
3478 lines
134 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* This file contains the definition for the class assignment
* This class provides all the functionality for the new assign module.
* @package mod_assign
* @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Assignment submission statuses
define('ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_DRAFT', 'draft'); // student thinks it is a draft
define('ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED', 'submitted'); // student thinks it is finished
* Search filters for grading page
define('ASSIGN_FILTER_SUBMITTED', 'submitted');
define('ASSIGN_FILTER_SINGLE_USER', 'singleuser');
define('ASSIGN_FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING', 'require_grading');
/** Include accesslib.php */
/** Include formslib.php */
/** Include repository/lib.php */
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php');
/** Include local mod_form.php */
/** gradelib.php */
/** grading lib.php */
/** Include feedbackplugin.php */
/** Include submissionplugin.php */
/** Include renderable.php */
/** Include gradingtable.php */
/** Include eventslib.php */
* Standard base class for mod_assign (assignment types).
* @package mod_assign
* @copyright 2012 NetSpot {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class assign {
/** @var stdClass the assignment record that contains the global settings for this assign instance */
private $instance;
/** @var context the context of the course module for this assign instance (or just the course if we are
creating a new one) */
private $context;
/** @var stdClass the course this assign instance belongs to */
private $course;
/** @var stdClass the admin config for all assign instances */
private $adminconfig;
/** @var assign_renderer the custom renderer for this module */
private $output;
/** @var stdClass the course module for this assign instance */
private $coursemodule;
/** @var array cache for things like the coursemodule name or the scale menu - only lives for a single
request */
private $cache;
/** @var array list of the installed submission plugins */
private $submissionplugins;
/** @var array list of the installed feedback plugins */
private $feedbackplugins;
/** @var string action to be used to return to this page (without repeating any form submissions etc.) */
private $returnaction = 'view';
/** @var array params to be used to return to this page */
private $returnparams = array();
/** @var string modulename prevents excessive calls to get_string */
private static $modulename = null;
/** @var string modulenameplural prevents excessive calls to get_string */
private static $modulenameplural = null;
* Constructor for the base assign class
* @param mixed $coursemodulecontext context|null the course module context (or the course context if the coursemodule has not been created yet)
* @param mixed $coursemodule the current course module if it was already loaded - otherwise this class will load one from the context as required
* @param mixed $course the current course if it was already loaded - otherwise this class will load one from the context as required
public function __construct($coursemodulecontext, $coursemodule, $course) {
global $PAGE;
$this->context = $coursemodulecontext;
$this->coursemodule = $coursemodule;
$this->course = $course;
$this->cache = array(); // temporary cache only lives for a single request - used to reduce db lookups
$this->submissionplugins = $this->load_plugins('assignsubmission');
$this->feedbackplugins = $this->load_plugins('assignfeedback');
$this->output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_assign');
* Set the action and parameters that can be used to return to the current page
* @param string $action The action for the current page
* @param array $params An array of name value pairs which form the parameters to return to the current page
* @return void
public function register_return_link($action, $params) {
$this->returnaction = $action;
$this->returnparams = $params;
* Return an action that can be used to get back to the current page
* @return string action
public function get_return_action() {
return $this->returnaction;
* Based on the current assignment settings should we display the intro
* @return bool showintro
private function show_intro() {
if ($this->get_instance()->alwaysshowdescription ||
time() > $this->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate) {
return true;
return false;
* Return a list of parameters that can be used to get back to the current page
* @return array params
public function get_return_params() {
return $this->returnparams;
* Set the submitted form data
* @param stdClass $data The form data (instance)
public function set_instance(stdClass $data) {
$this->instance = $data;
* Set the context
* @param context $context The new context
public function set_context(context $context) {
$this->context = $context;
* Set the course data
* @param stdClass $course The course data
public function set_course(stdClass $course) {
$this->course = $course;
* get list of feedback plugins installed
* @return array
public function get_feedback_plugins() {
return $this->feedbackplugins;
* get list of submission plugins installed
* @return array
public function get_submission_plugins() {
return $this->submissionplugins;
* get a specific submission plugin by its type
* @param string $subtype assignsubmission | assignfeedback
* @param string $type
* @return mixed assign_plugin|null
private function get_plugin_by_type($subtype, $type) {
$shortsubtype = substr($subtype, strlen('assign'));
$name = $shortsubtype . 'plugins';
$pluginlist = $this->$name;
foreach ($pluginlist as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->get_type() == $type) {
return $plugin;
return null;
* Get a feedback plugin by type
* @param string $type - The type of plugin e.g comments
* @return mixed assign_feedback_plugin|null
public function get_feedback_plugin_by_type($type) {
return $this->get_plugin_by_type('assignfeedback', $type);
* Get a submission plugin by type
* @param string $type - The type of plugin e.g comments
* @return mixed assign_submission_plugin|null
public function get_submission_plugin_by_type($type) {
return $this->get_plugin_by_type('assignsubmission', $type);
* Load the plugins from the sub folders under subtype
* @param string $subtype - either submission or feedback
* @return array - The sorted list of plugins
private function load_plugins($subtype) {
global $CFG;
$result = array();
$names = get_plugin_list($subtype);
foreach ($names as $name => $path) {
if (file_exists($path . '/locallib.php')) {
require_once($path . '/locallib.php');
$shortsubtype = substr($subtype, strlen('assign'));
$pluginclass = 'assign_' . $shortsubtype . '_' . $name;
$plugin = new $pluginclass($this, $name);
if ($plugin instanceof assign_plugin) {
$idx = $plugin->get_sort_order();
while (array_key_exists($idx, $result)) $idx +=1;
$result[$idx] = $plugin;
return $result;
* Display the assignment, used by view.php
* The assignment is displayed differently depending on your role,
* the settings for the assignment and the status of the assignment.
* @param string $action The current action if any.
* @return void
public function view($action='') {
$o = '';
$mform = null;
// handle form submissions first
if ($action == 'savesubmission') {
$action = 'editsubmission';
if ($this->process_save_submission($mform)) {
$action = 'view';
} else if ($action == 'lock') {
$action = 'grading';
} else if ($action == 'reverttodraft') {
$action = 'grading';
} else if ($action == 'unlock') {
$action = 'grading';
} else if ($action == 'confirmsubmit') {
$action = 'submit';
if ($this->process_submit_for_grading($mform)) {
$action = 'view';
// save and show next button
} else if ($action == 'batchgradingoperation') {
$action = 'grading';
} else if ($action == 'submitgrade') {
if (optional_param('saveandshownext', null, PARAM_ALPHA)) {
//save and show next
$action = 'grade';
if ($this->process_save_grade($mform)) {
$action = 'nextgrade';
} else if (optional_param('nosaveandprevious', null, PARAM_ALPHA)) {
$action = 'previousgrade';
} else if (optional_param('nosaveandnext', null, PARAM_ALPHA)) {
//show next button
$action = 'nextgrade';
} else if (optional_param('savegrade', null, PARAM_ALPHA)) {
//save changes button
$action = 'grade';
if ($this->process_save_grade($mform)) {
$action = 'grading';
} else {
//cancel button
$action = 'grading';
}else if ($action == 'quickgrade') {
$message = $this->process_save_quick_grades();
$action = 'quickgradingresult';
}else if ($action == 'saveoptions') {
$action = 'grading';
$returnparams = array('rownum'=>optional_param('rownum', 0, PARAM_INT));
$this->register_return_link($action, $returnparams);
// now show the right view page
if ($action == 'previousgrade') {
$mform = null;
$o .= $this->view_single_grade_page($mform, -1);
} else if ($action == 'quickgradingresult') {
$mform = null;
$o .= $this->view_quickgrading_result($message);
} else if ($action == 'nextgrade') {
$mform = null;
$o .= $this->view_single_grade_page($mform, 1);
} else if ($action == 'grade') {
$o .= $this->view_single_grade_page($mform);
} else if ($action == 'viewpluginassignfeedback') {
$o .= $this->view_plugin_content('assignfeedback');
} else if ($action == 'viewpluginassignsubmission') {
$o .= $this->view_plugin_content('assignsubmission');
} else if ($action == 'editsubmission') {
$o .= $this->view_edit_submission_page($mform);
} else if ($action == 'grading') {
$o .= $this->view_grading_page();
} else if ($action == 'downloadall') {
$o .= $this->download_submissions();
} else if ($action == 'submit') {
$o .= $this->check_submit_for_grading($mform);
} else {
$o .= $this->view_submission_page();
return $o;
* Add this instance to the database
* @param stdClass $formdata The data submitted from the form
* @param bool $callplugins This is used to skip the plugin code
* when upgrading an old assignment to a new one (the plugins get called manually)
* @return mixed false if an error occurs or the int id of the new instance
public function add_instance(stdClass $formdata, $callplugins) {
global $DB;
$err = '';
// add the database record
$update = new stdClass();
$update->name = $formdata->name;
$update->timemodified = time();
$update->timecreated = time();
$update->course = $formdata->course;
$update->courseid = $formdata->course;
$update->intro = $formdata->intro;
$update->introformat = $formdata->introformat;
$update->alwaysshowdescription = $formdata->alwaysshowdescription;
$update->preventlatesubmissions = $formdata->preventlatesubmissions;
$update->submissiondrafts = $formdata->submissiondrafts;
$update->requiresubmissionstatement = $formdata->requiresubmissionstatement;
$update->sendnotifications = $formdata->sendnotifications;
$update->sendlatenotifications = $formdata->sendlatenotifications;
$update->duedate = $formdata->duedate;
$update->allowsubmissionsfromdate = $formdata->allowsubmissionsfromdate;
$update->grade = $formdata->grade;
$returnid = $DB->insert_record('assign', $update);
$this->instance = $DB->get_record('assign', array('id'=>$returnid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// cache the course record
$this->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$formdata->course), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if ($callplugins) {
// call save_settings hook for submission plugins
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$this->update_plugin_instance($plugin, $formdata)) {
return false;
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$this->update_plugin_instance($plugin, $formdata)) {
return false;
// in the case of upgrades the coursemodule has not been set so we need to wait before calling these two
// TODO: add event to the calendar
// TODO: add the item in the gradebook
$this->update_gradebook(false, $formdata->coursemodule);
$update = new stdClass();
$update->id = $this->get_instance()->id;
$update->nosubmissions = (!$this->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) ? 1: 0;
$DB->update_record('assign', $update);
return $returnid;
* Delete all grades from the gradebook for this assignment
* @return bool
private function delete_grades() {
global $CFG;
return grade_update('mod/assign', $this->get_course()->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->get_instance()->id, 0, NULL, array('deleted'=>1)) == GRADE_UPDATE_OK;
* Delete this instance from the database
* @return bool false if an error occurs
public function delete_instance() {
global $DB;
$result = true;
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$plugin->delete_instance()) {
$result = false;
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$plugin->delete_instance()) {
$result = false;
// delete files associated with this assignment
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (! $fs->delete_area_files($this->context->id) ) {
$result = false;
// delete_records will throw an exception if it fails - so no need for error checking here
$DB->delete_records('assign_submission', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id));
$DB->delete_records('assign_grades', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id));
$DB->delete_records('assign_plugin_config', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id));
// delete items from the gradebook
if (! $this->delete_grades()) {
$result = false;
// delete the instance
$DB->delete_records('assign', array('id'=>$this->get_instance()->id));
return $result;
* Update the settings for a single plugin
* @param assign_plugin $plugin The plugin to update
* @param stdClass $formdata The form data
* @return bool false if an error occurs
private function update_plugin_instance(assign_plugin $plugin, stdClass $formdata) {
if ($plugin->is_visible()) {
$enabledname = $plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type() . '_enabled';
if ($formdata->$enabledname) {
if (!$plugin->save_settings($formdata)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Update the gradebook information for this assignment
* @param bool $reset If true, will reset all grades in the gradbook for this assignment
* @param int $coursemoduleid This is required because it might not exist in the database yet
* @return bool
public function update_gradebook($reset, $coursemoduleid) {
global $CFG;
/** Include lib.php */
$assign = clone $this->get_instance();
$assign->cmidnumber = $coursemoduleid;
$param = null;
if ($reset) {
$param = 'reset';
return assign_grade_item_update($assign, $param);
/** Load and cache the admin config for this module
* @return stdClass the plugin config
public function get_admin_config() {
if ($this->adminconfig) {
return $this->adminconfig;
$this->adminconfig = get_config('assign');
return $this->adminconfig;
* Update the calendar entries for this assignment
* @param int $coursemoduleid - Required to pass this in because it might not exist in the database yet
* @return bool
public function update_calendar($coursemoduleid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
// special case for add_instance as the coursemodule has not been set yet.
