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synced 2025-03-27 11:02:38 +01:00
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Hub related strings
* @package core_hub
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
$string['analyticsactions'] = 'Number of actions taken on generated predictions ({$a})';
$string['analyticsactionsnotuseful'] = 'Number of actions marking a prediction as not useful ({$a})';
$string['analyticsenabledmodels'] = 'Number of enabled prediction models ({$a})';
$string['analyticspredictions'] = 'Number of generated predictions ({$a})';
$string['audience'] = 'Audience';
$string['audience_help'] = 'Select the intended audience for the course.';
$string['audienceeducators'] = 'Educators';
$string['audiencestudents'] = 'Students';
$string['audienceadmins'] = 'Moodle administrators';
$string['badgesnumber'] = 'Number of badges ({$a})';
$string['communityremoved'] = 'That course link has been removed from your list';
$string['completeregistration'] = 'Complete registration with Moodle.net';
$string['confirmregistration'] = 'Confirm registration';
$string['coursename'] = 'Name';
$string['coursepublished'] = 'This course has been shared successfully on \'{$a}\'.';
$string['courseshortname'] = 'Shortname';
$string['courseshortname_help'] = 'Enter a short name for your course. It does not need to be unique.';
$string['coursesnumber'] = 'Number of courses ({$a})';
$string['demourl'] = 'Demo URL';
$string['demourl_help'] = 'Enter the demo URL of your course. By default it is the URL of your course. The demo URL is displayed as a link in a search result.';
$string['downloadable'] = 'Downloadable';
$string['educationallevel'] = 'Educational level';
$string['educationallevel_help'] = 'Select the most appropriate educational level that the course fits into.';
$string['edulevelassociation'] = 'Association';
$string['edulevelcorporate'] = 'Corporate';
$string['edulevelgovernment'] = 'Government';
$string['edulevelother'] = 'Other';
$string['edulevelprimary'] = 'Primary';
$string['edulevelsecondary'] = 'Secondary';
$string['eduleveltertiary'] = 'Tertiary';
$string['emailalert'] = 'Email notifications';
$string['emailalert_help'] = 'If this is enabled the hub administrator will send you emails about security issues and other important news.';
$string['enrollable'] = 'Enrollable';
$string['errorotherhubsnotsupported'] = 'This page can no longer be used for registration with sites other than Moodle.net';
$string['errorws'] = '{$a}';
$string['errorwstokenreset'] = '{$a}. Registration token on this site has been reset. You can now register your site again.';
$string['errorregistrationupdate'] = 'An error occurred during registration update ({$a})';
$string['geolocation'] = 'Geolocation';
$string['geolocation_help'] = 'In future we may provide location-based searching. If you want to specify the location for your course use a latitude/longitude value here (eg: -31.947884,115.871285). One way to find this is to use Google Maps.';
$string['imageurl'] = 'Image URL';
$string['imageurl_help'] = 'This image will be displayed on the hub. This image must be available from the hub at any moment. The image should have a maximum size of {$a->width} X {$a->height}';
$string['issuedbadgesnumber'] = 'Number of issued badges ({$a})';
$string['language'] = 'Language';
$string['language_help'] = 'The main language of this course.';
$string['lasttimechecked'] = 'Last time checked';
$string['licence'] = 'Licence';
$string['licence_help'] = 'Select the licence you want to distribute your course under.';
$string['licence_link'] = 'licenses';
$string['logourl'] = 'Logo URL';
$string['mobilenotificationsenabled'] = 'Mobile notifications enabled ({$a})';
$string['mobileservicesenabled'] = 'Mobile services enabled ({$a})';
$string['modulenumberaverage'] = 'Average number of course modules ({$a})';
$string['mustselectsubject'] = 'You must select a subject';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['name_help'] = 'This name will be showing in the course listing.';
$string['neverchecked'] = 'Never checked';
$string['next'] = 'Next';
$string['no'] = 'No';
$string['nocheckstatusfromunreghub'] = 'The site is not registered on the hub so the status can not be checked.';
$string['nohubselected'] = 'No hub selected';
$string['none'] = 'None';
$string['operation'] = 'Actions';
$string['participantnumberaverage'] = 'Average number of participants ({$a})';
$string['policyagreed'] = 'Privacy notice and data processing agreement';
$string['policyagreeddesc'] = 'I agree to the <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">Privacy notice and data processing agreement</a> for Moodle.net';
$string['postaladdress'] = 'Postal address';
$string['postaladdress_help'] = 'Postal address of this site, or of the entity represented by this site.';
$string['postsnumber'] = 'Number of posts ({$a})';
$string['previousregistrationdeleted'] = 'The previous registration has been deleted from {$a}. You can restart the registration process. Thank you.';
$string['questionsnumber'] = 'Number of questions ({$a})';
$string['registeredcourses'] = 'Registered courses';
$string['registeredsites'] = 'Registered sites';
$string['registrationinfo'] = 'Registration information';
$string['registereduserdevices'] = 'Number of users with registered mobile devices ({$a})';
