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<?PHP // $Id$
//24.02.2003 Added support for coursecreators
//20.02.2003 Added support for user creation
//12.10.2002 Reformatted source for consistency
//03.10.2002 First version to CVS
//29.09.2002 Clean up and splitted code to functions v. 0.02
//29.09.2002 LDAP authentication functions v. 0.01
//Distributed under GPL (c)Petri Asikainen 2002-2003
Module is quite complete and most functinality can be configured from
configinterfave /admin/auth.php. Some of latest additions/features need to
be configured by modifying source code.
If you plan to use user creation feature, look function auth_user_create
and modify it for your needs.
You have to change all hardcoded attribute values to fit your LDAP-server.
User-creation makes posible that your current
users can authenticate with existings usernames/password and new users can
create own accounts to LDAP-directory. I'm using this feature and new users
are created to LDAP different context, without rights to other system. When
user-creation feature is set like that, there's no known security issues.
I write ldap-module on Novell E-directory / Linux & Solaris ,
so all default values are for it.
Any feedback is wellcome,
Petri Asikainen paca@sci.fi
function auth_user_login ($username, $password) {
/// Returns true if the username and password work
/// and false if they don't
global $CFG;
if (!$username or !$password) { // Don't allow blank usernames or passwords
return false;
$ldap_connection = auth_ldap_connect();
if ($ldap_connection) {
$ldap_user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldap_connection, $username);
//if ldap_user_dn is empty, user does not exist
return false;
// Try to bind with current username and password
$ldap_login = @ldap_bind($ldap_connection, $ldap_user_dn, $password);
if ($ldap_login) {
return true;
} else {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
function auth_get_userinfo($username){
/// reads userinformation from ldap and return it in array()
global $CFG;
$config = (array)$CFG;
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
$result = array();
$search_attribs = array();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) {
if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) {
array_push($search_attribs, $value);
$user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldap_connection, $username);
if (! isset($CFG->ldap_objectclass)) {
$user_info_result = ldap_read($ldap_connection,$user_dn,$CFG->ldap_objectclass, $search_attribs);
if ($user_info_result) {
$user_entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $user_info_result);
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){
return $result;
function auth_get_userlist () {
global $CFG;
return auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=*)");
function auth_user_exists ($username) {
global $CFG;
//returns true if given usernname exist on ldap
$users = auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)");
return count($users);
function auth_user_create ($userobject,$plainpass) {
//create new user to ldap
//use auth_user_exists to prevent dublicate usernames
//return true if user is created, false on error
global $CFG;
$attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes();
$ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect();
$ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect);
$newuser = array();
foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){
if(isset($userobject->$key) ){
//Following sets all mandatory and other forced attribute values
//this should be moved to config inteface ASAP
$newuser['objectClass']= array("inetOrgPerson","organizationalPerson","person","top");
$newuser['uniqueId']= $userobject->username;
$uadd = ldap_add($ldapconnect, $CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=$userobject->username,".$CFG->ldap_create_context, $newuser);
return $uadd;
function auth_user_activate ($username) {
//activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed
global $CFG;
$ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect();
$ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect);
$userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnect, $username);
$result = ldap_modify($ldapconnect, $userdn, $newinfo);
return $result;
function auth_user_disable ($username) {
//activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed
global $CFG;
$ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect();
$ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect);
$userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnect, $username);
$result = ldap_modify($ldapconnect, $userdn, $newinfo);
return $result;
function auth_iscreator($username=0) {
///if user is member of creator group return true
global $CFG, $USER;
$ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect();
$ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect);
if (! $username) {
if ((! $CFG->ldap_creators) OR (! $CFG->ldap_memberattribute)) {
return false;
} else {
$groups = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_creators);
//build filter
$filter = "(& ($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)(|";
foreach ($groups as $group){
$filter .= "($CFG->ldap_memberattribute=$group)";
$filter .= "))";
$result = auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter);
return count($result);
//private functions are named as auth_ldap*
function auth_ldap_connect(){
/// connects to ldap-server
global $CFG;
$result = ldap_connect($CFG->ldap_host_url);
if ($result) {
return $result;
} else {
error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url");
return false;
function auth_ldap_bind($ldap_connection){
/// makes bind to ldap for searching users
/// uses ldap_bind_dn or anonymous bind
global $CFG;
if ($CFG->ldap_bind_dn){
//bind with search-user
if (!ldap_bind($ldap_connection, $CFG->ldap_bind_dn,$CFG->ldap_bind_pw)){
error("Error: could not bind ldap with ldap_bind_dn/pw");
return false;
} else {
//bind anonymously
if ( !ldap_bind($ldap_connection)){
error("Error: could not bind ldap anonymously");
return false;
return true;
function auth_ldap_find_userdn ($ldap_connection, $username){
/// return dn of username
/// like: cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org
/// or false if username not found
global $CFG;
//default return value
$ldap_user_dn = FALSE;
//get all contexts and look for first matching user
$ldap_contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts);
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){
array_push($ldap_contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context);
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) {
$context == trim($context);
if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub){
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute));
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_connection,$ldap_result);
if ($entry){
$ldap_user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldap_connection, $entry);
break ;
return $ldap_user_dn;
function auth_ldap_attributes (){
//returns array containg attribute mappings between Moodle and ldap
global $CFG;
$config = (array)$CFG;
$fields = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "phone1", "phone2",
"department", "address", "city", "country", "description",
"idnumber", "lang");
$moodleattributes = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if ($config["auth_user_$field"]) {
$moodleattributes[$field] = $config["auth_user_$field"];
return $moodleattributes;
function auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter="*") {
/// returns all users from ldap servers
global $CFG;
$fresult = array();
$ldap_connection = auth_ldap_connect();
if (! isset($CFG->ldap_objectclass)) {
if ($filter=="*") {
$filter = "(&(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=*)(".$CFG->ldap_objectclass."))";
$contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts);
if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){
array_push($contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context);
foreach ($contexts as $context) {
if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub) {
//use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $context,
} else {
//search only in this context
$ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection, $context,
$users = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_result);
//add found users to list
for ($i=0;$i<$users['count'];$i++) {
array_push($fresult, ($users[$i][$CFG->ldap_user_attribute][0]) );
return $fresult;