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synced 2025-03-06 08:49:53 +01:00
AMOS START MOV [sendcoursewelcomemessage,core_admin],[sendcoursewelcomemessage,enrol_self] MOV [configsendcoursewelcomemessage,core_admin],[sendcoursewelcomemessage_desc,enrol_self] MOV [enrolstartdate,core],[enrolstartdate,enrol_self] MOV [enrolenddate,core],[enrolenddate,enrol_self] CPY [welcometocourse,core],[welcometocourse,enrol_self] CPY [welcometocoursetext,core],[welcometocoursetext,enrol_self] MOV [notenrollable,core],[notenrollable,core_enrol] MOV [enrolenddaterror,core],[enrolenddaterror,enrol_self] MOV [enrolmentkeyhint,core],[passwordinvalidhint,enrol_self] MOV [coursemanager,core_admin],[coursecontact,core_admin] MOV [configcoursemanager,core_admin],[coursecontact_desc,core_admin] MOV [enrolledincourserole,core],[enrolledincourserole,enrol_manual] MOV [enrolme,core],[enrolme,core_enrol] MOV [unenrol,core],[unenrol,core_enrol] MOV [unenrolme,core],[unenrolme,core_enrol] MOV [enrolmentnew,core],[enrolmentnew,core_enrol] MOV [enrolmentnewuser,core],[enrolmentnewuser,core_enrol] MOV [enrolments,core],[enrolments,core_enrol] MOV [enrolperiod,core],[enrolperiod,core_enrol] MOV [unenrolroleusers,core],[unenrolroleusers,core_enrol] AMOS END
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @package moodlecore
* @subpackage backup-moodle2
* @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com}
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* Final task that provides all the final steps necessary in order to finish one
* backup (mainly gathering references and creating the main xml) apart from
* some final cleaning
* TODO: Finish phpdocs
class backup_final_task extends backup_task {
* Create all the steps that will be part of this task
public function build() {
// Set the backup::VAR_CONTEXTID setting to course context as far as next steps require that
$coursectxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->get_courseid())->id;
$this->add_setting(new backup_activity_generic_setting(backup::VAR_CONTEXTID, base_setting::IS_INTEGER, $coursectxid));
//TODO: MDL-22793 add enrol instances of enabled enrol plugins in course,
// Generate the groups file with the final annotated groups and groupings
// including membership based on setting
$this->add_step(new backup_groups_structure_step('groups', 'groups.xml'));
// Annotate all the user files (conditionally) (private files, and profile)
// Because each user has its own context, we need a separate/specialised step here
// This step also ensures that the contexts for all the users exist, so next
// step can be safely executed (join between users and contexts)
// Not executed if backup is without users of anonymized
if ($this->get_setting_value('users') && !$this->get_setting_value('anonymize')) {
$this->add_step(new backup_annotate_all_user_files('user_files'));
// Generate the users file (conditonally) with the final annotated users
// including custom profile fields, preferences, tags, role assignments and
// overrides
if ($this->get_setting_value('users')) {
$this->add_step(new backup_users_structure_step('users', 'users.xml'));
// Generate the top roles file with all the final annotated roles
// that have been detected along the whole process. It's just
// the list of role definitions (no assignments nor permissions)
$this->add_step(new backup_final_roles_structure_step('roleslist', 'roles.xml'));
// Generate the scales file with all the annotated scales
$this->add_step(new backup_final_scales_structure_step('scaleslist', 'scales.xml'));
// Generate the outcomes file with all the annotated outcomes
$this->add_step(new backup_final_outcomes_structure_step('outcomeslist', 'outcomes.xml'));
// Migrate the pending annotations to final (prev steps may have added some files)
// This must be executed before backup files
$this->add_step(new move_inforef_annotations_to_final('migrate_inforef'));
// Generate the files.xml file with all the (final) annotated files. At the same
// time copy all the files from moodle storage to backup storage (uses custom
// backup_nested_element for that)
$this->add_step(new backup_final_files_structure_step('fileslist', 'files.xml'));
// Write the main moodle_backup.xml file, with all the information related
// to the backup, settings, license, versions and other useful information
$this->add_step(new backup_main_structure_step('mainfile', 'moodle_backup.xml'));
// Generate the zip file
$this->add_step(new backup_zip_contents('zip_contents'));
// Copy the generated zip file to final destination
$this->add_step(new backup_store_backup_file('save_backupfile'));
// Clean the temp dir (conditionaly) and drop temp table
$this->add_step(new drop_and_clean_temp_stuff('drop_and_clean_temp_stuff'));
$this->built = true;
// Protected API starts here
* Define the common setting that any backup type will have
protected function define_settings() {
// This task has not settings (could have them, like destination or so in the future, let's see)