mirror of
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172 lines
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172 lines
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* Global Search Engine for Moodle
* @package search
* @category core
* @subpackage search_engine
* @author Michael Champanis (mchampan) [cynnical@gmail.com], Valery Fremaux [valery.fremaux@club-internet.fr] > 1.8
* @date 2008/03/31
* @version prepared for 2.0
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* Prints some basic statistics about the current index.
* Does some diagnostics if you are logged in as an administrator.
* includes and requires
/// checks global search is enabled
if ($CFG->forcelogin) {
if (empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch)) {
print_error('globalsearchdisabled', 'search');
/// check for php5, but don't die yet
$indexinfo = new IndexInfo();
$site = get_site();
$strsearch = get_string('search', 'search');
$strquery = get_string('statistics', 'search');
$site = get_site();
$PAGE->navbar->add($strsearch, new moodle_url('/search/index.php'));
$PAGE->navbar->add($strquery, new moodle_url('/search/stats.php'));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
/// keep things pretty, even if php5 isn't available
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($strquery);
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
$databasestr = get_string('database', 'search');
$documentsinindexstr = get_string('documentsinindex', 'search');
$deletionsinindexstr = get_string('deletionsinindex', 'search');
$documentsindatabasestr = get_string('documentsindatabase', 'search');
$databasestatestr = get_string('databasestate', 'search');
/// this table is only for admins, shows index directory size and location
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
$datadirectorystr = get_string('datadirectory', 'search');
$inindexdirectorystr = get_string('filesinindexdirectory', 'search');
$totalsizestr = get_string('totalsize', 'search');
$errorsstr = get_string('errors', 'search');
$solutionsstr = get_string('solutions', 'search');
$checkdirstr = get_string('checkdir', 'search');
$checkdbstr = get_string('checkdb', 'search');
$checkdiradvicestr = get_string('checkdiradvice', 'search');
$checkdbadvicestr = get_string('checkdbadvice', 'search');
$runindexerteststr = get_string('runindexertest', 'search');
$runindexerstr = get_string('runindexer', 'search');
$admin_table = new html_table();
$admin_table->tablealign = 'center';
$admin_table->align = array ('right', 'left');
$admin_table->wrap = array ('nowrap', 'nowrap');
$admin_table->cellpadding = 5;
$admin_table->cellspacing = 0;
$admin_table->width = '500';
$admin_table->data[] = array("<strong>{$datadirectorystr}</strong>", '<em><strong>'.$indexinfo->path.'</strong></em>');
$admin_table->data[] = array($inindexdirectorystr, $indexinfo->filecount);
$admin_table->data[] = array($totalsizestr, $indexinfo->size);
if ($indexinfo->time > 0) {
$admin_table->data[] = array(get_string('createdon', 'search'), date('r', $indexinfo->time));
else {
$admin_table->data[] = array(get_string('createdon', 'search'), '-');
if (!$indexinfo->valid($errors)) {
$admin_table->data[] = array("<strong>{$errorsstr}</strong>", ' ');
foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {
$admin_table->data[] = array($key.' ... ', $value);
echo html_writer::table($admin_table);
$spacer = array('height'=>20, 'br'=>true);
echo $OUTPUT->spacer($spacer); // should be done with CSS instead
echo $OUTPUT->heading($solutionsstr);
if (isset($errors['dir'])) {
$admin_table->data[] = array($checkdirstr, $checkdiradvicestr);
if (isset($errors['db'])) {
$admin_table->data[] = array($checkdbstr, $checkdbadvicestr);
$admin_table->data[] = array($runindexerteststr, '<a href="tests/index.php" target="_blank">tests/index.php</a>');
$admin_table->data[] = array($runindexerstr, '<a href="indexersplash.php" target="_blank">indexersplash.php</a>');
echo html_writer::table($admin_table);
echo $OUTPUT->spacer($spacer) . '<br />';
/// this is the standard summary table for normal users, shows document counts
$table = new html_table();
$table->tablealign = 'center';
$table->align = array ('right', 'left');
$table->wrap = array ('nowrap', 'nowrap');
$table->cellpadding = 5;
$table->cellspacing = 0;
$table->width = '500';
$table->data[] = array("<strong>{$databasestr}</strong>", "<em><strong>{$CFG->prefix}".SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE.'</strong></em>');
/// add extra fields if we're admin
if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) {
//don't want to confuse users if the two totals don't match (hint: they should)
$table->data[] = array($documentsinindexstr, $indexinfo->indexcount);
//*cough* they should match if deletions were actually removed from the index,
//as it turns out, they're only marked as deleted and not returned in search results
$table->data[] = array($deletionsinindexstr, (int)$indexinfo->indexcount - (int)$indexinfo->dbcount);
$table->data[] = array($documentsindatabasestr, $indexinfo->dbcount);
foreach($indexinfo->types as $type) {
if ($type->type == 'mod'){
$table->data[] = array(get_string('documentsfor', 'search') . " '".get_string('modulenameplural', $type->name)."'", $type->records);
} else if ($type->type == 'block') {
$table->data[] = array(get_string('documentsfor', 'search') . " '".get_string('pluginname', $type->name)."'", $type->records);
} else {
$table->data[] = array(get_string('documentsfor', 'search') . " '".get_string($type->name)."'", $type->records);
echo $OUTPUT->heading($databasestatestr);
echo html_writer::table($table);
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
echo $OUTPUT->footer();