2013-12-05 12:05:10 +08:00

744 lines
27 KiB

// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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* Data generator.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* Data generator class for unit tests and other tools that need to create fake test sites.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class testing_data_generator {
protected $usercounter = 0;
protected $categorycount = 0;
protected $cohortcount = 0;
protected $coursecount = 0;
protected $scalecount = 0;
protected $groupcount = 0;
protected $groupingcount = 0;
/** @var array list of plugin generators */
protected $generators = array();
/** @var array lis of common last names */
public $lastnames = array(
'Smith', 'Johnson', 'Williams', 'Brown', 'Jones', 'Miller', 'Davis', 'García', 'Rodríguez', 'Wilson',
'Müller', 'Schmidt', 'Schneider', 'Fischer', 'Meyer', 'Weber', 'Schulz', 'Wagner', 'Becker', 'Hoffmann',
'Novák', 'Svoboda', 'Novotný', 'Dvořák', 'Černý', 'Procházková', 'Kučerová', 'Veselá', 'Horáková', 'Němcová',
'Смирнов', 'Иванов', 'Кузнецов', 'Соколов', 'Попов', 'Лебедева', 'Козлова', 'Новикова', 'Морозова', 'Петрова',
'王', '李', '张', '刘', '陈', '楊', '黃', '趙', '吳', '周',
'佐藤', '鈴木', '高橋', '田中', '渡辺', '伊藤', '山本', '中村', '小林', '斎藤',
/** @var array lis of common first names */
public $firstnames = array(
'Jacob', 'Ethan', 'Michael', 'Jayden', 'William', 'Isabella', 'Sophia', 'Emma', 'Olivia', 'Ava',
'Lukas', 'Leon', 'Luca', 'Timm', 'Paul', 'Leonie', 'Leah', 'Lena', 'Hanna', 'Laura',
'Jakub', 'Jan', 'Tomáš', 'Lukáš', 'Matěj', 'Tereza', 'Eliška', 'Anna', 'Adéla', 'Karolína',
'Даниил', 'Максим', 'Артем', 'Иван', 'Александр', 'София', 'Анастасия', 'Дарья', 'Мария', 'Полина',
'伟', '伟', '芳', '伟', '秀英', '秀英', '娜', '秀英', '伟', '敏',
'翔', '大翔', '拓海', '翔太', '颯太', '陽菜', 'さくら', '美咲', '葵', '美羽',
public $loremipsum = <<<EOD
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla non arcu lacinia neque faucibus fringilla. Vivamus porttitor turpis ac leo. Integer in sapien. Nullam eget nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras elementum. Mauris suscipit, ligula sit amet pharetra semper, nibh ante cursus purus, vel sagittis velit mauris vel metus. Integer malesuada. Nullam lectus justo, vulputate eget mollis sed, tempor sed magna. Mauris elementum mauris vitae tortor. Aliquam erat volutpat.
Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Pellentesque ipsum. Cras pede libero, dapibus nec, pretium sit amet, tempor quis. Aliquam ante. Proin in tellus sit amet nibh dignissim sagittis. Vivamus porttitor turpis ac leo. Duis bibendum, lectus ut viverra rhoncus, dolor nunc faucibus libero, eget facilisis enim ipsum id lacus. In sem justo, commodo ut, suscipit at, pharetra vitae, orci. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla est.
Vivamus luctus egestas leo. Aenean fermentum risus id tortor. Mauris dictum facilisis augue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam ornare wisi eu metus. Aliquam id dolor. Duis condimentum augue id magna semper rutrum. Donec iaculis gravida nulla. Pellentesque ipsum. Etiam dictum tincidunt diam. Quisque tincidunt scelerisque libero. Etiam egestas wisi a erat.
