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synced 2025-01-19 06:18:28 +01:00
Management fix: Although rooms and room users are implemented as separate provider interfaces, there were still assumptions that adding/removing rooms would require user handling. Where room_provider was implemented but room_user_provider was not, that would then result in either unnecessary ad-hoc tasks, or tasks failing with errors. Now, checks are in place to avoid these scenarios. API fix: Previously save_form_data() was being called on the old provider instead of the newly enabled one, so when switching between providers the settings would not be correctly applied and the provider may not function. Now, the object is reloaded and the data is saved correctly.
604 lines
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604 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace core_communication;
use core_communication\task\add_members_to_room_task;
use core_communication\task\create_and_configure_room_task;
use core_communication\task\delete_room_task;
use core_communication\task\remove_members_from_room;
use core_communication\task\update_room_task;
use stdClass;
* Class api is the public endpoint of the communication api. This class is the point of contact for api usage.
* Communication api allows to add ad-hoc tasks to the queue to perform actions on the communication providers. This api will
* not allow any immediate actions to be performed on the communication providers. It will only add the tasks to the queue. The
* exception has been made for deletion of members in case of deleting the user. This is because the user will not be available.
* The member management api part allows run actions immediately if required.
* Communication api does allow to have form elements related to communication api in the required forms. This is done by using
* the form_definition method. This method will add the form elements to the form.
* @package core_communication
* @copyright 2023 Safat Shahin <safat.shahin@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class api {
* @var null|processor $communication The communication settings object
private ?processor $communication;
* Communication handler constructor to manage and handle all communication related actions.
* This class is the entrypoint for all kinda usages.
* It will be used by the other api to manage the communication providers.
* @param string $component The component of the item for the instance
* @param string $instancetype The type of the item for the instance
* @param int $instanceid The id of the instance
private function __construct(
private string $component,
private string $instancetype,
private int $instanceid
) {
$this->communication = processor::load_by_instance(
* Get the communication processor object.
* @param string $component The component of the item for the instance
* @param string $instancetype The type of the item for the instance
* @param int $instanceid The id of the instance
* @return api
public static function load_by_instance(
string $component,
string $instancetype,
int $instanceid
): self {
return new self($component, $instancetype, $instanceid);
* Reload in the internal instance data.
public function reload(): void {
$this->communication = processor::load_by_instance(
* Return the underlying communication processor object.
* @return processor
public function get_processor(): processor {
return $this->communication;
* Return the room provider.
* @return \core_communication\room_chat_provider
public function get_room_provider(): \core_communication\room_chat_provider {
return $this->communication->get_room_provider();
* Return the user provider.
* @return \core_communication\user_provider
public function get_user_provider(): \core_communication\user_provider {
return $this->communication->get_user_provider();
* Return the room user provider.
* @return \core_communication\room_user_provider
public function get_room_user_provider(): \core_communication\room_user_provider {
return $this->communication->get_room_user_provider();
* Return the form provider.
* @return \core_communication\form_provider
public function get_form_provider(): \core_communication\form_provider {
return $this->communication->get_form_provider();
* Check if the communication api is enabled.
public static function is_available(): bool {
return (bool) get_config('core', 'enablecommunicationsubsystem');
* Get the communication room url.
* @return string|null
public function get_communication_room_url(): ?string {
return $this->communication?->get_room_url();
* Get the list of plugins for form selection.
* @return array
public static function get_communication_plugin_list_for_form(): array {
// Add the option to have communication disabled.
$selection[processor::PROVIDER_NONE] = get_string('nocommunicationselected', 'communication');
$communicationplugins = \core\plugininfo\communication::get_enabled_plugins();
foreach ($communicationplugins as $pluginname => $notusing) {
$selection['communication_' . $pluginname] = get_string('pluginname', 'communication_'. $pluginname);
return $selection;
* Get the enabled communication providers and default provider according to the selected provider.
* @param string|null $selecteddefaulprovider
* @return array
public static function get_enabled_providers_and_default(string $selecteddefaulprovider = null): array {
$communicationproviders = self::get_communication_plugin_list_for_form();
$defaulprovider = processor::PROVIDER_NONE;
if (!empty($selecteddefaulprovider) && array_key_exists($selecteddefaulprovider, $communicationproviders)) {
$defaulprovider = $selecteddefaulprovider;
return [$communicationproviders, $defaulprovider];
* Define the form elements for the communication api.
