mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 10:19:56 +01:00
Most srand instances are removed to allow PHP to do the work. srand was left for group randomization due to the method used.
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Authentication Plugin: Moodle Network Authentication
* Multiple host authentication support for Moodle Network.
* @package auth_mnet
* @author Martin Dougiamas
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Moodle Network authentication plugin.
class auth_plugin_mnet extends auth_plugin_base {
* Constructor.
function auth_plugin_mnet() {
$this->authtype = 'mnet';
$this->config = get_config('auth_mnet');
$this->mnet = get_mnet_environment();
* This function is normally used to determine if the username and password
* are correct for local logins. Always returns false, as local users do not
* need to login over mnet xmlrpc.
* @param string $username The username
* @param string $password The password
* @return bool Authentication success or failure.
function user_login($username, $password) {
return false; // print_error("mnetlocal");
* Return user data for the provided token, compare with user_agent string.
* @param string $token The unique ID provided by remotehost.
* @param string $UA User Agent string.
* @return array $userdata Array of user info for remote host
function user_authorise($token, $useragent) {
global $CFG, $SITE, $DB;
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/serverlib.php';
$mnet_session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session', array('token'=>$token, 'useragent'=>$useragent));
if (empty($mnet_session)) {
throw new mnet_server_exception(1, 'authfail_nosessionexists');
// check session confirm timeout
if ($mnet_session->confirm_timeout < time()) {
throw new mnet_server_exception(2, 'authfail_sessiontimedout');
// session okay, try getting the user
if (!$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$mnet_session->userid))) {
throw new mnet_server_exception(3, 'authfail_usermismatch');
$userdata = mnet_strip_user((array)$user, mnet_fields_to_send($remoteclient));
// extra special ones
$userdata['auth'] = 'mnet';
$userdata['wwwroot'] = $this->mnet->wwwroot;
$userdata['session.gc_maxlifetime'] = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
if (array_key_exists('picture', $userdata) && !empty($user->picture)) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id, MUST_EXIST);
if ($usericonfile = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.png')) {
$userdata['_mnet_userpicture_timemodified'] = $usericonfile->get_timemodified();
$userdata['_mnet_userpicture_mimetype'] = $usericonfile->get_mimetype();
} else if ($usericonfile = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.jpg')) {
$userdata['_mnet_userpicture_timemodified'] = $usericonfile->get_timemodified();
$userdata['_mnet_userpicture_mimetype'] = $usericonfile->get_mimetype();
$userdata['myhosts'] = array();
if ($courses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, false)) {
$userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name'=> $SITE->shortname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'count' => count($courses));
$sql = "SELECT h.name AS hostname, h.wwwroot, h.id AS hostid,
COUNT(c.id) AS count
FROM {mnetservice_enrol_courses} c
JOIN {mnetservice_enrol_enrolments} e ON (e.hostid = c.hostid AND e.remotecourseid = c.remoteid)
JOIN {mnet_host} h ON h.id = c.hostid
WHERE e.userid = ? AND c.hostid = ?
GROUP BY h.name, h.wwwroot, h.id";
if ($courses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($user->id, $remoteclient->id))) {
foreach($courses as $course) {
$userdata['myhosts'][] = array('name'=> $course->hostname, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot.'/auth/mnet/jump.php?hostid='.$course->hostid, 'count' => $course->count);
return $userdata;
* Generate a random string for use as an RPC session token.
function generate_token() {
return sha1(str_shuffle('' . mt_rand() . time()));
* Starts an RPC jump session and returns the jump redirect URL.
