Sam Hemelryk 0b29477be9 navigation MDL-21565 Update this xxx is now automatically added to the nav for all modules by default and is renamed to settings as that is what was being used in the tabs system presently anyway.
The following minor changes were also made:
* Added roles links to the navigation automatically
* Handling of block context for settings navigation
* Tidied up init code for settings navigation
2010-03-22 03:04:00 +00:00

395 lines
12 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
* Mandatory public API of imscp module
* @package mod-imscp
* @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
* List of features supported in IMS CP module
* @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature
* @return mixed True if module supports feature, false if not, null if doesn't know
function imscp_supports($feature) {
switch($feature) {
case FEATURE_GROUPS: return false;
case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return false;
case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true;
case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return false;
case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return false;
default: return null;
* Returns all other caps used in module
* @return array
function imscp_get_extra_capabilities() {
return array('moodle/site:accessallgroups');
* This function is used by the reset_course_userdata function in moodlelib.
* @param $data the data submitted from the reset course.
* @return array status array
function imscp_reset_userdata($data) {
return array();
* List of view style log actions
* @return array
function imscp_get_view_actions() {
return array('view', 'view all');
* List of update style log actions
* @return array
function imscp_get_post_actions() {
return array('update', 'add');
* Add imscp instance.
* @param object $data
* @param object $mform
* @return int new imscp instance id
function imscp_add_instance($data, $mform) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$cmid = $data->coursemodule;
$data->timemodified = time();
$data->revision = 1;
$data->structure = null;
$data->id = $DB->insert_record('imscp', $data);
// we need to use context now, so we need to make sure all needed info is already in db
$DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $data->id, array('id'=>$cmid));
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid);
$imscp = $DB->get_record('imscp', array('id'=>$data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if ($filename = $mform->get_new_filename('package')) {
if ($package = $mform->save_stored_file('package', $context->id, 'imscp_backup', 1, '/', $filename)) {
// extract package content
$packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
$package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'imscp_content', 1, '/');
$structure = imscp_parse_structure($imscp, $context);
$imscp->structure = is_array($structure) ? serialize($structure) : null;
$DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);
return $data->id;
* Update imscp instance.
* @param object $data
* @param object $mform
* @return bool true
function imscp_update_instance($data, $mform) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$cmid = $data->coursemodule;
$data->timemodified = time();
$data->id = $data->instance;
$imscp->structure = null; // better reparse structure after each update
$DB->update_record('imscp', $data);
$context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid);
$imscp = $DB->get_record('imscp', array('id'=>$data->id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
if ($filename = $mform->get_new_filename('package')) {
$fs = get_file_storage();
$DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);
// get a list of existing packages before adding new package
if ($imscp->keepold > -1) {
$packages = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'imscp_backup', false, "itemid ASC", false);
} else {
$packages = array();
$package = $mform->save_stored_file('package', $context->id, 'imscp_backup', $imscp->revision, '/', $filename);
// purge all extracted content
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'imscp_content');
// extract package content
if ($package) {
$packer = get_file_packer('application/zip');
$package->extract_to_storage($packer, $context->id, 'imscp_content', $imscp->revision, '/');
// cleanup old package files, keep current + keepold
while ($packages and (count($packages) > $imscp->keepold)) {
$package = array_shift($packages);
$fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'imscp_backup', $package->get_itemid());
$structure = imscp_parse_structure($imscp, $context);
$imscp->structure = is_array($structure) ? serialize($structure) : null;
$DB->update_record('imscp', $imscp);
return true;
* Delete imscp instance.
