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850 lines
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850 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
/// Default class for report plugins
/// Doesn't do anything on it's own -- it needs to be extended.
/// This class displays quiz reports. Because it is called from
/// within /mod/quiz/report.php you can assume that the page header
/// and footer are taken care of.
/// This file can refer to itself as report.php to pass variables
/// to itself - all these will also be globally available. You must
/// pass "id=$cm->id" or q=$quiz->id", and "mode=reportname".
// Included by ../report.php
class hotpot_default_report {
function display($hotpot, $cm, $course, $users, $attempts, $questions, $options) {
/// This function just displays the report
// it is replaced by the "display" functions in the scripts in the "report" folder
return true;
function add_question_headings(&$questions, &$table, $align='center', $size=50, $wrap=false, $fontsize=0) {
$count = count($questions);
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
$table->head[] = get_string('questionshort', 'hotpot', $i+1);
if (isset($table->align)) {
$table->align[] = $align;
if (isset($table->size)) {
$table->size[] = $size;
if (isset($table->wrap)) {
$table->wrap[] = $wrap;
if (isset($table->fontsize)) {
$table->fontsize[] = $fontsize;
function set_legend(&$table, &$q, &$value, &$question) {
// $q is the question number
// $value is the value (=text) of the answer
// check the legend is required
if (isset($table->legend) && isset($value)) {
// create question details array, if necessary
if (empty($table->legend[$q])) {
$table->legend[$q] = array(
'name' => hotpot_get_question_name($question),
'answers' => array()
// search for this $value in answers array for this $q(uestion)
$i_max = count($table->legend[$q]['answers']);
for ($i=0; $i<$i_max; $i++) {
if ($table->legend[$q]['answers'][$i]==$value) {
// add $value to answers array, if it was not there
if ($i==$i_max) {
$table->legend[$q]['answers'][$i] = $value;
// convert $value to alphabetic index (A, B ... AA, AB ...)
$value = $this->dec_to_ALPHA($i);
function create_legend_table(&$tables, &$table) {
if (isset($table->legend)) {
$legend->width = '*';
$legend->tablealign = '*';
$legend->border = isset($table->border) ? $table->border : NULL;
$legend->cellpadding = isset($table->cellpadding) ? $table->cellpadding : NULL;
$legend->cellspacing = isset($table->cellspacing) ? $table->cellspacing : NULL;
$legend->tableclass = isset($table->tableclass) ? $table->tableclass : NULL;
$legend->caption = get_string('reportlegend', 'hotpot');
$legend->align = array('right', 'left');
$legend->statheadercols = array(0);
$legend->stat = array();
// put the questions in order
foreach($table->legend as $q=>$question) {
$legend->stat[] = array(
get_string('questionshort', 'hotpot', $q+1),
foreach($question['answers'] as $a=>$answer) {
$legend->stat[] = array(
$tables[] = $legend;
function dec_to_ALPHA($dec) {
if ($dec < 26) {
return chr(ord('A') + $dec);
} else {
return $this->dec_to_ALPHA(intval($dec/26)-1).$this->dec_to_ALPHA($dec % 26);
function remove_column(&$table, $target_col) {
if (is_array($table)) {
$table = array_values($table);
} else if (is_object($table)) {
$vars = get_object_vars($table);
foreach ($vars as $name=>$value) {
switch ($name) {
case 'data' :
case 'stat' :
case 'foot' :
$skipcol = array();
$cells = &$table->$name;
$row_max = count($cells);
for ($row=0; $row<$row_max; $row++) {
$col = 0;
$col_max = count($cells[$row]);
$current_col = 0;
while ($current_col<$target_col && $col<$col_max) {
if (empty($skipcol[$current_col])) {
$cell = $cells[$row][$col++];
if (is_object($cell)) {
if (isset($cell->rowspan) && is_numeric($cell->rowspan) && ($cell->rowspan>0)) {
// skip cells below this one
$skipcol[$current_col] = $cell->rowspan-1;
if (isset($cell->colspan) && is_numeric($cell->colspan) && ($cell->colspan>0)) {
// skip cells to the right of this one
for ($c=1; $c<$cell->colspan; $c++) {
if (empty($skipcol[$current_col+$c])) {
$skipcol[$current_col+$c] = 1;
} else {
$skipcol[$current_col+$c] ++;
} else {
