mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 01:48:45 +01:00
721 lines
26 KiB
721 lines
26 KiB
* This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
* File manager
* @copyright 1999 onwards Dongsheng Cai <dongsheng@moodle.com>
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
var fm_cfg = {};
var fm_move_dlg = null;
var fm_rename_dlg = null;
var fm_mkdir_dlg = null;
// initialize file manager
var filemanager = (function(){
function _filemanager() {
this.init = function(client_id, options) {
this.client_id = client_id;
html_compiler(client_id, options);
return _filemanager;
filemanager.url = moodle_cfg.wwwroot + '/files/files_ajax.php';
filemanager.fileicon = moodle_cfg.wwwroot + '/pix/i/settings.gif';
// callback function for file picker
function filemanager_callback(obj) {
refresh_filemanager(obj.filepath, fm_cfg[obj.client_id]);
if (fm_cfg[obj.client_id].currentfiles>=fm_cfg[obj.client_id].maxfiles && fm_cfg[obj.client_id].maxfiles!=-1) {
var btn = document.getElementById('btnadd-'+obj.client_id);
if (btn)
btn.style.display = 'none';
// setup options for file picker
function fm_launch_filepicker(el_id, options) {
var picker = document.createElement('DIV');
picker.id = 'file-picker-'+options.client_id;
picker.className = 'file-picker';
var el=document.getElementById(el_id);
var params = {};
params.env = 'filemanager';
params.itemid = options.itemid;
params.maxfiles = options.maxfiles;
params.maxbytes = options.maxbytes;
params.savepath = options.savepath;
params.target = el;
params.callback = filemanager_callback;
var fp = open_filepicker(options.client_id, params);
return false;
// create a new folder in draft area
function mkdir(e, client_id, itemid) {
var mkdir_cb = {
success: function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[client_id]);
var perform = function(e) {
var foldername = document.getElementById('fm-newname').value;
if (!foldername) {
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = itemid;
params['newdirname'] = foldername;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
params['filepath'] = fm_cfg[client_id].currentpath;
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=mkdir', mkdir_cb, build_querystring(params));
if (!document.getElementById('fm-mkdir-dlg')) {
var el = document.createElement('DIV');
el.id = 'fm-mkdir-dlg';
el.innerHTML = '<div class="hd">'+mstr.repository.entername+'</div><div class="bd"><input type="text" id="fm-newname" /></div>';
var x = YAHOO.util.Event.getPageX(e);
var y = YAHOO.util.Event.getPageY(e);
fm_mkdir_dlg = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("fm-mkdir-dlg", {
width: "300px",
visible: true,
constraintoviewport : true
var buttons = [ { text:mstr.moodle.ok, handler:perform, isDefault:true },
{ text:mstr.moodle.cancel, handler:function(){this.cancel();}}];
fm_mkdir_dlg.cfg.queueProperty("buttons", buttons);
var k1 = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(document.getElementById('fm-mkdir-dlg'), {keys:13}, {fn:function(){perform();}, correctScope: true});
document.getElementById('fm-newname').value = '';
// generate html
function html_compiler(client_id, options) {
var list = options.list;
var breadcrumb = document.getElementById('fm-path-'+client_id);
var count = 0;
if (options.path) {
breadcrumb.innerHTML = '';
var count = 0;
for(var p in options.path) {
var sep = document.createElement('SPAN');
sep.innerHTML = ' ▶ ';
if (count==0) {
sep.innerHTML = mstr.moodle.path + ': ';
} else {
sep.innerHTML = ' ▶ ';
var pathid = 'fm-path-node-'+client_id;
pathid += ('-'+count);
var el = document.createElement('A');
el.id = pathid;
el.innerHTML = options.path[p].name;
el.href = '###';
var args = {};
args.itemid = options.itemid;
args.requestpath = options.path[p].path;
args.client_id = client_id;
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(pathid, 'click', click_breadcrumb, args);
var template = document.getElementById('fm-tmpl');
var container = document.getElementById('filemanager-' + client_id);