* This method will be called from the form definition method of the instance.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform The form element
* @param string $selectdefaultcommunication The default selected communication provider in the form field
public function form_definition(
\MoodleQuickForm $mform,
string $selectdefaultcommunication = processor::PROVIDER_NONE
): void {
global $PAGE;
list($communicationproviders, $defaulprovider) = self::
$PAGE->requires->js_call_amd('core_communication/providerchooser', 'init');
// List the communication providers.
get_string('seleccommunicationprovider', 'communication'),
['data-communicationchooser-field' => 'selector'],
$mform->addHelpButton('selectedcommunication', 'seleccommunicationprovider', 'communication');
$mform->setDefault('selectedcommunication', $defaulprovider);
'update communication',
['data-communicationchooser-field' => 'updateButton', 'class' => 'd-none',]);
// Just a placeholder for the communication options.
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'addcommunicationoptionshere');
$mform->setType('addcommunicationoptionshere', PARAM_BOOL);
* Set the form definitions for the plugins.
* @param \MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @return void
public function form_definition_for_provider(\MoodleQuickForm $mform): void {
$provider = $mform->getElementValue('selectedcommunication');
if ($provider[0] !== processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// Room name for the communication provider.
get_string('communicationroomname', 'communication'), 'maxlength="100" size="20"'),
$mform->addHelpButton('communicationroomname', 'communicationroomname', 'communication');
$mform->setType('communicationroomname', PARAM_TEXT);
processor::set_proider_form_definition($provider[0], $mform);
* Get the avatar file.
* @return null|\stored_file
public function get_avatar(): ?\stored_file {
$filename = $this->communication->get_avatar_filename();
if ($filename === null) {
return null;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$args = (array) $this->get_avatar_filerecord($filename);
return $fs->get_file(...$args) ?: null;
* Get the avatar file record for the avatar for filesystem.
* @param string $filename The filename of the avatar
* @return stdClass
protected function get_avatar_filerecord(string $filename): stdClass {
return (object) [
'contextid' => \core\context\system::instance()->id,
'component' => 'core_communication',
'filearea' => 'avatar',
'itemid' => $this->communication->get_id(),
'filepath' => '/',
'filename' => $filename,
* Get the avatar file.
* If null is set, then delete the old area file and set the avatarfilename to null.
* This will make sure the plugin api deletes the avatar from the room.
* @param null|\stored_file $avatar The stored file for the avatar
* @return bool
public function set_avatar(?\stored_file $avatar): bool {
$currentfilename = $this->communication->get_avatar_filename();
if ($avatar === null && empty($currentfilename)) {
return false;
$currentfilerecord = $this->get_avatar();
if ($avatar && $currentfilerecord) {
$currentfilehash = $currentfilerecord->get_contenthash();
$updatedfilehash = $avatar->get_contenthash();
// No update required.
if ($currentfilehash === $updatedfilehash) {
return false;
$context = \core\context\system::instance();
$fs = get_file_storage();
if ($avatar) {
} else {
// Indicate that we need to sync the avatar when the update task is run.
return true;
* A helper to fetch the room name
* @return string
public function get_room_name(): string {
return $this->communication->get_room_name();
* Set the form data if the data is already available.
* @param \stdClass $instance The instance object
public function set_data(\stdClass $instance): void {
if (!empty($instance->id) && $this->communication) {
$instance->selectedcommunication = $this->communication->get_provider();
$instance->communicationroomname = $this->communication->get_room_name();
* Get the communication provider.
* @return string
public function get_provider(): string {
if (!$this->communication) {
return '';
return $this->communication->get_provider();
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for create operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to create the room.
* @param string $selectedcommunication The selected communication provider
* @param string $communicationroomname The communication room name
* @param null|\stored_file $avatar The stored file for the avatar
* @param \stdClass|null $instance The actual instance object
public function create_and_configure_room(
string $selectedcommunication,
string $communicationroomname,
?\stored_file $avatar = null,
?\stdClass $instance = null,
): void {
if ($selectedcommunication !== processor::PROVIDER_NONE && $selectedcommunication !== '') {
// Create communication record.