if ($current_col==$target_col && $col<$col_max) {
$this->remove_column($cells[$row], $col);
} // end for $row
case 'head' :
case 'align' :
case 'class' :
case 'fontsize' :
case 'size' :
case 'wrap' :
$this->remove_column($table->$name, $target_col);
case 'statheadercols' :
$array = &$table->$name;
$count = count($array);
for ($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) {
if ($array[$i]>=$target_col) {
$array[$i] --;
} // end switch
} // end foreach
} // end if
} // end function
function expand_spans(&$table, $zone) {
// expand multi-column and multi-row cells in a specified $zone of a $table
// do nothing if this $zone is empty
if (empty($table->$zone)) return;
// shortcut to rows in this $table $zone
$rows = &$table->{$zone};
// loop through the rows
foreach ($rows as $row=>$cells) {
// check this is an array
if (is_array($cells)) {
// loop through the cells in this row
foreach ($cells as $col=>$cell) {
if (is_object($cell)) {
if (isset($cell->rowspan) && is_numeric($cell->rowspan) && ($cell->rowspan>1)) {
// fill in cells below this one
$new_cell = array($cell->text);
for ($r=1; $r<$cell->rowspan; $r++) {
array_splice($rows[$row+$r], $col, 0, $new_cell);
if (isset($cell->colspan) && is_numeric($cell->colspan) && ($cell->colspan>1)) {
// fill in cells to the right of this one
$new_cells = array();
for ($c=1; $c<$cell->colspan; $c++) {
$new_cells[] = $cell->text;
array_splice($rows[$row], $col, 0, $new_cells);
// replace $cell object with plain text
$rows[$row][$col] = $cell->text;
/// print a report in html, text or Excel format
// the stuff to print is contained in $table
// which has the following properties:
// $table->border border width for the table
// $table->cellpadding padding on each cell
// $table->cellspacing spacing between cells
// $table->tableclass class for table
// $table->width table width
// $table->align is an array of column alignments
// $table->class is an array of column classes
// $table->size is an array of column sizes
// $table->wrap is an array of column wrap/nowrap switches
// $table->fontsize is an array of fontsizes
// $table->caption is a caption (=title) for the report
// $table->head is an array of headings (all TH cells)
// $table->data[] is an array of arrays containing the data (all TD cells)
// if a row is given as "hr", a "tabledivider" is inserted
// if a cell is a string, it is assumed to be the cell content
// a cell can also be an object, thus:
// $cell->text : the content of the cell
// $cell->rowspan : the row span of this cell
// $cell->colspan : the column span of this cell
// if rowspan or colspan are specified, neighboring cells are shifted accordingly
// $table->stat[] is an array of arrays containing the statistics rows (TD and TH cells)
// $table->foot[] is an array of arrays containing the footer rows (all TH cells)
// $table->statheadercols is an array of column numbers which are headers
/// print a report
function print_report(&$course, &$hotpot, &$tables, &$options) {
switch ($options['reportformat']) {
case 'txt':
$this->print_text_report($course, $hotpot, $tables, $options);
case 'xls':
$this->print_excel_report($course, $hotpot, $tables, $options);
default: // 'htm' (and anything else)
function print_report_start(&$course, &$hotpot, &$options, &$table) {
switch ($options['reportformat']) {
case 'txt':
$this->print_text_start($course, $hotpot, $options);
case 'xls':
$this->print_excel_start($course, $hotpot, $options);
case 'htm':
$this->print_html_start($course, $hotpot, $options);
function print_report_cells(&$table, &$options, $zone) {
switch ($options['reportformat']) {
case 'txt':
$fmt = 'text';
case 'xls':
$fmt = 'excel';
default: // 'htm' (and anything else)
$fmt = 'html';
$fn = "print_{$fmt}_{$zone}";
$this->$fn($table, $options);
function print_report_finish(&$course, &$hotpot, &$options) {
switch ($options['reportformat']) {
case 'txt' :
// do nothing
case 'xls':
$this->print_excel_finish($course, $hotpot, $options);
case 'htm':
$this->print_html_finish($course, $hotpot, $options);
/// print an html report
function print_html_report(&$tables) {
$count = count($tables);
foreach($tables as $i=>$table) {
if (($i+1)<$count) {