Integer lacinia. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris tincidunt sem sed arcu. Nullam feugiat, turpis at pulvinar vulputate, erat libero tristique tellus, nec bibendum odio risus sit amet ante. Aliquam id dolor. Maecenas sollicitudin. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Mauris suscipit, ligula sit amet pharetra semper, nibh ante cursus purus, vel sagittis velit mauris vel metus. Nullam dapibus fermentum ipsum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Pellentesque sapien. Duis risus. Mauris elementum mauris vitae tortor. Suspendisse nisl. Integer rutrum, orci vestibulum ullamcorper ultricies, lacus quam ultricies odio, vitae placerat pede sem sit amet enim.
In laoreet, magna id viverra tincidunt, sem odio bibendum justo, vel imperdiet sapien wisi sed libero. Proin pede metus, vulputate nec, fermentum fringilla, vehicula vitae, justo. Nullam justo enim, consectetuer nec, ullamcorper ac, vestibulum in, elit. Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur? Maecenas lorem. Etiam posuere lacus quis dolor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Curabitur ligula sapien, pulvinar a vestibulum quis, facilisis vel sapien. Nam sed tellus id magna elementum tincidunt. Suspendisse nisl. Vivamus luctus egestas leo. Nulla non arcu lacinia neque faucibus fringilla. Etiam dui sem, fermentum vitae, sagittis id, malesuada in, quam. Etiam dictum tincidunt diam. Etiam commodo dui eget wisi. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Proin pede metus, vulputate nec, fermentum fringilla, vehicula vitae, justo. Duis ante orci, molestie vitae vehicula venenatis, tincidunt ac pede. Pellentesque sapien.
* To be called from data reset code only,
* do not use in tests.
* @return void
public function reset() {
$this->usercounter = 0;
$this->categorycount = 0;
$this->coursecount = 0;
$this->scalecount = 0;
foreach ($this->generators as $generator) {
* Return generator for given plugin or component.
* @param string $component the component name, e.g. 'mod_forum' or 'core_question'.
* @return component_generator_base or rather an instance of the appropriate subclass.
public function get_plugin_generator($component) {
list($type, $plugin) = core_component::normalize_component($component);
$cleancomponent = $type . '_' . $plugin;
if ($cleancomponent != $component) {
debugging("Please specify the component you want a generator for as " .
"{$cleancomponent}, not {$component}.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$component = $cleancomponent;
if (isset($this->generators[$component])) {
return $this->generators[$component];
$dir = core_component::get_component_directory($component);
$lib = $dir . '/tests/generator/lib.php';
if (!$dir || !is_readable($lib)) {
throw new coding_exception("Component {$component} does not support " .
"generators yet. Missing tests/generator/lib.php.");
$classname = $component . '_generator';
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new coding_exception("Component {$component} does not support " .
"data generators yet. Class {$classname} not found.");
$this->generators[$component] = new $classname($this);
return $this->generators[$component];
* Create a test user
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return stdClass user record
public function create_user($record=null, array $options=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$i = $this->usercounter;
$record = (array)$record;
if (!isset($record['auth'])) {
$record['auth'] = 'manual';
if (!isset($record['firstname']) and !isset($record['lastname'])) {
$country = rand(0, 5);
$firstname = rand(0, 4);
$lastname = rand(0, 4);
$female = rand(0, 1);
$record['firstname'] = $this->firstnames[($country*10) + $firstname + ($female*5)];
$record['lastname'] = $this->lastnames[($country*10) + $lastname + ($female*5)];
} else if (!isset($record['firstname'])) {
$record['firstname'] = 'Firstname'.$i;
} else if (!isset($record['lastname'])) {
$record['lastname'] = 'Lastname'.$i;
if (!isset($record['firstnamephonetic'])) {
$firstnamephonetic = rand(0, 59);
$record['firstnamephonetic'] = $this->firstnames[$firstnamephonetic];
if (!isset($record['lasttnamephonetic'])) {
$lastnamephonetic = rand(0, 59);
$record['lastnamephonetic'] = $this->lastnames[$lastnamephonetic];
if (!isset($record['middlename'])) {
$middlename = rand(0, 59);
$record['middlename'] = $this->firstnames[$middlename];
if (!isset($record['alternatename'])) {
$alternatename = rand(0, 59);
$record['alternatename'] = $this->firstnames[$alternatename];
if (!isset($record['idnumber'])) {
$record['idnumber'] = '';
if (!isset($record['mnethostid'])) {
$record['mnethostid'] = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id;
if (!isset($record['username'])) {
$record['username'] = 'username'.$i;
$j = 2;
while ($DB->record_exists('user', array('username'=>$record['username'], 'mnethostid'=>$record['mnethostid']))) {
$record['username'] = 'username'.$i.'_'.$j;
if (isset($record['password'])) {
$record['password'] = hash_internal_user_password($record['password']);
} else {
// The auth plugin may not fully support this,
// but it is still better/faster than hashing random stuff.
