mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 21:43:23 +01:00
694 lines
28 KiB
694 lines
28 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// Lists all the users within a given course
define('USER_SMALL_CLASS', 20); // Below this is considered small
define('USER_LARGE_CLASS', 200); // Above this is considered large
define('DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE', 20);
define('SHOW_ALL_PAGE_SIZE', 5000);
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT); // which page to show
$perpage = optional_param('perpage', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, PARAM_INT); // how many per page
$mode = optional_param('mode', NULL); // '0' for less details, '1' for more
$accesssince = optional_param('accesssince',0,PARAM_INT); // filter by last access. -1 = never
$search = optional_param('search','',PARAM_CLEAN);
$roleid = optional_param('roleid', 0, PARAM_INT); // optional roleid
$contextid = optional_param('contextid', 0, PARAM_INT); // one of this or
$courseid = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // this are required
if ($contextid) {
if (! $context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid)) {
error("Context ID is incorrect");
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $context->instanceid)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
} else {
if (! $course = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid)) {
error("Course ID is incorrect");
if (! $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id)) {
error("Context ID is incorrect");
// not needed anymore
$sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$frontpagectx = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, SITEID);
if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewparticipants', $context)) {
} else {
if (!has_capability('moodle/site:viewparticipants', $sitecontext)) {
/// front page course is different
$rolenames = array();
$avoidroles = array();
if ($roles = get_roles_used_in_context($context, true)) {
// We should ONLY allow roles with moodle/course:view because otherwise we get little niggly issues
// like MDL-8093
// We should further exclude "admin" users (those with "doanything" at site level) because
// Otherwise they appear in every participant list
$canviewroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/course:view', CAP_ALLOW, $context);
$doanythingroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/site:doanything', CAP_ALLOW, $sitecontext);
foreach ($roles as $role) {
if (!isset($canviewroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (eg course creator)
$avoidroles[] = $role->id;
if (isset($doanythingroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (ie admin)
$avoidroles[] = $role->id;
$rolenames[$role->id] = strip_tags(role_get_name($role, $context)); // Used in menus etc later on
// no roles to display yet?
// frontpage course is an exception, on the front page course we should display all users
if (empty($rolenames) && $context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
if (has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $context)) {
} else {
error ('No participants found for this course');
add_to_log($course->id, 'user', 'view all', 'index.php?id='.$course->id, '');
$bulkoperations = has_capability('moodle/course:bulkmessaging', $context);
$countries = get_list_of_countries();
$strnever = get_string('never');
$datestring->year = get_string('year');
$datestring->years = get_string('years');
$datestring->day = get_string('day');
$datestring->days = get_string('days');
$datestring->hour = get_string('hour');
$datestring->hours = get_string('hours');
$datestring->min = get_string('min');
$datestring->mins = get_string('mins');
$datestring->sec = get_string('sec');
$datestring->secs = get_string('secs');
if ($mode !== NULL) {
$SESSION->userindexmode = $fullmode = ($mode == 1);
} else if (isset($SESSION->userindexmode)) {
$fullmode = $SESSION->userindexmode;
} else {
$fullmode = false;
/// Check to see if groups are being used in this forum
/// and if so, set $currentgroup to reflect the current group
$groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($course); // Groups are being used
$currentgroup = groups_get_course_group($course, true);
if (!$currentgroup) { // To make some other functions work better later
$currentgroup = NULL;
$isseparategroups = ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and $course->groupmodeforce and
!has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context));
if ($isseparategroups and (!$currentgroup) ) {
$navlinks = array();
$navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('participants'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$course->shortname: ".get_string('participants'), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, " ", navmenu($course));
print_heading(get_string("notingroup", "forum"));
// Should use this variable so that we don't break stuff every time a variable is added or changed.
$baseurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?contextid='.$context->id.'&roleid='.$roleid.'&id='.$course->id.'&perpage='.$perpage.'&accesssince='.$accesssince.'&search='.s($search);
/// Print headers
$navlinks = array();
$navlinks[] = array('name' => get_string('participants'), 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header("$course->shortname: ".get_string('participants'), $course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, " ", navmenu($course));
/// setting up tags
if ($course->id == SITEID) {
$filtertype = 'site';
} else if ($course->id && !$currentgroup) {
$filtertype = 'course';
$filterselect = $course->id;
} else {
$filtertype = 'group';
$filterselect = $currentgroup;
$currenttab = 'participants';
$user = $USER;
require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/user/tabs.php');
/// Get the hidden field list
if (has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $context)) {
$hiddenfields = array(); // teachers and admins are allowed to see everything
} else {
$hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
/// Print settings and things in a table across the top
echo '<table class="controls" cellspacing="0"><tr>';
/// Print my course menus
if ($mycourses = get_my_courses($USER->id)) {
echo '<td class="left">';
$courselist = array();
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
$courselist[$mycourse->id] = format_string($mycourse->shortname);
$courselist, 'courseform', $course->id, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('mycourses'));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="left">';
groups_print_course_menu($course, $baseurl);
echo '</td>';
// get minimum lastaccess for this course and display a dropbox to filter by lastaccess going back this far.
// this might not work anymore because you always going to get yourself as the most recent entry? added $USER!=$user ch
$minlastaccess = get_field_sql('SELECT min(timeaccess) FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'user_lastaccess WHERE courseid = '.$course->id.' AND timeaccess != 0 AND userid!='.$USER->id);
$lastaccess0exists = record_exists('user_lastaccess','courseid',$course->id,'timeaccess',0);
$now = usergetmidnight(time());
$timeaccess = array();
// makes sense for this to go first.
$timeoptions[0] = get_string('selectperiod');
// days
for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' days',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' days',$now)] = get_string('numdays','moodle',$i);
// weeks
for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' weeks',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' weeks',$now)] = get_string('numweeks','moodle',$i);
// months
for ($i = 2; $i < 12; $i++) {
if (strtotime('-'.$i.' months',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-'.$i.' months',$now)] = get_string('nummonths','moodle',$i);
// try a year
if (strtotime('-1 year',$now) >= $minlastaccess) {
$timeoptions[strtotime('-1 year',$now)] = get_string('lastyear');
if (!empty($lastaccess0exists)) {
$timeoptions[-1] = get_string('never');
if (count($timeoptions) > 1) {
echo '<td class="left">';
$baseurl = preg_replace('/&accesssince='.$accesssince.'/','',$baseurl);
popup_form($baseurl.'&accesssince=',$timeoptions,'timeoptions',$accesssince, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('usersnoaccesssince'));
echo '</td>';
echo '<td class="right">';
$formatmenu = array( '0' => get_string('detailedless'),
'1' => get_string('detailedmore'));
popup_form($baseurl.'&mode=', $formatmenu, 'formatmenu', $fullmode, '', '', '', false, 'self', get_string('userlist'));
echo '</td></tr></table>';
if ($currentgroup and (!$isseparategroups or has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context))) { /// Display info about the group
if ($group = groups_get_group($currentgroup)) {
if (!empty($group->description) or (!empty($group->picture) and empty($group->hidepicture))) {
echo '<table class="groupinfobox"><tr><td class="left side picture">';
print_group_picture($group, $course->id, true, false, false);
echo '</td><td class="content">';
echo '<h3>'.$group->name;
if (has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) {
echo ' <a title="'.get_string('editgroupprofile').'" href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/group/group.php?id='.$group->id.'&courseid='.$group->courseid.'">';
