gustav_delius 0d156caaae I have started on the re-organisation to allow other modules to use the questiontypes.
Moved all code that is not specific to the quiz module out of locallib.php into questionlib.php.
The default questiontype class is now defined in quiz/questiontypes/questiontype.php.
2005-07-02 11:42:42 +00:00

788 lines
31 KiB

<?php // $Id$
// Allows a teacher to create, edit and delete categories
$id = required_param('id'); // course id
if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $id)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (isset($_REQUEST['backtoquiz'])) {
require_login($course->id, false);
if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) {
error("Only teachers authorized to edit the course '{$course->fullname}' can use this page!");
/// Header:
print_header_simple(get_string('editcategories', 'quiz'), '',
"<a href=\"index.php?id=$course->id\">".get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz').'</a>'.
'-> <a href="edit.php">'.get_string('editquestions', 'quiz').'</a>'.
' -> '.get_string('editcategories', 'quiz'));
if (isset($SESSION->modform->instance) and $quiz = get_record('quiz', 'id', $SESSION->modform->instance)) {
$qcobject = new quiz_category_object();
// Execute commands, but only if sesskey is o.k.
if (isset($_REQUEST['sesskey']) and confirm_sesskey()) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) and !isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['confirm'])) {
/// 'confirm' is the category to move existing questions to
$qcobject->delete_category($_REQUEST['delete'], $_REQUEST['confirm']);
} else {
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['moveup'])) {
$qcobject->move_category_up_down('up', $_REQUEST['moveup']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['movedown'])) {
$qcobject->move_category_up_down('down', $_REQUEST['movedown']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['hide'])) {
$qcobject->publish_category(false, $_REQUEST['hide']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['move']) and isset($_REQUEST['moveto'])) {
$qcobject->move_category($_REQUEST['move'], $_REQUEST['moveto']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['publish'])) {
$qcobject->publish_category(true, $_REQUEST['publish']);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['addcategory'])) {
$newparent = required_param('newparent');
$newcategory = required_param('newcategory');
$newinfo = required_param('newinfo');
$newpublish = required_param('newpublish');
$qcobject->add_category($newparent, $newcategory, $newinfo, $newpublish, $course->id);
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['edit'])) {
} else if (isset($_REQUEST['updateid'])) {
$updateparent = required_param('updateparent');
$updatename = required_param('updatename');
$updateinfo = required_param('updateinfo');
$updatepublish = required_param('updatepublish');
$qcobject->update_category($_REQUEST['updateid'], $updateparent, $updatename, $updateinfo, $updatepublish, $course->id);
* Class quiz_category_object
* Used for handling changes to the quiz categories
class quiz_category_object {
var $str;
var $pixpath;
var $edittable;
var $newtable;
var $tab;
var $tabsize = 3;
var $categories;
var $categorystrings;
var $defaultcategory;
var $course;
* Constructor
* Gets necessary strings and sets relevant path information
function quiz_category_object() {
global $CFG;
$this->tab = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $this->tabsize);
$this->str->course = get_string('course');
$this->str->category = get_string('category', 'quiz');
$this->str->categoryinfo = get_string('categoryinfo', 'quiz');
$this->str->questions = get_string('questions', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->movecategoryto = get_string('movecategoryto');
$this->str->delete = get_string('delete');
$this->str->moveup = get_string('moveup');
$this->str->movedown = get_string('movedown');
$this->str->edit = get_string('editthiscategory');
$this->str->hide = get_string('hide');
$this->str->publish = get_string('publish', 'quiz');
$this->str->order = get_string('order');
$this->str->parent = get_string('parent', 'quiz');
$this->str->add = get_string('add');
$this->str->action = get_string('action');
$this->str->top = get_string('top', 'quiz');
$this->str->addcategory = get_string('addcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->editcategory = get_string('editcategory', 'quiz');
$this->str->cancel = get_string('cancel');
$this->str->editcategories = get_string('editcategories', 'quiz');
$this->pixpath = $CFG->pixpath;
* Sets the course for this object
* @param object course
function set_course($course) {
$this->course = $course;
* Displays the user interface
* @param object modform
function display_user_interface() {
/// Interface for adding a new category:
print_heading_with_help($this->str->addcategory, 'categories_edit', 'quiz');
echo '<br />';
/// Interface for editing existing categories
print_heading_with_help($this->str->editcategories, 'categories', 'quiz');
echo '<br />';
* Initializes this classes general category-related variables
function initialize() {
/// Get the existing categories
if (!$this->defaultcategory = quiz_get_default_category($this->course->id)) {
error("Error: Could not find or make a category!");
$this->categories = $this->get_quiz_categories(null, "parent, sortorder, name ASC");