* @param int $mnethostid id of the mnet host to jump to
* @param string $wantsurl url to redirect to after the jump (usually on remote system)
* @param boolean $wantsurlbackhere defaults to false, means that the remote system should bounce us back here
* rather than somewhere inside *its* wwwroot
function start_jump_session($mnethostid, $wantsurl, $wantsurlbackhere=false) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
if (\core\session\manager::is_loggedinas()) {
print_error('notpermittedtojumpas', 'mnet');
// check remote login permissions
if (! has_capability('moodle/site:mnetlogintoremote', context_system::instance())
or is_mnet_remote_user($USER)
or isguestuser()
or !isloggedin()) {
print_error('notpermittedtojump', 'mnet');
// check for SSO publish permission first
if ($this->has_service($mnethostid, 'sso_sp') == false) {
print_error('hostnotconfiguredforsso', 'mnet');
// set RPC timeout to 30 seconds if not configured
if (empty($this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout)) {
$this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout = 30;
set_config('rpc_negotiation_timeout', '30', 'auth_mnet');
// get the host info
$mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
// set up the session
$mnet_session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session',
array('userid'=>$USER->id, 'mnethostid'=>$mnethostid,
if ($mnet_session == false) {
$mnet_session = new stdClass();
$mnet_session->mnethostid = $mnethostid;
$mnet_session->userid = $USER->id;
$mnet_session->username = $USER->username;
$mnet_session->useragent = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$mnet_session->token = $this->generate_token();
$mnet_session->confirm_timeout = time() + $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout;
$mnet_session->expires = time() + (integer)ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
$mnet_session->session_id = session_id();
$mnet_session->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
} else {
$mnet_session->useragent = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$mnet_session->token = $this->generate_token();
$mnet_session->confirm_timeout = time() + $this->config->rpc_negotiation_timeout;
$mnet_session->expires = time() + (integer)ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');
$mnet_session->session_id = session_id();
$DB->update_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
// construct the redirection URL
//$transport = mnet_get_protocol($mnet_peer->transport);
$wantsurl = urlencode($wantsurl);
$url = "{$mnet_peer->wwwroot}{$mnet_peer->application->sso_land_url}?token={$mnet_session->token}&idp={$this->mnet->wwwroot}&wantsurl={$wantsurl}";
if ($wantsurlbackhere) {
$url .= '&remoteurl=1';
return $url;
* This function confirms the remote (ID provider) host's mnet session
* by communicating the token and UA over the XMLRPC transport layer, and
* returns the local user record on success.
* @param string $token The random session token.
* @param mnet_peer $remotepeer The ID provider mnet_peer object.
* @return array The local user record.
function confirm_mnet_session($token, $remotepeer) {
global $CFG, $DB;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gdlib.php';
// verify the remote host is configured locally before attempting RPC call
if (! $remotehost = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('wwwroot' => $remotepeer->wwwroot, 'deleted' => 0))) {
print_error('notpermittedtoland', 'mnet');
// set up the RPC request
$mnetrequest = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// set $token and $useragent parameters
// Thunderbirds are go! Do RPC call and store response
if ($mnetrequest->send($remotepeer) === true) {
$remoteuser = (object) $mnetrequest->response;
} else {
foreach ($mnetrequest->error as $errormessage) {
list($code, $message) = array_map('trim',explode(':', $errormessage, 2));
if($code == 702) {
$site = get_site();
print_error('mnet_session_prohibited', 'mnet', $remotepeer->wwwroot, format_string($site->fullname));
$message .= "ERROR $code:<br/>$errormessage<br/>";
print_error("rpcerror", '', '', $message);
if (empty($remoteuser) or empty($remoteuser->username)) {
print_error('unknownerror', 'mnet');
if (user_not_fully_set_up($remoteuser)) {
print_error('notenoughidpinfo', 'mnet');
$remoteuser = mnet_strip_user($remoteuser, mnet_fields_to_import($remotepeer));
$remoteuser->auth = 'mnet';
$remoteuser->wwwroot = $remotepeer->wwwroot;
// the user may roam from Moodle 1.x where lang has _utf8 suffix
// also, make sure that the lang is actually installed, otherwise set site default
if (isset($remoteuser->lang)) {
$remoteuser->lang = clean_param(str_replace('_utf8', '', $remoteuser->lang), PARAM_LANG);
if (empty($remoteuser->lang)) {
if (!empty($CFG->lang)) {
$remoteuser->lang = $CFG->lang;
} else {
$remoteuser->lang = 'en';
$firsttime = false;
// get the local record for the remote user