if ($this->get_instance()->duedate) {
$event = new stdClass();
if ($event->id = $DB->get_field('event', 'id', array('modulename'=>'assign', 'instance'=>$this->get_instance()->id))) {
$event->name = $this->get_instance()->name;
$event->description = format_module_intro('assign', $this->get_instance(), $coursemoduleid);
$event->timestart = $this->get_instance()->duedate;
$calendarevent = calendar_event::load($event->id);
} else {
$event = new stdClass();
$event->name = $this->get_instance()->name;
$event->description = format_module_intro('assign', $this->get_instance(), $coursemoduleid);
$event->courseid = $this->get_instance()->course;
$event->groupid = 0;
$event->userid = 0;
$event->modulename = 'assign';
$event->instance = $this->get_instance()->id;
$event->eventtype = 'due';
$event->timestart = $this->get_instance()->duedate;
$event->timeduration = 0;
} else {
$DB->delete_records('event', array('modulename'=>'assign', 'instance'=>$this->get_instance()->id));
* Update this instance in the database
* @param stdClass $formdata - the data submitted from the form
* @return bool false if an error occurs
public function update_instance($formdata) {
global $DB;
$update = new stdClass();
$update->id = $formdata->instance;
$update->name = $formdata->name;
$update->timemodified = time();
$update->course = $formdata->course;
$update->intro = $formdata->intro;
$update->introformat = $formdata->introformat;
$update->alwaysshowdescription = $formdata->alwaysshowdescription;
$update->preventlatesubmissions = $formdata->preventlatesubmissions;
$update->submissiondrafts = $formdata->submissiondrafts;
$update->requiresubmissionstatement = $formdata->requiresubmissionstatement;
$update->sendnotifications = $formdata->sendnotifications;
$update->sendlatenotifications = $formdata->sendlatenotifications;
$update->duedate = $formdata->duedate;
$update->allowsubmissionsfromdate = $formdata->allowsubmissionsfromdate;
$update->grade = $formdata->grade;
$result = $DB->update_record('assign', $update);
$this->instance = $DB->get_record('assign', array('id'=>$update->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
// load the assignment so the plugins have access to it
// call save_settings hook for submission plugins
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$this->update_plugin_instance($plugin, $formdata)) {
return false;
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if (!$this->update_plugin_instance($plugin, $formdata)) {
return false;
// update the database record
// update all the calendar events
$this->update_gradebook(false, $this->get_course_module()->id);
$update = new stdClass();
$update->id = $this->get_instance()->id;
$update->nosubmissions = (!$this->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) ? 1: 0;
$DB->update_record('assign', $update);
return $result;
* add elements in grading plugin form
* @param mixed $grade stdClass|null
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param stdClass $data
* @return void
private function add_plugin_grade_elements($grade, MoodleQuickForm $mform, stdClass $data) {
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'header_' . $plugin->get_type(), $plugin->get_name());
if (!$plugin->get_form_elements($grade, $mform, $data)) {
$mform->removeElement('header_' . $plugin->get_type());
* Add one plugins settings to edit plugin form
* @param assign_plugin $plugin The plugin to add the settings from
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform The form to add the configuration settings to. This form is modified directly (not returned)
* @return void
private function add_plugin_settings(assign_plugin $plugin, MoodleQuickForm $mform) {
global $CFG;
if ($plugin->is_visible()) {
// enabled
//tied disableIf rule to this select element
$mform->addElement('selectyesno', $plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type() . '_enabled', $plugin->get_name());
$mform->addHelpButton($plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type() . '_enabled', 'enabled', $plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type());
$default = get_config($plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type(), 'default');
if ($plugin->get_config('enabled') !== false) {
$default = $plugin->is_enabled();
$mform->setDefault($plugin->get_subtype() . '_' . $plugin->get_type() . '_enabled', $default);
* Add settings to edit plugin form
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform The form to add the configuration settings to. This form is modified directly (not returned)
* @return void
public function add_all_plugin_settings(MoodleQuickForm $mform) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('submissionsettings', 'assign'));
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
$this->add_plugin_settings($plugin, $mform);
$mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('feedbacksettings', 'assign'));
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
$this->add_plugin_settings($plugin, $mform);
* Allow each plugin an opportunity to update the defaultvalues
* passed in to the settings form (needed to set up draft areas for
* editor and filemanager elements)
* @param array $defaultvalues
public function plugin_data_preprocessing(&$defaultvalues) {
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_visible()) {
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_visible()) {
* Get the name of the current module.
* @return string the module name (Assignment)
protected function get_module_name() {
if (isset(self::$modulename)) {
return self::$modulename;
self::$modulename = get_string('modulename', 'assign');
return self::$modulename;
* Get the plural name of the current module.
* @return string the module name plural (Assignments)
protected function get_module_name_plural() {
if (isset(self::$modulenameplural)) {
return self::$modulenameplural;
self::$modulenameplural = get_string('modulenameplural', 'assign');
return self::$modulenameplural;
* Has this assignment been constructed from an instance?
* @return bool
public function has_instance() {
return $this->instance || $this->get_course_module();
* Get the settings for the current instance of this assignment
* @return stdClass The settings
public function get_instance() {
global $DB;
if ($this->instance) {
return $this->instance;
if ($this->get_course_module()) {
$this->instance = $DB->get_record('assign', array('id' => $this->get_course_module()->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if (!$this->instance) {
throw new coding_exception('Improper use of the assignment class. Cannot load the assignment record.');
return $this->instance;
* Get the context of the current course
* @return mixed context|null The course context
public function get_course_context() {
if (!$this->context && !$this->course) {
throw new coding_exception('Improper use of the assignment class. Cannot load the course context.');
if ($this->context) {
return $this->context->get_course_context();
} else {
return context_course::instance($this->course->id);
* Get the current course module
* @return mixed stdClass|null The course module
public function get_course_module() {
if ($this->coursemodule) {
return $this->coursemodule;
if (!$this->context) {
return null;
if ($this->context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) {
$this->coursemodule = get_coursemodule_from_id('assign', $this->context->instanceid, 0, false, MUST_EXIST);
return $this->coursemodule;
return null;
* Get context module
* @return context
public function get_context() {
return $this->context;
* Get the current course
* @return mixed stdClass|null The course
public function get_course() {
global $DB;
if ($this->course) {
return $this->course;
if (!$this->context) {
return null;
$this->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->get_course_context()->instanceid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
return $this->course;
* Return a grade in user-friendly form, whether it's a scale or not
* @param mixed $grade int|null
* @param boolean $editing Are we allowing changes to this grade?