print_spacer(30, 10, true);
function print_html_start(&$table) {
// default class for the table
if (empty($table->tableclass)) {
$table->tableclass = 'generaltable';
// default classes for TD and TH
$d = $table->tableclass.'cell';
$h = $table->tableclass.'header';
$table->th_side = '<th valign="top" align="right" class="'.$h.'" scope="col">';
$table->td = array();
$table->th_top = array();
if (empty($table->colspan)) {
if (isset($table->head)) {
$table->colspan = count($table->head);
} else if (isset($table->data)) {
$table->colspan = count($table->data[0]);
} else if (isset($table->stat)) {
$table->colspan = count($table->stat);
} else if (isset($table->foot)) {
$table->colspan = count($table->foot);
} else {
$table->colspan = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$table->colspan; $i++) {
$align = empty($table->align[$i]) ? '' : ' align="'.$table->align[$i].'"';
$class = empty($table->class[$i]) ? $d : ' class="'.$table->class[$i].'"';
$class = ' class="'.(empty($table->class[$i]) ? $d : $table->class[$i]).'"';
$size = empty($table->size[$i]) ? '' : ' width="'.$table->size[$i].'"';
$wrap = empty($table->wrap[$i]) ? '' : ' nowrap="nowrap"';
$table->th_top[$i] = '<th align="center"'.$size.' class="'.$h.'" nowrap="nowrap" scope="col">';
$table->td[$i] = '<td valign="top"'.$align.$class.$wrap.'>';
if (!empty($table->fontsize[$i])) {
$table->td[$i] .= '<font size="'.$table->fontsize[$i].'">';
if (empty($table->border)) {
$table->border = 0;
if (empty($table->cellpadding)) {
$table->cellpadding = 5;
if (empty($table->cellspacing)) {
$table->cellspacing = 1;
if (empty($table->width)) {
$table->width = "80%"; // actually the width of the "simple box"
if (empty($table->tablealign)) {
$table->tablealign = "center";
if (isset($table->start)) {
print $table->start."\n";
print_simple_box_start("$table->tablealign", "$table->width", "#ffffff", 0);
print '<table width="100%" border="'.$table->border.'" valign="top" align="center" cellpadding="'.$table->cellpadding.'" cellspacing="'.$table->cellspacing.'" class="'.$table->tableclass.'">'."\n";
if (isset($table->caption)) {
print '<tr><td colspan="'.$table->colspan.'" class="'.$table->tableclass.'header"><b>'.$table->caption.'</b></td></tr>'."\n";
function print_html_head(&$table) {
if (isset($table->head)) {
print "<tr>\n";
foreach ($table->head as $i=>$cell) {
$th = $table->th_top[$i];
print $th.$cell."</th>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
function print_html_data(&$table) {
if (isset($table->data)) {
$skipcol = array();
foreach ($table->data as $cells) {
print "<tr>\n";
if (is_array($cells)) {
$i = 0; // index on $cells
$col = 0; // column index
while ($col<$table->colspan && isset($cells[$i])) {
if (empty($skipcol[$col])) {
$cell = &$cells[$i++];
$td = $table->td[$col];
if (is_object($cell)) {
$text = $cell->text;
if (isset($cell->rowspan) && is_numeric($cell->rowspan) && ($cell->rowspan>0)) {
$td = '<td rowspan="'.$cell->rowspan.'"'.substr($td, 3);
// skip cells below this one
$skipcol[$col] = $cell->rowspan-1;
if (isset($cell->colspan) && is_numeric($cell->colspan) && ($cell->colspan>0)) {
$td = '<td colspan="'.$cell->colspan.'"'.substr($td, 3);
// skip cells to the right of this one
for ($c=1; $c<$cell->colspan; $c++) {
if (empty($skipcol[$col+$c])) {
$skipcol[$col+$c] = 1;
} else {
$skipcol[$col+$c] ++;
} else { // $cell is a string
$text = $cell;
print $td.$text.(empty($table->fontsize[$col]) ? '' : '</font>')."</td>\n";
} else {
} // end while
} else if ($cells=='hr') {
print '<td colspan="'.$table->colspan.'"><div class="tabledivider"></div></td>'."\n";
print "</tr>\n";
function print_html_stat(&$table) {
if (isset($table->stat)) {
if (empty($table->statheadercols)) {
$table->statheadercols = array();
foreach ($table->stat as $cells) {
print '<tr>';
foreach ($cells as $i => $cell) {
if (in_array($i, $table->statheadercols)) {
$th = $table->th_side;
print $th.$cell."</th>\n";
} else {
$td = $table->td[$i];
print $td.$cell."</td>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
function print_html_foot(&$table) {
if (isset($table->foot)) {
foreach ($table->foot as $cells) {
print "<tr>\n";
foreach ($cells as $i => $cell) {