$localuser = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$remoteuser->username, 'mnethostid'=>$remotehost->id));
// add the remote user to the database if necessary, and if allowed
// TODO: refactor into a separate function
if (empty($localuser) || ! $localuser->id) {
if (empty($this->config->auto_add_remote_users)) {
print_error('nolocaluser', 'mnet');
} See MDL-21327 for why this is commented out
$remoteuser->mnethostid = $remotehost->id;
$remoteuser->firstaccess = time(); // First time user in this server, grab it here
$remoteuser->confirmed = 1;
$remoteuser->id = $DB->insert_record('user', $remoteuser);
$firsttime = true;
$localuser = $remoteuser;
// check sso access control list for permission first
if (!$this->can_login_remotely($localuser->username, $remotehost->id)) {
print_error('sso_mnet_login_refused', 'mnet', '', array('user'=>$localuser->username, 'host'=>$remotehost->name));
$fs = get_file_storage();
// update the local user record with remote user data
foreach ((array) $remoteuser as $key => $val) {
if ($key == '_mnet_userpicture_timemodified' and empty($CFG->disableuserimages) and isset($remoteuser->picture)) {
// update the user picture if there is a newer verion at the identity provider
$usercontext = context_user::instance($localuser->id, MUST_EXIST);
if ($usericonfile = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.png')) {
$localtimemodified = $usericonfile->get_timemodified();
} else if ($usericonfile = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.jpg')) {
$localtimemodified = $usericonfile->get_timemodified();
} else {
$localtimemodified = 0;
if (!empty($val) and $localtimemodified < $val) {
mnet_debug('refetching the user picture from the identity provider host');
$fetchrequest = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
if ($fetchrequest->send($remotepeer) === true) {
if (strlen($fetchrequest->response['f1']) > 0) {
$imagefilename = $CFG->tempdir . '/mnet-usericon-' . $localuser->id;
$imagecontents = base64_decode($fetchrequest->response['f1']);
file_put_contents($imagefilename, $imagecontents);
if ($newrev = process_new_icon($usercontext, 'user', 'icon', 0, $imagefilename)) {
$localuser->picture = $newrev;
// note that since Moodle 2.0 we ignore $fetchrequest->response['f2']
// the mimetype information provided is ignored and the type of the file is detected
// by process_new_icon()
if($key == 'myhosts') {
$localuser->mnet_foreign_host_array = array();
foreach($val as $rhost) {
$name = clean_param($rhost['name'], PARAM_ALPHANUM);
$url = clean_param($rhost['url'], PARAM_URL);
$count = clean_param($rhost['count'], PARAM_INT);
$url_is_local = stristr($url , $CFG->wwwroot);
if (!empty($name) && !empty($count) && empty($url_is_local)) {
$localuser->mnet_foreign_host_array[] = array('name' => $name,
'url' => $url,
'count' => $count);
$localuser->{$key} = $val;
$localuser->mnethostid = $remotepeer->id;
if (empty($localuser->firstaccess)) { // Now firstaccess, grab it here
$localuser->firstaccess = time();
user_update_user($localuser, false);
if (!$firsttime) {
// repeat customer! let the IDP know about enrolments
// we have for this user.
// set up the RPC request
$mnetrequest = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// pass username and an assoc array of "my courses"
// with info so that the IDP can maintain mnetservice_enrol_enrolments
$fields = 'id, category, sortorder, fullname, shortname, idnumber, summary, startdate, visible';
$courses = enrol_get_users_courses($localuser->id, false, $fields, 'visible DESC,sortorder ASC');
if (is_array($courses) && !empty($courses)) {
// Second request to do the JOINs that we'd have done
// inside enrol_get_users_courses() if we had been allowed
$sql = "SELECT c.id,
cc.name AS cat_name, cc.description AS cat_description
FROM {course} c
JOIN {course_categories} cc ON c.category = cc.id
WHERE c.id IN (" . join(',',array_keys($courses)) . ')';
$extra = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
$keys = array_keys($courses);
$studentroles = get_archetype_roles('student');
if (!empty($studentroles)) {
$defaultrole = reset($studentroles);
//$defaultrole = get_default_course_role($ccache[$shortname]); //TODO: rewrite this completely, there is no default course role any more!!!
foreach ($keys AS $id) {
if ($courses[$id]->visible == 0) {
$courses[$id]->cat_id = $courses[$id]->category;
$courses[$id]->defaultroleid = $defaultrole->id;
$courses[$id]->cat_name = $extra[$id]->cat_name;
$courses[$id]->cat_description = $extra[$id]->cat_description;
$courses[$id]->defaultrolename = $defaultrole->name;
// coerce to array
$courses[$id] = (array)$courses[$id];
} else {
throw new moodle_exception('unknownrole', 'error', '', 'student');
} else {
// if the array is empty, send it anyway
// we may be clearing out stale entries
$courses = array();
// Call 0800-RPC Now! -- we don't care too much if it fails
// as it's just informational.
