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synced 2025-03-14 20:50:21 +01:00
following_should_download_between_and_bytes step sometimes fails because of server speed. Added extended timout ensuring they wait enough before failing. Also, not calling force download while running behat site
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// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* General use steps definitions.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright 2012 David Monllaó
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
// NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php.
require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../behat/behat_base.php');
use Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException as ExpectationException,
Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException as ElementNotFoundException,
Behat\Mink\Exception\DriverException as DriverException,
WebDriver\Exception\NoSuchElement as NoSuchElement,
WebDriver\Exception\StaleElementReference as StaleElementReference,
Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode as TableNode,
Behat\Behat\Context\Step\Given as Given;
* Cross component steps definitions.
* Basic web application definitions from MinkExtension and
* BehatchExtension. Definitions modified according to our needs
* when necessary and including only the ones we need to avoid
* overlapping and confusion.
* @package core
* @category test
* @copyright 2012 David Monllaó
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class behat_general extends behat_base {
* @var string used by {@link switch_to_window()} and
* {@link switch_to_the_main_window()} to work-around a Chrome browser issue.
const MAIN_WINDOW_NAME = '__moodle_behat_main_window_name';
* @var string when we want to check whether or not a new page has loaded,
* we first write this unique string into the page. Then later, by checking
* whether it is still there, we can tell if a new page has been loaded.
const PAGE_LOAD_DETECTION_STRING = 'new_page_not_loaded_since_behat_started_watching';
* @var $pageloaddetectionrunning boolean Used to ensure that page load detection was started before a page reload
* was checked for.
private $pageloaddetectionrunning = false;
* Opens Moodle homepage.
* @Given /^I am on homepage$/
public function i_am_on_homepage() {
* Reloads the current page.
* @Given /^I reload the page$/
public function reload() {
* Follows the page redirection. Use this step after any action that shows a message and waits for a redirection
* @Given /^I wait to be redirected$/
public function i_wait_to_be_redirected() {
// Xpath and processes based on core_renderer::redirect_message(), core_renderer::$metarefreshtag and
// moodle_page::$periodicrefreshdelay possible values.
if (!$metarefresh = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('xpath', "//head/descendant::meta[@http-equiv='refresh']")) {
// We don't fail the scenario if no redirection with message is found to avoid race condition false failures.
return true;
// Wrapped in try & catch in case the redirection has already been executed.
try {
$content = $metarefresh->getAttribute('content');
} catch (NoSuchElement $e) {
return true;
} catch (StaleElementReference $e) {
return true;
// Getting the refresh time and the url if present.
if (strstr($content, 'url') != false) {
list($waittime, $url) = explode(';', $content);
// Cleaning the URL value.
$url = trim(substr($url, strpos($url, 'http')));
} else {
// Just wait then.
$waittime = $content;
// Wait until the URL change is executed.
if ($this->running_javascript()) {
$this->getSession()->wait($waittime * 1000, false);
} else if (!empty($url)) {
// We redirect directly as we can not wait for an automatic redirection.
$this->getSession()->getDriver()->getClient()->request('get', $url);
} else {
// Reload the page if no URL was provided.
* Switches to the specified iframe.
* @Given /^I switch to "(?P<iframe_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" iframe$/
* @param string $iframename
public function switch_to_iframe($iframename) {
// We spin to give time to the iframe to be loaded.
// Using extended timeout as we don't know about which
// kind of iframe will be loaded.
function($context, $iframename) {
// If no exception we are done.
return true;
* Switches to the main Moodle frame.
* @Given /^I switch to the main frame$/
public function switch_to_the_main_frame() {
* Switches to the specified window. Useful when interacting with popup windows.
* @Given /^I switch to "(?P<window_name_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" window$/
* @param string $windowname
public function switch_to_window($windowname) {
// In Behat, some browsers (e.g. Chrome) are unable to switch to a
// window without a name, and by default the main browser window does
// not have a name. To work-around this, when we switch away from an
// unnamed window (presumably the main window) to some other named
// window, then we first set the main window name to a conventional
// value that we can later use this name to switch back.
'if (window.name == "") window.name = "' . self::MAIN_WINDOW_NAME . '"');
* Switches to the main Moodle window. Useful when you finish interacting with popup windows.
* @Given /^I switch to the main window$/
public function switch_to_the_main_window() {
* Accepts the currently displayed alert dialog. This step does not work in all the browsers, consider it experimental.
* @Given /^I accept the currently displayed dialog$/
public function accept_currently_displayed_alert_dialog() {
* Dismisses the currently displayed alert dialog. This step does not work in all the browsers, consider it experimental.