$record['password'] = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED;
if (!isset($record['email'])) {
$record['email'] = $record['username'].'';
if (!isset($record['confirmed'])) {
$record['confirmed'] = 1;
if (!isset($record['lang'])) {
$record['lang'] = 'en';
if (!isset($record['maildisplay'])) {
$record['maildisplay'] = 1;
if (!isset($record['deleted'])) {
$record['deleted'] = 0;
$record['timecreated'] = time();
$record['timemodified'] = $record['timecreated'];
$record['lastip'] = '';
if ($record['deleted']) {
$delname = $record['email'].'.'.time();
while ($DB->record_exists('user', array('username'=>$delname))) {
$record['idnumber'] = '';
$record['email'] = md5($record['username']);
$record['username'] = $delname;
$record['picture'] = 0;
$userid = $DB->insert_record('user', $record);
if (!$record['deleted']) {
return $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Create a test course category
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return coursecat course category record
public function create_category($record=null, array $options=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$i = $this->categorycount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (!isset($record['name'])) {
$record['name'] = 'Course category '.$i;
if (!isset($record['description'])) {
$record['description'] = "Test course category $i\n$this->loremipsum";
if (!isset($record['idnumber'])) {
$record['idnumber'] = '';
return coursecat::create($record);
* Create test cohort.
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return stdClass cohort record
public function create_cohort($record=null, array $options=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$i = $this->cohortcount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (!isset($record['contextid'])) {
$record['contextid'] = context_system::instance()->id;
if (!isset($record['name'])) {
$record['name'] = 'Cohort '.$i;
if (!isset($record['idnumber'])) {
$record['idnumber'] = '';
if (!isset($record['description'])) {
$record['description'] = "Test cohort $i\n$this->loremipsum";
if (!isset($record['descriptionformat'])) {
$record['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
if (!isset($record['component'])) {
$record['component'] = '';
$id = cohort_add_cohort((object)$record);
return $DB->get_record('cohort', array('id'=>$id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Create a test course
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options with keys:
* 'createsections'=>bool precreate all sections
* @return stdClass course record
public function create_course($record=null, array $options=null) {
global $DB, $CFG;
$i = $this->coursecount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (!isset($record['fullname'])) {
$record['fullname'] = 'Test course '.$i;
if (!isset($record['shortname'])) {
$record['shortname'] = 'tc_'.$i;
if (!isset($record['idnumber'])) {
$record['idnumber'] = '';
if (!isset($record['format'])) {
$record['format'] = 'topics';
if (!isset($record['newsitems'])) {
$record['newsitems'] = 0;
if (!isset($record['numsections'])) {
$record['numsections'] = 5;
if (!isset($record['summary'])) {
$record['summary'] = "Test course $i\n$this->loremipsum";
if (!isset($record['summaryformat'])) {
$record['summaryformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
if (!isset($record['category'])) {
$record['category'] = $DB->get_field_select('course_categories', "MIN(id)", "parent=0");
$course = create_course((object)$record);
if (!empty($options['createsections'])) {
if (isset($course->numsections)) {
course_create_sections_if_missing($course, range(0, $course->numsections));
} else {
course_create_sections_if_missing($course, 0);
return $course;
* Create course section if does not exist yet
* @param array|stdClass $record must contain 'course' and 'section' attributes
* @param array|null $options
* @return stdClass
* @throws coding_exception
public function create_course_section($record = null, array $options = null) {
global $DB;
$record = (array)$record;
if (empty($record['course'])) {
throw new coding_exception('course must be present in testing_data_generator::create_course_section() $record');
if (!isset($record['section'])) {
throw new coding_exception('section must be present in testing_data_generator::create_course_section() $record');
course_create_sections_if_missing($record['course'], $record['section']);
return get_fast_modinfo($record['course'])->get_section_info($record['section']);
* Create a test block