echo '<img src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/t/edit.gif" alt="'.get_string('editgroupprofile').'" />';
echo '</a>';
echo '</h3>';
echo format_text($group->description);
echo '</td></tr></table>';
/// Define a table showing a list of users in the current role selection
$tablecolumns = array('userpic', 'fullname');
$tableheaders = array(get_string('userpic'), get_string('fullname'));
if (!isset($hiddenfields['city'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'city';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('city');
if (!isset($hiddenfields['country'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'country';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('country');
if (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess'])) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'lastaccess';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('lastaccess');
if ($course->enrolperiod) {
$tablecolumns[] = 'timeend';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('enrolmentend');
if ($bulkoperations) {
$tablecolumns[] = '';
$tableheaders[] = get_string('select');
$table = new flexible_table('user-index-participants-'.$course->id);
$table->sortable(true, 'lastaccess', SORT_DESC);
$table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
$table->set_attribute('id', 'participants');
$table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
TABLE_VAR_SORT => 'ssort',
TABLE_VAR_HIDE => 'shide',
TABLE_VAR_SHOW => 'sshow',
TABLE_VAR_IFIRST => 'sifirst',
TABLE_VAR_ILAST => 'silast',
TABLE_VAR_PAGE => 'spage'
// we are looking for all users with this role assigned in this context or higher
if ($usercontexts = get_parent_contexts($context)) {
$listofcontexts = '('.implode(',', $usercontexts).')';
} else {
$listofcontexts = '('.$sitecontext->id.')'; // must be site
if ($roleid) {
$selectrole = " AND r.roleid = $roleid ";
} else {
$selectrole = " ";
if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
$select = 'SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname,
u.email, u.city, u.country, u.picture,
u.lang, u.timezone, u.emailstop, u.maildisplay, u.imagealt,
COALESCE(ul.timeaccess, 0) AS lastaccess,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel ';
$select .= $course->enrolperiod?', r.timeend ':'';
} else {
$select = 'SELECT u.id, u.username, u.firstname, u.lastname,
u.email, u.city, u.country, u.picture,
u.lang, u.timezone, u.emailstop, u.maildisplay, u.imagealt,
ctx.id AS ctxid, ctx.path AS ctxpath,
ctx.depth AS ctxdepth, ctx.contextlevel AS ctxlevel ';
if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
$from = "FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (u.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_USER.")
JOIN {$CFG->prefix}role_assignments r
ON u.id=r.userid
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}user_lastaccess ul
ON (r.userid=ul.userid and ul.courseid = $course->id) ";
} else {
$from = "FROM {$CFG->prefix}user u
LEFT OUTER JOIN {$CFG->prefix}context ctx
ON (u.id=ctx.instanceid AND ctx.contextlevel = ".CONTEXT_USER.") ";
$hiddensql = has_capability('moodle/role:viewhiddenassigns', $context)? '':' AND r.hidden = 0 ';
// exclude users with roles we are avoiding
if ($avoidroles) {
$adminroles = 'AND r.roleid NOT IN (';
$adminroles .= implode(',', $avoidroles);
$adminroles .= ')';
} else {
$adminroles = '';
// join on 2 conditions
// otherwise we run into the problem of having records in ul table, but not relevant course
// and user record is not pulled out
if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
$where = "WHERE (r.contextid = $context->id OR r.contextid in $listofcontexts)
AND u.deleted = 0 $selectrole
AND (ul.courseid = $course->id OR ul.courseid IS NULL)
AND u.username != 'guest'
$hiddensql ";
$where .= get_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);
} else {
$where = "WHERE u.deleted = 0
AND u.username != 'guest'";
$where .= get_lastaccess_sql($accesssince);
$wheresearch = '';
if (!empty($search)) {
$LIKE = sql_ilike();
$fullname = sql_fullname('u.firstname','u.lastname');
$wheresearch .= ' AND ('. $fullname .' '. $LIKE .'\'%'. $search .'%\' OR email '. $LIKE .'\'%'. $search .'%\' OR idnumber '.$LIKE.' \'%'.$search.'%\') ';
if ($currentgroup) { // Displaying a group by choice