* @Given /^I dismiss the currently displayed dialog$/
public function dismiss_currently_displayed_alert_dialog() {
* Clicks link with specified id|title|alt|text.
* @When /^I follow "(?P<link_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $link
public function click_link($link) {
$linknode = $this->find_link($link);
* Waits X seconds. Required after an action that requires data from an AJAX request.
* @Then /^I wait "(?P<seconds_number>\d+)" seconds$/
* @param int $seconds
public function i_wait_seconds($seconds) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Waits are disabled in scenarios without Javascript support');
$this->getSession()->wait($seconds * 1000, false);
* Waits until the page is completely loaded. This step is auto-executed after every step.
* @Given /^I wait until the page is ready$/
public function wait_until_the_page_is_ready() {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Waits are disabled in scenarios without Javascript support');
$this->getSession()->wait(self::TIMEOUT * 1000, self::PAGE_READY_JS);
* Waits until the provided element selector exists in the DOM
* Using the protected method as this method will be usually
* called by other methods which are not returning a set of
* steps and performs the actions directly, so it would not
* be executed if it returns another step.
* @Given /^I wait until "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" exists$/
* @param string $element
* @param string $selector
* @return void
public function wait_until_exists($element, $selectortype) {
$this->ensure_element_exists($element, $selectortype);
* Waits until the provided element does not exist in the DOM
* Using the protected method as this method will be usually
* called by other methods which are not returning a set of
* steps and performs the actions directly, so it would not
* be executed if it returns another step.
* @Given /^I wait until "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" does not exist$/
* @param string $element
* @param string $selector
* @return void
public function wait_until_does_not_exists($element, $selectortype) {
$this->ensure_element_does_not_exist($element, $selectortype);
* Generic mouse over action. Mouse over a element of the specified type.
* @When /^I hover "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
public function i_hover($element, $selectortype) {
// Gets the node based on the requested selector type and locator.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
* Generic click action. Click on the element of the specified type.
* @When /^I click on "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
public function i_click_on($element, $selectortype) {
// Gets the node based on the requested selector type and locator.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
* Sets the focus and takes away the focus from an element, generating blur JS event.
* @When /^I take focus off "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
public function i_take_focus_off_field($element, $selectortype) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new ExpectationException('Can\'t take focus off from "' . $element . '" in non-js mode', $this->getSession());
// Gets the node based on the requested selector type and locator.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
// Ensure element is focused before taking it off.
* Clicks the specified element and confirms the expected dialogue.
* @When /^I click on "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" confirming the dialogue$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
public function i_click_on_confirming_the_dialogue($element, $selectortype) {
$this->i_click_on($element, $selectortype);
* Clicks the specified element and dismissing the expected dialogue.
* @When /^I click on "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" dismissing the dialogue$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
public function i_click_on_dismissing_the_dialogue($element, $selectortype) {
$this->i_click_on($element, $selectortype);
* Click on the element of the specified type which is located inside the second element.
* @When /^I click on "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<element_container_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<text_selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
* @param string $nodeelement Element we look in
* @param string $nodeselectortype The type of selector where we look in
public function i_click_on_in_the($element, $selectortype, $nodeelement, $nodeselectortype) {
$node = $this->get_node_in_container($selectortype, $element, $nodeselectortype, $nodeelement);
* Drags and drops the specified element to the specified container. This step does not work in all the browsers, consider it experimental.
* The steps definitions calling this step as part of them should
* manage the wait times by themselves as the times and when the
* waits should be done depends on what is being dragged & dropper.
* @Given /^I drag "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector1_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" and I drop it in "(?P<container_element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector2_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @param string $element
* @param string $selectortype
* @param string $containerelement
* @param string $containerselectortype
public function i_drag_and_i_drop_it_in($element, $selectortype, $containerelement, $containerselectortype) {
list($sourceselector, $sourcelocator) = $this->transform_selector($selectortype, $element);
$sourcexpath = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath($sourceselector, $sourcelocator);
list($containerselector, $containerlocator) = $this->transform_selector($containerselectortype, $containerelement);
$destinationxpath = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath($containerselector, $containerlocator);
$this->getSession()->getDriver()->dragTo($sourcexpath, $destinationxpath);
* Checks, that the specified element is visible. Only available in tests using Javascript.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should be visible$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @throws DriverException
* @param string $element
* @param string $selectortype
* @return void
public function should_be_visible($element, $selectortype) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Visible checks are disabled in scenarios without Javascript support');
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
if (!$node->isVisible()) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" is not visible', $this->getSession());
* Checks, that the existing element is not visible. Only available in tests using Javascript.