* @param string $blockname
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return stdClass block instance record
public function create_block($blockname, $record=null, array $options=null) {
$generator = $this->get_plugin_generator('block_'.$blockname);
return $generator->create_instance($record, $options);
* Create a test module
* @param string $modulename
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return stdClass activity record
public function create_module($modulename, $record=null, array $options=null) {
$generator = $this->get_plugin_generator('mod_'.$modulename);
return $generator->create_instance($record, $options);
* Create a test group for the specified course
* $record should be either an array or a stdClass containing infomation about the group to create.
* At the very least it needs to contain courseid.
* Default values are added for name, description, and descriptionformat if they are not present.
* This function calls groups_create_group() to create the group within the database.
* @see groups_create_group
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return stdClass group record
public function create_group($record) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php');
$i = $this->groupcount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (empty($record['courseid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('courseid must be present in testing_data_generator::create_group() $record');
if (!isset($record['name'])) {
$record['name'] = 'group-' . $i;
if (!isset($record['description'])) {
$record['description'] = "Test Group $i\n{$this->loremipsum}";
if (!isset($record['descriptionformat'])) {
$record['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
$id = groups_create_group((object)$record);
return $DB->get_record('groups', array('id'=>$id));
* Create a test group member
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @throws coding_exception
* @return boolean
public function create_group_member($record) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php');
$record = (array)$record;
if (empty($record['userid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('user must be present in testing_util::create_group_member() $record');
if (!isset($record['groupid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('group must be present in testing_util::create_group_member() $record');
if (!isset($record['component'])) {
$record['component'] = null;
if (!isset($record['itemid'])) {
$record['itemid'] = 0;
return groups_add_member($record['groupid'], $record['userid'], $record['component'], $record['itemid']);
* Create a test grouping for the specified course
* $record should be either an array or a stdClass containing infomation about the grouping to create.
* At the very least it needs to contain courseid.
* Default values are added for name, description, and descriptionformat if they are not present.
* This function calls groups_create_grouping() to create the grouping within the database.
* @see groups_create_grouping
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return stdClass grouping record
public function create_grouping($record) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php');
$i = $this->groupingcount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (empty($record['courseid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('courseid must be present in testing_data_generator::create_grouping() $record');
if (!isset($record['name'])) {
$record['name'] = 'grouping-' . $i;
if (!isset($record['description'])) {
$record['description'] = "Test Grouping $i\n{$this->loremipsum}";
if (!isset($record['descriptionformat'])) {
$record['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
$id = groups_create_grouping((object)$record);
return $DB->get_record('groupings', array('id'=>$id));
* Create a test grouping group
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @throws coding_exception
* @return boolean
public function create_grouping_group($record) {
global $DB, $CFG;
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/group/lib.php');
$record = (array)$record;
if (empty($record['groupingid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('grouping must be present in testing::create_grouping_group() $record');
if (!isset($record['groupid'])) {
throw new coding_exception('group must be present in testing_util::create_grouping_group() $record');
return groups_assign_grouping($record['groupingid'], $record['groupid']);
* Create an instance of a repository.