if ($i==0) {
$th = $table->th_side;
print $th.$cell."</th>\n";
} else {
$th = $table->th_top[$i];
print $th.$cell."</th>\n";
print "</tr>\n";
function print_html_finish(&$table) {
print "</table>\n";
if (isset($table->finish)) {
print $table->finish."\n";
/// print a text report
function print_text_report(&$course, &$hotpot, &$tables, &$options) {
$this->print_text_start($course, $hotpot, $options);
foreach ($tables as $table) {
$this->print_text_head($table, $options);
$this->print_text_data($table, $options);
$this->print_text_stat($table, $options);
$this->print_text_foot($table, $options);
function print_text_start(&$course, &$hotpot, &$options) {
$downloadfilename = clean_filename("$course->shortname $hotpot->name.txt");
header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$downloadfilename");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
function print_text_head(&$table, &$options) {
if (isset($table->caption)) {
$i = strlen($table->caption);
$data = array(
array(str_repeat('=', $i)),
array(str_repeat('=', $i)),
foreach($data as $cells) {
$this->print_text_cells($cells, $options);
if (isset($table->head)) {
$this->expand_spans($table, 'head');
$this->print_text_cells($table->head, $options);
function print_text_data(&$table, &$options) {
if (isset($table->data)) {
$this->expand_spans($table, 'data');
foreach ($table->data as $cells) {
$this->print_text_cells($cells, $options);
function print_text_stat(&$table, &$options) {
if (isset($table->stat)) {
$this->expand_spans($table, 'stat');
foreach ($table->stat as $cells) {
$this->print_text_cells($cells, $options);
function print_text_foot(&$table, &$options) {
if (isset($table->foot)) {
$this->expand_spans($table, 'foot');
foreach ($table->foot as $cells) {
$this->print_text_cells($cells, $options);
function print_text_cells(&$cells, &$options) {
// do nothing if there are no cells
if (empty($cells) || is_string($cells)) return;
// convert to tab-delimted string
$str = implode("\t", $cells);
// replace newlines in string
$str = preg_replace("/\n/", ",", $str);
// set best newline for this browser (if it hasn't been done already)
if (empty($this->nl)) {
$win = is_numeric(strpos($s, 'Win'));
$mac = is_numeric(strpos($s, 'Mac')) && !is_numeric(strpos($s, 'OS X'));
$this->nl = $win ? "\r\n" : ($mac ? "\r" : "\n");
print $str.$this->nl;
/// print an Excel report
function print_excel_report(&$course, &$hotpot, &$tables, &$options) {
global $CFG;
// create Excel workbook
if (file_exists("$CFG->libdir/excellib.class.php")) {
// Moodle >= 1.6
$wb = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
$wsnamelimit = 0; // no limit
} else {
// Moodle <= 1.5
$wb = new Workbook("-");
$wsnamelimit = 31; // max length in chars
// send HTTP headers
$this->print_excel_headers($wb, $course, $hotpot);
// create one worksheet for each table
foreach($tables as $table) {
if (empty($table->caption)) {
$wsname = '';
} else {
$wsname = strip_tags($table->caption);
if ($wsnamelimit && strlen($wsname) > $wsnamelimit) {
$wsname = substr($wsname, -$wsnamelimit); // end of string
// $wsname = substr($wsname, 0, $wsnamelimit); // start of string
$ws = &$wb->add_worksheet($wsname);
$row = 0;
$this->print_excel_head($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $options);
$this->print_excel_data($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $options);
$this->print_excel_stat($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $options);
$this->print_excel_foot($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $options);
// close the workbook (and send it to the browser)
function print_excel_headers(&$wb, &$course, &$hotpot) {
$downloadfilename = clean_filename("$course->shortname $hotpot->name.xls");
if (method_exists($wb, 'send')) {
// Moodle >=1.6
} else {
// Moodle <=1.5
header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$downloadfilename" );
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
function print_excel_head(&$wb, &$ws, &$table, &$row, &$options) {
// define format properties
$properties = array(
// expand multi-column and multi-row cells
$this->expand_spans($table, 'head');
// print the headings