* As a "not" method, it's performance could not be good, but in this
* case the performance is good because the element must exist,
* otherwise there would be a ElementNotFoundException, also here we are
* not spinning until the element is visible.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should not be visible$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $element
* @param string $selectortype
* @return void
public function should_not_be_visible($element, $selectortype) {
try {
$this->should_be_visible($element, $selectortype);
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" is visible', $this->getSession());
} catch (ExpectationException $e) {
// All as expected.
* Checks, that the specified element is visible inside the specified container. Only available in tests using Javascript.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<element_container_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<text_selector_string>[^"]*)" should be visible$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws DriverException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
* @param string $nodeelement Element we look in
* @param string $nodeselectortype The type of selector where we look in
public function in_the_should_be_visible($element, $selectortype, $nodeelement, $nodeselectortype) {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Visible checks are disabled in scenarios without Javascript support');
$node = $this->get_node_in_container($selectortype, $element, $nodeselectortype, $nodeelement);
if (!$node->isVisible()) {
throw new ExpectationException(
'"' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" in the "' . $nodeelement . '" "' . $nodeselectortype . '" is not visible',
* Checks, that the existing element is not visible inside the existing container. Only available in tests using Javascript.
* As a "not" method, it's performance could not be good, but in this
* case the performance is good because the element must exist,
* otherwise there would be a ElementNotFoundException, also here we are
* not spinning until the element is visible.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" in the "(?P<element_container_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<text_selector_string>[^"]*)" should not be visible$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $element Element we look for
* @param string $selectortype The type of what we look for
* @param string $nodeelement Element we look in
* @param string $nodeselectortype The type of selector where we look in
public function in_the_should_not_be_visible($element, $selectortype, $nodeelement, $nodeselectortype) {
try {
$this->in_the_should_be_visible($element, $selectortype, $nodeelement, $nodeselectortype);
throw new ExpectationException(
'"' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" in the "' . $nodeelement . '" "' . $nodeselectortype . '" is visible',
} catch (ExpectationException $e) {
// All as expected.
* Checks, that page contains specified text. It also checks if the text is visible when running Javascript tests.
* @Then /^I should see "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $text
public function assert_page_contains_text($text) {
// Looking for all the matching nodes without any other descendant matching the
// same xpath (we are using contains(., ....).
$xpathliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($text);
$xpath = "/descendant-or-self::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]" .
"[count(descendant::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]) = 0]";
try {
$nodes = $this->find_all('xpath', $xpath);
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $text . '" text was not found in the page', $this->getSession());
// If we are not running javascript we have enough with the
// element existing as we can't check if it is visible.
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
// We spin as we don't have enough checking that the element is there, we
// should also ensure that the element is visible. Using microsleep as this
// is a repeated step and global performance is important.
function($context, $args) {
foreach ($args['nodes'] as $node) {
if ($node->isVisible()) {
return true;
// If non of the nodes is visible we loop again.
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $args['text'] . '" text was found but was not visible', $context->getSession());
array('nodes' => $nodes, 'text' => $text),
* Checks, that page doesn't contain specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.
* @Then /^I should not see "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $text
public function assert_page_not_contains_text($text) {
// Looking for all the matching nodes without any other descendant matching the
// same xpath (we are using contains(., ....).
$xpathliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($text);
$xpath = "/descendant-or-self::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]" .
"[count(descendant::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]) = 0]";
// We should wait a while to ensure that the page is not still loading elements.
// Waiting less than self::TIMEOUT as we already waited for the DOM to be ready and
// all JS to be executed.
try {
$nodes = $this->find_all('xpath', $xpath, false, false, self::REDUCED_TIMEOUT);
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// All ok.
// If we are not running javascript we have enough with the
// element existing as we can't check if it is hidden.
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $text . '" text was found in the page', $this->getSession());
// If the element is there we should be sure that it is not visible.
function($context, $args) {
foreach ($args['nodes'] as $node) {
if ($node->isVisible()) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $args['text'] . '" text was found in the page', $context->getSession());
// If non of the found nodes is visible we consider that the text is not visible.
return true;
array('nodes' => $nodes, 'text' => $text),
* Checks, that the specified element contains the specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.
* @Then /^I should see "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<text_selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $text
* @param string $element Element we look in.
* @param string $selectortype The type of element where we are looking in.
public function assert_element_contains_text($text, $element, $selectortype) {
// Getting the container where the text should be found.
$container = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
// Looking for all the matching nodes without any other descendant matching the
// same xpath (we are using contains(., ....).
$xpathliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($text);
$xpath = "/descendant-or-self::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]" .
"[count(descendant::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]) = 0]";
// Wait until it finds the text inside the container, otherwise custom exception.
try {
$nodes = $this->find_all('xpath', $xpath, false, $container);
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $text . '" text was not found in the "' . $element . '" element', $this->getSession());
// If we are not running javascript we have enough with the
// element existing as we can't check if it is visible.
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
// We also check the element visibility when running JS tests. Using microsleep as this
// is a repeated step and global performance is important.
function($context, $args) {
foreach ($args['nodes'] as $node) {
if ($node->isVisible()) {
return true;
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $args['text'] . '" text was found in the "' . $args['element'] . '" element but was not visible', $context->getSession());
array('nodes' => $nodes, 'text' => $text, 'element' => $element),
* Checks, that the specified element does not contain the specified text. When running Javascript tests it also considers that texts may be hidden.
* @Then /^I should not see "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<text_selector_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $text
* @param string $element Element we look in.
* @param string $selectortype The type of element where we are looking in.
public function assert_element_not_contains_text($text, $element, $selectortype) {
// Getting the container where the text should be found.
$container = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
// Looking for all the matching nodes without any other descendant matching the
// same xpath (we are using contains(., ....).
$xpathliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($text);
$xpath = "/descendant-or-self::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]" .
"[count(descendant::*[contains(., $xpathliteral)]) = 0]";
// We should wait a while to ensure that the page is not still loading elements.
// Giving preference to the reliability of the results rather than to the performance.
try {
$nodes = $this->find_all('xpath', $xpath, false, $container, self::REDUCED_TIMEOUT);
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// All ok.
// If we are not running javascript we have enough with the
// element not being found as we can't check if it is visible.
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $text . '" text was found in the "' . $element . '" element', $this->getSession());
// We need to ensure all the found nodes are hidden.
function($context, $args) {
foreach ($args['nodes'] as $node) {
if ($node->isVisible()) {
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $args['text'] . '" text was found in the "' . $args['element'] . '" element', $context->getSession());
// If all the found nodes are hidden we are happy.
return true;
array('nodes' => $nodes, 'text' => $text, 'element' => $element),
* Checks, that the first specified element appears before the second one.
* @Given /^"(?P<preceding_element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector1_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should appear before "(?P<following_element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector2_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $preelement The locator of the preceding element
* @param string $preselectortype The locator of the preceding element
* @param string $postelement The locator of the latest element
* @param string $postselectortype The selector type of the latest element
public function should_appear_before($preelement, $preselectortype, $postelement, $postselectortype) {
// We allow postselectortype as a non-text based selector.
list($preselector, $prelocator) = $this->transform_selector($preselectortype, $preelement);
list($postselector, $postlocator) = $this->transform_selector($postselectortype, $postelement);
$prexpath = $this->find($preselector, $prelocator)->getXpath();
$postxpath = $this->find($postselector, $postlocator)->getXpath();
// Using following xpath axe to find it.
$msg = '"'.$preelement.'" "'.$preselectortype.'" does not appear before "'.$postelement.'" "'.$postselectortype.'"';
$xpath = $prexpath.'/following::*[contains(., '.$postxpath.')]';
if (!$this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($xpath)) {
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
* Checks, that the first specified element appears after the second one.
* @Given /^"(?P<following_element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector1_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" should appear after "(?P<preceding_element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector2_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $postelement The locator of the latest element
* @param string $postselectortype The selector type of the latest element
* @param string $preelement The locator of the preceding element
* @param string $preselectortype The locator of the preceding element
public function should_appear_after($postelement, $postselectortype, $preelement, $preselectortype) {
// We allow postselectortype as a non-text based selector.
list($postselector, $postlocator) = $this->transform_selector($postselectortype, $postelement);
list($preselector, $prelocator) = $this->transform_selector($preselectortype, $preelement);
$postxpath = $this->find($postselector, $postlocator)->getXpath();
$prexpath = $this->find($preselector, $prelocator)->getXpath();
// Using preceding xpath axe to find it.
$msg = '"'.$postelement.'" "'.$postselectortype.'" does not appear after "'.$preelement.'" "'.$preselectortype.'"';
$xpath = $postxpath.'/preceding::*[contains(., '.$prexpath.')]';
if (!$this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($xpath)) {
throw new ExpectationException($msg, $this->getSession());
* Checks, that element of specified type is disabled.