* @param int $userid The user id the grade belongs to
* @param int $modified Timestamp from when the grade was last modified
* @return string User-friendly representation of grade
public function display_grade($grade, $editing, $userid=0, $modified=0) {
global $DB;
static $scalegrades = array();
if ($this->get_instance()->grade >= 0) {
// Normal number
if ($editing && $this->get_instance()->grade > 0) {
if ($grade < 0) {
$displaygrade = '';
} else {
$displaygrade = format_float($grade);
$o = '<input type="text" name="quickgrade_' . $userid . '" value="' . $displaygrade . '" size="6" maxlength="10" class="quickgrade"/>';
$o .= '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' . format_float($this->get_instance()->grade,2);
$o .= '<input type="hidden" name="grademodified_' . $userid . '" value="' . $modified . '"/>';
return $o;
} else {
if ($grade == -1 || $grade === null) {
return '-';
} else {
return format_float(($grade),2) .'&nbsp;/&nbsp;'. format_float($this->get_instance()->grade,2);
} else {
// Scale
if (empty($this->cache['scale'])) {
if ($scale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('id'=>-($this->get_instance()->grade)))) {
$this->cache['scale'] = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
} else {
return '-';
if ($editing) {
$o = '<select name="quickgrade_' . $userid . '" class="quickgrade">';
$o .= '<option value="-1">' . get_string('nograde') . '</option>';
foreach ($this->cache['scale'] as $optionid => $option) {
$selected = '';
if ($grade == $optionid) {
$selected = 'selected="selected"';
$o .= '<option value="' . $optionid . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $option . '</option>';
$o .= '</select>';
$o .= '<input type="hidden" name="grademodified_' . $userid . '" value="' . $modified . '"/>';
return $o;
} else {
$scaleid = (int)$grade;
if (isset($this->cache['scale'][$scaleid])) {
return $this->cache['scale'][$scaleid];
return '-';
* Load a list of users enrolled in the current course with the specified permission and group (0 for no group)
* @param int $currentgroup
* @param bool $idsonly
* @return array List of user records
public function list_participants($currentgroup, $idsonly) {
if ($idsonly) {
return get_enrolled_users($this->context, "mod/assign:submit", $currentgroup, '');
} else {
return get_enrolled_users($this->context, "mod/assign:submit", $currentgroup);
* Load a count of users enrolled in the current course with the specified permission and group (0 for no group)
* @param int $currentgroup
* @return int number of matching users
public function count_participants($currentgroup) {
return count_enrolled_users($this->context, "mod/assign:submit", $currentgroup);
* Load a count of users submissions in the current module that require grading
* This means the submission modification time is more recent than the
* grading modification time.
* @return int number of matching submissions
public function count_submissions_need_grading() {
global $DB;
$params = array($this->get_course_module()->instance);
return $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT('x')
FROM {assign_submission} s
LEFT JOIN {assign_grades} g ON s.assignment = g.assignment AND s.userid = g.userid
WHERE s.assignment = ?
AND s.timemodified IS NOT NULL
AND (s.timemodified > g.timemodified OR g.timemodified IS NULL)",
* Load a count of users enrolled in the current course with the specified permission and group (optional)
* @param string $status The submission status - should match one of the constants
* @return int number of matching submissions
public function count_submissions_with_status($status) {
global $DB;
return $DB->count_records_sql("SELECT COUNT('x')
FROM {assign_submission}
WHERE assignment = ? AND
status = ?", array($this->get_course_module()->instance, $status));
* Utility function to get the userid for every row in the grading table
* so the order can be frozen while we iterate it
* @return array An array of userids
private function get_grading_userid_list(){
$filter = get_user_preferences('assign_filter', '');
$table = new assign_grading_table($this, 0, $filter, 0, false);
$useridlist = $table->get_column_data('userid');
return $useridlist;
* Utility function get the userid based on the row number of the grading table.
* This takes into account any active filters on the table.
* @param int $num The row number of the user
* @param bool $last This is set to true if this is the last user in the table
* @return mixed The user id of the matching user or false if there was an error
private function get_userid_for_row($num, $last){
if (!array_key_exists('userid_for_row', $this->cache)) {
$this->cache['userid_for_row'] = array();
if (array_key_exists($num, $this->cache['userid_for_row'])) {
list($userid, $last) = $this->cache['userid_for_row'][$num];
return $userid;
$filter = get_user_preferences('assign_filter', '');
$table = new assign_grading_table($this, 0, $filter, 0, false);
$userid = $table->get_cell_data($num, 'userid', $last);
$this->cache['userid_for_row'][$num] = array($userid, $last);
return $userid;
* Return all assignment submissions by ENROLLED students (even empty)
* @param string $sort optional field names for the ORDER BY in the sql query
* @param string $dir optional specifying the sort direction, defaults to DESC
* @return array The submission objects indexed by id
private function get_all_submissions( $sort="", $dir="DESC") {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($sort == "lastname" or $sort == "firstname") {
$sort = "u.$sort $dir";
} else if (empty($sort)) {
$sort = "a.timemodified DESC";
} else {
$sort = "a.$sort $dir";
return $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT a.*
FROM {assign_submission} a, {user} u
WHERE = a.userid
AND a.assignment = ?
ORDER BY $sort", array($this->get_instance()->id));
* Generate zip file from array of given files
* @param array $filesforzipping - array of files to pass into archive_to_pathname - this array is indexed by the final file name and each element in the array is an instance of a stored_file object
* @return path of temp file - note this returned file does not have a .zip extension - it is a temp file.
private function pack_files($filesforzipping) {
global $CFG;
//create path for new zip file.
$tempzip = tempnam($CFG->tempdir.'/', 'assignment_');
//zip files
$zipper = new zip_packer();
if ($zipper->archive_to_pathname($filesforzipping, $tempzip)) {
return $tempzip;
return false;
* Finds all assignment notifications that have yet to be mailed out, and mails them.
* Cron function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron
* @return bool
static function cron() {
global $DB;
// only ever send a max of one days worth of updates
$yesterday = time() - (24 * 3600);
$timenow = time();
// Collect all submissions from the past 24 hours that require mailing.
$sql = "SELECT s.*, a.course,, g.*, as gradeid, g.timemodified as lastmodified
FROM {assign} a
JOIN {assign_grades} g ON g.assignment =
LEFT JOIN {assign_submission} s ON s.assignment = AND s.userid = g.userid
WHERE g.timemodified >= :yesterday AND
g.timemodified <= :today AND
g.mailed = 0";
$params = array('yesterday' => $yesterday, 'today' => $timenow);
$submissions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
if (empty($submissions)) {
return true;
mtrace('Processing ' . count($submissions) . ' assignment submissions ...');
// Preload courses we are going to need those.
$courseids = array();
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
$courseids[] = $submission->course;
// Filter out duplicates
$courseids = array_unique($courseids);
$ctxselect = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx');
list($courseidsql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($courseids, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$sql = "SELECT c.*, {$ctxselect}
FROM {course} c
LEFT JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel
WHERE {$courseidsql}";
$params['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_COURSE;
$courses = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
// Clean up... this could go on for a while.
// Simple array we'll use for caching modules.
$modcache = array();
// Message students about new feedback
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
mtrace("Processing assignment submission $submission->id ...");
// do not cache user lookups - could be too many
if (!$user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id"=>$submission->userid))) {
mtrace("Could not find user $submission->userid");
// use a cache to prevent the same DB queries happening over and over
if (!array_key_exists($submission->course, $courses)) {
mtrace("Could not find course $submission->course");
$course = $courses[$submission->course];
if (isset($course->ctxid)) {
// Context has not yet been preloaded. Do so now.
// Override the language and timezone of the "current" user, so that
// mail is customised for the receiver.
