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synced 2025-03-06 16:59:56 +01:00
This was implemented by Matt Petro of the University of Wisconsin - Madison Engineering School and Math Department. Many thanks. Reviewed by and committed by Tim Hunt. This adds a new Overrides tab to the UI, with sub-tabs Group overrides and User overrides. Each of those lists all the overrides that currently exist, and lets you manage them and create more. When a quiz is being attempted, the override that applies to the current user is combined with the current quiz settings loaded from the quiz table (normally called $quiz). If there are both user and group overrides, then just the specific user override is used (more specific). If the user is in several groups, then the overrides are combined to give the most permissive set of options. There is one new database table quiz_overrides, to store the overrides.
622 lines
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622 lines
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//This php script contains all the stuff to backup quizzes
//This is the "graphical" structure of the quiz mod:
//To see, put your terminal to 160cc
// quiz
// (CL,pk->id)
// |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// | | | |
// | quiz_grades | |
// | (UL,pk->id,fk->quiz) | |
// | | |
// quiz_attempts quiz_question_instances quiz_feedback
// (UL,pk->id,fk->quiz) (CL,pk->id,fk->quiz,question) (CL,pk->id,fk->quiz)
// Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table
// fk->foreign key to link with parent
// nt->nested field (recursive data)
// SL->site level info
// CL->course level info
// UL->user level info
// files->table may have files
// When we backup a quiz we also need to backup the questions and possibly
// the data about student interaction with the questions. The functions to do
// that are included with the following library
* Insert necessary category ids to backup_ids table. Called during backup_check.html.
* This backs up ids for quiz module. It backs up :
* all categories and questions in course
* all categories and questions in contexts of quiz module instances which have been selected for backup
* all categories and questions in contexts above course level that are used by quizzes that have been selected for backup
function quiz_insert_category_and_question_ids($course, $backup_unique_code, $instances = null) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
// Create missing categories and reasign orphaned questions.
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course);
$status = $status && question_insert_c_and_q_ids_for_course($coursecontext, $backup_unique_code);
// then, all categories and questions from this course's modules' contexts.
$status = $status && question_insert_c_and_q_ids_for_module($backup_unique_code, $course, 'quiz', $instances);
// Then categories from parent contexts used by the quizzes we are backing up.
$parentcontexts = get_parent_contexts($coursecontext);
$params = array($course);
$from = "{quiz} quiz,";
$where = "AND quiz.course = ?
AND qqi.quiz = quiz.id";
if (!empty($instances) && is_array($instances) && count($instances)) {
$questionselectsqlfrom = '';
list($quiz_usql, $quiz_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($instances));
$questionselectsqlwhere = "AND qqi.quiz $quiz_usql";
$params = array_merge($params, $quiz_params);
} else {
$questionselectsqlfrom = "{quiz} quiz,";
$questionselectsqlwhere = "AND quiz.course = ? AND qqi.quiz = quiz.id";
$params[] = $course;
list($usql, $context_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($parentcontexts);
$params = array_merge($context_params, $params);
$categories = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT id, parent, 0 AS childrendone
FROM {question_categories}
WHERE contextid $usql
AND id IN (
SELECT DISTINCT question.category
FROM {question} question,
{quiz_question_instances} qqi
WHERE qqi.question = question.id
)", $params);
if (!$categories) {
$categories = array();
} else {
//put the ids of the used questions from all these categories into the db.
$status = $status && $DB->execute("INSERT INTO {backup_ids}
(backup_code, table_name, old_id, info)
SELECT DISTINCT $backup_unique_code, 'question', q.id, ''
FROM {question} q,
{question_categories} qc,
{quiz_question_instances} qqi
WHERE (qqi.question = q.id
OR qqi.question = q.parent)
AND q.category = qc.id
AND qc.contextid $usql $where", array_merge($context_params, array($course)));
// Add the parent categories, of these categories up to the top of the category tree.
