sam marshall ce4dfd2703 MDL-24419 (4): Add conditional availability support to sections; section cache
Credit: original version done by Kirill Astashov of NetSpot (,
finished and tweaked by sam.

This change adds conditional availability support for sections analagous to
that already available for activities. (Backend, UI, backup/restore.)

In order that this feature does not reduce performance, section cacheing has
also been added using a new course 'sectioncache' field analagous to modinfo.

The new feature integrates with activity availability so that activities
inside sections which are not available are automatically not available
themselves (meaning it works to restrict access).
2012-05-14 11:19:25 +01:00

4541 lines
169 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Library of useful functions
* @copyright 1999 Martin Dougiamas
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @package core
* @subpackage course
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
define('COURSE_MAX_LOGS_PER_PAGE', 1000); // records
define('COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD', 172800); // Two days, in seconds
define('COURSE_MAX_SUMMARIES_PER_PAGE', 10); // courses
define('COURSE_MAX_COURSES_PER_DROPDOWN',1000); // max courses in log dropdown before switching to optional
define('COURSE_MAX_USERS_PER_DROPDOWN',1000); // max users in log dropdown before switching to optional
define('FRONTPAGENEWS', '0');
define('FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT', 200); // maximum number of courses displayed on the frontpage
define('EXCELROWS', 65535);
define('MOD_CLASS_ACTIVITY', 0);
define('MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE', 1);
define('COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE', 0); // display all sections on one page
define('COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE', 1); // split pages into a page per section
function make_log_url($module, $url) {
switch ($module) {
case 'course':
if (strpos($url, 'report/') === 0) {
// there is only one report type, course reports are deprecated
$url = "/$url";
case 'file':
case 'login':
case 'lib':
case 'admin':
case 'calendar':
case 'mnet course':
if (strpos($url, '../') === 0) {
$url = ltrim($url, '.');
} else {
$url = "/course/$url";
case 'user':
case 'blog':
$url = "/$module/$url";
case 'upload':
$url = $url;
case 'coursetags':
$url = '/'.$url;
case 'library':
case '':
$url = '/';
case 'message':
$url = "/message/$url";
case 'notes':
$url = "/notes/$url";
case 'tag':
$url = "/tag/$url";
case 'role':
$url = '/'.$url;
$url = "/mod/$module/$url";
//now let's sanitise urls - there might be some ugly nasties:-(
$parts = explode('?', $url);
$script = array_shift($parts);
if (strpos($script, 'http') === 0) {
$script = clean_param($script, PARAM_URL);
} else {
$script = clean_param($script, PARAM_PATH);
$query = '';
if ($parts) {
$query = implode('', $parts);
$query = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $query); // both & and &amp; are stored in db :-|
$parts = explode('&', $query);
$eq = urlencode('=');
foreach ($parts as $key=>$part) {
$part = urlencode(urldecode($part));
$part = str_replace($eq, '=', $part);
$parts[$key] = $part;
$query = '?'.implode('&amp;', $parts);
return $script.$query;
function build_mnet_logs_array($hostid, $course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $limitfrom='', $limitnum='',
$modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// It is assumed that $date is the GMT time of midnight for that day,
// and so the next 86400 seconds worth of logs are printed.
/// Setup for group handling.
// TODO: I don't understand group/context/etc. enough to be able to do
// something interesting with it here
// What is the context of a remote course?
/// If the group mode is separate, and this user does not have editing privileges,
/// then only the user's group can be viewed.
//if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
// $groupid = get_current_group($course->id);
/// If this course doesn't have groups, no groupid can be specified.
//else if (!$course->groupmode) {
// $groupid = 0;
$groupid = 0;
$joins = array();
$where = '';
$qry = "SELECT l.*, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture
FROM {mnet_log} l
LEFT JOIN {user} u ON l.userid =
$params = array();
$where .= "l.hostid = :hostid";
$params['hostid'] = $hostid;
// TODO: Is 1 really a magic number referring to the sitename?
if ($course != SITEID || $modid != 0) {
$where .= " AND l.course=:courseid";
$params['courseid'] = $course;
if ($modname) {
$where .= " AND l.module = :modname";
$params['modname'] = $modname;
if ('site_errors' === $modid) {
$where .= " AND ( l.action='error' OR l.action='infected' )";
} else if ($modid) {
//TODO: This assumes that modids are the same across sites... probably
//not true
$where .= " AND l.cmid = :modid";
$params['modid'] = $modid;
if ($modaction) {
$firstletter = substr($modaction, 0, 1);
if ($firstletter == '-') {
$where .= " AND ".$DB->sql_like('l.action', ':modaction', false, true, true);
$params['modaction'] = '%'.substr($modaction, 1).'%';
} else {
$where .= " AND ".$DB->sql_like('l.action', ':modaction', false);
$params['modaction'] = '%'.$modaction.'%';
if ($user) {
$where .= " AND l.userid = :user";
$params['user'] = $user;
if ($date) {
$enddate = $date + 86400;
$where .= " AND l.time > :date AND l.time < :enddate";
$params['date'] = $date;
$params['enddate'] = $enddate;
$result = array();
$result['totalcount'] = $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT('x') FROM {mnet_log} l WHERE $where", $params);
if(!empty($result['totalcount'])) {
$where .= " ORDER BY $order";
$result['logs'] = $DB->get_records_sql("$qry $where", $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum);
} else {
$result['logs'] = array();
return $result;
function build_logs_array($course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $limitfrom='', $limitnum='',
$modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $DB, $SESSION, $USER;
// It is assumed that $date is the GMT time of midnight for that day,
// and so the next 86400 seconds worth of logs are printed.
/// Setup for group handling.
/// If the group mode is separate, and this user does not have editing privileges,
/// then only the user's group can be viewed.
if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
if (isset($SESSION->currentgroup[$course->id])) {
$groupid = $SESSION->currentgroup[$course->id];
} else {
$groupid = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id);
if (is_array($groupid)) {
$groupid = array_shift(array_keys($groupid));
$SESSION->currentgroup[$course->id] = $groupid;
} else {
$groupid = 0;
/// If this course doesn't have groups, no groupid can be specified.
else if (!$course->groupmode) {
$groupid = 0;
$joins = array();
$params = array();
if ($course->id != SITEID || $modid != 0) {
$joins[] = "l.course = :courseid";
$params['courseid'] = $course->id;
if ($modname) {
$joins[] = "l.module = :modname";
$params['modname'] = $modname;
if ('site_errors' === $modid) {
$joins[] = "( l.action='error' OR l.action='infected' )";
} else if ($modid) {
$joins[] = "l.cmid = :modid";
$params['modid'] = $modid;
if ($modaction) {
$firstletter = substr($modaction, 0, 1);
if ($firstletter == '-') {
$joins[] = $DB->sql_like('l.action', ':modaction', false, true, true);
$params['modaction'] = '%'.substr($modaction, 1).'%';
} else {
$joins[] = $DB->sql_like('l.action', ':modaction', false);
$params['modaction'] = '%'.$modaction.'%';
/// Getting all members of a group.
if ($groupid and !$user) {
if ($gusers = groups_get_members($groupid)) {
$gusers = array_keys($gusers);
$joins[] = 'l.userid IN (' . implode(',', $gusers) . ')';
} else {
$joins[] = 'l.userid = 0'; // No users in groups, so we want something that will always be false.
else if ($user) {
$joins[] = "l.userid = :userid";
$params['userid'] = $user;
if ($date) {
$enddate = $date + 86400;
$joins[] = "l.time > :date AND l.time < :enddate";
$params['date'] = $date;
$params['enddate'] = $enddate;
$selector = implode(' AND ', $joins);
$totalcount = 0; // Initialise
$result = array();
$result['logs'] = get_logs($selector, $params, $order, $limitfrom, $limitnum, $totalcount);
$result['totalcount'] = $totalcount;
return $result;
function print_log($course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $page=0, $perpage=100,
$url="", $modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!$logs = build_logs_array($course, $user, $date, $order, $page*$perpage, $perpage,
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("No logs found!");
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
$courses = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
} else {
$courses[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
$totalcount = $logs['totalcount'];
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
echo "<div class=\"info\">\n";
print_string("displayingrecords", "", $totalcount);
echo "</div>\n";
echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, "$url&perpage=$perpage");
$table = new html_table();
$table->classes = array('logtable','generalbox');
$table->align = array('right', 'left', 'left');
$table->head = array(
$table->data = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
array_unshift($table->align, 'left');
array_unshift($table->head, get_string('course'));
// Make sure that the logs array is an array, even it is empty, to avoid warnings from the foreach.
if (empty($logs['logs'])) {
$logs['logs'] = array();
foreach ($logs['logs'] as $log) {
if (isset($ldcache[$log->module][$log->action])) {
$ld = $ldcache[$log->module][$log->action];
} else {
$ld = $DB->get_record('log_display', array('module'=>$log->module, 'action'=>$log->action));
$ldcache[$log->module][$log->action] = $ld;
if ($ld && is_numeric($log->info)) {
// ugly hack to make sure fullname is shown correctly
if ($ld->mtable == 'user' && $ld->field == $DB->sql_concat('firstname', "' '" , 'lastname')) {
$log->info = fullname($DB->get_record($ld->mtable, array('id'=>$log->info)), true);
} else {
$log->info = $DB->get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, array('id'=>$log->info));
//Filter log->info
$log->info = format_string($log->info);
// If $log->url has been trimmed short by the db size restriction
// code in add_to_log, keep a note so we don't add a link to a broken url
$brokenurl=(textlib::strlen($log->url)==100 && textlib::substr($log->url,97)=='...');
$row = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
if (empty($log->course)) {
$row[] = get_string('site');
} else {
$row[] = "<a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$log->course}\">". format_string($courses[$log->course])."</a>";
$row[] = userdate($log->time, '%a').' '.userdate($log->time, $strftimedatetime);
$link = new moodle_url("/iplookup/index.php?ip=$log->ip&user=$log->userid");
$row[] = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $log->ip, new popup_action('click', $link, 'iplookup', array('height' => 440, 'width' => 700)));
$row[] = html_writer::link(new moodle_url("/user/view.php?id={$log->userid}&course={$log->course}"), fullname($log, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))));
$displayaction="$log->module $log->action";
if ($brokenurl) {
$row[] = $displayaction;
} else {
$link = make_log_url($log->module,$log->url);
$row[] = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $displayaction, new popup_action('click', $link, 'fromloglive'), array('height' => 440, 'width' => 700));
$row[] = $log->info;
$table->data[] = $row;
echo html_writer::table($table);
echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, "$url&perpage=$perpage");
function print_mnet_log($hostid, $course, $user=0, $date=0, $order="l.time ASC", $page=0, $perpage=100,
$url="", $modname="", $modid=0, $modaction="", $groupid=0) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!$logs = build_mnet_logs_array($hostid, $course, $user, $date, $order, $page*$perpage, $perpage,
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("No logs found!");
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname,c.visible')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
$totalcount = $logs['totalcount'];
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
echo "<div class=\"info\">\n";
print_string("displayingrecords", "", $totalcount);
echo "</div>\n";
echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, "$url&perpage=$perpage");
echo "<table class=\"logtable\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
echo "<tr>";
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
echo "<th class=\"c0 header\">".get_string('course')."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"c1 header\">".get_string('time')."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"c2 header\">".get_string('ip_address')."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"c3 header\">".get_string('fullnameuser')."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"c4 header\">".get_string('action')."</th>\n";
echo "<th class=\"c5 header\">".get_string('info')."</th>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if (empty($logs['logs'])) {
echo "</table>\n";
$row = 1;
foreach ($logs['logs'] as $log) {
$log->info = $log->coursename;
$row = ($row + 1) % 2;
if (isset($ldcache[$log->module][$log->action])) {
$ld = $ldcache[$log->module][$log->action];
} else {
$ld = $DB->get_record('log_display', array('module'=>$log->module, 'action'=>$log->action));
$ldcache[$log->module][$log->action] = $ld;
if (0 && $ld && !empty($log->info)) {
// ugly hack to make sure fullname is shown correctly
if (($ld->mtable == 'user') and ($ld->field == $DB->sql_concat('firstname', "' '" , 'lastname'))) {
$log->info = fullname($DB->get_record($ld->mtable, array('id'=>$log->info)), true);
} else {
$log->info = $DB->get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, array('id'=>$log->info));
//Filter log->info
$log->info = format_string($log->info);
echo '<tr class="r'.$row.'">';
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courseshortname = format_string($courses[$log->course], true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, SITEID)));
echo "<td class=\"r$row c0\" >\n";
echo " <a href=\"{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$log->course}\">".$courseshortname."</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class=\"r$row c1\" align=\"right\">".userdate($log->time, '%a').