* @Then /^the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should be disabled$/
* @throws ExpectationException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look in
* @param string $selectortype The type of element where we are looking in.
public function the_element_should_be_disabled($element, $selectortype) {
// Transforming from steps definitions selector/locator format to Mink format and getting the NodeElement.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
if (!$node->hasAttribute('disabled')) {
throw new ExpectationException('The element "' . $element . '" is not disabled', $this->getSession());
* Checks, that element of specified type is enabled.
* @Then /^the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should be enabled$/
* @throws ExpectationException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look on
* @param string $selectortype The type of where we look
public function the_element_should_be_enabled($element, $selectortype) {
// Transforming from steps definitions selector/locator format to mink format and getting the NodeElement.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
if ($node->hasAttribute('disabled')) {
throw new ExpectationException('The element "' . $element . '" is not enabled', $this->getSession());
* Checks the provided element and selector type are readonly on the current page.
* @Then /^the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should be readonly$/
* @throws ExpectationException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look in
* @param string $selectortype The type of element where we are looking in.
public function the_element_should_be_readonly($element, $selectortype) {
// Transforming from steps definitions selector/locator format to Mink format and getting the NodeElement.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
if (!$node->hasAttribute('readonly')) {
throw new ExpectationException('The element "' . $element . '" is not readonly', $this->getSession());
* Checks the provided element and selector type are not readonly on the current page.
* @Then /^the "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should not be readonly$/
* @throws ExpectationException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element Element we look in
* @param string $selectortype The type of element where we are looking in.
public function the_element_should_not_be_readonly($element, $selectortype) {
// Transforming from steps definitions selector/locator format to Mink format and getting the NodeElement.
$node = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
if ($node->hasAttribute('readonly')) {
throw new ExpectationException('The element "' . $element . '" is readonly', $this->getSession());
* Checks the provided element and selector type exists in the current page.
* This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should exist$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
public function should_exist($element, $selectortype) {
// Getting Mink selector and locator.
list($selector, $locator) = $this->transform_selector($selectortype, $element);
// Will throw an ElementNotFoundException if it does not exist.
$this->find($selector, $locator);
* Checks that the provided element and selector type not exists in the current page.
* This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should not exist$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
public function should_not_exist($element, $selectortype) {
// Getting Mink selector and locator.
list($selector, $locator) = $this->transform_selector($selectortype, $element);
try {
// Using directly the spin method as we want a reduced timeout but there is no
// need for a 0.1 seconds interval because in the optimistic case we will timeout.
$params = array('selector' => $selector, 'locator' => $locator);
// The exception does not really matter as we will catch it and will never "explode".
$exception = new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), $selectortype, null, $element);
// If all goes good it will throw an ElementNotFoundExceptionn that we will catch.
function($context, $args) {
return $context->getSession()->getPage()->findAll($args['selector'], $args['locator']);
throw new ExpectationException('The "' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" exists in the current page', $this->getSession());
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// It passes.
* This step triggers cron like a user would do going to admin/cron.php.
* @Given /^I trigger cron$/
public function i_trigger_cron() {
* Checks that an element and selector type exists in another element and selector type on the current page.
* This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should exist in the "(?P<element2_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector2_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException Thrown by behat_base::find
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
* @param string $containerelement The container selector type
* @param string $containerselectortype The container locator
public function should_exist_in_the($element, $selectortype, $containerelement, $containerselectortype) {
// Get the container node.
$containernode = $this->get_selected_node($containerselectortype, $containerelement);
list($selector, $locator) = $this->transform_selector($selectortype, $element);
// Specific exception giving info about where can't we find the element.
$locatorexceptionmsg = $element . '" in the "' . $containerelement. '" "' . $containerselectortype. '"';
$exception = new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), $selectortype, null, $locatorexceptionmsg);
// Looks for the requested node inside the container node.
$this->find($selector, $locator, $exception, $containernode);
* Checks that an element and selector type does not exist in another element and selector type on the current page.
* This step is for advanced users, use it if you don't find anything else suitable for what you need.
* @Then /^"(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should not exist in the "(?P<element2_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector2_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
* @param string $containerelement The container selector type
* @param string $containerselectortype The container locator
public function should_not_exist_in_the($element, $selectortype, $containerelement, $containerselectortype) {
// Get the container node; here we throw an exception
// if the container node does not exist.
$containernode = $this->get_selected_node($containerselectortype, $containerelement);
list($selector, $locator) = $this->transform_selector($selectortype, $element);
// Will throw an ElementNotFoundException if it does not exist, but, actually
// it should not exist, so we try & catch it.
try {
// Would be better to use a 1 second sleep because the element should not be there,
// but we would need to duplicate the whole find_all() logic to do it, the benefit of
// changing to 1 second sleep is not significant.
