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<?PHP //$Id$
//This php script contains all the stuff to restore hotpot mods
// This is the "graphical" structure of the hotpot mod:
// hotpot
// (CL, pk->id, files)
// |
// +--------------+--------------+
// | |
// | |
// hotpot_attempts hotpot_questions
// (UL, pk->id, (UL, pk->id,
// fk->hotpot) fk->hotpot, text)
// | | |
// | | |
// +--------------+--------------+ |
// | |
// | |
// hotpot_responses |
// (UL, pk->id, |
// fk->attempt, question, |
// correct, wrong, ignored) |
// | |
// | |
// +-----------+-----------+
// |
// hotpot_strings
// (UL, pk->id)
// Meaning: pk->primary key field of the table
// fk->foreign key to link with parent
// nt->nested field (recursive data)
// CL->course level info
// UL->user level info
// files->table may have files
// It is not necessary to backup "questions", "responses"
// and "strings", because they can be restored from the
// "details" field of the "attempts" records
require_once ("$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpot/lib.php");
//This function executes all the restore procedure about this mod
function hotpot_restore_mods($mod, $restore) {
// this function is called by "restore_create_modules" (in "backup/restorelib.php")
// which is called by "backup/restore_execute.html" (included by "backup/restore.php")
// $mod is an object
// id : id field in 'modtype' table
// modtype : 'hotpot'
// $restore is an object
// backup_unique_code : xxxxxxxxxx
// file : '/full/path/to/backupfile.zip'
// mods : an array of $modinfo's (see below)
// restoreto : 0=existing course (replace), 1=existing course (append), 2=new course
// users : 0=all, 1=course, 2=none
// logs : 0=no, 1=yes
// user_files : 0=no, 1=yes
// course_files : 0=no, 1=yes
// course_id : id of course into which data is to be restored
// deleting : true if 'restoreto'==0, otherwise false
// original_wwwroot : 'http://your.server.com/moodle'
// $modinfo is an array
// 'modname' : array( 'restore'=> 0=no 1=yes, 'userinfo' => 0=no 1=yes)
$status = true;
//Get data record for this instance of the mod
$data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $mod->modtype, $mod->id);
if ($data) {
// $data is an object
// backup_code => xxxxxxxxxx,
// table_name => 'hotpot',
// old_id => xxx,
// new_id => NULL,
// info => array of info for this instance of the mod
// short cut to xmlized info
$info = &$data->info['MOD']['#'];
// build the new record
$hotpot = NULL;
$hotpot->course = $restore->course_id;
// don't include these fields in the hotpot record
$excluded_TAGS = array('MODTYPE', 'ID', 'COURSE', 'ATTEMPT_DATA');
// fill in the fields
$TAGS = array_keys($info);
foreach ($TAGS as $TAG) {
if (!in_array($TAG, $excluded_TAGS)) {
$tag = strtolower($TAG);
$hotpot->$tag = backup_todb($info[$TAG][0]['#']);
// insert the record
$hotpot->id = insert_record ('hotpot', $hotpot);
if (is_numeric($hotpot->id)) {
// Do some output
echo '<ul><li>'.get_string('modulename', 'hotpot').' "'.$hotpot->name.'"<br>';
// save the new id (required for log retore later on)
backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, $mod->modtype, $mod->id, $hotpot->id);
// backup user info, if required
if ($restore->mods[$mod->modtype]->userinfo) {
// are we overwriting a course?
if ($restore->deleting) {
// remove previous attempts, questions and responses for this quiz
$select = "hotpot='$hotpot->id'";
if ($attempts = get_records_select('hotpot_attempts', $select)) {
$ids = implode(',', array_keys($attempts));
delete_records_select('hotpot_responses', "attempt IN ($ids)");
delete_records_select('hotpot_questions', $select);
delete_records_select('hotpot_attempts', $select);
// don't transfer these fields to the attempt records
$excluded_TAGS = array('hotpot');
$i = 0;
while ($status && isset($info['ATTEMPT_DATA'][$i]['#'])) {
$ii = 0;
while ($status && isset($info['ATTEMPT_DATA'][$i]['#']['ATTEMPT'][$ii]['#'])) {
// shortcut to user info record
$info_record = &$info['ATTEMPT_DATA'][$i]['#']['ATTEMPT'][$ii]['#'];
$attempt = NULL;
$attempt->hotpot = $hotpot->id;
$TAGS = array_keys($info_record);
foreach ($TAGS as $TAG) {
if (!in_array($TAG, $excluded_TAGS)) {
$value = backup_todb($info_record[$TAG][0]['#']);
if ($TAG=='USERID') {
$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $value);
if ($user) {
$value = $user->new_id;
} else {
$status = false; // this shouldn't happen
$tag = strtolower($TAG);
$attempt->$tag = $value;
} // end foreach $TAGS
// store old attempt id
$attempt->old_id = $attempt->id;
// add the attempt record
$attempt->id = insert_record ('hotpot_attempts', $attempt);
if (is_numeric($attempt->id)) {
// save the new id (required for log retore later on)
backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'hotpot_attempts', $attempt->old_id, $attempt->id);
// remove slashes added by backup_todb(), otherwise xmlize() will complain
$attempt->details = stripslashes($attempt->details);
// add questions and responses in attempt $attempt->details
} else { // failed to insert $attempt record
$status = false;
// do some output, if required
if ($status) {
if ($ii%10==0) {
echo '.';
if ($ii%200==0) {
echo '<br>';
} // end while $info_record
} // end while $info_records
// Finalize ul
echo "</li></ul>";
} else {
// could not add hotpot record
$status = false;
} else {
// could not get $data for this hotpot quiz
$status = false;
return $status;
//This function returns a log record with all the necessay transformations
//done. It's used by restore_log_module() to restore modules log.
function hotpot_restore_logs($restore, $log) {
// assume the worst
$status = false;
switch ($log->action) {
case "add":
case "update":
case "view":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $log->module, $log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "view all":
$log->url = "index.php?id=".$log->course;
$status = true;
case "report":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
$log->url = "report.php?id=".$log->cmid;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
case "attempt":
case "submit":
case "review":
if ($log->cmid) {
//Get the new_id of the module (to recode the info field)
$mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$log->module,$log->info);
if ($mod) {
//Extract the attempt id from the url field
$attemptid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1);
//Get the new_id of the attempt (to recode the url field)
$attempt = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"hotpot_attempts",$attemptid);
if ($attempt) {
$log->url = "review.php?id=".$log->cmid."&attempt=".$attempt->new_id;
$log->info = $mod->new_id;
$status = true;
// Oops, unknown $log->action
print "<p>action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknown. Not restored</p>";
} // end switch
return $status ? $log : false;