' '.userdate($log->time, $strftimedatetime)."</td>\n";
echo "<td class=\"r$row c2\" >\n";
$link = new moodle_url("/iplookup/index.php?ip=$log->ip&user=$log->userid");
echo $OUTPUT->action_link($link, $log->ip, new popup_action('click', $link, 'iplookup', array('height' => 400, 'width' => 700)));
echo "</td>\n";
$fullname = fullname($log, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)));
echo "<td class=\"r$row c3\" >\n";
echo " <a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id={$log->userid}\">$fullname</a>\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class=\"r$row c4\">\n";
echo $log->action .': '.$log->module;
echo "</td>\n";;
echo "<td class=\"r$row c5\">{$log->info}</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>\n";
echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($totalcount, $page, $perpage, "$url&perpage=$perpage");
function print_log_csv($course, $user, $date, $order='l.time DESC', $modname,
$modid, $modaction, $groupid) {
global $DB;
$text = get_string('course')."\t".get_string('time')."\t".get_string('ip_address')."\t".
if (!$logs = build_logs_array($course, $user, $date, $order, '', '',
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
return false;
$courses = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
} else {
$courses[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
$filename = 'logs_'.userdate(time(),get_string('backupnameformat', 'langconfig'),99,false);
$filename .= '.txt';
header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");
header("Expires: 0");
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
header("Pragma: public");
echo get_string('savedat').userdate(time(), $strftimedatetime)."\n";
echo $text."\n";
if (empty($logs['logs'])) {
return true;
foreach ($logs['logs'] as $log) {
if (isset($ldcache[$log->module][$log->action])) {
$ld = $ldcache[$log->module][$log->action];
} else {
$ld = $DB->get_record('log_display', array('module'=>$log->module, 'action'=>$log->action));
$ldcache[$log->module][$log->action] = $ld;
if ($ld && !empty($log->info)) {
// ugly hack to make sure fullname is shown correctly
if (($ld->mtable == 'user') and ($ld->field == $DB->sql_concat('firstname', "' '" , 'lastname'))) {
$log->info = fullname($DB->get_record($ld->mtable, array('id'=>$log->info)), true);
} else {
$log->info = $DB->get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, array('id'=>$log->info));
//Filter log->info
$log->info = format_string($log->info);
$log->info = strip_tags(urldecode($log->info)); // Some XSS protection
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$firstField = format_string($courses[$log->course], true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
$fullname = fullname($log, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $coursecontext));
$row = array($firstField, userdate($log->time, $strftimedatetime), $log->ip, $fullname, $log->module.' '.$log->action, $log->info);
$text = implode("\t", $row);
echo $text." \n";
return true;
function print_log_xls($course, $user, $date, $order='l.time DESC', $modname,
$modid, $modaction, $groupid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$logs = build_logs_array($course, $user, $date, $order, '', '',
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
return false;
$courses = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
} else {
$courses[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
$nroPages = ceil(count($logs)/(EXCELROWS-FIRSTUSEDEXCELROW+1));
$filename = 'logs_'.userdate(time(),get_string('backupnameformat', 'langconfig'),99,false);
$filename .= '.xls';
$workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook('-');
$worksheet = array();
$headers = array(get_string('course'), get_string('time'), get_string('ip_address'),
get_string('fullnameuser'), get_string('action'), get_string('info'));
// Creating worksheets
for ($wsnumber = 1; $wsnumber <= $nroPages; $wsnumber++) {
$sheettitle = get_string('logs').' '.$wsnumber.'-'.$nroPages;
$worksheet[$wsnumber] =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
$worksheet[$wsnumber]->set_column(1, 1, 30);
$worksheet[$wsnumber]->write_string(0, 0, get_string('savedat').
userdate(time(), $strftimedatetime));
$col = 0;
foreach ($headers as $item) {
if (empty($logs['logs'])) {
return true;
$formatDate =& $workbook->add_format();
$wsnumber = 1;
$myxls =& $worksheet[$wsnumber];
foreach ($logs['logs'] as $log) {
if (isset($ldcache[$log->module][$log->action])) {
$ld = $ldcache[$log->module][$log->action];
} else {
$ld = $DB->get_record('log_display', array('module'=>$log->module, 'action'=>$log->action));
$ldcache[$log->module][$log->action] = $ld;
if ($ld && !empty($log->info)) {
// ugly hack to make sure fullname is shown correctly
if (($ld->mtable == 'user') and ($ld->field == $DB->sql_concat('firstname', "' '" , 'lastname'))) {
$log->info = fullname($DB->get_record($ld->mtable, array('id'=>$log->info)), true);
} else {
$log->info = $DB->get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, array('id'=>$log->info));
// Filter log->info
$log->info = format_string($log->info);
$log->info = strip_tags(urldecode($log->info)); // Some XSS protection
if ($nroPages>1) {
if ($row > EXCELROWS) {
$myxls =& $worksheet[$wsnumber];
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$myxls->write($row, 0, format_string($courses[$log->course], true, array('context' => $coursecontext)), '');
$myxls->write_date($row, 1, $log->time, $formatDate); // write_date() does conversion/timezone support. MDL-14934
$myxls->write($row, 2, $log->ip, '');
$fullname = fullname($log, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $coursecontext));
$myxls->write($row, 3, $fullname, '');
$myxls->write($row, 4, $log->module.' '.$log->action, '');
$myxls->write($row, 5, $log->info, '');
return true;
function print_log_ods($course, $user, $date, $order='l.time DESC', $modname,
$modid, $modaction, $groupid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$logs = build_logs_array($course, $user, $date, $order, '', '',
$modname, $modid, $modaction, $groupid)) {
return false;
$courses = array();
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$courses[0] = '';
if ($ccc = get_courses('all', ' ASC', ',c.shortname')) {
foreach ($ccc as $cc) {
$courses[$cc->id] = $cc->shortname;
} else {
$courses[$course->id] = $course->shortname;
$ldcache = array();
$tt = getdate(time());
$today = mktime (0, 0, 0, $tt["mon"], $tt["mday"], $tt["year"]);
$strftimedatetime = get_string("strftimedatetime");
$nroPages = ceil(count($logs)/(EXCELROWS-FIRSTUSEDEXCELROW+1));
$filename = 'logs_'.userdate(time(),get_string('backupnameformat', 'langconfig'),99,false);
$filename .= '.ods';
$workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook('-');
$worksheet = array();
$headers = array(get_string('course'), get_string('time'), get_string('ip_address'),
get_string('fullnameuser'), get_string('action'), get_string('info'));
// Creating worksheets
for ($wsnumber = 1; $wsnumber <= $nroPages; $wsnumber++) {
$sheettitle = get_string('logs').' '.$wsnumber.'-'.$nroPages;
$worksheet[$wsnumber] =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
$worksheet[$wsnumber]->set_column(1, 1, 30);
$worksheet[$wsnumber]->write_string(0, 0, get_string('savedat').
userdate(time(), $strftimedatetime));
$col = 0;
foreach ($headers as $item) {
if (empty($logs['logs'])) {
return true;
$formatDate =& $workbook->add_format();
$wsnumber = 1;
$myxls =& $worksheet[$wsnumber];
foreach ($logs['logs'] as $log) {
if (isset($ldcache[$log->module][$log->action])) {
$ld = $ldcache[$log->module][$log->action];
} else {
$ld = $DB->get_record('log_display', array('module'=>$log->module, 'action'=>$log->action));
$ldcache[$log->module][$log->action] = $ld;
if ($ld && !empty($log->info)) {
// ugly hack to make sure fullname is shown correctly
if (($ld->mtable == 'user') and ($ld->field == $DB->sql_concat('firstname', "' '" , 'lastname'))) {
$log->info = fullname($DB->get_record($ld->mtable, array('id'=>$log->info)), true);
} else {
$log->info = $DB->get_field($ld->mtable, $ld->field, array('id'=>$log->info));
// Filter log->info
$log->info = format_string($log->info);
$log->info = strip_tags(urldecode($log->info)); // Some XSS protection
if ($nroPages>1) {
if ($row > EXCELROWS) {
$myxls =& $worksheet[$wsnumber];
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$myxls->write_string($row, 0, format_string($courses[$log->course], true, array('context' => $coursecontext)));
$myxls->write_date($row, 1, $log->time);
$myxls->write_string($row, 2, $log->ip);
$fullname = fullname($log, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $coursecontext));
$myxls->write_string($row, 3, $fullname);
$myxls->write_string($row, 4, $log->module.' '.$log->action);
$myxls->write_string($row, 5, $log->info);
return true;
function print_overview($courses, array $remote_courses=array()) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$htmlarray = array();
if ($modules = $DB->get_records('modules')) {
foreach ($modules as $mod) {
if (file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/mod/'.$mod->name.'/lib.php')) {
$fname = $mod->name.'_print_overview';
if (function_exists($fname)) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$fullname = format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)));
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('coursebox');
$attributes = array('title' => s($fullname));
if (empty($course->visible)) {
$attributes['class'] = 'dimmed';
echo $OUTPUT->heading(html_writer::link(
new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id)), $fullname, $attributes), 3);
if (array_key_exists($course->id,$htmlarray)) {
foreach ($htmlarray[$course->id] as $modname => $html) {
echo $html;
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
if (!empty($remote_courses)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('remotecourses', 'mnet'));
foreach ($remote_courses as $course) {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start('coursebox');
$attributes = array('title' => s($course->fullname));
echo $OUTPUT->heading(html_writer::link(
new moodle_url('/auth/mnet/jump.php', array('hostid' => $course->hostid, 'wantsurl' => '/course/view.php?id='.$course->remoteid)),
$attributes) . ' (' . format_string($course->hostname) . ')', 3);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
* This function trawls through the logs looking for
* anything new since the user's last login
function print_recent_activity($course) {
// $course is an object
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
$timestart = round(time() - COURSE_MAX_RECENT_PERIOD, -2); // better db caching for guests - 100 seconds
if (!isguestuser()) {
if (!empty($USER->lastcourseaccess[$course->id])) {
if ($USER->lastcourseaccess[$course->id] > $timestart) {
$timestart = $USER->lastcourseaccess[$course->id];
echo '<div class="activitydate">';
echo get_string('activitysince', '', userdate($timestart));
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="activityhead">';
echo '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/recent.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.get_string('recentactivityreport').'</a>';
echo "</div>\n";
$content = false;
/// Firstly, have there been any new enrolments?
$users = get_recent_enrolments($course->id, $timestart);
//Accessibility: new users now appear in an <OL> list.
if ($users) {
echo '<div class="newusers">';
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("newusers").':', 3);
$content = true;
echo "<ol class=\"list\">\n";
foreach ($users as $user) {
$fullname = fullname($user, $viewfullnames);
echo '<li class="name"><a href="'."$CFG->wwwroot/user/view.php?id=$user->id&amp;course=$course->id\">$fullname</a></li>\n";
echo "</ol>\n</div>\n";
/// Next, have there been any modifications to the course structure?
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
$changelist = array();
$logs = $DB->get_records_select('log', "time > ? AND course = ? AND
module = 'course' AND
(action = 'add mod' OR action = 'update mod' OR action = 'delete mod')",
array($timestart, $course->id), "id ASC");
if ($logs) {
$actions = array('add mod', 'update mod', 'delete mod');
$newgones = array(); // added and later deleted items
foreach ($logs as $key => $log) {
if (!in_array($log->action, $actions)) {
$info = explode(' ', $log->info);
// note: in most cases I replaced hardcoding of label with use of
// $cm->has_view() but it was not possible to do this here because
// we don't necessarily have the $cm for it
if ($info[0] == 'label') { // Labels are ignored in recent activity
if (count($info) != 2) {
debugging("Incorrect log entry info: id = ".$log->id, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$modname = $info[0];
$instanceid = $info[1];
if ($log->action == 'delete mod') {
// unfortunately we do not know if the mod was visible
if (!array_key_exists($log->info, $newgones)) {
$strdeleted = get_string('deletedactivity', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $modname));
$changelist[$log->info] = array ('operation' => 'delete', 'text' => $strdeleted);
} else {
if (!isset($modinfo->instances[$modname][$instanceid])) {
if ($log->action == 'add mod') {
// do not display added and later deleted activities
$newgones[$log->info] = true;
$cm = $modinfo->instances[$modname][$instanceid];
if (!$cm->uservisible) {
if ($log->action == 'add mod') {
$stradded = get_string('added', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $modname));
$changelist[$log->info] = array('operation' => 'add', 'text' => "$stradded:<br /><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$cm->modname/view.php?id={$cm->id}\">".format_string($cm->name, true)."</a>");
} else if ($log->action == 'update mod' and empty($changelist[$log->info])) {
$strupdated = get_string('updated', 'moodle', get_string('modulename', $modname));
$changelist[$log->info] = array('operation' => 'update', 'text' => "$strupdated:<br /><a href=\"$CFG->wwwroot/mod/$cm->modname/view.php?id={$cm->id}\">".format_string($cm->name, true)."</a>");
if (!empty($changelist)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("courseupdates").':', 3);
$content = true;
foreach ($changelist as $changeinfo => $change) {
echo '<p class="activity">'.$change['text'].'</p>';
/// Now display new things from each module
$usedmodules = array();
foreach($modinfo->cms as $cm) {
if (isset($usedmodules[$cm->modname])) {
if (!$cm->uservisible) {
$usedmodules[$cm->modname] = $cm->modname;
foreach ($usedmodules as $modname) { // Each module gets it's own logs and prints them
if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/'.$modname.'/lib.php')) {
$print_recent_activity = $modname.'_print_recent_activity';
if (function_exists($print_recent_activity)) {
// NOTE: original $isteacher (second parameter below) was replaced with $viewfullnames!
$content = $print_recent_activity($course, $viewfullnames, $timestart) || $content;
} else {
debugging("Missing lib.php in lib/{$modname} - please reinstall files or uninstall the module");
if (! $content) {
echo '<p class="message">'.get_string('nothingnew').'</p>';
* For a given course, returns an array of course activity objects
* Each item in the array contains he following properties:
function get_array_of_activities($courseid) {
// cm - course module id
// mod - name of the module (eg forum)
// section - the number of the section (eg week or topic)
// name - the name of the instance
// visible - is the instance visible or not
// groupingid - grouping id
// groupmembersonly - is this instance visible to group members only
// extra - contains extra string to include in any link
global $CFG, $DB;
if(!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$courseid));
if (empty($course)) {
throw new moodle_exception('courseidnotfound');
$mod = array();
$rawmods = get_course_mods($courseid);
if (empty($rawmods)) {
return $mod; // always return array
if ($sections = $DB->get_records("course_sections", array("course"=>$courseid), "section ASC")) {
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
$sequence = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sequence as $seq) {
if (empty($rawmods[$seq])) {
$mod[$seq] = new stdClass();
$mod[$seq]->id = $rawmods[$seq]->instance;
$mod[$seq]->cm = $rawmods[$seq]->id;
$mod[$seq]->mod = $rawmods[$seq]->modname;
// Oh dear. Inconsistent names left here for backward compatibility.