* @param string type of repository to create an instance for.
* @param array|stdClass $record data to use to up set the instance.
* @param array $options options
* @return stdClass repository instance record
* @since 2.5.1
public function create_repository($type, $record=null, array $options = null) {
$generator = $this->get_plugin_generator('repository_'.$type);
return $generator->create_instance($record, $options);
* Create an instance of a repository.
* @param string type of repository to create an instance for.
* @param array|stdClass $record data to use to up set the instance.
* @param array $options options
* @return repository_type object
* @since 2.5.1
public function create_repository_type($type, $record=null, array $options = null) {
$generator = $this->get_plugin_generator('repository_'.$type);
return $generator->create_type($record, $options);
* Create a test scale
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @param array $options
* @return stdClass block instance record
public function create_scale($record=null, array $options=null) {
global $DB;
$i = $this->scalecount;
$record = (array)$record;
if (!isset($record['name'])) {
$record['name'] = 'Test scale '.$i;
if (!isset($record['scale'])) {
$record['scale'] = 'A,B,C,D,F';
if (!isset($record['courseid'])) {
$record['courseid'] = 0;
if (!isset($record['userid'])) {
$record['userid'] = 0;
if (!isset($record['description'])) {
$record['description'] = 'Test scale description '.$i;
if (!isset($record['descriptionformat'])) {
$record['descriptionformat'] = FORMAT_MOODLE;
$record['timemodified'] = time();
if (isset($record['id'])) {
$DB->import_record('scale', $record);
$id = $record['id'];
} else {
$id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $record);
return $DB->get_record('scale', array('id'=>$id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
* Helper method which combines $defaults with the values specified in $record.
* If $record is an object, it is converted to an array.
* Then, for each key that is in $defaults, but not in $record, the value
* from $defaults is copied.
* @param array $defaults the default value for each field with
* @param array|stdClass $record
* @return array updated $record.
public function combine_defaults_and_record(array $defaults, $record) {
$record = (array) $record;
foreach ($defaults as $key => $defaults) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $record)) {
$record[$key] = $defaults;
return $record;
* Simplified enrolment of user to course using default options.
* It is strongly recommended to use only this method for 'manual' and 'self' plugins only!!!
* @param int $userid
* @param int $courseid
* @param int $roleid optional role id, use only with manual plugin
* @param string $enrol name of enrol plugin,
* there must be exactly one instance in course,
* it must support enrol_user() method.
* @param int $timestart (optional) 0 means unknown
* @param int $timeend (optional) 0 means forever
* @param int $status (optional) default to ENROL_USER_ACTIVE for new enrolments
* @return bool success
public function enrol_user($userid, $courseid, $roleid = null, $enrol = 'manual', $timestart = 0, $timeend = 0, $status = null) {
global $DB;
if (!$plugin = enrol_get_plugin($enrol)) {
return false;
$instances = $DB->get_records('enrol', array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'enrol'=>$enrol));
if (count($instances) != 1) {
return false;
$instance = reset($instances);
if (is_null($roleid) and $instance->roleid) {
$roleid = $instance->roleid;
$plugin->enrol_user($instance, $userid, $roleid, $timestart, $timeend, $status);
return true;
* Assigns the specified role to a user in the context.
* @param int $roleid
* @param int $userid
* @param int $contextid Defaults to the system context
* @return int new/existing id of the assignment
public function role_assign($roleid, $userid, $contextid = false) {
// Default to the system context.
if (!$contextid) {
$context = context_system::instance();
$contextid = $context->id;
if (empty($roleid)) {
throw new coding_exception('roleid must be present in testing_data_generator::role_assign() arguments');
if (empty($userid)) {
throw new coding_exception('userid must be present in testing_data_generator::role_assign() arguments');
return role_assign($roleid, $userid, $contextid);