// not backing up the questions in these categories.
foreach ($categories as $category) {
while ($category->parent != 0) {
if (array_key_exists($category->parent, $categories)) {
// Parent category already on the list.
$currentid = $category->id;
$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $category->parent), 'id, parent, 0 AS childrendone');
if ($category) {
$categories[$category->id] = $category;
} else {
// Parent not found: this indicates an error, but just fix it.
$DB->set_field('question_categories', 'parent', 0, array('id' => $currentid));
// Now we look for categories from other courses containing random questions
// in our quizzes that select from the category and its subcategories. That implies
// those subcategories also need to be backed up. (The categories themselves
// and their parents will already have been included.)
$categorieswithrandom = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT question.category AS id, SUM(" .
$DB->sql_cast_char2int('questiontext', true) . ") AS numqsusingsubcategories
FROM {quiz_question_instances} qqi,
{question} question
WHERE question.id = qqi.question
AND question.qtype = '" . RANDOM . "'
GROUP BY question.category
", array($course));
$randomselectedquestions = array();
if ($categorieswithrandom) {
foreach ($categorieswithrandom as $category) {
if ($category->numqsusingsubcategories > 0) {
$status = $status && quiz_backup_add_sub_categories($categories, $randomselectedquestions, $category->id);
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($categorieswithrandom));
$returnval = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT question.id
FROM {question} question
WHERE question.category $usql", $params);
if ($returnval) {
$randomselectedquestions += $returnval;
// Finally, add all these extra categories to the backup_ids table.
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$status = $status && backup_putid($backup_unique_code, 'question_categories', $category->id, 0);
// Finally, add all these extra categories to the backup_ids table.
foreach ($randomselectedquestions as $question) {
$status = $status && backup_putid($backup_unique_code, 'question', $question->id, 0);
return $status;
* Helper function adding the id of all the subcategories of a category to an array.
function quiz_backup_add_sub_categories(&$categories, &$questions, $categoryid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$status = true;
if ($categories[$categoryid]->childrendone) {
return $status;
if ($subcategories = $DB->get_records('question_categories', array('parent' => $categoryid), '', 'id, 0 AS childrendone')) {
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
if (!array_key_exists($subcategory->id, $categories)) {
$categories[$subcategory->id] = $subcategory;
$status = $status && quiz_backup_add_sub_categories($categories, $questions, $subcategory->id);
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($subcategories));
$returnval = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT question.id
FROM {question} question
WHERE question.category $usql", $params);
if ($returnval) {
$questions += $returnval;
$categories[$categoryid]->childrendone = 1;
return $status;
//This function is used to detect orphaned questions (pointing to a
//non existing category) and to recreate such category. This function
//is used by the backup process, to ensure consistency and should be
//executed in the upgrade process and, perhaps in the health center.
function quiz_fix_orphaned_questions ($course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$categories = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT t.category, t.category
FROM {question} t,
{quiz_question_instances} g,
{quiz} q
WHERE q.course = ? AND
g.quiz = q.id AND
g.question = t.id", array($course));
if ($categories) {
foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
$exist = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $key));
//If the category doesn't exist
if (!$exist) {
//Build a new category
$db_cat = new stdClass;
// always create missing categories in course context
$db_cat->contextid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course);
$db_cat->name = get_string('recreatedcategory','',$key);
$db_cat->info = get_string('recreatedcategory','',$key);
$db_cat->stamp = make_unique_id_code();
//Insert the new category
$catid = $DB->insert_record('question_categories',$db_cat);
unset ($db_cat);
if ($catid) {
//Reasign orphaned questions to their new category
$DB->set_field ('question','category',$catid,array('category' =>$key));
//STEP 2. Backup quizzes and associated structures
// (course dependent)
function quiz_backup_one_mod($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
if (is_numeric($quiz)) {
$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quiz));
//Start mod
fwrite ($bf,start_tag("MOD",3,true));
//Print quiz data
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",4,false,$quiz->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("MODTYPE",4,false,"quiz"));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("NAME",4,false,$quiz->name));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("INTRO",4,false,$quiz->intro));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEOPEN",4,false,$quiz->timeopen));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECLOSE",4,false,$quiz->timeclose));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("OPTIONFLAGS",4,false,$quiz->optionflags));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PENALTYSCHEME",4,false,$quiz->penaltyscheme));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ATTEMPTS_NUMBER",4,false,$quiz->attempts));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ATTEMPTONLAST",4,false,$quiz->attemptonlast));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEMETHOD",4,false,