$this->categories = $this->arrange_categories($this->categories);
// create the array of id=>full_name strings
$this->categorystrings = $this->expanded_category_strings($this->categories);
* Outputs a table to allow entry of a new category
function output_new_table() {
global $USER;
$publishoptions[0] = get_string("no");
$publishoptions[1] = get_string("yes");
$this->newtable->head = array ($this->str->parent, $this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->publish, $this->str->action);
$this->newtable->width = 200;
$this->newtable->data[] = array();
$this->newtable->tablealign = 'center';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to the table row
$viableparents[0] = $this->str->top;
$viableparents = $viableparents + $this->categorystrings;
$this->newtable->align['parent'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['parent'] = "nowrap";
$row['parent'] = choose_from_menu ($viableparents, "newparent", $this->str->top, "", "", "", true);
$this->newtable->align['category'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['category'] = "nowrap";
$row['category'] = '<input type="text" name="newcategory" value="" size="15" />';
$this->newtable->align['info'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['info'] = "nowrap";
$row['info'] = '<input type="text" name="newinfo" value="" size="50" />';
$this->newtable->align['publish'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['publish'] = "nowrap";
$row['publish'] = choose_from_menu ($publishoptions, "newpublish", "", "", "", "", true);
$this->newtable->align['action'] = "left";
$this->newtable->wrap['action'] = "nowrap";
$row['action'] = '<input type="submit" value="' . $this->str->add . '" />';
$this->newtable->data[] = $row;
// wrap the table in a form and output it
echo '<form action="category.php" method="post">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\" />";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $this->course->id . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="addcategory" value="true" />';
echo '</form>';
* Outputs a table to allow editing/rearranging of existing categories
* $this->initialize() must have already been called
* @param object course
function output_edit_table() {
$this->edittable->head = array ($this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->questions, $this->str->publish,
$this->str->delete, $this->str->order, $this->str->movecategoryto);
$this->edittable->width = 200;
$this->edittable->tablealign = 'center';
$courses = $this->course->shortname;
* Recursively builds up the edit-categories table body
* @param array categories contains category objects in a tree representation
* @param mixed courses String with shortname of course | array containing courseid=>shortname
* @param int depth controls the indenting
function build_edit_table_body($categories, $depth = 0) {
$countcats = count($categories);
$count = 0;
$first = true;
$last = false;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($count == $countcats) {
$last = true;
$up = $first ? false : true;
$down = $last ? false : true;
$first = false;
$this->quiz_edit_category_row($category, $depth, $up, $down);
if (isset($category->children)) {
$this->build_edit_table_body($category->children, $depth + 1);
* gets all the courseids for the given categories
* @param array categories contains category objects in a tree representation
* @return array courseids flat array in form categoryid=>courseid
function get_course_ids($categories) {
$courseids = array();
foreach ($categories as $key=>$cat) {
$courseids[$key] = $cat->course;
if (!empty($cat->children)) {
$courseids = array_merge($courseids, $this->get_course_ids($cat->children));
return $courseids;
* Constructs each row of the edit-categories table
* @param object category
* @param int depth controls the indenting
* @param string shortname short name of the course
* @param boolean up can it be moved up?
* @param boolean down can it be moved down?
function quiz_edit_category_row($category, $depth, $up = false, $down = false) {
global $USER;
$fill = str_repeat($this->tab, $depth);
$linkcss = $category->publish ? ' class="published"' : ' class="unpublished"';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to this table row
$this->edittable->align["$category->"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->"] = '<a ' . $linkcss . 'title="' . $this->str->edit. '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&amp;edit=' . $category->id . '&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0"
alt="' .$this->str->edit. '" /> ' . $fill . $category->name . '</a>';
$this->edittable->align["$category->"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->"] = '<a ' . $linkcss . 'title="' . $this->str->edit .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&amp;edit=' . $category->id . '&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">' . $category->info . '</a>';
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.qcount"] = "center";
$row["$category->id.qcount"] = $category->questioncount;
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.publish"] = "center";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.publish"] = "nowrap";
if (!empty($category->publish)) {
$row["$category->id.publish"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->hide . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&amp;hide=' . $category->id .
