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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* LDAP enrolment plugin implementation.
* This plugin synchronises enrolment and roles with a LDAP server.
* @package enrol
* @subpackage ldap
* @author Iñaki Arenaza - based on code by Martin Dougiamas, Martin Langhoff and others
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com}
* @copyright 2010 Iñaki Arenaza <iarenaza@eps.mondragon.edu>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
class enrol_ldap_plugin extends enrol_plugin {
protected $enrol_localcoursefield = 'idnumber';
protected $enroltype = 'enrol_ldap';
protected $errorlogtag = '[ENROL LDAP] ';
* Constructor for the plugin. In addition to calling the parent
* constructor, we define and 'fix' some settings depending on the
* real settings the admin defined.
public function __construct() {
global $CFG;
// Do our own stuff to fix the config (it's easier to do it
// here than using the admin settings infrastructure). We
// don't call $this->set_config() for any of the 'fixups'
// (except the objectclass, as it's critical) because the user
// didn't specify any values and relied on the default values
// defined for the user type she chose.
// Make sure we get sane defaults for critical values.
$this->config->ldapencoding = $this->get_config('ldapencoding', 'utf-8');
$this->config->user_type = $this->get_config('user_type', 'default');
$ldap_usertypes = ldap_supported_usertypes();
$this->config->user_type_name = $ldap_usertypes[$this->config->user_type];
$default = ldap_getdefaults();
// Remove the objectclass default, as the values specified there are for
// users, and we are dealing with groups here.
// Use defaults if values not given. Dont use this->get_config()
// here to be able to check for 0 and false values too.
foreach ($default as $key => $value) {
// Watch out - 0, false are correct values too, so we can't use $this->get_config()
if (!isset($this->config->{$key}) or $this->config->{$key} == '') {
$this->config->{$key} = $value[$this->config->user_type];
if (empty($this->config->objectclass)) {
// Can't send empty filter. Fix it for now and future occasions
$this->set_config('objectclass', '(objectClass=*)');
} else if (stripos($this->config->objectclass, 'objectClass=') === 0) {
// Value is 'objectClass=some-string-here', so just add ()
// around the value (filter _must_ have them).
// Fix it for now and future occasions
$this->set_config('objectclass', '('.$this->config->objectclass.')');
} else if (stripos($this->config->objectclass, '(') !== 0) {
// Value is 'some-string-not-starting-with-left-parentheses',
// which is assumed to be the objectClass matching value.
// So build a valid filter with it.
$this->set_config('objectclass', '(objectClass='.$this->config->objectclass.')');
} else {
// There is an additional possible value
// '(some-string-here)', that can be used to specify any
// valid filter string, to select subsets of users based
// on any criteria. For example, we could select the users
// whose objectClass is 'user' and have the
// 'enabledMoodleUser' attribute, with something like:
// (&(objectClass=user)(enabledMoodleUser=1))
// In this particular case we don't need to do anything,
// so leave $this->config->objectclass as is.
* Is it possible to delete enrol instance via standard UI?
* @param object $instance
* @return bool
public function instance_deleteable($instance) {
if (!enrol_is_enabled('ldap')) {
return true;
if (!$this->get_config('ldap_host') or !$this->get_config('objectclass') or !$this->get_config('course_idnumber')) {
return true;
// TODO: connect to external system and make sure no users are to be enrolled in this course
return false;
* Forces synchronisation of user enrolments with LDAP server.
* It creates courses if the plugin is configured to do so.
* @param object $user user record
* @return void
public function sync_user_enrolments($user) {
global $DB;
$ldapconnection = $this->ldap_connect();
if (!$ldapconnection) {
if (!is_object($user) or !property_exists($user, 'id')) {
throw new coding_exception('Invalid $user parameter in sync_user_enrolments()');
if (!property_exists($user, 'idnumber')) {
debugging('Invalid $user parameter in sync_user_enrolments(), missing idnumber');
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id));
// We may need a lot of memory here
// Get enrolments for each type of role.