$this->find($selector, $locator, false, $containernode, self::REDUCED_TIMEOUT);
throw new ExpectationException('The "' . $element . '" "' . $selectortype . '" exists in the "' .
$containerelement . '" "' . $containerselectortype . '"', $this->getSession());
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// It passes.
* Change browser window size small: 640x480, medium: 1024x768, large: 2560x1600, custom: widthxheight
* Example: I change window size to "small" or I change window size to "1024x768"
* @throws ExpectationException
* @Then /^I change window size to "([^"](small|medium|large|\d+x\d+))"$/
* @param string $windowsize size of the window (small|medium|large|wxh).
public function i_change_window_size_to($windowsize) {
* Checks whether there is an attribute on the given element that contains the specified text.
* @Then /^the "(?P<attribute_string>[^"]*)" attribute of "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should contain "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $attribute Name of attribute
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
* @param string $text Expected substring
public function the_attribute_of_should_contain($attribute, $element, $selectortype, $text) {
// Get the container node (exception if it doesn't exist).
$containernode = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
$value = $containernode->getAttribute($attribute);
if ($value == null) {
throw new ExpectationException('The attribute "' . $attribute. '" does not exist',
} else if (strpos($value, $text) === false) {
throw new ExpectationException('The attribute "' . $attribute .
'" does not contain "' . $text . '" (actual value: "' . $value . '")',
* Checks that the attribute on the given element does not contain the specified text.
* @Then /^the "(?P<attribute_string>[^"]*)" attribute of "(?P<element_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" "(?P<selector_string>[^"]*)" should not contain "(?P<text_string>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $attribute Name of attribute
* @param string $element The locator of the specified selector
* @param string $selectortype The selector type
* @param string $text Expected substring
public function the_attribute_of_should_not_contain($attribute, $element, $selectortype, $text) {
// Get the container node (exception if it doesn't exist).
$containernode = $this->get_selected_node($selectortype, $element);
$value = $containernode->getAttribute($attribute);
if ($value == null) {
throw new ExpectationException('The attribute "' . $attribute. '" does not exist',
} else if (strpos($value, $text) !== false) {
throw new ExpectationException('The attribute "' . $attribute .
'" contains "' . $text . '" (value: "' . $value . '")',
* Checks the provided value exists in specific row/column of table.
* @Then /^"(?P<row_string>[^"]*)" row "(?P<column_string>[^"]*)" column of "(?P<table_string>[^"]*)" table should contain "(?P<value_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @param string $row row text which will be looked in.
* @param string $column column text to search (or numeric value for the column position)
* @param string $table table id/class/caption
* @param string $value text to check.
public function row_column_of_table_should_contain($row, $column, $table, $value) {
$tablenode = $this->get_selected_node('table', $table);
$tablexpath = $tablenode->getXpath();
$rowliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($row);
$valueliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($value);
$columnliteral = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->xpathLiteral($column);
if (preg_match('/^-?(\d+)-?$/', $column, $columnasnumber)) {
// Column indicated as a number, just use it as position of the column.
$columnpositionxpath = "/child::*[position() = {$columnasnumber[1]}]";
} else {
// Header can be in thead or tbody (first row), following xpath should work.
$theadheaderxpath = "thead/tr[1]/th[(normalize-space(.)=" . $columnliteral . " or a[normalize-space(text())=" .
$columnliteral . "] or div[normalize-space(text())=" . $columnliteral . "])]";
$tbodyheaderxpath = "tbody/tr[1]/td[(normalize-space(.)=" . $columnliteral . " or a[normalize-space(text())=" .
$columnliteral . "] or div[normalize-space(text())=" . $columnliteral . "])]";
// Check if column exists.
$columnheaderxpath = $tablexpath . "[" . $theadheaderxpath . " | " . $tbodyheaderxpath . "]";
$columnheader = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($columnheaderxpath);
if (empty($columnheader)) {
$columnexceptionmsg = $column . '" in table "' . $table . '"';
throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), "\n$columnheaderxpath\n\n".'Column', null, $columnexceptionmsg);
// Following conditions were considered before finding column count.
// 1. Table header can be in thead/tr/th or tbody/tr/td[1].
// 2. First column can have th (Gradebook -> user report), so having lenient sibling check.
$columnpositionxpath = "/child::*[position() = count(" . $tablexpath . "/" . $theadheaderxpath .
"/preceding-sibling::*) + 1]";
// Check if value exists in specific row/column.
// Get row xpath.