if ($mnetrequest->send($remotepeer) === false) {
// error_log(print_r($mnetrequest->error,1));
return $localuser;
* creates (or updates) the mnet session once
* {@see confirm_mnet_session} and {@see complete_user_login} have both been called
* @param stdclass $user the local user (must exist already
* @param string $token the jump/land token
* @param mnet_peer $remotepeer the mnet_peer object of this users's idp
public function update_mnet_session($user, $token, $remotepeer) {
global $DB;
$session_gc_maxlifetime = 1440;
if (isset($user->session_gc_maxlifetime)) {
$session_gc_maxlifetime = $user->session_gc_maxlifetime;
if (!$mnet_session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session',
array('userid'=>$user->id, 'mnethostid'=>$remotepeer->id,
'useragent'=>sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])))) {
$mnet_session = new stdClass();
$mnet_session->mnethostid = $remotepeer->id;
$mnet_session->userid = $user->id;
$mnet_session->username = $user->username;
$mnet_session->useragent = sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
$mnet_session->token = $token; // Needed to support simultaneous sessions
// and preserving DB rec uniqueness
$mnet_session->confirm_timeout = time();
$mnet_session->expires = time() + (integer)$session_gc_maxlifetime;
$mnet_session->session_id = session_id();
$mnet_session->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
} else {
$mnet_session->expires = time() + (integer)$session_gc_maxlifetime;
$DB->update_record('mnet_session', $mnet_session);
* Invoke this function _on_ the IDP to update it with enrolment info local to
* the SP right after calling user_authorise()
* Normally called by the SP after calling user_authorise()
* @param string $username The username
* @param array $courses Assoc array of courses following the structure of mnetservice_enrol_courses
* @return bool
function update_enrolments($username, $courses) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
if (empty($username) || !is_array($courses)) {
return false;
// make sure it is a user we have an in active session
// with that host...
$mnetsessions = $DB->get_records('mnet_session', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $remoteclient->id), '', 'id, userid');
$userid = null;
foreach ($mnetsessions as $mnetsession) {
if (is_null($userid)) {
$userid = $mnetsession->userid;
if ($userid != $mnetsession->userid) {
throw new mnet_server_exception(3, 'authfail_usermismatch');
if (empty($courses)) { // no courses? clear out quickly
$DB->delete_records('mnetservice_enrol_enrolments', array('hostid'=>$remoteclient->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
return true;
// IMPORTANT: Ask for remoteid as the first element in the query, so
// that the array that comes back is indexed on the same field as the
// array that we have received from the remote client
$sql = "SELECT c.remoteid, c.id, c.categoryid AS cat_id, c.categoryname AS cat_name, c.sortorder,
c.fullname, c.shortname, c.idnumber, c.summary, c.summaryformat, c.startdate,
e.id AS enrolmentid
FROM {mnetservice_enrol_courses} c
LEFT JOIN {mnetservice_enrol_enrolments} e ON (e.hostid = c.hostid AND e.remotecourseid = c.remoteid)
WHERE e.userid = ? AND c.hostid = ?";
$currentcourses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($userid, $remoteclient->id));
$local_courseid_array = array();
foreach($courses as $ix => $course) {
$course['remoteid'] = $course['id'];
$course['hostid'] = (int)$remoteclient->id;
$userisregd = false;
// if we do not have the the information about the remote course, it is not available
// to us for remote enrolment - skip
if (array_key_exists($course['remoteid'], $currentcourses)) {
// Pointer to current course:
$currentcourse =& $currentcourses[$course['remoteid']];
// We have a record - is it up-to-date?
$course['id'] = $currentcourse->id;
$saveflag = false;
foreach($course as $key => $value) {
if ($currentcourse->$key != $value) {
$saveflag = true;
$currentcourse->$key = $value;
if ($saveflag) {
$DB->update_record('mnetervice_enrol_courses', $currentcourse);
if (isset($currentcourse->enrolmentid) && is_numeric($currentcourse->enrolmentid)) {
$userisregd = true;
} else {
unset ($courses[$ix]);
// By this point, we should always have a $dataObj->id
$local_courseid_array[] = $course['id'];
// Do we have a record for this assignment?
if ($userisregd) {
// Yes - we know about this one already
// We don't want to do updates because the new data is probably
// 'less complete' than the data we have.
} else {
// No - create a record
$assignObj = new stdClass();
$assignObj->userid = $userid;
$assignObj->hostid = (int)$remoteclient->id;
$assignObj->remotecourseid = $course['remoteid'];
$assignObj->rolename = $course['defaultrolename'];
$assignObj->id = $DB->insert_record('mnetservice_enrol_enrolments', $assignObj);
// Clean up courses that the user is no longer enrolled in.
if (!empty($local_courseid_array)) {
$local_courseid_string = implode(', ', $local_courseid_array);
$whereclause = " userid = ? AND hostid = ? AND remotecourseid NOT IN ($local_courseid_string)";
$DB->delete_records_select('mnetservice_enrol_enrolments', $whereclause, array($userid, $remoteclient->id));
function prevent_local_passwords() {
return true;
* Returns true if this authentication plugin is 'internal'.