$roles = get_all_roles();
$enrolments = array();
foreach($roles as $role) {
// Get external enrolments according to LDAP server
$enrolments[$role->id]['ext'] = $this->find_ext_enrolments($ldapconnection, $user->idnumber, $role);
// Get the list of current user enrolments that come from LDAP
$sql= "SELECT e.courseid, ue.status, e.id as enrolid, c.shortname
FROM {user} u
JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.userid = u.id AND ra.component = 'enrol_ldap' AND ra.roleid = :roleid)
JOIN {user_enrolments} ue ON (ue.userid = u.id AND ue.enrolid = ra.itemid)
JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.id = ue.enrolid)
JOIN {course} c ON (c.id = e.courseid)
WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND u.id = :userid";
$params = array ('roleid'=>$role->id, 'userid'=>$user->id);
$enrolments[$role->id]['current'] = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
$ignorehidden = $this->get_config('ignorehiddencourses');
$courseidnumber = $this->get_config('course_idnumber');
foreach($roles as $role) {
foreach ($enrolments[$role->id]['ext'] as $enrol) {
$course_ext_id = $enrol[$courseidnumber][0];
if (empty($course_ext_id)) {
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extcourseidinvalid', 'enrol_ldap'));
continue; // Next; skip this one!
// Create the course if required
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array($this->enrol_localcoursefield=>$course_ext_id));
if (empty($course)) { // Course doesn't exist
if ($this->get_config('autocreate')) { // Autocreate
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('createcourseextid', 'enrol_ldap',
if ($newcourseid = $this->create_course($enrol)) {
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$newcourseid));
} else {
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('createnotcourseextid', 'enrol_ldap',
continue; // Next; skip this one!
// Deal with enrolment in the moodle db
// Add necessary enrol instance if not present yet;
$sql = "SELECT c.id, c.visible, e.id as enrolid
FROM {course} c
JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.courseid = c.id AND e.enrol = 'ldap')
WHERE c.id = :courseid";
$params = array('courseid'=>$course->id);
if (!($course_instance = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE))) {
$course_instance = new stdClass();
$course_instance->id = $course->id;
$course_instance->visible = $course->visible;
$course_instance->enrolid = $this->add_instance($course_instance);
if (!$instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$course_instance->enrolid))) {
continue; // Weird; skip this one.
if ($ignorehidden && !$course_instance->visible) {
if (empty($enrolments[$role->id]['current'][$course->id])) {
// Enrol the user in the given course, with that role.
$this->enrol_user($instance, $user->id, $role->id);
// Make sure we set the enrolment status to active. If the user wasn't
// previously enrolled to the course, enrol_user() sets it. But if we
// configured the plugin to suspend the user enrolments _AND_ remove
// the role assignments on external unenrol, then enrol_user() doesn't
// set it back to active on external re-enrolment. So set it
// unconditionnally to cover both cases.
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$user->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('enroluser', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $user->username,
} else {
if ($enrolments[$role->id]['current'][$course->id]->status == ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
// Reenable enrolment that was previously disabled. Enrolment refreshed
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$user->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('enroluserenable', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $user->username,
// Remove this course from the current courses, to be able to detect
// which current courses should be unenroled from when we finish processing
// external enrolments.
// Deal with unenrolments.
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
foreach ($enrolments[$role->id]['current'] as $course) {
$context = context_course::instance($course->courseid);
$instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$course->enrolid));
switch ($this->get_config('unenrolaction')) {
$this->unenrol_user($instance, $user->id);
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedunenrol', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $user->username,
// Keep - only adding enrolments
if ($course->status != ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$user->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedsuspend', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $user->username,
if ($course->status != ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$user->id));
role_unassign_all(array('contextid'=>$context->id, 'userid'=>$user->id, 'component'=>'enrol_ldap', 'itemid'=>$instance->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedsuspendnoroles', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $user->username,
* Forces synchronisation of all enrolments with LDAP server.
* It creates courses if the plugin is configured to do so.
* @return void
public function sync_enrolments() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$ldapconnection = $this->ldap_connect();
if (!$ldapconnection) {
// we may need a lot of memory here
// Get enrolments for each type of role.
$roles = get_all_roles();
$enrolments = array();
foreach($roles as $role) {
// Get all contexts
$ldap_contexts = explode(';', $this->config->{'contexts_role'.$role->id});
// Get all the fields we will want for the potential course creation
// as they are light. Don't get membership -- potentially a lot of data.
