mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 00:22:43 +01:00
The following changes have been made: * course_section_cm_edit_actions now allows the caller more options for the display of the action menu. * The site menu block now disables the JS enhancement of the actionmenu so that it displays as it did before. After more testing this seemed like the only option that worked in the limited space of the block when it had several modules. * draganddrop of resources now triggers the action menu enhancement as well. * Fixed display of title when the menu is not being enhanced by JS. * Fixed the alignment of the completion icon in the bootstrapbase theme. * Tweaked the CSS for the standard theme.
1065 lines
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1065 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Javascript library for enableing a drag and drop upload to courses
* @package core
* @subpackage course
* @copyright 2012 Davo Smith
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
M.course_dndupload = {
// YUI object.
Y: null,
// URL for upload requests
url: M.cfg.wwwroot + '/course/dndupload.php',
// maximum size of files allowed in this form
maxbytes: 0,
// ID of the course we are on
courseid: null,
// Data about the different file/data handlers that are available
handlers: null,
// Nasty hack to distinguish between dragenter(first entry),
// dragenter+dragleave(moving between child elements) and dragleave (leaving element)
entercount: 0,
// Used to keep track of the section we are dragging across - to make
// spotting movement between sections more reliable
currentsection: null,
// Used to store the pending uploads whilst the user is being asked for further input
uploadqueue: null,
// True if the there is currently a dialog being shown (asking for a name, or giving a
// choice of file handlers)
uploaddialog: false,
// An array containing the last selected file handler for each file type
lastselected: null,
// The following are used to identify specific parts of the course page
// The type of HTML element that is a course section
sectiontypename: 'li',
// The classes that an element must have to be identified as a course section
sectionclasses: ['section', 'main'],
// The ID of the main content area of the page (for adding the 'status' div)
pagecontentid: 'page',
// The selector identifying the list of modules within a section (note changing this may require
// changes to the get_mods_element function)
modslistselector: 'ul.section',
* Initalise the drag and drop upload interface
* Note: one and only one of options.filemanager and options.formcallback must be defined
* @param Y the YUI object
* @param object options {
* courseid: ID of the course we are on
* maxbytes: maximum size of files allowed in this form
* handlers: Data about the different file/data handlers that are available
* }
init: function(Y, options) {
this.Y = Y;
if (!this.browser_supported()) {
return; // Browser does not support the required functionality
this.maxbytes = options.maxbytes;
this.courseid = options.courseid;
this.handlers = options.handlers;
this.uploadqueue = new Array();
this.lastselected = new Array();
var sectionselector = this.sectiontypename + '.' + this.sectionclasses.join('.');
var sections = this.Y.all(sectionselector);
if (sections.isEmpty()) {
return; // No sections - incompatible course format or front page.
sections.each( function(el) {
}, this);
if (options.showstatus) {
* Add a div element to tell the user that drag and drop upload
* is available (or to explain why it is not available)
add_status_div: function() {
var coursecontents = document.getElementById(this.pagecontentid);
if (!coursecontents) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.id = 'dndupload-status';
div.style.opacity = 0.0;
coursecontents.insertBefore(div, coursecontents.firstChild);
var Y = this.Y;
div = Y.one(div);
var handlefile = (this.handlers.filehandlers.length > 0);
var handletext = false;
var handlelink = false;
var i;
for (i=0; i<this.handlers.types.length; i++) {
switch (this.handlers.types[i].identifier) {
case 'text':
case 'text/html':
handletext = true;
case 'url':
handlelink = true;
$msgident = 'dndworking';
if (handlefile) {
$msgident += 'file';
if (handletext) {
$msgident += 'text';
if (handlelink) {
$msgident += 'link';
div.setContent(M.util.get_string($msgident, 'moodle'));
var fadeanim = new Y.Anim({
node: '#dndupload-status',
from: {
opacity: 0.0,
top: '-30px'
to: {
opacity: 1.0,
top: '0px'
duration: 0.5
fadeanim.once('end', function(e) {
this.set('reverse', 1);
Y.later(3000, this, 'run', null, false);
* Check the browser has the required functionality
* @return true if browser supports drag/drop upload
browser_supported: function() {
if (typeof FileReader == 'undefined') {
return false;
if (typeof FormData == 'undefined') {
return false;
return true;