* @return bool
function is_internal() {
return false;
* Returns true if this authentication plugin can change the user's
* password.
* @return bool
function can_change_password() {
//TODO: it should be able to redirect, right?
return false;
* Returns the URL for changing the user's pw, or false if the default can
* be used.
* @return moodle_url
function change_password_url() {
return null;
* Prints a form for configuring this authentication plugin.
* This function is called from admin/auth.php, and outputs a full page with
* a form for configuring this plugin.
* @param object $config
* @param object $err
* @param array $user_fields
function config_form($config, $err, $user_fields) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$query = "
h.name as hostname,
h2idp.publish as idppublish,
h2idp.subscribe as idpsubscribe,
idp.name as idpname,
h2sp.publish as sppublish,
h2sp.subscribe as spsubscribe,
sp.name as spname
{mnet_host} h
{mnet_host2service} h2idp
(h.id = h2idp.hostid AND
(h2idp.publish = 1 OR
h2idp.subscribe = 1))
{mnet_service} idp
(h2idp.serviceid = idp.id AND
idp.name = 'sso_idp')
{mnet_host2service} h2sp
(h.id = h2sp.hostid AND
(h2sp.publish = 1 OR
h2sp.subscribe = 1))
{mnet_service} sp
(h2sp.serviceid = sp.id AND
sp.name = 'sso_sp')
((h2idp.publish = 1 AND h2sp.subscribe = 1) OR
(h2sp.publish = 1 AND h2idp.subscribe = 1)) AND
h.id != ?
h.name ASC";
$id_providers = array();
$service_providers = array();
if ($resultset = $DB->get_records_sql($query, array($CFG->mnet_localhost_id))) {
foreach($resultset as $hostservice) {
if(!empty($hostservice->idppublish) && !empty($hostservice->spsubscribe)) {
$service_providers[]= array('id' => $hostservice->id, 'name' => $hostservice->hostname, 'wwwroot' => $hostservice->wwwroot);
if(!empty($hostservice->idpsubscribe) && !empty($hostservice->sppublish)) {
$id_providers[]= array('id' => $hostservice->id, 'name' => $hostservice->hostname, 'wwwroot' => $hostservice->wwwroot);
include "config.html";
* Processes and stores configuration data for this authentication plugin.
function process_config($config) {
// set to defaults if undefined
if (!isset ($config->rpc_negotiation_timeout)) {
$config->rpc_negotiation_timeout = '30';
if (!isset ($config->auto_add_remote_users)) {
$config->auto_add_remote_users = '0';
} See MDL-21327 for why this is commented out
set_config('auto_add_remote_users', $config->auto_add_remote_users, 'auth_mnet');
// save settings
set_config('rpc_negotiation_timeout', $config->rpc_negotiation_timeout, 'auth_mnet');
return true;
* Poll the IdP server to let it know that a user it has authenticated is still
* online
* @return void
function keepalive_client() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$cutoff = time() - 300; // TODO - find out what the remote server's session
// cutoff is, and preempt that
$sql = "
lastaccess > ? AND
mnethostid != ?
order by
$immigrants = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($cutoff, $CFG->mnet_localhost_id));
if ($immigrants == false) {
return true;
$usersArray = array();
foreach($immigrants as $immigrant) {
$usersArray[$immigrant->mnethostid][] = $immigrant->username;
require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
foreach($usersArray as $mnethostid => $users) {
$mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
$mnet_request = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// set $token and $useragent parameters
if ($mnet_request->send($mnet_peer) === true) {
if (!isset($mnet_request->response['code'])) {
debugging("Server side error has occured on host $mnethostid");
} elseif ($mnet_request->response['code'] > 0) {
if (!isset($mnet_request->response['last log id'])) {
debugging("Server side error has occured on host $mnethostid\nNo log ID was received.");
} else {
debugging("Server side error has occured on host $mnethostid: " .
join("\n", $mnet_request->error));
$mnethostlogssql = "
l.id as remoteid, l.time, l.userid, l.ip, l.course, l.module, l.cmid,
l.action, l.url, l.info, u.username
{user} u
INNER JOIN {log} l on l.userid = u.id
u.mnethostid = ?