cron_setup_user($user, $course);
// context lookups are already cached
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
if (!is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id)) {
$courseshortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
mtrace(fullname($user)." not an active participant in " . $courseshortname);
if (!$grader = $DB->get_record("user", array("id"=>$submission->grader))) {
mtrace("Could not find grader $submission->grader");
if (!array_key_exists($submission->assignment, $modcache)) {
if (! $mod = get_coursemodule_from_instance("assign", $submission->assignment, $course->id)) {
mtrace("Could not find course module for assignment id $submission->assignment");
$modcache[$submission->assignment] = $mod;
} else {
$mod = $modcache[$submission->assignment];
// context lookups are already cached
$contextmodule = context_module::instance($mod->id);
if (!$mod->visible) {
// Hold mail notification for hidden assignments until later
// need to send this to the student
$messagetype = 'feedbackavailable';
$eventtype = 'assign_notification';
$updatetime = $submission->lastmodified;
$modulename = get_string('modulename', 'assign');
self::send_assignment_notification($grader, $user, $messagetype, $eventtype, $updatetime, $mod, $contextmodule, $course, $modulename, $submission->name);
$grade = new stdClass();
$grade->id = $submission->gradeid;
$grade->mailed = 1;
$DB->update_record('assign_grades', $grade);
mtrace('Done processing ' . count($submissions) . ' assignment submissions');
// Free up memory just to be sure
return true;
* Update a grade in the grade table for the assignment and in the gradebook
* @param stdClass $grade a grade record keyed on id
* @return bool true for success
private function update_grade($grade) {
global $DB;
$grade->timemodified = time();
if ($grade->grade && $grade->grade != -1) {
if ($this->get_instance()->grade > 0) {
if (!is_numeric($grade->grade)) {
return false;
} else if ($grade->grade > $this->get_instance()->grade) {
return false;
} else if ($grade->grade < 0) {
return false;
} else {
// this is a scale
if ($scale = $DB->get_record('scale', array('id' => -($this->get_instance()->grade)))) {
$scaleoptions = make_menu_from_list($scale->scale);
if (!array_key_exists((int) $grade->grade, $scaleoptions)) {
return false;
$result = $DB->update_record('assign_grades', $grade);
if ($result) {
$this->gradebook_item_update(null, $grade);
return $result;
* display the submission that is used by a plugin
* Uses url parameters 'sid', 'gid' and 'plugin'
* @param string $pluginsubtype
* @return string
private function view_plugin_content($pluginsubtype) {
global $USER;
$o = '';
$submissionid = optional_param('sid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$gradeid = optional_param('gid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$plugintype = required_param('plugin', PARAM_TEXT);
$item = null;
if ($pluginsubtype == 'assignsubmission') {
$plugin = $this->get_submission_plugin_by_type($plugintype);
if ($submissionid <= 0) {
throw new coding_exception('Submission id should not be 0');
$item = $this->get_submission($submissionid);
// permissions
if ($item->userid != $USER->id) {
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_submission_plugin_submission($plugin,
$this->add_to_log('view submission', get_string('viewsubmissionforuser', 'assign', $item->userid));
} else {
$plugin = $this->get_feedback_plugin_by_type($plugintype);
if ($gradeid <= 0) {
throw new coding_exception('Grade id should not be 0');
$item = $this->get_grade($gradeid);
// permissions
if ($item->userid != $USER->id) {
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_feedback_plugin_feedback($plugin,
$this->add_to_log('view feedback', get_string('viewfeedbackforuser', 'assign', $item->userid));
$o .= $this->view_return_links();
$o .= $this->view_footer();
return $o;
* render the content in editor that is often used by plugin
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $submissionid
* @param string $plugintype
* @param string $editor
* @param string $component
* @return string
public function render_editor_content($filearea, $submissionid, $plugintype, $editor, $component) {
global $CFG;
$result = '';
$plugin = $this->get_submission_plugin_by_type($plugintype);
$text = $plugin->get_editor_text($editor, $submissionid);
$format = $plugin->get_editor_format($editor, $submissionid);
$finaltext = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($text, 'pluginfile.php', $this->get_context()->id, $component, $filearea, $submissionid);
$result .= format_text($finaltext, $format, array('overflowdiv' => true, 'context' => $this->get_context()));
if ($CFG->enableportfolios) {
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/portfoliolib.php');
$button = new portfolio_add_button();
$button->set_callback_options('assign_portfolio_caller', array('cmid' => $this->get_course_module()->id, 'sid' => $submissionid, 'plugin' => $plugintype, 'editor' => $editor, 'area'=>$filearea), '/mod/assign/portfolio_callback.php');
$fs = get_file_storage();
if ($files = $fs->get_area_files($this->context->id, $component,$filearea, $submissionid, "timemodified", false)) {
} else {
$result .= $button->to_html();
return $result;
* Display a grading error
* @param string $message - The description of the result
* @return string
private function view_quickgrading_result($message) {
$o = '';
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
get_string('quickgradingresult', 'assign')));
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_quickgrading_result($message, $this->get_course_module()->id));
$o .= $this->view_footer();
return $o;
* Display the page footer
* @return string
private function view_footer() {
return $this->output->render_footer();
* Does this user have grade permission for this assignment
* @return bool
private function can_grade() {
// Permissions check
if (!has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context)) {
return false;
return true;
* Download a zip file of all assignment submissions
* @return void
private function download_submissions() {
global $CFG,$DB;
// more efficient to load this here
// load all submissions
$submissions = $this->get_all_submissions('','');
if (empty($submissions)) {
print_error('errornosubmissions', 'assign');
// build a list of files to zip
$filesforzipping = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
$groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->get_course_module());
$groupid = 0; // All users
$groupname = '';
if ($groupmode) {
$groupid = groups_get_activity_group($this->get_course_module(), true);
$groupname = groups_get_group_name($groupid).'-';
// construct the zip file name
$filename = str_replace(' ', '_', clean_filename($this->get_course()->shortname.'-'.$this->get_instance()->name.'-'.$groupname.$this->get_course_module()->id.".zip")); //name of new zip file.
// get all the files for each submission
foreach ($submissions as $submission) {
$userid = $submission->userid; //get userid
if ((groups_is_member($groupid,$userid) or !$groupmode or !$groupid)) {
// get the plugins to add their own files to the zip
$user = $DB->get_record("user", array("id"=>$userid),'id,username,firstname,lastname', MUST_EXIST);
$prefix = clean_filename(fullname($user) . "_" .$userid . "_");
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
$pluginfiles = $plugin->get_files($submission);
foreach ($pluginfiles as $zipfilename => $file) {
$filesforzipping[$prefix . $zipfilename] = $file;
} // end of foreach loop
if ($zipfile = $this->pack_files($filesforzipping)) {
$this->add_to_log('download all submissions', get_string('downloadall', 'assign'));
send_temp_file($zipfile, $filename); //send file and delete after sending.
* Util function to add a message to the log
* @param string $action The current action
* @param string $info A detailed description of the change. But no more than 255 characters.
* @param string $url The url to the assign module instance.
* @return void
public function add_to_log($action = '', $info = '', $url='') {
global $USER;
$fullurl = 'view.php?id=' . $this->get_course_module()->id;
if ($url != '') {
$fullurl .= '&' . $url;
add_to_log($this->get_course()->id, 'assign', $action, $fullurl, $info, $this->get_course_module()->id, $USER->id);
* Load the submission object for a particular user, optionally creating it if required
* @param int $userid The id of the user whose submission we want or 0 in which case USER->id is used
* @param bool $create optional Defaults to false. If set to true a new submission object will be created in the database
* @return stdClass The submission
private function get_user_submission($userid, $create) {
global $DB, $USER;
if (!$userid) {
$userid = $USER->id;
// if the userid is not null then use userid
$submission = $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
if ($submission) {
return $submission;
if ($create) {
$submission = new stdClass();
$submission->assignment = $this->get_instance()->id;
$submission->userid = $userid;
$submission->timecreated = time();
$submission->timemodified = $submission->timecreated;
if ($this->get_instance()->submissiondrafts) {
} else {
$sid = $DB->insert_record('assign_submission', $submission);
$submission->id = $sid;
return $submission;
return false;
* Load the submission object from it's id
* @param int $submissionid The id of the submission we want
* @return stdClass The submission
private function get_submission($submissionid) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('assign_submission', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id, 'id'=>$submissionid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* This will retrieve a grade object from the db, optionally creating it if required
* @param int $userid The user we are grading
* @param bool $create If true the grade will be created if it does not exist
* @return stdClass The grade record
private function get_user_grade($userid, $create) {
global $DB, $USER;
if (!$userid) {
$userid = $USER->id;
// if the userid is not null then use userid
$grade = $DB->get_record('assign_grades', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id, 'userid'=>$userid));
if ($grade) {
return $grade;
if ($create) {
$grade = new stdClass();
$grade->assignment = $this->get_instance()->id;
$grade->userid = $userid;
$grade->timecreated = time();
$grade->timemodified = $grade->timecreated;
$grade->locked = 0;
$grade->grade = -1;
$grade->grader = $USER->id;
$gid = $DB->insert_record('assign_grades', $grade);
$grade->id = $gid;
return $grade;
return false;
* This will retrieve a grade object from the db
* @param int $gradeid The id of the grade
* @return stdClass The grade record
private function get_grade($gradeid) {
global $DB;
return $DB->get_record('assign_grades', array('assignment'=>$this->get_instance()->id, 'id'=>$gradeid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Print the grading page for a single user submission
* @param moodleform $mform
* @param int $offset
* @return string
private function view_single_grade_page($mform, $offset=0) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$o = '';
// Include grade form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradeform.php');
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
$this->get_context(), false, $this->get_course_module()->id,get_string('grading', 'assign')));
$rownum = required_param('rownum', PARAM_INT) + $offset;
$useridlist = optional_param('useridlist', '', PARAM_TEXT);
if ($useridlist) {
$useridlist = explode(',', $useridlist);
} else {
$useridlist = $this->get_grading_userid_list();
$last = false;
$userid = $useridlist[$rownum];
if ($rownum == count($useridlist) - 1) {
$last = true;
// the placement of this is important so can pass the list of userids above
if ($offset) {
$_POST = array();
throw new coding_exception('Row is out of bounds for the current grading table: ' . $rownum);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
if ($user) {
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_user_summary($user, $this->get_course()->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->get_course_context())));
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($userid, false);
// get the current grade
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false);
if ($this->can_view_submission($userid)) {
$gradelocked = ($grade && $grade->locked) || $this->grading_disabled($userid);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_submission_status($this->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate,
if ($grade) {
$data = new stdClass();
if ($grade->grade !== NULL && $grade->grade >= 0) {
$data->grade = format_float($grade->grade,2);
} else {
$data = new stdClass();
$data->grade = '';
// now show the grading form
if (!$mform) {
$mform = new mod_assign_grade_form(null, array($this, $data, array('rownum'=>$rownum, 'useridlist'=>$useridlist, 'last'=>$last)), 'post', '', array('class'=>'gradeform'));
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_form('gradingform',$mform));
$this->add_to_log('view grading form', get_string('viewgradingformforstudent', 'assign', array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user))));
$o .= $this->view_footer();
return $o;
* View a link to go back to the previous page. Uses url parameters returnaction and returnparams.