$mod[$seq]->section = $section->section;
$mod[$seq]->sectionid = $rawmods[$seq]->section;
$mod[$seq]->module = $rawmods[$seq]->module;
$mod[$seq]->added = $rawmods[$seq]->added;
$mod[$seq]->score = $rawmods[$seq]->score;
$mod[$seq]->idnumber = $rawmods[$seq]->idnumber;
$mod[$seq]->visible = $rawmods[$seq]->visible;
$mod[$seq]->visibleold = $rawmods[$seq]->visibleold;
$mod[$seq]->groupmode = $rawmods[$seq]->groupmode;
$mod[$seq]->groupingid = $rawmods[$seq]->groupingid;
$mod[$seq]->groupmembersonly = $rawmods[$seq]->groupmembersonly;
$mod[$seq]->indent = $rawmods[$seq]->indent;
$mod[$seq]->completion = $rawmods[$seq]->completion;
$mod[$seq]->extra = "";
$mod[$seq]->completiongradeitemnumber =
$mod[$seq]->completionview = $rawmods[$seq]->completionview;
$mod[$seq]->completionexpected = $rawmods[$seq]->completionexpected;
$mod[$seq]->availablefrom = $rawmods[$seq]->availablefrom;
$mod[$seq]->availableuntil = $rawmods[$seq]->availableuntil;
$mod[$seq]->showavailability = $rawmods[$seq]->showavailability;
$mod[$seq]->showdescription = $rawmods[$seq]->showdescription;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$mod[$seq]->conditionscompletion = $rawmods[$seq]->conditionscompletion;
$mod[$seq]->conditionsgrade = $rawmods[$seq]->conditionsgrade;
$modname = $mod[$seq]->mod;
$functionname = $modname."_get_coursemodule_info";
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/lib.php")) {
if ($hasfunction = function_exists($functionname)) {
if ($info = $functionname($rawmods[$seq])) {
if (!empty($info->icon)) {
$mod[$seq]->icon = $info->icon;
if (!empty($info->iconcomponent)) {
$mod[$seq]->iconcomponent = $info->iconcomponent;
if (!empty($info->name)) {
$mod[$seq]->name = $info->name;
if ($info instanceof cached_cm_info) {
// When using cached_cm_info you can include three new fields
// that aren't available for legacy code
if (!empty($info->content)) {
$mod[$seq]->content = $info->content;
if (!empty($info->extraclasses)) {
$mod[$seq]->extraclasses = $info->extraclasses;
if (!empty($info->iconurl)) {
$mod[$seq]->iconurl = $info->iconurl;
if (!empty($info->onclick)) {
$mod[$seq]->onclick = $info->onclick;
if (!empty($info->customdata)) {
$mod[$seq]->customdata = $info->customdata;
} else {
// When using a stdclass, the (horrible) deprecated ->extra field
// is available for BC
if (!empty($info->extra)) {
$mod[$seq]->extra = $info->extra;
// When there is no modname_get_coursemodule_info function,
// but showdescriptions is enabled, then we use the 'intro'
// and 'introformat' fields in the module table
if (!$hasfunction && $rawmods[$seq]->showdescription) {
if ($modvalues = $DB->get_record($rawmods[$seq]->modname,
array('id' => $rawmods[$seq]->instance), 'name, intro, introformat')) {
// Set content from intro and introformat. Filters are disabled
// because we filter it with format_text at display time
$mod[$seq]->content = format_module_intro($rawmods[$seq]->modname,
$modvalues, $rawmods[$seq]->id, false);
// To save making another query just below, put name in here
$mod[$seq]->name = $modvalues->name;
if (!isset($mod[$seq]->name)) {
$mod[$seq]->name = $DB->get_field($rawmods[$seq]->modname, "name", array("id"=>$rawmods[$seq]->instance));
// Minimise the database size by unsetting default options when they are
// 'empty'. This list corresponds to code in the cm_info constructor.
foreach (array('idnumber', 'groupmode', 'groupingid', 'groupmembersonly',
'indent', 'completion', 'extra', 'extraclasses', 'iconurl', 'onclick', 'content',
'icon', 'iconcomponent', 'customdata', 'showavailability', 'availablefrom',
'availableuntil', 'conditionscompletion', 'conditionsgrade',
'completionview', 'completionexpected', 'score', 'showdescription')
as $property) {
if (property_exists($mod[$seq], $property) &&
empty($mod[$seq]->{$property})) {
// Special case: this value is usually set to null, but may be 0
if (property_exists($mod[$seq], 'completiongradeitemnumber') &&
is_null($mod[$seq]->completiongradeitemnumber)) {
return $mod;
* Returns a number of useful structures for course displays
function get_all_mods($courseid, &$mods, &$modnames, &$modnamesplural, &$modnamesused) {
global $CFG, $DB, $COURSE;
$mods = array(); // course modules indexed by id
$modnames = array(); // all course module names (except resource!)
$modnamesplural= array(); // all course module names (plural form)
$modnamesused = array(); // course module names used
if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules")) {
foreach ($allmods as $mod) {
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->name/lib.php")) {
if ($mod->visible) {
$modnames[$mod->name] = get_string("modulename", "$mod->name");
$modnamesplural[$mod->name] = get_string("modulenameplural", "$mod->name");
} else {
print_error("nomodules", 'debug');
$course = ($courseid==$COURSE->id) ? $COURSE : $DB->get_record('course',array('id'=>$courseid));
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
if ($rawmods=$modinfo->cms) {
foreach($rawmods as $mod) { // Index the mods
if (empty($modnames[$mod->modname])) {
$mods[$mod->id] = $mod;
$mods[$mod->id]->modfullname = $modnames[$mod->modname];
if (!$mod->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid))) {
// Check groupings
if (!groups_course_module_visible($mod)) {
$modnamesused[$mod->modname] = $modnames[$mod->modname];
if ($modnamesused) {
* Returns an array of sections for the requested course id
* This function stores the sections against the course id within a staticvar encase
* of subsequent requests. This is used all over + in some standard libs and course
* format callbacks so subsequent requests are a reality.
* Note: Since Moodle 2.3, it is more efficient to get this data by calling
* get_fast_modinfo, then using $modinfo->get_section_info or get_section_info_all.
* @staticvar array $coursesections
* @param int $courseid
* @return array Array of sections
function get_all_sections($courseid) {
global $DB;
static $coursesections = array();
if (!array_key_exists($courseid, $coursesections)) {
$coursesections[$courseid] = $DB->get_records("course_sections", array("course"=>"$courseid"), "section",
'section, id, course, name, summary, summaryformat, sequence, visible, ' .
'availablefrom, availableuntil, showavailability, groupingid');
return $coursesections[$courseid];
* Set highlighted section. Only one section can be highlighted at the time.
* @param int $courseid course id
* @param int $marker highlight section with this number, 0 means remove higlightin
* @return void
function course_set_marker($courseid, $marker) {
global $DB;
$DB->set_field("course", "marker", $marker, array('id' => $courseid));
* For a given course section, marks it visible or hidden,
* and does the same for every activity in that section
* @param int $courseid course id
* @param int $sectionnumber The section number to adjust
* @param int $visibility The new visibility
* @return array A list of resources which were hidden in the section
function set_section_visible($courseid, $sectionnumber, $visibility) {
global $DB;
$resourcestotoggle = array();
if ($section = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$courseid, "section"=>$sectionnumber))) {
$DB->set_field("course_sections", "visible", "$visibility", array("id"=>$section->id));
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
$modules = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($modules as $moduleid) {
set_coursemodule_visible($moduleid, $visibility, true);
// Determine which modules are visible for AJAX update
if (!empty($modules)) {
list($insql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($modules);
$select = 'id ' . $insql . ' AND visible = ?';
array_push($params, $visibility);
if (!$visibility) {
$select .= ' AND visibleold = 1';
$resourcestotoggle = $DB->get_fieldset_select('course_modules', 'id', $select, $params);
return $resourcestotoggle;
* Obtains shared data that is used in print_section when displaying a
* course-module entry.
* Calls format_text or format_string as appropriate, and obtains the correct icon.
* This data is also used in other areas of the code.
* @param cm_info $cm Course-module data (must come from get_fast_modinfo)
* @param object $course Moodle course object
* @return array An array with the following values in this order:
* $content (optional extra content for after link),
* $instancename (text of link)
function get_print_section_cm_text(cm_info $cm, $course) {
global $OUTPUT;
// Get content from modinfo if specified. Content displays either
// in addition to the standard link (below), or replaces it if
// the link is turned off by setting ->url to null.
if (($content = $cm->get_content()) !== '') {
// Improve filter performance by preloading filter setttings for all
// activities on the course (this does nothing if called multiple
// times)
// Get module context
$modulecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
$labelformatoptions = new stdClass();
$labelformatoptions->noclean = true;
$labelformatoptions->overflowdiv = true;
$labelformatoptions->context = $modulecontext;
$content = format_text($content, FORMAT_HTML, $labelformatoptions);
} else {
$content = '';
// Get course context
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$stringoptions = new stdClass;
$stringoptions->context = $coursecontext;
$instancename = format_string($cm->name, true, $stringoptions);
return array($content, $instancename);
* Prints a section full of activity modules
function print_section($course, $section, $mods, $modnamesused, $absolute=false, $width="100%", $hidecompletion=false, $sectionreturn = false) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
static $initialised;
static $groupbuttons;
static $groupbuttonslink;
static $isediting;
static $ismoving;
static $strmovehere;
static $strmovefull;
static $strunreadpostsone;
static $modulenames;
if (!isset($initialised)) {
$groupbuttons = ($course->groupmode or (!$course->groupmodeforce));
$groupbuttonslink = (!$course->groupmodeforce);
$isediting = $PAGE->user_is_editing();
$ismoving = $isediting && ismoving($course->id);
if ($ismoving) {
$strmovehere = get_string("movehere");
$strmovefull = strip_tags(get_string("movefull", "", "'$USER->activitycopyname'"));
$modulenames = array();
$initialised = true;
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
$completioninfo = new completion_info($course);
//Accessibility: replace table with list <ul>, but don't output empty list.
if (!empty($section->sequence)) {
// Fix bug #5027, don't want style=\"width:$width\".
echo "<ul class=\"section img-text\">\n";
$sectionmods = explode(",", $section->sequence);
foreach ($sectionmods as $modnumber) {
if (empty($mods[$modnumber])) {
* @var cm_info
$mod = $mods[$modnumber];
if ($ismoving and $mod->id == $USER->activitycopy) {
// do not display moving mod
if (isset($modinfo->cms[$modnumber])) {
// We can continue (because it will not be displayed at all)
// if:
// 1) The activity is not visible to users
// and
// 2a) The 'showavailability' option is not set (if that is set,
// we need to display the activity so we can show
// availability info)
// or
// 2b) The 'availableinfo' is empty, i.e. the activity was
// hidden in a way that leaves no info, such as using the
// eye icon.
if (!$modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->uservisible &&
(empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->showavailability) ||
empty($modinfo->cms[$modnumber]->availableinfo))) {
// visibility shortcut
} else {
if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$mod->modname/lib.php")) {
// module not installed
if (!coursemodule_visible_for_user($mod) &&
empty($mod->showavailability)) {
// full visibility check
if (!isset($modulenames[$mod->modname])) {
$modulenames[$mod->modname] = get_string('modulename', $mod->modname);
$modulename = $modulenames[$mod->modname];
// In some cases the activity is visible to user, but it is
// dimmed. This is done if viewhiddenactivities is true and if:
// 1. the activity is not visible, or
// 2. the activity has dates set which do not include current, or
// 3. the activity has any other conditions set (regardless of whether
// current user meets them)
$canviewhidden = has_capability(
get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->id));
$accessiblebutdim = false;
if ($canviewhidden) {
$accessiblebutdim = !$mod->visible;
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$accessiblebutdim = $accessiblebutdim ||
$mod->availablefrom > time() ||
($mod->availableuntil && $mod->availableuntil < time()) ||
count($mod->conditionsgrade) > 0 ||
count($mod->conditionscompletion) > 0;
$liclasses = array();
$liclasses[] = 'activity';
$liclasses[] = $mod->modname;
$liclasses[] = 'modtype_'.$mod->modname;
$extraclasses = $mod->get_extra_classes();
if ($extraclasses) {
$liclasses = array_merge($liclasses, explode(' ', $extraclasses));
echo html_writer::start_tag('li', array('class'=>join(' ', $liclasses), 'id'=>'module-'.$modnumber));
if ($ismoving) {
echo '<a title="'.$strmovefull.'"'.
' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?moveto='.$mod->id.'&amp;sesskey='.sesskey().'">'.
'<img class="movetarget" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" '.
' alt="'.$strmovehere.'" /></a><br />
$classes = array('mod-indent');
if (!empty($mod->indent)) {
$classes[] = 'mod-indent-'.$mod->indent;
if ($mod->indent > 15) {
$classes[] = 'mod-indent-huge';
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>join(' ', $classes)));
// Get data about this course-module
list($content, $instancename) =
get_print_section_cm_text($modinfo->cms[$modnumber], $course);
//Accessibility: for files get description via icon, this is very ugly hack!
$altname = '';
$altname = $mod->modfullname;
if (!empty($customicon)) {
$archetype = plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, MOD_ARCHETYPE_OTHER);
if ($archetype == MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE) {
$mimetype = mimeinfo_from_icon('type', $customicon);
$altname = get_mimetype_description($mimetype);
// Avoid unnecessary duplication: if e.g. a forum name already
// includes the word forum (or Forum, etc) then it is unhelpful
// to include that in the accessible description that is added.
if (false !== strpos(textlib::strtolower($instancename),
textlib::strtolower($altname))) {
$altname = '';
// File type after name, for alphabetic lists (screen reader).
if ($altname) {
$altname = get_accesshide(' '.$altname);
// We may be displaying this just in order to show information
// about visibility, without the actual link
$contentpart = '';
if ($mod->uservisible) {
// Nope - in this case the link is fully working for user
$linkclasses = '';
$textclasses = '';
if ($accessiblebutdim) {
$linkclasses .= ' dimmed';
$textclasses .= ' dimmed_text';
$accesstext = '<span class="accesshide">'.
get_string('hiddenfromstudents').': </span>';
} else {
$accesstext = '';
if ($linkclasses) {
$linkcss = 'class="' . trim($linkclasses) . '" ';
} else {
$linkcss = '';
if ($textclasses) {
$textcss = 'class="' . trim($textclasses) . '" ';
} else {
$textcss = '';
// Get on-click attribute value if specified
$onclick = $mod->get_on_click();
if ($onclick) {
$onclick = ' onclick="' . $onclick . '"';
if ($url = $mod->get_url()) {
// Display link itself
echo '<a ' . $linkcss . $mod->extra . $onclick .
' href="' . $url . '"><img src="' . $mod->get_icon_url() .
'" class="activityicon" alt="' .
$modulename . '" /> ' .
$accesstext . '<span class="instancename">' .
$instancename . $altname . '</span></a>';
// If specified, display extra content after link
if ($content) {
$contentpart = '<div class="' . trim('contentafterlink' . $textclasses) .
'">' . $content . '</div>';
} else {
// No link, so display only content
$contentpart = '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra . '>' .
$accesstext . $content . '</div>';
if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
$groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($course->id);
echo " <span class=\"groupinglabel\">(".format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name).')</span>';
} else {
$textclasses = $extraclasses;
$textclasses .= ' dimmed_text';
if ($textclasses) {
$textcss = 'class="' . trim($textclasses) . '" ';
} else {
$textcss = '';
$accesstext = '<span class="accesshide">' .
get_string('notavailableyet', 'condition') .
': </span>';
if ($url = $mod->get_url()) {
// Display greyed-out text of link
echo '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra .
' >' . '<img src="' . $mod->get_icon_url() .
'" class="activityicon" alt="' .
$modulename .