$ldap_fields_wanted = array('dn', $this->config->course_idnumber);
if (!empty($this->config->course_fullname)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $this->config->course_fullname);
if (!empty($this->config->course_shortname)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $this->config->course_shortname);
if (!empty($this->config->course_summary)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $this->config->course_summary);
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $this->config->{'memberattribute_role'.$role->id});
// Define the search pattern
$ldap_search_pattern = $this->config->objectclass;
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $ldap_context) {
$ldap_context = trim($ldap_context);
if (empty($ldap_context)) {
continue; // Next;
if ($this->config->course_search_sub) {
// Use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = @ldap_search($ldapconnection,
} else {
// Search only in this context
$ldap_result = @ldap_list($ldapconnection,
if (!$ldap_result) {
continue; // Next
// Check and push results
$records = ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $ldap_result);
// LDAP libraries return an odd array, really. fix it:
$flat_records = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < $records['count']; $c++) {
array_push($flat_records, $records[$c]);
// Free some mem
if (count($flat_records)) {
$ignorehidden = $this->get_config('ignorehiddencourses');
foreach($flat_records as $course) {
$course = array_change_key_case($course, CASE_LOWER);
$idnumber = $course{$this->config->course_idnumber}[0];
print_string('synccourserole', 'enrol_ldap',
array('idnumber'=>$idnumber, 'role_shortname'=>$role->shortname));
// Does the course exist in moodle already?
$course_obj = $DB->get_record('course', array($this->enrol_localcoursefield=>$idnumber));
if (empty($course_obj)) { // Course doesn't exist
if ($this->get_config('autocreate')) { // Autocreate
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('createcourseextid', 'enrol_ldap',
if ($newcourseid = $this->create_course($course)) {
$course_obj = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$newcourseid));
} else {
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('createnotcourseextid', 'enrol_ldap',
continue; // Next; skip this one!
// Enrol & unenrol
// Pull the ldap membership into a nice array
// this is an odd array -- mix of hash and array --
$ldapmembers = array();
if (array_key_exists('memberattribute_role'.$role->id, $this->config)
&& !empty($this->config->{'memberattribute_role'.$role->id})
&& !empty($course[$this->config->{'memberattribute_role'.$role->id}])) { // May have no membership!
$ldapmembers = $course[$this->config->{'memberattribute_role'.$role->id}];
unset($ldapmembers['count']); // Remove oddity ;)
// If we have enabled nested groups, we need to expand
// the groups to get the real user list. We need to do
// this before dealing with 'memberattribute_isdn'.
if ($this->config->nested_groups) {
$users = array();
foreach ($ldapmembers as $ldapmember) {
$grpusers = $this->ldap_explode_group($ldapconnection,
$users = array_merge($users, $grpusers);
$ldapmembers = array_unique($users); // There might be duplicates.
// Deal with the case where the member attribute holds distinguished names,
// but only if the user attribute is not a distinguished name itself.
if ($this->config->memberattribute_isdn
&& ($this->config->idnumber_attribute !== 'dn')
&& ($this->config->idnumber_attribute !== 'distinguishedname')) {
// We need to retrieve the idnumber for all the users in $ldapmembers,
// as the idnumber does not match their dn and we get dn's from membership.
$memberidnumbers = array();
foreach ($ldapmembers as $ldapmember) {
$result = ldap_read($ldapconnection, $ldapmember, '(objectClass=*)',
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $result);
$values = ldap_get_values($ldapconnection, $entry, $this->config->idnumber_attribute);
array_push($memberidnumbers, $values[0]);
$ldapmembers = $memberidnumbers;
// Prune old ldap enrolments
// hopefully they'll fit in the max buffer size for the RDBMS
$sql= "SELECT u.id as userid, u.username, ue.status,
ra.contextid, ra.itemid as instanceid
FROM {user} u
JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.userid = u.id AND ra.component = 'enrol_ldap' AND ra.roleid = :roleid)
JOIN {user_enrolments} ue ON (ue.userid = u.id AND ue.enrolid = ra.itemid)
JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.id = ue.enrolid)
WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND e.courseid = :courseid ";
$params = array('roleid'=>$role->id, 'courseid'=>$course_obj->id);
$context = context_course::instance($course_obj->id);
if (!empty($ldapmembers)) {
list($ldapml, $params2) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($ldapmembers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'm', false);
$sql .= "AND u.idnumber $ldapml";
$params = array_merge($params, $params2);
} else {
$shortname = format_string($course_obj->shortname, true, array('context' => $context));
print_string('emptyenrolment', 'enrol_ldap',
array('role_shortname'=> $role->shortname,
'course_shortname' => $shortname));
$todelete = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
if (!empty($todelete)) {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
foreach ($todelete as $row) {
$instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$row->instanceid));
switch ($this->get_config('unenrolaction')) {
$this->unenrol_user($instance, $row->userid);
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedunenrol', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $row->username,
// Keep - only adding enrolments
if ($row->status != ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$row->userid));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedsuspend', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $row->username,
if ($row->status != ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$row->userid));
role_unassign_all(array('contextid'=>$row->contextid, 'userid'=>$row->userid, 'component'=>'enrol_ldap', 'itemid'=>$instance->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('extremovedsuspendnoroles', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $row->username,
// Insert current enrolments
// bad we can't do INSERT IGNORE with postgres...