AND l.id > ?
AND l.course IS NOT NULL
ORDER by l.id ASC
LIMIT 500";
$mnethostlogs = $DB->get_records_sql($mnethostlogssql, array($mnethostid, $mnet_request->response['last log id']));
if ($mnethostlogs == false) {
$processedlogs = array();
foreach($mnethostlogs as $hostlog) {
try {
// Get impersonalised course information. If it is cached there will be no DB queries.
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($hostlog->course, -1);
$hostlog->coursename = $modinfo->get_course()->fullname;
if (!empty($hostlog->cmid) && isset($modinfo->cms[$hostlog->cmid])) {
$hostlog->resource_name = $modinfo->cms[$hostlog->cmid]->name;
} else {
$hostlog->resource_name = '';
} catch (moodle_exception $e) {
// Course not found
$processedlogs[] = array (
'remoteid' => $hostlog->remoteid,
'time' => $hostlog->time,
'userid' => $hostlog->userid,
'ip' => $hostlog->ip,
'course' => $hostlog->course,
'coursename' => $hostlog->coursename,
'module' => $hostlog->module,
'cmid' => $hostlog->cmid,
'action' => $hostlog->action,
'url' => $hostlog->url,
'info' => $hostlog->info,
'resource_name' => $hostlog->resource_name,
'username' => $hostlog->username
$mnet_request = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// set $token and $useragent parameters
if ($mnet_request->send($mnet_peer) === true) {
if ($mnet_request->response['code'] > 0) {
} else {
debugging("Server side error has occured on host $mnet_peer->ip: " .join("\n", $mnet_request->error));
* Receives an array of log entries from an SP and adds them to the mnet_log
* table
* @param array $array An array of usernames
* @return string "All ok" or an error message
function refresh_log($array) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
// We don't want to output anything to the client machine
$start = ob_start();
$returnString = '';
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
$useridarray = array();
foreach($array as $logEntry) {
$logEntryObj = (object)$logEntry;
$logEntryObj->hostid = $remoteclient->id;
if (isset($useridarray[$logEntryObj->username])) {
$logEntryObj->userid = $useridarray[$logEntryObj->username];
} else {
$logEntryObj->userid = $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('username'=>$logEntryObj->username, 'mnethostid'=>(int)$logEntryObj->hostid));
if ($logEntryObj->userid == false) {
$logEntryObj->userid = 0;
$useridarray[$logEntryObj->username] = $logEntryObj->userid;
$logEntryObj = $this->trim_logline($logEntryObj);
$insertok = $DB->insert_record('mnet_log', $logEntryObj, false);
if ($insertok) {
$remoteclient->last_log_id = $logEntryObj->remoteid;
} else {
$returnString .= 'Record with id '.$logEntryObj->remoteid." failed to insert.\n";
$end = ob_end_clean();
if (empty($returnString)) return array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'All ok');
return array('code' => 1, 'message' => $returnString);
* Receives an array of usernames from a remote machine and prods their
* sessions to keep them alive
* @param array $array An array of usernames
* @return string "All ok" or an error message
function keepalive_server($array) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
// We don't want to output anything to the client machine
$start = ob_start();
// We'll get session records in batches of 30
$superArray = array_chunk($array, 30);
$returnString = '';
foreach($superArray as $subArray) {
$subArray = array_values($subArray);
$instring = "('".implode("', '",$subArray)."')";
$query = "select id, session_id, username from {mnet_session} where username in $instring";
$results = $DB->get_records_sql($query);
if ($results == false) {
// We seem to have a username that breaks our query:
// TODO: Handle this error appropriately
$returnString .= "We failed to refresh the session for the following usernames: \n".implode("\n", $subArray)."\n\n";
} else {
foreach($results as $emigrant) {
$end = ob_end_clean();
if (empty($returnString)) return array('code' => 0, 'message' => 'All ok', 'last log id' => $remoteclient->last_log_id);
return array('code' => 1, 'message' => $returnString, 'last log id' => $remoteclient->last_log_id);
* Cron function will be called automatically by cron.php every 5 minutes
* @return void
function cron() {
global $DB;
// run the keepalive client
$random100 = rand(0,100);
if ($random100 < 10) { // Approximately 10% of the time.