'" /> <span>'. $instancename . $altname .
// Do not display content after link when it is greyed out like this.
} else {
// No link, so display only content (also greyed)
$contentpart = '<div ' . $textcss . $mod->extra . '>' .
$accesstext . $content . '</div>';
// Module can put text after the link (e.g. forum unread)
echo $mod->get_after_link();
// If there is content but NO link (eg label), then display the
// content here (BEFORE any icons). In this case cons must be
// displayed after the content so that it makes more sense visually
// and for accessibility reasons, e.g. if you have a one-line label
// it should work similarly (at least in terms of ordering) to an
// activity.
if (empty($url)) {
echo $contentpart;
if ($isediting) {
if ($groupbuttons and plugin_supports('mod', $mod->modname, FEATURE_GROUPS, 0)) {
if (! $mod->groupmodelink = $groupbuttonslink) {
$mod->groupmode = $course->groupmode;
} else {
$mod->groupmode = false;
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
if ($sectionreturn) {
echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, $section->section);
} else {
echo make_editing_buttons($mod, $absolute, true, $mod->indent, 0);
echo $mod->get_after_edit_icons();
// Completion
$completion = $hidecompletion
: $completioninfo->is_enabled($mod);
if ($completion!=COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE && isloggedin() &&
!isguestuser() && $mod->uservisible) {
$completiondata = $completioninfo->get_data($mod,true);
$completionicon = '';
if ($isediting) {
switch ($completion) {
$completionicon = 'manual-enabled'; break;
$completionicon = 'auto-enabled'; break;
default: // wtf
} else if ($completion==COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL) {
switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
$completionicon = 'manual-n'; break;
$completionicon = 'manual-y'; break;
} else { // Automatic
switch($completiondata->completionstate) {
$completionicon = 'auto-n'; break;
$completionicon = 'auto-y'; break;
$completionicon = 'auto-pass'; break;
$completionicon = 'auto-fail'; break;
if ($completionicon) {
$imgsrc = $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/completion-'.$completionicon);
$imgalt = s(get_string('completion-alt-'.$completionicon, 'completion', $mod->name));
if ($completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL && !$isediting) {
$imgtitle = s(get_string('completion-title-'.$completionicon, 'completion', $mod->name));
$newstate =
// In manual mode the icon is a toggle form...
// If this completion state is used by the
// conditional activities system, we need to turn
// off the JS.
if (!empty($CFG->enableavailability) &&
condition_info::completion_value_used_as_condition($course, $mod)) {
$extraclass = ' preventjs';
} else {
$extraclass = '';
echo "
<form class='togglecompletion$extraclass' method='post' action='".$CFG->wwwroot."/course/togglecompletion.php'><div>
<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$mod->id}' />
<input type='hidden' name='modulename' value='".s($mod->name)."' />
<input type='hidden' name='sesskey' value='".sesskey()."' />
<input type='hidden' name='completionstate' value='$newstate' />
<input type='image' src='$imgsrc' alt='$imgalt' title='$imgtitle' />
} else {
// In auto mode, or when editing, the icon is just an image
echo "<span class='autocompletion'>";
echo "<img src='$imgsrc' alt='$imgalt' title='$imgalt' /></span>";
// If there is content AND a link, then display the content here
// (AFTER any icons). Otherwise it was displayed before
if (!empty($url)) {
echo $contentpart;
// Show availability information (for someone who isn't allowed to
// see the activity itself, or for staff)
if (!$mod->uservisible) {
echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">'.$mod->availableinfo.'</div>';
} else if ($canviewhidden && !empty($CFG->enableavailability)) {
$ci = new condition_info($mod);
$fullinfo = $ci->get_full_information();
if($fullinfo) {
echo '<div class="availabilityinfo">'.get_string($mod->showavailability
? 'userrestriction_visible'
: 'userrestriction_hidden','condition',
echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
echo html_writer::end_tag('li')."\n";
} elseif ($ismoving) {
echo "<ul class=\"section\">\n";
if ($ismoving) {
echo '<li><a title="'.$strmovefull.'"'.
' href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?movetosection='.$section->id.'&amp;sesskey='.sesskey().'">'.
'<img class="movetarget" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('movehere') . '" '.
' alt="'.$strmovehere.'" /></a></li>
if (!empty($section->sequence) || $ismoving) {
echo "</ul><!--class='section'-->\n\n";
* Prints the menus to add activities and resources.
function print_section_add_menus($course, $section, $modnames, $vertical=false, $return=false) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
// check to see if user can add menus
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
return false;
// Retrieve all modules with associated metadata
$modules = get_module_metadata($course, $modnames);
// We'll sort resources and activities into two lists
$resources = array();
$activities = array();
// We need to add the section section to the link for each module
$sectionlink = '&section=' . $section;
foreach ($modules as $module) {
if (isset($module->types)) {
// This module has a subtype
// NOTE: this is legacy stuff, module subtypes are very strongly discouraged!!
$subtypes = array();
foreach ($module->types as $subtype) {
$subtypes[$subtype->link . $sectionlink] = $subtype->title;
// Sort module subtypes into the list
if (!empty($module->title)) {
// This grouping has a name
if ($module->archetype == MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE) {
$resources[] = array($module->title=>$subtypes);
} else {
$activities[] = array($module->title=>$subtypes);
} else {
// This grouping does not have a name
if ($module->archetype == MOD_CLASS_RESOURCE) {
$resources = array_merge($resources, $subtypes);
} else {
$activities = array_merge($activities, $subtypes);
} else {
// This module has no subtypes
if ($module->archetype == MOD_ARCHETYPE_RESOURCE) {
$resources[$module->link . $sectionlink] = $module->title;
} else if ($module->archetype === MOD_ARCHETYPE_SYSTEM) {
// System modules cannot be added by user, do not add to dropdown
} else {
$activities[$module->link . $sectionlink] = $module->title;
$straddactivity = get_string('addactivity');
$straddresource = get_string('addresource');
$output = '<div class="section_add_menus">';
if (!$vertical) {
$output .= '<div class="horizontal">';
if (!empty($resources)) {
$select = new url_select($resources, '', array(''=>$straddresource), "ressection$section");
$output .= $OUTPUT->render($select);
if (!empty($activities)) {
$select = new url_select($activities, '', array(''=>$straddactivity), "section$section");
$output .= $OUTPUT->render($select);
if (!$vertical) {
$output .= '</div>';
$output .= '</div>';
if ($return) {
return $output;
} else {
echo $output;
* Retrieve all metadata for the requested modules
* @param object $course The Course
* @param array $modnames An array containing the list of modules and their
* names
* @return array A list of stdClass objects containing metadata about each
* module
function get_module_metadata($course, $modnames) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
// get_module_metadata will be called once per section on the page and courses may show
// different modules to one another
static $modlist = array();
if (!isset($modlist[$course->id])) {
$modlist[$course->id] = array();
$return = array();
$urlbase = "/course/mod.php?id=$course->id&sesskey=".sesskey().'&add=';
foreach($modnames as $modname => $modnamestr) {
if (!course_allowed_module($course, $modname)) {
if (isset($modlist[$modname])) {
// This module is already cached
$return[$modname] = $modlist[$course->id][$modname];
// Include the module lib
$libfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/lib.php";
if (!file_exists($libfile)) {
// NOTE: this is legacy stuff, module subtypes are very strongly discouraged!!
$gettypesfunc = $modname.'_get_types';
if (function_exists($gettypesfunc)) {
if ($types = $gettypesfunc()) {
$group = new stdClass();
$group->name = $modname;
$group->icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('icon', '', $modname, array('class' => 'icon'));
foreach($types as $type) {
if ($type->typestr === '--') {
if (strpos($type->typestr, '--') === 0) {
$group->title = str_replace('--', '', $type->typestr);
// Set the Sub Type metadata
$subtype = new stdClass();
$subtype->title = $type->typestr;
$subtype->type = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $type->type);
$subtype->name = preg_replace('/.*type=/', '', $subtype->type);
$subtype->archetype = $type->modclass;
// The group archetype should match the subtype archetypes and all subtypes
// should have the same archetype
$group->archetype = $subtype->archetype;
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('help' . $subtype->name, $modname)) {
$subtype->help = get_string('help' . $subtype->name, $modname);
$subtype->link = $urlbase . $subtype->type;
$group->types[] = $subtype;
$modlist[$course->id][$modname] = $group;
} else {
$module = new stdClass();
$module->title = get_string('modulename', $modname);
$module->name = $modname;
$module->link = $urlbase . $modname;
$module->icon = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('icon', '', $module->name, array('class' => 'icon'));
if (get_string_manager()->string_exists('modulename_help', $modname)) {
$module->help = get_string('modulename_help', $modname);
$module->archetype = plugin_supports('mod', $modname, FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, MOD_ARCHETYPE_OTHER);
$modlist[$course->id][$modname] = $module;
$return[$modname] = $modlist[$course->id][$modname];
return $return;
* Return the course category context for the category with id $categoryid, except
* that if $categoryid is 0, return the system context.
* @param integer $categoryid a category id or 0.
* @return object the corresponding context
function get_category_or_system_context($categoryid) {
if ($categoryid) {
return get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $categoryid);
} else {
return get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
* Gets the child categories of a given courses category. Uses a static cache
* to make repeat calls efficient.
* @param int $parentid the id of a course category.
* @return array all the child course categories.
function get_child_categories($parentid) {
static $allcategories = null;
// only fill in this variable the first time
if (null == $allcategories) {
$allcategories = array();
$categories = get_categories();
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if (empty($allcategories[$category->parent])) {
$allcategories[$category->parent] = array();
$allcategories[$category->parent][] = $category;
if (empty($allcategories[$parentid])) {
return array();
} else {
return $allcategories[$parentid];
* This function recursively travels the categories, building up a nice list
* for display. It also makes an array that list all the parents for each
* category.
* For example, if you have a tree of categories like:
* Miscellaneous (id = 1)
* Subcategory (id = 2)
* Sub-subcategory (id = 4)
* Other category (id = 3)
* Then after calling this function you will have
* $list = array(1 => 'Miscellaneous', 2 => 'Miscellaneous / Subcategory',
* 4 => 'Miscellaneous / Subcategory / Sub-subcategory',
* 3 => 'Other category');
* $parents = array(2 => array(1), 4 => array(1, 2));
* If you specify $requiredcapability, then only categories where the current
* user has that capability will be added to $list, although all categories
* will still be added to $parents, and if you only have $requiredcapability
* in a child category, not the parent, then the child catgegory will still be
* included.
* If you specify the option $excluded, then that category, and all its children,
* are omitted from the tree. This is useful when you are doing something like
* moving categories, where you do not want to allow people to move a category
* to be the child of itself.
* @param array $list For output, accumulates an array categoryid => full category path name
* @param array $parents For output, accumulates an array categoryid => list of parent category ids.
* @param string/array $requiredcapability if given, only categories where the current
* user has this capability will be added to $list. Can also be an array of capabilities,
* in which case they are all required.
* @param integer $excludeid Omit this category and its children from the lists built.
* @param object $category Build the tree starting at this category - otherwise starts at the top level.
* @param string $path For internal use, as part of recursive calls.
function make_categories_list(&$list, &$parents, $requiredcapability = '',
$excludeid = 0, $category = NULL, $path = "") {
// initialize the arrays if needed
if (!is_array($list)) {
$list = array();
if (!is_array($parents)) {
$parents = array();
if (empty($category)) {
// Start at the top level.
$category = new stdClass;
$category->id = 0;
} else {
// This is the excluded category, don't include it.
if ($excludeid > 0 && $excludeid == $category->id) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
$categoryname = format_string($category->name, true, array('context' => $context));
// Update $path.
if ($path) {
$path = $path.' / '.$categoryname;
} else {
$path = $categoryname;
// Add this category to $list, if the permissions check out.
if (empty($requiredcapability)) {
$list[$category->id] = $path;
} else {
$requiredcapability = (array)$requiredcapability;
if (has_all_capabilities($requiredcapability, $context)) {
$list[$category->id] = $path;
// Add all the children recursively, while updating the parents array.
if ($categories = get_child_categories($category->id)) {
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if (!empty($category->id)) {
if (isset($parents[$category->id])) {
$parents[$cat->id] = $parents[$category->id];
$parents[$cat->id][] = $category->id;
make_categories_list($list, $parents, $requiredcapability, $excludeid, $cat, $path);
* This function generates a structured array of courses and categories.
* The depth of categories is limited by $CFG->maxcategorydepth however there
* is no limit on the number of courses!
* Suitable for use with the course renderers course_category_tree method:
* $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core','course');
* echo $renderer->course_category_tree(get_course_category_tree());
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param int $id
* @param int $depth
function get_course_category_tree($id = 0, $depth = 0) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$viewhiddencats = has_capability('moodle/category:viewhiddencategories', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
$categories = get_child_categories($id);
$categoryids = array();
foreach ($categories as $key => &$category) {
if (!$category->visible && !$viewhiddencats) {
$categoryids[$category->id] = $category;
if (empty($CFG->maxcategorydepth) || $depth <= $CFG->maxcategorydepth) {
list($category->categories, $subcategories) = get_course_category_tree($category->id, $depth+1);
foreach ($subcategories as $subid=>$subcat) {
$categoryids[$subid] = $subcat;
$category->courses = array();
if ($depth > 0) {
// This is a recursive call so return the required array
return array($categories, $categoryids);
// The depth is 0 this function has just been called so we can finish it off
list($ccselect, $ccjoin) = context_instance_preload_sql('', CONTEXT_COURSE, 'ctx');
list($catsql, $catparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($categoryids));
$sql = "SELECT,c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.summary,c.category
FROM {course} c
WHERE c.category $catsql ORDER BY c.sortorder ASC";
if ($courses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $catparams)) {
// loop throught them
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
if (!empty($course->visible) || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id))) {
$categoryids[$course->category]->courses[$course->id] = $course;
return $categories;
* Recursive function to print out all the categories in a nice format
* with or without courses included
function print_whole_category_list($category=NULL, $displaylist=NULL, $parentslist=NULL, $depth=-1, $showcourses = true) {
global $CFG;
// maxcategorydepth == 0 meant no limit
if (!empty($CFG->maxcategorydepth) && $depth >= $CFG->maxcategorydepth) {
if (!$displaylist) {
make_categories_list($displaylist, $parentslist);
if ($category) {
if ($category->visible or has_capability('moodle/category:viewhiddencategories', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
print_category_info($category, $depth, $showcourses);
} else {
return; // Don't bother printing children of invisible categories
} else {
$category = new stdClass();
$category->id = "0";
if ($categories = get_child_categories($category->id)) { // Print all the children recursively
$countcats = count($categories);
$count = 0;
$first = true;
$last = false;
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
if ($count == $countcats) {
$last = true;
$up = $first ? false : true;
$down = $last ? false : true;
$first = false;
print_whole_category_list($cat, $displaylist, $parentslist, $depth + 1, $showcourses);
* This function will return $options array for html_writer::select(), with whitespace to denote nesting.
function make_categories_options() {
foreach ($cats as $key => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($key,$parents)) {
if ($indent = count($parents[$key])) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++) {
$cats[$key] = '&nbsp;'.$cats[$key];
return $cats;
* Gets the name of a course to be displayed when showing a list of courses.