// Add necessary enrol instance if not present yet;
$sql = "SELECT c.id, c.visible, e.id as enrolid
FROM {course} c
JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.courseid = c.id AND e.enrol = 'ldap')
WHERE c.id = :courseid";
$params = array('courseid'=>$course_obj->id);
if (!($course_instance = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params, IGNORE_MULTIPLE))) {
$course_instance = new stdClass();
$course_instance->id = $course_obj->id;
$course_instance->visible = $course_obj->visible;
$course_instance->enrolid = $this->add_instance($course_instance);
if (!$instance = $DB->get_record('enrol', array('id'=>$course_instance->enrolid))) {
continue; // Weird; skip this one.
if ($ignorehidden && !$course_instance->visible) {
$transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction();
foreach ($ldapmembers as $ldapmember) {
$sql = 'SELECT id,username,1 FROM {user} WHERE idnumber = ? AND deleted = 0';
$member = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($ldapmember));
if(empty($member) || empty($member->id)){
print_string ('couldnotfinduser', 'enrol_ldap', $ldapmember);
$sql= "SELECT ue.status
FROM {user_enrolments} ue
JOIN {enrol} e ON (e.id = ue.enrolid)
JOIN {role_assignments} ra ON (ra.itemid = e.id AND ra.component = 'enrol_ldap')
WHERE e.courseid = :courseid AND ue.userid = :userid";
$params = array('courseid'=>$course_obj->id, 'userid'=>$member->id);
$userenrolment = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, $params);
if(empty($userenrolment)) {
$this->enrol_user($instance, $member->id, $role->id);
// Make sure we set the enrolment status to active. If the user wasn't
// previously enrolled to the course, enrol_user() sets it. But if we
// configured the plugin to suspend the user enrolments _AND_ remove
// the role assignments on external unenrol, then enrol_user() doesn't
// set it back to active on external re-enrolment. So set it
// unconditionnally to cover both cases.
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$member->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('enroluser', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $member->username,
} else {
if ($userenrolment->status == ENROL_USER_SUSPENDED) {
// Reenable enrolment that was previously disabled. Enrolment refreshed
$DB->set_field('user_enrolments', 'status', ENROL_USER_ACTIVE, array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'userid'=>$member->id));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('enroluserenable', 'enrol_ldap',
array('user_username'=> $member->username,
* Connect to the LDAP server, using the plugin configured
* settings. It's actually a wrapper around ldap_connect_moodle()
* @return mixed A valid LDAP connection or false.
protected function ldap_connect() {
global $CFG;
// Cache ldap connections. They are expensive to set up
// and can drain the TCP/IP ressources on the server if we
// are syncing a lot of users (as we try to open a new connection
// to get the user details). This is the least invasive way
// to reuse existing connections without greater code surgery.
if(!empty($this->ldapconnection)) {
return $this->ldapconnection;
if ($ldapconnection = ldap_connect_moodle($this->get_config('host_url'), $this->get_config('ldap_version'),
$this->get_config('user_type'), $this->get_config('bind_dn'),
$this->get_config('bind_pw'), $this->get_config('opt_deref'),
$debuginfo)) {
$this->ldapconns = 1;
$this->ldapconnection = $ldapconnection;
return $ldapconnection;
// Log the problem, but don't show it to the user. She doesn't
// even have a chance to see it, as we redirect instantly to
// the user/front page.
return false;
* Disconnects from a LDAP server
protected function ldap_close() {
if($this->ldapconns == 0) {
* Return multidimensional array with details of user courses (at
* least dn and idnumber).
* @param resource $ldapconnection a valid LDAP connection.
* @param string $memberuid user idnumber (without magic quotes).
* @param object role is a record from the mdl_role table.
