Jake Dallimore 0ccf800f01
MDL-76842 auth_lti: don't update the user unless data has changed
When receiving data from the LTI launch, or service call, only update
the user record when we know something has changed. This prevents the
creation of many \core\event\user_updated events.
2023-06-08 09:40:28 +08:00

458 lines
21 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
use auth_lti\local\ltiadvantage\entity\user_migration_claim;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* LTI Authentication plugin.
* @package auth_lti
* @copyright 2016 Mark Nelson <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class auth_plugin_lti extends \auth_plugin_base {
* @var int constant representing the automatic account provisioning mode.
* On first launch, for a previously unbound user, this mode dictates that a new Moodle account will be created automatically
* for the user and bound to their platform credentials {iss, sub}.
* @var int constant representing the prompt for new or existing provisioning mode.
* On first launch, for a previously unbound user, the mode dictates that the launch user will be presented with an options
* view, allowing them to select either 'link an existing account' or 'create a new account for me'.
* @var int constant representing the prompt for existing only provisioning mode.
* On first launch, for a previously unbound user, the mode dictates that the launch user will be presented with a view allowing
* them to link an existing account only. This is useful for situations like deep linking, where an existing account is needed.
* Constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->authtype = 'lti';
* Users can not log in via the traditional login form.
* @param string $username The username
* @param string $password The password
* @return bool Authentication success or failure
public function user_login($username, $password) {
return false;
* Authenticate the user based on the unique {iss, sub} tuple present in the OIDC JWT.
* This method ensures a Moodle user account has been found or is created, that the user is linked to the relevant
* LTI Advantage credentials (iss, sub) and that the user account is logged in.
* Launch code can therefore rely on this method to get a session before doing things like calling require_login().
* This method supports two workflows:
* 1. Automatic account provisioning - where the complete_login() call will ALWAYS create/find a user and return to
* calling code directly. No user interaction is required.
* 2. Manual account provisioning - where the complete_login() call will redirect ONLY ONCE to a login page,
* where the user can decide whether to use an automatically provisioned account, or bind an existing user account.
* When the decision has been made, the relevant account is bound and the user is redirected back to $returnurl.
* Once an account has been bound via this selection process, subsequent calls to complete_login() will return to
* calling code directly. Any calling code must provide its $returnurl to support the return from the account
* selection process and must also take care to cache any JWT data appropriately, since the return will not inlude
* that information.
* Which workflow is chosen depends on the roles present in the JWT.
* For teachers/admins, manual provisioning will take place. These user type are likely to have existing accounts.
* For learners, automatic provisioning will take place.
* Migration of legacy users is supported, however, only for the Learner role (automatic provisioning). Admins and
* teachers are likely to have existing accounts and we want them to be able to select and bind these, rather than
* binding an automatically provisioned legacy account which doesn't represent their real user account.
* The JWT data must be verified elsewhere. The code here assumes its integrity/authenticity.
* @param array $launchdata the JWT data provided in the link launch.
* @param moodle_url $returnurl the local URL to return to if authentication workflows are required.
* @param int $provisioningmode the desired account provisioning mode, which controls the auth flow for unbound users.
* @param array $legacyconsumersecrets an array of secrets used by the legacy consumer if a migration claim exists.
* @throws coding_exception if the specified provisioning mode is invalid.
public function complete_login(array $launchdata, moodle_url $returnurl, int $provisioningmode,
array $legacyconsumersecrets = []): void {
// The platform user is already linked with a user account.
if ($this->get_user_binding($launchdata['iss'], $launchdata['sub'])) {
// Always sync the PII, regardless of whether we're already authenticated as this user or not.
$user = $this->find_or_create_user_from_launch($launchdata, true);
if (isloggedin()) {
// If a different user is currently logged in, authenticate the linked user instead.
global $USER;
if ((int) $USER->id !== $user->id) {
// If the linked user is already logged in, skip the call to complete_user_login() because this affects deep linking
// workflows on sites publishing and consuming resources on the same site, due to the regenerated sesskey.
} else {
// The platform user is not bound to a user account, check provisioning mode now.
if (!$this->is_valid_provisioning_mode($provisioningmode)) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid account provisioning mode provided to complete_login().');
switch ($provisioningmode) {
// Automatic provisioning - this will create/migrate a user account and log the user in.
complete_user_login($this->find_or_create_user_from_launch($launchdata, true, $legacyconsumersecrets));
// Allow linking an existing account or creation of a new account via an intermediate account options page.
// Cache the relevant data and take the user to the account options page.
// Note: This mode also depends on the global auth config 'authpreventaccountcreation'. If set, only existing
// accounts can be bound in this provisioning mode.
global $SESSION;
$SESSION->auth_lti = (object)[
'launchdata' => $launchdata,
'returnurl' => $returnurl,
'provisioningmode' => $provisioningmode
redirect(new moodle_url('/auth/lti/login.php', [
'sesskey' => sesskey(),
* Get a Moodle user account for the LTI user based on the user details returned by a NRPS 2 membership call.