* Initialise drag events on node container, all events need
* to be processed for drag and drop to work
* @param el the element to add events to
init_events: function(el) {
this.Y.on('dragenter', this.drag_enter, el, this);
this.Y.on('dragleave', this.drag_leave, el, this);
this.Y.on('dragover', this.drag_over, el, this);
this.Y.on('drop', this.drop, el, this);
* Work out which course section a given element is in
* @param el the child DOM element within the section
* @return the DOM element representing the section
get_section: function(el) {
var sectionclasses = this.sectionclasses;
return el.ancestor( function(test) {
var i;
for (i=0; i<sectionclasses.length; i++) {
if (!test.hasClass(sectionclasses[i])) {
return false;
return true;
}, true);
* Work out the number of the section we have been dropped on to, from the section element
* @param DOMElement section the selected section
* @return int the section number
get_section_number: function(section) {
var sectionid = section.get('id').split('-');
if (sectionid.length < 2 || sectionid[0] != 'section') {
return false;
return parseInt(sectionid[1]);
* Check if the event includes data of the given type
* @param e the event details
* @param type the data type to check for
* @return true if the data type is found in the event data
types_includes: function(e, type) {
var i;
var types = e._event.dataTransfer.types;
for (i=0; i<types.length; i++) {
if (types[i] == type) {
return true;
return false;
* Look through the event data, checking it against the registered data types
* (in order of priority) and return details of the first matching data type
* @param e the event details
* @return object|false - false if not found or an object {
* realtype: the type as given by the browser
* addmessage: the message to show to the user during dragging
* namemessage: the message for requesting a name for the resource from the user
* type: the identifier of the type (may match several 'realtype's)
* }
drag_type: function(e) {
// Check there is some data attached.
if (e._event.dataTransfer === null) {
return false;
if (e._event.dataTransfer.types === null) {
return false;
if (e._event.dataTransfer.types.length == 0) {
return false;
// Check for files first.
if (this.types_includes(e, 'Files')) {
if (e.type != 'drop' || e._event.dataTransfer.files.length != 0) {
if (this.handlers.filehandlers.length == 0) {
return false; // No available file handlers - ignore this drag.
return {
realtype: 'Files',
addmessage: M.util.get_string('addfilehere', 'moodle'),
namemessage: null, // Should not be asked for anyway
type: 'Files'
// Check each of the registered types.
var types = this.handlers.types;
for (var i=0; i<types.length; i++) {
// Check each of the different identifiers for this type
var dttypes = types[i].datatransfertypes;
for (var j=0; j<dttypes.length; j++) {
if (this.types_includes(e, dttypes[j])) {
return {
realtype: dttypes[j],
addmessage: types[i].addmessage,
namemessage: types[i].namemessage,
handlermessage: types[i].handlermessage,
type: types[i].identifier,
handlers: types[i].handlers
return false; // No types we can handle
* Check the content of the drag/drop includes a type we can handle, then, if
* it is, notify the browser that we want to handle it
* @param event e
* @return string type of the event or false
check_drag: function(e) {
var type = this.drag_type(e);
if (type) {
// Notify browser that we will handle this drag/drop
return type;
* Handle a dragenter event: add a suitable 'add here' message
* when a drag event occurs, containing a registered data type
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drag_enter: function(e) {
if (!(type = this.check_drag(e))) {
return false;
var section = this.get_section(e.currentTarget);
if (!section) {
return false;
if (this.currentsection && this.currentsection != section) {
this.currentsection = section;
this.entercount = 1;
} else {
if (this.entercount > 2) {
this.entercount = 2;
return false;
this.show_preview_element(section, type);
return false;
* Handle a dragleave event: remove the 'add here' message (if present)
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drag_leave: function(e) {
if (!this.check_drag(e)) {
return false;
if (this.entercount == 1) {
return false;
this.entercount = 0;
this.currentsection = null;
return false;
* Handle a dragover event: just prevent the browser default (necessary
* to allow drag and drop handling to work)
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drag_over: function(e) {
return false;
* Handle a drop event: hide the 'add here' message, check the attached
* data type and start the upload process
* @param e event data
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
drop: function(e) {
if (!(type = this.check_drag(e))) {
return false;
// Work out the number of the section we are on (from its id)
var section = this.get_section(e.currentTarget);