var listhtml = '<ul id="draftfiles-'+client_id+'">';
var folder_ids = [];
var file_ids = [];
var file_data = {};
var folder_data = {};
var html_ids = [];
var html_data = {};
var zip_data = {};
file_data.itemid = folder_data.itemid = zip_data.itemid = options.itemid;
file_data.client_id = folder_data.client_id = zip_data.client_id = options.client_id;
var zip_ids = [];
var foldername_ids = [];
if (list.length == 0) {
// hide file browser and breadcrumb
if (options.path.length <= 1) {
} else {
count = 0;
for(var i in list) {
var htmlid = 'fileitem-'+client_id+'-'+count;
var fileid = 'filename-'+client_id+'-'+count;
var action = 'action-' +client_id+'-'+count;
var html = template.innerHTML;
html_data[htmlid] = action;
list[i].htmlid = htmlid;
list[i].fileid = fileid;
list[i].action = action;
var url = "###";
var ismainfile = false;
if (fm_cfg[client_id].mainfilename && (fm_cfg[client_id].mainfilename.toLowerCase() == list[i].fullname.toLowerCase())) {
ismainfile = true;
switch (list[i].type) {
case 'folder':
folder_data[action] = list[i];
folder_data[fileid] = list[i];
case 'file':
file_data[action] = list[i];
if (list[i].url) {
url = list[i].url;
case 'zip':
zip_data[action] = list[i];
if (list[i].url) {
url = list[i].url;
var fullname = list[i].fullname;
if (ismainfile) {
fullname = "<strong>"+list[i].fullname+"</strong> <img src='"+moodle_cfg.wwwroot+"/pix/i/tick_green_small.gif"+"' />";
html = html.replace('___fullname___', '<a href="'+url+'" id="'+fileid+'"><img src="'+list[i].icon+'" /> ' + fullname + '</a>');
html = html.replace('___action___', '<a style="display:none" href="###" id="'+action+'"><img alt="▶" src="'+filemanager.fileicon+'" /></a>');
html = '<li id="'+htmlid+'">'+html+'</li>';
listhtml += html;
container.innerHTML = (listhtml+'</ul>');
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(file_ids, 'click', create_filemenu, file_data);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(folder_ids, 'click', create_foldermenu, folder_data);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(zip_ids, 'click', create_zipmenu, zip_data);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(html_ids, 'mouseover', fm_mouseover_menu, html_data);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(html_ids, 'mouseout', fm_mouseout_menu, html_data);
YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(foldername_ids,'click', click_folder, folder_data);
function fm_mouseover_menu(ev, args) {
this.style.backgroundColor = '#0066EE';
var menu = args[this.id];
menu = document.getElementById(menu);
menu.style.display = 'inline';
function fm_mouseout_menu(ev, args) {
this.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
var menu = args[this.id];
menu = document.getElementById(menu);
menu.style.display = 'none';
function click_breadcrumb(ev, args) {
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = args.itemid;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
params['filepath'] = args.requestpath;
this.cb = {
success: function(o) {
var data = json_decode(o.responseText);
for(var key in data) {
this.options[key] = data[key];
html_compiler(this.client_id, this.options);
this.cb.options = args;
this.cb.client_id = args.client_id;
fm_cfg[args.client_id].currentpath = args.requestpath;
fm_loading('filemanager-'+args.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=list', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
function click_folder(ev, args) {
var file = args[this.id];
refresh_filemanager(file.filepath, args);
function refresh_filemanager(path, args) {
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = args.itemid;
params['filepath'] = path;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
this.cb = {
success: function(o) {
var data = json_decode(o.responseText);
for(var key in data) {
this.options[key] = data[key];
html_compiler(this.client_id, this.options);
this.cb.options = args;
this.cb.client_id = args.client_id;
fm_cfg[args.client_id].currentpath = params['filepath'];