// nuke olden sessions
$longtime = time() - (1 * 3600 * 24);
$DB->delete_records_select('mnet_session', "expires < ?", array($longtime));
* Cleanup any remote mnet_sessions, kill the local mnet_session data
* This is called by require_logout in moodlelib
* @return void
function prelogout_hook() {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (!is_enabled_auth('mnet')) {
// If the user is local to this Moodle:
if ($USER->mnethostid == $this->mnet->id) {
$this->kill_children($USER->username, sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
// Else the user has hit 'logout' at a Service Provider Moodle:
} else {
$this->kill_parent($USER->username, sha1($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));
* The SP uses this function to kill the session on the parent IdP
* @param string $username Username for session to kill
* @param string $useragent SHA1 hash of user agent to look for
* @return string A plaintext report of what has happened
function kill_parent($username, $useragent) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
$sql = "
{mnet_session} s
s.username = ? AND
s.useragent = ? AND
s.mnethostid = ?";
$mnetsessions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($username, $useragent, $USER->mnethostid));
$ignore = $DB->delete_records('mnet_session',
if (false != $mnetsessions) {
$mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
$mnet_request = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// set $token and $useragent parameters
if ($mnet_request->send($mnet_peer) === false) {
debugging(join("\n", $mnet_request->error));
return false;
return true;
* The IdP uses this function to kill child sessions on other hosts
* @param string $username Username for session to kill
* @param string $useragent SHA1 hash of user agent to look for
* @return string A plaintext report of what has happened
function kill_children($username, $useragent) {
global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
$remoteclient = null;
if (defined('MNET_SERVER')) {
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/xmlrpc/client.php';
$userid = $DB->get_field('user', 'id', array('mnethostid'=>$CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'username'=>$username));
$returnstring = '';
$mnetsessions = $DB->get_records('mnet_session', array('userid' => $userid, 'useragent' => $useragent));
if (false == $mnetsessions) {
$returnstring .= "Could find no remote sessions\n";
$mnetsessions = array();
foreach($mnetsessions as $mnetsession) {
// If this script is being executed by a remote peer, that means the user has clicked
// logout on that peer, and the session on that peer can be deleted natively.
// Skip over it.
if (isset($remoteclient->id) && ($mnetsession->mnethostid == $remoteclient->id)) {
$returnstring .= "Deleting session\n";
$mnet_peer = new mnet_peer();
$mnet_request = new mnet_xmlrpc_client();
// set $token and $useragent parameters
if ($mnet_request->send($mnet_peer) === false) {
debugging("Server side error has occured on host $mnetsession->mnethostid: " .
join("\n", $mnet_request->error));
$ignore = $DB->delete_records('mnet_session',
array('useragent'=>$useragent, 'userid'=>$userid));
if (isset($remoteclient) && isset($remoteclient->id)) {
return $returnstring;
* When the IdP requests that child sessions are terminated,
* this function will be called on each of the child hosts. The machine that
* calls the function (over xmlrpc) provides us with the mnethostid we need.
* @param string $username Username for session to kill
* @param string $useragent SHA1 hash of user agent to look for
* @return bool True on success
function kill_child($username, $useragent) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$remoteclient = get_mnet_remote_client();
$session = $DB->get_record('mnet_session', array('username'=>$username, 'mnethostid'=>$remoteclient->id, 'useragent'=>$useragent));
$DB->delete_records('mnet_session', array('username'=>$username, 'mnethostid'=>$remoteclient->id, 'useragent'=>$useragent));
if (false != $session) {
return true;
return false;
* To delete a host, we must delete all current sessions that users from
* that host are currently engaged in.
* @param string $sessionidarray An array of session hashes
* @return bool True on success
function end_local_sessions(&$sessionArray) {
global $CFG;
if (is_array($sessionArray)) {
while($session = array_pop($sessionArray)) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns the user's profile image info
* If the user exists and has a profile picture, the returned array will contain keys:
* f1 - the content of the default 100x100px image
* f1_mimetype - the mimetype of the f1 file
* f2 - the content of the 35x35px variant of the image
* f2_mimetype - the mimetype of the f2 file
* The mimetype information was added in Moodle 2.0. In Moodle 1.x, images are always jpegs.