$this->communication = processor::create_instance(
// Update provider record from form data.
if ($instance !== null) {
// Set the avatar.
if (!empty($avatar)) {
// Add ad-hoc task to create the provider room.
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for update operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to update the room.
* @param string $selectedprovider The selected communication provider
* @param string $communicationroomname The communication room name
* @param null|\stored_file $avatar The stored file for the avatar
* @param \stdClass|null $instance The actual instance object
public function update_room(
?string $selectedprovider = null,
?string $communicationroomname = null,
?\stored_file $avatar = null,
?\stdClass $instance = null,
): void {
// Existing object found, let's update the communication record and associated actions.
if ($this->communication !== null) {
// Get the previous data to compare for update.
$previousprovider = $this->communication->get_provider();
if ($previousprovider === $selectedprovider) {
// If the provider is the same, unset it.
$selectedprovider = null;
$previousroomname = $this->communication->get_room_name();
if ($previousroomname === $communicationroomname) {
// If the room name is the same, we don't need to update the room.
$communicationroomname = null;
if ($selectedprovider !== null || $communicationroomname !== null) {
// Something to update. Update communication record.
provider: $selectedprovider,
roomname: $communicationroomname,
// Reload so the currently selected provider is used.
// Update provider record from form data.
if ($instance !== null) {
// Update the avatar.
// If the value is `null`, then unset the avatar.
// If the provider is none, we don't need to do anything from room point of view.
if ($this->communication->get_provider() === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// Add ad-hoc task to update the provider room if the room name changed.
// TODO add efficiency considering dynamic fields.
if (
$previousprovider === $selectedprovider
) {
} else if (
$previousprovider !== $selectedprovider
) {
// Add ad-hoc task to create the provider room.
} else {
// The instance didn't have any communication record, so create one.
$this->create_and_configure_room($selectedprovider, $communicationroomname, $avatar, $instance);
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for delete operation.
* This method will add a task to the queue to delete the room.
public function delete_room(): void {
if ($this->communication !== null) {
// Add the ad-hoc task to remove the room data from the communication table and associated provider actions.
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for add members operation and add the user mapping.
* This method will add a task to the queue to add the room users.
* @param array $userids The user ids to add to the room
* @param bool $queue Whether to queue the task or not
public function add_members_to_room(array $userids, bool $queue = true): void {
// No communication object? something not done right.
if (!$this->communication) {
// No user IDs or this provider does not manage users? No action required.
if (empty($userids) || !$this->communication->supports_user_features()) {
if ($queue) {
* Create a communication ad-hoc task for remove members operation or action immediately.
* This method will add a task to the queue to remove the room users.
* @param array $userids The user ids to remove from the room
* @param bool $queue Whether to queue the task or not
public function remove_members_from_room(array $userids, bool $queue = true): void {
// No communication object? something not done right.
if (!$this->communication) {
$provider = $this->communication->get_provider();
if ($provider === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
// No user IDs or this provider does not manage users? No action required.
if (empty($userids) || !$this->communication->supports_user_features()) {
if ($queue) {
* Display the communication room status notification.
public function show_communication_room_status_notification(): void {
// No communication, no room.
if (!$this->communication) {
if ($this->communication->get_provider() === processor::PROVIDER_NONE) {
$roomstatus = $this->get_communication_room_url() ? 'ready' : 'pending';
$pluginname = get_string('pluginname', $this->get_provider());
$message = get_string('communicationroom' . $roomstatus, 'communication', $pluginname);
switch ($roomstatus) {
case 'pending':
\core\notification::add($message, \core\notification::INFO);
case 'ready':
// We only show the ready notification once per user.
// We check this with a custom user preference.
$roomreadypreference = "{$this->component}_{$this->instancetype}_{$this->instanceid}_room_ready";
if (empty(get_user_preferences($roomreadypreference))) {
\core\notification::add($message, \core\notification::SUCCESS);
set_user_preference($roomreadypreference, true);