fm_loading('filemanager-'+args.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=list', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
function create_foldermenu(e, data) {
var file = data[this.id];
this.zip = function(type, ev, obj) {
this.cb = {
success: function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
if (result) {
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[this.client_id]);
this.cb.client_id = obj.client_id;
this.cb.file = this.file;
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = obj.itemid;
params['filepath'] = this.file.filepath;
params['filename'] = '.';
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
fm_loading('filemanager-'+obj.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=zip', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
this.zip.file = file;
var menuitems = [
{text: mstr.editor.zip, onclick: {fn: this.zip, obj: data, scope: this.zip}},
create_menu(e, 'foldermenu', menuitems, file, data);
function create_filemenu(e, data) {
var file = data[this.id];
var menuitems = [
{text: mstr.moodle.download, url:file.url}
create_menu(e, 'filemenu', menuitems, file, data);
function create_zipmenu(e, data) {
var file = data[this.id];
this.unzip = function(type, ev, obj) {
this.cb = {
success:function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
if (result) {
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[this.client_id]);
this.cb.client_id = obj.client_id;
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = obj.itemid;
params['filepath'] = this.file.filepath;
params['filename'] = this.file.fullname;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
fm_loading('filemanager-'+obj.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=unzip', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
this.unzip.file = file;
var menuitems = [
{text: mstr.moodle.download, url:file.url},
{text: mstr.moodle.unzip, onclick: {fn: this.unzip, obj: data, scope: this.unzip}}
create_menu(e, 'zipmenu', menuitems, file, data);
function create_menu(ev, menuid, menuitems, file, options) {
var position = YAHOO.util.Event.getXY(ev);
var el = document.getElementById(menuid);
var menu = new YAHOO.widget.Menu(menuid, {xy:position});
this.remove = function(type, ev, obj) {
var args = {};
args.message = mstr.repository.confirmdeletefile;
args.callback = function() {
var params = {};
if (this.file.type == 'folder') {
params['filename'] = '.';
params['filepath'] = this.file.fullname;
} else {
params['filename'] = this.file.fullname;
params['filepath'] = fm_cfg[this.client_id].currentpath;
params['itemid'] = this.itemid;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
fm_loading('filemanager-'+this.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=delete', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
var dlg = confirm_dialog(ev, args);
dlg.file = file;
dlg.client_id = obj.client_id;
dlg.itemid = obj.itemid;
dlg.cb = {
success: function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
if (!result) {
if (fm_cfg[this.client_id].currentfiles<fm_cfg[this.client_id].maxfiles) {
var btn = document.getElementById('btnadd-'+this.client_id);
btn.style.display = 'inline';
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[this.client_id]);
dlg.cb.file = this.file;
dlg.cb.client_id = obj.client_id;
this.remove.file = file;
this.rename = function(type, ev, obj) {
var file = this.file;
var rename_cb = {
success: function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
if (result) {
var el = document.getElementById(file.fileid);
el.innerHTML = this.newfilename;
// update filename
file.fullname = this.newfilename;
file.filepath = result.filepath;
var perform = function(e) {
var newfilename = document.getElementById('fm-rename-input').value;
if (!newfilename) {
var action = '';
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = obj.itemid;
if (file.type == 'folder') {
params['filepath'] = file.filepath;
params['filename'] = '.';
action = 'renamedir';