// FIX: TODO: This will not work if $currentgroup == 0, i.e. "those not in a group"
$from .= 'LEFT JOIN '.$CFG->prefix.'groups_members gm ON u.id = gm.userid ';
$where .= ' AND gm.groupid = '.$currentgroup;
$totalcount = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(distinct u.id) '.$from.$where); // Each user could have > 1 role
if ($table->get_sql_where()) {
$where .= ' AND '.$table->get_sql_where();
if ($table->get_sql_sort()) {
$sort = ' ORDER BY '.$table->get_sql_sort();
} else {
$sort = '';
$matchcount = count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(distinct u.id) '.$from.$where.$wheresearch);
$table->initialbars($totalcount > $perpage);
$table->pagesize($perpage, $matchcount);
$userlist = get_recordset_sql($select.$from.$where.$wheresearch.$sort,
$table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
/// If there are multiple Roles in the course, then show a drop down menu for switching
if (count($rolenames) > 1) {
echo '<div class="rolesform">';
echo get_string('currentrole', 'role').': ';
$rolenames = array(0 => get_string('all')) + $rolenames;
popup_form("$CFG->wwwroot/user/index.php?contextid=$context->id&sifirst=&silast=&roleid=", $rolenames,
'rolesform', $roleid, '');
echo '</div>';
if ($roleid) {
if (!$currentrole = get_record('role','id',$roleid)) {
error('That role does not exist');
$a->number = $totalcount;
$a->role = $currentrole->name;
$heading = format_string(get_string('xuserswiththerole', 'role', $a));
if (user_can_assign($context, $roleid)) {
$heading .= ' <a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/roles/assign.php?roleid='.$roleid.'&contextid='.$context->id.'">';
$heading .= '<img src="'.$CFG->pixpath.'/i/edit.gif" class="icon" alt="" /></a>';
print_heading($heading, 'center', 3);
} else {
if ($matchcount < $totalcount) {
print_heading(get_string('allparticipants').': '.$matchcount.'/'.$totalcount, '', 3);
} else {
print_heading(get_string('allparticipants').': '.$matchcount, '', 3);
if ($bulkoperations) {
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
function checksubmit(form) {
var destination = form.formaction.options[form.formaction.selectedIndex].value;
if (destination == "" || !checkchecked(form)) {
form.formaction.selectedIndex = 0;
return false;
} else {
return true;
function checkchecked(form) {
var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName(\'INPUT\');
var checked = false;
inputs = filterByParent(inputs, function() {return form;});
for(var i = 0; i < inputs.length; ++i) {
if (inputs[i].type == \'checkbox\' && inputs[i].checked) {
checked = true;
return checked;
echo '<form action="action_redir.php" method="post" id="participantsform" onsubmit="return checksubmit(this);">';
echo '<div>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.$USER->sesskey.'" />';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="returnto" value="'.s($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']).'" />';
if ($CFG->longtimenosee > 0 && $CFG->longtimenosee < 1000 && $totalcount > 0) {
echo '<p id="longtimenosee">('.get_string('unusedaccounts', '', $CFG->longtimenosee).')</p>';
if ($fullmode) { // Print simple listing
if ($totalcount < 1) {
} else {
if ($totalcount > $perpage) {
$firstinitial = $table->get_initial_first();
$lastinitial = $table->get_initial_last();
$strall = get_string('all');
$alpha = explode(',', get_string('alphabet'));
// Bar of first initials
echo '<div class="initialbar firstinitial">'.get_string('firstname').' : ';
if(!empty($firstinitial)) {
echo '<a href="'.$baseurl.'&sifirst=">'.$strall.'</a>';
} else {
echo '<strong>'.$strall.'</strong>';
foreach ($alpha as $letter) {
if ($letter == $firstinitial) {
echo ' <strong>'.$letter.'</strong>';
} else {
echo ' <a href="'.$baseurl.'&sifirst='.$letter.'">'.$letter.'</a>';
echo '</div>';
// Bar of last initials
echo '<div class="initialbar lastinitial">'.get_string('lastname').' : ';
if(!empty($lastinitial)) {
echo '<a href="'.$baseurl.'&silast=">'.$strall.'</a>';
} else {
echo '<strong>'.$strall.'</strong>';
foreach ($alpha as $letter) {
if ($letter == $lastinitial) {
echo ' <strong>'.$letter.'</strong>';
} else {
echo ' <a href="'.$baseurl.'&silast='.$letter.'">'.$letter.'</a>';
echo '</div>';
print_paging_bar($matchcount, intval($table->get_page_start() / $perpage), $perpage, $baseurl.'&', 'spage');
if ($matchcount > 0) {
while ($user = rs_fetch_next_record($userlist)) {
