moodler 43bf9fc2d7 Reworking of the plug-in format for import/export files.
Each format is now in it's own subdirectory, which allows the
format to have as many files as it likes.  The formats are now
detected automatically (no need to edit lib.php anymore) and
the parent class is now in mod/quiz/format.php

Lastly, I added Paul Shew's new GIFT format.
2003-12-12 07:35:55 +00:00

225 lines
8.0 KiB

<?PHP // $Id$
/// Academy of Nursing format
/// Based on missingword.php
/// This Moodle class provides all functions necessary to import and export
/// one-correct-answer multiple choice questions in this format:
/// As soon as we begin to explore our body parts as infants
/// we become students of {=anatomy and physiology ~reflexology
/// ~science ~experiment}, and in a sense we remain students for life.
/// Each answer is separated with a tilde ~, and the correct answer is
/// prefixed with an equals sign =
/// Afterwards, all short-answer questions are randomly packed into
/// 4-answer matching questions.
// Based on format.php, included by ../../import.php
class quiz_file_format extends quiz_default_format {
function readquestion($lines) {
/// Given an array of lines known to define a question in
/// this format, this function converts it into a question
/// object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle.
$question = NULL;
$text = implode($lines, " ");
/// Find answer section
$answerstart = strpos($text, "{");
if ($answerstart === false) {
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>$text<P>Could not find a {";
return false;
$answerfinish = strpos($text, "}");
if ($answerfinish === false) {
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>$text<P>Could not find a }";
return false;
$answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart;
$answertext = substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1);
/// Save the new question text
$question->questiontext = addslashes(substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1));
$question->name = substr($question->questiontext, 0, 60)." ...";
/// Parse the answers
$answers = explode("~", $answertext);
$countanswers = count($answers);
switch ($countanswers) {
case 0: // invalid question
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "<P>No answers found in $answertext";
return false;
case 1:
$question->qtype = SHORTANSWER;
$answer = trim($answers[0]);
if ($answer[0] == "=") {
$answer = substr($answer, 1);
$question->answer[] = addslashes($answer);
$question->fraction[] = 1;
$question->feedback[] = "";
$question->usecase = 0; // Ignore case
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
$question->qtype = MULTICHOICE;
$answers = swapshuffle($answers);
foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
$answer = trim($answer);
if ($answer[0] == "=") {
$question->fraction[$key] = 1;
$answer = substr($answer, 1);
} else {
$question->fraction[$key] = 0;
$question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer);
$question->feedback[$key] = "";
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->single = 1; // Only one answer is allowed
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
function importpostprocess() {
/// Goes through the questionids, looking for shortanswer questions
/// and converting random groups of 4 into matching questions.
/// Doesn't handle shortanswer questions with more than one answer
global $CFG;
print_heading(count($this->questionids)." ".get_string("questions", "quiz"));
$questionids = implode(',', $this->questionids);
if (!$shortanswers = get_records_select("quiz_questions",
"id IN ($questionids) AND qtype = ".SHORTANSWER,
"", "id,qtype")) {
return true;
$shortanswerids = array();
foreach ($shortanswers as $key => $shortanswer) {
$shortanswerids[] = $key;
$strmatch = get_string("match", "quiz")." (".$this->category->name.")";
$shortanswerids = swapshuffle($shortanswerids);
$count = $shortanswercount = count($shortanswerids);
$i = 1;
$matchcount = 0;
$question->category = $this->category->id;
$question->qtype = MATCH;
$question->questiontext = get_string("randomsamatchintro", "quiz");
$question->image = "";
while ($count > 4) {
$question->name = "$strmatch $i";
$question->subquestions = array();
$question->subanswers = array();
$extractids = implode(',', array_splice($shortanswerids, -4));
$count = count($shortanswerids);
$extracts = get_records_sql("SELECT q.questiontext, a.answer
FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions q,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_shortanswer sa,
{$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers a
WHERE in ($extractids)
AND sa.question =
AND = sa.answers");
if (count($extracts) != 4) {
notify("Could not find exactly four shortanswer questions with ids: $extractids");
$question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed)
$question->version = 1; // Original version of this question
if (!$question->id = insert_record("quiz_questions", $question)) {
error("Could not insert new question!");
foreach ($extracts as $shortanswer) {
$question->subquestions[] = addslashes($shortanswer->questiontext);
$question->subanswers[] = addslashes($shortanswer->answer);
$result = quiz_save_question_options($question);
if (!empty($result->error)) {
notify("Error: $result->error");
if (!empty($result->notice)) {
/// Delete the old short-answer questions
execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions WHERE id IN ($extractids)", false);
execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_shortanswer WHERE question IN ($extractids)", false);
execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers WHERE question IN ($extractids)", false);
if ($count) { /// Delete the remaining ones
foreach ($shortanswerids as $shortanswerid) {
delete_records("quiz_questions", "id", $shortanswerid);
delete_records("quiz_shortanswer", "question", $shortanswerid);
delete_records("quiz_answers", "question", $shortanswerid);
$info = "$shortanswercount ".get_string("shortanswer", "quiz").
" => $matchcount ".get_string("match", "quiz");
$options['category'] = $this->category->id;
echo "<center>";
print_single_button("multiple.php", $options, get_string("randomcreate", "quiz"));
echo "</center>";
return true;