var sectionnumber = this.get_section_number(section);
// Process the file or the included data
if (type.type == 'Files') {
var files = e._event.dataTransfer.files;
for (var i=0, f; f=files[i]; i++) {
this.handle_file(f, section, sectionnumber);
} else {
var contents = e._event.dataTransfer.getData(type.realtype);
if (contents) {
this.handle_item(type, contents, section, sectionnumber);
return false;
* Find or create the 'ul' element that contains all of the module
* instances in this section
* @param section the DOM element representing the section
* @return false to prevent the event from continuing to be processed
get_mods_element: function(section) {
// Find the 'ul' containing the list of mods
var modsel = section.one(this.modslistselector);
if (!modsel) {
// Create the above 'ul' if it doesn't exist
modsel = document.createElement('ul');
modsel.className = 'section img-text';
var contentel = section.get('children').pop();
var brel = contentel.get('children').pop();
contentel.insertBefore(modsel, brel);
modsel = this.Y.one(modsel);
return modsel;
* Add a new dummy item to the list of mods, to be replaced by a real
* item & link once the AJAX upload call has completed
* @param name the label to show in the element
* @param section the DOM element reperesenting the course section
* @return DOM element containing the new item
add_resource_element: function(name, section, module) {
var modsel = this.get_mods_element(section);
var resel = {
parent: modsel,
li: document.createElement('li'),
div: document.createElement('div'),
indentdiv: document.createElement('div'),
a: document.createElement('a'),
icon: document.createElement('img'),
namespan: document.createElement('span'),
groupingspan: document.createElement('span'),
progressouter: document.createElement('span'),
progress: document.createElement('span')
resel.li.className = 'activity ' + module + ' modtype_' + module;
resel.indentdiv.className = 'mod-indent';
resel.div.className = 'activityinstance';
resel.a.href = '#';
resel.icon.src = M.util.image_url('i/ajaxloader');
resel.icon.className = 'activityicon iconlarge';
resel.namespan.className = 'instancename';
resel.namespan.innerHTML = name;
resel.groupingspan.className = 'groupinglabel';
resel.progressouter.className = 'dndupload-progress-outer';
resel.progress.className = 'dndupload-progress-inner';
resel.progress.innerHTML = ' ';
modsel.insertBefore(resel.li, modsel.get('children').pop()); // Leave the 'preview element' at the bottom
return resel;
* Hide any visible dndupload-preview elements on the page
hide_preview_element: function() {
* Unhide the preview element for the given section and set it to display
* the correct message
* @param section the YUI node representing the selected course section
* @param type the details of the data type detected in the drag (including the message to display)
show_preview_element: function(section, type) {
var preview = section.one('li.dndupload-preview').removeClass('dndupload-hidden');
// Horrible work-around to allow the 'Add X here' text to be a drop target in Firefox.
var node = preview.one('span').getDOMNode();
node.firstChild.nodeValue = type.addmessage;
* Add the preview element to a course section. Note: this needs to be done before 'addEventListener'
* is called, otherwise Firefox will ignore events generated when the mouse is over the preview
* element (instead of passing them up to the parent element)
* @param section the YUI node representing the selected course section
add_preview_element: function(section) {
var modsel = this.get_mods_element(section);
var preview = {
li: document.createElement('li'),
div: document.createElement('div'),
icon: document.createElement('img'),
namespan: document.createElement('span')
preview.li.className = 'dndupload-preview dndupload-hidden';
preview.div.className = 'mod-indent';
preview.icon.src = M.util.image_url('t/addfile');
preview.icon.className = 'icon';
preview.div.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' '));
preview.namespan.className = 'instancename';
preview.namespan.innerHTML = M.util.get_string('addfilehere', 'moodle');
* Find the registered handler for the given file type. If there is more than one, ask the
* user which one to use. Then upload the file to the server
* @param file the details of the file, taken from the FileList in the drop event
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
handle_file: function(file, section, sectionnumber) {
var handlers = new Array();
var filehandlers = this.handlers.filehandlers;
var extension = '';
var dotpos = file.name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotpos != -1) {
extension = file.name.substr(dotpos+1, file.name.length).toLowerCase();
for (var i=0; i<filehandlers.length; i++) {
if (filehandlers[i].extension == '*' || filehandlers[i].extension == extension) {
if (handlers.length == 0) {
// No handlers at all (not even 'resource'?)