* @return string
private function view_return_links() {
$returnaction = optional_param('returnaction','', PARAM_ALPHA);
$returnparams = optional_param('returnparams','', PARAM_TEXT);
$params = array();
parse_str($returnparams, $params);
$params = array_merge( array('id' => $this->get_course_module()->id, 'action' => $returnaction), $params);
return $this->output->single_button(new moodle_url('/mod/assign/view.php', $params), get_string('back'), 'get');
* View the grading table of all submissions for this assignment
* @return string
private function view_grading_table() {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Include grading options form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradingoptionsform.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/quickgradingform.php');
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradingbatchoperationsform.php');
$o = '';
$links = array();
if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $this->get_course_context()) &&
has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $this->get_course_context())) {
$gradebookurl = '/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=' . $this->get_course()->id;
$links[$gradebookurl] = get_string('viewgradebook', 'assign');
if ($this->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) {
$downloadurl = '/mod/assign/view.php?id=' . $this->get_course_module()->id . '&action=downloadall';
$links[$downloadurl] = get_string('downloadall', 'assign');
$gradingactions = new url_select($links);
$gradingmanager = get_grading_manager($this->get_context(), 'mod_assign', 'submissions');
$perpage = get_user_preferences('assign_perpage', 10);
$filter = get_user_preferences('assign_filter', '');
$controller = $gradingmanager->get_active_controller();
$showquickgrading = empty($controller);
if (optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA) == 'saveoptions') {
$quickgrading = optional_param('quickgrading', false, PARAM_BOOL);
set_user_preference('assign_quickgrading', $quickgrading);
$quickgrading = get_user_preferences('assign_quickgrading', false);
// print options for changing the filter and changing the number of results per page
$gradingoptionsform = new mod_assign_grading_options_form(null,
'post', '',
$gradingbatchoperationsform = new mod_assign_grading_batch_operations_form(null,
'post', '',
$gradingoptionsdata = new stdClass();
$gradingoptionsdata->perpage = $perpage;
$gradingoptionsdata->filter = $filter;
// plagiarism update status apearring in the grading book
if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
/** Include plagiarismlib.php */
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php');
$o .= plagiarism_update_status($this->get_course(), $this->get_course_module());
$actionformtext = $this->output->render($gradingactions);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
$this->get_context(), false, $this->get_course_module()->id, get_string('grading', 'assign'), $actionformtext));
$o .= groups_print_activity_menu($this->get_course_module(), $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assign/view.php?id=' . $this->get_course_module()->id.'&action=grading', true);
// load and print the table of submissions
if ($showquickgrading && $quickgrading) {
$table = $this->output->render(new assign_grading_table($this, $perpage, $filter, 0, true));
$quickgradingform = new mod_assign_quick_grading_form(null,
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_form('quickgradingform', $quickgradingform));
} else {
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_grading_table($this, $perpage, $filter, 0, false));
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($this->get_course_module(), true);
$users = array_keys($this->list_participants($currentgroup, true));
if (count($users) != 0) {
// if no enrolled user in a course then don't display the batch operations feature
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_form('gradingbatchoperationsform', $gradingbatchoperationsform));
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_form('gradingoptionsform', $gradingoptionsform, 'M.mod_assign.init_grading_options'));
return $o;
* View entire grading page.
* @return string
private function view_grading_page() {
global $CFG;
$o = '';
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradeform.php');
// only load this if it is
$o .= $this->view_grading_table();
$o .= $this->view_footer();
$this->add_to_log('view submission grading table', get_string('viewsubmissiongradingtable', 'assign'));
return $o;
* Capture the output of the plagiarism plugins disclosures and return it as a string
* @return void
private function plagiarism_print_disclosure() {
global $CFG;
$o = '';
if (!empty($CFG->enableplagiarism)) {
/** Include plagiarismlib.php */
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/plagiarismlib.php');
$o .= plagiarism_print_disclosure($this->get_course_module()->id);
return $o;
* message for students when assignment submissions have been closed
* @return string
private function view_student_error_message() {
global $CFG;
$o = '';
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
get_string('editsubmission', 'assign')));
$o .= $this->output->notification(get_string('submissionsclosed', 'assign'));
$o .= $this->view_footer();
return $o;
* View edit submissions page.
* @param moodleform $mform
* @return void
private function view_edit_submission_page($mform) {
global $CFG;
$o = '';
// Include submission form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submission_form.php');
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context);
if (!$this->submissions_open()) {
return $this->view_student_error_message();
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
get_string('editsubmission', 'assign')));
$o .= $this->plagiarism_print_disclosure();
$data = new stdClass();
if (!$mform) {
$mform = new mod_assign_submission_form(null, array($this, $data));
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_form('editsubmissionform',$mform));
$o .= $this->view_footer();
$this->add_to_log('view submit assignment form', get_string('viewownsubmissionform', 'assign'));
return $o;
* See if this assignment has a grade yet
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
private function is_graded($userid) {
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false);
if ($grade) {
return ($grade->grade !== NULL && $grade->grade >= 0);
return false;
* Perform an access check to see if the current $USER can view this users submission
* @param int $userid
* @return bool
public function can_view_submission($userid) {
global $USER;
if (!is_enrolled($this->get_course_context(), $userid)) {
return false;
if ($userid == $USER->id && !has_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context)) {
return false;
if ($userid != $USER->id && !has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context)) {
return false;
return true;
* Ask the user to confirm they want to perform this batch operation
* @return string
private function process_batch_grading_operation() {
global $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradingbatchoperationsform.php');
$gradingbatchoperationsform = new mod_assign_grading_batch_operations_form(null,
'post', '',
if ($data = $gradingbatchoperationsform->get_data()) {
// get the list of users
$users = $data->selectedusers;
$userlist = explode(',', $users);
foreach ($userlist as $userid) {
if ($data->operation == 'lock') {
} else if ($data->operation == 'unlock') {
} else if ($data->operation == 'reverttodraft') {
return true;
* Ask the user to confirm they want to submit their work for grading
* @param $mform moodleform - null unless form validation has failed
* @return string
private function check_submit_for_grading($mform) {
global $USER, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submissionconfirmform.php');
// Check that all of the submission plugins are ready for this submission
$notifications = array();
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id, false);
$plugins = $this->get_submission_plugins();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
$check = $plugin->precheck_submission($submission);
if ($check !== true) {
$notifications[] = $check;
$data = new stdClass();
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
$requiresubmissionstatement = !empty($adminconfig->requiresubmissionstatement) ||
$submissionstatement = '';
if (!empty($adminconfig->submissionstatement)) {
$submissionstatement = $adminconfig->submissionstatement;
if ($mform == null) {
$mform = new mod_assign_confirm_submission_form(null, array($requiresubmissionstatement,
$o = '';
$o .= $this->output->header();
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_submit_for_grading_page($notifications, $this->get_course_module()->id, $mform));
$o .= $this->view_footer();
$this->add_to_log('view confirm submit assignment form', get_string('viewownsubmissionform', 'assign'));
return $o;
* Print 2 tables of information with no action links -
* the submission summary and the grading summary
* @param stdClass $user the user to print the report for
* @param bool $showlinks - Return plain text or links to the profile
* @return string - the html summary
public function view_student_summary($user, $showlinks) {
global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE;
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($user->id, false);
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($user->id, false);
$o = '';
if ($this->can_view_submission($user->id)) {
$showedit = has_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context) &&
$this->submissions_open() && ($this->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) && $showlinks;
$showsubmit = $submission && ($submission->status == ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_DRAFT) && $showlinks;
$gradelocked = ($grade && $grade->locked) || $this->grading_disabled($user->id);
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_submission_status($this->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate,
$gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->get_course()->id,
$gradingitem = $gradinginfo->items[0];
$gradebookgrade = $gradingitem->grades[$user->id];
// check to see if all feedback plugins are empty
$emptyplugins = true;
if ($grade) {
foreach ($this->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) {
if (!$plugin->is_empty($grade)) {
$emptyplugins = false;
if (!($gradebookgrade->hidden) && ($gradebookgrade->grade !== null || !$emptyplugins)) {
$gradefordisplay = '';
$gradingmanager = get_grading_manager($this->get_context(), 'mod_assign', 'submissions');
if ($controller = $gradingmanager->get_active_controller()) {
$gradefordisplay = $controller->render_grade($PAGE,
has_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->get_context()));
} else {
$gradefordisplay = $this->display_grade($gradebookgrade->grade, false);
$gradeddate = $gradebookgrade->dategraded;
$grader = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$gradebookgrade->usermodified));
$feedbackstatus = new assign_feedback_status($gradefordisplay,
$o .= $this->output->render($feedbackstatus);
return $o;
* View submissions page (contains details of current submission).
* @return string
private function view_submission_page() {
global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $PAGE;
$o = '';
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_header($this->get_instance(),
if ($this->can_grade()) {
$o .= $this->output->render(new assign_grading_summary($this->count_participants(0),
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($USER->id, false);
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id, false);
if ($this->can_view_submission($USER->id)) {
$o .= $this->view_student_summary($USER, true);
$o .= $this->view_footer();
$this->add_to_log('view', get_string('viewownsubmissionstatus', 'assign'));
return $o;
* convert the final raw grade(s) in the grading table for the gradebook
* @param stdClass $grade
* @return array
private function convert_grade_for_gradebook(stdClass $grade) {
$gradebookgrade = array();
// trying to match those array keys in grade update function in gradelib.php
// with keys in th database table assign_grades
// starting around line 262
if ($grade->grade >= 0) {
$gradebookgrade['rawgrade'] = $grade->grade;
$gradebookgrade['userid'] = $grade->userid;
$gradebookgrade['usermodified'] = $grade->grader;
$gradebookgrade['datesubmitted'] = NULL;
$gradebookgrade['dategraded'] = $grade->timemodified;
if (isset($grade->feedbackformat)) {
$gradebookgrade['feedbackformat'] = $grade->feedbackformat;
if (isset($grade->feedbacktext)) {
$gradebookgrade['feedback'] = $grade->feedbacktext;
return $gradebookgrade;
* convert submission details for the gradebook
* @param stdClass $submission
* @return array
private function convert_submission_for_gradebook(stdClass $submission) {
$gradebookgrade = array();
$gradebookgrade['userid'] = $submission->userid;
$gradebookgrade['usermodified'] = $submission->userid;
$gradebookgrade['datesubmitted'] = $submission->timemodified;
return $gradebookgrade;
* update grades in the gradebook
* @param mixed $submission stdClass|null
* @param mixed $grade stdClass|null
* @return bool
private function gradebook_item_update($submission=NULL, $grade=NULL) {
if($submission != NULL){
$gradebookgrade = $this->convert_submission_for_gradebook($submission);
$gradebookgrade = $this->convert_grade_for_gradebook($grade);
// Grading is disabled, return.
if ($this->grading_disabled($gradebookgrade['userid'])) {
return false;
$assign = clone $this->get_instance();
$assign->cmidnumber = $this->get_course_module()->id;
return assign_grade_item_update($assign, $gradebookgrade);
* update grades in the gradebook based on submission time
* @param stdClass $submission
* @param bool $updatetime
* @return bool
private function update_submission(stdClass $submission, $updatetime=true) {
global $DB;
if ($updatetime) {
$submission->timemodified = time();
$result= $DB->update_record('assign_submission', $submission);
if ($result) {
return $result;
* Is this assignment open for submissions?
* Check the due date,
* prevent late submissions,
* has this person already submitted,
* is the assignment locked?