$quiz->grademethod));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DECIMALPOINTS",4,false,$quiz->decimalpoints));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("REVIEW",4,false,$quiz->review));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("QUESTIONSPERPAGE",4,false,$quiz->questionsperpage));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHUFFLEQUESTIONS",4,false,$quiz->shufflequestions));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SHUFFLEANSWERS",4,false,$quiz->shuffleanswers));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("QUESTIONS",4,false,$quiz->questions));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUMGRADES",4,false,$quiz->sumgrades));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADE",4,false,$quiz->grade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECREATED",4,false,$quiz->timecreated));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",4,false,$quiz->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMELIMIT",4,false,round($quiz->timelimit/60)));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMELIMITSECS",4,false,$quiz->timelimit));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PASSWORD",4,false,$quiz->password));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUBNET",4,false,$quiz->subnet));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("POPUP",4,false,$quiz->popup));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DELAY1",4,false,$quiz->delay1));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("DELAY2",4,false,$quiz->delay2));
//Now we print to xml question_instances (Course Level)
$status = backup_quiz_question_instances($bf,$preferences,$quiz->id);
//Now we print to xml quiz_feedback (Course Level)
$status = backup_quiz_feedback($bf,$preferences,$quiz->id);
//Now we print to xml quiz_overrides (Course Level)
$status = backup_quiz_overrides($bf,$preferences,$quiz->id);
//if we've selected to backup users info, then execute:
// - backup_quiz_grades
// - backup_quiz_attempts
if (backup_userdata_selected($preferences,'quiz',$quiz->id) && $status) {
$status = backup_quiz_grades($bf,$preferences,$quiz->id);
if ($status) {
$status = backup_quiz_attempts($bf,$preferences,$quiz->id);
//End mod
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("MOD",3,true));
return $status;
function quiz_backup_mods($bf,$preferences) {
global $DB;
global $CFG;
$status = true;
//Iterate over quiz table
$quizzes = $DB->get_records('quiz',array('course' => $preferences->backup_course),'id');
if ($quizzes) {
foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) {
if (backup_mod_selected($preferences,'quiz',$quiz->id)) {
$status = quiz_backup_one_mod($bf,$preferences,$quiz);
return $status;
//Backup quiz_question_instances contents (executed from quiz_backup_mods)
function backup_quiz_question_instances ($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
$quiz_question_instances = $DB->get_records('quiz_question_instances',array('quiz' =>$quiz),'id');
//If there are question_instances
if ($quiz_question_instances) {
//Write start tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("QUESTION_INSTANCES",4,true));
//Iterate over each question_instance
foreach ($quiz_question_instances as $que_ins) {
//Start question instance
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("QUESTION_INSTANCE",5,true));
//Print question_instance contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$que_ins->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("QUESTION",6,false,$que_ins->question));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADE",6,false,$que_ins->grade));
//End question instance
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("QUESTION_INSTANCE",5,true));
//Write end tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("QUESTION_INSTANCES",4,true));
return $status;
//Backup quiz_overrides contents (executed from quiz_backup_mods)
function backup_quiz_overrides ($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
$douserdata = backup_userdata_selected($preferences,'quiz',$quiz);
$quiz_overrides = $DB->get_records('quiz_overrides',array('quiz' =>$quiz),'id');
//If there are quiz_overrides
if ($quiz_overrides) {
//Write start tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("OVERRIDES",4,true));
//Iterate over each quiz_override
foreach ($quiz_overrides as $quiz_override) {
// Only backup user overrides if we are backing up user data
if ($douserdata || $quiz_override->userid == 0) {
//Start quiz override
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("OVERRIDE",5,true));
//Print quiz_override contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$quiz_override->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",6,false,$quiz_override->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GROUPID",6,false,$quiz_override->groupid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEOPEN",6,false,$quiz_override->timeopen));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMECLOSE",6,false,$quiz_override->timeclose));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMELIMIT",6,false,$quiz_override->timelimit));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ATTEMPTS",6,false,$quiz_override->attempts));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PASSWORD",6,false,$quiz_override->password));
//End quiz override
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("OVERRIDE",5,true));
//Write end tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("OVERRIDES",4,true));
return $status;
//Backup quiz_question_instances contents (executed from quiz_backup_mods)
function backup_quiz_feedback ($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
$quiz_feedback = $DB->get_records('quiz_feedback', array('quizid' => $quiz), 'id');
// If there are question_instances ...