$rowxpath = $tablexpath."/tbody/tr[th[normalize-space(.)=" . $rowliteral . "] | td[normalize-space(.)=" . $rowliteral . "]]";
$columnvaluexpath = $rowxpath . $columnpositionxpath . "[contains(normalize-space(.)," . $valueliteral . ")]";
// Looks for the requested node inside the container node.
$coumnnode = $this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($columnvaluexpath);
if (empty($coumnnode)) {
$locatorexceptionmsg = $value . '" in "' . $row . '" row with column "' . $column;
throw new ElementNotFoundException($this->getSession(), "\n$columnvaluexpath\n\n".'Column value', null, $locatorexceptionmsg);
* Checks the provided value should not exist in specific row/column of table.
* @Then /^"(?P<row_string>[^"]*)" row "(?P<column_string>[^"]*)" column of "(?P<table_string>[^"]*)" table should not contain "(?P<value_string>[^"]*)"$/
* @throws ElementNotFoundException
* @param string $row row text which will be looked in.
* @param string $column column text to search
* @param string $table table id/class/caption
* @param string $value text to check.
public function row_column_of_table_should_not_contain($row, $column, $table, $value) {
try {
$this->row_column_of_table_should_contain($row, $column, $table, $value);
// Throw exception if found.
throw new ExpectationException(
'"' . $column . '" with value "' . $value . '" is present in "' . $row . '" row for table "' . $table . '"',
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// Table row/column doesn't contain this value. Nothing to do.
* Checks that the provided value exist in table.
* More info in http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Acceptance_testing#Providing_values_to_steps.
* First row may contain column headers or numeric indexes of the columns
* (syntax -1- is also considered to be column index). Column indexes are
* useful in case of multirow headers and/or presence of cells with colspan.
* @Then /^the following should exist in the "(?P<table_string>[^"]*)" table:$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $table name of table
* @param TableNode $data table with first row as header and following values
* | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
* | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3|
public function following_should_exist_in_the_table($table, TableNode $data) {
$datahash = $data->getHash();
foreach ($datahash as $row) {
$firstcell = null;
foreach ($row as $column => $value) {
if ($firstcell === null) {
$firstcell = $value;
} else {
$this->row_column_of_table_should_contain($firstcell, $column, $table, $value);
* Checks that the provided value exist in table.
* More info in http://docs.moodle.org/dev/Acceptance_testing#Providing_values_to_steps.
* @Then /^the following should not exist in the "(?P<table_string>[^"]*)" table:$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $table name of table
* @param TableNode $data table with first row as header and following values
* | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
* | Value 1 | Value 2 | Value 3|
public function following_should_not_exist_in_the_table($table, TableNode $data) {
$datahash = $data->getHash();
foreach ($datahash as $value) {
$row = array_shift($value);
foreach ($value as $column => $value) {
try {
$this->row_column_of_table_should_contain($row, $column, $table, $value);
// Throw exception if found.
throw new ExpectationException('"' . $column . '" with value "' . $value . '" is present in "' .
$row . '" row for table "' . $table . '"', $this->getSession()
} catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) {
// Table row/column doesn't contain this value. Nothing to do.
* Given the text of a link, download the linked file and return the contents.
* This is a helper method used by {@link following_should_download_bytes()}
* and {@link following_should_download_between_and_bytes()}
* @param string $link the text of the link.
* @return string the content of the downloaded file.
protected function download_file_from_link($link) {
// Find the link.
$linknode = $this->find_link($link);
// Get the href and check it.
$url = $linknode->getAttribute('href');
if (!$url) {
throw new ExpectationException('Download link does not have href attribute',
if (!preg_match('~^https?://~', $url)) {
throw new ExpectationException('Download link not an absolute URL: ' . $url,
// Download the URL and check the size.
$session = $this->getSession()->getCookie('MoodleSession');
return download_file_content($url, array('Cookie' => 'MoodleSession=' . $session));
* Downloads the file from a link on the page and checks the size.
* Only works if the link has an href attribute. Javascript downloads are
* not supported. Currently, the href must be an absolute URL.
* @Then /^following "(?P<link_string>[^"]*)" should download "(?P<expected_bytes>\d+)" bytes$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $link the text of the link.
* @param number $expectedsize the expected file size in bytes.
public function following_should_download_bytes($link, $expectedsize) {
$exception = new ExpectationException('Error while downloading data from ' . $link, $this->getSession());
// It will stop spinning once file is downloaded or time out.
$result = $this->spin(
function($context, $args) {
$link = $args['link'];
return $this->download_file_from_link($link);
array('link' => $link),
// Check download size.