* @return array
protected function find_ext_enrolments ($ldapconnection, $memberuid, $role) {
global $CFG;
if (empty($memberuid)) {
// No "idnumber" stored for this user, so no LDAP enrolments
return array();
$ldap_contexts = trim($this->get_config('contexts_role'.$role->id));
if (empty($ldap_contexts)) {
// No role contexts, so no LDAP enrolments
return array();
$extmemberuid = textlib::convert($memberuid, 'utf-8', $this->get_config('ldapencoding'));
if($this->get_config('memberattribute_isdn')) {
if (!($extmemberuid = $this->ldap_find_userdn ($ldapconnection, $extmemberuid))) {
return array();
$ldap_search_pattern = '';
if($this->get_config('nested_groups')) {
$usergroups = $this->ldap_find_user_groups($ldapconnection, $extmemberuid);
if(count($usergroups) > 0) {
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
$ldap_search_pattern .= '('.$this->get_config('memberattribute_role'.$role->id).'='.$group.')';
// Default return value
$courses = array();
// Get all the fields we will want for the potential course creation
// as they are light. don't get membership -- potentially a lot of data.
$ldap_fields_wanted = array('dn', $this->get_config('course_idnumber'));
$fullname = $this->get_config('course_fullname');
$shortname = $this->get_config('course_shortname');
$summary = $this->get_config('course_summary');
if (isset($fullname)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $fullname);
if (isset($shortname)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $shortname);
if (isset($summary)) {
array_push($ldap_fields_wanted, $summary);
// Define the search pattern
if (empty($ldap_search_pattern)) {
$ldap_search_pattern = '('.$this->get_config('memberattribute_role'.$role->id).'='.ldap_filter_addslashes($extmemberuid).')';
} else {
$ldap_search_pattern = '(|' . $ldap_search_pattern .
'('.$this->get_config('memberattribute_role'.$role->id).'='.ldap_filter_addslashes($extmemberuid).')' .
// Get all contexts and look for first matching user
$ldap_contexts = explode(';', $ldap_contexts);
foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) {
$context = trim($context);
if (empty($context)) {
if ($this->get_config('course_search_sub')) {
// Use ldap_search to find first user from subtree
$ldap_result = @ldap_search($ldapconnection,
} else {
// Search only in this context
$ldap_result = @ldap_list($ldapconnection,
if (!$ldap_result) {
// Check and push results. ldap_get_entries() already
// lowercases the attribute index, so there's no need to
// use array_change_key_case() later.
$records = ldap_get_entries($ldapconnection, $ldap_result);
// LDAP libraries return an odd array, really. Fix it.
$flat_records = array();
for ($c = 0; $c < $records['count']; $c++) {
array_push($flat_records, $records[$c]);
if (count($flat_records)) {
$courses = array_merge($courses, $flat_records);
return $courses;
* Search specified contexts for the specified userid and return the
* user dn like: cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org. It's actually a wrapper
* around ldap_find_userdn().
* @param resource $ldapconnection a valid LDAP connection
* @param string $userid the userid to search for (in external LDAP encoding, no magic quotes).
* @return mixed the user dn or false
protected function ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $userid) {
global $CFG;
$ldap_contexts = explode(';', $this->get_config('user_contexts'));
$ldap_defaults = ldap_getdefaults();
return ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $userid, $ldap_contexts,
$this->get_config('idnumber_attribute'), $this->get_config('user_search_sub'));
* Find the groups a given distinguished name belongs to, both directly
* and indirectly via nested groups membership.
* @param resource $ldapconnection a valid LDAP connection
* @param string $memberdn distinguished name to search
* @return array with member groups' distinguished names (can be emtpy)
protected function ldap_find_user_groups($ldapconnection, $memberdn) {
$groups = array();
$this->ldap_find_user_groups_recursively($ldapconnection, $memberdn, $groups);
return $groups;
* Recursively process the groups the given member distinguished name
* belongs to, adding them to the already processed groups array.
* @param resource $ldapconnection
* @param string $memberdn distinguished name to search
* @param array reference &$membergroups array with already found
* groups, where we'll put the newly found
* groups.
protected function ldap_find_user_groups_recursively($ldapconnection, $memberdn, &$membergroups) {
$result = @ldap_read ($ldapconnection, $memberdn, '(objectClass=*)', array($this->get_config('group_memberofattribute')));
if (!$result) {
if ($entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $result)) {
do {
$attributes = ldap_get_attributes($ldapconnection, $entry);
for ($j = 0; $j < $attributes['count']; $j++) {
$groups = ldap_get_values_len($ldapconnection, $entry, $attributes[$j]);
foreach ($groups as $key => $group) {
if ($key === 'count') { // Skip the entries count
if(!in_array($group, $membergroups)) {
// Only push and recurse if we haven't 'seen' this group before
// to prevent loops (MS Active Directory allows them!!).
array_push($membergroups, $group);
$this->ldap_find_user_groups_recursively($ldapconnection, $group, $membergroups);
while ($entry = ldap_next_entry($ldapconnection, $entry));
* Given a group name (either a RDN or a DN), get the list of users
* belonging to that group. If the group has nested groups, expand all
* the intermediate groups and return the full list of users that
* directly or indirectly belong to the group.