* @see process_new_icon()
* @uses mnet_remote_client callable via MNet XML-RPC
* @param int $userid The id of the user
* @return false|array false if user not found, empty array if no picture exists, array with data otherwise
function fetch_user_image($username) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $username, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id))) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id, MUST_EXIST);
$return = array();
if ($f1 = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.png')) {
$return['f1'] = base64_encode($f1->get_content());
$return['f1_mimetype'] = $f1->get_mimetype();
} else if ($f1 = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f1.jpg')) {
$return['f1'] = base64_encode($f1->get_content());
$return['f1_mimetype'] = $f1->get_mimetype();
if ($f2 = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f2.png')) {
$return['f2'] = base64_encode($f2->get_content());
$return['f2_mimetype'] = $f2->get_mimetype();
} else if ($f2 = $fs->get_file($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', 0, '/', 'f2.jpg')) {
$return['f2'] = base64_encode($f2->get_content());
$return['f2_mimetype'] = $f2->get_mimetype();
return $return;
return false;
* Returns the theme information and logo url as strings.
* @return string The theme info
function fetch_theme_info() {
global $CFG;
$themename = "$CFG->theme";
$logourl = "$CFG->wwwroot/theme/$CFG->theme/images/logo.jpg";
$return['themename'] = $themename;
$return['logourl'] = $logourl;
return $return;
* Determines if an MNET host is providing the nominated service.
* @param int $mnethostid The id of the remote host
* @param string $servicename The name of the service
* @return bool Whether the service is available on the remote host
function has_service($mnethostid, $servicename) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$sql = "
svc.id as serviceid,
h2s.id as h2s_id
{mnet_host} h,
{mnet_service} svc,
{mnet_host2service} h2s
h.deleted = '0' AND
h.id = h2s.hostid AND
h2s.hostid = ? AND
h2s.serviceid = svc.id AND
svc.name = ? AND
h2s.subscribe = '1'";
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($mnethostid, $servicename));
* Checks the MNET access control table to see if the username/mnethost
* is permitted to login to this moodle.
* @param string $username The username
* @param int $mnethostid The id of the remote mnethost
* @return bool Whether the user can login from the remote host
function can_login_remotely($username, $mnethostid) {
global $DB;
$accessctrl = 'allow';
$aclrecord = $DB->get_record('mnet_sso_access_control', array('username'=>$username, 'mnet_host_id'=>$mnethostid));
if (!empty($aclrecord)) {
$accessctrl = $aclrecord->accessctrl;
return $accessctrl == 'allow';
function logoutpage_hook() {
global $USER, $CFG, $redirect, $DB;
if (!empty($USER->mnethostid) and $USER->mnethostid != $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) {
$host = $DB->get_record('mnet_host', array('id'=>$USER->mnethostid));
$redirect = $host->wwwroot.'/';
* Trims a log line from mnet peer to limit each part to a length which can be stored in our DB
* @param object $logline The log information to be trimmed
* @return object The passed logline object trimmed to not exceed storable limits
function trim_logline ($logline) {
$limits = array('ip' => 15, 'coursename' => 40, 'module' => 20, 'action' => 40,
'url' => 255);
foreach ($limits as $property => $limit) {
if (isset($logline->$property)) {
$logline->$property = substr($logline->$property, 0, $limit);
return $logline;
* Returns a list of potential IdPs that this authentication plugin supports.
* This is used to provide links on the login page.
* @param string $wantsurl the relative url fragment the user wants to get to. You can use this to compose a returnurl, for example
* @return array like:
* array(
* array(
* 'url' => 'http://someurl',
* 'icon' => new pix_icon(...),
* 'name' => get_string('somename', 'auth_yourplugin'),
* ),
* )
function loginpage_idp_list($wantsurl) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// strip off wwwroot, since the remote site will prefix it's return url with this
$wantsurl = preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($CFG->wwwroot, '/') . '|' . preg_quote($CFG->httpswwwroot, '/') . ')/', '', $wantsurl);
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT h.id, h.wwwroot, h.name, a.sso_jump_url, a.name as application
FROM {mnet_host} h
JOIN {mnet_host2service} m ON h.id = m.hostid
JOIN {mnet_service} s ON s.id = m.serviceid
JOIN {mnet_application} a ON h.applicationid = a.id
WHERE s.name = ? AND h.deleted = ? AND m.publish = ?";
$params = array('sso_sp', 0, 1);
if (!empty($CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id)) {
$sql .= " AND h.id <> ?";
$params[] = $CFG->mnet_all_hosts_id;
if (!$hosts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)) {
return array();
$idps = array();
foreach ($hosts as $host) {
$idps[] = array(
'url' => new moodle_url($host->wwwroot . $host->sso_jump_url, array('hostwwwroot' => $CFG->wwwroot, 'wantsurl' => $wantsurl, 'remoteurl' => 1)),
'icon' => new pix_icon('i/' . $host->application . '_host', $host->name),
'name' => $host->name,
return $idps;