* By default this is just $course->fullname but user can configure it. The
* result of this function should be passed through print_string.
* @param object $course Moodle course object
* @return string Display name of course (either fullname or short + fullname)
function get_course_display_name_for_list($course) {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->courselistshortnames)) {
return $course->shortname . ' ' .$course->fullname;
} else {
return $course->fullname;
* Prints the category info in indented fashion
* This function is only used by print_whole_category_list() above
function print_category_info($category, $depth=0, $showcourses = false) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$strsummary = get_string('summary');
$catlinkcss = null;
if (!$category->visible) {
$catlinkcss = array('class'=>'dimmed');
static $coursecount = null;
if (null === $coursecount) {
// only need to check this once
$coursecount = $DB->count_records('course') <= FRONTPAGECOURSELIMIT;
if ($showcourses and $coursecount) {
$catimage = '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('i/course') . '" alt="" />';
} else {
$catimage = "&nbsp;";
$courses = get_courses($category->id, 'c.sortorder ASC', ',c.sortorder,c.visible,c.fullname,c.shortname,c.summary');
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
$fullname = format_string($category->name, true, array('context' => $context));
if ($showcourses and $coursecount) {
echo '<div class="categorylist clearfix">';
$cat = '';
$cat .= html_writer::tag('div', $catimage, array('class'=>'image'));
$catlink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/category.php', array('id'=>$category->id)), $fullname, $catlinkcss);
$cat .= html_writer::tag('div', $catlink, array('class'=>'name'));
$html = '';
if ($depth > 0) {
for ($i=0; $i< $depth; $i++) {
$html = html_writer::tag('div', $html . $cat, array('class'=>'indentation'));
$cat = '';
} else {
$html = $cat;
echo html_writer::tag('div', $html, array('class'=>'category'));
echo html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class'=>'clearfloat'));
// does the depth exceed maxcategorydepth
// maxcategorydepth == 0 or unset meant no limit
$limit = !(isset($CFG->maxcategorydepth) && ($depth >= $CFG->maxcategorydepth-1));
if ($courses && ($limit || $CFG->maxcategorydepth == 0)) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$linkcss = null;
if (!$course->visible) {
$linkcss = array('class'=>'dimmed');
$coursename = get_course_display_name_for_list($course);
$courselink = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id'=>$course->id)), format_string($coursename), $linkcss);
// print enrol info
$courseicon = '';
if ($icons = enrol_get_course_info_icons($course)) {
foreach ($icons as $pix_icon) {
$courseicon = $OUTPUT->render($pix_icon).' ';
$coursecontent = html_writer::tag('div', $courseicon.$courselink, array('class'=>'name'));
if ($course->summary) {
$link = new moodle_url('/course/info.php?id='.$course->id);
$actionlink = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, '<img alt="'.$strsummary.'" src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('i/info') . '" />',
new popup_action('click', $link, 'courseinfo', array('height' => 400, 'width' => 500)),
$coursecontent .= html_writer::tag('div', $actionlink, array('class'=>'info'));
$html = '';
for ($i=0; $i <= $depth; $i++) {
$html = html_writer::tag('div', $html . $coursecontent , array('class'=>'indentation'));
$coursecontent = '';
echo html_writer::tag('div', $html, array('class'=>'course clearfloat'));
echo '</div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="categorylist">';
$html = '';
$cat = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/course/category.php', array('id'=>$category->id)), $fullname, $catlinkcss);
if (count($courses) > 0) {
$cat .= html_writer::tag('span', ' ('.count($courses).')', array('title'=>get_string('numberofcourses'), 'class'=>'numberofcourse'));
if ($depth > 0) {
for ($i=0; $i< $depth; $i++) {
$html = html_writer::tag('div', $html .$cat, array('class'=>'indentation'));
$cat = '';
} else {
$html = $cat;
echo html_writer::tag('div', $html, array('class'=>'category'));
echo html_writer::tag('div', '', array('class'=>'clearfloat'));
echo '</div>';
* Print the buttons relating to course requests.
* @param object $systemcontext the system context.
function print_course_request_buttons($systemcontext) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (empty($CFG->enablecourserequests)) {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:create', $systemcontext) && has_capability('moodle/course:request', $systemcontext)) {
/// Print a button to request a new course
echo $OUTPUT->single_button('request.php', get_string('requestcourse'), 'get');
/// Print a button to manage pending requests
if (has_capability('moodle/site:approvecourse', $systemcontext)) {
$disabled = !$DB->record_exists('course_request', array());
echo $OUTPUT->single_button('pending.php', get_string('coursespending'), 'get', array('disabled'=>$disabled));
* Does the user have permission to edit things in this category?
* @param integer $categoryid The id of the category we are showing, or 0 for system context.
* @return boolean has_any_capability(array(...), ...); in the appropriate context.
function can_edit_in_category($categoryid = 0) {
$context = get_category_or_system_context($categoryid);
return has_any_capability(array('moodle/category:manage', 'moodle/course:create'), $context);
* Prints the turn editing on/off button on course/index.php or course/category.php.
* @param integer $categoryid The id of the category we are showing, or 0 for system context.
* @return string HTML of the editing button, or empty string, if this user is not allowed
* to see it.
function update_category_button($categoryid = 0) {
global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT;
// Check permissions.
if (!can_edit_in_category($categoryid)) {
return '';
// Work out the appropriate action.
if ($PAGE->user_is_editing()) {
$label = get_string('turneditingoff');
$edit = 'off';
} else {
$label = get_string('turneditingon');
$edit = 'on';
// Generate the button HTML.
$options = array('categoryedit' => $edit, 'sesskey' => sesskey());
if ($categoryid) {
$options['id'] = $categoryid;
$page = 'category.php';
} else {
$page = 'index.php';
return $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url('/course/' . $page, $options), $label, 'get');
* Category is 0 (for all courses) or an object
function print_courses($category) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
if (!is_object($category) && $category==0) {
$categories = get_child_categories(0); // Parent = 0 ie top-level categories only
if (is_array($categories) && count($categories) == 1) {
$category = array_shift($categories);
$courses = get_courses_wmanagers($category->id,
'c.sortorder ASC',
} else {
$courses = get_courses_wmanagers('all',
'c.sortorder ASC',
} else {
$courses = get_courses_wmanagers($category->id,
'c.sortorder ASC',
if ($courses) {
echo html_writer::start_tag('ul', array('class'=>'unlist'));
foreach ($courses as $course) {
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
if ($course->visible == 1 || has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $coursecontext)) {
echo html_writer::start_tag('li');
echo html_writer::end_tag('li');
echo html_writer::end_tag('ul');
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("nocoursesyet"));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
if (has_capability('moodle/course:create', $context)) {
$options = array();
if (!empty($category->id)) {
$options['category'] = $category->id;
} else {
$options['category'] = $CFG->defaultrequestcategory;
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'addcoursebutton'));
echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url('/course/edit.php', $options), get_string("addnewcourse"));
echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
* Print a description of a course, suitable for browsing in a list.
* @param object $course the course object.
* @param string $highlightterms (optional) some search terms that should be highlighted in the display.
function print_course($course, $highlightterms = '') {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
// Rewrite file URLs so that they are correct
$course->summary = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($course->summary, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'course', 'summary', NULL);
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'coursebox clearfix'));
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'info'));
echo html_writer::start_tag('h3', array('class'=>'name'));
$linkhref = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id'=>$course->id));
$coursename = get_course_display_name_for_list($course);
$linktext = highlight($highlightterms, format_string($coursename));
$linkparams = array('title'=>get_string('entercourse'));
if (empty($course->visible)) {
$linkparams['class'] = 'dimmed';
echo html_writer::link($linkhref, $linktext, $linkparams);
echo html_writer::end_tag('h3');
/// first find all roles that are supposed to be displayed
if (!empty($CFG->coursecontact)) {
$managerroles = explode(',', $CFG->coursecontact);
$namesarray = array();
$rusers = array();
if (!isset($course->managers)) {
$rusers = get_role_users($managerroles, $context, true,
' AS raid,, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname, AS rolename, r.sortorder, AS roleid',
'r.sortorder ASC, u.lastname ASC');
} else {
// use the managers array if we have it for perf reasosn
// populate the datastructure like output of get_role_users();
foreach ($course->managers as $manager) {
$u = new stdClass();
$u = $manager->user;
$u->roleid = $manager->roleid;
$u->rolename = $manager->rolename;
$rusers[] = $u;
/// Rename some of the role names if needed
if (isset($context)) {
$aliasnames = $DB->get_records('role_names', array('contextid'=>$context->id), '', 'roleid,contextid,name');
$namesarray = array();
$canviewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
foreach ($rusers as $ra) {
if (isset($namesarray[$ra->id])) {
// only display a user once with the higest sortorder role
if (isset($aliasnames[$ra->roleid])) {
$ra->rolename = $aliasnames[$ra->roleid]->name;
$fullname = fullname($ra, $canviewfullnames);
$namesarray[$ra->id] = format_string($ra->rolename).': '.
html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id'=>$ra->id, 'course'=>SITEID)), $fullname);
if (!empty($namesarray)) {
echo html_writer::start_tag('ul', array('class'=>'teachers'));
foreach ($namesarray as $name) {
echo html_writer::tag('li', $name);
echo html_writer::end_tag('ul');
echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End of info div
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'summary'));
$options = new stdClass();
$options->noclean = true;
$options->para = false;
$options->overflowdiv = true;
if (!isset($course->summaryformat)) {
$course->summaryformat = FORMAT_MOODLE;
echo highlight($highlightterms, format_text($course->summary, $course->summaryformat, $options, $course->id));
if ($icons = enrol_get_course_info_icons($course)) {
echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class'=>'enrolmenticons'));
foreach ($icons as $icon) {
echo $OUTPUT->render($icon);
echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End of enrolmenticons div
echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End of summary div
echo html_writer::end_tag('div'); // End of coursebox div
* Prints custom user information on the home page.
* Over time this can include all sorts of information
function print_my_moodle() {
global $USER, $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) {
print_error('nopermissions', '', '', 'See My Moodle');
$courses = enrol_get_my_courses('summary', 'visible DESC,sortorder ASC');
$rhosts = array();
$rcourses = array();
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode) && $CFG->mnet_dispatcher_mode==='strict') {
$rcourses = get_my_remotecourses($USER->id);
$rhosts = get_my_remotehosts();
if (!empty($courses) || !empty($rcourses) || !empty($rhosts)) {
if (!empty($courses)) {
echo '<ul class="unlist">';
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
echo '<li>';
echo "</li>\n";
echo "</ul>\n";
if (!empty($rcourses)) {
// at the IDP, we know of all the remote courses
foreach ($rcourses as $course) {
print_remote_course($course, "100%");
} elseif (!empty($rhosts)) {
// non-IDP, we know of all the remote servers, but not courses
foreach ($rhosts as $host) {
print_remote_host($host, "100%");
if ($DB->count_records("course") > (count($courses) + 1) ) { // Some courses not being displayed
echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
print_course_search("", false, "short");
echo "</td><td align=\"center\">";
echo $OUTPUT->single_button("$CFG->wwwroot/course/index.php", get_string("fulllistofcourses"), "get");
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
} else {
if ($DB->count_records("course_categories") > 1) {
echo $OUTPUT->box_start("categorybox");
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
} else {
function print_course_search($value="", $return=false, $format="plain") {
global $CFG;
static $count = 0;
$id = 'coursesearch';
if ($count > 1) {
$id .= $count;
$strsearchcourses= get_string("searchcourses");
if ($format == 'plain') {
$output = '<form id="'.$id.'" action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/search.php" method="get">';
$output .= '<fieldset class="coursesearchbox invisiblefieldset">';
$output .= '<label for="coursesearchbox">'.$strsearchcourses.': </label>';
$output .= '<input type="text" id="coursesearchbox" size="30" name="search" value="'.s($value).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('go').'" />';
$output .= '</fieldset></form>';
} else if ($format == 'short') {
$output = '<form id="'.$id.'" action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/search.php" method="get">';
$output .= '<fieldset class="coursesearchbox invisiblefieldset">';
$output .= '<label for="shortsearchbox">'.$strsearchcourses.': </label>';
$output .= '<input type="text" id="shortsearchbox" size="12" name="search" alt="'.s($strsearchcourses).'" value="'.s($value).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('go').'" />';
$output .= '</fieldset></form>';
} else if ($format == 'navbar') {
$output = '<form id="coursesearchnavbar" action="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/search.php" method="get">';
$output .= '<fieldset class="coursesearchbox invisiblefieldset">';
$output .= '<label for="navsearchbox">'.$strsearchcourses.': </label>';
$output .= '<input type="text" id="navsearchbox" size="20" name="search" alt="'.s($strsearchcourses).'" value="'.s($value).'" />';
$output .= '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('go').'" />';
$output .= '</fieldset></form>';
if ($return) {
return $output;
echo $output;
function print_remote_course($course, $width="100%") {
global $CFG, $USER;
$linkcss = '';
$url = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/auth/mnet/jump.php?hostid={$course->hostid}&amp;wantsurl=/course/view.php?id={$course->remoteid}";
echo '<div class="coursebox remotecoursebox clearfix">';
echo '<div class="info">';
echo '<div class="name"><a title="'.get_string('entercourse').'"'.
$linkcss.' href="'.$url.'">'
. format_string($course->fullname) .'</a><br />'
. format_string($course->hostname) . ' : '
. format_string($course->cat_name) . ' : '
. format_string($course->shortname). '</div>';
echo '</div><div class="summary">';
$options = new stdClass();
$options->noclean = true;
$options->para = false;
$options->overflowdiv = true;
echo format_text($course->summary, $course->summaryformat, $options);
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
function print_remote_host($host, $width="100%") {
global $OUTPUT;
$linkcss = '';
echo '<div class="coursebox clearfix">';
echo '<div class="info">';
echo '<div class="name">';
echo '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('i/mnethost') . '" class="icon" alt="'.get_string('course').'" />';
echo '<a title="'.s($host['name']).'" href="'.s($host['url']).'">'
. s($host['name']).'</a> - ';
echo $host['count'] . ' ' . get_string('courses');
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
/// MODULE FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
function add_course_module($mod) {
global $DB;
$mod->added = time();
return $DB->insert_record("course_modules", $mod);
* Returns course section - creates new if does not exist yet.
