mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 19:54:08 +01:00
If pages have been created using camel case, and this option is activated, those pages remain, but may not be linkable. If the option is disabled, they will be linked again.
196 lines
9.4 KiB
196 lines
9.4 KiB
<?PHP // $Id$
// wiki.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2004010900)
$string['modulename'] = 'Wiki';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Wikis';
$string['wikiname'] = 'Page Name';
$string['wikitype'] = 'Type';
$string['ewikiprinttitle'] = 'Print the wiki name on every page.';
$string['htmlmode'] = 'HTML Mode';
$string['ewikiacceptbinary'] = 'Allow binary files';
$string['wikilinkoptions'] = 'Wiki auto-linking options';
$string['studentadminoptions'] = 'Student admin options';
$string['initialcontent'] = 'Choose an Initial Page';
$string['chooseafile'] = 'Choose/upload initial page';
$string['pagenamechoice'] = '- or -';
$string['wikidefaultpagename'] = 'WikiIndex';
$string['wikistartederror'] = 'Wiki already has entries - can\'t change.';
$string['nowikicreated'] = 'No entries have been created for this wiki.';
$string['wikiusage'] = 'Wiki usage';
$string['nohtml'] = 'No HTML';
$string['safehtml'] = 'Safe HTML';
$string['htmlonly'] = 'HTML only';
$string['searchwiki'] = 'Search Wiki';
$string['wikilinks'] = 'Wiki Links';
$string['choosewikilinks'] = '-- Choose Wiki Links --';
$string['viewpage'] = 'View Page';
$string['sitemap'] = 'Sitemap';
$string['pageindex'] = 'Page Index';
$string['newestpages'] = 'Newest pages';
$string['mostvisitedpages'] = 'Most visited pages';
$string['mostoftenchangedpages'] = 'Most often changed pages';
$string['updatedpages'] = 'Updated pages';
$string['orphanedpages'] = 'Orphaned pages';
$string['orphanedpage'] = 'Orphaned page';
$string['wantedpages'] = 'Wanted pages';
$string['filedownload'] = 'File Download';
$string['for'] = 'for';
$string['groups'] = 'Groups';
$string['action'] = '-- Action --';
$string['otherwikis'] = 'Other Wikis';
$string['pageactions'] = 'Page actions';
$string['editthispage'] = 'Edit this page';
$string['backlinks'] = 'Referring links';
$string['pageinfo'] = 'Page information';
$string['attachments'] = 'Page attachments';
$string['howtowiki'] = 'How to wiki';
$string['chooseadministration'] = '-- Administration --';
$string['administration'] = 'Administration';
$string['notadministratewiki'] = 'You are not allowed to administrate this wiki !';
$string['noadministrationaction'] = 'No administration action given.';
$string['setpageflags'] = 'Set page flags';
$string['nocandidatestoremove'] = 'No candidate pages to remove, choose \'$a\' to show all pages.';
$string['removepages'] = 'Remove pages';
$string['pagesremoved'] = 'Pages removed.';
$string['checklinkscheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to check the links on this page:';
$string['checklinks'] = 'Check links';
$string['linkschecked'] = 'Links checked';
$string['checklinksnotice'] = 'Please be patient when this page is working.';
$string['removenotice'] = 'Note that only unreferenced pages will be listed here. And because the ewiki engine itself does only limited testing if a page is referenced it may miss some of them here.<br>If you however empty a page first, it will get listed here too. Various other database diagnostics are made as well.';
$string['removepagecheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to delete these pages ?';
$string['pagename'] = 'Page name';
$string['errororreason'] = 'Error or reason';
$string['listall'] = 'List all';
$string['listcandidates'] = 'List candidates';
$string['removeselectedpages'] = 'Remove selected pages';
$string['disabledpage'] = 'Disabled page';
$string['errorbinandtxt'] = 'Flag error: Page of type BIN and TXT';
$string['errornotype'] = 'Flag error: Neither BIN nor TXT';
$string['errorhtml'] = 'Page of type HTML';
$string['readonly'] = 'Read only page';
$string['ownerunknown'] = 'unknown';
$string['errorroandwr'] = 'Flag error: Page is Writeable and Read only';
$string['errorsize'] = 'Page size bigger than 64k';
$string['emptypage'] = 'Empty page';
$string['flags'] = 'Flags';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['flagsset'] = 'Flags changed';
$string['strippages'] = 'Strip pages';
$string['strippagecheck'] = 'Are you sure that you want to strip old versions from these pages:';
$string['nothingtostrip'] = 'There are no pages with more than one version.';
$string['version'] = 'Version';
$string['versions'] = 'Versions';
$string['pagesstripped'] = 'Pages stripped.';
$string['wrongversionrange'] = '$a is not a correct range!';
$string['versionrangetoobig'] = 'You cannot delete all versions of a page! The last version should remain.';
$string['linkok'] = 'OK';
$string['linkdead'] = 'DEAD';
