mirror of
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360 lines
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360 lines
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require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/adminlib.php');
$repository = optional_param('repos', '', PARAM_FORMAT);
$action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
$sure = optional_param('sure', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
$display = true; // fall through to normal display
$pagename = 'managerepositories';
if ($action == 'edit') {
$pagename = 'repositorysettings' . $repository;
} else if ($action == 'delete') {
$pagename = 'repositorydelete';
} else if (($action == 'newon') || ($action == 'newoff')) {
$pagename = 'repositorynew';
// Need to remember this for form
$formaction = $action;
// Check what visibility to show the new repository
if ($action == 'newon') {
$action = 'new';
$visible = true;
} else if ($action == 'newoff') {
$action = 'new';
$visible = false;
require_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
$sesskeyurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/repository.php?sesskey=' . sesskey();
$baseurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/repository.php';
$configstr = get_string('manage', 'repository');
$return = true;
* Helper function that generates a moodle_url object
* relevant to the repository
function repository_action_url($repository) {
global $baseurl;
return new moodle_url($baseurl, array('sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'repos'=>$repository));
if (($action == 'edit') || ($action == 'new')) {
$pluginname = '';
if ($action == 'edit') {
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
$classname = 'repository_' . $repositorytype->get_typename();
$configs = call_user_func(array($classname, 'get_type_option_names'));
$plugin = $repositorytype->get_typename();
// looking for instance to edit plugin name
$instanceoptions = call_user_func(array($classname, 'get_instance_option_names'));
if (empty($instanceoptions)) {
$params = array();
$params['type'] = $plugin;
$instances = repository::get_instances($params);
if ($instance = array_pop($instances)) {
// use the one form db record
$pluginname = $instance->instance->name;
} else {
$repositorytype = null;
$plugin = $repository;
$typeid = $repository;
$PAGE->set_pagetype('admin-repository-' . $plugin);
// display the edit form for this instance
$mform = new repository_type_form('', array('pluginname'=>$pluginname, 'plugin' => $plugin, 'instance' => $repositorytype, 'action' => $formaction));
$fromform = $mform->get_data();
//detect if we create a new type without config (in this case if don't want to display a setting page during creation)
$nosettings = false;
if ($action == 'new') {
$adminconfignames = repository::static_function($repository, 'get_type_option_names');
$nosettings = empty($adminconfignames);
// end setup, begin output
if ($mform->is_cancelled()){
} else if (!empty($fromform) || $nosettings) {
if ($action == 'edit') {
$settings = array();
foreach($configs as $config) {
if (!empty($fromform->$config)) {
$settings[$config] = $fromform->$config;
} else {
// if the config name is not appear in $fromform
// empty this config value
$settings[$config] = '';
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($repository, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
if (array_key_exists('enablecourseinstances', $fromform)) {
$settings['enablecourseinstances'] = $fromform->enablecourseinstances;
else {
$settings['enablecourseinstances'] = 0;
if (array_key_exists('enableuserinstances', $fromform)) {
$settings['enableuserinstances'] = $fromform->enableuserinstances;
else {
$settings['enableuserinstances'] = 0;
$success = $repositorytype->update_options($settings);
} else {
$type = new repository_type($plugin, (array)$fromform, $visible);
$success = true;
$data = data_submitted();
if ($success) {
// configs saved
} else {
print_error('instancenotsaved', 'repository', $baseurl);
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('configplugin', 'repository_'.$plugin));
$displaysettingform = true;
if ($action == 'edit') {
$typeoptionnames = repository::static_function($repository, 'get_type_option_names');
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($repository, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (empty($typeoptionnames) && empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
$displaysettingform = false;
if ($displaysettingform){
$return = false;
// Display instances list and creation form
if ($action == 'edit') {
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($repository, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
repository::display_instances_list(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM), $repository);
} else if ($action == 'show') {
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
print_error('confirmsesskeybad', '', $baseurl);
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
if (empty($repositorytype)) {
print_error('invalidplugin', 'repository', '', $repository);
$return = true;
} else if ($action == 'hide') {
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
print_error('confirmsesskeybad', '', $baseurl);
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
if (empty($repositorytype)) {
print_error('invalidplugin', 'repository', '', $repository);
$return = true;
} else if ($action == 'delete') {
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
if ($sure) {
$PAGE->set_pagetype('admin-repository-' . $repository);