* @return bool
private function submissions_open() {
global $USER;
$time = time();
$dateopen = true;
if ($this->get_instance()->preventlatesubmissions && $this->get_instance()->duedate) {
$dateopen = ($this->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate <= $time && $time <= $this->get_instance()->duedate);
} else {
$dateopen = ($this->get_instance()->allowsubmissionsfromdate <= $time);
if (!$dateopen) {
return false;
// now check if this user has already submitted etc.
if (!is_enrolled($this->get_course_context(), $USER)) {
return false;
if ($submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id, false)) {
if ($this->get_instance()->submissiondrafts && $submission->status == ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED) {
// drafts are tracked and the student has submitted the assignment
return false;
if ($grade = $this->get_user_grade($USER->id, false)) {
if ($grade->locked) {
return false;
if ($this->grading_disabled($USER->id)) {
return false;
return true;
* render the files in file area
* @param string $component
* @param string $area
* @param int $submissionid
* @return string
public function render_area_files($component, $area, $submissionid) {
global $USER;
if (!$submissionid) {
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id,false);
$submissionid = $submission->id;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$browser = get_file_browser();
$files = $fs->get_area_files($this->get_context()->id, $component, $area , $submissionid , "timemodified", false);
return $this->output->assign_files($this->context, $submissionid, $area, $component);
* Returns a list of teachers that should be grading given submission
* @param int $userid
* @return array
private function get_graders($userid) {
//potential graders
$potentialgraders = get_enrolled_users($this->context, "mod/assign:grade");
$graders = array();
if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($this->get_course_module()) == SEPARATEGROUPS) { // Separate groups are being used
if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($this->get_course()->id, $userid)) { // Try to find all groups
foreach ($groups as $group) {
foreach ($potentialgraders as $grader) {
if ($grader->id == $userid) {
continue; // do not send self
if (groups_is_member($group->id, $grader->id)) {
$graders[$grader->id] = $grader;
} else {
// user not in group, try to find graders without group
foreach ($potentialgraders as $grader) {
if ($grader->id == $userid) {
continue; // do not send self
if (!groups_has_membership($this->get_course_module(), $grader->id)) {
$graders[$grader->id] = $grader;
} else {
foreach ($potentialgraders as $grader) {
if ($grader->id == $userid) {
continue; // do not send self
// must be enrolled
if (is_enrolled($this->get_course_context(), $grader->id)) {
$graders[$grader->id] = $grader;
return $graders;
* Format a notification for plain text
* @param string $messagetype
* @param stdClass $info
* @param stdClass $course
* @param stdClass $context
* @param string $modulename
* @param string $assignmentname
private static function format_notification_message_text($messagetype, $info, $course, $context, $modulename, $assignmentname) {
$posttext = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $context->get_course_context())).' -> '.
$modulename.' -> '.
format_string($assignmentname, true, array('context' => $context))."\n";
$posttext .= '---------------------------------------------------------------------'."\n";
$posttext .= get_string($messagetype . 'text', "assign", $info)."\n";
$posttext .= "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
return $posttext;
* Format a notification for HTML
* @param string $messagetype
* @param stdClass $info
* @param stdClass $course
* @param stdClass $context
* @param string $modulename
* @param stdClass $coursemodule
* @param string $assignmentname
* @param stdClass $info
private static function format_notification_message_html($messagetype, $info, $course, $context, $modulename, $coursemodule, $assignmentname) {
global $CFG;
$posthtml = '<p><font face="sans-serif">'.
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $context->get_course_context())).'</a> ->'.
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assign/index.php?id='.$course->id.'">'.$modulename.'</a> ->'.
'<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assign/view.php?id='.$coursemodule->id.'">'.format_string($assignmentname, true, array('context' => $context)).'</a></font></p>';
$posthtml .= '<hr /><font face="sans-serif">';
$posthtml .= '<p>'.get_string($messagetype . 'html', 'assign', $info).'</p>';
$posthtml .= '</font><hr />';
return $posthtml;
* Message someone about something (static so it can be called from cron)
* @param stdClass $userfrom
* @param stdClass $userto
* @param string $messagetype
* @param string $eventtype
* @param int $updatetime
* @param stdClass $coursemodule
* @param stdClass $context
* @param stdClass $course
* @param string $modulename
* @param string $assignmentname
* @return void
public static function send_assignment_notification($userfrom, $userto, $messagetype, $eventtype,
$updatetime, $coursemodule, $context, $course,
$modulename, $assignmentname) {
global $CFG;
$info = new stdClass();
$info->username = fullname($userfrom, true);
$info->assignment = format_string($assignmentname,true, array('context'=>$context));
$info->url = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assign/view.php?id='.$coursemodule->id;
$info->timeupdated = strftime('%c',$updatetime);
$postsubject = get_string($messagetype . 'small', 'assign', $info);
$posttext = self::format_notification_message_text($messagetype, $info, $course, $context, $modulename, $assignmentname);
$posthtml = ($userto->mailformat == 1) ? self::format_notification_message_html($messagetype, $info, $course, $context, $modulename, $coursemodule, $assignmentname) : '';
$eventdata = new stdClass();
$eventdata->modulename = 'assign';
$eventdata->userfrom = $userfrom;
$eventdata->userto = $userto;
$eventdata->subject = $postsubject;
$eventdata->fullmessage = $posttext;
$eventdata->fullmessageformat = FORMAT_PLAIN;
$eventdata->fullmessagehtml = $posthtml;
$eventdata->smallmessage = $postsubject;
$eventdata->name = $eventtype;
$eventdata->component = 'mod_assign';
$eventdata->notification = 1;
$eventdata->contexturl = $info->url;
$eventdata->contexturlname = $info->assignment;
* Message someone about something
* @param stdClass $userfrom
* @param stdClass $userto
* @param string $messagetype
* @param string $eventtype
* @param int $updatetime
* @return void
public function send_notification($userfrom, $userto, $messagetype, $eventtype, $updatetime) {
self::send_assignment_notification($userfrom, $userto, $messagetype, $eventtype, $updatetime, $this->get_course_module(), $this->get_context(), $this->get_course(), $this->get_module_name(), $this->get_instance()->name);
* Notify student upon successful submission
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $submission
* @return void
private function notify_student_submission_receipt(stdClass $submission) {
global $DB;
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
if (empty($adminconfig->submissionreceipts)) {
// No need to do anything
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$submission->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->send_notification($user, $user, 'submissionreceipt', 'assign_notification', $submission->timemodified);
* Send notifications to graders upon student submissions
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @param stdClass $submission
* @return void
private function notify_graders(stdClass $submission) {
global $DB;
$late = $this->get_instance()->duedate && ($this->get_instance()->duedate < time());
if (!$this->get_instance()->sendnotifications && !($late && $this->get_instance()->sendlatenotifications)) { // No need to do anything
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$submission->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if ($teachers = $this->get_graders($user->id)) {
foreach ($teachers as $teacher) {
$this->send_notification($user, $teacher, 'gradersubmissionupdated', 'assign_notification', $submission->timemodified);
* assignment submission is processed before grading
* @param $mform If validation failed when submitting this form - this is the moodleform - it can be null
* @return bool Return false if the validation fails. This affects which page is displayed next.
private function process_submit_for_grading($mform) {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context);
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submissionconfirmform.php');
$data = new stdClass();
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
$requiresubmissionstatement = !empty($adminconfig->requiresubmissionstatement) ||
$submissionstatement = '';
if (!empty($adminconfig->submissionstatement)) {
$submissionstatement = $adminconfig->submissionstatement;
if ($mform == null) {
$mform = new mod_assign_confirm_submission_form(null, array($requiresubmissionstatement,
$data = $mform->get_data();
if (!$mform->is_cancelled()) {
if ($mform->get_data() == false) {
return false;
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id,true);
if ($submission->status != ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED) {
// Give each submission plugin a chance to process the submission
$plugins = $this->get_submission_plugins();
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
if (isset($data->submissionstatement)) {
$this->add_to_log('submission statement accepted', get_string('submissionstatementacceptedlog', 'mod_assign', fullname($USER)));
$this->add_to_log('submit for grading', $this->format_submission_for_log($submission));
return true;
* save quick grades
* @global moodle_database $DB
* @return string The result of the save operation
private function process_save_quick_grades() {
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
// Need grade permission
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
// make sure advanced grading is disabled
$gradingmanager = get_grading_manager($this->get_context(), 'mod_assign', 'submissions');
$controller = $gradingmanager->get_active_controller();
if (!empty($controller)) {
return get_string('errorquickgradingvsadvancedgrading', 'assign');
$users = array();
// first check all the last modified values
$currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($this->get_course_module(), true);
$participants = $this->list_participants($currentgroup, true);
// gets a list of possible users and look for values based upon that.
