mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 09:52:54 +01:00
The code to print blocks in now in theme layout.php files. (Or in moodle_core_renderer::handle_legacy_theme) Code for printing blocks everywhere else has been stripped out. (Total diffstat 1225 insertions, 2019 deletions) The way the HTML for a block instance is generated has been cleaned up a lot. Now, the block_instance generates a block_contents object which gives a structured representation of the block, and then $OUTPUT->block builds all the HTML from that. How theme config.php files specify the layout template and block regions by page general type has been changed to be even more flexible. Further refinement for how the theme and block code gets initialised. Ability for scrits to add 'pretend blocks' to the page. That is, things that look like blocks, but are not normal block_instances. (Like the add a new block UI.) Things that are still broken: * some pages in lesson, quiz and resource. I'm working on it. * lots of developer debug notices pointing out things that need to be updated.
251 lines
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251 lines
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<?php // $Id$
* This page prints a review of a particular quiz attempt
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License
* @package quiz
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php');
$attemptid = required_param('attempt', PARAM_INT);
$page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
$showall = optional_param('showall', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
$attemptobj = new quiz_attempt($attemptid);
/// Check login.
require_login($attemptobj->get_courseid(), false, $attemptobj->get_cm());
/// Create an object to manage all the other (non-roles) access rules.
$accessmanager = $attemptobj->get_access_manager(time());
$options = $attemptobj->get_review_options();
/// Permissions checks for normal users who do not have quiz:viewreports capability.
if (!$attemptobj->has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports')) {
/// Can't review during the attempt - send them back to the attempt page.
if (!$attemptobj->is_finished()) {
redirect($attemptobj->attempt_url(0, $page));
/// Can't review other users' attempts.
if (!$attemptobj->is_own_attempt()) {
quiz_error($quiz, 'notyourattempt');
/// Can't review unless Students may review -> Responses option is turned on.
if (!$options->responses) {
/// Load the questions and states needed by this page.
if ($showall) {
$questionids = $attemptobj->get_question_ids();
} else {
$questionids = $attemptobj->get_question_ids($page);
/// Save the flag states, if they are being changed.
if ($options->flags == QUESTION_FLAGSEDITABLE && optional_param('savingflags', false, PARAM_BOOL)) {
$formdata = data_submitted();
question_save_flags($formdata, $attemptid, $questionids);
redirect($attemptobj->review_url(0, $page, $showall));
/// Log this review.
add_to_log($attemptobj->get_courseid(), 'quiz', 'review', 'review.php?attempt=' .
$attemptobj->get_attemptid(), $attemptobj->get_quizid(), $attemptobj->get_cmid());
/// Work out appropriate title.
if ($attemptobj->is_preview_user() && $attemptobj->is_own_attempt()) {
$strreviewtitle = get_string('reviewofpreview', 'quiz');
} else {
$strreviewtitle = get_string('reviewofattempt', 'quiz', $attemptobj->get_attempt_number());
/// Arrange for the navigation to be displayed.
$navbc = $attemptobj->get_navigation_panel('quiz_review_nav_panel', $page);
$firstregion = reset($PAGE->blocks->get_regions());
$PAGE->blocks->add_pretend_block($navbc, $firstregion);
/// Print the page header
$headtags = $attemptobj->get_html_head_contributions($page);
if ($accessmanager->securewindow_required($attemptobj->is_preview_user())) {
$accessmanager->setup_secure_page($attemptobj->get_course()->shortname.': '.format_string($attemptobj->get_quiz_name()), $headtags);
} else {
print_header_simple(format_string($attemptobj->get_quiz_name()), '', $attemptobj->navigation($strreviewtitle),
'', $headtags, true, $attemptobj->update_module_button());
echo '<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; z-index:1000;"></div>'; // for overlib
/// Print tabs if they should be there.
if ($attemptobj->is_preview_user()) {
if ($attemptobj->is_own_attempt()) {
$currenttab = 'preview';
} else {
$currenttab = 'reports';
$mode = '';
/// Print heading.
if ($attemptobj->is_preview_user() && $attemptobj->is_own_attempt()) {
/// Summary table start ============================================================================
/// Work out some time-related things.
$attempt = $attemptobj->get_attempt();
$quiz = $attemptobj->get_quiz();
$overtime = 0;
if ($attempt->timefinish) {
if ($timetaken = ($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart)) {
if($quiz->timelimit && $timetaken > ($quiz->timelimit + 60)) {
$overtime = $timetaken - $quiz->timelimit;
$overtime = format_time($overtime);
$timetaken = format_time($timetaken);
} else {
$timetaken = "-";
} else {
$timetaken = get_string('unfinished', 'quiz');
/// Print summary table about the whole attempt.
