
else {
$can_edit = wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $user->id);
return $can_edit;
* @global object
* @param object $wiki by reference
* @param int $userid
* @param object $course
* @return bool
function wiki_user_can_access_student_wiki(&$wiki, $userid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
$usersgroup = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($usersgroup) {
$usersgroup = array_keys($usersgroup);
$isteacher = wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id);
/// If this user is allowed to access this wiki then return TRUE.
/// A user can access a student wiki, if:
/// - it is their wiki,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and the user is a member of the requested user's group,
/// - they are an editing teacher or administrator,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher not assigned to a specific group,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher and group mode is NOGROUPS.
/// - they are an administrator (mostly for site-level wikis).
if (($userid and ($USER->id == $userid)) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and groups_is_member($usersgroup, $userid)) or
(wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $USER->id)) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id) and (!$usersgroup or $groupmode == NOGROUPS))) {
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
* @global object
* @param object $wiki by reference
* @param int $groupid
* @param object $course
* @return bool
function wiki_user_can_access_group_wiki(&$wiki, $groupid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
$usersgroup = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($usersgroup) {
$usersgroup = array_keys($usersgroup);
$isteacher = wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id);
/// A user can access a group wiki, if:
/// - group mode is NOGROUPS,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and they are a member of the requested group,
/// - they are an editing teacher or administrator,
/// - they are a non-editing teacher not assigned to a specific group.
if (($groupmode == NOGROUPS) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and @in_array($groupid, $usersgroup)/*($usersgroup == $groupid)*/) or
(wiki_is_teacheredit($wiki, $USER->id)) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id) and !$usersgroup)) {
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
* @global object
* @param object $wiki by reference
* @param int $groupid
* @param object $course by reference
* @return bool
function wiki_user_can_access_teacher_wiki(&$wiki, $groupid, &$course) {
global $USER;
/// Get the groupmode. It's been added to the wiki object.
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($wiki);
/// A user can access a teacher wiki, if:
/// - group mode is NOGROUPS,
/// - group mode is VISIBLEGROUPS,
/// - group mode is SEPARATEGROUPS, and they are a member of the requested group,
/// - they are a teacher or administrator,
$mygroupids = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if ($mygroupids) {
$mygroupids = array_keys($mygroupids);
if (($groupmode == NOGROUPS) or ($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) or
(($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) and (@in_array($groupid, $mygroupids)/*mygroupid($course->id) == $groupid*/)) or
(wiki_is_teacher($wiki, $USER->id))){
$can_access = true;
else {
$can_access = false;
return $can_access;
* @global object
* @param object $wiki_entry by reference
* @return string
function wiki_get_owner(&$wiki_entry) {
global $DB;
if ($wiki_entry->userid > 0) {
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$wiki_entry->userid));
$owner = fullname($user);
else if ($wiki_entry->groupid > 0) {
$owner = groups_get_group_name($wiki_entry->groupid); //TODO:check.
else if ($wiki_entry->course > 0) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$wiki_entry->course));
$owner = $course->shortname;
else {
$owner = '- '.get_string("ownerunknown","wiki").' -';
return $owner;
* @todo Add Group and User !!!
* @global stdClass
* @param int $cmid
* @param string $search
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @param bool $return
* @return string
function wiki_print_search_form($cmid, $search="", $userid, $groupid, $return=false) {
global $CFG;