$actualsize = (int)strlen($result);
if ($actualsize !== (int)$expectedsize) {
throw new ExpectationException('Downloaded data was ' . $actualsize .
' bytes, expecting ' . $expectedsize, $this->getSession());
* Downloads the file from a link on the page and checks the size is in a given range.
* Only works if the link has an href attribute. Javascript downloads are
* not supported. Currently, the href must be an absolute URL.
* The range includes the endpoints. That is, a 10 byte file in considered to
* be between "5" and "10" bytes, and between "10" and "20" bytes.
* @Then /^following "(?P<link_string>[^"]*)" should download between "(?P<min_bytes>\d+)" and "(?P<max_bytes>\d+)" bytes$/
* @throws ExpectationException
* @param string $link the text of the link.
* @param number $minexpectedsize the minimum expected file size in bytes.
* @param number $maxexpectedsize the maximum expected file size in bytes.
public function following_should_download_between_and_bytes($link, $minexpectedsize, $maxexpectedsize) {
// If the minimum is greater than the maximum then swap the values.
if ((int)$minexpectedsize > (int)$maxexpectedsize) {
list($minexpectedsize, $maxexpectedsize) = array($maxexpectedsize, $minexpectedsize);
$exception = new ExpectationException('Error while downloading data from ' . $link, $this->getSession());
// It will stop spinning once file is downloaded or time out.
$result = $this->spin(
function($context, $args) {
$link = $args['link'];
return $this->download_file_from_link($link);
array('link' => $link),
// Check download size.
$actualsize = (int)strlen($result);
if ($actualsize < $minexpectedsize || $actualsize > $maxexpectedsize) {
throw new ExpectationException('Downloaded data was ' . $actualsize .
' bytes, expecting between ' . $minexpectedsize . ' and ' .
$maxexpectedsize, $this->getSession());
* Prepare to detect whether or not a new page has loaded (or the same page reloaded) some time in the future.
* @Given /^I start watching to see if a new page loads$/
public function i_start_watching_to_see_if_a_new_page_loads() {
if (!$this->running_javascript()) {
throw new DriverException('Page load detection requires JavaScript.');
$session = $this->getSession();
if ($this->pageloaddetectionrunning || $session->getPage()->find('xpath', $this->get_page_load_xpath())) {
// If we find this node at this point we are already watching for a reload and the behat steps
// are out of order. We will treat this as an error - really it needs to be fixed as it indicates a problem.
throw new ExpectationException(
'Page load expectation error: page reloads are already been watched for.', $session);
$this->pageloaddetectionrunning = true;
'var span = document.createElement("span");
span.setAttribute("data-rel", "' . self::PAGE_LOAD_DETECTION_STRING . '");
span.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
* Verify that a new page has loaded (or the same page has reloaded) since the
* last "I start watching to see if a new page loads" step.
* @Given /^a new page should have loaded since I started watching$/
public function a_new_page_should_have_loaded_since_i_started_watching() {
$session = $this->getSession();
// Make sure page load tracking was started.
if (!$this->pageloaddetectionrunning) {
throw new ExpectationException(
'Page load expectation error: page load tracking was not started.', $session);
// As the node is inserted by code above it is either there or not, and we do not need spin and it is safe
// to use the native API here which is great as exception handling (the alternative is slow).
if ($session->getPage()->find('xpath', $this->get_page_load_xpath())) {
// We don't want to find this node, if we do we have an error.
throw new ExpectationException(
'Page load expectation error: a new page has not been loaded when it should have been.', $session);
// Cancel the tracking of pageloaddetectionrunning.
$this->pageloaddetectionrunning = false;
* Verify that a new page has not loaded (or the same page has reloaded) since the
* last "I start watching to see if a new page loads" step.
* @Given /^a new page should not have loaded since I started watching$/
public function a_new_page_should_not_have_loaded_since_i_started_watching() {
$session = $this->getSession();
// Make sure page load tracking was started.
if (!$this->pageloaddetectionrunning) {
throw new ExpectationException(
'Page load expectation error: page load tracking was not started.', $session);
// We use our API here as we can use the exception handling provided by it.
new ExpectationException(
'Page load expectation error: A new page has been loaded when it should not have been.',
* Helper used by {@link a_new_page_should_have_loaded_since_i_started_watching}
* and {@link a_new_page_should_not_have_loaded_since_i_started_watching}
* @return string xpath expression.
protected function get_page_load_xpath() {
return "//span[@data-rel = '" . self::PAGE_LOAD_DETECTION_STRING . "']";