/// First we assemble all the rows that are appopriate to the current situation in
/// an array, then later we only output the table if there are any rows to show.
$rows = array();
if (!$attemptobj->get_quiz()->showuserpicture && $attemptobj->get_userid() <> $USER->id) {
/// If showuserpicture is true, the picture is shown elsewhere, so don't repeat it.
$student = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $attemptobj->get_userid()));
$picture = print_user_picture($student, $attemptobj->get_courseid(), $student->picture, false, true);
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . $picture . '</th><td class="cell"><a href="' .
$CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $student->id . '&course=' . $attemptobj->get_courseid() . '">' .
fullname($student, true) . '</a></td></tr>';
if ($attemptobj->has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports')) {
$attemptlist = $attemptobj->links_to_other_attempts($attemptobj->review_url(0, $page, $showall));
if ($attemptlist) {
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('attempts', 'quiz') .
'</th><td class="cell">' . $attemptlist . '</td></tr>';
/// Timing information.
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('startedon', 'quiz') .
'</th><td class="cell">' . userdate($attempt->timestart) . '</td></tr>';
if ($attempt->timefinish) {
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('completedon', 'quiz') . '</th><td class="cell">' .
userdate($attempt->timefinish) . '</td></tr>';
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('timetaken', 'quiz') . '</th><td class="cell">' .
$timetaken . '</td></tr>';
if (!empty($overtime)) {
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('overdue', 'quiz') . '</th><td class="cell">' . $overtime . '</td></tr>';
/// Show scores (if the user is allowed to see scores at the moment).
$grade = quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $quiz);
if ($options->scores) {
if (quiz_has_grades($quiz)) {
if($overtime) {
$result->sumgrades = "0";
$result->grade = "0.0";
/// Show raw marks only if they are different from the grade (like on the view page.
if ($quiz->grade != $quiz->sumgrades) {
$a = new stdClass;
$a->grade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $attempt->sumgrades);
$a->maxgrade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $attempt->sumgrades);
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('marks', 'quiz') . '</th><td class="cell">' .
get_string('outofshort', 'quiz', $a) . '</td></tr>';
/// Now the scaled grade.
$a = new stdClass;
$a->grade = '<b>' . $grade . '</b>';
$a->maxgrade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->grade);
$a->percent = '<b>' . round(($attempt->sumgrades/$quiz->sumgrades)*100, 0) . '</b>';
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('grade') . '</th><td class="cell">' .
get_string('outofpercent', 'quiz', $a) . '</td></tr>';
/// Feedback if there is any, and the user is allowed to see it now.
$feedback = quiz_feedback_for_grade($grade, $attempt->quiz);
if ($options->overallfeedback && $feedback) {
$rows[] = '<tr><th scope="row" class="cell">' . get_string('feedback', 'quiz') .
'</th><td class="cell">' . $feedback . '</td></tr>';
/// Now output the summary table, if there are any rows to be shown.
if (!empty($rows)) {
echo '<table class="generaltable generalbox quizreviewsummary"><tbody>', "\n";
echo implode("\n", $rows);
echo "\n</tbody></table>\n";
/// Summary table end ==============================================================================
/// Form for saving flags if necessary.
if ($options->flags == QUESTION_FLAGSEDITABLE) {
echo '<form action="' . $attemptobj->review_url(0, $page, $showall) .
'" method="post"><div>';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="' . sesskey() . '" />';
/// Print all the questions.
if ($showall) {
$thispage = 'all';
$lastpage = true;
} else {
$thispage = $page;
$lastpage = $attemptobj->is_last_page($page);
foreach ($attemptobj->get_question_ids($thispage) as $id) {
$attemptobj->print_question($id, true, $attemptobj->review_url($id, $page, $showall));
/// Close form if we opened it.
if ($options->flags == QUESTION_FLAGSEDITABLE) {
echo '<div class="submitbtns">' . "\n" .
'<input type="submit" id="savingflagssubmit" name="savingflags" value="' .
get_string('saveflags', 'question') . '" />' .
"</div>\n" .
$PAGE->requires->js_function_call('question_flag_changer.init_flag_save_form', array('savingflagssubmit'));
/// Print a link to the next page.
echo '<div class="submitbtns">';
if ($lastpage) {
} else {
link_arrow_right(get_string('next'), $attemptobj->review_url(0, $page + 1));
echo "</div>";
// Finish the page
if ($accessmanager->securewindow_required($attemptobj->is_preview_user())) {
} else {