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synced 2025-03-26 18:42:40 +01:00
There is a new theme property 'blockrendermethod' that can be set by the theme in its config.php and tells Moodle what method it is using to render blocks in the layout files. Either blocks, or blocks_for_region. Then when adding custom block regions to a page content we ensure we use the same method the theme is using elsewhere. This is really a hack becuase we (I) didn't properly deprecate blocks_for_region when I added the blocks method.
172 lines
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172 lines
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* My Moodle -- a user's personal dashboard
* - each user can currently have their own page (cloned from system and then customised)
* - only the user can see their own dashboard
* - users can add any blocks they want
* - the administrators can define a default site dashboard for users who have
* not created their own dashboard
* This script implements the user's view of the dashboard, and allows editing
* of the dashboard.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage my
* @copyright 2010 Remote-Learner.net
* @author Hubert Chathi <hubert@remote-learner.net>
* @author Olav Jordan <olav.jordan@remote-learner.net>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/my/lib.php');
// TODO Add sesskey check to edit
$edit = optional_param('edit', null, PARAM_BOOL); // Turn editing on and off
$reset = optional_param('reset', null, PARAM_BOOL);
$strmymoodle = get_string('myhome');
if (isguestuser()) { // Force them to see system default, no editing allowed
// If guests are not allowed my moodle, send them to front page.
if (empty($CFG->allowguestmymoodle)) {
redirect(new moodle_url('/', array('redirect' => 0)));
$userid = null;
$USER->editing = $edit = 0; // Just in case
$context = context_system::instance();
$PAGE->set_blocks_editing_capability('moodle/my:configsyspages'); // unlikely :)
$header = "$SITE->shortname: $strmymoodle (GUEST)";
} else { // We are trying to view or edit our own My Moodle page
$userid = $USER->id; // Owner of the page
$context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
$header = "$SITE->shortname: $strmymoodle";
// Get the My Moodle page info. Should always return something unless the database is broken.
if (!$currentpage = my_get_page($userid, MY_PAGE_PRIVATE)) {
if (!$currentpage->userid) {
$context = context_system::instance(); // So we even see non-sticky blocks
// Start setting up the page
$params = array();
$PAGE->set_url('/my/index.php', $params);
if (!isguestuser()) { // Skip default home page for guests
if (get_home_page() != HOMEPAGE_MY) {
if (optional_param('setdefaulthome', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
set_user_preference('user_home_page_preference', HOMEPAGE_MY);
} else if (!empty($CFG->defaulthomepage) && $CFG->defaulthomepage == HOMEPAGE_USER) {
$PAGE->settingsnav->get('usercurrentsettings')->add(get_string('makethismyhome'), new moodle_url('/my/', array('setdefaulthome'=>true)), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING);
// Toggle the editing state and switches
if ($PAGE->user_allowed_editing()) {
if ($reset !== null) {
if (!is_null($userid)) {
if(!$currentpage = my_reset_page($userid, MY_PAGE_PRIVATE)){
print_error('reseterror', 'my');
redirect(new moodle_url('/my'));
} else if ($edit !== null) { // Editing state was specified
$USER->editing = $edit; // Change editing state
if (!$currentpage->userid && $edit) {
// If we are viewing a system page as ordinary user, and the user turns
// editing on, copy the system pages as new user pages, and get the
// new page record
if (!$currentpage = my_copy_page($USER->id, MY_PAGE_PRIVATE)) {
$context = context_user::instance($USER->id);
} else { // Editing state is in session
if ($currentpage->userid) { // It's a page we can edit, so load from session
if (!empty($USER->editing)) {
$edit = 1;
} else {
$edit = 0;
} else { // It's a system page and they are not allowed to edit system pages
$USER->editing = $edit = 0; // Disable editing completely, just to be safe
// Add button for editing page
$params = array('edit' => !$edit);
$resetbutton = '';
$resetstring = get_string('resetpage', 'my');
$reseturl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/my/index.php", array('edit' => 1, 'reset' => 1));
if (!$currentpage->userid) {
// viewing a system page -- let the user customise it
$editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleon');
$params['edit'] = 1;
} else if (empty($edit)) {
$editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleon');
} else {
$editstring = get_string('updatemymoodleoff');
$resetbutton = $OUTPUT->single_button($reseturl, $resetstring);
$url = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/my/index.php", $params);
$button = $OUTPUT->single_button($url, $editstring);
$PAGE->set_button($resetbutton . $button);
} else {
$USER->editing = $edit = 0;
// HACK WARNING! This loads up all this page's blocks in the system context
if ($currentpage->userid == 0) {
$CFG->blockmanagerclass = 'my_syspage_block_manager';
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->custom_block_region('content');
echo $OUTPUT->footer();