if (handlers.length == 1) {
this.upload_file(file, section, sectionnumber, handlers[0].module);
this.file_handler_dialog(handlers, extension, file, section, sectionnumber);
* Show a dialog box, allowing the user to choose what to do with the file they are uploading
* @param handlers the available handlers to choose between
* @param extension the extension of the file being uploaded
* @param file the File object being uploaded
* @param section the DOM element of the section being uploaded to
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
file_handler_dialog: function(handlers, extension, file, section, sectionnumber) {
if (this.uploaddialog) {
var details = new Object();
details.isfile = true;
details.handlers = handlers;
details.extension = extension;
details.file = file;
details.section = section;
details.sectionnumber = sectionnumber;
this.uploaddialog = true;
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var uploadid = Math.round(Math.random()*100000)+'-'+timestamp;
var content = '';
var sel;
if (extension in this.lastselected) {
sel = this.lastselected[extension];
} else {
sel = handlers[0].module;
content += '<p>'+M.util.get_string('actionchoice', 'moodle', file.name)+'</p>';
content += '<div id="dndupload_handlers'+uploadid+'">';
for (var i=0; i<handlers.length; i++) {
var id = 'dndupload_handler'+uploadid+handlers[i].module;
var checked = (handlers[i].module == sel) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
content += '<input type="radio" name="handler" value="'+handlers[i].module+'" id="'+id+'" '+checked+'/>';
content += ' <label for="'+id+'">';
content += handlers[i].message;
content += '</label><br/>';
content += '</div>';
var Y = this.Y;
var self = this;
var panel = new M.core.dialogue({
bodyContent: content,
width: '350px',
modal: true,
visible: true,
render: true,
align: {
node: null,
points: [Y.WidgetPositionAlign.CC, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.CC]
// When the panel is hidden - destroy it and then check for other pending uploads
panel.after("visibleChange", function(e) {
if (!panel.get('visible')) {
// Add the submit/cancel buttons to the bottom of the dialog.
label: M.util.get_string('upload', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
// Find out which module was selected
var module = false;
var div = Y.one('#dndupload_handlers'+uploadid);
div.all('input').each(function(input) {
if (input.get('checked')) {
module = input.get('value');
if (!module) {
// Remember this selection for next time
self.lastselected[extension] = module;
// Do the upload
self.upload_file(file, section, sectionnumber, module);
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
label: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
* Check to see if there are any other dialog boxes to show, now that the current one has
* been dealt with
check_upload_queue: function() {
this.uploaddialog = false;
if (this.uploadqueue.length == 0) {
var details = this.uploadqueue.shift();
if (details.isfile) {
this.file_handler_dialog(details.handlers, details.extension, details.file, details.section, details.sectionnumber);
} else {
this.handle_item(details.type, details.contents, details.section, details.sectionnumber);
* Do the file upload: show the dummy element, use an AJAX call to send the data
* to the server, update the progress bar for the file, then replace the dummy
* element with the real information once the AJAX call completes
* @param file the details of the file, taken from the FileList in the drop event
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
upload_file: function(file, section, sectionnumber, module) {
// This would be an ideal place to use the Y.io function
// however, this does not support data encoded using the
// FormData object, which is needed to transfer data from
// the DataTransfer object into an XMLHTTPRequest
// This can be converted when the YUI issue has been integrated:
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531274
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var self = this;
if (file.size > this.maxbytes) {
alert("'"+file.name+"' "+M.util.get_string('filetoolarge', 'moodle'));
// Add the file to the display
var resel = this.add_resource_element(file.name, section, module);
// Update the progress bar as the file is uploaded
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e) {
if (e.lengthComputable) {
var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total);
resel.progress.style.width = percentage + '%';
}, false);
// Wait for the AJAX call to complete, then update the
// dummy element with the returned details
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (result) {
if (result.error == 0) {
// All OK - update the dummy element
if (result.content) {
// A label
resel.indentdiv.innerHTML = '<div class="activityinstance" ></div>' + result.content + result.commands;
} else {
// Not a label
resel.icon.src = result.icon;
resel.a.href = result.link;
resel.namespan.innerHTML = result.name;
if (!parseInt(result.visible, 10)) {
resel.a.className = 'dimmed';
if (result.groupingname) {
resel.groupingspan.innerHTML = '(' + result.groupingname + ')';
} else {
resel.indentdiv.innerHTML += result.commands;
if (result.onclick) {
resel.a.onclick = result.onclick;
if (self.Y.UA.gecko > 0) {
// Fix a Firefox bug which makes sites with a '~' in their wwwroot
// log the user out when clicking on the link (before refreshing the page).