'&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/hide.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->hide. '" /></a> ';
} else {
$row["$category->id.publish"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->publish . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&amp;publish=' . $category->id .
'&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/show.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->publish. '" /></a> ';
if ($category->id != $this->defaultcategory) {
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.delete"] = "center";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.delete"] = "nowrap";
$row["$category->id.delete"] = '<a title="' . $this->str->delete . '" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id .
'&amp;delete=' . $category->id . '&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'"><img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->delete. '" /></a> ';
} else {
$row["$category->id.delete"] = '';
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.order"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.order"] = "nowrap";
$icons = '';
if ($up) {
$icons .= '<a title="' . $this->str->moveup .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&amp;moveup=' . $category->id . '&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">
<img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/up.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' . $this->str->moveup. '" /></a> ';
if ($down) {
$icons .= '<a title="' . $this->str->movedown .'" href="category.php?id=' . $this->course->id . '&amp;movedown=' . $category->id . '&amp;sesskey='.$USER->sesskey.'">
<img src="' . $this->pixpath . '/t/down.gif" height="11" width="11" border="0" alt="' .$this->str->movedown. '" /></a> ';
$row["$category->id.order"]= $icons;
$this->edittable->align["$category->id.moveto"] = "left";
$this->edittable->wrap["$category->id.moveto"] = "nowrap";
if ($category->id != $this->defaultcategory) {
$viableparents = $this->categorystrings;
$this->set_viable_parents($viableparents, $category);
$viableparents = array(0=>$this->str->top) + $viableparents;
$row["$category->id.moveto"] = popup_form ("category.php?id={$this->course->id}&amp;move={$category->id}&amp;sesskey=$USER->sesskey&amp;moveto=",
$viableparents, "moveform{$category->id}", "$category->parent", "", "", "", true);
} else {
$this->edittable->data[$category->id] = $row;
function edit_single_category($categoryid) {
/// Interface for adding a new category
global $USER;
/// Interface for editing existing categories
if ($category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
echo '<h2 align="center">';
echo $this->str->edit;
helpbutton("categories_edit", $this->str->editcategory, "quiz");
echo '</h2>';
echo '<table width="100%"><tr><td>';
echo '</td></tr></table>';
echo '<p><div align="center"><form action="category.php" method="get">
<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.$USER->sesskey.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="' . $this->course->id . '" />
<input type="submit" value="' . $this->str->cancel . '" /></form></div></p>';
} else {
error("Category $categoryid not found", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
* Outputs a table to allow editing of an existing category
* @param object category
function output_edit_single_table($category) {
global $USER;
$publishoptions[0] = get_string("no");
$publishoptions[1] = get_string("yes");
$strupdate = get_string('update');
unset ($edittable);
$edittable->head = array ($this->str->parent, $this->str->category, $this->str->categoryinfo, $this->str->publish, $this->str->action);
$edittable->width = 200;
$edittable->data[] = array();
$edittable->tablealign = 'center';
/// Each section below adds a data cell to the table row
$viableparents = $this->categorystrings;
$this->set_viable_parents($viableparents, $category);
$viableparents = array(0=>$this->str->top) + $viableparents;
$edittable->align['parent'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['parent'] = "nowrap";
$row['parent'] = choose_from_menu ($viableparents, "updateparent", "{$category->parent}", "", "", "", true);
$edittable->align['category'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['category'] = "nowrap";
$row['category'] = '<input type="text" name="updatename" value="' . $category->name . '" size="15" />';
$edittable->align['info'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['info'] = "nowrap";
$row['info'] = '<input type="text" name="updateinfo" value="' . $category->info . '" size="50" />';
$edittable->align['publish'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['publish'] = "nowrap";
$selected = (boolean)$category->publish ? 1 : 0;
$row['publish'] = choose_from_menu ($publishoptions, "updatepublish", $selected, "", "", "", true);
$edittable->align['action'] = "left";
$edittable->wrap['action'] = "nowrap";
$row['action'] = '<input type="submit" value="' . $strupdate . '" />';
$edittable->data[] = $row;