* @param int $relative section number
* @param int $courseid
* @return object $course_section object
function get_course_section($section, $courseid) {
global $DB;
if ($cw = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("section"=>$section, "course"=>$courseid))) {
return $cw;
$cw = new stdClass();
$cw->course = $courseid;
$cw->section = $section;
$cw->summary = "";
$cw->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$cw->sequence = "";
$id = $DB->insert_record("course_sections", $cw);
return $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("id"=>$id));
* Given a full mod object with section and course already defined, adds this module to that section.
* @param object $mod
* @param int $beforemod An existing ID which we will insert the new module before
* @return int The course_sections ID where the mod is inserted
function add_mod_to_section($mod, $beforemod=NULL) {
global $DB;
if ($section = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$mod->course, "section"=>$mod->section))) {
$section->sequence = trim($section->sequence);
if (empty($section->sequence)) {
$newsequence = "$mod->coursemodule";
} else if ($beforemod) {
$modarray = explode(",", $section->sequence);
if ($key = array_keys($modarray, $beforemod->id)) {
$insertarray = array($mod->id, $beforemod->id);
array_splice($modarray, $key[0], 1, $insertarray);
$newsequence = implode(",", $modarray);
} else { // Just tack it on the end anyway
$newsequence = "$section->sequence,$mod->coursemodule";
} else {
$newsequence = "$section->sequence,$mod->coursemodule";
$DB->set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, array("id"=>$section->id));
return $section->id; // Return course_sections ID that was used.
} else { // Insert a new record
$section = new stdClass();
$section->course = $mod->course;
$section->section = $mod->section;
$section->summary = "";
$section->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$section->sequence = $mod->coursemodule;
return $DB->insert_record("course_sections", $section);
function set_coursemodule_groupmode($id, $groupmode) {
global $DB;
return $DB->set_field("course_modules", "groupmode", $groupmode, array("id"=>$id));
function set_coursemodule_idnumber($id, $idnumber) {
global $DB;
return $DB->set_field("course_modules", "idnumber", $idnumber, array("id"=>$id));
* $prevstateoverrides = true will set the visibility of the course module
* to what is defined in visibleold. This enables us to remember the current
* visibility when making a whole section hidden, so that when we toggle
* that section back to visible, we are able to return the visibility of
* the course module back to what it was originally.
function set_coursemodule_visible($id, $visible, $prevstateoverrides=false) {
global $DB, $CFG;
if (!$cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id'=>$id))) {
return false;
if (!$modulename = $DB->get_field('modules', 'name', array('id'=>$cm->module))) {
return false;
if ($events = $DB->get_records('event', array('instance'=>$cm->instance, 'modulename'=>$modulename))) {
foreach($events as $event) {
if ($visible) {
} else {
// hide the associated grade items so the teacher doesn't also have to go to the gradebook and hide them there
$grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$modulename, 'iteminstance'=>$cm->instance, 'courseid'=>$cm->course));
if ($grade_items) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
if ($prevstateoverrides) {
if ($visible == '0') {
// Remember the current visible state so we can toggle this back.
$DB->set_field('course_modules', 'visibleold', $cm->visible, array('id'=>$id));
} else {
// Get the previous saved visible states.
return $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'visible', $cm->visibleold, array('id'=>$id));
return $DB->set_field("course_modules", "visible", $visible, array("id"=>$id));
* Delete a course module and any associated data at the course level (events)
* Until 1.5 this function simply marked a deleted flag ... now it
* deletes it completely.
function delete_course_module($id) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id'=>$id))) {
return true;
$modulename = $DB->get_field('modules', 'name', array('id'=>$cm->module));
//delete events from calendar
if ($events = $DB->get_records('event', array('instance'=>$cm->instance, 'modulename'=>$modulename))) {
foreach($events as $event) {
//delete grade items, outcome items and grades attached to modules
if ($grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('itemtype'=>'mod', 'itemmodule'=>$modulename,
'iteminstance'=>$cm->instance, 'courseid'=>$cm->course))) {
foreach ($grade_items as $grade_item) {
// Delete completion and availability data; it is better to do this even if the
// features are not turned on, in case they were turned on previously (these will be
// very quick on an empty table)
$DB->delete_records('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid' => $cm->id));
$DB->delete_records('course_modules_availability', array('coursemoduleid'=> $cm->id));
$DB->delete_records('course_completion_criteria', array('moduleinstance' => $cm->id,
delete_context(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
return $DB->delete_records('course_modules', array('id'=>$cm->id));
function delete_mod_from_section($mod, $section) {
global $DB;
if ($section = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("id"=>$section)) ) {
$modarray = explode(",", $section->sequence);
if ($key = array_keys ($modarray, $mod)) {
array_splice($modarray, $key[0], 1);
$newsequence = implode(",", $modarray);
return $DB->set_field("course_sections", "sequence", $newsequence, array("id"=>$section->id));
} else {
return false;
return false;
* Moves a section up or down by 1. CANNOT BE USED DIRECTLY BY AJAX!
* @param object $course course object
* @param int $section Section number (not id!!!)
* @param int $move (-1 or 1)
* @return boolean true if section moved successfully
function move_section($course, $section, $move) {
/// Moves a whole course section up and down within the course
global $USER, $DB;
if (!$move) {
return true;
$sectiondest = $section + $move;
if ($sectiondest > $course->numsections or $sectiondest < 1) {
return false;
if (!$sectionrecord = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$course->id, "section"=>$section))) {
return false;
if (!$sectiondestrecord = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$course->id, "section"=>$sectiondest))) {
return false;
// Three-step change ensures that the section always remains unique (there is
// a unique index now)
$DB->set_field("course_sections", "section", -$sectiondest, array("id"=>$sectionrecord->id));
$DB->set_field("course_sections", "section", $section, array("id"=>$sectiondestrecord->id));
$DB->set_field("course_sections", "section", $sectiondest, array("id"=>$sectionrecord->id));
// Update highlighting if the move affects highlighted section
if ($course->marker == $section) {
course_set_marker($course->id, $sectiondest);
} elseif ($course->marker == $sectiondest) {
course_set_marker($course->id, $section);
// Fix order if needed. The database prevents duplicate sections, but it is
// possible there could be a gap in the numbering.
$sections = $DB->get_records('course_sections', array('course'=>$course->id), 'section ASC');
$n = 0;
foreach ($sections as $section) {
if ($section->section != $n) {
$DB->set_field('course_sections', 'section', $n, array('id'=>$section->id));
return true;
* Moves a section within a course, from a position to another.
* Be very careful: $section and $destination refer to section number,
* not id!.
* @param object $course
* @param int $section Section number (not id!!!)
* @param int $destination
* @return boolean Result
function move_section_to($course, $section, $destination) {
/// Moves a whole course section up and down within the course
global $USER, $DB;
if (!$destination && $destination != 0) {
return true;
if ($destination > $course->numsections) {
return false;
// Get all sections for this course and re-order them (2 of them should now share the same section number)
if (!$sections = $DB->get_records_menu('course_sections', array('course' => $course->id),
'section ASC, id ASC', 'id, section')) {
return false;
$movedsections = reorder_sections($sections, $section, $destination);
// Update all sections. Do this in 2 steps to avoid breaking database
// uniqueness constraint
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
foreach ($movedsections as $id => $position) {
if ($sections[$id] !== $position) {
$DB->set_field('course_sections', 'section', -$position, array('id' => $id));
foreach ($movedsections as $id => $position) {
if ($sections[$id] !== $position) {
$DB->set_field('course_sections', 'section', $position, array('id' => $id));
// Adjust destination to reflect the actual section
$moveup = false;
if ($section > $destination) {
$moveup = true;
// If we move the highlighted section itself, then just highlight the destination.
// Adjust the higlighted section location if we move something over it either direction.
if ($section == $course->marker) {
course_set_marker($course, $destination);
} elseif ($moveup && $section > $course->marker && $course->marker >= $destination) {
course_set_marker($course, $course->marker+1);
} elseif (!$moveup && $section < $course->marker && $course->marker <= $destination) {
course_set_marker($course, $course->marker-1);
return true;
* Reordering algorithm for course sections. Given an array of section->section indexed by section->id,
* an original position number and a target position number, rebuilds the array so that the
* move is made without any duplication of section positions.
* Note: The target_position is the position AFTER WHICH the moved section will be inserted. If you want to
* insert a section before the first one, you must give 0 as the target (section 0 can never be moved).
* @param array $sections
* @param int $origin_position
* @param int $target_position
* @return array
function reorder_sections($sections, $origin_position, $target_position) {
if (!is_array($sections)) {
return false;
// We can't move section position 0
if ($origin_position < 1) {
echo "We can't move section position 0";
return false;
// Locate origin section in sections array
if (!$origin_key = array_search($origin_position, $sections)) {
echo "searched position not in sections array";
return false; // searched position not in sections array
// Extract origin section
$origin_section = $sections[$origin_key];
// Find offset of target position (stupid PHP's array_splice requires offset instead of key index!)
$found = false;
$append_array = array();
foreach ($sections as $id => $position) {
if ($found) {
$append_array[$id] = $position;
if ($position == $target_position) {
$found = true;
// Append moved section
$sections[$origin_key] = $origin_section;
// Append rest of array (if applicable)
if (!empty($append_array)) {
foreach ($append_array as $id => $position) {
$sections[$id] = $position;
// Renumber positions
$position = 0;
foreach ($sections as $id => $p) {
$sections[$id] = $position;
return $sections;
* Move the module object $mod to the specified $section
* If $beforemod exists then that is the module
* before which $modid should be inserted
* All parameters are objects
function moveto_module($mod, $section, $beforemod=NULL) {
global $DB, $OUTPUT;
/// Remove original module from original section
if (! delete_mod_from_section($mod->id, $mod->section)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not delete module from existing section");
/// Update module itself if necessary
if ($mod->section != $section->id) {
$mod->section = $section->id;
$DB->update_record("course_modules", $mod);
// if moving to a hidden section then hide module
if (!$section->visible) {
set_coursemodule_visible($mod->id, 0);
/// Add the module into the new section
$mod->course = $section->course;
$mod->section = $section->section; // need relative reference
$mod->coursemodule = $mod->id;
if (! add_mod_to_section($mod, $beforemod)) {
return false;
return true;
* Produces the editing buttons for a module
* @global core_renderer $OUTPUT
* @staticvar type $str
* @param stdClass $mod The module to produce editing buttons for
* @param bool $absolute_ignored ignored - all links are absolute
* @param bool $moveselect If true a move seleciton process is used (default true)
* @param int $indent The current indenting
* @param int $section The section to link back to
* @return string XHTML for the editing buttons
function make_editing_buttons(stdClass $mod, $absolute_ignored = true, $moveselect = true, $indent=-1, $section=-1) {
global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
static $str;
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $mod->course);
$modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $mod->id);
$editcaps = array('moodle/course:manageactivities', 'moodle/course:activityvisibility', 'moodle/role:assign');
$dupecaps = array('moodle/backup:backuptargetimport', 'moodle/restore:restoretargetimport');
// no permission to edit anything
if (!has_any_capability($editcaps, $modcontext) and !has_all_capabilities($dupecaps, $coursecontext)) {
return false;
$hasmanageactivities = has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $modcontext);
if (!isset($str)) {
$str = new stdClass;
$str->assign = get_string("assignroles", 'role');
$str->delete = get_string("delete");
$str->move = get_string("move");
$str->moveup = get_string("moveup");
$str->movedown = get_string("movedown");
$str->moveright = get_string("moveright");
$str->moveleft = get_string("moveleft");
$str->update = get_string("update");
$str->duplicate = get_string("duplicate");
$str->hide = get_string("hide");
$str->show = get_string("show");
$str->groupsnone = get_string('clicktochangeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsnone"));
$str->groupsseparate = get_string('clicktochangeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsseparate"));
$str->groupsvisible = get_string('clicktochangeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsvisible"));
$str->forcedgroupsnone = get_string('forcedmodeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsnone"));
$str->forcedgroupsseparate = get_string('forcedmodeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsseparate"));
$str->forcedgroupsvisible = get_string('forcedmodeinbrackets', 'moodle', get_string("groupsvisible"));
$baseurl = new moodle_url('/course/mod.php', array('sesskey' => sesskey()));
if ($section >= 0) {
$baseurl->param('sr', $section);
$actions = array();
// leftright
if ($hasmanageactivities) {
if (right_to_left()) { // Exchange arrows on RTL
$rightarrow = 't/left';
$leftarrow = 't/right';
} else {
$rightarrow = 't/right';
$leftarrow = 't/left';
if ($indent > 0) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('id' => $mod->id, 'indent' => '-1')),
new pix_icon($leftarrow, $str->moveleft, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_moveleft', 'title' => $str->moveleft)
if ($indent >= 0) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('id' => $mod->id, 'indent' => '1')),
new pix_icon($rightarrow, $str->moveright, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_moveright', 'title' => $str->moveright)
// move
if ($hasmanageactivities) {
if ($moveselect) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('copy' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/move', $str->move, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_move', 'title' => $str->move)
} else {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('id' => $mod->id, 'move' => '-1')),
new pix_icon('t/up', $str->moveup, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_moveup', 'title' => $str->moveup)
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('id' => $mod->id, 'move' => '1')),
new pix_icon('t/down', $str->movedown, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_movedown', 'title' => $str->movedown)
// Update
if ($hasmanageactivities) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('update' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/edit', $str->update, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_update', 'title' => $str->update)
// Duplicate (require both target import caps to be able to duplicate, see modduplicate.php)
if (has_all_capabilities($dupecaps, $coursecontext)) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('duplicate' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/copy', $str->duplicate, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_duplicate', 'title' => $str->duplicate)
// Delete
if ($hasmanageactivities) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('delete' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/delete', $str->delete, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_delete', 'title' => $str->delete)
// hideshow
if (has_capability('moodle/course:activityvisibility', $modcontext)) {
if ($mod->visible) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('hide' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/hide', $str->hide, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_hide', 'title' => $str->hide)
} else {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('show' => $mod->id)),
new pix_icon('t/show', $str->show, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_show', 'title' => $str->show)
// groupmode
if ($hasmanageactivities and $mod->groupmode !== false) {
if ($mod->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS) {
$groupmode = 0;
$grouptitle = $str->groupsseparate;
$forcedgrouptitle = $str->forcedgroupsseparate;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsseparate';
$groupimage = 't/groups';
} else if ($mod->groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) {
$groupmode = 1;
$grouptitle = $str->groupsvisible;
$forcedgrouptitle = $str->forcedgroupsvisible;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsvisible';
$groupimage = 't/groupv';
} else {
$groupmode = 2;
$grouptitle = $str->groupsnone;
$forcedgrouptitle = $str->forcedgroupsnone;
$groupclass = 'editing_groupsnone';
$groupimage = 't/groupn';
if ($mod->groupmodelink) {
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url($baseurl, array('id' => $mod->id, 'groupmode' => $groupmode)),
new pix_icon($groupimage, $grouptitle, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => $groupclass, 'title' => $grouptitle)
} else {
$actions[] = new pix_icon($groupimage, $forcedgrouptitle, 'moodle', array('title' => $forcedgrouptitle, 'class' => 'iconsmall'));
// Assign
if (has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $modcontext)){
$actions[] = new action_link(
new moodle_url('/'.$CFG->admin.'/roles/assign.php', array('contextid' => $modcontext->id)),
new pix_icon('i/roles', $str->assign, 'moodle', array('class' => 'iconsmall')),
array('class' => 'editing_assign', 'title' => $str->assign)
$output = html_writer::start_tag('span', array('class' => 'commands'));
foreach ($actions as $action) {
if ($action instanceof renderable) {
$output .= $OUTPUT->render($action);
} else {
$output .= $action;
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('span');
return $output;
* given a course object with shortname & fullname, this function will
* truncate the the number of chars allowed and add ... if it was too long
function course_format_name ($course,$max=100) {
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
$shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $context));
$fullname = format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)));
$str = $shortname.': '. $fullname;
if (textlib::strlen($str) <= $max) {
return $str;
else {
return textlib::substr($str,0,$max-3).'...';
* Is the user allowed to add this type of module to this course?
