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synced 2025-02-04 07:09:19 +01:00
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31 lines
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<?PHP // $Id$
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.0.9 Beta 1 + (2003052300)
$string['addresource'] = "Prida» zdroj";
$string['editingaresource'] = "Upravi» zdroj ";
$string['example'] = "Príklad";
$string['examplereference'] = "Tobin, K. & Tippins, D (1993) Constructivism as a Referent for Teaching and Learning. In: K. Tobin (Ed) The Practice of Constructivism in Science Education, pp 3-21, Lawrence-Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ.";
$string['exampleurl'] = "http://www.example.com/somedirectory/somefile.html";
$string['filename'] = "Názov súboru";
$string['fulltext'] = "Plný text";
$string['htmlfragment'] = "HTML fragment";
$string['modulename'] = "Zdroj";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Zdroje";
$string['neverseen'] = "Nikdy nevidené";
$string['note'] = "Poznámka";
$string['notefile'] = "Na prenos ïal¹ích súborov do kurzu (tak aby sa zobrazili v tomto zozname) pou¾ite
<A HREF=\$a >Mana¾ér súborov</A>.";
$string['notypechosen'] = "Musíte si vybra» typ. Pou¾ite tlaèidlo spä», vrá»te sa a skúste znova.";
$string['resourcetype'] = "Typ zdroja";
$string['resourcetype1'] = "Odkaz";
$string['resourcetype2'] = "Webová stránka";
$string['resourcetype3'] = "Prenesený súbor";
$string['resourcetype4'] = "Èistý text";
$string['resourcetype5'] = "Webový odkaz";
$string['resourcetype6'] = "HTML text";
$string['resourcetype7'] = "Program";
$string['resourcetype8'] = "Wiki text";