// wrap the table in a form and output it
echo '<p><form action="category.php" method="post">';
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\" />";
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $this->course->id . '" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="updateid" value=' . $category->id . '" />';
echo '</form></p>';
* Creates an array of "full-path" category strings
* Structure:
* key => string
* where key is the category id, and string contains the name of all ancestors as well as the particular category name
* E.g. '123'=>'Language / English / Grammar / Modal Verbs"
* @param array $categories an array containing categories arranged in a tree structure
function expanded_category_strings($categories, $parent=null) {
$prefix = is_null($parent) ? '' : "$parent / ";
$categorystrings = array();
foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
$expandedname = "$prefix$category->name";
$categorystrings[$key] = $expandedname;
if (isset($category->children)) {
$categorystrings = $categorystrings + $this->expanded_category_strings($category->children, $expandedname);
return $categorystrings;
* Arranges the categories into a hierarchical tree
* If a category has children, it's "children" property holds an array of children
* The questioncount for each category is also calculated
* @param array records a flat list of the categories
* @return array categorytree a hierarchical list of the categories
function arrange_categories($records) {
//todo: get the question count for all records with one sql statement: select category, count(*) from quiz_questions group by category
$levels = array();
// build a levels array, which places each record according to it's depth from the top level
$parents = array(0);
while (!empty($parents)) {
$children = array();
foreach ($records as $record) {
if (in_array($record->parent, $parents)) {
$children[] = $record->id;
if (!empty($children)) {
$levels[] = $children;
$parents = $children;
// if there is no hierarchy (e.g., if all records have parent == 0), set level[0] to these keys
if (empty($levels)) {
$levels[0] = array_keys($records);
// build a hierarchical array that depicts the parent-child relationships of the categories
$categorytree = array();
for ($index = count($levels) - 1; $index >= 0; $index--) {
foreach($levels[$index] as $key) {
$parentkey = $records[$key]->parent;
if (!($records[$key]->questioncount = count_records('quiz_questions', 'category', $records[$key]->id, 'hidden', 0, 'parent', '0'))) {
$records[$key]->questioncount = 0;
if ($parentkey == 0) {
$categorytree[$key] = $records[$key];
} else {
$records[$parentkey]->children[$key] = $records[$key];
return $categorytree;
* Sets the viable parents
* Viable parents are any except for the category itself, or any of it's descendants
* The parentstrings parameter is passed by reference and changed by this function.
* @param array parentstrings a list of parentstrings
* @param object category
function set_viable_parents(&$parentstrings, $category) {
if (isset($category->children)) {
foreach ($category->children as $child) {
$this->set_viable_parents($parentstrings, $child);
* Gets quiz categories
* @param int parent - if given, restrict records to those with this parent id.
* @param string sort - [[sortfield [,sortfield]] {ASC|DESC}]
* @return array categories
function get_quiz_categories($parent=null, $sort="sortorder ASC") {
if (is_null($parent)) {
$categories = get_records('quiz_categories', 'course', "{$this->course->id}", $sort);
} else {
$select = "parent = '$parent' AND course = '{$this->course->id}'";
$categories = get_records_select('quiz_categories', $select, $sort);
return $categories;
* Deletes an existing quiz category
* @param int deletecat id of category to delete
* @param int destcategoryid id of category which will inherit the orphans of deletecat
function delete_category($deletecat, $destcategoryid = null) {
global $USER;
if (!$category = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $deletecat)) { // security
error("No such category $deletecat!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
if (!is_null($destcategoryid)) { // Need to move some questions before deleting the category
if (!$category2 = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $destcategoryid)) { // security
error("No such category $destcategoryid!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
if (! set_field('quiz_questions', 'category', $category2, 'category', $category1)) {
error("Error while moving questions from category '$category->name' to '$category2->name'", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
} else {
// todo: delete any hidden questions that are not actually in use any more
if ($count = count_records("quiz_questions", "category", $category->id)) {
$vars->name = $category->name;
$vars->count = $count;
print_simple_box(get_string("categorymove", "quiz", $vars), "center");
$categorystrings = $this->categorystrings;
unset ($categorystrings[$category->id]);