foreach ($participants as $userid => $unused) {
$modified = optional_param('grademodified_' . $userid, -1, PARAM_INT);
if ($modified >= 0) {
// gather the userid, updated grade and last modified value
$record = new stdClass();
$record->userid = $userid;
$record->grade = unformat_float(required_param('quickgrade_' . $record->userid, PARAM_TEXT));
$record->lastmodified = $modified;
$record->gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->get_course()->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->get_instance()->id, array($userid));
$users[$userid] = $record;
if (empty($users)) {
// Quick check to see whether we have any users to update and we don't
return get_string('quickgradingchangessaved', 'assign'); // Technical lie
list($userids, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($users), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
$params['assignment'] = $this->get_instance()->id;
// check them all for currency
$sql = 'SELECT as userid, g.grade as grade, g.timemodified as lastmodified
FROM {user} u
LEFT JOIN {assign_grades} g ON = g.userid AND g.assignment = :assignment
WHERE ' . $userids;
$currentgrades = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
$modifiedusers = array();
foreach ($currentgrades as $current) {
$modified = $users[(int)$current->userid];
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false);
// check to see if the outcomes were modified
if ($CFG->enableoutcomes) {
foreach ($modified->gradinginfo->outcomes as $outcomeid => $outcome) {
$oldoutcome = $outcome->grades[$modified->userid]->grade;
$newoutcome = optional_param('outcome_' . $outcomeid . '_' . $modified->userid, -1, PARAM_FLOAT);
if ($oldoutcome != $newoutcome) {
// can't check modified time for outcomes because it is not reported
$modifiedusers[$modified->userid] = $modified;
// let plugins participate
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->supports_quickgrading()) {
if ($plugin->is_quickgrading_modified($modified->userid, $grade)) {
if ((int)$current->lastmodified > (int)$modified->lastmodified) {
return get_string('errorrecordmodified', 'assign');
} else {
$modifiedusers[$modified->userid] = $modified;
if (($current->grade < 0 || $current->grade === NULL) &&
($modified->grade < 0 || $modified->grade === NULL)) {
// different ways to indicate no grade
// Treat 0 and null as different values
if ($current->grade !== null) {
$current->grade = floatval($current->grade);
if ($current->grade !== $modified->grade) {
// grade changed
if ($this->grading_disabled($modified->userid)) {
if ((int)$current->lastmodified > (int)$modified->lastmodified) {
// error - record has been modified since viewing the page
return get_string('errorrecordmodified', 'assign');
} else {
$modifiedusers[$modified->userid] = $modified;
// ok - ready to process the updates
foreach ($modifiedusers as $userid => $modified) {
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, true);
$grade->grade= grade_floatval(unformat_float($modified->grade));
$grade->grader= $USER->id;
// save plugins data
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->supports_quickgrading()) {
$plugin->save_quickgrading_changes($userid, $grade);
// save outcomes
if ($CFG->enableoutcomes) {
$data = array();
foreach ($modified->gradinginfo->outcomes as $outcomeid => $outcome) {
$oldoutcome = $outcome->grades[$modified->userid]->grade;
$newoutcome = optional_param('outcome_' . $outcomeid . '_' . $modified->userid, -1, PARAM_INT);
if ($oldoutcome != $newoutcome) {
$data[$outcomeid] = $newoutcome;
if (count($data) > 0) {
grade_update_outcomes('mod/assign', $this->course->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->get_instance()->id, $userid, $data);
$this->add_to_log('grade submission', $this->format_grade_for_log($grade));
return get_string('quickgradingchangessaved', 'assign');
* save grading options
* @return void
private function process_save_grading_options() {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Include grading options form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradingoptionsform.php');
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
$mform = new mod_assign_grading_options_form(null, array('cm'=>$this->get_course_module()->id,
if ($formdata = $mform->get_data()) {
set_user_preference('assign_perpage', $formdata->perpage);
set_user_preference('assign_filter', $formdata->filter);
* Take a grade object and print a short summary for the log file.
* The size limit for the log file is 255 characters, so be careful not
* to include too much information.
* @param stdClass $grade
* @return string
private function format_grade_for_log(stdClass $grade) {
global $DB;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $grade->userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$info = get_string('gradestudent', 'assign', array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user)));
if ($grade->grade != '') {
$info .= get_string('grade') . ': ' . $this->display_grade($grade->grade, false) . '. ';
} else {
$info .= get_string('nograde', 'assign');
if ($grade->locked) {
$info .= get_string('submissionslocked', 'assign') . '. ';
return $info;
* Take a submission object and print a short summary for the log file.
* The size limit for the log file is 255 characters, so be careful not
* to include too much information.
* @param stdClass $submission
* @return string
private function format_submission_for_log(stdClass $submission) {
$info = '';
$info .= get_string('submissionstatus', 'assign') . ': ' . get_string('submissionstatus_' . $submission->status, 'assign') . '. <br>';
// format_for_log here iterating every single log INFO from either submission or grade in every assignment plugin
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
$info .= "<br>" . $plugin->format_for_log($submission);
return $info;
* save assignment submission
* @param moodleform $mform
* @return bool
private function process_save_submission(&$mform) {
global $USER, $CFG;
// Include submission form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/submission_form.php');
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:submit', $this->context);
$data = new stdClass();
$mform = new mod_assign_submission_form(null, array($this, $data));
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
return true;
if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id, true); //create the submission if needed & its id
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($USER->id, false); // get the grade to check if it is locked
if ($grade && $grade->locked) {
print_error('submissionslocked', 'assign');
return true;
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled()) {
if (!$plugin->save($submission, $data)) {
// Logging
if (isset($data->submissionstatement)) {
$this->add_to_log('submission statement accepted', get_string('submissionstatementacceptedlog', 'mod_assign', fullname($USER)));
$this->add_to_log('submit', $this->format_submission_for_log($submission));
if (!$this->get_instance()->submissiondrafts) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine if this users grade is locked or overridden
* @param int $userid - The student userid
* @return bool $gradingdisabled
public function grading_disabled($userid) {
global $CFG;
$gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->get_course()->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->get_instance()->id, array($userid));
if (!$gradinginfo) {
return false;
if (!isset($gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$userid])) {
return false;
$gradingdisabled = $gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$userid]->locked || $gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$userid]->overridden;
return $gradingdisabled;
* Get an instance of a grading form if advanced grading is enabled
* This is specific to the assignment, marker and student
* @param int $userid - The student userid
* @param bool $gradingdisabled
* @return mixed gradingform_instance|null $gradinginstance
private function get_grading_instance($userid, $gradingdisabled) {
global $CFG, $USER;
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false);
$grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->get_instance()->grade);
$advancedgradingwarning = false;
$gradingmanager = get_grading_manager($this->context, 'mod_assign', 'submissions');
$gradinginstance = null;
if ($gradingmethod = $gradingmanager->get_active_method()) {
$controller = $gradingmanager->get_controller($gradingmethod);
if ($controller->is_form_available()) {
$itemid = null;
if ($grade) {
$itemid = $grade->id;
if ($gradingdisabled && $itemid) {
$gradinginstance = ($controller->get_current_instance($USER->id, $itemid));
} else if (!$gradingdisabled) {
$instanceid = optional_param('advancedgradinginstanceid', 0, PARAM_INT);
$gradinginstance = ($controller->get_or_create_instance($instanceid, $USER->id, $itemid));
} else {
$advancedgradingwarning = $controller->form_unavailable_notification();
if ($gradinginstance) {
return $gradinginstance;
* add elements to grade form
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param stdClass $data
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function add_grade_form_elements(MoodleQuickForm $mform, stdClass $data, $params) {
global $USER, $CFG;
$settings = $this->get_instance();
$rownum = $params['rownum'];
$last = $params['last'];
$useridlist = $params['useridlist'];
$userid = $useridlist[$rownum];
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false);
// add advanced grading
$gradingdisabled = $this->grading_disabled($userid);
$gradinginstance = $this->get_grading_instance($userid, $gradingdisabled);
if ($gradinginstance) {
$gradingelement = $mform->addElement('grading', 'advancedgrading', get_string('grade').':', array('gradinginstance' => $gradinginstance));
if ($gradingdisabled) {
} else {
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'advancedgradinginstanceid', $gradinginstance->get_id());
} else {
// use simple direct grading
if ($this->get_instance()->grade > 0) {
$gradingelement = $mform->addElement('text', 'grade', get_string('gradeoutof', 'assign',$this->get_instance()->grade));
$mform->addHelpButton('grade', 'gradeoutofhelp', 'assign');
$mform->setType('grade', PARAM_TEXT);
if ($gradingdisabled) {
} else {
$grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->get_instance()->grade);
if (count($grademenu) > 0) {
$gradingelement = $mform->addElement('select', 'grade', get_string('grade').':', $grademenu);
$mform->setType('grade', PARAM_INT);
if ($gradingdisabled) {
$gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->get_course()->id,
if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) {
foreach($gradinginfo->outcomes as $index=>$outcome) {
$options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid);
if ($outcome->grades[$userid]->locked) {
$options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
$mform->addElement('static', 'outcome_'.$index.'['.$userid.']', $outcome->name.':',
} else {
$options[''] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
$attributes = array('id' => 'menuoutcome_'.$index );
$mform->addElement('select', 'outcome_'.$index.'['.$userid.']', $outcome->name.':', $options, $attributes );
$mform->setType('outcome_'.$index.'['.$userid.']', PARAM_INT);
$mform->setDefault('outcome_'.$index.'['.$userid.']', $outcome->grades[$userid]->grade );
if (has_all_capabilities(array('gradereport/grader:view', 'moodle/grade:viewall'), $this->get_course_context())) {
$grade = $this->output->action_link(new moodle_url('/grade/report/grader/index.php',
} else {
$grade = $gradinginfo->items[0]->grades[$userid]->str_grade;
$mform->addElement('static', 'finalgrade', get_string('currentgrade', 'assign').':' ,$grade);
$mform->addElement('static', 'progress', '', get_string('gradingstudentprogress', 'assign', array('index'=>$rownum+1, 'count'=>count($useridlist))));
// plugins
$this->add_plugin_grade_elements($grade, $mform, $data);
// hidden params
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->get_course_module()->id);
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'rownum', $rownum);
$mform->setType('rownum', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'useridlist', implode(',', $useridlist));
$mform->setType('useridlist', PARAM_TEXT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'ajax', optional_param('ajax', 0, PARAM_INT));