* This method expects a single member structure, in array format, as defined here:
* See:
* This method supports migration of user accounts used in legacy launches, provided the legacy consumerkey corresponding to
* to the legacy consumer is provided. Calling code will have verified the migration claim during initial launches and should
* have the consumer key mapped to the deployment, ready to pass in.
* @param array $member the member data, in array format.
* @param string $iss the issuer to which the member relates.
* @param string $legacyconsumerkey optional consumer key mapped to the deployment to facilitate user migration.
* @return stdClass a Moodle user record.
public function find_or_create_user_from_membership(array $member, string $iss,
string $legacyconsumerkey = ''): stdClass {
// Picture is not synced with membership-based auths because sync tasks may wish to perform slow operations like this a
// different way.
if ($binduser = $this->get_user_binding($iss, $member['user_id'])) {
$user = \core_user::get_user((int) $binduser);
$this->update_user_account($user, $member, $iss);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
} else {
if (!empty($legacyconsumerkey)) {
// Consumer key is required to attempt user migration because legacy users were identified by a
// username consisting of the consumer key and user id.
// See the legacy \enrol_lti\helper::create_username() for details.
$legacyuserid = $member['lti11_legacy_user_id'] ?? $member['user_id'];
$username = 'enrol_lti' .
sha1($legacyconsumerkey . '::' . $legacyconsumerkey . ':' . $legacyuserid);
if ($user = \core_user::get_user_by_username($username)) {
$this->create_user_binding($iss, $member['user_id'], $user->id);
$this->update_user_account($user, $member, $iss);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
$user = $this->create_new_account($member, $iss);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
* Get a Moodle user account for the LTI user corresponding to the user defined in a link launch.
* This method supports migration of user accounts used in legacy launches, provided the legacy consumer secrets corresponding
* to the legacy consumer are provided. If calling code wishes migration to be role-specific, it should check roles accordingly
* itself and pass relevant data in - as auth_plugin_lti::complete_login() does.
* @param array $launchdata all data in the decoded JWT including iss and sub.
* @param bool $syncpicture whether to sync the user's picture with the picture sent in the launch.
* @param array $legacyconsumersecrets all secrets found for the legacy consumer, facilitating user migration.
* @return stdClass the Moodle user who is mapped to the platform user identified in the JWT data.
public function find_or_create_user_from_launch(array $launchdata, bool $syncpicture = false,
array $legacyconsumersecrets = []): stdClass {
if (!$syncpicture) {
if ($binduser = $this->get_user_binding($launchdata['iss'], $launchdata['sub'])) {
$user = \core_user::get_user((int) $binduser);
$this->update_user_account($user, $launchdata, $launchdata['iss']);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
} else {
// Is the intent to migrate a user account used in legacy launches?
if (!empty($legacyconsumersecrets)) {
try {
// Validate the migration claim and try to find a legacy user.
$usermigrationclaim = new user_migration_claim($launchdata, $legacyconsumersecrets);
$username = 'enrol_lti' .
sha1($usermigrationclaim->get_consumer_key() . '::' .
$usermigrationclaim->get_consumer_key() .':' .$usermigrationclaim->get_user_id());
if ($user = \core_user::get_user_by_username($username)) {
$this->create_user_binding($launchdata['iss'], $launchdata['sub'], $user->id);
$this->update_user_account($user, $launchdata, $launchdata['iss']);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// There was an issue validating the user migration claim. We don't want to fail auth entirely though.
// Rather, we want to fall back to new account creation and log the attempt.
debugging("There was a problem migrating the LTI user '{$launchdata['sub']}' on the platform " .
"'{$launchdata['iss']}'. The migration claim could not be validated. A new account will be created.");
$user = $this->create_new_account($launchdata, $launchdata['iss']);
$this->update_user_account($user, $launchdata, $launchdata['iss']);
return \core_user::get_user($user->id);
* Create a binding between the LTI user, as identified by {iss, sub} tuple and the user id.
* @param string $iss the issuer URL identifying the platform to which to user belongs.
* @param string $sub the sub string identifying the user on the platform.
* @param int $userid the id of the Moodle user account to bind.
public function create_user_binding(string $iss, string $sub, int $userid): void {
global $DB;
$timenow = time();
$issuer256 = hash('sha256', $iss);
$sub256 = hash('sha256', $sub);
if ($DB->record_exists('auth_lti_linked_login', ['issuer256' => $issuer256, 'sub256' => $sub256])) {
$rec = [
'userid' => $userid,
'issuer' => $iss,
'issuer256' => $issuer256,
'sub' => $sub,
'sub256' => $sub256,
'timecreated' => $timenow,
'timemodified' => $timenow
$DB->insert_record('auth_lti_linked_login', $rec);
* Gets the id of the linked Moodle user account for an LTI user, or null if not found.
* @param string $issuer the issuer to which the user belongs.