echo "<p><div align=\"center\"><form action=\"category.php\" method=\"get\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sesskey\" value=\"$USER->sesskey\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"{$this->course->id}\" />";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"delete\" value=\"$category->id\" />";
choose_from_menu($categorystrings, "confirm", "", "");
echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"". get_string("categorymoveto", "quiz") . "\" />";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"cancel\" value=\"{$this->str->cancel}\" />";
echo "</form></div></p>";
delete_records("quiz_categories", "id", $category->id);
/// Send the children categories to live with their grandparent
if ($childcats = get_records("quiz_categories", "parent", $category->id)) {
foreach ($childcats as $childcat) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "parent", $category->parent, "id", $childcat->id)) {
error("Could not update a child category!", "category.php?id={$this->course->id}");
/// Finally delete the category itself
if (delete_records("quiz_categories", "id", $category->id)) {
notify(get_string("categorydeleted", "quiz", $category->name), 'green');
* Moves a category up or down in the display order
* @param string direction up|down
* @param int categoryid id of category to move
function move_category_up_down ($direction, $categoryid) {
/// Move a category up or down
$swapcategory = NULL;
$movecategory = NULL;
if ($direction == 'up') {
if ($movecategory = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
$categories = $this->get_quiz_categories("$movecategory->parent", 'parent, sortorder, name');
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if ($direction == 'down') {
if ($movecategory = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
$categories = $this->get_quiz_categories("$movecategory->parent", 'parent, sortorder, name');
$choosenext = false;
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($choosenext) {
$swapcategory = $category;
if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$choosenext = true;
if ($swapcategory and $movecategory) { // Renumber everything for robustness
foreach ($categories as $category) {
if ($category->id == $swapcategory->id) {
$category = $movecategory;
} else if ($category->id == $movecategory->id) {
$category = $swapcategory;
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "sortorder", $count, "id", $category->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Changes the parent of a category
* @param int categoryid
* @param int parentid
function move_category($categoryid, $parentid) {
/// Move a category to a new parent
if ($tempcat = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid)) {
if ($tempcat->parent != $parentid) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "parent", $parentid, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Changes the published status of a category
* @param boolean publish
* @param int categoryid
function publish_category($publish, $categoryid) {
/// Hide or publish a category
$publish = ($publish == false) ? 0 : 1;
$tempcat = get_record("quiz_categories", "id", $categoryid);
if ($tempcat) {
if (! set_field("quiz_categories", "publish", $publish, "id", $tempcat->id)) {
notify("Could not update that category!");
* Creates a new category with given params
* @param int $newparent id of the parent category
* @param string $newcategory the name for the new category
* @param string $newinfo the info field for the new category
* @param int $newpublish whether to publish the category
* @param int $newcourse the id of the associated course
function add_category($newparent, $newcategory, $newinfo, $newpublish, $newcourse) {
if ($newparent) {
// first check that the parent category is in the correct course
if(!(get_field('quiz_categories', 'course', 'id', $newparent) == $newcourse)) {
return false;
$cat = NULL;
$cat->parent = $newparent;
$cat->name = $newcategory;
$cat->info = $newinfo;
$cat->publish = $newpublish;
$cat->course = $newcourse;
$cat->sortorder = 999;
$cat->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
if (!insert_record("quiz_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not insert the new quiz category '$newcategory'", "category.php?id={$newcourse}");
} else {
notify(get_string("categoryadded", "quiz", $newcategory), 'green');
* Updates an existing category with given params
* @param int updateid
* @param int updateparent
* @param string updatename
* @param string updateinfo
* @param int updatepublish
* @param int courseid the id of the associated course
function update_category($updateid, $updateparent, $updatename, $updateinfo, $updatepublish, $courseid) {
$cat = NULL;
$cat->id = $updateid;
$cat->parent = $updateparent;
$cat->name = $updatename;
$cat->info = $updateinfo;
$cat->publish = $updatepublish;
if (!update_record("quiz_categories", $cat)) {
error("Could not update the category '$updatename'", "category.php?id={$courseid}");
} else {
notify(get_string("categoryupdated", 'quiz'), 'green');