} else {
params['filepath'] = file.filepath;
params['filename'] = file.fullname;
action = 'rename';
params['newfilename'] = newfilename;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
rename_cb.newfilename = newfilename;
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action='+action, rename_cb, build_querystring(params));
var scope = document.getElementById('fm-rename-dlg');
if (!scope) {
var el = document.createElement('DIV');
el.id = 'fm-rename-dlg';
el.innerHTML = '<div class="hd">'+mstr.repository.enternewname+'</div><div class="bd"><input type="text" id="fm-rename-input" /></div>';
fm_rename_dlg = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("fm-rename-dlg", {
width: "300px",
fixedcenter: true,
visible: true,
constraintoviewport : true
var buttons = [ { text:mstr.moodle.rename, handler:perform, isDefault:true },
{ text:mstr.moodle.cancel, handler:function(){this.cancel();}}];
fm_rename_dlg.cfg.queueProperty("buttons", buttons);
var k1 = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(scope, {keys:13}, {fn:function(){perform();}, correctScope: true});
document.getElementById('fm-rename-input').value = file.fullname;
this.rename.file = file;
this.move = function(type, ev, obj) {
var tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("fm-tree");
var file = this.file;
this.asyncMove = function(e) {
if (!tree.targetpath) {
var cb = {
success : function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
var p = '/';
if (result) {
p = result.filepath;
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[obj.client_id]);
cb.dlg = this;
var params = {};
if (file.type == 'folder') {
alert('Moving folder is not supported yet');
action = 'movedir';
} else {
action = 'movefile';
params['filepath'] = file.filepath;
params['filename'] = file.fullname;
params['itemid'] = obj.itemid;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
params['newfilepath'] = tree.targetpath;
fm_loading('filemanager-'+obj.client_id, 'fm-prgressbar');
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action='+action, cb, build_querystring(params));
var buttons = [ { text:mstr.moodle.move, handler:this.asyncMove, isDefault:true },
{ text:mstr.moodle.cancel, handler:function(){this.cancel();}}];
fm_move_dlg.cfg.queueProperty("buttons", buttons);
tree.subscribe("dblClickEvent", function(e) {
// update destidatoin folder
this.targetpath = e.node.data.path;
var el = document.getElementById('fm-move-div');
el.innerHTML = '<strong>"' + this.targetpath + '"</strong> has been selected.';
this.loadDataForNode = function(node, onCompleteCallback) {
this.cb = {
success: function(o) {
var data = json_decode(o.responseText);
data = data.children;
if (data.length == 0) {
// so it is empty
} else {
for (var i in data) {
var textnode = {label: data[i].fullname, path: data[i].filepath, itemid: this.itemid};
var tmpNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(textnode, node, false);
var params = {};
params['itemid'] = node.data.itemid;
params['filepath'] = node.data.path;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=dir', this.cb, build_querystring(params));
this.cb.complete = onCompleteCallback;
this.cb.itemid = node.data.itemid;
this.loadDataForNode.itemid = obj.itemid;
fm_move_dlg.subscribe('show', function(){
var el = document.getElementById('fm-move-div');
el.innerHTML = '<div class="hd"></div><div class="bd"><div id="fm-move-div">'+mstr.repository.nopathselected+'</div><div id="fm-tree"></div></div>';
var rootNode = tree.getRoot();
var textnode = {label: "Files", path: '/', itemid: obj.itemid};
var tmpNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(textnode, rootNode, true);
}, this, true);
this.move.file = file;
var shared_items = [
{text: mstr.moodle.rename+'...', onclick: {fn: this.rename, obj: options, scope: this.rename}},
{text: mstr.moodle.move+'...', onclick: {fn: this.move, obj: options, scope: this.move}},
{text: mstr.moodle['delete']+'...', onclick: {fn: this.remove, obj: options, scope: this.remove}}