$string['offline'] = 'OFFLINE';
$string['nolinksfound'] = 'No links found on page.';
$string['revertpages'] = 'Revert mass changes';
$string['pagesreverted'] = 'Changes reverted';
$string['revertpagescheck'] = 'Do you really want to revert the following changes:';
$string['revertchanges'] = 'Revert changes';
$string['versionstodelete'] = 'Version(s) to delete';
$string['nochangestorevert'] = 'No changes to revert.';
$string['authorfieldpattern'] = 'Author field pattern';
$string['noregexp'] = 'This must be a fixed string (you cannot use * or regex), at best use the attackers` IP address or host name, but do not include the port number (because it increased with every http access).';
$string['changesfield'] = 'Within how many hours from the last change';
$string['howtooperate'] = 'How to operate';
$string['authorfieldpatternerror'] = 'Please enter an author.';
$string['deleteversionserror'] = 'Please enter a correct version count.';
$string['changesfielderror'] = 'Please enter a correct hour count.';
$string['revertlastonly'] = 'Only, if it was the last change';
$string['revertallsince'] = 'Version diving, also delete changes made after';
$string['revertthe'] = 'Version diving, but only purge the affected one';
$string['deleteversions'] = 'Delete how many last versions';
$string['deletepage'] = 'Delete page';
# Filter Name
$string['filtername'] = 'Wiki Page Auto-linking';
# Flags, please be careful when translating
$string['flagtxt'] = 'TXT';
$string['flagbin'] = 'BIN';
$string['flagoff'] = 'OFF';
$string['flaghtm'] = 'HTM';
$string['flagro'] = 'RO';
$string['flagwr'] = 'WR';
# This one has to be a WikiWord !!!
$string['deletemewikiword'] = 'DeleteMe';
$string['deletemewikiwordfound'] = '$a found on page';
$string['submit'] = 'Submit';
# Ewiki
$string['editform1']='Try not to worry too much about formatting, it can always be improved later.';
$string['editform2']='Please write sensibly, and remember that all editing is logged.';
$string['lastchanged']="Last changed on \$a";
$string['hits'] = "\$a hits";
$string['changes'] = "\$a changes";
$string['upload0'] = 'Use this form to upload an arbitrary binary file into the wiki:';
$string['uplnewnam'] = 'Save with different filename';
$string['uplok'] = 'Your file was uploaded correctly.';
$string['uplerror'] = 'We are sorry, but something went wrong during the file upload.';
$string['dwnlnofiles'] = 'No files uploaded yet.';
$string['file'] = 'File';
$string['uploadedon'] = 'Uploaded on';
$string['fileisoftype'] = 'File is of type';
$string['downloadtimes'] = "Downloaded \$a times";
$string['of'] = 'of';
$string['comment'] = 'Comment';
$string['dwnlsection'] = 'Download section';
$string['infoaboutpage']='Information about the page';
$string['thanksforcontribution']='Thank you for your contribution.';
$string['disabledpage']='This page is currently not available.';
$string['doesnotexist']='This page does not yet exist, please click on the edit Button if you would like to create it.';
$string['errversionsave']='Sorry, while you edited this page someone else did already save a changed version. Please go back to the previous screen and copy your changes to your computers clipboard to insert it again after you reload the edit screen.';
$string['forbidden']='You are not authorized to access this page.';
$string['binimgtoolarge']='Image file is too large!';
$string['binnoimg']='This is an inacceptable file format!';
$string['differences']="Differences between version \$a->new_ver and \$a->old_ver of \$a->pagename.";
$string['lastmodified']='Last modification';
$string['meta']='Meta data';
$string['contentsize']='Content size';
$string['pageslinkingto']="Pages linking to this page";
$string['viewsmfor']="View sitemap for";
$string['smfor']="Sitemap for";
$string['cannotchangepage']="This page cannot be changed.";
$string['errversionsave']="Sorry, while you edited this page someone else did already save a changed version. Please go back to the previous screen and copy your changes to your computers clipboard to insert it again after you reload the edit screen.";
$string['uplinsect']="Upload into";
$string['invalidroot']="You are not authorized to access the current root page so no sitemap can be created.";
$string['thispageisntlinkedfromanywhereelse'] = 'This page isn\'t linked from anywhere else.';
$string['wikiexportcomment']='Here you can configure the export to your needs.';
$string['wikiexport']='Export pages';
$string['exportformats']='Export formats';
$string['withbinaries']='Include binary content';
$string['withvirtualpages']='Include Wiki-Links';
$string['plaintext']='Plain Text';
$string['downloadaszip']='Downloadable zip archive';
$string['moduledirectory']='Module Directory';
$string['exportto']='Export to';
$string['exportsuccessful']='Export successful.';