if ($quiz_feedback) {
// Write start tag.
$status = $status & fwrite($bf,start_tag('FEEDBACKS', 4, true));
// Iterate over each question_instance.
foreach ($quiz_feedback as $feedback) {
//Start feedback instance
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, start_tag('FEEDBACK',5,true));
//Print question_instance contents.
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, full_tag('ID', 6, false, $feedback->id));
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, full_tag('QUIZID', 6, false, $feedback->quizid));
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, full_tag('FEEDBACKTEXT', 6, false, $feedback->feedbacktext));
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, full_tag('MINGRADE', 6, false, $feedback->mingrade));
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, full_tag('MAXGRADE', 6, false, $feedback->maxgrade));
// End feedback instance.
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, end_tag('FEEDBACK', 5, true));
// Write end tag.
$status = $status & fwrite($bf, end_tag('FEEDBACKS', 4, true));
return $status;
//Backup quiz_grades contents (executed from quiz_backup_mods)
function backup_quiz_grades ($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
$quiz_grades = $DB->get_records('quiz_grades',array('quiz' => $quiz),'id');
//If there are grades
if ($quiz_grades) {
//Write start tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADES",4,true));
//Iterate over each grade
foreach ($quiz_grades as $gra) {
//Start grade
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("GRADE",5,true));
//Print grade contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$gra->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",6,false,$gra->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("GRADEVAL",6,false,$gra->grade));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",6,false,$gra->timemodified));
//End question grade
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADE",5,true));
//Write end tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("GRADES",4,true));
return $status;
//Backup quiz_attempts contents (executed from quiz_backup_mods)
function backup_quiz_attempts ($bf,$preferences,$quiz) {
global $DB;
$status = true;
$quiz_attempts = $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', array('quiz' => $quiz),'id');
//If there are attempts
if ($quiz_attempts) {
//Write start tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("ATTEMPTS",4,true));
//Iterate over each attempt
foreach ($quiz_attempts as $attempt) {
//Start attempt
$status = fwrite ($bf,start_tag("ATTEMPT",5,true));
//Print attempt contents
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ID",6,false,$attempt->id));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("UNIQUEID",6,false,$attempt->uniqueid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("USERID",6,false,$attempt->userid));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("ATTEMPTNUM",6,false,$attempt->attempt));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("SUMGRADES",6,false,$attempt->sumgrades));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMESTART",6,false,$attempt->timestart));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEFINISH",6,false,$attempt->timefinish));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("TIMEMODIFIED",6,false,$attempt->timemodified));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("LAYOUT",6,false,$attempt->layout));
fwrite ($bf,full_tag("PREVIEW",6,false,$attempt->preview));
//Now write to xml the states (in this attempt)
$status = backup_question_states ($bf,$preferences,$attempt->uniqueid);
//Now write to xml the sessions (in this attempt)
$status = backup_question_sessions ($bf,$preferences,$attempt->uniqueid);
//End attempt
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("ATTEMPT",5,true));
//Write end tag
$status = fwrite ($bf,end_tag("ATTEMPTS",4,true));
return $status;
function quiz_check_backup_mods_instances($instance,$backup_unique_code) {
// the keys in this array need to be unique as they get merged...