$this->print_excel_cells($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $properties, $table->head, $options);
function print_excel_data(&$wb, &$ws, &$table, &$row, &$options) {
// do nothing if there are no cells
if (empty($table->data)) return;
// define format properties
$properties = array('text_wrap' => (empty($options['reportwrapdata']) ? 0 : 1));
// expand multi-column and multi-row cells
$this->expand_spans($table, 'data');
// print rows
foreach ($table->data as $cells) {
$this->print_excel_cells($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $properties, $cells, $options);
function print_excel_stat(&$wb, &$ws, &$table, &$row, &$options) {
// do nothing if there are no cells
if (empty($table->stat)) return;
// define format properties
$properties = array('align'=>'right');
// expand multi-column and multi-row cells
$this->expand_spans($table, 'stat');
// print rows
$i_count = count($table->stat);
foreach ($table->stat as $i => $cells) {
// set border on top and bottom row
$properties['top'] = ($i==0) ? 1 : 0;
$properties['bottom'] = ($i==($i_count-1)) ? 1 : 0;
// print this row
$this->print_excel_cells($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $properties, $cells, $options, $table->statheadercols);
function print_excel_foot(&$wb, &$ws, &$table, &$row, &$options) {
// do nothing if there are no cells
if (empty($table->foot)) return;
// define format properties
$properties = array('bold'=>1, 'align'=>'center');
// expand multi-column and multi-row cells
$this->expand_spans($table, 'foot');
// print rows
$i_count = count($table->foot);
foreach ($table->foot as $i => $cells) {
// set border on top and bottom row
$properties['top'] = ($i==0) ? 1 : 0;
$properties['bottom'] = ($i==($i_count-1)) ? 1 : 0;
// print this footer row
$this->print_excel_cells($wb, $ws, $table, $row, $properties, $cells, $options);
function print_excel_cells(&$wb, &$ws, &$table, &$row, &$properties, &$cells, &$options, $statheadercols=NULL) {
// do nothing if there are no cells
if (empty($cells) || is_string($cells)) return;
// print cells
foreach($cells as $col => $cell) {
$fmt_properties = $properties;
if (empty($fmt_properties['text_wrap'])) {
if (strlen("$cell")>=9) {
// long cell value
$fmt_properties['align'] = 'left';
} else {
if (strlen("$cell")<9 && strpos("$cell", "\n")===false) {
// short cell value (wrapping not required)
$fmt_properties['text_wrap'] = 0;
// set bold, if required (for stat)
if (isset($statheadercols)) {
$fmt_properties['bold'] = in_array($col, $statheadercols) ? 1 : 0;
$fmt_properties['align'] = in_array($col, $statheadercols) ? 'right' : $table->align[$col];
// set align, if required
if (isset($table->align[$col]) && empty($fmt_properties['align'])) {
$fmt_properties['align'] = $table->align[$col];
// check to see that an identical format object has not already been created
if (isset($wb->pear_excel_workbook)) {
// Moodle >=1.6
$fmt_properties_obj = (object)$fmt_properties;
foreach ($wb->pear_excel_workbook->_formats as $id=>$format) {
if ($format==$fmt_properties_obj) {
$fmt = &$wb->pear_excel_workbook->_formats[$id];
} else {
// Moodle <=1.5
foreach ($wb->formats as $id=>$format) {
if (isset($format->properties) && $format->properties==$fmt_properties) {
$fmt = &$wb->formats[$id];
if (is_numeric($cell) || empty($options['reportencoding'])) {
// do nothing
} else {
$in_charset = '';
if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
$in_charset = mb_detect_encoding($cell, 'auto');
if (empty($in_charset)) {
$in_charset = get_string('thischarset');
if ($in_charset != 'ASCII' && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
$cell = mb_convert_encoding($cell, $options['reportencoding'], $in_charset);
// create new format object, if necessary (to avoid "too many cell formats" error)
if (!isset($fmt)) {
$fmt = &$wb->add_format($fmt_properties);
$fmt->properties = &$fmt_properties;
// set vertical alignment
if (isset($fmt->properties['v_align'])) {
} else {
$fmt->set_align('top'); // default
// write cell
if (is_numeric($cell) && !preg_match("/^0./", $cell)) {
$ws->write_number($row, $col, $cell, $fmt);
} else {
$ws->write_string($row, $col, $cell, $fmt);
} // end foreach $col
// increment $row