$user = make_context_subobj($user);
print_user($user, $course, $bulkoperations);
} else {
} else {
$countrysort = (strpos($sort, 'country') !== false);
$timeformat = get_string('strftimedate');
if ($userlist->RecordCount() > 0) {
while ($user = rs_fetch_next_record($userlist)) {
$user = make_context_subobj($user);
if ($user->hidden) {
// if the assignment is hidden, display icon
$hidden = "<img src=\"{$CFG->pixpath}/t/hide.gif\" alt=\"".get_string('hiddenassign')."\" class=\"hide-show-image\"/>";
} else {
$hidden = '';
if ($user->lastaccess) {
$lastaccess = format_time(time() - $user->lastaccess, $datestring);
} else {
$lastaccess = $strnever;
if (empty($user->country)) {
$country = '';
} else {
if($countrysort) {
$country = '('.$user->country.') '.$countries[$user->country];
else {
$country = $countries[$user->country];
if (!isset($user->context)) {
$usercontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $user->id);
} else {
$usercontext = $user->context;
if ($piclink = ($USER->id == $user->id || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context) ||has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context))) {
$profilelink = '<strong><a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$user->id.'&course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($user).'</a></strong>';
} else {
$profilelink = '<strong>'.fullname($user).'</strong>';
$data = array (
print_user_picture($user, $course->id, $user->picture, false, true, $piclink),
if (!isset($hiddenfields['city'])) {
$data[] = $user->city;
if (!isset($hiddenfields['country'])) {
$data[] = $country;
if (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess'])) {
$data[] = $lastaccess;
if ($course->enrolperiod) {
if ($user->timeend) {
$data[] = userdate($user->timeend, $timeformat);
} else {
$data[] = get_string('unlimited');
if ($bulkoperations) {
$data[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="user'.$user->id.'" />';
if ($bulkoperations) {
echo '<br /><div class="buttons">';
echo '<input type="button" onclick="checkall()" value="'.get_string('selectall').'" /> ';
echo '<input type="button" onclick="checknone()" value="'.get_string('deselectall').'" /> ';
$displaylist = array();
// fix for MDL-8885, only show this if user has capability
if (has_capability('moodle/site:readallmessages', $context) && !empty($CFG->messaging)) {
$displaylist['messageselect.php'] = get_string('messageselectadd');
if (has_capability('moodle/notes:manage', $context) && $context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
$displaylist['addnote.php'] = get_string('addnewnote', 'notes');
$displaylist['groupaddnote.php'] = get_string('groupaddnewnote', 'notes');
if ($context->id != $frontpagectx->id) {
$displaylist['extendenrol.php'] = get_string('extendenrol');
$displaylist['groupextendenrol.php'] = get_string('groupextendenrol');
helpbutton("participantswithselectedusers", get_string("withselectedusers"));
choose_from_menu ($displaylist, "formaction", "", get_string("withselectedusers"), "if(checksubmit(this.form))this.form.submit();", "");
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$course->id.'" />';
echo '<input type="submit" value="' . get_string('ok') . '" />';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</form>';
if ($bulkoperations && $totalcount > ($perpage*3)) {
echo '<form action="index.php"><div><input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$course->id.'" />'.get_string('search').': '."\n";
echo '<input type="text" name="search" value="'.s($search).'" /> <input type="submit" value="'.get_string('search').'" /></div></form>'."\n";
$perpageurl = preg_replace('/&perpage=\d*/','', $baseurl);
if ($perpage == SHOW_ALL_PAGE_SIZE) {
echo '<div id="showall"><a href="'.$perpageurl.'&perpage='.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE.'">'.get_string('showperpage', '', DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE).'</a></div>';
} else if ($matchcount > 0 && $perpage < $matchcount) {
echo '<div id="showall"><a href="'.$perpageurl.'&perpage='.SHOW_ALL_PAGE_SIZE.'">'.get_string('showall', '', $matchcount).'</a></div>';
function get_lastaccess_sql($accesssince='') {
if (empty($accesssince)) {
return '';
if ($accesssince == -1) { // never
return ' AND ul.timeaccess = 0';
} else {
return ' AND ul.timeaccess != 0 AND timeaccess < '.$accesssince;