* @param string $sub the sub string identifying the user on the issuer.
* @return int|null the id of the corresponding Moodle user record, or null if not found.
public function get_user_binding(string $issuer, string $sub): ?int {
global $DB;
$issuer256 = hash('sha256', $issuer);
$sub256 = hash('sha256', $sub);
try {
$binduser = $DB->get_field('auth_lti_linked_login', 'userid',
['issuer256' => $issuer256, 'sub256' => $sub256], MUST_EXIST);
} catch (\dml_exception $e) {
$binduser = null;
return $binduser;
* Check whether a provisioning mode is valid or not.
* @param int $mode the mode
* @return bool true if valid for use, false otherwise.
protected function is_valid_provisioning_mode(int $mode): bool {
$validmodes = [
return in_array($mode, $validmodes);
* Create a new user account based on the user data either in the launch JWT or from a membership call.
* @param array $userdata the user data coming from either a launch or membership service call.
* @param string $iss the issuer to which the user belongs.
* @return stdClass a complete Moodle user record.
protected function create_new_account(array $userdata, string $iss): stdClass {
global $CFG;
// Launches and membership calls handle the user id differently.
// Launch uses 'sub', whereas member uses 'user_id'.
$userid = !empty($userdata['sub']) ? $userdata['sub'] : $userdata['user_id'];
$user = new stdClass();
$user->username = 'enrol_lti_13_' . sha1($iss . '_' . $userid);
// If the email was stripped/not set then fill it with a default one.
// This stops the user from being redirected to edit their profile page.
$email = !empty($userdata['email']) ? $userdata['email'] :
'enrol_lti_13_' . sha1($iss . '_' . $userid) . "";
$email = \core_user::clean_field($email, 'email');
$user->email = $email;
$user->auth = 'lti';
$user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;
$user->firstname = $userdata['given_name'] ?? $userid;
$user->lastname = $userdata['family_name'] ?? $iss;
$user->password = '';
$user->confirmed = 1;
$user->id = user_create_user($user, false);
// Link this user with the LTI credentials for future use.
$this->create_user_binding($iss, $userid, $user->id);
return (object) get_complete_user_data('id', $user->id);
* Update the personal fields of the user account, based on data present in either a launch of member sync call.
* @param stdClass $user the Moodle user account to update.
* @param array $userdata the user data coming from either a launch or membership service call.
* @param string $iss the issuer to which the user belongs.
protected function update_user_account(stdClass $user, array $userdata, string $iss): void {
global $CFG;
if ($user->auth !== 'lti') {
// Launches and membership calls handle the user id differently.
// Launch uses 'sub', whereas member uses 'user_id'.
$platformuserid = !empty($userdata['sub']) ? $userdata['sub'] : $userdata['user_id'];
$email = !empty($userdata['email']) ? $userdata['email'] :
'enrol_lti_13_' . sha1($iss . '_' . $platformuserid) . "";
$email = \core_user::clean_field($email, 'email');
$update = [
'id' => $user->id,
'firstname' => $userdata['given_name'] ?? $platformuserid,
'lastname' => $userdata['family_name'] ?? $iss,
'email' => $email
$userfieldstocompare = array_intersect_key((array) $user, $update);
if (!empty(array_diff($update, $userfieldstocompare))) {
user_update_user($update); // Only update if there's a change.
if (!empty($userdata['picture'])) {
try {
$this->update_user_picture($user->id, $userdata['picture']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
debugging("Error syncing the profile picture for user '$user->id' during LTI authentication.");
* Update the user's picture with the image stored at $url.
* @param int $userid the id of the user to update.
* @param string $url the string URL where the new image can be found.
* @throws moodle_exception if there were any problems updating the picture.
protected function update_user_picture(int $userid, string $url): void {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gdlib.php');
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = \context_user::instance($userid, MUST_EXIST);
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon');
$filerecord = array(
'contextid' => $context->id,
'component' => 'user',
'filearea' => 'newicon',
'itemid' => 0,
'filepath' => '/'
$urlparams = array(
'calctimeout' => false,
'timeout' => 5,
'skipcertverify' => true,
'connecttimeout' => 5
try {
$fs->create_file_from_url($filerecord, $url, $urlparams);
} catch (\file_exception $e) {
throw new moodle_exception(get_string($e->errorcode, $e->module, $e->a));
$iconfile = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon', false, 'itemid', false);
// There should only be one.
$iconfile = reset($iconfile);
// Something went wrong while creating temp file - remove the uploaded file.
if (!$iconfile = $iconfile->copy_content_to_temp()) {
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon');
throw new moodle_exception('There was a problem copying the profile picture to temp.');
// Copy file to temporary location and the send it for processing icon.
$newpicture = (int) process_new_icon($context, 'user', 'icon', 0, $iconfile);
// Delete temporary file.
// Remove uploaded file.
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'user', 'newicon');
// Set the user's picture.
$DB->set_field('user', 'picture', $newpicture, array('id' => $userid));