martinlanghoff a40803130b Per-auth-backend field locks support. Merged from MOODLE_15_STABLE
* Extended set_config()
 * Implemented get_config() which takes over $CFG loading in setup.php
 * admin/auth.php has special handling if post vars starting in pluginconfig_
 * admin/auth.php print_auth_lock_options() prints a form fragment -- being called from most plugins now
 *  user/edit.php follows the new convention when locking down fields, both javascript UI and on POST.
 * admin/auth: More solid checking for auth GET/POST var.
 * admin/auth: print_auth_lock_options() now handles user field mapping options for LDAP and similar modules
 * admin/auth: user mapping options have moved to config_plugins table
 * auth/ldap module has migrated to using new field mapping vars -- simplified config.html a lot
 * auth settings migration to config_plugins
2005-06-02 05:39:41 +00:00

12 lines
487 B

<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><?php print_string("instructions", "auth") ?>:</td>
<textarea name="auth_instructions" cols="30" rows="10" wrap="virtual"><?php p($config->auth_instructions) ?></textarea>
<?php print_string("authinstructions","auth") ?>
<?php helpbutton("text", get_string("helptext")) ?>
<?php print_auth_lock_options($auth, $user_fields, get_string('auth_fieldlocks_help', 'auth'), false, false); ?>