# TODO: Add Group and User !!!
$output = "<form id=\"search\" action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/wiki/view.php\">";
$output .="<fieldset class='invisiblefieldset'>";
$output .= "<span style='font-size:0.6em;'>";
$output .= "<input value=\"".get_string("searchwiki", "wiki").":\" type=\"submit\" />";
$output .= "<input name=\"id\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$cmid\" />";
$output = $output.($groupid?"<input name=\"groupid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$groupid\" />":"");
$output = $output.($userid?"<input name=\"userid\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"$userid\" />":"");
$output .= "<input name=\"q\" type=\"text\" size=\"20\" value=\"".s($search)."\" />".' ';
$output .= "</span>";
$output .= "<input name=\"page\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"SearchPages\" />";
$output .= "</fieldset>";
$output .= "</form>";
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
* Prints a link-list of special wiki-pages
* @global object
* @global string
* @param int $cmid
* @param bool $binary
* @param bool $return
function wiki_print_wikilinks_block($cmid, $binary=false, $return=false) {
global $CFG, $ewiki_title, $OUTPUT;
$links["SiteMap"]=get_string("sitemap", "wiki");
$links["PageIndex"]=get_string("pageindex", "wiki");
$links["NewestPages"]=get_string("newestpages", "wiki");
$links["MostVisitedPages"]=get_string("mostvisitedpages", "wiki");
$links["MostOftenChangedPages"]=get_string("mostoftenchangedpages", "wiki");
$links["UpdatedPages"]=get_string("updatedpages", "wiki");
$links["OrphanedPages"]=get_string("orphanedpages", "wiki");
$links["WantedPages"]=get_string("wantedpages", "wiki");
$links["WikiExport"]=get_string("wikiexport", "wiki");
if($binary) {
$links["FileDownload"]=get_string("filedownload", "wiki");
$name = null;
if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)=$/', EWIKI_SCRIPT, $matches)) {
$name = $matches[1];
$select = html_select::make_popup_form(EWIKI_SCRIPT, $name, $links, 'wikilinks');
$select->nothinglabel = get_string("choosewikilinks", "wiki");
echo $OUTPUT->select($select);
* Displays actions which can be performed on the page
* @param int $cmit
* @param array $specialpages
* @param array $page
* @param string $action
* @param bool $binary
* @param bool $canedit
function wiki_print_page_actions($cmid, $specialpages, $page, $action, $binary=false, $canedit=true) {
// Edit this Page
if (in_array($action, array("edit", "links", "info", "attachments"))) {
if ($canedit && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action != "edit") {
if ($action != "links") {
if ($canedit && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action!="info") {
if($canedit && $binary && !in_array($page, $specialpages) && $action != "attachments") {
$name = null;
if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)=$/', EWIKI_SCRIPT, $matches)) {
$name = $matches[1];
$select = html_select::make_popup_form(EWIKI_SCRIPT, $name, $page, 'wikiactions');
$select->nothinglabel = get_string("action", "wiki");
echo $OUTPUT->select($select);
* Displays actions which can be performed on the page
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $cmid
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @param object $page
* @param bool $noeditor
* @param object $course
function wiki_print_administration_actions($wiki, $cmid, $userid, $groupid, $page, $noeditor, $course) {
global $OUTPUT;
/// Create the URL
$ewscript = 'admin.php?id='.$cmid;
if (isset($userid) && $userid!=0) $ewscript .= '&userid='.$userid;
if (isset($groupid) && $groupid!=0) $ewscript .= '&groupid='.$groupid;
if (isset($page)) $ewscript .= '&page='.$page;
/// Build that action array according to wiki flags.
$action = array();
$isteacher = wiki_is_teacher($wiki);
if ($wiki->setpageflags or $isteacher) {
$action['setpageflags'] = get_string('setpageflags', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->removepages or $isteacher) {
$action['removepages'] = get_string('removepages', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->strippages or $isteacher) {
$action['strippages'] = get_string('strippages', 'wiki');
if ($wiki->revertchanges or $isteacher) {
$action['revertpages'] = get_string('revertpages', 'wiki');
if($noeditor) {
$action["checklinks"]=get_string("checklinks", "wiki");
$select = html_select::make_popup_form($ewscript, 'action', $action, 'wikiadministration');
$select->nothinglabel = get_string("chooseadministration", "wiki");
echo $OUTPUT->select($select);
* @return array
function wiki_admin_get_flagarray() {