if (fm_cfg[options.client_id].mainfile && (file.type!='folder')) {
this.set_mainfile = function(type, ev, obj) {
if (fm_cfg[obj.client_id].mainfile) {
var mainfile = document.getElementById(fm_cfg[obj.client_id].mainfile+'-id');
mainfile.value = this.file.filepath+this.file.fullname;
document.getElementById(fm_cfg[obj.client_id].mainfile+'-label').innerHTML = mainfile.value;
fm_cfg[obj.client_id].mainfilename = this.file.fullname;
refresh_filemanager(fm_cfg[obj.client_id].currentpath, fm_cfg[obj.client_id]);
this.set_mainfile.file = file;
menu.addItem({text: mstr.resource.setmainfile, onclick: {fn: this.set_mainfile, obj: options, scope: this.set_mainfile}});
menu.subscribe('hide', function(){
function setup_filebrowser(client_id, options) {
if (!options) {
options = {};
fm_cfg[client_id] = {};
fm_cfg[client_id] = options;
fm_cfg[client_id].mainfile = options.mainfile;
fm_cfg[client_id].currentpath = '/';
fm_cfg[client_id].currentfiles = 0;
// XXX: When editing existing folder, currentfiles shouldn't
// be 0
fm_cfg[client_id].maxfiles = options.maxfiles;
if (options.mainfile) {
var mainfilename = document.getElementById(options.mainfile+'-id');
if (mainfilename.value) {
var re = new RegExp(".*\/(.*)$", "i");
var result = mainfilename.value.match(re);
document.getElementById(options.mainfile+'-label').innerHTML = mainfilename.value;
fm_cfg[client_id].mainfilename = result[1];
} else {
fm_cfg[client_id].mainfilename = '';
var fm = new filemanager();
fm.init(client_id, options);
setup_buttons(client_id, options);
function setup_buttons(client_id, options) {
//var fileadd = new YAHOO.widget.Button("btnadd-"+client_id);
var fileadd = document.getElementById("btnadd-"+client_id);;
var foldercreate = document.getElementById("btncrt-"+client_id);
var folderdownload = document.getElementById("btndwn-"+client_id);
var el = null;
if (!fm_move_dlg) {
el = document.createElement('DIV');
el.id = 'fm-move-dlg';
fm_move_dlg = new YAHOO.widget.Dialog("fm-move-dlg", {
width : "600px",
fixedcenter : true,
visible : false,
constraintoviewport : true
} else {
el = document.getElementById('fm-move-div');
el.innerHTML = '<div class="hd"></div><div class="bd"><div id="fm-move-div">'+mstr.repository.nopathselected+'</div><div id="fm-tree"></div></div>';
// if maxfiles == -1, the no limit
if (fm_cfg[client_id].filecount >= fm_cfg[client_id].maxfiles && fm_cfg[client_id].maxfiles!=-1) {
fileadd.style.display = 'none';
} else {
fm_cfg[client_id].currentfiles = fm_cfg[client_id].filecount;
fileadd.onclick = function(e) {
this.options.savepath = this.options.currentpath;
fm_launch_filepicker(this.options.target, this.options);
fileadd.options = fm_cfg[client_id];
if (fm_cfg[client_id].subdirs) {
foldercreate.onclick = function(e) {
mkdir(e, this.options.client_id, this.options.itemid);
foldercreate.options = fm_cfg[client_id];
} else {
foldercreate.style.display = 'none';
folderdownload.onclick = function() {
var cb = {
success:function(o) {
var result = json_decode(o.responseText);
refresh_filemanager(result.filepath, fm_cfg[this.client_id]);
var win = window.open(result.fileurl, 'fm-download-folder');
if (!win) {
cb.client_id = this.options.client_id;
var params = [];
params['itemid'] = this.options.itemid;
params['sesskey'] = moodle_cfg.sesskey;
params['filepath'] = this.options.currentpath;
var trans = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST',
filemanager.url+'?action=downloaddir', cb, build_querystring(params));
folderdownload.options = fm_cfg[client_id];
function fm_loading(container, id) {
if (!document.getElementById(id)) {
var el = document.createElement('DIV');
el.id = id;
el.style.backgroundColor = "white";
var container = document.getElementById(container);
container.innerHTML = '';
var loading = new YAHOO.widget.Module(id, {visible:false});
loading.setBody('<div style="text-align:center"><img alt="'+mstr.repository.loading+'" src="'+moodle_cfg.wwwroot+'/pix/i/progressbar.gif" /></div>');
return loading;