* @param int $id
* @return bool true
function imscp_delete_instance($id) {
global $DB;
if (!$imscp = $DB->get_record('imscp', array('id'=>$id))) {
return false;
// note: all context files are deleted automatically
$DB->delete_records('imscp', array('id'=>$imscp->id));
return true;
* Return use outline
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $imscp
* @return object|null
function imscp_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $imscp) {
global $DB;
if ($logs = $DB->get_records('log', array('userid'=>$user->id, 'module'=>'imscp',
'action'=>'view', 'info'=>$imscp->id), 'time ASC')) {
$numviews = count($logs);
$lastlog = array_pop($logs);
$result = new object();
$result->info = get_string('numviews', '', $numviews);
$result->time = $lastlog->time;
return $result;
return NULL;
* Return use complete
* @param object $course
* @param object $user
* @param object $mod
* @param object $imscp
function imscp_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $imscp) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if ($logs = $DB->get_records('log', array('userid'=>$user->id, 'module'=>'imscp',
'action'=>'view', 'info'=>$imscp->id), 'time ASC')) {
$numviews = count($logs);
$lastlog = array_pop($logs);
$strmostrecently = get_string('mostrecently');
$strnumviews = get_string('numviews', '', $numviews);
echo "$strnumviews - $strmostrecently ".userdate($lastlog->time);
} else {
print_string('neverseen', 'imscp');
* Returns the users with data in one imscp
* @param int $imscpid
* @return bool false
function imscp_get_participants($imscpid) {
return false;
* Lists all browsable file areas
* @param object $course
* @param object $cm
* @param object $context
* @return array
function imscp_get_file_areas($course, $cm, $context) {
$areas = array();
if (has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
$areas['imscp_content'] = get_string('areacontent', 'imscp');
$areas['imscp_backup'] = get_string('areabackup', 'imscp');
return $areas;
* File browsing support for imscp module ontent area.
* @param object $browser
* @param object $areas
* @param object $course
* @param object $cm
* @param object $context
* @param string $filearea
* @param int $itemid
* @param string $filepath
* @param string $filename
* @return object file_info instance or null if not found
function imscp_get_file_info($browser, $areas, $course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// note: imscp_intro handled in file_browser automatically
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
// no peaking here, sorry
return null;
if ($filearea !== 'imscp_content' and $filearea !== 'imscp_backup') {
return null;
if (is_null($itemid)) {
return new imscp_file_info($browser, $course, $cm, $context, $areas, $filearea, $itemid);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$filepath = is_null($filepath) ? '/' : $filepath;
$filename = is_null($filename) ? '.' : $filename;
if (!$storedfile = $fs->get_file($context->id, $filearea, $itemid, $filepath, $filename)) {
return null;
// do not allow manual modification of any files!
$urlbase = $CFG->wwwroot.'/pluginfile.php';
return new file_info_stored($browser, $context, $storedfile, $urlbase, $itemid, true, true, false, false);
* Serves the imscp files.
* @param object $course
* @param object $cminfo
* @param object $context
* @param string $filearea
* @param array $args
* @param bool $forcedownload
* @return bool false if file not found, does not return if found - justsend the file
function imscp_pluginfile($course, $cminfo, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) {
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$cminfo->uservisible) {
return false;
if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('imscp', $cminfo->instance, $course->id)) {
return false;
if ($filearea === 'imscp_content') {
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
$revision = array_shift($args);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$relativepath = '/'.implode('/', $args);
if ($relativepath === '/imsmanifest.xml') {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
// no stealing of detailed package info ;-)
return false;
$fullpath = $context->id.$filearea.$revision.$relativepath;
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 86400, 0, $forcedownload);
} else if ($filearea === 'imscp_backup') {
require_login($course, false, $cm);
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $context)) {
// no stealing of package backups
return false;
$revision = array_shift($args);
$fs = get_file_storage();
$relativepath = '/'.implode('/', $args);
$fullpath = $context->id.$filearea.$revision.$relativepath;
if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) {
return false;
// finally send the file
send_stored_file($file, 86400, 0, $forcedownload);
} else {
return false;
* This function extends the global navigaiton for the site.
* It is important to note that you should not rely on PAGE objects within this
* body of code as there is no guarantee that during an AJAX request they are
* available
* @param navigation_node $navigation The imscp node within the global navigation
* @param stdClass $course The course object returned from the DB
* @param stdClass $module The module object returned from the DB
* @param stdClass $cm The course module isntance returned from the DB
function imscp_extend_navigation($navigation, $course, $module, $cm) {
* This is currently just a stub so that it can be easily expanded upon.
* When expanding just remove this comment and the line below and then add
* you content.
$navigation->nodetype = navigation_node::NODETYPE_LEAF;