$ret = array(
EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT => get_string("flagtxt","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY => get_string("flagbin","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_DISABLED => get_string("flagoff","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_HTML => get_string("flaghtm","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY => get_string("flagro","wiki"),
EWIKI_DB_F_WRITEABLE => get_string("flagwr","wiki"),
return $ret;
///////// Ewiki Administration. Mostly taken from the ewiki/tools folder and changed
* @param bool $pageflagstatus
* @return object
function wiki_admin_setpageflags_list($pageflagstatus) {
$FD = wiki_admin_get_flagarray();
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("flags","wiki"));
if($pageflagstatus) {
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("version", "flags"));
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
$data = ewiki_database("GET", $row);
if ($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_TEXT) {
$cell_pagename .= '<a href="' . EWIKI_SCRIPT . $id . '">';
} else {
$cell_pagename .= '<a href="' . EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY . $id . '">';
$cell_pagename .= s($id) . '</a> / '.get_string("version","wiki").": ".$row["version"];
foreach ($FD as $n=>$str) {
$cell_flags .='<input type="checkbox" name="flags['. rawurlencode($id)
. '][' . $n . ']" value="1" '
. (($data["flags"] & $n) ? "checked=\"checked\"" : "")
. ' />'.$str. ' ';
if($pageflagstatus) {
$table->data[]=array($cell_pagename, $cell_flags, $pageflagstatus[$id]);
} else {
$table->data[]=array($cell_pagename, $cell_flags);
return $table;
* @param array $pageflags
* @return array Status array
function wiki_admin_setpageflags($pageflags) {
$FD = wiki_admin_get_flagarray();
if($pageflags) {
foreach($pageflags as $page=>$fa) {
$page = rawurldecode($page);
$flags = 0;
$fstr = "";
foreach($fa as $num=>$isset) {
if ($isset) {
$flags += $num;
$fstr .= ($fstr?",":""). $FD[$num];
#$status[$page] .= "{$flags}=[{$fstr}]";
$data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $page));
if ($data["flags"] != $flags) {
$data["flags"] = $flags;
$data["author"] = "ewiki-tools, " . ewiki_author();
ewiki_database("WRITE", $data);
$status[$page] = "<b>".get_string("flagsset","wiki")."</b> ".$status[$page];
return $status;
* @param bool $listall
* @return object
function wiki_admin_remove_list($listall="") {
/// Table header
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(" ", get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("errororreason","wiki"));
/// Get all pages
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("version"));
$selected = array();
/// User wants to see all pages
if ($listall) {
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$selected[$row["id"]] = get_string("listall","wiki")."<br />";
while ($page = $result->get()) {
$id = $page["id"];
$page = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id));
$flags = $page["flags"];
#print "$id ".strlen(trim(($page["content"])))."<br />";
if (!strlen(trim(($page["content"]))) && !($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("emptypage","wiki")."<br />";
// Check for orphaned pages
$result2 = ewiki_database("SEARCH", array("content" => $id));
if ($result2 && $result2->count()) {
while ($row = $result2->get()) {
$checkcontent = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$row["id"]));
$checkcontent = strtolower($checkcontent["content"]);
if(strpos($checkcontent, strtolower($id)) !== false) {
#echo "rc({$row['id']})==>($id): $check2 <br />";
/// Some more reasons for Deletion...
if ($orphanedpage && $id!=EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX &&!($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("orphanedpage","wiki")."<br />";
if ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_DISABLED) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("disabledpage","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & 3) == 3) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorbinandtxt","wiki")."<br />";
if (!($flags & 3)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errornotype","wiki")."<br />";
if ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_HTML) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorhtml","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY) && !($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("readonly","wiki")."<br />";