* @param object $course the course settings. Only $course->id is used.
* @param string $modname the module name. E.g. 'forum' or 'quiz'.
* @return bool whether the current user is allowed to add this type of module to this course.
function course_allowed_module($course, $modname) {
global $DB;
if (is_numeric($modname)) {
throw new coding_exception('Function course_allowed_module no longer
supports numeric module ids. Please update your code to pass the module name.');
$capability = 'mod/' . $modname . ':addinstance';
if (!get_capability_info($capability)) {
// Debug warning that the capability does not exist, but no more than once per page.
static $warned = array();
$archetype = plugin_supports('mod', $modname, FEATURE_MOD_ARCHETYPE, MOD_ARCHETYPE_OTHER);
if (!isset($warned[$modname]) && $archetype !== MOD_ARCHETYPE_SYSTEM) {
debugging('The module ' . $modname . ' does not define the standard capability ' .
$capability , DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$warned[$modname] = 1;
// If the capability does not exist, the module can always be added.
return true;
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
return has_capability($capability, $coursecontext);
* Recursively delete category including all subcategories and courses.
* @param stdClass $category
* @param boolean $showfeedback display some notices
* @return array return deleted courses
function category_delete_full($category, $showfeedback=true) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($children = $DB->get_records('course_categories', array('parent'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) {
foreach ($children as $childcat) {
category_delete_full($childcat, $showfeedback);
$deletedcourses = array();
if ($courses = $DB->get_records('course', array('category'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) {
foreach ($courses as $course) {
if (!delete_course($course, false)) {
throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletecategorycourse','','',$course->shortname);
$deletedcourses[] = $course;
// move or delete cohorts in this context
// now delete anything that may depend on course category context
grade_course_category_delete($category->id, 0, $showfeedback);
if (!question_delete_course_category($category, 0, $showfeedback)) {
throw new moodle_exception('cannotdeletecategoryquestions','','',$category->name);
// finally delete the category and it's context
$DB->delete_records('course_categories', array('id'=>$category->id));
delete_context(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
events_trigger('course_category_deleted', $category);
return $deletedcourses;
* Delete category, but move contents to another category.
* @param object $ccategory
* @param int $newparentid category id
* @return bool status
function category_delete_move($category, $newparentid, $showfeedback=true) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (!$newparentcat = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$newparentid))) {
return false;
if ($children = $DB->get_records('course_categories', array('parent'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC')) {
foreach ($children as $childcat) {
move_category($childcat, $newparentcat);
if ($courses = $DB->get_records('course', array('category'=>$category->id), 'sortorder ASC', 'id')) {
if (!move_courses(array_keys($courses), $newparentid)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error moving courses");
return false;
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('coursesmovedout', '', format_string($category->name)), 'notifysuccess');
// move or delete cohorts in this context
// now delete anything that may depend on course category context
grade_course_category_delete($category->id, $newparentid, $showfeedback);
if (!question_delete_course_category($category, $newparentcat, $showfeedback)) {
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('errordeletingquestionsfromcategory', 'question', $category), 'notifysuccess');
return false;
// finally delete the category and it's context
$DB->delete_records('course_categories', array('id'=>$category->id));
delete_context(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
events_trigger('course_category_deleted', $category);
echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('coursecategorydeleted', '', format_string($category->name)), 'notifysuccess');
return true;
* Efficiently moves many courses around while maintaining
* sortorder in order.
* @param array $courseids is an array of course ids
* @param int $categoryid
* @return bool success
function move_courses($courseids, $categoryid) {
global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT;
if (empty($courseids)) {
// nothing to do
if (!$category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$categoryid))) {
return false;
$courseids = array_reverse($courseids);
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
$i = 1;
foreach ($courseids as $courseid) {
if ($course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$courseid), 'id, category')) {
$course = new stdClass();
$course->id = $courseid;
$course->category = $category->id;
$course->sortorder = $category->sortorder + MAX_COURSES_IN_CATEGORY - $i++;
if ($category->visible == 0) {
// hide the course when moving into hidden category,
// do not update the visibleold flag - we want to get to previous state if somebody unhides the category
$course->visible = 0;
$DB->update_record('course', $course);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
context_moved($context, $newparent);
return true;
* Hide course category and child course and subcategories
* @param stdClass $category
* @return void
function course_category_hide($category) {
global $DB;
$category->visible = 0;
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visible', 0, array('id'=>$category->id));
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visibleold', 0, array('id'=>$category->id));
$DB->execute("UPDATE {course} SET visibleold = visible WHERE category = ?", array($category->id)); // store visible flag so that we can return to it if we immediately unhide
$DB->set_field('course', 'visible', 0, array('category' => $category->id));
// get all child categories and hide too
if ($subcats = $DB->get_records_select('course_categories', "path LIKE ?", array("$category->path/%"))) {
foreach ($subcats as $cat) {
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visibleold', $cat->visible, array('id'=>$cat->id));
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visible', 0, array('id'=>$cat->id));
$DB->execute("UPDATE {course} SET visibleold = visible WHERE category = ?", array($cat->id));
$DB->set_field('course', 'visible', 0, array('category' => $cat->id));
* Show course category and child course and subcategories
* @param stdClass $category
* @return void
function course_category_show($category) {
global $DB;
$category->visible = 1;
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visible', 1, array('id'=>$category->id));
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visibleold', 1, array('id'=>$category->id));
$DB->execute("UPDATE {course} SET visible = visibleold WHERE category = ?", array($category->id));
// get all child categories and unhide too
if ($subcats = $DB->get_records_select('course_categories', "path LIKE ?", array("$category->path/%"))) {
foreach ($subcats as $cat) {
if ($cat->visibleold) {
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'visible', 1, array('id'=>$cat->id));
$DB->execute("UPDATE {course} SET visible = visibleold WHERE category = ?", array($cat->id));
* Efficiently moves a category - NOTE that this can have
* a huge impact access-control-wise...
function move_category($category, $newparentcat) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $category->id);
$hidecat = false;
if (empty($newparentcat->id)) {
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'parent', 0, array('id'=>$category->id));
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
} else {
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'parent', $newparentcat->id, array('id'=>$category->id));
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $newparentcat->id);
if (!$newparentcat->visible and $category->visible) {
// better hide category when moving into hidden category, teachers may unhide afterwards and the hidden children will be restored properly
$hidecat = true;
context_moved($context, $newparent);
// now make it last in new category
$DB->set_field('course_categories', 'sortorder', MAX_COURSES_IN_CATEGORY*MAX_COURSE_CATEGORIES, array('id'=>$category->id));
// and fix the sortorders
if ($hidecat) {
* Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers.
* This function utilizes a callback that can be implemented within the course
* formats lib.php file to customize the display name that is used to reference
* the section.
* By default (if callback is not defined) the method
* {@see get_numeric_section_name} is called instead.
* @param stdClass $course The course to get the section name for
* @param stdClass $section Section object from database
* @return Display name that the course format prefers, e.g. "Week 2"
* @see get_generic_section_name
function get_section_name(stdClass $course, stdClass $section) {
global $CFG;
/// Inelegant hack for bug 3408
if ($course->format == 'site') {
return get_string('site');
// Use course formatter callback if it exists
$namingfile = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$course->format.'/lib.php';
$namingfunction = 'callback_'.$course->format.'_get_section_name';
if (!function_exists($namingfunction) && file_exists($namingfile)) {
require_once $namingfile;
if (function_exists($namingfunction)) {
return $namingfunction($course, $section);
// else, default behavior:
return get_generic_section_name($course->format, $section);
* Gets the generic section name for a courses section.
* @param string $format Course format ID e.g. 'weeks' $course->format
* @param stdClass $section Section object from database
* @return Display name that the course format prefers, e.g. "Week 2"
function get_generic_section_name($format, stdClass $section) {
return get_string('sectionname', "format_$format") . ' ' . $section->section;
function course_format_uses_sections($format) {
global $CFG;
$featurefile = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$format.'/lib.php';
$featurefunction = 'callback_'.$format.'_uses_sections';
if (!function_exists($featurefunction) && file_exists($featurefile)) {
require_once $featurefile;
if (function_exists($featurefunction)) {
return $featurefunction();
return false;
* Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format
* The returned object's property (boolean)capable indicates that
* the course format supports Moodle course ajax features.
* The property (array)testedbrowsers can be used as a parameter for {@see ajaxenabled()}.
* @param string $format
* @return stdClass
function course_format_ajax_support($format) {
global $CFG;
// set up default values
$ajaxsupport = new stdClass();
$ajaxsupport->capable = false;
$ajaxsupport->testedbrowsers = array();
// get the information from the course format library
$featurefile = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$format.'/lib.php';
$featurefunction = 'callback_'.$format.'_ajax_support';
if (!function_exists($featurefunction) && file_exists($featurefile)) {
require_once $featurefile;
if (function_exists($featurefunction)) {
$formatsupport = $featurefunction();
if (isset($formatsupport->capable)) {
$ajaxsupport->capable = $formatsupport->capable;
if (is_array($formatsupport->testedbrowsers)) {
$ajaxsupport->testedbrowsers = $formatsupport->testedbrowsers;
return $ajaxsupport;
* Can the current user delete this course?
* Course creators have exception,
* 1 day after the creation they can sill delete the course.
* @param int $courseid
* @return boolean
function can_delete_course($courseid) {
global $USER, $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
if (has_capability('moodle/course:delete', $context)) {
return true;
// hack: now try to find out if creator created this course recently (1 day)
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:create', $context)) {
return false;
$since = time() - 60*60*24;
$params = array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'url'=>"view.php?id=$courseid", 'since'=>$since);
$select = "module = 'course' AND action = 'new' AND userid = :userid AND url = :url AND time > :since";
return $DB->record_exists_select('log', $select, $params);
* Save the Your name for 'Some role' strings.
* @param integer $courseid the id of this course.
* @param array $data the data that came from the course settings form.
function save_local_role_names($courseid, $data) {
global $DB;
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
foreach ($data as $fieldname => $value) {
if (strpos($fieldname, 'role_') !== 0) {
list($ignored, $roleid) = explode('_', $fieldname);
// make up our mind whether we want to delete, update or insert
if (!$value) {
$DB->delete_records('role_names', array('contextid' => $context->id, 'roleid' => $roleid));
} else if ($rolename = $DB->get_record('role_names', array('contextid' => $context->id, 'roleid' => $roleid))) {
$rolename->name = $value;
$DB->update_record('role_names', $rolename);
} else {
$rolename = new stdClass;
$rolename->contextid = $context->id;
$rolename->roleid = $roleid;
$rolename->name = $value;
$DB->insert_record('role_names', $rolename);
* Create a course and either return a $course object
* Please note this functions does not verify any access control,
* the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).
* @param array $editoroptions course description editor options
* @param object $data - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
* @return object new course instance
function create_course($data, $editoroptions = NULL) {
global $CFG, $DB;
//check the categoryid - must be given for all new courses
$category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$data->category), '*', MUST_EXIST);
//check if the shortname already exist
if (!empty($data->shortname)) {
if ($DB->record_exists('course', array('shortname' => $data->shortname))) {
throw new moodle_exception('shortnametaken');
//check if the id number already exist
if (!empty($data->idnumber)) {
if ($DB->record_exists('course', array('idnumber' => $data->idnumber))) {
throw new moodle_exception('idnumbertaken');
$data->timecreated = time();
$data->timemodified = $data->timecreated;
// place at beginning of any category
$data->sortorder = 0;
if ($editoroptions) {
// summary text is updated later, we need context to store the files first
$data->summary = '';
$data->summary_format = FORMAT_HTML;
if (!isset($data->visible)) {
// data not from form, add missing visibility info
$data->visible = $category->visible;
$data->visibleold = $data->visible;
$newcourseid = $DB->insert_record('course', $data);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $newcourseid, MUST_EXIST);
if ($editoroptions) {
// Save the files used in the summary editor and store
$data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'summary', $editoroptions, $context, 'course', 'summary', 0);
$DB->set_field('course', 'summary', $data->summary, array('id'=>$newcourseid));
$DB->set_field('course', 'summaryformat', $data->summary_format, array('id'=>$newcourseid));
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$newcourseid));
// Setup the blocks
$section = new stdClass();
$section->course = $course->id; // Create a default section.