$string['registeredactiveuserdevices'] = 'Number of active users with registered mobile devices which are receiving notifications ({$a})';
$string['registersite'] = 'Register with {$a}';
$string['registrationconfirmed'] = 'Site registration confirmed';
$string['registrationconfirmedon'] = 'Thank you for registering your site. Registration information will be kept up to date by the \'Site registration\' scheduled task.';
$string['renewregistration'] = 'Renew registration';
$string['resourcesnumber'] = 'Number of resources ({$a})';
$string['restartregistration'] = 'Restart registration';
$string['roleassignmentsnumber'] = 'Number of role assignments ({$a})';
$string['search'] = 'Search';
$string['sendingsize'] = 'Please wait the course file is uploading ({$a->total}Mb)...';
$string['sendfollowinginfo'] = 'More information';
$string['sendfollowinginfo_help'] = 'The following information will be sent to contribute to overall statistics only. It will not be made public on any site listing.';
$string['sent'] = '...finished';
$string['siteadmin'] = 'Administrator';
$string['siteadmin_help'] = 'The full name of the site administrator.';
$string['sitecommnews'] = 'Moodle newsletter';
$string['sitecommnews_help'] = 'You have the option of subscribing to our Moodle newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.';
$string['sitecommnewsno'] = 'No, I do not wish to receive any emails';
$string['sitecommnewsyes'] = 'Yes, I would like to receive the Moodle newsletter';
$string['sitecountry'] = 'Country';
$string['sitecountry_help'] = 'The country your organisation or institution is located in.';
$string['sitedesc'] = 'Description';
$string['sitedesc_help'] = 'Provide some information about how you are using Moodle.';
$string['sitegeolocation'] = 'Geolocation';
$string['sitegeolocation_help'] = 'In future we may provide location-based searching in the hubs. If you want to specify the location for your site use a latitude/longitude value here (eg: -31.947884,115.871285). One way to find this is to use Google Maps.';
$string['siteemail'] = 'Admin email address';
$string['siteemail_help'] = 'An email address is necessary so that Moodle HQ can contact you if required. It may also be used for other purposes as you allow below. We recommend a generic email address related to a position (eg.: sitemanager@example.com), not a personal address.';
$string['sitelang'] = 'Language';
$string['sitelang_help'] = 'What is the main language used on your Moodle site?';
$string['sitename'] = 'Name';
$string['sitename_help'] = 'The name of the site will be shown on the site listing if the hub allows that.';
$string['sitephone'] = 'Phone';
$string['sitephone_help'] = 'Your phone number will only be seen by the hub administrator.';
$string['siteprivacy'] = 'Site listing';
$string['siteprivacy_help'] = 'You can choose to have your site listed publicly in the list of registered sites, with or without a link to your site.';
$string['siteprivacynotpublished'] = 'Do not list my site';
$string['siteprivacypublished'] = 'Only display my site name';
$string['siteprivacylinked'] = 'Display my site name with the link';
$string['siteregistrationcontact'] = 'Display contact form';
$string['siteregistrationcontact_help'] = 'If you allow it, other people in our Moodle community (who need a login account) can contact you via a form on our Moodle community site. However, they will never be able to see your email address.';
$string['siteregistrationemail'] = 'Notifications of new Moodle releases, security alerts and other important news';
$string['siteregistrationemail_help'] = 'You have the option of subscribing to our low-volume mailing list for notifications of new Moodle releases, security alerts and other important news. You may unsubscribe at any time.';
$string['siteregistrationupdated'] = 'Site registration updated';
$string['siterelease'] = 'Moodle release';
$string['sitereleasenum'] = 'Moodle release ({$a})';
$string['siterelease_help'] = 'Moodle release number of this site.';
$string['siteurl'] = 'Site URL';
$string['siteurl_help'] = 'The URL is the address of this site. If privacy settings allow people to see site addresses then this is the URL that will be used.';
$string['siteversion'] = 'Moodle version';
$string['siteversion_help'] = 'The Moodle version of this site.';
$string['skipregistration'] = 'Skip';
$string['subject'] = 'Subject';
$string['subject_help'] = 'Select the main subject area which the course covers.';
$string['type'] = 'Shared';
$string['unregister'] = 'Unregister';
$string['unregisterfrom'] = 'Unregister from {$a}';
$string['unregistrationerror'] = 'An error occurred when the site tried to unregister from Moodle.net: {$a}';
$string['update'] = 'Update';
$string['updatesite'] = 'Update registration on {$a}';
$string['usedifferentemail'] = 'Use different email';
$string['unregisterexplained'] = 'If the site with URL {$a} is registered on Moodle.net its registration will be removed.';
$string['urlalreadyregistered'] = 'Your site seems to be already registered on Moodle.net, which means something has gone wrong. Please contact the Moodle.net administrator to reset your registration so you can try again.';
$string['usersnumber'] = 'Number of users ({$a})';
$string['wrongtoken'] = 'The registration failed for some unknown reason (network?). Please try again.';
// Deprecated since Moodle 3.8.