if (($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_READONLY) && ($flags & EWIKI_DB_F_WRITEABLE)) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorroandwr","wiki")."<br />";
if (strlen($page["content"]) >= 65536) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("errorsize","wiki")."<br />";
if (strpos($page["refs"], "\n".get_string("deletemewikiword","wiki")."\n")!==false) {
@$selected[$id] .= get_string("deletemewikiwordfound","wiki",get_string("deletemewikiword","wiki"))."<br />";
foreach ($selected as $id => $reason) {
$table_checkbox='<input type="checkbox" value="'.rawurlencode($id).'" name="pagestodelete[]" />';
#-- link & id
if (strpos($id, EWIKI_IDF_INTERNAL) === false) {
$table_page='<a href="' . ewiki_script("", $id) . '">';
} else {
$table_page='<a href="' . ewiki_script_binary("", $id) . '">';
$table_page .= s($id) . '</a>';
#-- print reason
$table->data[]=array($table_checkbox, $table_page, $table_reason);
return $table;
* This function actually removes the pages
* @param array $pagestodelete
* @param object $course
* @param object $wiki
* @param int $userid
* @param int $groupid
* @return string
function wiki_admin_remove($pagestodelete, $course, $wiki, $userid, $groupid) {
foreach ($pagestodelete as $id) {
$id = rawurldecode($id);
$data = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id));
for ($version=1; $version<=$data["version"]; $version++) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$version));
if($data["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY) {
$filepath=moodle_binary_get_path($id, $data["meta"], $course, $wiki, $userid, $groupid);
return $ret;
* @param array $pagestostrip
* @param string $version
* @param string $err
* @return object
function wiki_admin_strip_list($pagestostrip="",$version="",$err="") {
/// Table header
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(" ", get_string("pagename","wiki"), get_string("deleteversions","wiki"));
$vc=ewiki_database("COUNTVERSIONS", array());
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL",array());
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
if($vc[$id]>1) {
if($err[$id]) {
$error=" ".join(", ",$err[$id]);
if($pagestostrip=="" || $pagestostrip[$i]) {
$checked=" checked=\"checked\"";
if($version=="") {
} else {
$table->data[]=array('<input type="checkbox" value="'.rawurlencode($id).'" name="pagestostrip['.$i.']" '.$checked.' />',
'<A HREF="'.EWIKI_SCRIPT.$id.'">'.s($id).'</A> / '.get_string("version","wiki").": ".$row["version"],
'<input name="version['.$i.']" value="'.$versiondefault.'" size="7" />'.$error);
return $table;
* @param array $pagestostrip
* @param string $version
* @param string $err
* @return array
function wiki_admin_strip_versions($pagestostrip, $version, &$err) {
foreach ($pagestostrip as $key => $id_ue) {
$id = rawurldecode($id_ue);
if (preg_match('/^(\d+)[-\s._:]+(\d+)$/', trim($version[$key]), $uu)) {
$versA = $uu[1];
$versZ = $uu[2];
// Let the last Version in the database
$checkdata = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $id));
if($versZ>=$checkdata["version"]) {
$err[$id][] = get_string("versionrangetoobig","wiki");
} else {
if($versA<=$versZ) {
for ($v=$versA; $v<=$versZ; $v++) {
} else {
else {
return $ret;
* @param array $pagestostrip
function wiki_admin_strip($pagestostrip) {
/// Purges old page-versions
foreach($pagestostrip as $id => $versions) {
foreach($versions as $version) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$version));
* @return array
function wiki_admin_checklinks_list() {
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL",array());
while ($row = $result->get()) {
if(!($row["flags"] & EWIKI_DB_F_BINARY)) {
$ret[$index] = $row["id"];
return $ret;
* Checks http:// Links
* @return string
function wiki_admin_checklinks($pagetocheck) {
if($pagetocheck) {
$get = ewiki_database("GET", array("id" => $pagetocheck));
$content = $get["content"];
preg_match_all('_(http.?://[^\s"\'<>#,;]+[^\s"\'<>#,;.])_', $content, $links);
$badlinks = array();
if(!$links[1]) {
$ret = get_string("nolinksfound","wiki")."<br /><br />";
} else {
foreach ($links[1] as $href) {
#print "[ $href ]";
#$d = @implode("", @file($href));
if($checkfd = @fopen($href, 'r')) {
if (empty($d) || !strlen(trim($d)) || stristr("not found", $d) || stristr("error 404", $d)) {
$ret.="[".get_string("linkdead","wiki")."] $href <br />\n";
$badlinks[] = $href;
} else {
$ret.="[".get_string("linkok","wiki")."] $href <br />\n";
/// Remove old Notices
$content = preg_replace('/ µµ__~\['.get_string("offline","wiki").'\]__µµ /i','', $content);
#-- replace dead links
foreach ($badlinks as $href) {