$info[$instance->id.'0'][0] = '<b>'.$instance->name.'</b>';
$info[$instance->id.'0'][1] = '';
$info[$instance->id.'1'][0] = get_string("categories","quiz");
if ($ids = question_category_ids_by_backup ($backup_unique_code)) {
$info[$instance->id.'1'][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[$instance->id.'1'][1] = 0;
$info[$instance->id.'2'][0] = get_string("questionsinclhidden","quiz");
if ($ids = question_ids_by_backup ($backup_unique_code)) {
$info[$instance->id.'2'][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[$instance->id.'2'][1] = 0;
//Now, if requested, the user_data
if (!empty($instance->userdata)) {
$info[$instance->id.'3'][0] = get_string("grades");
if ($ids = quiz_grade_ids_by_instance ($instance->id)) {
$info[$instance->id.'3'][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[$instance->id.'3'][1] = 0;
return $info;
////Return an array of info (name,value)
/// $instances is an array with key = instanceid, value = object (name,id,userdata)
function quiz_check_backup_mods($course,$user_data= false,$backup_unique_code,$instances=null) {
//this function selects all the questions / categories to be backed up.
quiz_insert_category_and_question_ids($course, $backup_unique_code, $instances);
if ($course != SITEID){
question_insert_site_file_names($course, $backup_unique_code);
if (!empty($instances) && is_array($instances) && count($instances)) {
$info = array();
foreach ($instances as $id => $instance) {
$info += quiz_check_backup_mods_instances($instance,$backup_unique_code);
return $info;
//First the course data
$info[0][0] = get_string("modulenameplural","quiz");
if ($ids = quiz_ids ($course)) {
$info[0][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[0][1] = 0;
$info[1][0] = get_string("categories","quiz");
if ($ids = question_category_ids_by_backup ($backup_unique_code)) {
$info[1][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[1][1] = 0;
$info[2][0] = get_string("questions","quiz");
if ($ids = question_ids_by_backup ($backup_unique_code)) {
$info[2][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[2][1] = 0;
//Now, if requested, the user_data
if ($user_data) {
$info[3][0] = get_string("grades");
if ($ids = quiz_grade_ids_by_course ($course)) {
$info[3][1] = count($ids);
} else {
$info[3][1] = 0;
return $info;
//Return a content encoded to support interactivities linking. Every module
//should have its own. They are called automatically from the backup procedure.
function quiz_encode_content_links ($content,$preferences) {
global $CFG;
$base = preg_quote($CFG->wwwroot,"/");
//Link to the list of quizs
$result= preg_replace($buscar,'$@QUIZINDEX*$2@$',$content);
//Link to quiz view by moduleid
$result= preg_replace($buscar,'$@QUIZVIEWBYID*$2@$',$result);
//Link to quiz view by quizid
$result= preg_replace($buscar,'$@QUIZVIEWBYQ*$2@$',$result);
return $result;
//Returns an array of quiz id
function quiz_ids ($course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
return $DB->get_records_sql ("SELECT a.id, a.course
FROM {quiz} a
WHERE a.course = ?", array($course));
function quiz_grade_ids_by_course ($course) {
global $CFG, $DB;
return $DB->get_records_sql ("SELECT g.id, g.quiz
FROM {quiz} a,
{quiz_grades} g
WHERE a.course = ? and
g.quiz = a.id", array($course));
function quiz_grade_ids_by_instance($instanceid) {
global $CFG, $DB;
return $DB->get_records_sql ("SELECT g.id, g.quiz
FROM {quiz_grades} g
WHERE g.quiz = ?", array($instanceid));