* @param resource $ldapconnection a valid LDAP connection
* @param string $group the group name to search
* @param string $memberattibute the attribute that holds the members of the group
* @return array the list of users belonging to the group. If $group
* is not actually a group, returns array($group).
protected function ldap_explode_group($ldapconnection, $group, $memberattribute) {
switch ($this->get_config('user_type')) {
case 'ad':
// $group is already the distinguished name to search.
$dn = $group;
$result = ldap_read($ldapconnection, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array('objectClass'));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $result);
$objectclass = ldap_get_values($ldapconnection, $entry, 'objectClass');
if (!in_array('group', $objectclass)) {
// Not a group, so return immediately.
return array($group);
$result = ldap_read($ldapconnection, $dn, '(objectClass=*)', array($memberattribute));
$entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $result);
$members = @ldap_get_values($ldapconnection, $entry, $memberattribute); // Can be empty and throws a warning
if ($members['count'] == 0) {
// There are no members in this group, return nothing.
return array();
$users = array();
foreach ($members as $member) {
$group_members = $this->ldap_explode_group($ldapconnection, $member, $memberattribute);
$users = array_merge($users, $group_members);
return ($users);
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('explodegroupusertypenotsupported', 'enrol_ldap',
return array($group);
* Will create the moodle course from the template
* course_ext is an array as obtained from ldap -- flattened somewhat
* NOTE: if you pass true for $skip_fix_course_sortorder
* you will want to call fix_course_sortorder() after your are done
* with course creation.
* @param array $course_ext
* @param boolean $skip_fix_course_sortorder
* @return mixed false on error, id for the newly created course otherwise.
function create_course($course_ext, $skip_fix_course_sortorder=false) {
global $CFG, $DB;
// Override defaults with template course
$template = false;
if ($this->get_config('template')) {
if ($template = $DB->get_record('course', array('shortname'=>$this->get_config('template')))) {
unset($template->id); // So we are clear to reinsert the record
if (!$template) {
$courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse');
$template = new stdClass();
$template->summary = '';
$template->summaryformat = FORMAT_HTML;
$template->format = $courseconfig->format;
$template->numsections = $courseconfig->numsections;
$template->hiddensections = $courseconfig->hiddensections;
$template->newsitems = $courseconfig->newsitems;
$template->showgrades = $courseconfig->showgrades;
$template->showreports = $courseconfig->showreports;
$template->maxbytes = $courseconfig->maxbytes;
$template->groupmode = $courseconfig->groupmode;
$template->groupmodeforce = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce;
$template->visible = $courseconfig->visible;
$template->lang = $courseconfig->lang;
$template->groupmodeforce = $courseconfig->groupmodeforce;
$course = $template;
$course->category = $this->get_config('category');
if (!$DB->record_exists('course_categories', array('id'=>$this->get_config('category')))) {
$categories = $DB->get_records('course_categories', array(), 'sortorder', 'id', 0, 1);
$first = reset($categories);
$course->category = $first->id;
// Override with required ext data
$course->idnumber = $course_ext[$this->get_config('course_idnumber')][0];
$course->fullname = $course_ext[$this->get_config('course_fullname')][0];
$course->shortname = $course_ext[$this->get_config('course_shortname')][0];
if (empty($course->idnumber) || empty($course->fullname) || empty($course->shortname)) {
// We are in trouble!
error_log($this->errorlogtag.get_string('cannotcreatecourse', 'enrol_ldap'));
error_log($this->errorlogtag.var_export($course, true));
return false;
$summary = $this->get_config('course_summary');
if (!isset($summary) || empty($course_ext[$summary][0])) {
$course->summary = '';
} else {
$course->summary = $course_ext[$this->get_config('course_summary')][0];
$newcourse = create_course($course);
return $newcourse->id;