$mform->setType('ajax', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'submitgrade');
$mform->setType('action', PARAM_ALPHA);
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'savegrade', get_string('savechanges', 'assign'));
if (!$last){
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'saveandshownext', get_string('savenext','assign'));
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('cancel', 'cancelbutton', get_string('cancel'));
$mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'buttonar', '', array(' '), false);
if ($rownum > 0) {
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'nosaveandprevious', get_string('previous','assign'));
if (!$last){
$buttonarray[] = $mform->createElement('submit', 'nosaveandnext', get_string('nosavebutnext', 'assign'));
$mform->addGroup($buttonarray, 'navar', '', array(' '), false);
* add elements in submission plugin form
* @param mixed $submission stdClass|null
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param stdClass $data
* @return void
private function add_plugin_submission_elements($submission, MoodleQuickForm $mform, stdClass $data) {
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->allow_submissions()) {
$mform->addElement('header', 'header_' . $plugin->get_type(), $plugin->get_name());
if (!$plugin->get_form_elements($submission, $mform, $data)) {
$mform->removeElement('header_' . $plugin->get_type());
* check if feedback plugins installed are enabled
* @return bool
public function is_any_feedback_plugin_enabled() {
if (!isset($this->cache['any_feedback_plugin_enabled'])) {
$this->cache['any_feedback_plugin_enabled'] = false;
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
$this->cache['any_feedback_plugin_enabled'] = true;
return $this->cache['any_feedback_plugin_enabled'];
* check if submission plugins installed are enabled
* @return bool
public function is_any_submission_plugin_enabled() {
if (!isset($this->cache['any_submission_plugin_enabled'])) {
$this->cache['any_submission_plugin_enabled'] = false;
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->allow_submissions()) {
$this->cache['any_submission_plugin_enabled'] = true;
return $this->cache['any_submission_plugin_enabled'];
* add elements to submission form
* @param MoodleQuickForm $mform
* @param stdClass $data
* @return void
public function add_submission_form_elements(MoodleQuickForm $mform, stdClass $data) {
global $USER;
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($USER->id, false);
// submission statement
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
$requiresubmissionstatement = !empty($adminconfig->requiresubmissionstatement) ||
$draftsenabled = $this->get_instance()->submissiondrafts;
if ($requiresubmissionstatement && !$draftsenabled) {
$submissionstatement = '';
if (!empty($adminconfig->submissionstatement)) {
$submissionstatement = $adminconfig->submissionstatement;
$mform->addElement('checkbox', 'submissionstatement', '', '&nbsp;' . $submissionstatement);
$mform->addRule('submissionstatement', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client');
$this->add_plugin_submission_elements($submission, $mform, $data);
// hidden params
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'id', $this->get_course_module()->id);
$mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
$mform->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'savesubmission');
$mform->setType('action', PARAM_TEXT);
// buttons
* revert to draft
* Uses url parameter userid
* @param int $userid
* @return void
private function process_revert_to_draft($userid = 0) {
global $USER, $DB;
// Need grade permission
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
if (!$userid) {
$userid = required_param('userid', PARAM_INT);
$submission = $this->get_user_submission($userid, false);
if (!$submission) {
$this->update_submission($submission, false);
// update the modified time on the grade (grader modified)
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, true);
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->add_to_log('revert submission to draft', get_string('reverttodraftforstudent', 'assign', array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user))));
* lock the process
* Uses url parameter userid
* @param int $userid
* @return void
private function process_lock($userid = 0) {
global $USER, $DB;
// Need grade permission
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
if (!$userid) {
$userid = required_param('userid', PARAM_INT);
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, true);
$grade->locked = 1;
$grade->grader = $USER->id;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->add_to_log('lock submission', get_string('locksubmissionforstudent', 'assign', array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user))));
* unlock the process
* @param int $userid
* @return void
private function process_unlock($userid = 0) {
global $USER, $DB;
// Need grade permission
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
if (!$userid) {
$userid = required_param('userid', PARAM_INT);
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, true);
$grade->locked = 0;
$grade->grader = $USER->id;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->add_to_log('unlock submission', get_string('unlocksubmissionforstudent', 'assign', array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user))));
* save outcomes submitted from grading form
* @param int $userid
* @param stdClass $formdata
private function process_outcomes($userid, $formdata) {
global $CFG, $USER;
if (empty($CFG->enableoutcomes)) {
if ($this->grading_disabled($userid)) {
$data = array();
$gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->get_course()->id,
if (!empty($gradinginfo->outcomes)) {
foreach($gradinginfo->outcomes as $index=>$oldoutcome) {
$name = 'outcome_'.$index;
if (isset($formdata->{$name}[$userid]) and $oldoutcome->grades[$userid]->grade != $formdata->{$name}[$userid]) {
$data[$index] = $formdata->{$name}[$userid];
if (count($data) > 0) {
grade_update_outcomes('mod/assign', $this->course->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->get_instance()->id, $userid, $data);
* save grade
* @param moodleform $mform
* @return bool - was the grade saved
private function process_save_grade(&$mform) {
global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
// Include grade form
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradeform.php');
// Need submit permission to submit an assignment
require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);
$rownum = required_param('rownum', PARAM_INT);
$useridlist = optional_param('useridlist', '', PARAM_TEXT);
if ($useridlist) {
$useridlist = explode(',', $useridlist);
} else {
$useridlist = $this->get_grading_userid_list();
$last = false;
$userid = $useridlist[$rownum];
if ($rownum == count($useridlist) - 1) {
$last = true;
$data = new stdClass();
$mform = new mod_assign_grade_form(null, array($this, $data, array('rownum'=>$rownum, 'useridlist'=>$useridlist, 'last'=>false)), 'post', '', array('class'=>'gradeform'));
if ($formdata = $mform->get_data()) {
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, true);
$gradingdisabled = $this->grading_disabled($userid);
$gradinginstance = $this->get_grading_instance($userid, $gradingdisabled);
if (!$gradingdisabled) {
if ($gradinginstance) {
$grade->grade = $gradinginstance->submit_and_get_grade($formdata->advancedgrading, $grade->id);
} else {
// handle the case when grade is set to No Grade
if (isset($formdata->grade)) {
$grade->grade = grade_floatval(unformat_float($formdata->grade));
$grade->grader= $USER->id;
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
$gradebookplugin = $adminconfig->feedback_plugin_for_gradebook;
// call save in plugins
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
if (!$plugin->save($grade, $formdata)) {
$result = false;
if (('assignfeedback_' . $plugin->get_type()) == $gradebookplugin) {
// this is the feedback plugin chose to push comments to the gradebook
$grade->feedbacktext = $plugin->text_for_gradebook($grade);
$grade->feedbackformat = $plugin->format_for_gradebook($grade);
$this->process_outcomes($userid, $formdata);
$grade->mailed = 0;
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$this->add_to_log('grade submission', $this->format_grade_for_log($grade));
} else {
return false;
return true;
* This function is a static wrapper around can_upgrade
* @param string $type The plugin type
* @param int $version The plugin version
* @return bool
public static function can_upgrade_assignment($type, $version) {
$assignment = new assign(null, null, null);
return $assignment->can_upgrade($type, $version);
* This function returns true if it can upgrade an assignment from the 2.2
* module.
* @param string $type The plugin type
* @param int $version The plugin version
* @return bool
public function can_upgrade($type, $version) {
if ($type == 'offline' && $version >= 2011112900) {
return true;
foreach ($this->submissionplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($type, $version)) {
return true;
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->can_upgrade($type, $version)) {
return true;
return false;
* Copy all the files from the old assignment files area to the new one.
* This is used by the plugin upgrade code.
* @param int $oldcontextid The old assignment context id
* @param int $oldcomponent The old assignment component ('assignment')
* @param int $oldfilearea The old assignment filearea ('submissions')
* @param int $olditemid The old submissionid (can be null e.g. intro)
* @param int $newcontextid The new assignment context id
* @param int $newcomponent The new assignment component ('assignment')
* @param int $newfilearea The new assignment filearea ('submissions')
* @param int $newitemid The new submissionid (can be null e.g. intro)
* @return int The number of files copied
public function copy_area_files_for_upgrade($oldcontextid, $oldcomponent, $oldfilearea, $olditemid, $newcontextid, $newcomponent, $newfilearea, $newitemid) {
// Note, this code is based on some code in filestorage - but that code
// deleted the old files (which we don't want)
$count = 0;
$fs = get_file_storage();
$oldfiles = $fs->get_area_files($oldcontextid, $oldcomponent, $oldfilearea, $olditemid, 'id', false);
foreach ($oldfiles as $oldfile) {
$filerecord = new stdClass();
$filerecord->contextid = $newcontextid;
$filerecord->component = $newcomponent;
$filerecord->filearea = $newfilearea;
$filerecord->itemid = $newitemid;
$fs->create_file_from_storedfile($filerecord, $oldfile);
$count += 1;
return $count;
* Get an upto date list of user grades and feedback for the gradebook
* @param int $userid int or 0 for all users
* @return array of grade data formated for the gradebook api
* The data required by the gradebook api is userid,
* rawgrade,
* feedback,
* feedbackformat,
* usermodified,
* dategraded,
* datesubmitted
public function get_user_grades_for_gradebook($userid) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$grades = array();
$assignmentid = $this->get_instance()->id;
$adminconfig = $this->get_admin_config();
$gradebookpluginname = $adminconfig->feedback_plugin_for_gradebook;
$gradebookplugin = null;
// find the gradebook plugin
foreach ($this->feedbackplugins as $plugin) {
if ($plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->is_visible()) {
if (('assignfeedback_' . $plugin->get_type()) == $gradebookpluginname) {
$gradebookplugin = $plugin;
if ($userid) {
$where = ' WHERE = ? ';
} else {
$where = ' WHERE != ? ';
$graderesults = $DB->get_recordset_sql('SELECT as userid, s.timemodified as datesubmitted, g.grade as rawgrade, g.timemodified as dategraded, g.grader as usermodified
FROM {user} u
LEFT JOIN {assign_submission} s ON = s.userid and s.assignment = ?
LEFT JOIN {assign_grades} g ON = g.userid and g.assignment = ?
' . $where, array($assignmentid, $assignmentid, $userid));
foreach ($graderesults as $result) {
$gradebookgrade = clone $result;
// now get the feedback
if ($gradebookplugin) {
$grade = $this->get_user_grade($result->userid, false);
if ($grade) {
$gradebookgrade->feedbacktext = $gradebookplugin->text_for_gradebook($grade);
$gradebookgrade->feedbackformat = $gradebookplugin->format_for_gradebook($grade);
$grades[$gradebookgrade->userid] = $gradebookgrade;
return $grades;