$string['addscreenshots'] = 'Add screenshots';
$string['advertise'] = 'Share this course for people to join';
$string['advertised'] = 'For people to join';
$string['advertiseon'] = 'Share this course on {$a}';
$string['readvertiseon'] = 'Update advertising information on {$a}';
$string['advertisepublication_help'] = 'This course will be listed on Moodle.net as a course that people can enrol in and participate. Email-based self-registration should be enabled on the site and you need to enable self enrolment in this course.';
$string['courseunpublished'] = 'The course {$a->courseshortname} is no longer shared on {$a->hubname}.';
$string['courseurl'] = 'Course URL';
$string['courseurl_help'] = 'It is the URL of your course. This URL is displayed as a link in a search result.';
$string['creatorname'] = 'Creator';
$string['creatorname_help'] = 'The creator is the course creator.';
$string['creatornotes'] = 'Creator notes';
$string['creatornotes_help'] = 'Creator notes are a guide for teachers on how to use the course.';
$string['contributornames'] = 'Other contributors';
$string['contributornames_help'] = 'You can use this field to list the names of anyone else who contributed to this course.';
$string['deletescreenshots'] = 'Delete these screenshots';
$string['deletescreenshots_help'] = 'Delete all the currently uploaded screenshots.';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
$string['description_help'] = 'This description text will be showing in the course listing on Moodle.net.';
$string['detectednotexistingpublication'] = '{$a->hubname} is listing a course that does not exist any more. Alert {$a->hubname} administrator that the publication number {$a->id} should be removed.';
$string['errorcoursepublish'] = 'An error occurred during the course publication ({$a}). Please try again later.';
$string['errorcourseinfo'] = 'An error occurred when retrieving course metadata from {$a}. Please try again to retrieve the course metadata by reloading this page later. Otherwise you can decide to continue the registration process with the following default metadata. ';
$string['errorcoursewronglypublished'] = 'A publication error has been returned by Moodle.net. Please try again later.';
$string['errorbadimageheightwidth'] = 'The image should have a maximum size of {$a->width} X {$a->height}';
$string['errorregistration'] = 'An error occurred during registration, please try again later. ({$a})';
$string['errorunpublishcourses'] = 'Due to an unexpected error, the courses could not be deleted from Moodle.net. Try again later (recommended) or contact Moodle.net administrator.';
$string['existingscreenshotnumber'] = '{$a} existing screenshots. You will be able to see these screenshots on this page, only once the Moodle.net administrator enables your course.';
$string['existingscreenshots'] = 'Existing screenshots';
$string['nosearch'] = 'Don\'t publish hub or courses';
$string['notregisteredonhub'] = 'Your administrator needs to register this site with Moodle.net before you can share a course.';
$string['publicationinfo'] = 'Course publication information';
$string['publish'] = 'Share';
$string['publishcourse'] = 'Share {$a}';
$string['publishcourseon'] = 'Share on {$a}';
$string['publishedon'] = 'Course sharing';
$string['publisheremail'] = 'Publisher email';
$string['publisheremail_help'] = 'The publisher email address allows the hub administrator to alert the publisher about any changes to the status of the published course.';
$string['publishername'] = 'Publisher';
$string['publishername_help'] = 'The publisher is the person or organisation that is the official publisher of the course. Unless you are publishing it on behalf of someone else, it will usually be you.';
$string['removefromhub'] = 'Remove from Moodle.net';
$string['screenshots'] = 'Screenshots';
$string['screenshots_help'] = 'Any screenshots of the course will be displayed in search results.';
$string['sendingcourse'] = 'Sending course';
$string['share'] = 'Share this course for people to download';
$string['shared'] = 'For people to download';
$string['shareon'] = 'Upload this course to {$a}';
$string['sharepublication_help'] = 'A backup of this course will be available on Moodle.net for people to restore and use on their own site.';
$string['status'] = 'Listing status';
$string['statuspublished'] = 'Listed';
$string['statusunpublished'] = 'Not listed';
$string['tags'] = 'Tags';
$string['tags_help'] = 'Tags help to further categorise your course and help it to be found. Please use simple, meaningful words and separate them with a comma. Example: math, algebra, geometry';
$string['unpublish'] = 'Stop sharing';
$string['unpublishalladvertisedcourses'] = 'Remove all courses that were shared on Moodle.net for people to join';
$string['unpublishalluploadedcourses'] = 'Remove all courses that were shared on Moodle.net for people to download';
$string['unpublishconfirmation'] = 'Do you really want to remove the course "{$a->courseshortname}" from "{$a->hubname}"';
$string['unpublishcourse'] = 'Stop sharing {$a}';
$string['updatestatus'] = 'Check it now.'; |