$content = preg_replace("\377^(.*)($href)\377m", '$1 µµ__~['.get_string("offline","wiki").']__µµ $2', $content);
#-- compare against db content
if ($content != $get["content"]) {
$get["content"] = $content;
$get["author"] = ewiki_author("ewiki_checklinks");
$get["lastmodified"] = time();
ewiki_database("WRITE", $get);
return $ret;
* @param bool $proceed
* @param string $authorfieldpattern
* @param int $changesfield
* @param string $howtooperate
* @param int $deleteversions
* @return string
function wiki_admin_revert($proceed, $authorfieldpattern, $changesfield, $howtooperate, $deleteversions) {
#-- params
$m_time = $changesfield * 3600;
$depth = $deleteversions - 1;
$depth = ($depth>0?$depth:0);
#-- walk through
$result = ewiki_database("GETALL", array("id", "author", "lastmodified"));
while ($row = $result->get()) {
$id = $row["id"];
#-- which versions to check
$verZ = $row["version"];
if ($howtooperate=="lastonly") {
$verA = $verZ;
else {
$verA = $verZ-$depth;
if ($verA <= 0) {
$verA = 1;
for ($ver=$verA; $ver<=$verZ; $ver++) {
#-- load current $ver database entry
if ($verA != $verZ) {
$row = ewiki_database("GET", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$ver));
#-- match
if (stristr($row["author"], $authorfieldpattern) && ($row["lastmodified"] + $m_time > time())) {
$ret .= "$id (".get_string("versionstodelete","wiki").": ";
#-- delete multiple versions
if ($howtooperate=="allsince") {
while ($ver<=$verZ) {
$ret .= " $ver";
if ($proceed) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", array("id"=>$id, "version"=>$ver));
#-- or just the affected one
else {
$ret .= " $ver";
if ($proceed) {
ewiki_database("DELETE", $row);
$ret .= ")<br />";
} #-- for($ver)
} #-- while($row)
return $ret;
* @return array
function wiki_get_view_actions() {
return array('view','view all');
* @return array
function wiki_get_post_actions() {
return array('hack');
* Obtains an editing lock on a wiki page.
* @global object
* @global object
* @param int $wikiid ID of wiki object.
* @param string $pagename Name of page.
* @return array Two-element array with a boolean true (if lock has been obtained)
* or false (if lock was held by somebody else). If lock was held by someone else,
* the values of the wiki_locks entry are held in the second element; if lock was
* held by current user then the the second element has a member ->id only.
function wiki_obtain_lock($wikiid,$pagename) {
global $USER, $DB;
// Check for lock
if($lock=$DB->get_record('wiki_locks', array('pagename'=>$pagename,'wikiid'=>$wikiid))) {
// Consider the page locked if the lock has been confirmed within WIKI_LOCK_PERSISTENCE seconds
if($lock->lockedby==$USER->id) {
// Cool, it's our lock, do nothing except remember it in session
} else if(time()-$lock->lockedseen < WIKI_LOCK_PERSISTENCE) {
return array(false,$lock);
} else {
// Not locked any more. Get rid of the old lock record.
$DB->delete_records('wiki_locks', array('pagename'=>$pagename,'wikiid'=>$wikiid));
// Add lock
if(!$alreadyownlock) {
// Lock page
$newlock=new stdClass;
$lockid = $DB->insert_record('wiki_locks',$newlock);
// Store lock information in session so we can clear it later
if(!array_key_exists(SESSION_WIKI_LOCKS,$_SESSION)) {
$lockdata=new StdClass;
return array(true,$lockdata);
* If the user has an editing lock, releases it. Has no effect otherwise.
* Note that it doesn't matter if this isn't called (as happens if their
* browser crashes or something) since locks time out anyway. This is just
* to avoid confusion of the 'what? it says I'm editing that page but I'm
* not, I just saved it!' variety.
* @global object
* @param int $wikiid ID of wiki object.
* @param string $pagename Name of page.
function wiki_release_lock($wikiid,$pagename) {
global $DB;
if(!array_key_exists(SESSION_WIKI_LOCKS,$_SESSION)) {
// No locks at all in session
if(array_key_exists($key,$_SESSION[SESSION_WIKI_LOCKS])) {
$DB->delete_records('wiki_locks', array('id'=>$lockid));
* Returns all other caps used in module
* @return array
function wiki_get_extra_capabilities() {
return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups', 'moodle/site:viewfullnames');
* @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
* @return mixed True if module supports feature, null if doesn't know
function wiki_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true;
case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true;
case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true;
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return false;
case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return true;
default: return null;