resel.div.innerHTML = unescape(resel.div.innerHTML);
resel.li.id = result.elementid;
} else {
// Error - remove the dummy element
} else {
alert(M.util.get_string('servererror', 'moodle'));
// Prepare the data to send
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('repo_upload_file', file);
formData.append('sesskey', M.cfg.sesskey);
formData.append('course', this.courseid);
formData.append('section', sectionnumber);
formData.append('module', module);
formData.append('type', 'Files');
// Send the AJAX call
xhr.open("POST", this.url, true);
* Show a dialog box to gather the name of the resource / activity to be created
* from the uploaded content
* @param type the details of the type of content
* @param contents the contents to be uploaded
* @section the DOM element for the section being uploaded to
* @sectionnumber the number of the section being uploaded to
handle_item: function(type, contents, section, sectionnumber) {
if (type.handlers.length == 0) {
// Nothing to handle this - should not have got here
if (type.handlers.length == 1 && type.handlers[0].noname) {
// Only one handler and it doesn't need a name (i.e. a label).
this.upload_item('', type.type, contents, section, sectionnumber, type.handlers[0].module);
if (this.uploaddialog) {
var details = new Object();
details.isfile = false;
details.type = type;
details.contents = contents;
details.section = section;
details.setcionnumber = sectionnumber;
this.uploaddialog = true;
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
var uploadid = Math.round(Math.random()*100000)+'-'+timestamp;
var nameid = 'dndupload_handler_name'+uploadid;
var content = '';
if (type.handlers.length > 1) {
content += '<p>'+type.handlermessage+'</p>';
content += '<div id="dndupload_handlers'+uploadid+'">';
var sel = type.handlers[0].module;
for (var i=0; i<type.handlers.length; i++) {
var id = 'dndupload_handler'+uploadid+type.handlers[i].module;
var checked = (type.handlers[i].module == sel) ? 'checked="checked" ' : '';
content += '<input type="radio" name="handler" value="'+i+'" id="'+id+'" '+checked+'/>';
content += ' <label for="'+id+'">';
content += type.handlers[i].message;
content += '</label><br/>';
content += '</div>';
var disabled = (type.handlers[0].noname) ? ' disabled = "disabled" ' : '';
content += '<label for="'+nameid+'">'+type.namemessage+'</label>';
content += ' <input type="text" id="'+nameid+'" value="" '+disabled+' />';
var Y = this.Y;
var self = this;
var panel = new M.core.dialogue({
bodyContent: content,
width: '350px',
modal: true,
visible: true,
render: true,
align: {
node: null,
points: [Y.WidgetPositionAlign.CC, Y.WidgetPositionAlign.CC]
// When the panel is hidden - destroy it and then check for other pending uploads
panel.after("visibleChange", function(e) {
if (!panel.get('visible')) {
var namefield = Y.one('#'+nameid);
var submit = function(e) {
var name = Y.Lang.trim(namefield.get('value'));
var module = false;
var noname = false;
if (type.handlers.length > 1) {
// Find out which module was selected
var div = Y.one('#dndupload_handlers'+uploadid);
div.all('input').each(function(input) {
if (input.get('checked')) {
var idx = input.get('value');
module = type.handlers[idx].module;
noname = type.handlers[idx].noname;
if (!module) {
} else {
module = type.handlers[0].module;
noname = type.handlers[0].noname;
if (name == '' && !noname) {
if (noname) {
name = '';
// Do the upload
self.upload_item(name, type.type, contents, section, sectionnumber, module);
// Add the submit/cancel buttons to the bottom of the dialog.