$section->section = 0;
$section->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$DB->insert_record('course_sections', $section);
// new context created - better mark it as dirty
// Save any custom role names.
save_local_role_names($course->id, (array)$data);
// set up enrolments
enrol_course_updated(true, $course, $data);
add_to_log(SITEID, 'course', 'new', 'view.php?id='.$course->id, $data->fullname.' (ID '.$course->id.')');
// Trigger events
events_trigger('course_created', $course);
return $course;
* Create a new course category and marks the context as dirty
* This function does not set the sortorder for the new category and
* @see{fix_course_sortorder} should be called after creating a new course
* category
* Please note that this function does not verify access control.
* @param object $category All of the data required for an entry in the course_categories table
* @return object new course category
function create_course_category($category) {
global $DB;
$category->timemodified = time();
$category->id = $DB->insert_record('course_categories', $category);
$category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $category->id));
// We should mark the context as dirty
$category->context = context_coursecat::instance($category->id);
return $category;
* Update a course.
* Please note this functions does not verify any access control,
* the calling code is responsible for all validation (usually it is the form definition).
* @param object $data - all the data needed for an entry in the 'course' table
* @param array $editoroptions course description editor options
* @return void
function update_course($data, $editoroptions = NULL) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$data->timemodified = time();
$oldcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $oldcourse->id);
if ($editoroptions) {
$data = file_postupdate_standard_editor($data, 'summary', $editoroptions, $context, 'course', 'summary', 0);
if (!isset($data->category) or empty($data->category)) {
// prevent nulls and 0 in category field
$movecat = (isset($data->category) and $oldcourse->category != $data->category);
if (!isset($data->visible)) {
// data not from form, add missing visibility info
$data->visible = $oldcourse->visible;
if ($data->visible != $oldcourse->visible) {
// reset the visibleold flag when manually hiding/unhiding course
$data->visibleold = $data->visible;
} else {
if ($movecat) {
$newcategory = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$data->category));
if (empty($newcategory->visible)) {
// make sure when moving into hidden category the course is hidden automatically
$data->visible = 0;
// Update with the new data
$DB->update_record('course', $data);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$data->id));
if ($movecat) {
$newparent = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $course->category);
context_moved($context, $newparent);
// Test for and remove blocks which aren't appropriate anymore
// Save any custom role names.
save_local_role_names($course->id, $data);
// update enrol settings
enrol_course_updated(false, $course, $data);
add_to_log($course->id, "course", "update", "edit.php?id=$course->id", $course->id);
// Trigger events
events_trigger('course_updated', $course);
* Average number of participants
* @return integer
function average_number_of_participants() {
global $DB, $SITE;
//count total of enrolments for visible course (except front page)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (
SELECT DISTINCT ue.userid, e.courseid
FROM {user_enrolments} ue, {enrol} e, {course} c
WHERE ue.enrolid =
AND e.courseid <> :siteid
AND = e.courseid
AND c.visible = 1) as total';
$params = array('siteid' => $SITE->id);
$enrolmenttotal = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
//count total of visible courses (minus front page)
$coursetotal = $DB->count_records('course', array('visible' => 1));
$coursetotal = $coursetotal - 1 ;
//average of enrolment
if (empty($coursetotal)) {
$participantaverage = 0;
} else {
$participantaverage = $enrolmenttotal / $coursetotal;
return $participantaverage;
* Average number of course modules
* @return integer
function average_number_of_courses_modules() {
global $DB, $SITE;
//count total of visible course module (except front page)
$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM (
SELECT cm.course, cm.module
FROM {course} c, {course_modules} cm
WHERE = cm.course
AND <> :siteid
AND cm.visible = 1
AND c.visible = 1) as total';
$params = array('siteid' => $SITE->id);
$moduletotal = $DB->count_records_sql($sql, $params);
//count total of visible courses (minus front page)
$coursetotal = $DB->count_records('course', array('visible' => 1));
$coursetotal = $coursetotal - 1 ;
//average of course module
if (empty($coursetotal)) {
$coursemoduleaverage = 0;
} else {
$coursemoduleaverage = $moduletotal / $coursetotal;
return $coursemoduleaverage;
* This class pertains to course requests and contains methods associated with
* create, approving, and removing course requests.
* Please note we do not allow embedded images here because there is no context
* to store them with proper access control.
* @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
* @property-read int $id
* @property-read string $fullname
* @property-read string $shortname
* @property-read string $summary
* @property-read int $summaryformat
* @property-read int $summarytrust
* @property-read string $reason
* @property-read int $requester
class course_request {
* This is the stdClass that stores the properties for the course request
* and is externally accessed through the __get magic method
* @var stdClass
protected $properties;
* An array of options for the summary editor used by course request forms.
* This is initially set by {@link summary_editor_options()}
* @var array
* @static
protected static $summaryeditoroptions;
* Static function to prepare the summary editor for working with a course
* request.
* @static
* @param null|stdClass $data Optional, an object containing the default values
* for the form, these may be modified when preparing the
* editor so this should be called before creating the form
* @return stdClass An object that can be used to set the default values for
* an mforms form
public static function prepare($data=null) {
if ($data === null) {
$data = new stdClass;
$data = file_prepare_standard_editor($data, 'summary', self::summary_editor_options());
return $data;
* Static function to create a new course request when passed an array of properties
* for it.
* This function also handles saving any files that may have been used in the editor
* @static
* @param stdClass $data
* @return course_request The newly created course request
public static function create($data) {
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
$data->requester = $USER->id;
// Summary is a required field so copy the text over
$data->summary = $data->summary_editor['text'];
$data->summaryformat = $data->summary_editor['format'];
$data->id = $DB->insert_record('course_request', $data);
// Create a new course_request object and return it
$request = new course_request($data);
// Notify the admin if required.
if ($users = get_users_from_config($CFG->courserequestnotify, 'moodle/site:approvecourse')) {
$a = new stdClass;
$a->link = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/pending.php";
$a->user = fullname($USER);
$subject = get_string('courserequest');
$message = get_string('courserequestnotifyemail', 'admin', $a);
foreach ($users as $user) {
$request->notify($user, $USER, 'courserequested', $subject, $message);
return $request;
* Returns an array of options to use with a summary editor
* @uses course_request::$summaryeditoroptions
* @return array An array of options to use with the editor
public static function summary_editor_options() {
global $CFG;
if (self::$summaryeditoroptions === null) {
self::$summaryeditoroptions = array('maxfiles' => 0, 'maxbytes'=>0);
return self::$summaryeditoroptions;
* Loads the properties for this course request object. Id is required and if
* only id is provided then we load the rest of the properties from the database
* @param stdClass|int $properties Either an object containing properties
* or the course_request id to load
public function __construct($properties) {
global $DB;
if (empty($properties->id)) {
if (empty($properties)) {
throw new coding_exception('You must provide a course request id when creating a course_request object');
$id = $properties;
$properties = new stdClass;
$properties->id = (int)$id;
if (empty($properties->requester)) {
if (!($this->properties = $DB->get_record('course_request', array('id' => $properties->id)))) {
} else {
$this->properties = $properties;
$this->properties->collision = null;
* Returns the requested property
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
public function __get($key) {
return $this->properties->$key;
* Override this to ensure empty($request->blah) calls return a reliable answer...
* This is required because we define the __get method
* @param mixed $key
* @return bool True is it not empty, false otherwise
public function __isset($key) {
return (!empty($this->properties->$key));
* Returns the user who requested this course
* Uses a static var to cache the results and cut down the number of db queries
* @staticvar array $requesters An array of cached users
* @return stdClass The user who requested the course
public function get_requester() {
global $DB;
static $requesters= array();
if (!array_key_exists($this->properties->requester, $requesters)) {
$requesters[$this->properties->requester] = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$this->properties->requester));
return $requesters[$this->properties->requester];
* Checks that the shortname used by the course does not conflict with any other
* courses that exist
* @param string|null $shortnamemark The string to append to the requests shortname
* should a conflict be found
* @return bool true is there is a conflict, false otherwise
public function check_shortname_collision($shortnamemark = '[*]') {
global $DB;
if ($this->properties->collision !== null) {
return $this->properties->collision;
if (empty($this->properties->shortname)) {
debugging('Attempting to check a course request shortname before it has been set', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->properties->collision = false;
} else if ($DB->record_exists('course', array('shortname' => $this->properties->shortname))) {
if (!empty($shortnamemark)) {
$this->properties->shortname .= ' '.$shortnamemark;
$this->properties->collision = true;
} else {
$this->properties->collision = false;
return $this->properties->collision;
* This function approves the request turning it into a course
* This function converts the course request into a course, at the same time
* transferring any files used in the summary to the new course and then removing
* the course request and the files associated with it.
* @return int The id of the course that was created from this request
public function approve() {
global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->properties->requester, 'deleted'=>0), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$category = get_course_category($CFG->defaultrequestcategory);
$courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse');
// Transfer appropriate settings
$data = clone($this->properties);
// Set category
$data->category = $category->id;
$data->sortorder = $category->sortorder; // place as the first in category
// Set misc settings
$data->requested = 1;
// Apply course default settings
$data->format = $courseconfig->format;
$data->numsections = $courseconfig->numsections;
$data->hiddensections = $courseconfig->hiddensections;
$data->newsitems = $courseconfig->newsitems;
$data->showgrades = $courseconfig->showgrades;
$data->showreports = $courseconfig->showreports;
$data->maxbytes = $courseconfig->maxbytes;
$data->groupmode = $courseconfig->groupmode;
$data->groupmodeforce = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce;
$data->visible = $courseconfig->visible;
$data->visibleold = $data->visible;
$data->lang = $courseconfig->lang;
$course = create_course($data);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id, MUST_EXIST);
// add enrol instances
if (!$DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'enrol'=>'manual'))) {
if ($manual = enrol_get_plugin('manual')) {
// enrol the requester as teacher if necessary
if (!empty($CFG->creatornewroleid) and !is_viewing($context, $user, 'moodle/role:assign') and !is_enrolled($context, $user, 'moodle/role:assign')) {
enrol_try_internal_enrol($course->id, $user->id, $CFG->creatornewroleid);
$a = new stdClass();
$a->name = format_string($course->fullname, true, array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)));
$a->url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id=' . $course->id;
$this->notify($user, $USER, 'courserequestapproved', get_string('courseapprovedsubject'), get_string('courseapprovedemail2', 'moodle', $a));
return $course->id;
* Reject a course request
* This function rejects a course request, emailing the requesting user the
* provided notice and then removing the request from the database
* @param string $notice The message to display to the user
public function reject($notice) {
global $USER, $DB;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $this->properties->requester), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->notify($user, $USER, 'courserequestrejected', get_string('courserejectsubject'), get_string('courserejectemail', 'moodle', $notice));
* Deletes the course request and any associated files
public function delete() {
global $DB;
$DB->delete_records('course_request', array('id' => $this->properties->id));
* Send a message from one user to another using events_trigger
* @param object $touser
* @param object $fromuser
* @param string $name
* @param string $subject
* @param string $message
protected function notify($touser, $fromuser, $name='courserequested', $subject, $message) {
$eventdata = new stdClass();
$eventdata->component = 'moodle';
$eventdata->name = $name;
$eventdata->userfrom = $fromuser;
$eventdata->userto = $touser;
$eventdata->subject = $subject;
$eventdata->fullmessage = $message;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = '';
$eventdata->smallmessage = '';
$eventdata->notification = 1;
* Return a list of page types
* @param string $pagetype current page type
* @param stdClass $parentcontext Block's parent context
* @param stdClass $currentcontext Current context of block
function course_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext) {
// if above course context ,display all course fomats
list($currentcontext, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($currentcontext->id);
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
return array('*'=>get_string('page-x', 'pagetype'));
} else {
return array('*'=>get_string('page-x', 'pagetype'),
'course-*'=>get_string('page-course-x', 'pagetype'),
'course-view-*'=>get_string('page-course-view-x', 'pagetype')
* Include the relevant javascript and language strings for the resource
* toolbox YUI module
* @param integer $id The ID of the course being applied to
* @param array $modules An array containing the names of the modules in
* use on the page
* @param object $config An object containing configuration parameters for ajax modules including:
* * resourceurl The URL to post changes to for resource changes
* * sectionurl The URL to post changes to for section changes
* * pageparams Additional parameters to pass through in the post
* @return void
function include_course_ajax($course, $modules = array(), $config = null) {
global $PAGE, $CFG, $USER;
// Ensure that ajax should be included
$courseformatajaxsupport = course_format_ajax_support($course->format);
if (!$PAGE->theme->enablecourseajax
|| !$CFG->enableajax
|| empty($USER->editing)
|| !$PAGE->user_is_editing()
|| ($course->id != SITEID && !$courseformatajaxsupport->capable)) {
if (!$config) {
$config = new stdClass();
// The URL to use for resource changes
if (!isset($config->resourceurl)) {
$config->resourceurl = '/course/rest.php';
// The URL to use for section changes
if (!isset($config->sectionurl)) {
$config->sectionurl = '/course/rest.php';
// Any additional parameters which need to be included on page submission
if (!isset($config->pageparams)) {
$config->pageparams = array();
// Include toolboxes
'courseid' => $course->id,
'ajaxurl' => $config->resourceurl,
'config' => $config,
'courseid' => $course->id,
'format' => $course->format,
'ajaxurl' => $config->sectionurl,
'config' => $config,
// Include course dragdrop
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
$PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-course-dragdrop', 'M.course.init_section_dragdrop',
'courseid' => $course->id,
'ajaxurl' => $config->sectionurl,
'config' => $config,
)), null, true);
$PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-course-dragdrop', 'M.course.init_resource_dragdrop',
'courseid' => $course->id,
'ajaxurl' => $config->resourceurl,
'config' => $config,
)), null, true);
// Include blocks dragdrop
$params = array(
'courseid' => $course->id,
'pagetype' => $PAGE->pagetype,
'pagelayout' => $PAGE->pagelayout,
'regions' => $PAGE->blocks->get_regions(),
$PAGE->requires->yui_module('moodle-core-blocks', 'M.core_blocks.init_dragdrop', array($params), null, true);
// Require various strings for the command toolbox
), 'moodle');
// Include format-specific strings
if ($course->id != SITEID) {
), 'format_' . $course->format);
// For confirming resource deletion we need the name of the module in question
foreach ($modules as $module => $modname) {
$PAGE->requires->string_for_js('pluginname', $module);
* The URL to use for the specified course (with section)
* @param stdClass $course The course to get the section name for
* @param int $sectionno The section number to return a link to
* @return moodle_url The url of course
function course_get_url($course, $sectionno = null) {
$url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
if (!is_null($sectionno)) {
if ($course->coursedisplay == COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE) {
$url->param('section', $sectionno);
} else {
return $url;