if (!confirm_sesskey()) {
print_error('confirmsesskeybad', '', $baseurl);
if ($repositorytype->delete()) {
} else {
print_error('instancenotdeleted', 'repository', $baseurl);
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('confirmremove', 'repository', $repositorytype->get_readablename()), $sesskeyurl . '&action=delete&repos=' . $repository . '&sure=yes', $baseurl);
$return = false;
} else if ($action == 'moveup') {
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
} else if ($action == 'movedown') {
$repositorytype = repository::get_type_by_typename($repository);
} else {
// If page is loaded directly
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('manage', 'repository'));
// Get strings that are used
$strshow = get_string('on', 'repository');
$strhide = get_string('off', 'repository');
$strdelete = get_string('disabled', 'repository');
$actionchoicesforexisting = array(
'show' => $strshow,
'hide' => $strhide,
'delete' => $strdelete
$actionchoicesfornew = array(
'newon' => $strshow,
'newoff' => $strhide,
'delete' => $strdelete
$output = '';
$output .= $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox');
// Set strings that are used multiple times
$settingsstr = get_string('settings');
$disablestr = get_string('disable');
// Table to list plug-ins
$table = new html_table();
$table->head = array(get_string('name'), get_string('isactive', 'repository'), get_string('order'), $settingsstr);
$table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center');
$table->data = array();
// Get list of used plug-ins
$instances = repository::get_types();
if (!empty($instances)) {
// Array to store plugins being used
$alreadyplugins = array();
$totalinstances = count($instances);
$updowncount = 1;
foreach ($instances as $i) {
$settings = '';
$typename = $i->get_typename();
// Display edit link only if you can config the type or if it has multiple instances (e.g. has instance config)
$typeoptionnames = repository::static_function($typename, 'get_type_option_names');
$instanceoptionnames = repository::static_function($typename, 'get_instance_option_names');
if (!empty($typeoptionnames) || !empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
// Calculate number of instances in order to display them for the Moodle administrator
if (!empty($instanceoptionnames)) {
$params = array();
$params['context'] = array(get_system_context());
$params['onlyvisible'] = false;
$params['type'] = $typename;
$admininstancenumber = count(repository::static_function($typename, 'get_instances', $params));
// site instances
$admininstancenumbertext = get_string('instancesforsite', 'repository', $admininstancenumber);
$params['context'] = array();
$instances = repository::static_function($typename, 'get_instances', $params);
$courseinstances = array();
$userinstances = array();
foreach ($instances as $instance) {
if ($instance->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) {
$courseinstances[] = $instance;
} else if ($instance->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_USER) {
$userinstances[] = $instance;
// course instances
$instancenumber = count($courseinstances);
$courseinstancenumbertext = get_string('instancesforcourses', 'repository', $instancenumber);
// user private instances
$instancenumber = count($userinstances);
$userinstancenumbertext = get_string('instancesforusers', 'repository', $instancenumber);
} else {
$admininstancenumbertext = "";
$courseinstancenumbertext = "";
$userinstancenumbertext = "";
$settings .= '<a href="' . $sesskeyurl . '&action=edit&repos=' . $typename . '">' . $settingsstr .'</a>';
$settings .= $OUTPUT->container_start('mdl-left');
$settings .= '<br/>';
$settings .= $admininstancenumbertext;
$settings .= '<br/>';
$settings .= $courseinstancenumbertext;
$settings .= '<br/>';
$settings .= $userinstancenumbertext;
$settings .= $OUTPUT->container_end();
// Get the current visibility
if ($i->get_visible()) {
$currentaction = 'show';
} else {
$currentaction = 'hide';
$select = new single_select(repository_action_url($typename, 'repos'), 'action', $actionchoicesforexisting, $currentaction, null, 'applyto' . basename($typename));
// Display up/down link
$updown = '';
$spacer = $OUTPUT->spacer(array('height'=>15, 'width'=>15)); // should be done with CSS instead
if ($updowncount > 1) {
$updown .= "<a href=\"$sesskeyurl&action=moveup&repos=".$typename."\">";
$updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/up') . "\" alt=\"up\" /></a> ";
else {
$updown .= $spacer;
if ($updowncount < $totalinstances) {
$updown .= "<a href=\"$sesskeyurl&action=movedown&repos=".$typename."\">";
$updown .= "<img src=\"" . $OUTPUT->pix_url('t/down') . "\" alt=\"down\" /></a>";
else {
$updown .= $spacer;
$table->data[] = array($i->get_readablename(), $OUTPUT->render($select), $updown, $settings);
if (!in_array($typename, $alreadyplugins)) {
$alreadyplugins[] = $typename;
// Get all the plugins that exist on disk
$plugins = get_plugin_list('repository');
if (!empty($plugins)) {
foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $dir) {
// Check that it has not already been listed
if (!in_array($plugin, $alreadyplugins)) {
$select = new single_select(repository_action_url($plugin, 'repos'), 'action', $actionchoicesfornew, 'delete', null, 'applyto' . basename($plugin));
$table->data[] = array(get_string('pluginname', 'repository_'.$plugin), $OUTPUT->render($select), '', '');
$output .= html_writer::table($table);
$output .= $OUTPUT->box_end();
print $output;
$return = false;
if ($return) {
echo $OUTPUT->footer();