label: M.util.get_string('upload', 'moodle'),
action: submit,
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER,
name: 'submit'
label: M.util.get_string('cancel', 'moodle'),
action: function(e) {
section: Y.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER
var submitbutton = panel.getButton('submit').button;
namefield.on('key', submit, 'enter'); // Submit the form if 'enter' pressed
namefield.after('keyup', function() {
if (Y.Lang.trim(namefield.get('value')) == '') {
} else {
// Enable / disable the 'name' box, depending on the handler selected.
for (i=0; i<type.handlers.length; i++) {
if (type.handlers[i].noname) {
Y.one('#dndupload_handler'+uploadid+type.handlers[i].module).on('click', function (e) {
namefield.set('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
Y.one('#dndupload_handler'+uploadid+type.handlers[i].module).on('click', function (e) {
if (Y.Lang.trim(namefield.get('value')) == '') {
// Focus on the 'name' box
* Upload any data types that are not files: display a dummy resource element, send
* the data to the server, update the progress bar for the file, then replace the
* dummy element with the real information once the AJAX call completes
* @param name the display name for the resource / activity to create
* @param type the details of the data type found in the drop event
* @param contents the actual data that was dropped
* @param section the DOM element representing the selected course section
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
* @param module the module chosen to handle this upload
upload_item: function(name, type, contents, section, sectionnumber, module) {
// This would be an ideal place to use the Y.io function
// however, this does not support data encoded using the
// FormData object, which is needed to transfer data from
// the DataTransfer object into an XMLHTTPRequest
// This can be converted when the YUI issue has been integrated:
// http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui3/ticket/2531274
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var self = this;
// Add the item to the display
var resel = this.add_resource_element(name, section, module);
// Wait for the AJAX call to complete, then update the
// dummy element with the returned details
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (result) {
if (result.error == 0) {
// All OK - update the dummy element
if (result.content) {
// A label
resel.indentdiv.innerHTML = '<div class="activityinstance" ></div>' + result.content + result.commands;
} else {
// Not a label
resel.icon.src = result.icon;
resel.a.href = result.link;
resel.namespan.innerHTML = result.name;
if (!parseInt(result.visible, 10)) {
resel.a.className = 'dimmed';
if (result.groupingname) {
resel.groupingspan.innerHTML = '(' + result.groupingname + ')';
} else {
resel.div.innerHTML += result.commands;
if (result.onclick) {
resel.a.onclick = result.onclick;
if (self.Y.UA.gecko > 0) {
// Fix a Firefox bug which makes sites with a '~' in their wwwroot
// log the user out when clicking on the link (before refreshing the page).
resel.div.innerHTML = unescape(resel.div.innerHTML);
resel.li.id = result.elementid;
self.add_editing(result.elementid, sectionnumber);
} else {
// Error - remove the dummy element
} else {
alert(M.util.get_string('servererror', 'moodle'));
// Prepare the data to send
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append('contents', contents);
formData.append('displayname', name);
formData.append('sesskey', M.cfg.sesskey);
formData.append('course', this.courseid);
formData.append('section', sectionnumber);
formData.append('type', type);
formData.append('module', module);
// Send the data
xhr.open("POST", this.url, true);
* Call the AJAX course editing initialisation to add the editing tools
* to the newly-created resource link
* @param elementid the id of the DOM element containing the new resource link
* @param sectionnumber the number of the selected course section
add_editing: function(elementid) {
var node = Y.one('#' + elementid);
YUI().use('moodle-course-coursebase', function(Y) {
if (M.core.actionmenu && M.core.actionmenu.newDOMNode) {